The Heppner Gazette Thursday, July 19, 1900 TRAViSLEK'rf GUIDE. DISTANCES. "Heppner to , Milea Portland ...197 fendieton by wagon road 60 Lexington 9 lone 15 Heppner Junction on Columbia River 46 Arlington 55 The Dalles 109 Canyon City 104 Cabin Canyon 16; with mud 18 Train leave daily except Sunday for all points at 7:45 a. m. Train arrives daily except Sunday from all over the world at 5:30 p. m. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek and Canyon City leaves daily except Sunday at 6:30 a. m ; distance to Canyon 104; time 24 hours. Mails close for trains at 7 a. m. Business hours of the First National Bank of Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Heppner Raises Wool to Warm the World. Last year It shipped away 3,245,750 pounds, and Morrow County shipped 200,000 bushels of wheat. Morrow County's climate is most ex cellent, and you can buy farms and ranches here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or in all Oregon. Population 6000. Heppner has 1200 population, good school, city water, electric lights and 35,000 brick hotel the Palace. Portland is located 197 miles from Heppner. Chicago some further. Mow the candidate is out of date, The crops are looking fine; It is a treat to view the wheat, The melon on the vine. Kind fortune smiles on every hand, All things look bright and clear; But the greatest blessing in the land Is Qambrinus Lager Beer. Sold at Belvedere saloon. Frank Roberts, Prop. Here and Tr;ere Al. Florence's folks have returned from a pleasant valley visit. Mrs. B. A. McCann, of Portland, has been visiting Mrs. W. W. Si mead. The marriage of Miss Pearl Basey and s A. It. Turner is announced for Aug. 4. Heppner can soon point with pride to her many miles of new, surfaced sidewa ks. .T. W. Stf.AWArr. riAfl VlAMn fhia waulr hauling some big loads of sidewalk lum ber into Heppner. Ed S, Cox was over Friday from Hardman, in which region good crops v...:.. ..... ..,! a a uuu uni vooicu. f Pnt.n RtAvanR. nf Ttnrnr. Rivur has been granted a patent on a key-hole guard that keeps out flies, burglars and peepers. Mrs. W. J. Herren, after enjoying a week's visit with tbe family of her son David, returned to her home on Lower Eight Mile. We are the grocers in the city direct ory of merchants. Matlock & Hart, Two horse-buyers from St. Paul were in Heppner this week after' range-animals, which they claim are held too high, although owners ask but very reasonable prices for them. "Eastern Oregon will have the lam est fruit yield ever harvested in that section, and the apple crop will be es pecially larpe all over the state," says Col. II. E. Dosch, of the horticultural board. Neat and new everything is at the tonsorial parlors ff J. E. Sharp, and hot and cold baths are always ready. On bis lots adjoining the home place of Wm. Barrett, A. Abrahamsick has made many improvements, and has a fine garden which he irrigates by hand from the creek. He is a hard worker, and will build there a comfortable fami y home. Drop in and see us. Will tell you why you should get vour blackberries for canning now. $1.75 per crate at Matlock & Hart's. t Tim Tuiil nr Tuliman Hnt Knrinus. Bent Health and oleasure resort in Eas tern Oregon. No Saloons. New Man agement. Good Hotel, Meals 25 cents, Grocery Store. Milton S. Maxwell, of lone, was up yesterday and registered at tbe Palace hotel. D. Osraers, of Butte, is stopping at tbe Palace. - Stacy Roberts and family went to Teal sorings yesterday. Heinz's sweet pickles at Bishop's. R. F. Hynd is away on a trip to Pen dleton. Frank Templeton, of the firm of Tem pleton & Prophet, wool-growers of Hay stack valley, was in Heppner yesterday buyin? supplies. Chas. Tefft bas started the great con venience of delivering fresh bread at Heppner homes, and his bread is vsry good. Wm. Barrett received a letter Mon day from his caniptender Wm. Thomp son, saying that bis big band of 3150 sbeep were doing well on Little Baldy mountain in tbe Greenhorn range, and that feed was good and there was no trouble with anybody. T. R. Howard's store has everything in the grocery line needed by city trade. LEVEL HEAD. Along last winter, when tbe weather was mild, the square miles of straw berry orchards at Hood River bloomed prematurely, and most people said that it would be the ruination of the crop, and there would be no berrins. Hon. E. L. Smith said that they were mistaken that as soon as premature berries were nipped off, other blooms would bloom in their stead. He was right. Tbe biggest and best crop in its strawberry history was this season harvested by Hood River. Hon. E L. Smitn is a