The Heppner Gazette Thursday June 21, 1900 Miles .. 197 .. 60 TRAVELErl'S GUIDE. DISTANCES. Heppner to Portland Pendleton by wagon road '.. Lexington lone jj Heppner Junction on Columbia River 45 Arlington ' The Dalles Cabin Canyon 16; with mud...'...'.'.'.'."!!!!!! 18 Train leave dally except Bunday for all points at 7:45 a, m. Train arrives dally except Bunday from all over the world at 5:30 p. m. Stage for Hardman, Monument. Lone Creek and Canyon City leaves daily except Sunday at e:,sua. m. ; distance to Canyon 104; time 24 hours. Mails close for trains at 7 a. m. Business hours of the First National Bank of Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Heppner Raises Wool to Warm the World Last year it shipped away 3,245,750 pounds, and Morrow county shipped 200,000 bushels of wheat. Morrow County's climate Is most ex ceiieut.ana you can buy farms and ranches here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or in all Oregon. Population 6000. Heppner has 1200 population, good school, city water, electric lights and 135,000 brick hotel the Palace. Portland is located 197 miles from Heppner. Chicago some further. Mow the candidate is out of date, The crops are looking fine; It is a treat to view the wheat, The melon on the vine. Kind fortune smiles on every hand, All things look bright and clear; But the greatest blessing in the land Is Gambrlnus Lager Beer. Sold at Belvedere saloon. Frank Roberts, Prop. Here and Tt)ere The longest day of the year arrived this week, bat after all only made a total of 24 hours. Edgar and Albert Matteson were In town Tuesday. Hon. Henry Blackman returned Mon day from a trip to Spokane. Mrs. C. R. Donahue, Mrs. Pierce and Miss Stewart returned to Portland to day. Frank McFarland, formerly a mer chant here, and now representing one of the largest insurance companies in the world, the N. Y. Life, is a guest at the Palace Hotel. Mayor Frank Gilliam returned Mon day from a ten-days' business trip to Portland. Heppner has a very efficient fire de partment, and its members were out on Main street Monday for practice runs. Miss Lillian McNay has returned from Newberg, where she has been attending school. Miss Elsa Avers, who has been at Whitman College, Walla Walla, is again at home Buy your Fireworks at the Candy factory Heppner Blackman's youth end strong constitution carried him quickly through his injuries, so that he was able to re same his duties as census enumerator on Tuesday . So successful has been the Ella school that the directors have for the fourth time engaged Miss Margaret Gray, who will teach a four months' term next fall. The Teal or Lehman Hot Springs. Best Health and pleasure resort in Eas tern Oregon. No Saloons. New Man agement. Good Hotel, Meals 25 gents, Grocery Store. Miss Etbel Stewart came p from Portland Monday on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Keithley, and alro made a trip out to Rock creek to call on the family of her cousin, James Wieland. Hon. W. R. Ellis will deliver the oration at Arlington on the Fourth. The people there have been inviting him for three years, but this is the first time he could arrange to accept. The Fair store is making better prices than eyer on nearly every line of goods. They are going to have the business if low prices and fair treatment will do it. There is no question but that they justly merit the patronage of the buy ing public. A look through Park Garrigueg' im plement yard makes you realize that very extensive agricultural operations are being carried on in Morrow county. The Pendleton school board has elect ed 15 teachers with E. E, Conklin as principal. F. E. Bell, whose home place is at Penland Buttes, was in- Saturday, and says that recent rains assured good crops. Mr. Bell brings to Heppner the best butter on earth. The vegetables raised in Judge Bar tholoraew's garden can't be beat. Leave orders for them at Matlock & Hart's. They are sole agents. Theodore Anderson, of Eight Mile, was in yesterday. His new well works well and furnishes plenty of water. Orders taken for htir switches at Mrs. L. J. Estes'. George Wells has filed a homestead claim and built a house on the old Sam Donaldson timber-culture on the hill south of Heppner. Go to the Candy Factory for fruits. Married At residenoe of Jacob Ernest, Clark's Canyon, 19th, by Judge ; A. G. Bartholomew, Miss Josephine A. Seubert, known as Miss Josie Beach, to James A. Brown. Many neighbors and friends were