A Bit SllillilJ." A man looks at his trembling hands and says: " I fee a bit shaky this morn ing, and shall need a bracer." His real need is not nerve stimulant, but nerve strength. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery gives strength to the nervous system. It does not brace up, but builds up. It is entirely free from alcohol and from opium, cocaine, and other narcotics usually found in so-called nerve medi cines. Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." It cures. David Dugrlns, Esq., of Jontl, Ohio Co., Kjr., writrs: "When I began taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery I think I had nervous Tbe day is not distant when every inch of land will be deeded and doubled up in price. If you want to buy a good 324-acre place at 85 an acre, call on J. W. Kedington, Gazette olnce. Bismarck's Iron Nerva Was the resu.t of bis splendid bealth. Indomitable will and tremendons energy sne not fonud where stumacb, liver, kid oeys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and tne suooees they brina, use Dr. King's Jnew Life Pills. They develop every power or brain and body. Only 25o at Gonser & Warren Drug Co. earn duration. J :overy." During or general aenmiy 01 mm yra took three bottles of the ' Dlscc the time I wa taking it my sleep became more refreshing and I grflned fifteen pounds weight, and alio gained strength every day." Free. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Send 21 one -cent stamps for book bound in paper, or 31 stamps for cloth binding. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. THIS DOQ Animal IS A SNAKE KILLER. at Rahvrar, H. Avatagai One Ercrr Dar. Eahwav. N. J., has a snake killer by the name of Topsy, and she neither wears skirU nor stars for an. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" combination. She is of the canine race, a cross between an Irish bulldog and a setter. She is three years old and belongs to John W. Brown, of Leesville avenue. , The south branch of the Bahway river is infested with water pilots, ranging in length from one to five feet. They are afraid of man and swim away t his approach. When cornered they will fight and bite severely, and they make a sore and painful wound. Topsy seems to have had a penchant for snakes since puphood. Before breakfast every morning she starts out and seldom re turns without a snake. She keeps her master busy disposing of the dead rep tiles. She usually kills them by catch ing them by the neck from the rear. As s rule she gets them along shore when they are bnBking in the sun, but at timet, when they take to the water, she jumps in and kills them while swim ming. She went home one day last week with a wound in her neck and no snake. Dr. Beth Lockwood, a veterinary sur geon, dressed the wound, which soon swelled greatly. A day later she got satisfaction by bringing in the largest snake she has ever caught. It was fully five feet long. It hnd an old wound on its neck and it was surmised that it was the same snake that had bitten the dog. Only onoe since she has been in the snake biisineHS hns Topsy brought the wrong goods home. It was last sum mer, when she captured a large eel. HEPPNER SHIPMENTS. That Heppner is a very import ant shipping point may be seen from the following figures, which show shipments made by rail from here daring the past year: Wool, pounds iJ,245,75U Cattle, cars 220 Sheep " 175 Wheat shipped out of Mor row county over Hepp ner Branch, bushels 200,000 HUNTING MEN. Tbe season for hunting" grouse and venison has not yet opened, out 11 seems that tbe season for bunting men has. Win. Estes, who returned yesterday from a prospecting trip through the Blue mountains, says that on the head waters of Bu'ter creek he met a man who was hot in pursuit of other men, and only' 8 miles behind them. He claimed that when he returned tbe day before to his home near Vinson be found that a partv of freighters from the John Day bad camped there during his absence, and on leaving had induced his wife and daughter to go with them, and had also taken all tbe food and money theie was on the place. He was yow ng vengeance, and it was ex pected that when the joyful meeting and catching tip should take place a pitched battle would result. Always reliable The Weekly Oregonian. If you want to buy a real