The Heppner Gazette Thursday, May 81, 1900 TKAVELEU'tJ GUIDE. DISTANCES. Heppner to ' Mile, Portland jm Pendleton by wagon road 60 Lexington " 9 lone 15 Heppner Junction on Columbia River 45 Arlington s The Dalles .' fa Canyon Gity "" 104 Cabin Canyon 16; with mud '..i 18 Train leave daily except Sunday for all points at 7:45 a.m. Train arrives daily except Sunday from all over the world at 5:30 p. m. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek and Canyon City leaves daily except Sunday at 6 :30 a. m. ; distance to Canyon 104 ; time 24 hours. Mails close for trains at 7 a. m. Business hours of the First National Bank of Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Heppner Raises Wool to Warm the World. Last year it shipped away 3,245,750 pounds, and Morrow County shipped 200,000 bushels of wheat. Morrow County's climate is moBt ex cellent, and you can buy farms and ranches here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or in all Oregon. Population 6000. Heppner has 1200 population, good school, city water, electric lights and $35,000 brick hotel the Palace. Portland is located 197 miles from Heppner. Chicago some further. Ho! ye voting men of Morrow I Whistle up a lively tune. For the candidate, I'm free to state, Will be with us 'tillJune. He's onto his job, he is begob, Like the Oregon Volunteer. But he'll get our votes, if he wet our throats With Milwaukee Lager Beer. Sold only at Belvedere saloon. Frank Roberts, Prop. I-Jere and Tf)ere Al Roberts, deputy U. S. Marshal, visited Heppner this week. Hugh Fields finished shearing Tues day and started his sheep to the moun tains. There will be a marriage ceremony performed at the Catholic church next Sunday. Smith Burch and bride were down Tuesday from their home near the tim ber's edge. Come to Heppner Tuesday and bring the women and children, and enjoy the circus. - . Frank Roberts is over from Lawton this week. The household of J. B. Beal had the pleasure Sunday morning of welcoming a little baby boy. Mrs. Eugene Noble -and Mrs. J. W. Matlock are visiting relatives in the Willamette valley. Wm. Hnglies, Jr., returned home Tuesday, having finished his term at the State University. For the fruit that you are going to put up, now leave your orders at Matlock & Hart's. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is enjoying a visit from her daughter and family, Mrs. Crosby of Pendle'on. The man who wants a new saddle or harness can find it at the store of Nob'e & Co. Tat Quaid was down from his ranch yestenlay, and says that grass and grain were never better. If yon want to buy some -very low prictj ranches, see George Wells, at Conser & Warren's drug store. I. N. Hughes, formerly a Heppner merchant, was here this week in the interest of a wholesale house. j Neat and new everything is at the tonsorial parlors if J. E. Sharp, and hot and cold baths are always ready. The many friends of Assessor J. F. Willis are glad to Bee him around again after his recent spell of sickness P. O. Borg, the leading jeweler, al ways enterprising, is having a new roof put on his bin: business building;. Sheriff Andrews and Marshal Thorn ton returned home Monday after safely landing the housebreaker in the pen. Excellent music, and a grand good time assured to those visiting the Teal or Lehman Hot Springs this summer. Several Heppner men went to lone Monday to hear the speech of Gen. J. B. Weaver, returning home after midnight. The new town of Spray is pushing right to the front, and the Spray Mer cantile Co. is doing a business of $100 a day. Buy your camp stoves at The Fair. Price no object come and get them-reither two or four-hole size. At bis home rineh up Balm fork D. A. Herren is improving the little lake in bis front yard and will stock it with trout. It is generally admitted that the Re publican ticket is a good, clean ticket and deserving of the support of the people. Everything in the grocery line adapt ed to city trade is kept at Matlock & Hart's, including pickles in bulk, sweet and sour. Henry Gay is improving his irrigating system on Rhea creek, and arranging to harvest the best hay crop ever harvest ed there. The wonderful Medicinal waters of the Teal or Lehman Hot Springs, are a remedy for Rheumatism. Spend your summer there, No need of sending away for a back, buggy, carriage or farming implement. Take a look through the big new stock of S. P. Garrigues. Now is the time to begin work on your lawns. Garden hose atd patent sprinklers at Bishop's. Heavy horses are again a fair price in Heppner. Several spans of draft animals have been sold here this spring at from $130 to $250. This year's cutting of alfalfa and rye bay reached Heppner this week and is of superb quality, and three weeks ahead of last season. ' Ili' Teal or Lehman Hot Springs. Best Health and pleasure resort in Eas tern Oregon. No Saloons. New Man agement, (iooi Motel, Maals ccpts, yroccry fcltqre, Hecpner's ejgter cjty of HamJHQn has -,,1.1 it. tifKtO school district 6 per cent bonds at a premium ftf tVi. wt J )!