Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 17, 1900, Image 4

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    Hopeless ana Helpless.
The consequences of a diseased condi
tion of the stomach and digestive and
nutritive system are most disastrous to
the whole body. One by one every
i : : i...i tv,
organ uiuy iuvuiTtu ...w
ery is maddening. The most extreme
. cases of "stomach trouble" and the evils
resulting from it have been cured by Dr.
Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It
strengthens the stomach, purifies the
blood and builds up the body with sound
healthy flesh.
"I wai taken with severe headache," writes
Thomas A. Bwartu, Box 103 Sub-Station C, Co
lumbus, Ohio, then cramps in the stomach, and
my food would not digest, then kidney and liver
trouble, and my back got weak so I could
mrarcelv pet around. I fust ttavt money to the
doctors whenever I thought they would do me
any good, but the more I doctored the worse I
.Kot until sii years passed. I had become so
poorly I could only walk in the house by the aid
of chair, and I rot so thin I had ram up to die.
thinking that I could not be cured. Then I saw
one of my neighbor boys and he said, "Take my
advice and take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery and make a new man out ol yourseii."
The first bottle helped me so I thought I would
get another, and after I naa taken eigni oomes
in about six weeks I was weighed and found I
had trained twentv-seven (27) pounds. I have
done more hard work in the past eleven months
than I did in two years before, and I em as stout
and healthy to-day, I think, as I ever was."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure
Every ballot cast in Oregon June
4 is a vote for or against the devel
opment of the Facific Coast, says
the Oregocian. It is a responsi
bility one might well wish to evade,
but there is no help for it. A
Hweeping Republican victory will
declare for retention of the Philip
pines and Pacific expansion. A
Fusion victory or a reduced Re
publican majority will declare
against expansion and for aban
donment of our foothold in Asia. .
The Oregonian has obtained
opinions from three men whose
judgment on the matter cannot be
impeached. Senator Lodge, chair
man of the Senate committee on
the rhilippineH, asked what the ef
fect would be in the Philippines
should Oregon go Democratic this
time, Bays:
"It would encourage the opposi
tion to the American Army in those
islands. The Filipinos would ac
cept it aB the first pun of victory
in the United Htates for them, and
it would bo hailed everywhere as
an indication that the sentiment of
thin country is against the policy
we have been pursuing in the Phil
ippics. It would Bimply encour
iigo the insurrection which has al
most been stamped out."
Senator Carter, of Montana, say b:
"A llepublican reverse in Ore
gon on the platforms adopted would
fan the flames of rebellion iu the
Philippines, cost the lives of many
more brave soldiers and would no
doubt uecessitate a large increase
of the Army there at a still greater
expense than before. The Tagiil
would hail a Democratic; victory
anywhere as an' indorsement of
their opposition and resistance to
the United StateH."
Senator Spooner, of Wisconsin,
one of the most conservative aod
ablest mm in the Senate, says:
"Democratic success in Oregon
means encouragemeot to the Fili
pinos. And that is something
greatly to be deplored. The United
States cannot enter upon any
scheme to organize aud form a sta
ble government in the Philippines
until the insurrection has been put
down and peace prevails. Even
the Democrats in the Senate recog
nize this, and we all know that
Democratic success any where in a
Jvepuohcan state will be used in
the Ihiup pines to euoourage fur
thor aots of insurrection."
The State of Oregon must elect
a Republican Legislature. The
first Congressional district must
re-elect IteproHentative Tongue,
and the Second District must re
elect Representative Moody.
I'-very vote for a 1' usion, Citizens
or Independent candidate is a vote
to shut American trade out of Asia
and etitlo the development of the
Pacific Coast.
Volcanlo Eruptions
Are grand, but skio eruptions rob life
of joy. Ruokleu'a Arnica Halve cures
them; also old, running and fever sores,
ulcers, boils, felons, cnrus, warts, ou,
brninei, baron, sobUIs, chapped hands,
chilblains, best pile our on earth. Drives
out pHius and anli km. Only "tin box.
