Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 24, 1900, Image 2

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    The Heppner Gazette
Thubsdat, .......... May 24, 1900
Vote for Mat Lichtenthal for
county treasurer, and thus re-elect
a competent man.
Republican Ticket.
For Presidential Electors,
0. F. PAXTON, of Multnomah County,
TILMON FORD, of Marion County,
J. C. FULLERTON, of Douglas
County, W. J. FURNISH, of Uma
tilla County.
For Congressman, Second District,
Of Tbe Dalles.
For Supreme Judge,
Of Linn County.
For Dairy and Food Commissioner,
Of Multnomah County.
For Circuit Judge, 6th District,
Of Morrow County.
For Prosecuting Attorney, 6th District,
J. A. FEE.
Of Umatilla County.
For Joint Representative, Umatilla and
Morrow Counties,
Of Umatilla County.
The Milton Eagle Bays:
The Eagle Dotes with ' pleasure
that its old friend, Judge A. G.
Bartholomew, of Heppner, is again
a candidate for county judge of
Morrow county on the republican
ticket. The Eagle editor was in
timately acquainted with tbe judge
when bo was a plain citizen of
Milton, and in justice to him we
desire to bear testimony to his
worth as a citizen and man. With
such a man as Judge Bartholomew
at the bead of affairs in Morrow
county her finances can hardly go
wrong, and we would earnestly ad
vise our neighbors to re-elect him
by all means.
Although Henry Gay is a can
didate for sheriff on the prohibi
tion ticket, he does not want any
man to waste a vote on him, and
will himself vote for Mr. Becket,
whom he highly recommends as a
competent man and good neighbor.
Ed Cox as county commissioner will
work at ail times for the best interests
of the whole county.
Mat Lichtenthal has proven liimseZf a
most competent county treasurer, and
should be re-elected. He has always
given the county a good name by
promptly paying up state taxes, and he
is one of Heppner's old reliable pioneer
merchants. Vote for Mat. He came
here 21 years ago, and has always been
a hard-working citizen and tax-payer,
and has earned the respect of all.
For County Judge:
Of Heppner Precinct.
For Sheriff: ,
Of Eight Mile Precinct.
For Clerk :
Of Mt. Vernon Precinct.
For Treasurer:
Of Heppner Precinct.
For Assessor :
Of Gentry Precinct.
For School Superintendent :
Of Mt. Vernon Precinct.
For Commissioner:
Of Dairy Precinct.
For Coroner: .
Of Heppner Precinct.
For Surveyor:
Of Dairy Precinct.
Four years ago. many Democrats
voted tbe Republican ticket and
played a very important part in
electing a Republican administra
tion. They thought that if they
did so it would restore confidence
and cause a return of prosperity.
Their calculations were correct,
and they have had no cause to re
gret their political action.
rrosperity returned, and it was
warmly welcomed by people who
bad felt the sting of adversity.
Continue to vote for prosperity
and the Republican ticket.
The Heppner School District invites
bids for 75 cords of four-foot fir or pine
wood to be delivered at the Heppner
school Louse on or before Oct. 1, 1900.
Bids will-be opened July 2d.
Bv order of the Board of Directors.
J. J. Roberts, Clerk.
Is offered for the return to me at
Heppner of 2 work-horses described as
follows: One bay, brand not known, on
left stifle ; one dapple-gray branded k on
left shoulder, cut on right front foot;
weight about 1350. Last seen in Sal
ing's pasture, bead of Sand Hollow.
A.L. Ayebs.
Tlie New Town of
Wants People to Come and Locate in it.
There are good openings for Furniture and
Drug Stores, a Physician, and several other
lines of business. If you are hunting a loca
tion, come to Spray.
Spray is well located on the John Day
River, 47 miles from Heppner, and has a
new $1000 public hall, $1500 hotel, telephone
line, general store, feed barn, saloon, black
smith shop, and several dwellings going up.
Teople who live in Wheeler
county, at and around the new
town of Spray, are being neglected
in the matter of mails. They need
a post office there, and ought to
have one right away. The postal
department does not seem to re
alize how fast the great interior
of Eastern Oregon, is being settled
up and populates, and it snould
wake np to the fact right away.
This great region is making
much more rapid strides in the
path of progress than is Western
Oregon, and its eiiternrieine. Dush-
ine DeoDle should be afforded every
facility to keep in toucn witn tne
outside world.
Mails to and from the great John
Day country are altogether too
slow, and nhould be expedited.
Mails to lieDDner only come b
times a week where they ought to
come 7.
Let the rxmt office deoartment
revise its schedules and pot push
ing places on its list to be expedited.
A rant amount of favorable
comment has been made upon the
splendid financial condition of
Morrow county. This pomes not
alone from her citizens, but from
the press in vanouB portions
tne state wno nave given us some
very flattering notices on our good
Four years ago when the pres
ent management of our county af
fairs took possession of their re
spective oflices, our county was be
tween tbirty-five and forty thou
sand dollars in debt, Taxes were
uncollected in some instances for
seven years. Every dollar of in
debtedness that was paid called for
twenty-five cents additional for in
terest and county warrants and
clerk's certificates were selling at
from 80 to 95 conts on the dollar.
