Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 14, 1900, Image 3

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    The Heppner Gazette
Thursday, ; June 14, 1900
Heppner to
reuuieion Dy wagon road 60
Lexington " 9
lone 15
Heppner Junction on Columbia River ... 4.5
Arlington m
The Dalles 1$
Canyon City "' 104
Cabin Canyon 16; with mud 18
' Train leaves daily exoept Sunday for all
points at 7:45 a, m.
Train arrives daily exoept Sunday from all
over the world at 5:30 p. m.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek
and Canyon City leaves daily except Sunday at
6:30 a. m. ; distance to Canyon 104 ; time 24 hours.
Malls close for trains at 7 a. m.
Business hours of the FirBt National Bank of
Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Heppner Raises Wool to Warm the World
Last year it shipped away 8,245,750 pounds, and
Morrow County Bhipped 200,000 bushelB of
wheat. Morrow County's climate is most ex
cellent, and you can buy farms and ranches
here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or in
all Oregon. Population 6000.
Heppner has 1200 population, good school,
city water, electric lights and $35,000 brick hotel
the Palace. Portland is located 197 miles from
Heppner. Chicago some further.
Now the candidate is out of date,
The crops are looking fine;
It is a treat to view the wheat,
The melon on the vine.
Kind fortune smiles on every hand,
All things look bright and clear;
But the greatest blessing In the land
Is Qambrinus Lager Beer,
Sold at Belvedere saloon.
Frank Roberts, Prop.
Here and Tfyere
Wool! Wool! Wool!
Wool-hauling is a veiy general in
dustry now.
The great State road reaching away
from Heppner to the interior 100 miles
southward, is now lined with wagons
limiting wool to Heppner.
There is more wool rolling into Hepp
ner every hour now than into other
towns in a month.
Mrs. J. J. Adkins and son started
yesterday on a visit to Portland.
Frank Johnson, the wool buyer, is in
Idaho, and will be in Heppner soon.
Mrs. W. Ii. Potter and sister returned
last evening from a visit to Hood River.
V. a. lt,mery, 01 liarUraan, was over
Balfour, Guthrie & Co. have bought
t'.ie Woolery warehouse at lone.
If your eyes are troubling you or
threatening trouble, consult Mrs. Dr.
Frank, the eye specialist, at the Palace
hotel this week.
The grand old pioneers who first
settled Oregon will have a reunion at
Portland tomorrow.
Ed. R. Bishop and wife are away on
a trip to Portland.
Buy Camp Coffee Pots at The
Go to Matlock & Hart's for your vege
tables, fruits, etc., always fresh.
Moscow is a fine town for a lay
horse. Ha can laugh at his driver, for
a Russian law there forbids the use of
a whip.
The Japs are erecting a monument in
memory of the horses killed in their
war with China.
Buy Lanterns at The Fair.
Twenty different temperance drinks
at Candy Factory.
L. W. Bnggs is back at his old post
during the absence of Ed Bishop in
Travelers coming to Heppner through
the town of Monument eay that the
place is making a good growth and that
Emil Schaiff and others are painting up
and improving their homes.
Fresh strawberries at Matlock &
Candy Factory has ice-cream for the
wholesale and retail trade.
For the best time you ever had in
your life, take a trip to the Teal or Leh
man Hot Springs. Bathing, Dancing,
Musical Shooting Gallery and other
F. B. Ball, agent of Carson Bros.,
Seattle, is buying cattle in the Middle
Fork country, and paying top prices.
About as dusty as the roads get they
are now.
Lanus Penland is making very slow
progress toward recovery.
Eicellent music, and a grand good
time assured to those visiting the Teal
or Lehman Hot Springs this summer.
The man who wants a new eaddle or
harness can find it at the store of
Noble & Co.
For the fruit that you are going to put
up, now leave your orders at Matlock
& Hart's.
Neat and new everything is at tho
tonsorial parlors cf J. E. Sharp, and hot
and cold baths are always ready.
War is awful on men, mules and
horses, but It has caused thousands of
horses to be eent away from the United
States, thus improving the market for
those remaining. The U. 8. govern
ment has bought many horses and
shipped them to Manila to mount the
troops, and the British government has
recently bought 35,000 head of horses in
the Middle West for army work in
South Africa, paving f 125 to f 150a bead.