present, and a fine din ner was served. J. M. Hagar has been appointed guardian of Walter Brundage. Judge S. A. Lowell and District At torney Bean came to Heppner Tuesday to clean up the docket, and yesterday heard the equity case of Waldron vs. Leach, to annul a contract on land. Bishop's is the place to find fresh country hams. Excellent mucic. and a grand good time aosnred to tlione vioiting the leal or Lehman Hot rpnngs una numu.. LOCAL NOTES. A marriage license was issued on the 18th to Wm. Totter and Tilda Howell. Pap Simons and Clyde Wells are re pairing the broken Pauly jail. Summer corsets, hose, muslin and gauze underwear, mitts, gloves, em broidery, tucking lace, ribbon, etc., at Mrs. L. J. Estes'. David McAtee and G. W. Phelps rep resented the Heppner fire department at the Dayton tournament of the Volun teer Fire Association of Eastern Oregon and Washington, and Mr. McAtee was honored with an ejection to the vtce presidtmcy. The Heppner men found Dayton a beautiful city, with the loading hotel being well managed by Mrs. Von Cadow and M. D. Haynian, formerly of Heppner. Buy your lunch goods of Beal A Co. The race team of the Heppner fire de partment, under Capt. Natter, will go to Arlington to-morrow to attend the fire men's tournament there. Edward Tiedeman, 13 years old, was yesterday sent to the Reform school from Heppner. He came here from Ba 1 rt:i 1 - 1 .m vny msi weeK ana proved a very Dad boy. He epurnod the offer of home made by several kind people, and broke into a car at the depot and stole several artie'es, also Btole from Mr. Hyod's warehouse. Shirt waists, belts, nei-k wear, in tha latest styles at Mrs. L. J. Estes', second door south of post office. Fresh candies everv dav at t.lm Fun tory. About 40 Lincoln bucks were sold here this week at from $30 to $100 each tLd uay took (j and Wm. Penland 4 at the tnp price. Mr. Patrick, who bro't the sheep here from Canada, presented Geo. Gray with a fine gold ring as a re' cognition of courtesies. Ihe last shipment of sheep to leave Heppner comprise 1 5000 yearling and 1400 bucks for the Platte Valley Sheep Co. Candy factory has ice-cream for the wholesale and retail trade. Ihe wonderful Medicinal waters nf the leal or Lehman Hot Springs, are a remedy for Rheumatism. Spend vour summer there, You can tmy a Lantern at The Fair store for y3 less than regular prices. rrum rocs taaen irom a mine on Snake river, 30 miles above Lewiston, in which ha is interested, George Swaggart has received assays showing $135 96 copper and $4.92 silver to the ton. Mrs. L. J. Estes has a large stock of trimmed hats, sailors, etc. Just the place to get your Fourth of July hat Prices to suit. Conptable Geo.. Gray yesterday sold a stray mare at auction for $41. Buy your books and magazines at Gandy Factory. Buy Camp Coffee Pots at The Fair. Go to Matlock & Hart's for your vege tables, .fruits. etc., always freiih w. Bay Lanterns at The Fair. Fresh strawberries at Matlock & Hart s. I or me Dear, time you ever uad in your life, take a trip to the Teal or Leh man Hot Springs. Bathing, Dancing, Musical Shooting Galleiy and other amusements. The man who wants a new saddle or harness can find it at the store of Noble & Co. For the fruit that you are going to put up, now leave your orders at Matlock & Hart's. Neat and new everything is at the tonsorial parlors 1 f J. E. Sharp, and hot and cold baths are always ready. No need of sending away for a hack, buggy, carriage or farming implement. Take a look through the big new stock of S. P. Garrigues. Special prices on Canteens at The Fair store for next 30 days. .T. R. Howard's store has everything in the grocery line needed by city trade. Everything in the grocery line adapt ed to city trade is kept at, Matlock & Hart's, including pickles in bulk, sweet and sour. Many new people come to Heppner these days, and they all praise the Palace Hotel. And well they may, for it is now one of the best-kept hotels on the coast. Assessor Willis is again very ill. Have you paid your subscription to the Gazette ? Buy Canteens at The Fair. Home-seekers are dropping into Mor row county, and find land values very reasonable. Heppner's big 3-story Palace Hotel is a credit to the Northwest, and is con ducted nnder the personal supervision of its ovner, Senator J. W. Morrow, at prices within the reach of all. Babbitt metal for packing for sale at Gazette office, 10 cents a pound, Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port