cheap ranch, call on or address lieo. Wells, ueppnei. He has some places as low as $1.25 an ncre, and will mail printed description free on request. EAST VIA Southern Pacific T Co Leave Dopot fifth and I Sts It Saved His Leg. F. A. Danfortb, of LaGrange, Ga , suf fered intensely for six months with a 7:10P M friebtful sore on bis lee. but writes that Bunk eu's Arnwa Sa ve wholly cured it M in ten days. For nloers, wounds, burns, boils, pain or piles it's the best salve in Ibe world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25o. Sold by Oonser & Warren Drag Co. A Good Cough Medicine It speaks well for Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy when druggists use it in their own families in preference to any other. 'I have sold Chamberlain s Cougb Kern ed; for tbe pRBt live years with 00m- ulete satisfaction to myself snd custom ers, says UrnggiBt J. (ioidsmitn, vati Etten, N. Y. "I have always used it 10 my own family, botb for ordinary oongbs and oolds and for the ooagh following la grippe, and flod it very effioions." Fur sale by Conser & Warren. 7:30 AM 11;45PM OVERLAND EX PRESS ThAlNS, for Salem, UoseburcAsh land, Sacramento, Off den, San Francisco, Mojave, Los Awteles, El Paso, New Orleans and the East. At Woodburn (daily except Sunday), morn inK train connect! with train for Mt. An gel, 811 verton. Browns ville, Springfield and Natron, and evening train for Mt. Angel and Silverton. Corvallis Passenger. Sheridan Passenger. 9:15 AM 7:00 PM Arrive 1111:60 PM 118:25 AM Lots For Sale. Lots 3, 4 and 5, block 6, Jones' add., in Heppner, at $400 for all. Located east of D. B. Btalter's residence; oreek crosses corner and there is a fine spring on tbe place. Apply to J. W. Redington, Gazette oilioe. RANCH FOR SALE. A good, productive, well-improved place of 12(10 acres, H miles east of I lepp ner; all fenced; 155 acres now in grow ing beardless barley, and 100 acres of good hillnide plow land ; good (i-room house and 2 big barns. Two creeks and a county road run through the land, and there are .i good wells, Hub is a very productive place, and is offered at $15 an acre. There are horses, hogs and cows to go with place at market rates if pur- baser wants them. Apply to J. W Kedington, Gn.et office, Heppner. Daily. Dally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Sac ramento and San FranciBco Net rates $17 first class and $11 second class, Including sleeper. Rat and tieketa to Kastern rointa ana tu rn. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent, 134 Third Bt. YAMHILL DIVISION. I'assei.gcr Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. T , n - J : 1 . T . H1 JktX.An a m LA!HV iur uflHtwu ukiiv ni i.au. u.w n. u , 12::i0, 1:55, 3:35, 5:15, 6:25, 8:05, 11:80 p. m ; and 9:011 a. m. on Sundays only. Arrive at Portland dailv at ::. 8:30. 10.5O a. m.: 1:35. 3:15. 4:30, 6:20, 7:40, 10:00 p. m.; 12:40 a. m. daily, except Monaav: : ) ana iu:una. m. on eunaays oniy, Leave for Dallas aaiiy, ezcept aunaay, at i:su p. ra. Arrive at fortiana at :su a. m. passenger train leaves uains lor Airua nun days, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 p m Returns Tuesdays, 'inursuays ana saturaays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM Gen. F. A P. Agt., Portland. Oregon Score cards on which you can keep tally on all kinds of games are now kept on fculo at the Heppner Gazette olhce. BICYCLE BARGAIN. If you want to buy a new $50 Armada bicycle, one of Hie finest that is mnde, for f'iO, cull at Gazette olhce. SECRET OF INDIANS. Century RaaatlUd by a I.ady Over t Old Search for Lead. Just without the precincts of the lit tle village of Morgantown, O., that nes tles so snugly among the ruggtxl hills of Western Pike county, tradition for 75 years past has located a valuable and prolific lead mine. A pioneer of the village In the person of an old lady 102 years of age recalled, in the pres ence of a Cincinnati Knquirer corre spondent the other day, that 70 years ago she, with her parents, often watched the moving lights of the In dians from their cabin door as the red men moved busily about the brow of the hill intent upon the acquisition of some valuable find. She remembers also that an Indian once talked to her father and gave him to understand, though he was not at liberty to di vulge the secret, that somewhere on the side of the mountain was a treas ure inestimable and wonderful. JuBt now interest has been revived in the tradition and the recollections of the old woman, ajid a company will be organized to prospect for the hidden mine of wealth. The country round' about is fearfully rugged and precip itous, thousands of acres being cov ered with the primitive foreet, where is yet to be found an occasional wildcat and deer. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE uuderflKiied administrators of the estate of Ueorge A Brown, deceased, have filed in the county court ol Morrow county, Oregon, their final accounts as such administrators of said estate, and that Monday, the 2d day of July, lww. at the nouroi 10 o ciock a. m. ot saiu day, has been fixed by said court as the time for heariiiKof said objections to said report and the settlement inereoi. BKNJAM1N 1'AKKKll, JOYCS B. (lARKATT. Administrators of the estate of George A, Brown, deceased. H4-S Prevented a Tragedy. Timely Information given Mrs. Qeorge Long, of New Hlraiteville, Ohio, prevent a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives, A frightful cough bad long kept her wake every night, 8 he had tried many remedies aiid duotora, but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's Mew Discovery. Uue bottle wholly cored ber and Bhe writes Ibis marvelous medicine also 011 red Mr. loug ot a severe attack of poenmoiila, Huoh cures are positive proof of the matoblese merit ot this grand remedy for carina all throat, obest and lung troubles. Only fOo and II. Every bottle guaranteed' Trial bottles free at Ikinser k Warren Drug Co. If you want to buy some very low priced ranches, see George Wells, t'onsor A Warren's drug store. CONTEST NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Olllce at The Dalles, Or., May 10, 1HJ0. A siilllcleiit contest allldavlt having been filed In this olllce by Robert Warren, contestant, against timber culture entry No. 2704, made Nov. 17, 1KK7, lor northeast H section su.town- lilnSsouth. range 24 east, by John C. fpray, outestee. in which It Is alleged In substance that deceased entrymau, nor nis neira, A. u nitrny, inuiui lilt niirity mm ainiii jt n,injr, uce February, iwi, nave wnouy ananuoneo said tract, and failed to plant, cultivate or I protect sulci tract, or to comply with the Iniberculture laws, said parties are here by notified to aunear. respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o clock m. on June in, r.Mi, uuiore J. vv. Morrow, u. Commlxslonor. at his olllce In Hemmer. Ore gon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 I o'clock a. 111. on July 7, WW), before the register and receiver at the f ultod elates land omce in The Dalles, Oregon. The sa d contestant Having. 111 a proper affi davit, tiled Mav 10. ltKHl. set forth facta which snow tnat alter one diligence, personal service of this notice can not be made, It is nerooy ordered ami directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. jay 1. ia'uab, negiKiur. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Publie Land Sale. (Isolated Tract.) VrOTIOK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN i pursuance of instructions from the Com missioner of the General Land Omce, under authority vested In htm by section 24,')5, United States revised Statutes, as amended by the act coimress approved February i. I1W0. we will roceert to otter at public sale on Saturday, me ilth day 01 June, next, at tne nouroi iuo cioca a. in , at this olllce, the following tract 01 laud to-wlt: Southeast southeast '4 aectlou 30, lowuslili) 4 south, ran ne !25 K W M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lauds are advised to file their claims In this olhce on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise llielr rights win be lorcictted. JAY. v. i,i i:as, Register, 83-8 Otis I'AtTitaiwiN. Receiver. V. 8. Und Office, The Dallos, Ore., May 21, WOO. ..-.- LllllMBMBBMMlillsYsJsaM NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles, Ore., May 21, 1900. notice is nereDy given tnat the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proo. will be made before J. W. Mor row, united states commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, June 29, 1900, viz: ELMER H. 8COTT, of Heppner, Oregon, Homestead entry No. 7151. for the south W southeast H and south southwest M section 21, township 1 south, range 26 E W M tie names tne louowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank C. Griffin, Evan lireg erson, Frank E Bell and BenJ. F. Swaggart, all of Heppner, Oregon. !