The Heppner Gazette Thtjbsday May 24, 1900 LATEST WAR NEWS. Ho! ye voting men of Morrow I Whlatle up a lively tune. For the candidate, I'm free to itate, Will be with at 'till June. He's onto his Job, he la begob, Like the Oregon Volunteer. But he'll get our votes, If be wet our throats With Milwaukee Lager Beer. Sold ouly at Belvedere saloon. Fkank Robbrtb, Prop. Here and Tl)ere Never did Eastern Oregon have a more favorable growing seanon than the present. John Natter is always enterprising, and has had a new hitching post put up at his corner. How W, R. Ellis. Asa B. Thomson and J udge Fee started Monday on a tour through Umatilla county. The Democratic candidates have can vassed the county and given all the voters a chance to see and hear them. Many thousands of Morrow county sheep have already gone to summer range in the beautiful Blue mountains. Jack McKenzie has ' gone with the Pearson shearing crew to Wallowa. A rush of political printing this week causes a shortage of local news in the Gazet. Mrs. J. A. Patterson has undergone a very severe operation in the hospital in Portland, but is progressing very favorably. -. Sheriff Andrews has his clip of 100 sacks of wool in the warehouse. His sheep are mostly yearlings, and yielded an average of 11 pounds. It is generally admitted that the Re publican ticket is a good, clean ticket and deserving of the support of the people. ' Everything in the grocery line adapt ed to city trade is kept at Matlock & Hart's, including pickles in bulk, sweet and sour. , During the heavy shower Monday evening five saddle horses unhitched themselves and walked out of town, leaving their owners to go home by band. Excellent music, and a grand good time assured to those visiting the Teal or Lehman Hot Springs this summer. If you want to buy some very low pricej ranches, see George Wells, at monger a warren's drug store. George Conser went to Stanford can yon Sunday to see his thousands of little lambs, moBt of whose mothers are wearing milk-fountains as large as Jersey cows. For the fruit that you are going to put up, now leave your orders at Matlock & Hart's. Home-seekers are dropping into Mor row county, and And land values very reasonable. jnow is ttie time to begin work on your lawns. Garden hose and patent sprinklers at Bishop's. Strawberries from Hood river, right iresn on tue vines, at Jieppner Candy factory. - . yuue a village is growing up on Heppner's southern edge, along .Wright canyon, where the fine residences of Mr. Wright and Mr. Bisbee have at tracted others. Don't fail to attend the meetings of the Republican candidates. They are at Douglas this afternoon, at Lower 8 mile this evening, Dry Fork tomorrow afternoon. Monday afternoon at 8-mile Center, evening at Hardman. The day is not distant when every inch of land will be deeded and doubled . up in price. If you want to buy a good 324-acre place at $5 an acre, call on J. W. Redington, Gazette office. Yes, Heppner is going to celebrate the Glorious Fourth. Be sure to come. Do you read ? Buy your book of Beal & Co. Ed. Kellogg was up yesterday from his farm near Echo, where he has big crops of fruit and produce coming on, with loads of peaches. Alfalfa cutting will be general there next week, and some fields are now being cut. Fresh strawberries at Matlock & Hart's. The Heppner Gazette is the old relia ble pioneer paper of Morrow County. Although it has had the stomach-ache several times from over-eating, it has never missed an issue during the 18 years it has been running. It is mailed to any address for (1.50 a year or 50 cents for 3 months. Curtain stretchers to rent for 25 cents per day at Mrs. L. J Estes'. Wm. Penland's 100 head of Webfoot yearling cattle are now feasting on good grass up Balm fork, but they need lots . of it to bring them up to the standard of Morrow county cattle. The shearing of Willard and Daye Herren's sheep was finished Monday, and the yearlings yielded 11 pounds. Ewes 3 to 5 years old gave up 14a pounds of good, clean wool, with strands 6 inches long and strong. Up Balm fork is a beautiful region now, and where formerly were only hit arid miss batch ranches you now see tasteful flower gardens and cheery chil dren at day. Everywhere are oceans of grass, and at Robert Dexter and A. J. Wherry's places there are young orchards full of fruit. The former has 54 acres of upland fall wheat that will be ready to harvest July 1. . It gener ally yields 40 to 50 bushels. The Teal