practical, level headed, energetic man. The people of Eastern Oregon found tbat out when he was' register of the government land office at The Dalles and bandied with such ability the important interests connected with the founding of their homes. With such good men as Mr. Smith tnd such good papers as th Glacier, Hood River is sure to prosper. LOCAL NOTES. The dry season is at hand, and Willow creek is running pretty low. A. Anderson, of Umatilla, road master on the O. R, & N., visited Hepprer Tuesday, and stopped at the Palace. F. W. Knower, of Portland, will fill the position of bookkeeper in the bank during Mr. Howard's absence on vaca tion. P. M. Howard and wife started Wed nesday for Spokane. In the lake region near by they will enjov a month's vacation. Go to Matlock & Hart's for your vege tables, fruits, etc., always fienli. For the best time you ever had in your life, take a trip to the Teal or Leh man Hot Springs. Bathing, Dancing, Musical Shooting Gallery and other amusements. Leaders in the business. Fresh fruits and groceries. Come and see. Matlock & Hart. Clean newspapers to cover shelves, put under carpets and line houses are sometimes scarce, but just now there is a full supply on stile at the Gazette office at 15 cents a package. The wonderful Medicinal waters of the Teal or Lehman Hot Springs, are a remedy for Kheumatism. Spend your summer there, If you are thinking of going to the seashore, read up on the ad. of the Whit Collar line, whose beautiful boats make fast trips along tbe Columbia be tween Portland and the sea. Sample of the Demar photo given witn purchases at Matlock & Hart. HOME INDUSTRY. Few people realize what an extensive establishment the Heppner Steam Laun dry is. It has the latest and most im proved machinery, and does all kinds of laundry work in first-c'ass stupe Its wagon calls for and delivers laundry No need sending away from home for washing. All white labor under the able management of Fred Krug. Home-seekers are dropping into Mor row county, and hnd land values verv reasonable. GROUSE WILL RIPEN In the Blue mountains inside of an other month, and rolled in flour and fried in bacon-iuice they are delicious. Choice bacon and flour at Matlock & Hart's. When you want something for lunch in the way of canned meats go to Bish op's. There never were prettier potatoes on earth than those new ones on sale at Matlock & Hart's. Heppner's big 3 story Palace Hotel is a credit to the .North est, and is con ducted Mnder the personal supervision of its o'wner, Senator J. W. Morrow, at prices within the reach of all. HEADER GEARS. We have two 3 inch header gears that, we will sell very cheap. Minor & Co,' THE HORSE -GREW. A very clever trick was played on J. G. Stine while receiving horses for the cavalry service in Long Creek last Mon day, says the Eagle. A beautiful bay saddle gelding was brought in and in every particular was satisfactory ex cept that the animal did not come up to the standard in height. Mr. Stine stated that on account of the animal's falling below the stardaid in height he could not take him. The owner took the animal to the shop and had him shod with bigh-cork shoes, and brought him in again for inspection. Mr. Stine did not recognize the animal as one he had just refused, and accepted him at the regulation price. JOYS OF CAMPING. Mountain huckleberries are already ripe. Once again the camping season has rolled around, and the beautiful Blue mountains south from Heppner furnish plenty of places where camp-life may be enjoyed to the utmost. With good wood, water and grass and a full supply of food from Matlock & Hart s, camping will be delightful. Canned and dried fruits should both be taken along when you go camping, and the place to get them is at T. R. Howard's. Go to Bishop's for fresh vegetables. Tbe camper is reminded of lots of things be must have when be sees the big stock of the Ed. R. Bishop Co. No need of sending away for a hack, buggy, carriage or farming implement. Take a look through the big new stock of 8. F. Garrigues. The man who wants a new eaddle or harness can find it at the store of Noble & Co. Excellent music, and a grand good time assured to those visiting the Teal or Lehman Hot Springs this summer. Babbitt metal for packing for sale at Gazette office, 10 cents a pound. Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port land. The reputation of these gentle men insures the success of the enter prise. The diningroora is excellently managed and is unsurpassed. MOWERS. If you need a Mcwer, look at the Milwaukee Chain Mower at Bishop's. CAMPERS. If you want a light 'i)4 inch wagon we will sell you one cheap. Minor & Co. SLEEPS WELL. "Yes, indeed, I sleep well now. No more nightmares for me," said Jas. Hitter yesterday as he happily beamed on people he met. Then be went on to say: "I he causa ol my resting easy and whistling as I go is that I have just. bad my lite insured by L.. w . Briggs, and now if I die my wife and little ones are sure of money enough to carry them along for years." The news of both nemlphres In The Weekly Oregonian. MORROW'S MOUNTAINS. It was very kind of nature to run the western spur of tbe Blue mountains through the south ten townships of Morrow county. It is a beautiful re glon of tall timber and good water, and bas still a large area of government 'and. Those who live up there like it, Everett White came last March from old Missouri, and is on the I. N. Basey place, 20 miles from Heppner, with bis family. Says it is away ahead of Mis' souri. There are no large clear tracts of agricultural land up there, but there are patches thai produce hay, grain and vegetables. Crops are a month later than at Heppner, but the potatoes say that all they asK is to be kept separate from the hogs and they will make a good showing. Beyond the foot of the Caldwell grade several new ranches have been taken up, and Miss Pearl Basey has a school of 7 pupils, and a Sunday school has beenstarted. A county road along the east fork of Willow creek would help settlement very much. J. N. Beeler has been living up be tween the forks of Willow creek for 14 years, and has chopped out a good home. He has quite a little orchard, and says that this is the first year it failed to bear. He has several acres of timothy, some of it 6 feet tall. It started itself, and shows that it is the natural grass for Morrow's mountains. It is a steep climb to get up to Mr. Beeler's, but he says he prefers living there to all the other places he bas tried all over the coast. He has tbe best spring on earlh, the mountain robin nests in his dooryard and sings him to sleep, and he pitchforks porcu pines in his fruit trees. He has seen 3 feet of snow in winter there, but says there are no harsh winds, and he likes living up there. People who are hunting homes should inspect Morrow's mountains. KKOENT ARRIVALS AT PALACE HOTEL W H Miller and wf, Hardman P Curran, Butter Creek Jas Ryly " B P Doherty " Ed Ashbaugh, Eight Mile F B VanCleave, Trail Fork John Madden, Lone Rock W A Robison, Nome W P Anderson " A J Cook, Lena J C McKinnon, Grt. Northern C M Hough, St Paul A Anderson, Umatilla F W Knower, Portland W P Anderson ' 8 Wilkinson, The Dalles J S Johnson, St Paul W R Penland " J M Berry, So. Omaha W B Wayrick, lone SEASHORE. If you are going down where cooling breezes blow by the briny deep, call on E. W. Crichton, at Telephone dock, Portland, and in his usual whole-souled way he will ticket you through to the beach by the famous While Collar line of floating palaces. Be is a joyial man to talk to. LONG TRIP. Contractor J. J. Roberts made a start Tuesday on a long pleasure trip. With a good team and one of Park Garrigues' best new covered hacks he left Heppner with his family on an overland jaunt to Modoc county, Cala., where he will at tend a reunion of the Roberts family, the first in year". Jim expected to put in about ten days on the road, and to jog back by a different route. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phila delphia, Pa., wben sbe found tbat Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption bad completely cured her of a backing onngb that for mmjy years bad mads lifn a burden. All otber remedies nnd doctors oould give her no help, hut sbe says of this royal ours ''it soon removed the pain in my chest audloan now sleep onodly, something I oho soaroely re member doing before. I feel like sound ing it praises throughout tbe universe." Ho will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of tbe throat, obest or lungs. Price 50ond II. Trial bottles free st Conger & Warren Drug Oo; every bottle guaranteed. WAGONS DIRT CHEAP. We have 2 header gears 3 inch Fish Bros. 2 light wagons 1 inch Fish Bros. Will sell them cheap. Minor & Co. On the ranch or in the mining camp dried fruits are alwavs needed. The best are at Matlock & Hart's. Fresh candies every day at the Fac tory. A nice line of Key West cigars at Matlock & Hart's. CHEAP CORNER. The large corner property east of J. M. Hager's store and opposite the resi dence of C. A. Rhea, is now offered at the low price of 850. Apply at Gazet office. RED FRONT STABLE. When you come to Heppner, put up your team at the Red Front Livery Sta ble on Main St., opposite the brewery. They will receive the bent of care. Bug gies, teams and saddle horses for hire at reasonable rates. Hay and grain bought and sold. I5IN.NH II HQS. The day is not distant when every inch of land will be deeded and doubled up in price. If yon want to buy a good 324 acie place at 85 an acre, call on J. W. Redington, Gazette office. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yea Have Always Bought Bear the Signature of FIRE AND SMOKE. Forestsy Agent Johnson says that 400,000,000 feet of timber ia consumed annually in the state of Oregon for fire wood. Portland burned 137,797 cords of slabwood and cordwood last year. The Southern PaciSc, which burns wood exclusively on its Oregon lines, consumed some 60,000 cords alone last year, and will probably use 75,000 cords this year. The Blue mountain wood camps cut 15,000 to 20,000 cords each, annually. This wood finds a market in Baker City, La Grande, Walla Walla, and even Idaho. The steamboats on the Columbia and Willamette rivers consume enormous qaarjti tities of cordwood and keep a small army of men employed in furnish ing it. . Servant Please, ma'am, the parrot has been saying another lot of fresh woids. Mistress (to lady visitor) Yes, my Jocko is very teachable; it lis tens to every word my husband speaks to me. (To servant) What did tbe creature say? servant Shut up, you old idiot! "The most difficult problem of life is to grow old gracefully." "Oh, I don't think so; it is much more of a problem to stay young gracefully." BEACH BY BOAT. Are you going to the seaside? If so, remember that the steamer T. J. Potter, the only through boat, leaves Portland from Ash-street dock, every Tuesday and Thursday, at 9 a. m.', direct for Ilwaco, making no stops en route, and arriving at Ilwaco about 4 p. m., where train is taken without delay for all points on Long Beach. On Saturdays tbe Potter, under a fast schedule, leaves Portland at 1 p. m., enabling passeng ers to reach hotels or cottages early Saturday evening. Steamer Hassalo, the popular night boat, leaves Portland at 8 o'clock in the evening daily, except Sunday, and on Saturday at 10 p. m., arriving at As toria early the following morning, con necting with I. R. & N. boat for Ilwaco and Long Beach points. HEPPNKR CHURCHES. M. E. church C. D. Nickelsen, pas tor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. M. E. church, South F. F. St. Clair, pastor. ServiceBatll a. m. and 7:30 p. m. (JhriBtmn church hunday School at 10 a. in. BaptiBt church Sunday School at 0 a. m. HOME FOR SALE. A nine house. A rnnma nwll InnaiaA lot 50x150. onlv jSllOO. AodIv at Gazet omce. t: PRETTY AS PEACHES. That is a comparison often made, but people change it now when they see at Matlock & Hart's hoxes of peaches and potatoes side by side, and the potatoes aft the prettiest and most valuable for food. They are beautiful and substan tial, and are raised by Matlock & Hart. STOCK PAYS BEST. Take it up one side and down the other, stock payB bnst. A real bargain is now nrl'eied in a 1440 acre stock ranch 45 miles south of Heppner. Only $4 an acre. Good outside range ; 100 tons of hay thrown in and 100 acres in grow ing wheat; all under fence and will raise anything. Apply lo Gazette oflice, Heppner. atMHgMgMHnpilllflll ft W r?v -mr- , ..Mir ... -TyJTM.;- El - . ci-A 'A M THE liiVIIV WAGON Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the best on earth. Gilliam & Bisbee Have just received one of the largest stocks of Bain Wagons ever brought to Heppner, Call and See them. Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Oraniteware, Tinware, Agrionltural Implements, Wagons, Haoks, Etc., Paints and Oils (the best in the world). Crockery and Glassware. Ladies, Buy at Home! o o o From your home merchants right in your own town. But if your home merchant do not happen to have on band the kind of dry goods, skirts or suits that you need, then address a line to us, tell ub what you want, and wo will mail it to yon from our largo stock of exclusive dry Roods. In this way, if you can't kepp the cash in your own town, yon kefp it in your own state. Mcallen & McDonnell, Cor. 3d and Morrison Sts., Portland. VISITORS FROM SCOTLAND. Jas. Hynd Sr. and Jas. Hynd Jr. are visiting relatives here. They are father and nepbew to Robert Hynd and Mrs Win. Barrett, and their home is at Arbroath, Forfeirshire, Scotland. They will on this trip, their first to the Pacific coast, visit all Oregon. ' Mr. Hynd Sr. bas a farm of about 300 acres, and practically every inch of it is under cultivation. It supports and gives employment to 75 people, and