land. The reputation of these gentle men insures the success of the enter prise. The diningroom is excellently managed and is unsurpassed. Heppner is going to have one of the grandest celebrations in her who'e history. Fresh vegetables on hand at Bishop's all the time. On the ranch or in the mining camp dried fruits are always needed. The best are at Matlock & Hart's. LACE CURTAINS AND BLANKETS. Now is the time to have your lace curtains, blankets and quilts cleaned, and the place to get the work done is at Fred Krug's Heppner Steam Laun dry. He guarantees to make them look as good as new, and at very reason able charges. All kinds of laundering done promptly and cheaply. No need of sending any such work out of town. SLEEPS WELL. "Yes, indded, I sleep well now. No more nightmares for me," said Jan. Hitter yesterday as he happily beamed on people lie met. Then he went on to say: "1 tie cause 01 my reming easy WHEAT, WOOL AND STOCK. Portland, June 20. Failure of the Liverpool market to respond to strength in Chicago has an unsatisfactory effect on the local market, and business is of small proportions. There is a variety of prices quoted, but 56c for Walla Walla seems to be the best figure that can be traced to a reliable source, with some of the exoorters declining to give over 55c. Wool Valley, 12($13c for coarse, 1516c for best; Eastern Oregon, 1015c; mohair, 25c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short wool, 2535c; medium-wool, 3050c; long wool, 60($1 each. han Francisco, June 19. Wool Spring Nevada, 1315c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1015 ; Vallev, Oregon. 18 20c. Fall Northern, mountain, 10 ( ic; mountain, 810c; plains, 810c; Hiimbolt and Mendocino, 1314c. Chicago, June 19. Cattlo Receipts 3500. Steersgenerally steady, butchers' stock active at steady prices; natives best on sale today, 4 carloads at $5 50; good to prime steers $5.105.80; poor o memum, 4 ouiajo ; selected teeders, $4.255; mixed stockers, $3.50(84; cows, $34.55; heifers, $3.105.10; canners, $2 253; bulls, $3(3,4 30; calves, $56.50. Texans Receipts, 700 head; Texas fed steers, active; Texas bulls, $33.50. Sheep, receipts, 12000. Sheep and lambs, best stronger, others slow to weak ; good to choice wethers, $4.55 ; fair to choice mixed, $3.905 50; Western sheep, $4 505.15; yearlings, $5.405.90; native lambs, $56 75; Western lambs, $66.75 ; spring lambs, 5tf.25. TO TELL THE TIME. Heppner town Is up with the times, and her leading jeweler, P. O. Borg, keeps everything with which to tell the time. His stock is very full and com plete, and he invites your attention to its neatness and its freshness and its excellent quality. When yon buy an article from P. O. Borg, Heppner's lead ing jeweler, you may know that it is good. Mr. Borg's large stock of watches, clocks and jewelry is a credit to Morrow county, and he does first-class repairing. - CARE FOR YOUR EYES. Mrs. Dr. Frank, who is now at the Palace Hotel, Heppner, is a skilled scientist as regards the eye. She treats th poor free, and is a famous lady oculist-optician who uses the methods that are used by the great practitioners of Paiis, London, Berlin and Vienna, and in all other large centers of Europe to examine the eyes. By the aid of her delicate instruments she can explore the human eyeball in all its parts and find their various conditions. The in terior chambers of the eyes are open boiVa to her under such inspection. Mrs. Dr. Frank has many testimonials from those she has relieved, and the following from a well-known business man will be read with interest: Ihe Dalles, Oregon, June 2, 1900. ibis is to certify that I am a former patron of Mrs. Dr. Frank, optician, of Han Francisco, Cal., and that more than a year ago I was furnished a pair of glasses for general use and they have been thoroughly satisfactory. I there' fore can cheerfully recommend her work to any one in need of such arti ficial aid. Jas. S. Mookb. Mrs. Frank's system is to make annu al, sometimes semi-annual tours through those parts of the country where she has ministered to the needs of patients and hear reports from a'l who are using the spectacles. Prof. Ernest Benjamin Arnold, brother of Mrs. Dr. Frank, la now at Arlington and is expected here in a few days to assist Mrs. Frank. BIDS FOR WOOD. The Heppner School District invites bids for 75 cords of four-foot fir or pine wood to be delivered at the Heppner school Louse on or before Oct. 1, 1900. Bids will be opened July 2d. Bv order of the Board of Directors. J. J. Roberts, Clerk. A Bpralnrd Ankle Quickly Cored. "At oue time I suffered from a severe sprain of the ankle," says Geo. E. Gary, editor of the Guide. Waehineton. Va. Alter using several well recommended medicines without Buocess.l tried Cham berlain's Pain Balm, and am pleased to say thai relief came as soon as I began its use and a complete care speedily fol lowed." 