or Lehman Hot Springs. Best Health and pleasure resort in Eas tern Oregon. No Saloons. New Man azement. Good Hotel, Meals 25 cents, Grocery Store. For the best time you ever bad in your life, take a trip to the Teal or Leh man Hot Springs. Bathing, Dancing, Musical Shooting Gallery and other amusements. The wonderful Medicinal waters of the Teal or Lehman Hot Springs, are a remedy for Rheumatism. Spend your summer there, W. H. Pobyns, one of Morrow coun ty's most successful attorneys, was up from lone this week and conducted two divorce cases, and in both of which the decree which be asked for was granted. He also had an attachment case which went over to next term. Mr. Dohyna formerly practiced very snccessfu'ly iu Clackamas, Multnomah and Gilliam counties. Buy your camp stoves at -The Fair. Price na object come and get them either two or four-hole size, London, May 23. The Trans, vaal governmeDt has informed the correspondent at Pretoria that it has not considered and does not intend to- coasider unconditional surrender, but w ill fight to a finish. The foreign colbuU have been in formed that Johannesburg will be defended, and the government an nounces that it will not hold itself responsible for injury to property resulting from the defense meas urea, Pretoria dispatches aftirm that President Kruger, President Steyn and all the most prominent leaders of both republics, after a prolonged interchange of views. are determined to continue the re sistance, but that a majority of the leaders advocate surrender with, out terms. Johannesburg and Pretoria are being cleared of noncombatants, The Boer chiefs, who now recog- nize the possibility that they wil I l la . . . nave to oerena these cities, are preparing with the utmost haste mi i- . . . xne uoer spirit nas oeen rising from a low ebb, abd is now ready tor a Bteadrast resistance. Rumors of Peace. - Long messages in Dutch have been received by the British gov ernment by way of Amsterdam, in winch President Kruger se peace. According fo one account, Kruger surrenders uncondition ally; according to another, he asks tor terms. 1 here seems to be good i. . .. . . . reason ior Denevmg tnat he is earnestly endeavoring to secure peace terms, but cable inquiries fail to confirm . the assertions that correspondence has recently passed Detween Ureal Britain and the Transvaal respecting terms. The advance of Lord Roberts will probably be swift. It is the expectation of well-informed oh servers here that the Vaal river, 85 miles beyond Aroonstad, will be crossed by the end of the week. The Boer, iu their retreat, laid waste the territory, blew np bridges ana burned several houses, as many as six in .Newcastle. The machinery of the navigation colliers was ruined. A Pretoria dispatch savs that Kruger denies having asked for peace. DEMOCRATIC MEETING. Gen. J. B. Weaver, of Iowa, will address the people of lone and vioinity Monday evening May 28th, at 7:30 P. M. on the Political Issues of the Day. By Order State Central Committee, REGISTERED VOTERS. The number of voters registered to date in the different precincts of Morrow countj foots np 1309, as follows: Heppner... .....291 Mount Vernon 140 Gentry . . 95 lone .185 Cecil 42 Lexington 94 Dairy .. .149 Pine City 32 Dry Fork 51 Kight Mile 71 Matteson 47 Wells Springs 17 Alpine 32 Lena 63 Total ,1309 HIGH SCHOOL. Park Garrigues' ocera house was well filled with a well-pleased audience on Friday evening, when occurred the grad uating exercises of the Heppner High School. A very pleasiDg program, both musical and literary, was rendered, the singing by Miss Emma Welch being particularly sweet. The opera house was tastefully decorated, and Director Hager presented diplomas to the four graduates, O. A. Jones, M. T. Hughes and Misses Ida Howard and E, L. Lee zer, each of whom delivered an oration, two of which appear in this paper; other two will follow next week. The graduates made appropriate pres ents to their teachers, Prof Sibray and Miss Balsiger. A banquet Saturday evening was fol lowed by the organization of an Alumni Association, with J. Vv. Shi pie v d resi dent and Osman Hager secreta ry . LOCAL NOTES. Go to Matlock & Hart's for your vege tables, fruits, etc., always fresh. T. R. Howard's store has everything in the grocery line needed by city trade. The vegetables raised in J udtre Bar tbolomew's garden can't be beat. Leave orders for them at Matlock & Hart's. They are sole agents. Yes Sir! A Rambler is