Onre guaranteed. Bold by Conser A
Warren Irug Oo.
n faro
A Powdr Mill Explosion
Removes everything ia sight; so do
drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty
danveroiis. Don't dynamite tbe d.lionte
luaobiuery of your bady ftitb calomel,
eroton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's
New Life 1'iIIh, which are gerjll en
iiiuyner brse, do the work perfectly.
Civ ft beadachs. constipation. Only 25o
at Comer A Warren Drug Co.
A little over 1,000.000 pounds of wool
is now in the Ileppner warehouses.
Two buyers are now in Heppner, but
no sales reported as yet. '
The first sale at Yakima was 350 bales
yesterday at llj-jC. Of course it was
sandy, and doe" notcompare with Hepp
ner wool.
The Heppner High School will hold
its graduating exercises to-morrow, Fri
day evening, at the opera house. A
most excellent program has been ar
ranged, aod seats are on sale at Conser
& Warren's drug Btore.
Recorder J, P. Williams seems to be the
only regularly nominated candidate for
justice of the peace, and his many friends
of all political parties are preparing to
cast their ballots for him regardless of
"It is with a good deal of pleasure aod
satisfaction that I reoorumt-nJ Chamber
lain's Colio, Cholera aud Diarrhoea
Remedy, " Buys Druggist A. W. Sawtelle,
of Hartford, Couu. "A lady customer,
seeing the remedv exposed for sale on
nay show ease, said to me: 'I really be
lieve, that medicine saved mv life the
punt snmmw while at the shore,' and she
became so entbusiastio over its merits
that I at oDce made up my mind to re
commend it in the future. Recently a
gentleman oame into my store so over
come with oolio pnins that be sank at
onoe to the floor. I gave him a dose o(
this remedy which helped him. I re
peated the dose and in 15 minutes he left
my store smiliogly informing me that he
felt as well as ever." Sold by (Jonser k
If you want to buy a real cheap
ranch, call on or address Go. W.
Wells, Heppnei. He has some
places as low as $1.25 an acre, and
will mail printed description free
on request.
Sixth Judicial District.
I'ircnit Judge Stephen A. Lowell
frosaouting Attorney H. J. Bean
Morrow Connty Ofllcials.
Joint Senator J. W. Morrow
representative K. h. Freeland
C mnty Jniie A. (i. Bartholomew
" Commissioners J.L.Howard
J. W. Beckett.
' clerk '. Vawter Crawford
" Blieriif , A.Andrews
" Treasnrsr M. Lichtenthal
" Assessor J.. Willis
" Surveyor Julius Keithly
" Softool Bup't Jay W. Shipley
' C ironer Dr. K. B. Hnnlook
Stock Inspector Henry Sclierzinner
Vlayor .' Frank Gilliam
Ilounnilmen 8. l. GarriKues,
J. K. Himons. J. J. Hobarts, K. W Khea, Geo.
NoMe and Thos. Quaid. ,..
Heoordor J- P. Williams
Treasurer VV. Hnxus
Vlarshai George Thornton
Directors Frank GiUirm. O. E. Farnsworth,
J. M. Hatter; Clerk J. J. ltoberts.
Precinct OlBcerp.
, ustice of th Peaoe W. A. Kiohanlson
'unstable G. B. Gray
United States Land Officers.
fnv P '.nous Remster
Otis Patterson Ueoeirer
B. W. Hnrtlett Register
O. Swaokliamer Heoelver
Everybody wants to
know what The
Orog-onlan has to say.
A good, productive, well-improved
place of IL'IK) acrns, 8 miles east of Ilepp
nor; all fenced; loft acres now in grow
ing beardless barley, and 100 acres of
good hillside plow land; good (i-room
house and 2 nig burns. 1 wo creeks and
a oounty road run through the land, and
there are II good wells. This is a very
productive place, and is ollureu at $15
an acre. I here are Horses, nogs ana cows
to go with place at market rales if pur
chaser wants them. Apply to J. W.
Kedington, (iHzet office, Heppner.
Stage Line
B. F. MILLER, Prop.
Choapost and most direct route to John Day
valley, Canyon City mining district, Burns ana
other interior points.