- j. jr. JuUcas, negister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Or., May 21, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J W. Mor row, Uuited States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 7, 1900, viz: Homestead entry No. 8731 of HERROD W. BERKLEY, of Heppner, Oregon, For the northeast section 28, township 8 south, range 28 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: D. Cox, Joseph W. Rector, John Nolan and John N. Beeler, all of Hepp ner, Oregon. 83-8 E. W. Bartlett, Register. lllo HEPPNEH-CANYON CITY Stage Line B. F. MILLER, Prop. Cheapest and most direct route to John Day h11a ' .. .ln4H 1) ...... ., ,t other interior points. Stages leave Heppner Daily, Sunday ex cepted, at 6:30 a. m. Arrive at Canyon City in i noun. Leave Canyon City at 4 p. m., arrive at Hepp ner in 24 hours connecting with trains. HlFPNCB TO Depart TIME SCHEDULES ARRivi Chicago- Salt Lake. Denver, 4:00 p, m, Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha, Special Kansas City, Bt. 9:15a.m. Louis, Chicago, and Eastj Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, 8 a. m. Express Ft. Worth, Omaha, 8:20 p. m. Kansas City, St via. Hunt- I-ouls, Chicago lngton, and EaBt. Atlantio Walla Walla, Lewis- 8 a. in. Express ton, Spokane, Min 6 20 p. m, neapolis, St. Paul, yia. Hpo- Duluth, Milwau kaue. kee Chicago and East. 8.00 p. m. OCKAN STIAM8HIF8 4:00 p. m. From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco Sail every 6 days 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rtvia 4:00p.m. Ex. Sunday Stsamkbs. Ex. Suuday Saturday 10:00 p. in. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a. ra. Willamsttb Rivir 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Palem and V ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamitti and 3:30 p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Rivers. Mon., Wed. ami Sat. and Frl. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. 6:00a.m. Willamette Rivir 4:80p.m. Tues. Thurs. Mon., Wed., and Sat. Portland to Corval. and Frl. lis A Way Land ings. Snake Rivkr. Lv. Rlparta Lv.Lewiston ft a. in. Rlparia to Lew Is ton a. m. dally daily MILES FARE 20 II. SO 55 4.00 65 4.75 75 6.50 S3 6.00 102 8 00 104 8.00 Hardman.. Monument Hamilton Long Creek Fox Valley John Day Canyon City Stages connect with trains at Heppner. Note. Having stocked up this line with new Covered coaches and good teams I am prepared give nrst-ciass service to tne puouo. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street. NOTICE OF INTENTION. TVEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. LAND U Office at La Grande, Or.. May 16. 1900. Notice is herebv eiven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before tbe County Clerk, Umatilla County, Oregon, at Pendleton," Oregon, on July 6, 1900, viz; Homestead entry No. 7049 of WILLIAM CHAPMAN, of Vinson, Oregon, tor me west y uuriiieasi. y aiiu went y iuulji- east H of section 8, township 8 south, range 30 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles A. Frazier. of Pendle ton, Or., James Nelson and Hiram Smith, of Vinson, or., ana ivi u man, oi uuruaue, vi. J. W, BARTLETT, 83-88, Register. Heppner Lumber Co. R. C. Wills and C. C. Patterson Have organized the above Company with headquarters just North of The Fair store in Heppner, Oregon, and have their yard fully stocked with all binds of Roug:li. and Dressed ...LUMBER... Doors, Windows. Shingles, Screen Doors and Moulding of all Kinds. And everything Appertaining to a first-claae Lumber YbH. Tbey will after Marob 1 deliver lumber to any point in tbe oity limit free of ohnrge. These gentlemen also buy and sell real estate, rent bouses, write insurance. It you bave any property to sell or rent, put it in tbeir bands, r if yon need any thing else in tbeir line be sure to consult them first. Tbey will respand promptly to 'phone call No 7. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Ore., May 4 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to commute and make final proof in support of her claim and that said proof will be made be fore County Clerk of Morrow county at Hepp nei, Oregon, on June 16, 1900, viz: Homestead entry of M ABLE CA8Y, of Heppner, Oregon, For the southwest !4 northeast H. north V, Southeast and southeast !4 southeast sec tion 20, township 4 south, range 27 E W M. She names the following witnesses to prove ber continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: George SDerry. Joseph Pot ter, La Fayette Penland and Jerry Phillips, all of Heppner, Oregon. 81-6 E. W . Bartlett, Register, ft 14 IRN MONTROSE BIOYOLEWFREE on approval to yoiiraddress WITHOUT A CENT III ADVANCE. SEND US YOUR ORDER, state whether too wth lady's or man's Waeeil (n") color, iieiBii wi- umuo m v j maMm r hh- Tllis wiikkij j. u, u. ou npiirvvoi, iiuvik juu unt-rutv aim ex amine it fully before you accept It If It Is not all and more than we claim for it, and a better wheel than you can tret for any where near the price rrora ourselves. at our SDeclal is the ffreatetit bargain in a bicycle ever offered. We guarantee Tit equal to any M0 wheel on the market, and you need not accept it nor pay a rent If you do not And it as we represent. We are EXCLl HI VE BICYCLE M ANITFAOTI'REIW and take this method of quickly Introducing our 1900 MODEL. Thin offer of a ftnmple wheel at this low price la made to secure R ID E R AGENT in each town to represent us w,a faira nriri Our turftiits make montv fast. CnCAICIftJlTlflllC frame, 2, 4 or 26 inch; ladles, 23 Inch. Bess tions, seamless tutiliur with fonred conneo- flush Joints, improved expander device to fasten seat post ana handle bar i Royal Arch crownt the ceienratea Mavis nubs and nantrer the easiest running knownj ltcord "A" tires, the bfnt and one of the most expensive tires on the market, The genuine $4 Heslnger Hyglenle saddle, pedals, tools and accessories the best obtainable. Knaiueled in black, maroon or coach green, highly onioned and ornamented; special finished nickeling on all bright parts. We thoroughly test every piece of material that goes into this machine. Our blading year's guar anty Wai with each bicycle. pnrp to any one senuinK WC Sinuca5n in mil wiin unirr wo w iu r tttt send free a genuine Burdlck 10,000 mile barrel pattern cyclo meter! or a high grade floor pump. Your money all back if you are not sautmea. Paints, Oils The largest and best selected stock in Morrow county. Jewelry and Glass A full stock. A fine stock to select from. Kodaks Supplies of all kinds. CONSER & Stationery The very latest. WARREN. perfectly filicin yfUFFl C We do not manufacture the cheap depart- id sen as men irntyje. we can mi nor recom- ment store kind of wheels, such as many new rumisn tnem. big supply houses advertise and sell as high grade. We can fui to 17 stripped ; or W.75 to slt-fio complete. We do not guarantee BEFORE KERI?iG a bicycle of any one else, no matter i r concerns and however, at so a ... fait vn.1 hnw miwii wn ran aavn von on tn same machine. lfyoaliyiBI C 1. OIIV awheel we can ailt yon to EAHN A IHCVCLE bydls are UHADLfc 10 Dili trtbutlnsrcatiilnirue!ifiirn.afi'wday!t. We need one person a earn town (or this punwee. We have several hundred BEOWN I I1A w uus wra jraoe wn cu n l' II TeLI ABlUT V Is unqileeOoned. We refer to any bankor bmineM houM In t Weapro or any eprw pr who or how Hoppuer Qazetto ouly 4 bits for I! ILOUtllS. A Ki'iuiinjloii Imu'ili-loadiiii; Willie Hhot kiiii for aiiln at $12. (iazutte ollice. Sli't)-iaiuh outfits, stock Halt, lints mid furnishing hooiIh, pipes, tobacco, candy and nuts all these art Bold at T. K. Howard's store. li:t the kagle scrkam. All of Heppner s sister cities, towns and villages, and the people of the sur roundirif country can now feel safe in pluiiiiiiiK to onjoy a lug celebration on the coming Fouith of July. Independent and rollabls Ths Oreiron- WATCHES SENT FREE!,?; (XAMINAIION AHU APPROVAL Vy Know Juai SVha. V Buy.KViTy atoll stHinp t(l It h niakor's name, andwsrranud. This liarut. eouiH, (.lurat'lei, rt'llal'le Canylne Ouabar ftllvarlae Case (Opn rare) arrei ttackaiid screw netel. duat-Lmvf, will wear ami nnnm us pvrwti Hvar eeler far s li r it ma. gent's IH s I se, stem wind snd stem et, tit tftt ii h Miulnt IITN THOMAS CINTURV Mava man, gusrsntHl aura ft years, as uH't and gen tw appearing a watch as any nun needs, fcend us this ad. with your order and we will send It C O D. suhteet to your examination and riproal. Eiaut .a it ttmrouifhlv and it found Just a a represented, e-mal to watches rfiatltnUe high astlO.DM. pay K&p. at. our prU-, S2.98 an,1 r xn. ehann-a.OlT it 80 .lavs trial. If not sat. I.tltl r.inrn our nion.