better than a whole gymnasium. Morrow county has an excellent cli mate, and thousands of aires of low- priced lands, and within a year after it1 is discovered by homeseekers it is safe to say without stuttering that its popu lation will double. Heppner's big 3-story Palace Hotel is a credit to the Northwest, and is con ducted under the personal supervision of its ovner, Senator J. VV. Morrow, at prices within the reach of all. Another big shipment Ladies' shirt waists just arrived at The Fair. Larger assortment than before. Bishop's is the place to find fresh country bams. A nice line of Key West cigars at Matlock A Hart's. Twenty different temperance drinks at Candy Factory. Wanted to rent a furnished house. If you have one, send word to Gazette office. Those Children's light-weight Jackets and those pretty trimmed Hats, at The Fair are going fast. Don't fail to supply your needs in this line while they last New goods have just arrived at Mrs. L. J. Estes', consisting of hats, trim mings, shirt waists, summer dress skirU. hone, gauze vests, summer cor sets, neck wear, bustles, pompadore rolls, beaded belts in white, steel and b'ack, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Bay a Blue Flame stove at The Fair. The finest thing out. Saves beating up the house, and no more expensive than burning wood. -The new candy maker Knows his bus iness. Big shipments Ladies' Wrappers just arrived at The Fair. Hon. Phil MeUchan, in connection with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port land. The reputation of these gentle men insures the success of the enter prise. The diningroom is excellently I managed and is unsurpassed. WOOL. The -e is now in the Heppner ware houses million pounds of this year's wool, ho sales as yet, but Wm. Pen land has consigned his clip of 120,000 pounds to Koshland & Co., of Boston, and Mr. Hynd is now baling it at his company's warehouse. ' A WARNING. Circuit court cleaned up its business in two days this week. Afphis Cofer re ceived a year's term In the penitentiary for entering John Edward's sheep-camp cabin and stealing a few things. Sher iff Andrews and Marshal Thornton took him to Salem Tuesday. His case is a warning to others not to rob sheep camps merefy because they are isolated. ENUMERATORS. The taking of the census will begin June 1 and end on June 20. Morrow county has been divided into five enum- erative districts, and enumerators have been appointed as follows: No. 32 Gentry (including Heppner town, part of), and Heppner precinct (including Heppner town, part of) and Mt. Vernon precinct (including Hepp ner town, part of). L. P. Jones, of Heppner, enumerator. No. 29 Alpine, Lena and Pine City precincts, S. I. Stratton, of lone, enum erator. No. 30-Cecil, Dry Fork or Goose berry, and lone (including lone town) precincts, M. S. Maxwell, of lone, enumerator. No. 32 Lexington and Wells Springs precinct, Chas. Johnson, of Lexington, enumerator. No. 31 Eight Mile, Matteson and Dairy or Hardman precincts, Heppner Blackman, of Heppner, enumerator. Red Hot From The Gun Was the ball that bit G. B. Bleadman of Newark, Mioh , in the Civil War. It caused bornble Ulcers that no treat ment helped for 20 years. Then Back len's Arnica Salve cured him. Cnres Outs, Braises. Barns. Boils. Felons. Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile oare on earth. 25 cts. a box. Cure guaran teed. Sold by Cooser & Warren Drug Oo. -MEMORIAL DAY. On Sunday, May 27th at the M. E. church at 11 o'clock a. m., Rev. Nickel sen will preach a memorial sermon in accordance with the customs of the Grand Army of the Republic. Every old soldier in the countv is earnestly requested to be present and a cordial invitation is extended to all to come and join with them in this service. MOWERS. If you need a Mower, look at the Milwaukee Chain Mower at Bishop's. PEOPLE WANTED. The new town of Spray, on the John Day , is making a fight for the county seat of Wheeler county, and advertises for people to come and locate there. It s well situated, and people seeking locations should investigate its meritf. Steam Laundry. Heppner people will find it advisable and economical to have their washing done by the Heppner Steam Laundry, where only reliable white labor is em ployed. Family washing will be done at low prices agreed on by the week. White skirts reduced to 10 cents. I gnarantee my work to give satisfaction. Mo charges unless work is satisfactory. iiespectiuny, JfKKDKnuo. Candy