( I hii!!d a now r-ioolhO"Sfl. " 1 LOCAL NOTES. Coming crops show every symptom of being the biggest and best ever har vested in the whole history of the eter nal Henry Heppner Hills. Ralph Bishop is now riding one of the best saddle horses in the country, and a good horse and good rider always make an animated picture. Miss Alice Leatherman, of Hollister, Cal., is visiting Mis. George Wells, and will enjoy the summer in Morrow county among old-time friends. Paul Flannagan has been enjoying life in Heppner the past week. He is the author of the pretty poem "Sweet Merino," and versifies very well. Between Skookum and Ditch creeks, 30 miles southeast of Heppner, there are now 250 Indians camped and having a big time horse-racing and gambling. Go to Matlock & Hart's for your vege tables, fruits, etc., always fresh. T. R. Howard's store has everything in the grocery line needed by city trade. The vegetables raised in Judge Bar tholomew's garden can't be beat. Leave orders for them at Matlock & Hart's. They are sole agerts. D. B. Stalter returned last night from a month's prospecting trip through the Blue mountains, where he found some mineral that will be well worth follow ing up later on. Wm. Spencer, Otto Summers and Henry Cannon returned Monday from a hor8-hunting trip across the Columbia, bringing back 100 head belonging to Hugh Fields and others. For the best time you ever had in your life, take a trip to" the Teal or Leh man Hot Springs. Bathing, Dancing, Musical Shooting Galleiy and other amusements. Yes Sir! A Rambler is better than a whole gymnasium. Morrow cuunty has an excellent cli mate, and thousands of acres of low priced lands, and within a year after it is discovered by homeseekers it is safe to say without stuttering that its popu lation will double. Home-seekers are dropping into Mor row county, and find land values very reasonable. An idea of the big trade Heppner merchants do with the surrounding country may be had by seeing the string of wagons loading up at the big store of Minor & Co. Heppner's big 3-story Palace Hotel is a credit to the Northwest, and is con ducted tinder the personal supervision of its o'wner, Senator J. W. Morrow, at prices within the reach of all. Another big shipment Ladies' shirt waists just arrived at The Fair. Larger assortmeut than be fore. Do you read? Buy your book of Beal & Co. Fresh strawberries at Matlock & Hart's. Babbitt metal for packing for sale at Gazette office, 10 cents a pound. Yes, Heppner is going to celebrate the Glorious Fourth. Be sure to come. Strawberries from Hood river, right fresh off the vines, at Heppner Candv Factory. If you -have any doubts about the ex cellent quality of the beef and mutton produced in the Heppner Hills, take a look at the choice cuts on the block at Bock & Mathews' market. The day is not distant when every inch of land will he deeded aud doubled up in price. If yon want to buy a good 324-acre place at So an acre, call on J. W. Kedington, Gazette othce. R. J. Slater, people's party nominee for district judge, was here yesterday. He is a son of the late Senator S'ater, the pioneer of LaGrande, who repre sented Oregon in the U. S. senate. Bishop's is the place to find fresh country hams. A nice line of Key West cigars at Matlock & Hart's. Twenty different temperance drinks at Candy Factory. Wanted to rent a furnished house. If you have one, send word to Gazette office. Lost From the Gazet office, a large sheet of sticky fly paper. When laet seen it was heading toward the moun tains at a mile a minute. One of Bill Penland'a sheep dogs had eat down on it. Surveyor J. J. McGee returned Mon day from a trip through the southwest ern part of Morrow county and adjacent parts of Gilliam, and says that never before did he see such good grass and bountiful crops. Those Children's light-weight Jackets and those pretty trimmed Hats, at The Fair are going fast. Don't fail to supply your needs in thia line while they last New goods have just arrived at Mrs. L. J. Elites', consisting of bats, trim mings, shirt waists, summer dress skirts, hose, gauze ' vests, summer cor sets, neck wear, . bustles, pompadore rolls, beaded belts in white, steel and black, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Barbed wire is a cruel invention, and the number of Eastern Oregon horses ruined by it would make quite a proces sion. Senator Morrow lost two tfce past wei k j one is dead and the other with a foot nearly sawed off. The new candy maker knows bis bus iness. Big shipments Ladies' Wrappers just arrived at The Fair. The attractive front of Gilliam & Bis bee's store is always neat and tasteful, but the immensity of the stock reaching back from the front is simply surpris ing. It extends clear through the block, and embraces everything in the bard- ware and implement line. Buy a Blue Flame stove at The Fair. The finest thing out. Haves heating up the house, and no more expensive than burning wood. rHeam Laandr. Heppner people will find it advisable and economical to have their washing done b'y the Heppner Steam Laundry, rlipr oiilv reliable white labor is em ployed. Family washing will be done at low prices agreeu on Dy ine weeic. White thirts retiuced to 10 cents. I .i-nrt.