At the prewent time warrants,
although drawing only 6 per cent
as against 8 per cent at that time,
worth their face in gold, and
eagerly sought for by careful in
vestors. Not one cent of the de
linquent tax stands against s foot
of real estate in the county, and
the 1899 tax roll shows sufficient
good taxes to pay every dollar our
county owes end if collected at the
present time wonld pay ub out of
debt and luwe money In the treas
ury. Whut better showing could be
Of the raemlers constituting the
Hoard of County Commissioners
J. L. Howard holds over for two
years. J. W. Beckett is the repub
lican candidate for sheriff.
We bejieye the voters should
make no change in the County
Judge's oflice, and that Mr. Becket
hhould be elected sheriff for he has
proved a valuable officer for the
past 4 years, and will make an effi
cient sheriff.
Malcolm Moody, our represents
ive in congress from this district:
is one among the few men on the
floor of the national legislature
whose presence is felt by his col
eagues. He is active and ener.
getic and never loses sight of the
act that he iB occupying his pres-j
ent position as a servant to the
people of Oregon. Mr. Moody is
an Eastern Oregon man and will
further the interests of this partic
ular portion of the state to the
best of his ability. The voters of
this congressional district should
see that he is returned, and thus
show their appreciation of a man
who performs his whole duty re
gardless of what others may think
or say.
One of the best and brightest
papers of Umatilla county is the
Milton Eagle. Its last issue con.
tained the following:
Persons looking for a man com
petent to ably administer justice
from the bench in this district
should vote for W. II. Ellis, of
Heppner. Mr. Ellis is one of
the most learned attorneys in the
state and is fully qualified in every
way to discharge the difficult du
ties of the position he seeks to ac
quire. If the people of the sixth
district elect him circuit judge they
will never regret their action.
When you enter the booth to
vote on election day don't forget
the name of Asa B. Thomson, nom
inee for joint representative from
Morrow and Umatilla counties on
the republican ticket. Those who
know Mr. Thomson say he is
prince of good fellows and a very
able man besides, acd he should
be elected by all means.
The Eagle is not a republican
organ in the sense that it believes
all acts of the party above criticism,
bat its principal tenets are correct
and calculated to inspire confidence
abroad in our integrity as a nation
when that party is in power. Bry
anism is but another name for re
pudiation and national dishonor.
The new issues which the crafty
Nebraska politician advocates to
day are but a blind to liide those
that he failed to inflict on the peo
ple four years ago by reason of his
defeat to the presidency. His
election as chiet executive of the
United States would mean a long
period of depression like that ex
perienced from 1891 to 189(5, and
we believe nobody is overly auxious
to again bring about these conditions.
Washington, May 23. The
House leaders have decided to re
duce the war taxes at tbe next ses
sion of Congress, aud a resolution
will be prepared to-morrow to give
the committee on ways and means
leave to sit daring the recess of
Congress. The committee will
meet next autumu, when a measure
will le prepared fr presentation
to the House immediately after it
convenes in December. Mr.
Payne's resolution for a woe die
adjournment June 0 will be favor
ably reported to-morrow.
Henry Heppner's
Gash Advances made on Wool and Grain
Highest Price Pa.d tor flippy gnfj pTS
Feed and Seed Grain always on hand
Wool Sacks and Grain Bags For Sale
Little's and Black Leaf Sheep Dips
"Traction or Portable, Simple or Com
pound, Wood or Eiraw Burners.
Are You Wanting a
Sorina Suit?
A to
inn i illllliiiilli nil"
Three Button
Cutaway Su.t
jilH-''tfti;HiHlliI.IM fj.
Ti p j ;
Deiore orueniig
why not come in
and look over our
stock of men's cloth
ing. We believe we
can save you money.
You can get style,
fit and finish, and
we will guarantee
the quality. We
have men's clothing
from the best man
ufacturers such as
Kuh, Nathan, Fish
er and Copps Cloth
ing Co., ranging in
price from $8 to $18
Whatever you do
Don't allow any
traveling man to
take your measure
and make you pay
a deposit, we take
measures and guar
antee a perfect fit.
we don't ask for a
deposit, nor do we
expect you to take
them when they
come if they do not
give entire satisfac
tion. Let us order
f onr spring suit thin year.
Come and look over 1500
samples of clothing. We
can suit any taste. Io two
weeks your euitwill bebere
for you. We are agents for
tbe Royal Tailors and bave
had splendid success fur
nishing our customers with
fine fitting, finely tailored
clothing. It won't cost you
anything to give ns a trial,
and we are confident that
when we once gt a Royal
Tailor's suit on you, you
will want no other.