Htages leave Heppner Dally, Sunday ex
cepted, at 11:30 a. m. Arrive at Canyon City
in a Hours.
Leave Canyon City at 4 p. m arrive at Hepp
ner in 21 Lours connecting with trains.
20 $150
5ft 4 00
85 4.7ft
Jf) 5.50
S 6.00
10. 800
104 8.00
Monument ,
Hamilton .. . ,
Long Creek...,
Fox Valley
John Day
Canyon City
Stages connect with trains at Heppner,
Note. Having stocked up this line with new
covered coaches and good teams I am prepared
give nrsi-ciass service to tue purine.
Southern Pacific Co
Dopot Fifth and I Sts
Malum, Roseuurg.Ash
land, Sacramento, t)g
den, Han Francisco,
Moiave, lxis Angeles,
HI I'aso, New Orleans
and the East.
7:10 P 1
8::) A M
7:00 PM
At Woodliurn (daily
except Sunday), morn
lug train connects
wlih train for Mt An
gel, Htlverlon. Rrowns
vtlle. Sprlnglleld and
Nstrou, and evening
train for Mt. Angel
and SilvcrUm,
7:S(l A M
1111,44 I'M
(Vrvallis Passenger.
Sheridan Passenger.
lltlr.-iO 1"M
18:25 A M
Dally. llly except Sunday,
Rebate tickets on sale betw een Portland, Ssr
raniciilo and San frsuiMw o Net rates f 17 first
Class ami i siwim ru, including sleeper
Kates and tickets lo KaMeru l'luts ami Kn
rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA. HONOLl LU and
AvxiKAi.iv ran lie obtained front J. II
kikm.am), licKet Agent, Mt Third St.
Passei.get Depot, foot of Jefferson Street.
Leave for Oswego daily at 7:20 8:40 a. nt
li.Mi, s..m,a e:n, b: si, u sup. in ami
U 1 1X1 a. m. on Smulavsouly. Arrive at Portland
ciany at -e iw. s::j, io.s) a. nt.; S 15, 4:,
I" i l. m.: rj u a. ui ually. exeen
Monday: 8 and 10 ttt, m. tin Sundays only
lave lor Dallas dally, except Suiulay, at 4::V
y. ,. , i urwailll HI.WI, m .
vim-uaiT limn leaves iiaius tor Airile Mon'
oy, nruiicsoays ana rrutays at i:45 p
Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Saturdays,
Kxccpl Sunday.
uvu. m. m r, Agi,, roruaua, uregou
It takes French enthusiasm to
go into raptures over anything on
the slightest provocation. There
is Madamoseille Guilbert, the
French actress who used to enthuse
Ileppner audiences with her gener
al vivacity, and made a great hit at
Cordray's in the Snobs of Tennes
see. She had been overdonig the
tight-lacing act, and was still dis
satisfied because her waist insisted
on bulging out as big as a pump
handle. So she had one of her kid
neys cut out at Paris, and in de
scribing the operation she went in
to raptures and said:
"O, it is all so beautiful! So
splendid! So magnif! They cut
a button-hole in your back just big
enough to let out the kiduey, of
which the doctors relievo you as
easily as though it were a useless
piece of furniture. Then they sew
up the button-hole again, and there
you are. I shall have only one
kidney when I re-appear at the
Marquam-Graud as leading villian
for Ueorge Baker, but my waist
will be an additional attraction.
O, it is all so grand!"
The Eighth Grade final examination
will be held in Supt. Shipley's office be
ginning at 9 a. m. May 24, and continu
ing 2 days.
Miss Florence Newman, wbo baa been
a great sufferer from maronlar rheuma
tism, Bays Chamberlain's Fain Balm is
tbe only remedy that affords ber relief.
Miss Newmao ia a muob respected resi
dent of tbe village of Qray, N. Y., atd
makes this statement for the benefit of
others similarly afflicted. Tbia liniment
is for sale by Conser & Warren.
Lots For Sale.