A representative of the British govern
ment is now in Eastern Oregon with a
view to buyiDg 2000 head of borfes to
bt shipped to Africa.
No need of sending away for a hack,
buggy, carriage or farming implement.
Take a look through the big new stock
of 8. F. Garrigues.
The Fair store is making better prices
than ever on nearly every line of goods.
Tbey are going to have the bnsiness it
low prices ami fair treatment will do it
There is no question but that they
justly merit the patronage of the buy
ing pub ilT.
ti I.l.man Hot Springs.
Best Health and pleasure report in Eai
fi,,n. Nr Saloon. New Man
agement. Good Hotel, Meals 25 cents,
as warm weather comes on it is use
ful to know that you can cool a room by
wetting a cloth, the larger the better,
and hanging it up in the room. If the
ventilation is good the temperature will
sink ten to fifteen degrees in less than
an hour.
On his p'ace 13 miles north of Hepp'
ner, &neria Andrews has 275 acres of
rye hay that is now. being cut and
stacked, and will average- tons to
the acre.
special prices on Canteens at The
rair store lor next 30 days.
1. ft. Howard's store has everything
in uib grocery line needed by city trade
ine blacksmith shop of J. R. Simons
& Son has recently witnessed some ex
citing encounters with wild horses who
refuse to be shod. But they are strapped
up and Bhod in spite of their objections
Aituough bumpier registered 1000
voters, only half of them voted on elec
tion day.
Now is the time to begin work on
your lawns. Garden hose aod patent
sprinklers at Bishop's.
Everything in the grocery line adapt
ed to city trade is kept at Matlock &
Hart's, including pickles in bulk, sweet
and sour.
You can buy a Lantern at The Fair
store for less than regular prices.
The vegetables raised in .Tndirp 1W
tholomew's garden can't be beat. Leave
orders for them at Matlock & Hart's.
They are sole agents.
The wonderful Medicinal waters of
the Teal or Lehman Hot Springs, are a
remedy for Rheumatism. Spend vour
summer there,
Otto Fieidiich, formerly a business
man or Heppner. is now settled down
at Fou du Lac, Wis.
Mrs. C. R. Donahue, of Portland, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Keithley, and
is accompanied by her little son Roy
and her Bister-in law, Mrs. Pierce.
Many new people come to Heppner
these days, and tiny all praise the
Palace Hotel. And well tliey may, for
it is now one of the best-kept hotels on
the coast.
Have you paid your subscription to
the Gazette ?
Yes Sir! A Rambler is better than a
whole gymnasium.
Buy Canteens at The Fair.
Home-seekers are dropping into Mor
row county, and find land values verv
Heppner's big 3-story Palace Hotel is
a credit to the Northwest, and is con
ducted under the personal supervision
of its owner, Senator J. W. Morrow, at
prices within the reach of all.
Do you read? Buy your book of Beal
& Co.
Babbitt metal for packing for sale at
Gazette office, 10 cents a pound.
Yes, Heppner is going to celebrate
the Glorious Fourth. Be sure to come.
Strawberries from Hood river, riizht
fresh off the vines, at Heppner Candv
Bishop's is the place to find fresh
country hams.
A nice line of Key West clears at
Matlock & Hart's.
The new candy maker Knows his bus
Now is the time to have your lace
curtains, blankets and quilts cleaned,
and the place to get the work done is
at Fred Krug's Heppner Steam Laun
dry. He guarantees to make them
look as good as new, and at very reason
able charges. All kinds of laundering
done promptly and cheaply. No need
of sendiDg any such work out of town.
"Yes, indded, I sleep well now. No
more nightmares lor me, said .las.
Ritter yesterday as he happily beamed
on people he met. Then he went on to
say: 1 tie cause ot my resting easy
and whistling as I go is that I have just
bad my lifeinsuied by L. W. Briggs, and
now if I die my wife and little ones are
sure of money enough to carry them
along for years "
Story of a Slav.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by tbe chains of disease is tbe worst form
of slavery. George D. Williams, of Man
chester, Miob., tells bow snob a slave was
made free. He says: "My wife has been
so helpless for five years that she oould
not turn over in bed aloce- After osing
two bottles of Eleotrio Bitters, she is
wonderfully improved and able to do her
own wore.' Ibis supreme remedy for
female diseases quickly ourts nervous
ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, head
ache, bBckaobe, fainting and dizzy spells.