-ift tag wurk lu L-ive satisfaction q pUrgsi ur,it;3 work ta satisfactory, FIRST WOOL SALE. The first sale of the 1900 clip occurred in Heppner Tuesday, when George Fell, for Hartford, Cono., parties, bought of R. F. Hynd 50,000 pounds at 12 and 13 cents. This wool is of good, medium quality, raised in the Sand Hollow and lower Butter creek region, and at the price it brought woolgrowers nearer the mountains say that their wool ought to bring 16 cents. Mr. Hynd has baled this woo' to ship east at once. The Heppner warehouses now con tain 1,750,000 pounds of wool, and it is in creasing every day, as every road lead ing to Heppner is lined with teams hauling in wool. Some of it comes 100 mih s by wagon. Both the Henry Heppner and the Mcrrow Co. L. & T. Co's wool presses are running full blast, and have a total capacity of 68,400 pounds per day. The Immense piles of wool here make Heppner look like the wool center of the world. The second sale was made yesterday by Wm. Barrett to Geo. Fell, 25,000 pounds at 12 cents. Boston, May 20. There has been no improvement in the wool market here this week. Prices have been made simply to get immediate necessities. The territory wools meet with slow sale, with prices nominal. Fleece wools are lifeless, about all the demand being for quarter-blood grades. Montana and Dakota, fine medium and fine, 1920c; scoured 65c; staple, 56c C. A. Patterson, the well-known in surance agent, is doing a good business in his line around Pnneville, catching big strings of trout between spells. During the month of leafy June he will vary his vocation by taking the census. He is a good man for the place. The Heppner Gazette is the old relia ble pioneer paper of Morrow County. Although it has had the stomach-ache several times from over-eating, it has never missed an issue during the 18 years it has been running. It is mailed to anv address for $1.50 a year or 50 cents for 3 months. C. S. Emery, C. G. Fuqua and J. H. Wyland were in Monday from Hard man. M. Wyland is well satisfied with his lambing, having secured an in crease of 114 per cent. Mr. Fuqua's wood-saw, near Parker & G'eason's mill, is a great convenience, and furnishes 16-inch fuel at $1.75 a cord. It saves the breaking of many a back. Make your calcula'ions to come to Heppner on the Glorious Fourth. and you will be glad you came. He Fooled the Surgeons. All dootors told Reniok Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 months from rectal fistula, he would die unless a oostly opeartion was performed; but be cured blmselt with five boxes ot Buoklen's Arnica Salve, the sorest pile on re on earth, and the bst salve in the world. 25 oents a box. Sold by Oonser & Warren Drug Co. BIDS FOR WOOD. The Heppner School District invites bids for 75 cords of four-foot fir or pine ood to be delivered at the Heppner school house on or before Oct. 1, 1900. Bills will be opened July 2d. Bv order of the Board of Directors. J. J. Rohkrts, Clerk. CHEAP PASTURE. Anvone wanting pasturage for a bunch of cattle, li'irses or sheep, call on J. W. Redington, at Gazet office, Heppner. MOWERS. If you need a Mower, look at the Milwaukee Chain Mower at Bishop's. MOUNTAIN CAMPING. The best place on earth to camp is among the beautiful Blue mountains, south from Heppner. If you intend go ing there this summer, drop a line to 8. W. Florean, Heppner, and arrange with him to haul out yourself and bag gage, lie owns a ranch out there, and has good teams, and knows every foot ot the mountains. Candy Factory has ice-cream for the wholesale and retail trade. Fresh vegetables on band at Bishop's all the time. On ther'ranch or in the mining camp dried fruits are always needed. The best are at Matlock & Hart's. CHEAP CORNER. The large corner property east of J. M. Hager's store and opposite the resi dence of C. A. Rhea, is now offered at the low price of $850. Apply at Gazet office RED FRONT STABLE. When you come to Heppner, put up your team at the Red Front Livery Sta ble on Main st., opposite the brewery. They will receive the best of care. Bug gies, teams and saddle horses for hire at reasonable rates. Hay and grain bought and sold. UINNS HROS. Miss Florence Newman, wbo but been a great sufferer from mnscnlar rheuma tism, says Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only remedy that affords ber relief. Miss Newman is a mnob respected resi dent of the village of Gray, N. Y., acd mokes this statement for ioh benefit of others similarly afflicted. Tbis liniment is for sale by Coneer tc Warren. Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port land. The reputation of these gentle men insures the success of the enter prise. The diningroom is excellently managed and is unsurpassed. , Heppner is going to have one of the grandest celebrations in ber whole his tory. The news of both hemispheres In The Weekly Oregonian. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, . The Kind You Hate Always Bought Bear tfia S7? Are You Wanting a THE STyLISH Three Buttoia Cutaway Suit HI B$ i 4 Y -1 lis f W 111 WEAR THE FAMOUS! KiU J C LOTH R Heppner Gazet and Oregonian fmST jjATIONAL JANK OF HEPPNER O. A. RHEA T. A. KaiSA President .Vio President Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PAltTS OK THE WORLD BOUGHT AND BOLD Collections made on nil paints on rensonablc terms. Surplus and undivided profits $.'I5,0C0. THE KiVnv WAGON Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the best on earth. Gilliam Have just received one of the largest stocks of Bain Wagons ever l.....l,4. 4 II Call and Prices ore Rlgclt, Qeavy and Hhelf Hardware, Ornniteware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Macks, Etc., Taints and Oils (the best io the world). Crockery and Glassware. Highest price paid for fat Heppner, Oregon. Our Famous Stock Saddles Stand the Racket OUR SPRING OPENING OF- Horse and Mule Millinery 1. ISTow On. We have a full Ux:k ol Harnes", Huddles, BrMlen, in fa:t. everything In the way of Horse Furniture, and our prk-es are an low m such rellnl.1" (foods nn benold for anywl"re. We have Tents for camping, aud biK I'mbrellaa to shade wKii tu atii, Mft'n Hr((: If'f pnr, Oregon, pring Suit? Before ordering why not come in and look over our stock of men's cloth ing. We believe we can save you money. You can get style, fit and finish, and we will guarantee the quality. We have men's clothing from the best man ufacturers such as Kuh, Nathan, Fish er and Copps Cloth ing Co., ranging in price from $8 to $18 Whatever you do Don't allow any traveling man to take your measure and make you pay a deposit, we take measures and guar antee a perfect fit. we don't ask for a deposit, nor do we expect you to take them when they come if they do not give entire satisfac tion. Let us orclar vour spring suit this year. Come and look over 1500 samples of clothing. We can suit any taste. In two weeks your suit will be here for you. We are agents for the Royal Tailors and have had splendid success fur nishing our customers with fine fitting, finely tailored clothing. It won't cost you anything to give us a trial, and we are confident that when we once get a Royal Tailor's suit on you, you will want no other. & CO only $2 a year for both. I . W. CONSER Cashier K. L. FREELAND. .Assistant Cashier Bisbee See them. Fresh Meats Salt and Smoked Meats Pure Rendered Leaf Lard Fish every Friday. Liberty Market Stock. . .Bock & Mathews, Proprietors. I! The Paints, Oils and Glass A full stock. Kodaks Supplies of all kinds. CONSER & Heppner Lumber Co. R. C. Wills and C. C. Patterson Have organized the above Company with headuuarters iust North of The Fair 8tore in Heppner, stocked with all kinds of RotagliL and Dressed ... LUMBER... Doors. Windows, Shinales. Screen Doors and Moulding of And ever thing appertaining to a first-class Lumber Yard. Tbey will after Msroh 1 deliver lumber to any point in the oity limits free of charge. Tho.a r... . . I a ..w -tDrt K.-.w n1 1 1 - .. 1 ...... L I ... iuodv kduiioiiidii bidu uuj nuu bii If you have any property to sell or rent, thir.,. .loo ,n ii,; i; U ..11 iu.ijii did. ,u .1,.,, iiuo Ua ouio ,u uuuBUih to 'phone call No 7. For Spring and Summer Wear M. LICHTENTHAL. a The Pioneer Boot and Blioa Dealer of Heppner, has The Latest Styles of Footwear for Men, Women and Children. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN EVERY PARTICULAR. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty. S. P. Garrigues, Main Street, Just Received, a Carload of McCormick Mowers, Hodge Headers, Horse Hakes, and all kinds of Harvesting Machinery. Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons. Circus Coming. Heppner, June 5th. Tuesday Afternoon and Evening. LE0ND0R BROS. Biir Circus f; c' v i. ,r- vj " wU i Ail I ZT THE FlrtEd 11 NCj Se? PrQfosgor Hunt's 'v. JlifillililllM i'4 K i largest and best selected stock in Morrow county. Jewelry A fine stock to select from. Stationery The very latest. WARREN. Oregon, aud have their yard fully all Kinds. rem mintr, rem uuuses, wrue insurance. put it in their hands, or if you need any- .1 a L mi .. iuoiu UI31. Liwy will rPHpOUQ prompCly sM mm TROUPE: Of- ' IWj5M1WQW 30 Perfuming Dogs, imi. I A ft. r S3 ,