the plan of rotation of crops is closely ad hered to, and' fertilization is never ne glected. Scotland must be a very healthful country, for the two Mr. Ilynds are the most robust men ever seet in the Heppner Hills. They tbmk that Morrow county is far ahead of Scotland for fruit and alfalfa. LATEST WAR. Chinese troops and Boxers have cap tured a Russian transport, also the town of Blogovestchnesk, killing everybody. Forty foreigners and 100 native con verts were murdered July 9 at Tai Yuen Fu. Tien Tsin has been captured by the allies. HERDER DEAD. R. F. Hynd has received a telefone message from his camptender saying that tbe latter had found the herder, Mr Palmatier, dead on the range in the range in the Greenhorn mountains, and that the sheep were badly scattered. AT NOME. J. Hawley, of Portland, brings back bad news from Nome, and says tbat of 26,000 people who have gone there, 05 per cent, will make nothing ; the beach has been worked oyer 5 times ; there are 120 cases of smallpox and much pneu monia ; there are 5000 people there who have not $10 each, no wo k and no way to get back. IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS. The manufacturers of Castoria have been compelled to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to familiarize the public with the signature of Chas. II. Fletcher. This has been necessitated by reason of pirates counterfeiting the Castoria trade-mark. This counterfeit ing is a crime not only against the pro prietors of Castoria, but against the growing generation. All persons should be careful to see that Castoria bears the signature of Chas, H. Fletcher, if they would guard the health of their children. Parents, and mothers in particular, ought to carefully examine the Castoria advertisements which have been appear ing in this paper, and to remember that the wrapper of every bottle of genuine Castoria bears tbe fac-simlle signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, under whose sup ervision it has been manufactured con tinuously for over thirty years. Phila. Bulletin. LIPPINCOTT'S. This magazine has turned over a new leaf, and now ranks right up among the very best. The price has been reduced to 25 cents a copy, or $2,50 a year. The "new" Lippincott's Monthly Magazine is distinguished from all other maga zines in the field by a complete novel in each issue. This means that the sub scriber receives for a nominal sum twelve complete novels a year, written expressly for the "New Lippincott" by the brightest pens of America and Eng land. A whole shelf-full of Action for a rediculously small expense, and sub scriptions may begin at any time. Noth Ing continued. J. B. Lippincott Co., publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. f fc--v T tu . t. Odds and Ends In the course of there are some lines are anxious to dispose them together, putting counters and will clean Bargain o On the third middle counter we have placed our entire stock of Straw and Crash Hats at - 25c In the window on gents' furnish ing side you will find Men's Dress Shirts, in colors at - - - 50c Our bargain counter for Shoes will have some startling bargains from now on. There is a line or two of Men's Clothing in summer weight, dark colors, frock cout, nobby, at - $ 8.00' On the Dry Goods side we are piling up remnants of Dress Goods and Ribbons that will clean them out. MINOR Heppner, S. P. Garrigues, Main Street, Just Received, a Carload of MeCormiek Mowers, Hodge Headers, Horse Rakes, and all kinds of Harvesting Machinery. Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons. jT, Pure Rendered Leaf Lard -TT1 H Fish every Friday. MZXM Liberty Market Highest price paid for fat Stock. . Heppner, Oregon. fuiST ational )ank OF HEPPNER. 0. A. RHEA : Prenldent T. A. KUKA Vio Precident Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL J'AETH OF THE WOKLD BOUGHT AND BOLD Collection! made on all point on reuonabletermi. Burplm and undivided profit $:I,IJ00. OUR SPRING OPENING OF Is Now On W have a full itock of HarnM, Haddlea, Furniture, and our prlcea are an low ai auch Teuta (or camping, and big Umbrella to ihade Our Famous Stock Saddles Sta'id the Racket Horse and Main Street the half year's business broken' in sizes which we of. We are gathering them on our bargain dj, them out to vou at W Prices. Oregon. Heppner, - fresh Meats I Salt and Smoked Meats Bock & Mathews, Proprietors. I O. W. CONSEK.... C'Bshier I E. L. FUEELAND. . Assintanl (Jsabier Bridle, In fai t, everything In thu way uf Horse reliable gonda can be told for any 1 re. We have wnon Ml'. Mule Millinery Xr CO., Heppner, Oregon. sP