Lots 3, i and 5, block 6, Jones' add.,
in Heppner, at $400 for all. Located
east of D. B. Stalter's residence; oreek
crosses oorner and there is a fine spring
on the plaoe. Apply to J. W. Redington,
Gazette offloe.
The ladies of Heppner are hereby
notified that I am prepared to do all
kinds of sewing. On Main street, 3d
door south of Palace Hotel.
Mrs. A. L. Steele.
8ons having claims against the estate of
Stephen Lalaude, deceased, that they are here
by required to present lam Claims, wun me
proper voucners mereoi, to ine iniuerHigiieu,
Robert M. Hart, the executor of the last will
and testament of said Stephen Lalande, de
ceased, at his place of doing business, at the
law omce oi t;. a. Keunem, in Heppner, in
Morrow county, Btate of Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated April 19, 1900.
Robert M. Hart,
Executor of the Last Will and Testament of
Stephen Lalaude, Deceased. 78-82
Portland Special
0:15 a. m.
Salt I.nko. Denver,
4:00 p. m.
Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, tit.
Louis, Chloago,
and East,
15 :st0 p. m.
via. Hunt
lngton, Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, St
Louis, Chicago
and East,
8 a. m.
6 20p. m.
Via. Spo
ganu. Walla Walla, Lewis
ton, Spokane, Min
neapolis, St. Paul,
Duluth, Milwau
kee Chicago and
8 a. m.
8.00 p. in.
Ocean Steamships
4:00 p.m.
From Portland.
All sailing dates
subject to change,
For Man Francisco-
Sail every 6 days
8:00 p. m.
Columbia River
4:00 p.m.
Ex. Sunday
Ex. Sunday
10:00 p. m.
To Astoria and Way
8:00 a. m.
Willamette River
4:30 p. m.
Ex. Sunday
Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, New-I
berg, saiem ana
May Landings.
7:00 a. m
8:30 p.m.
Mon., Wed,
and Frl.
Tues, Thur,
Yamhill Rivers,
ana sat.
Oregon City, Day
ton .a nay Land
ing's. 6:00 a. m
Willamette River
4 :30 p. m.
Tuns. Thurs.
Mon., Wed.
and Sat.
Portland to Corval.
lis & Way Laud
and Frt.
Bnaee River.
Lv, Rlparla
Lv. Lewiston
n a. m
Riparia to Lewiston
9 a. m;
Heppner Branch train No. 9 leaves Heppner
ai i i.i a. ui. no, iu arrives at a:su p. m, fauy
except Sunday.
Passangara booked for all Foralgn
J. M. KEHNAN, Agent. Heppner.
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or,
'vi.it DR. JORDAN'S omcat
(BMMatUUu4SmakV '
Thslarfsat Anatomical ITMram
In thaw arid.
SreattH attmrtirm (a tin CTrf, A
Vondsrul tiatujr Mum
W k . or an r can trans.
ad disasa,BMMlslvily r4 by
tits olden
l Hiix'isllMua lit facta
and Mldata
r sutterlnf
I youthful India-
oriitlitn. nr m,v.m. i m.m,..
years, TTsrvous and phviiaiU stability , Im-
potra.f, ljMtMMk41iialllMoompt.
I I'atloni,; MmiMlor rhw- Prnuiu.
rhtra, .nrrbirs, 4ls, rrrar.rT
I f I rlHnilnsT, t. Hy a eumbiiiatla ol
rm.llea, n( srntt curalWs po r, 111. IHvtnr
lianso rriit bis truaUneat that It will not
only air,ird Immmtiai rflkl. but psrmaiisnl
I euro. l"h Doctor does unl claim toBvi terin
' mlrarlei, but is wrll knnwn to bo a fair and
pilars Phystrtsn slid Hurt-eon, prmutoal
I III hl.pix-l!ty- rlv.. of MSk
SI V fill l.l thnmiixhlr n,Sl,-.lt fmm
I th syaKiiu wltliout tu lui-ol tfrrmry.
Traam flttrd by an Kioorl. Bta4ll
wr for stuuturo. A oukU and mi
ciir(nr rilrs. risir and FWlBla.br
I Ur. J.inUu sim-ial iwlnlen tustboda.