8old by Oonser & Warren. CHEAP PASTURE. Anyone wanting pasturage for a bunch of cattle, horses or Bheep, call on J. W. Redington, at Gazet office, Heppner. MOWERS. If you need a Mower, look at the Milwaukee Chain Mower at Bishop's. MOUNTAIN CAMPING. The best place on earth to camp is among the beautiful Blue mountains, south from ileppner. If you intend go ng there this summer, drop a line to 8. W. Florean, Heppner, and arrange with him to haul out yourself and bag gage, ile owns a ranch out there, and has good teams, and knows every foot ot the mountains. CHEAP CORKER. The large corner property east of J. M. Hager's store and opposite the resi dence of C. A. Rhea, is now offered at the low price of $850. Apply at Gazet office. RED FKONT STABLE. When you come to Heppner, put up your team at the Red Front Livery Sta ble on Main St., opposite the brewery. They will receive the bestot care. Bug gies, teams and saddle horses for hire at reasonable rates. Hay and ?ra'n bought and sold. Bisjis Bros. r L 1 . - -ii ' arid wbiMiina as l go is wiai 1 nave mi Yes, Heppner u going u " 1 ba mv iife insnred by L. W. Rriggs, and tha Glorious Fourth. fl iure to come, nQW jf , dje wj((J am, liltle oneB are . . t U A. . I . of Key Wft C!ar l I cre 01 money nmju.jjii J KV'J . mtui A nice line Matlock A Hart's. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Tfia Kind You Have Always Bought Cgaatw of (fM&li I The Fair Heppner, Or. The Place to Heppner's Save Money Department Store, Hurricane Specials for June! A Big These Goods AScoop InV Mason's I -Fruit Jars-J Y and -Glassware55- Jf Shipment of Just Arrived. Also extra Caps, either aluminum or porcelain lined, and extra Rubbers. It is not expensive to can fruit with such LOW PRICES as we 'make you. Crash Suits for men, and Summer Coats and Vests A well-made Crash Suit, light weight - - - $1.98 Better one, heavier, welt seams 2.48 Black alpaca Coat - 1.34 Cotton Marsielles, coat only 50 Blue serge, Coat and Vest, very fine, welt seams 4.95 Straw Hats and Crash Hats Men's Harvest Hats in Straw, Wide Brim, square crown Ifi or fedora shape, from f up Men's cork ventilated Harvest Hats, in cloth, wide brim and tycoon shape 29c, 45c and 55c. Men's Shirts for harvest work, 25c, 280,490,630 The Fair VtZJS. The Fair Hejpiier, Oregon. I Odds and Ends 4 4b 41 41 41 In the course of the half year's husiness there are some lines broken in sizes which we 4v are anxious to dispose of. We are Catherine them together, putting them on our bargain 4v counters and will clean them out to vou at 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Bargain Prices. On the third middle counter we have placed our entire stock of Straw and Crash Hats at - 25c In the window on gents' furnish ing side you will find Men's Dress Shirts, in colors at 50c Our bargain counter for Shoea will have some startling bargains from now on. There is a line or two of . Men's Clothing in summer weight, dark colors, frock coat, nobby, at - $ 8.00 On the Dry Goods side we are 43 piling up remnants of Dress Goods and Ribbons that will clean them out. 4 MINOR & CO. I I Heppner, Oregon. I Come to Morrow County for low-priced lands. Values are sure to double up. Nev er again will land sell so low as it does now. S. P. Garrigues, Main Street, Heppner. k&Setefi Just Received, a Carload of McCormick Mowers, Hodge Headers, Horse Rakes, and all kinds of Harvesting Machinery. Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons. Fresh Meats Salt and Smoked Meats Pure Rendered Leaf Lard Fish every Friday. Liberty Market Highest price paid for fat Stock. , Knrk & Mathews, Heppner, Oregon. Proprietors. Our Famous Stock Saddles Stand the Racket OUR SPRING OPENING OF Horse and Mule Millinery is Now On, We have full itockof HarneM, ftuldlei, Brtdlon.-iu (aut, everything In the way of Home Furniture, and our prltei are as low ai men reliable good, can bo told for any wt ire, W hav. Teuta for camping, and til Umbrullai to ihade wagon aeata. 2VOHIvl$ S? CO., Main Street HoppnorOregon.