Tb's miraole working medioine is a god
send to weak, sickly, ran down people.
Every bottle guaranteed. (July 50 ots.
Sold by Conser & Warren Drug Co.
The Heppner School District invites
bids for 75 cords of four-foot fir or pine
wood to be delivered at the Heppner
school Louse on or before Oct. 1, 1900.
Bids will be opened July 2d.
Bv older of the Board of Directors.
J. J. Roberts, Clerk.
All persons are hereby warned against
trespassing upon my residence property
or taking roses as has been done.
If you are hunting a home in town or
country, call on J. W. Redington, at the
Heppner Gazette office. He can t you
out. One of his best bargains is the Red
ington Ranch, 5 miles south of Hepp
ner, on county road, and has running
water. 324 acres, only $5 an acre now.
Almost all of it is good, rich, cultivable
land, and it is ready for the plow. No
tree-chopping, no grubbing of stumps.
The small part of the place that is not
good plow land is always covered with
a good natural growth of bunchgrass.
A Bpralurd Aakl Qa'ekly Cnrti
"At one time I suffered from a severe
sprsin of tbe ankle," ssys Geo. E. Ca'y,
editor of tbe Gcide, Washington, V.
"After nsing several well reoorrmended
medicines witbnnt saeces,! trif dCtmm-
berlsio'l Pain Balm, ami am pleased to
av that relief same as soon as I begun
it ass sod oomplfete cars speedily fol
loweiir Sold, by Oeofer Wor'eQ.
Postmaster Vaughn wants owners tor
letters addressed as follows:
Allen and Gentry
Blanchard, Roy
Brown, William
Burnside, Leonard
Bover, Hyle
Bennett, O L
Ball, W F
Beime, Francis
Conner, John
Calloway, James
Couch, William
Carter, J P
Curran, Joseph
Dexon, Thomas
Dickens, J T
Dickens, John
Day, J M
Duncan, J H
Fox, William
Friend, Elias
Hamilton, I F
Hendiickson, Stephen
Houseman, John
Heinz, Leonard
Hunter, E J
Homeslead, Chas
Jones, F A
Jacob, H D
Knoblock, Adam
Kenler, W J
Kimball, Alvin (2)
Kimball, A E
Mayars, Mrs W
Mullins, C II
Mason, Robert
Miller, Amanda
Myers, Willard M
McPhereon, Doc
Mooney, John
Ma-shall, Mike
Neil, W I) (3)
Newal, S W
Owens, Bertha
Oleonner, Mrs Martha
Parker, Frank
Potter, William
Paul, Edd (3) -Smith,
Sweek, L
Shorn, Laura
Stuart, W A
Scarlett, J W
Scarlett, James
Ward, Charlie D
Yaw, O M
Ask for "advertised."
G W Chapin, Hardman
Geo Gray, city
F I) Simmons, Portland
J G Kid well, W W
Geo Tatom, Coodon
Win llatley, Pendleton
O Kinersley, Portland
A Angerman "
A J Leland
John Motter, Baltimore
J W Ambrose, Ritter
C Johnson, John Day
E Hendrix, lone
J B Clark, Rock Springs
The Heppner team will go to Arling
ton on June 22d and play the team
there, on which occasion there will also
be a firemen's parade and picnic.
Mrs. Dr. Frank, the eye syecialist,
offers her professional services to the
people of Morrow and adjoining coun
ties, and will arrive at the Palace hotel,
Heppner, this evening, where she will
remaio for one week,
Dr. Frank comes highly recommended
by those who have been benefited by
ber skill.
Anyone wanting pasturage for a bunch
of cattle, horses or sheep, call on J. W.
Redington, at Gaz-ot office, Heppner.
If you need a Mower, look at the
Milwaukee Chain Mower at Bishop's.
The best p'aoe on earth to camp is
among the beautiful Blue mountains,
south from Heppner. If you intend go
ing there this summer, drop a line to
S. W. Florean, Heppner, and arrange
with him to haul out yourself and bag
gage, lie owns a rancn out there, and
has good teams, and knows every foot
ot the mountains.