IIIRl M4N annlv us to us wlH rooalva
I our hoHfH niHniiM, ot hiscouirlalMt.
Mil HiI ir,M a iVSJUVM CUM It
I Striv em rt wutrrtnk.
tutiNuitatiiin FKKK mid stnctIT pnvata.
TrMluiil penmiiMilv or by loiter.
WrltK for Hook. 111 1 LOHOPHT
I SI .lilt I :. MaiikdKkkii. Avalnabi
boob, tor iiiru.) ltllurwrtt
DR. IQRDsN CO.. 1 081 Marks' St. F.
u -x - a
1 1 1 1 Coast. UstablUaw
I II ' wiifl
(I 11 fium th dtwu ol
On Thursday, May 24, 1900, At my
place, land 1-half miles Bonthirest of
Eight Mile Center Schoolhouse, the fol
lowing property :
14 head of homes, 2, 3 and 4-year olds
and older.'
Cattle2 yearlings, one 2-year old,
one cow with calf.
One Standard Mower, 1 Tiger Sulky
Bake, 3 Sets of Harness, 1 Blacksmith's
Vise, 1 Plow, 1 Harrow, 1 Disk Harrow
one 1 horse Cultivator, 1 Cookstove, 1
Tank to tar posts, 1 Grindstone, and
other tools.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m.
All sums up to $5, cash. All over f5,
one year's time, with interest at 7 per
cent, per annum, with approved se
curity. E. D. Rood.
W. P. Dutton has sold to Jerry Bross
man 800 yearling ewes at $2.85.
The J. Q. Wilson sheep were yester
day delivered to their recent purchas
ers, John Blake and Robert Foster.
G J Amfrecht, Portl'nd H Hcherzinger, City
J M Morean. Fossil Nat Webb. Walla W
P Ferrier, Fremont, Neb V Anderson, O R & N
J E Sevenson, Ella M Q Berry, Omaha
Mrs LTellien, KheaSdg MrsO Patterson, T D'ls
Paul C Bates, Portland H L Whitelock, Boston
T P Stnbblefleld, Monument
J Zollinger and wf, Rhea Crk
J T McLaughlin, Centerville
G Parman, Gooseberry John Madden, Lone Rk
Wm Hatley, Pendleton H A Walker, Yakima
8 WllkiBon, The Dalles S Rairtrick, Salem
J T McLaughlin, Centerville
G W Vinson, Galloway
W P Snyder Lexington
S I titration, lone
His Lif was Saved.
Mr. 3. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo , lately bad a wonderful
(ieliverenoe from a frightful death. In
telling of it be says: ''I was taken with
typhoid fever tbat ran into pneumonia.
My lungs became hardened. I was so
weak I couldn't even sit up io bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
die of consumption , when 1 Heard ot Dr.
King's New Disoovery. Out) bottle gave
great relief. I oontinued to use it and
now am well and stroDg. I can't lay too
mnob in its praise." This marvellous
medicine is tbe surest aod quickest oure
n tbe world for all throat and lung
trouble. Regular sizes 50o and $100.
Trial bottles free at Oonser & Warren
Drug Oo.' Every bottle guaranteed.
Offloe at La Grande, Ore., May 4 l'JOO.
Notice is hereby Riven that the lollowlnir-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to commute and make final proof in support of
her claim and that said proof win oe mane ue
fore Oounty Clerk of Morrow county at Hepp
nei, Oregon, on June IB, l'JOO, viz: Homestead
entry H'232, of
mahlk uasx, oi tteppner, jjregon,
For the southwest 14 northeast U, north V4
.Southeast !4 and southeast southeast sec
tion 20, townBhip 4 south, range 27 E W M.
rine names me roiiowing witnesses to prove
ber continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud, viz: George Bperry, Joseph Pot
ter, La Kavette Pen land and Jerry Phillips, all
of Heppner, Oregon.
Bl-0 j. W. DAHTLKTT, tteglBter.
xJ Otllce at The Dalles, Ore., April 3d. laou.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice, of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Vawter
Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon,
on Friday June 8, lwu, viz:
OSCAR BHAFER, of Heppuer, Ore,.