George Gr.ny has bought 1200 year
ling wethers from D. A. Herren. at $2.30
Most of tbo sheep bought here this
spring are now on their way east, but
there are sev eral thousands in Morrow
county that may yet be bought. There
are still several eastern buyem in Hepp
ner, but buyeirs and sellers iseem to be
still apart. Asking prices generally for
yearlings are ?2.5U for wetners and $j
for ewes, whilu buyers, do not seem to
be disposed to pay over ?2.S0 ana fZ.Ho.
Millions Given Away.
It is certainly gratifying to tbe public
to know of one oonoern in tle land who
are not afraid to be generous to tbe
needy and suffering. Tbe proprietors of
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption. Coughs and Colds, bave given
away over ten million triisl bottles of
Ibis great mediuiae, and huve tbe satis
faction of knowing it bas absolutely
cured thousands of boneless oases.
Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all
diseases of tbe Throat, Chest and
Langs are surely cured by it. Call on
Cunser k Warren Drug Co., and get a
free trial bottle. Regular size 50o. and
81. Every bottle guaranteed, or pnoe
GILLIAM & BISBI iE. tats, taner. Ore.
Automatic Stackers, Wind Stat
era, Horse Powers, Threshermei
Supplies of All Kinds.
Wholesale and Retail l
Nuts and Fruits,
Trinkets, Toys
Agents for the worJ
Bicycle !
Second hand wheels 1
Candy Factory
Cream and Candy Manufacturer.
Lunch Goods, Stationery,
, Tobaccos and Cigars.
Id winner Rambler Bicycle
Suits and Sundries,
jought and sold.Mssmi
Beal & Co.
Take Slocu m's Sarsaoarilla.
trey a warning that certain ail
rheumatism, liver complaint, etc.,
isn't anything equal to
for the above ailments,
carefully made of the best drugs,
make, and we give you a bottle one
ually get for the same money else
Signs of Spring con
ments, general debility,
need attention.. There i
It is honestly and
like everything else we
third larger thanyou us
Slootlin JDrtl.e; Co., Main Street, Heppner.
) O. E. FARNSWORTH, Prcsidcnt
R. F. HYND, Secretary and Manager.
Heppner Gazet and Oregonian only $2 a year for both.
Is always in the field for Business, and extends all modern
advantages to the farmer and the stojkman. Its warehouse
ig located right on the railroad at Hep pner. It handles
and engages in.
Storage and Forwarding.
lig Wool 6
Owned and operated by the Wool Growers of Morrow County.
Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides and Pelts
Agents for Black Leaf Tobacco Dip and Little's Fluid Dip.
The only reliable prepared dips on the market.
Feed and Seed Grain always on hand. Wool Sacks at cost to patrons.
Advances made on Wool and Grain in Store.
Heppner Lumber Co.
VI to to iti
R, C. Wills and C. C. Patterson
Have organized the above Company with headquarters just North,
of The Fair store in Heppner, Oregon, and have their yard fully
stocked with all kinds of
Roue: and Dressed
Doors, Windows, Shingles, Screen Doors and
Moulding of all Kinds.
And everything appertaining to a first-class Lumber Yard. Tbsy will after
Marob 1 deliver lumber to any point in tbe city limits free of charge.
"Wool pertb u to 6
"Wheat per bushel ..40
Tlourper bbl g
Oats per bushel 40
Barley per 100 lbi 50
Hay.alialfa, per ton 0 00
(In Hack at ranch) 5 m
Ha, wheat '. .".!!..!!. 9 W)
(in stack at ranch) 7 m
Bacon per lb "v2
Lard per lb ""11
Beef, best, on foot I
Beef, cut up.:. i'tn'vL
Butter per lb. i....:..."."".'."" to 30
: 15
Potatoes, per sack 75
Chickens, per doa ' 4 Vs
Dry Hides, No. 1, per lb " 1?
Sheep Felts, per lb '..'..10'toll
Tbeee gentlemen also bay and sell real estate, rent bouse, write insurance
It you bave any property to sell or rent, pat it in tbeir bands, or if yoa need aoy
bing elee in tbeir line be sore to coo rait tbena first. They will respond promptly
'to 'phone call No 7.
r t ri ri J crt
smiona s uross uui saws
Sewing Machines
Sanitary Stills
1 3 T art a" - . af
Hose and Sprinklers
Lawn Mowers
At Ed. R. Bishop's.
Feed and Sale Stable
Has lust been opened to the
public and Mr. Gordon, the
proprietor, kindly invites his
friends to eall and try his
...,-viwi. vuuiuiuuaauons.
na.ty of Hm.y eud arstla for Sl
Stable located on west side of Main
street between Wm. Bcrivner'i and
A. M. Gunn's blacksmith shops.
For the ladies-A fine horse and lady's sa Idle.
...PARKER'S ""
UalD B a Asia
gjMBMi tod Wtif-w the bir.
i - - - luaiuiaoi jTTOWUt.
wlfj .J!!1 Be,to Gray
Hmir to it, TouthfuJ Color
sSTSS ,J!'L,'"
A, Abrahamsick
Merchant Tailor
Pioneer Tailor of Heppner.
, His work first-class
and satisfactory.
Give him a call May Street.
CUlitS fchtiit ill U.I