-v. VT p.h wttHoriler ..,.r..ii.ei.. WATCH CMIM. F. E. Eocell &.Co. 330 Dearborn St.Chicago Heppner Branch train No. 9 leaves Heppner at 7:4o a. m. no. 10 arrives at :au p. m. uauy exurpt Biiiulay. Ptangra beekad for all Foreign CountrUs. J. M. KERN AN, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. VISIT DR. tlOHDAN'S OfttAT' MUSEUU OF ANATOUY I0SI MARKIT ST., SAN FRANCIKO, CAU (Utinm Sink aaa tmmik ) t8 to 10ehi alo some .hopworn samples and models ery cheap. Sen HI LIT V Is unquestioned. We refer to any hank or bu.lneM house In C hleapo. y. We will send you letters of referenee direct from the lancent banks in I hici j WAIIB ADflED today, muiow pnroiKi uicw aprciH wr . .m-.. - hvvw. lD TOUR UnUfcll bewtthdrawn very soon. CVOIt name of this paper. J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY. Chioaeo. m C J The Fine Clyde Stallion CR00KST0N, Will make tbe follows: eeason of 1000 as m Ik tiom tha eOkria of routa erstlvns or aoee In ouaturer . rearm. rTaryoiisand Dhysleal Uetlllu.la. Hktrsiey, NshaiBie4 la alt luoooipll. callous; Mrsaavtvrrl.Mk rrotaMr- rtawe, lsirrbeak, 4leSt rrr,....r f I rlNBilaa, Hy a eomblnatlna of 1 remeilles, of sreat curative power, tbe Poclor I has so arrant.! his treatmest lhal II will not . only afford Immediate relief, but permanent cur. The Doctor does not claim le aornj mlraelea. but la well known to be a fair i square Pliy.k-ian and Sureon. pre-emUMM lu hls.oeclalt. Dlieam mt mmm STHII.IS ihomnahlT eradicates fraaa ' m tn system without the use oi sieirvary. TmwM Rued by an Eiperl alatallaal m oar fur R.slnra, A juk-k anil rwdteal i (Mrs air s-iiva. t tsaeirw atui iii.ia, e Br? Jordan's special paluleas ueiboria. our hontM orrii H'e trill O EV KMT MAN appl)-lh te n. wlU recejT in til hlscnmpiaini. t wnmlM a fv&JTI I'JT CVMM Ss I t-erv ciue ic. wmterfnita niltatlnn KKKK and strictly private. CHAR'iKS VKK I' KKA.SOXA bltL Treatiuenl pereoiiaUy or by letter. t .r annk niilatasir eta ' HI ARHIAUK. M.ii.nDl'Hia vvaluaolei T h...kl.ltm.iLl Cmll ,.r .rlU 1 OS. JORDaH CO . 1 08 1 Markat St. t. U. At my ranch, 4 miles southwest of Heppner. On Saturdays at Billy Gordon's Stable, in Heppner. CROOKSTON is a dark bay, .9 years old, weighs 2000 pounds, and is 7l2 hands hieh. His dam and sire were imported irom Scotland, and his sire sold at Salem for $2o00 Terms beason !?1U; to insure $io; single leap $5. Good pasture at bl a month. S. A. HUGHES, Owner. MAT HUGHES, Manager. French Canadian Stallion HONEST ABE Will stand the Season at wm. Gordon's Stables on Wednes days and Saturdays of each week. The balance of the week at Herren's ranch, 6 miles South of Town. HONEST ABE is a Dark Brown, 16 hands high, and weighs 1450 pounds. He was foaled July 23, 1890. Sired by tbe imported French Canadian Stallion Canada, imported in 1889 by C. Coeval and bred by E. Bauchemin, St Ours, Quebec, Canada, and was sired by St Lawrence Boy, dBm by Richelieu Girl (thoroughbred Canadian mare). Honest Abe's dam was sired by Tornado, a pure bred Cana dian stallion imported by T. Cunmngton, of Sacramento, Cal., in 1882 and sold to Kenady & Smith, of Woodburn, Oregon, is dam was sired by the imported French Canadian Stallion Robin Hood, imported in 1882 by T. Cunnington and sold to Kenady & Smith, of Woodburn Or., and afterward sold to Wta. Walbridge, of ieppner, Or. Third dam by Old Mistery; fourth dam by Old Lummacks; fifth dam by Old Laplander. Terms: Single leap $o; season $7.50, payable at end of season, insurance $10, payable when mares are known to be in foal. Will not be responsible for accidents. Pasturage will be furnished at $1 a month D. A. Herren, Owner. Dan Henshew, Manager' At So an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles south of Heppner; almost all good plow land, has running water and is under fence; will make a good home for some farmer or stock man. If not sold soon will be rented on shares to farm. It adjoins the places of Tom Quaid, D. A. Herren, Wm. Penland and las ppiy 10 j. vv. Kedington, Heppner. H ayes.