Homestead entry No. ,W.W, for the west north
east a and southeast 4 northeast M section 18,
and southwest northwest t section 17. town
ship 4 south, range 2B E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
coutinuous residence upon and cultivation of
said lana, viz; Harry u. Mauuy, James u. vvh-
llams. J. R. Nunamaker aud Hllas Wright, all
oi Heppner, Oregon.
&n.ur: Ttv P T.liri.B nmr(ntat
Ollice at The Dalies, ore., April si), lsuu.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to commute and make final proof in support of
ms claim, and that said proot wu; lie made
before Vawter Crawford, County Clerk, at
Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, June 8, 1900, viz:
ALBERT F. RANNEY, of Eight Mile, Ore.,
Homestead entry No. 6917 for the southeast U
section 21, township s south, range 24 w M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: L. Pearl Jones, of Heppner,
Ore., Peter Hrenner and Bruce Haines ol bight
Mile, Ore., and John H. Bollenbrock, of Hepp
ner, ure.
J AT t". liUCAS,
80-85 Register,
Office at The Dalles. Ore.. April 30. 1U00.
Notice is herebv given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of her intention
to make final proof In support of her claim, and
that said proof will De made Deiore J, w. Mor
row. U. B. commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon,
ou Friday, June 8, l'JOO, viz:
ELBA FARMER, of Eight Mile, Ore.,
Homestead entrv No. B748 for the northeast !t
section 24. township soutn, range i.
Bhe names tne following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upou and cultivation
of said land, viz: Frank P. vaughan, Theodore
Anderson, Luther Huston aud i'eter Brenner,
all of Eight Mile, Ore.
tto-Ho jay r. Lucas, ncgister.
Come to Morrow
lands. Values are sure
er again will land sell
At $5 an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles
south of Heppner; almost all good plow land
has running water and
make a good home for
f f IS
man. It not sold soon will be . rented on
shares to farm. It adjoins the places of Tom
Quaid, D. A. Herren,
Hayes. Apply'to J. W. Redington, Heppner,
Our Famous Stock Saddles Staid the Racke
Horse and Mule Millinery
Is Now On.
We have a lull atock of Harness. Saddles,
rinin, ..h ! u iimh
Tenut for camplug, aud big Pmbrellas to shade
Main Street
To the mountains people yearly look
for those days ot relaxation and recrea
tion necessary to maintain the human
machine in fair working condition. The
languorous sloth of the seashore proves
very seductive while it lasts, but many
have decided that the annual outirg
should provide not only radical change
of air and surroundings, but also such
stimulation of flagging energies as will
provide brawn and vigor for the return
lo labor. For this they urge the moun
tain climb and ramble, the balsam of
the pines, and the clear, unadulterated
mountain air.
In this direction the Shasta route now
i fiords a wealth of attractions. Tbe en
tire line of road from Ashland to Red
ding is studded with charming and ac
cessible hotels and campB, where are
cheer and comfort and healing at reson
able cost, and where you can hunt, nab,
ride, loaf, or play with equal facility.
Or if you look for healing waters, none
better can be found, hot or cold, than
the springs of Ashland, Colestin, Ander
son, Bartlett, Byron and Paso Robles.
Before visiting Europe, the people of
the Northwest should see the glories
ot Yosemite Valley, and the wondrous
groves of Mariposa and Calaveras; the
I'asisians are likely to make inquiries
concerning these attractive resorts.
Send to C. H. Markham, General Pas
senger Agent, Portland, for new book
lets on Castle Crag, Shasta Springs,
McCloud River, Yosemite, and excur
sion rates thereto.
If you want to buy some very low
priced ranches, see George Wells, at
Conser & Warren's drug store.
The Heppner Gazet has one of the
most complete printing plants in all
Oregon, and can print anything. Its
engine does tbe perspiring while its
sweatpower presses are grinding out tbe
printed sheets like snowflakes in August.
It is a fact tbat farms can be bought
in Morrow county at such low prices
that their first coming crop will pay for
the land.