Fresh vegetables on hand at Bishop's
all the time.
On the ranch or in the mining camp
dried fruits are always needed. The
best are at Matlock & Hart's.
The large corner property east of J.
M. Hager's store and opposite the resi
dence of C. A. Rhea, is now offered at
the low price of $850. Apply at Gazet
When you come to Heppner, put up
your team at the Red Front Livery Sta
ble on Main St., opposite the brewery.
They will receive the bestot care. Bug
gies, teams and saddle horses for hire
at reasonable rates. Hay and gra n
bought and sold.
Binns Bboh.
Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection
with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken
charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port
land. The reputation of these gentle
men insures the success of the enter
prise. The diningroom is excellently
managed and is unsurpassed.
Heppner is going to have one of the
grandest celebrations in her whole history.
The news of both
Weekly Oregonlan.
hemispheres In The
Heppnor, Or.
The Place to
Save Money
Department Store.
urricane Specials for June!
These Goods
f A Scoop in
Fruit Jars& J
Glassware55- Jf
Shipment of.
Just Arrived.
. f i.
Also extra Caps, either aluminum or porcelain lined, and extra Rubbers.
It is not expensive to can fruit with such LOW PRICES as we make you.
Crash Suits for men, and
Summer Coats and Vests
A well-made Crash Suit, light
Better one, heavier, welt seams
Black alpaca Coat
Cotton Marsielles, coat only
Blue serge, Coat and Vest, very
fine, welt seams
Straw rjats and Crash Hats
Men's Harvest Hats in Straw, Wide
Brim, square crown
or fedora shape, from
Men's cork ventilated Harvest Hats,,
in cloth, wide brim and tycoon shape
4.95 I aAlu
Men's Shirts for harvest work, 25c, 280,490,630
The Fair
Money returned if Goods
are not Satisfatory.
The Fair
Heppner, Oregon.
1? Are You Wanting a
I Three BuTTonfi
Cutaway burr PI
Before ordering
why not come in
ana look over our
stock of men's cloth
ing. We believe we
can save you money.
You can get style,
fit and finish, and
we will guarantee
the quality. We
have men's clothing
from the best man
ufacturers such as
Kuh, Nathan, Fish
er and Copps Cloth
ing Co., ranging in
price from $8 to $18
Whatever you do
Don't allow any
traveling man to
take your measure
and make you pay
a deposit, we take
measures and guar
antee a perfect fit.
we don't ask for a
deposit, nor do we
expect you to take
them when they
come if they do not
give entire satisfac
tion. Let us order
voilr Riirini; suit tliin year.
Come and look over 1500
nam pies of clothinjr. We
can suit any tante. la two
wek your mit will bebre
for you. We are agenta for
the Koyal Tailors and have
had Hlendid micceas fur
niHhinx our ciifttomerg with
line flump, finely tailored
vlothlnK. It won't coat yon
anything to give un a trial,
and we are confident that
when we once gft a Koyal
Tailor' unit on yon, you
will want no other.
t 1
& CO.
For Infant! and Children.
Tho Kind Ynn Havn Alwm Rnnirhf
Bears the ylfM? . VrUCS SUFC t0 dubJe UP NeV
Come to Morrow County for low-priced
ids. Values are sure to double up. Ni
er again will land sell so low as it does now.
S. P. Garrigues,
IVIrilix Street,
Just Received, a Carload of
McCormick Mowers,
Hodge Headers, Horse Hakes,
and all kinds of
Harvesting Machinery.
Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons
presh Meats
I Salt and Smoked Meats
f, A Pure Rendered Leaf Lard
Fish every Friday.
Liberty Market
Highest price paid for fat Stock.
tia & Mathews,
Heppner, Oregon. Proprietors.
Our Famous Stock Saddles Stand the Racket
Horse and Mule Millinery
ls Now On,
Wehvefull Uv'kf Hrn, Hnldlwi, Brldlr,- In fiu t, evurythlnic In tint wny nf Horse
Furniture, and our prloere an low as inch reliable kI chii b ,M (or nywtre. We tiava
TenU for campliiK, and llg Umbrella to ihade wngon mat.
Main Street
Grocery btore.