Factory has ice-cream for the wholesale and retail trade. Fresh vegetables on hand at BishonV all the time. On the ranch or in the mining dried fruits are alwavs needed, best are at Matlock & Hart's. camp The CHEAP CORNER. The large corner property east of J. M. Hager 's store and opposite the resi dence of C. A. Rhea, is now offered at the low price of $850. Apply at Gazet office. ' RED FRONT STABLE. When you come to Heppner, pot up your team at the Red Front Livery Sta ble on Main st., opposite the brewery. They will receive the bestot care. Bug gies, teams and saddle horses for hire at reasonable rates. Hay and (train bought and sold. IiiNNa Bkos. WHIM UUUU U UJUUJUUU I The Republican Candidates will hold Political . Meetings in Morrow County as follows: Douglas Thursday, May 24, at 1 P. M. . Lower Eight Mile Thursday, May 24, at 7 P. M. Dry Fork Friday, May 25, at 1 P. M. Eight Mile Center, Monday, May 28, at 1:30 P. M. Hardman, Monday, May 28, at 7:30 P. M. v Lexington, Tuesday, May 29, at 2 P. M. lone, Wednesday, May 30, at 1:30 P. M. Heppner, Wednesday, May 30, at 7:30 P. M. ; Lena, Thursday, May 31, at 1 P. M. Pine City, Thursday, May 31, at 7 P. M, HON. S. M. YORAN, of Eugene, - ..i' Will Accompany the Candidates and Address the People on Political Issues. Everyone is Invited to Attend these Meetings. S. P Garrigues, IVXnin Street, Heppner. Miss Florence Newmao, wbo has been a great sufferer from motoalar rheuma tism, says Chamberlain's Fain Balm i the only remedy that affords ber relief Miss Newmao is a mnob recpectod resi dent of the village of Gray, N Y.. atd makes tbis stiemot for the benefit of others similarly sfflicterl. Tbis liniment is for sale by Conner k Warrsa. CHEAP PASTURE. Anvone wanting pasturage for a bunch of cattle, horses or sheep, call on i. W. Kedington, at uazet oraca, Heppner. CASTOR IA For Infanti and Children. !he Kind Yon Hare Always Bought Bears the 6'ffaature Spa Just Received, a Carload of McCormiek; Mowers, Hodge Headers Horse Bakes, and all kinds of Harvesting Machinery. Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons. w. KrAut6 Katrs. On the occasion of the A. ).' IT grand lodtfe and decree of honor af Sa lem, July 17lit, the O. It. & X. will make a 1 and l-5th rate on the certifi cate plan. Masonic Grand Bodies of Oregon in annual upsmons, Portland June 11-1. Certificate plan. -" ' A rate of ohe fare' for' tfiei' round trip will be given on the i:eMifi ate plan to those who attend the annual encamp ment of the G. A. 11., Women's Kelief Corps and Hone of Veterans, at La Grande, June 19 to 25. Certificates to be sinned by H. V. Gates, secretary, and are to be isnueil 6nly on any of the three davs prior to opening day of the encampments, including the latter. Sheep-ranch outfits, stock salt, hats and furnishing itoods, pipes, tobacco, can'ly and nut all these are sold at T. It. Howard's store. Heppner is going to have one of the grandest celebrations in her who'e his tory. Make your calculaiiotis to come to Heppner on the Glorious Fourth, and you will be glad you came. Paints, Oils The largest and best selected stock in Morrow county. Jewelry and Glass A full stock. A fine stock to select from. Kodaks Supplies of all kinds. J Stationery The very latest. CONSER & WARREN. For Spring and Summer Wear M. LICHTENTHAL, If von are hunting a home iu town or country, call on J. W. Kedington, at the Heppner Gazette ofliee. He cao lit yon out. One of his best bargains Is the Ked ington Hunch, r miles smith o( Depp npr, on county road, and Unn running wtiU-r. :ii!4 arrt-M, only ' an acre now. Almost all of it in good, rich, cultivable land, and it is rp.nly for the plow. No tree-cliuppiiig, no grubbing of Mumps. The small part of the place that is not good plow land is always covered with good natural growth of hunchgra's. Ths Pioneer Boot and Shoe Dealer of Huppuer, has The Latest Styles of Footwear for Men, Women and Children. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN EVERY PARTICULAR. Repairing a Speoialty. Old Stand, Main Street. feA .--4 The Running Stallion SCHNITZ Will make the teaaon of l'JOOat Blnns' Stable, Heppner, on Saturdays and Sundaya; at the ranch lu McDonald canyon the balanced the ween. Good paiture free to marca. Hehnita la a eurntnnt aorrel, IWo ponnda, foalait lHW HoroiiicHorafamlly of race-win-nere. Sir Paniqua, dam Ilia. Mil run raoord Teriu-.5(ori-goii, payable H at time of ervlco, balance at end of eeaaon. Dee JMailock.