Heppner Gazette is on sale at Fatter
son & Son's drug store.
A nice house, 6 rooms, well located,
lot 50x150, only 1100. Apply at Gazet
Always reliable The Weekly Oregonian.
Anvone wanting pasturage for a bunch
of cattle, horses or sheep, call on J. W.
Redington, at Gazet office, Heppner.
The Heppner Gazette iB the old relia
ble pioneer paper of Morrow County,
Although it has bad tbe stomach-ache
several times from over-eating, it has
never missed an issue during the 18
years it has been running.
It is mailed to any address for $1.50 a
year or 50 cents for 3 months.
Independent and
reliable The Oregon,
Office at The Dalles. Or.. April 16. 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice ot his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that, said proof will be made belore Vawter
Crawiord, county cieric, ar, tieppner, uregon.
on Thursdny, May 24, ihou, viz:
WALTER 8. BRUNDAGE, of Heppner, Ore.,
Homestead entry No. for the southeast
southwest section 11, and nortneast
northwest 54 and north northeast section
14. township 8 south, range 26 east W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of said land, viz: William L. Mallory, Albert
A. Osmin, Henry Y. Thompson and Walter
Crosby, all ot Heppner, Oregon
Jay P. Lucas, Register.
Public Land Sale (Isolated Tract.)
11 pursuance of instructions from the Com
mlssioner of the general land otllce, under au
thorltv vested In him by section 24fft. V. S
Rcvlaed Statute, as amended by the act of Con
press approved February 26. 18. we will pro
ceed to oiler at public sale on Haturday the 9th
day of June, next, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m.. at this office, the following tract of land
to-wlt: Northeast lA southwest 4 section 24.
tnwnshln 4 south, range 24 E W M.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are advised to fl'e their
claims in this office on or before the day above
designated for the commencement of said sale,
otherwise their rights win De lorteiten.
Jay P. Ldcas, Register.
8O-80 Otis Patterson. Receiver.
V. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., April 30, 1900,
J Office at La Grande, or., April 2&, unit).
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of her Intention
to make final proof in support of her claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County at Heppner, Oregon,
on June u, 1900, viz:
81 ERA N. 8HICK, one of the heirs and
for tbe heirs of Joshua Ricks, deceased,
of Heppuer, Oregon,
Homestead entry No. 4416 for the southwest
section 12, township 4 south, range 28 E W M.
Klie names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: jonn N. Better, tnnu ryter
W. C. Lacy and John Nolan, all of Heppner, Or,
su-t daktlctt, negiswr,
County for low-priced
to double up. Nev
so low as it does now.
is under fence; wil
some farmer or stock
-111 .1
Wm. Penland and Jas
Brldles, - in lact, everything In the way of Horse
nllahl cnods can be sold foranywP're. We hav
wagon acats.
Heppner, Oregon
Is one that everybody knows.
Have just received one of the largest stocks of Bain Wagons ev.r
brought to Ileppner.
Call and See them.
rjrioes are Right.
Heavy and Shelf Hardware,
Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Etc, faints ana uns iine dobi in
the world). Crockery aDd Glassware. ,
Highest price paid for fat
Heppner, Oregon.
days and Saturdays of each
week at Herren s ranch, 6 miles South of Town.
- - .'(,(& I W v 44 j J. V.' 14 t U 13 UiU) UJUa "LljjUD
1450 pounds. He was foaled July 23, 1800. Sired by the imported
French Canadian Stallion Canada, imported in 1889 by C. Cheval and
bred by E. Ikucbeinin, St. Ours, Quebec, Canada, and was sired by
St. Law rence Boy, dam by Richelieu Girl (thoroughbred Canadian
mare). Honest Abe's clam was sired by Tornado, a pure bred Catifi
dianetallion imported by T. Cunnmgtoo, of Sacramento, Cal., in 1882,
anu boiu io ivenaay k omitn, or wooaourn, Uregon. His' dam was
sired by the imported French Canadian Stallion Robin Hood, imported
ill 188'2 YlV T. Cimnlnot.nn anA onlrl t ETanor, & Smith nf W nnAlnnrn
. j uv. uwtu w ivvuuuj 'luiiiu, ui w UUUUUIU,!
Or., and afterward sold to Wm. Walbridge, of Heppner, Or. Third
J 1 -VI i 1 1 -r . V. . . i i r
nam uy wiu imscery; rounn aam
Terms: Single leap $5; seasdn $7.50, payable at end of. senson.
insurance $10, payable when mares are known to be io foal. Will not
be responsible for accidents. Pasturage will be furnished at $1 a month ;
D. A. Herren, Owner. Dan Henshew, Manager.
ill jl
At my ranch, 4 miles southwest of Heppner.
On Saturdays at Billy Gordon's Stable, in
CROOKSTON is a dark bay, 9 years
old, weighs 2000 pounds, and is 17 hands
high. His dam and sire were imported from
Scotland, and his sire sold at Salem for 2500.
Terms Season $10; to insure 15; single
leap 5. Good pasture at 1 a month.
S. A. HUGHES, Owner.
MAT HUGHES, Manager.
claim for It,
marie toanrnre
Mobs, Hush
handle oar;
tne easloftl
meisr; or
perfect ij muiSc,
writ and let na tell
a I i I "X n
l I M ro-T,T. at
V P mrnd tbnn.
Xr lfy.Hi
mrh town for this imnmw. W h hv nntrl hutwlrv.1 k. j n v n uivn nur... ft " t,?rt,a
i. s , , , " 1 " ' '"- " 'rlr'
ft.v ivsii vi.vi.il ne wuMnrit wrt wk
It is one of the best on earth.
Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural
Fresh Meats
Salt and Smoked Meats
Pure Rendered Leaf Lard
Fish every Friday
Liberty Market
R & Mathews,
French Canadian
Will stand the Season at Wm.
Gordon's Stables on Wednes
week. The balance of the
- ,,, ir.l l,.
oy uia Jjummacks; nun dam rjy uia
THe Fine Clyde
Will make the
season of 1900 as
nt-el; (five color, nelnlit ol Iiunw and mwr wanted and WF Mi: i ififs
THE WHEEtC. O. D, oa approval, allowing ,S uwritul IE
amine H fully beforo vou im nt It. ir it. iM .,. .11 .r''
and a bolter h,l than you can vn lor any he it'
a RID EH A ft F ti T 7 "T " ",",,,w "ri u
at our Special Aeeuts sauiple prii of H I ri-50
1 the B-rcauwt barirsin in a Moycle rvrr t.tt 'ml. M Vni.,,.!? . 1
to any W nl on the m.rket an,l y.,u n.' Itmf sntwftT. 5?? W,U,4
if you io nol 11ml It a, we represent We aV? I II ai I i V'?.W'V
MAMTACTJ IfKkS aJ take tht. nil?." ut .ItA)" ' ,E
and Mke or,ter. Our stents make, niunry Inn. reprewnl us
SPEC FICAT IUKS. IF::-.1-' Mie,. M lm.h. w
lnt, Improved eiian.hr d
r eij an., r device to fasten aeat iv,t
Hoyal Arrtl crown
t STHl
rnnrlnff Known
m-i. expenie urwon vnt-marKft. 1 ne irenulue 4 .1i.. .. . ,
ddk pe,lla, tool, and oceorli the bei To'i, ''n
Mtuk. mrtHn or coach trreen, hltrblv njilhed aiidnSl. !
of material thn gom into this aacnlne. OurTudit.r.'''''
aatee hra4 with ea,h hk-cle. jer', ar.
rianuu. Voiu-uiwyaJiVFyoiar.n
Hot Riannfartrirn tHa .Ka.. j . a
roo how onkh we ran V.Z 0 Mhe . T '" ur
intr.i?whi. h
(v'lld for tlarvata Lirt.
iit met: rrr DIlila' f
anr hank or bnxlM'wi h.ne In t'iln,,, OP '
-K dire.-, tn.m the lar--, tiaX". k
'rieV..!! rr-?:"ii""-" K.iMLiS