sprinp'fite Is the sweetest season in human life, as it is in Nature generally. It is the time of promise. As the young girl draws near to that mysterious line "Where womanhood anif girlhood meet," her whole destiny is in a measure being de termined, now often the sweet young girl, under the influence of the change, with ers and droops like some blighted bud. Nature gen erally needs some little help at this critical period, and this help in its best form is con tained in Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It establishes regu larity, and gives the vigor of per fect health to the womanly organs. It contains no al cohol, neither opi um, cocaine, nor other narcotic. Miss Emma Lee, of WMiford, Sharp Co., Ark., write! : "I wl suffering severely and tried several doctors remedies, bat received only very little relief ; therefore, I feel it my dutv to write and let other sufferers know what your ' Favorite Pre scription ' and ' Golden Medical Discovery ' and 'Pleasant Pellets,' have done for me. I took eight bottles of 'Favorite Prescription' and 'Golden Medical Discovery,' six vials of the ' Pellets,' also one bottle of your ' Compound Extract of Smart-Weed.' As soon as I had taken the first bottle I could see that the medi-ine was helping? me. I had disease of Internal or gans with Bronchitis and catarrh. I also used the local treatment you suggested." , The sluggish liver can be cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. GOOD WOMA.N AT REST. Allen's Ranch, May 6 Editor Gazette: Mrs. Reuben Allen, who died on the 21st, was in her 65th year, and had been an invalid for several years, and was beiLg treat ed for dropsy by Dr. Swinburne, and we began to think that she would soon be well, when lagrippe set in. Mrs. Allen was the mother of 6 children, who all lived to grow up. In raising her family she always seemed to have plenty of time to keep their little faces clean, bright and beautiful, at least to me, and she instilled habits of cleanliness in their minds that will last as long as life. She also taught every one of them to read in their little books long before they were done nursing. We were among the very first families to settle permanently in the Blue mountains, near Parker & Gleason's mill. Hundreds can attest to Mrs. Allen's skill in pre paring a wholesome and palatable meal, and many have gone away rejoicing that they stopped here. But she had to go, and in going has left a void in our hearts and home that it seems now that time itself can never fill. From her fond husband, Heuhen Allen, CITY COUNCIL. liegtilar moeting was hold Monday evuniiiK, with a full house, Mayor Frank (iillium i ("Hiding. Cuimiilorable routine bumnenB was transacted, and the mutter of opening a street through the property of J. L. Y ea ger was referred to committee on streets and public property. Following bills were ordered paid: A. T. McNay, hauling $15.25 li. W. liriggs, road work i5. Marshal Thornton, salary, April.. 00. J. P. Williams, recorder, sal. " 1(1.05 L. W. Briggs, treasurer, " " 8.33 Heppner Light Water Co., April. OX Sam Mellrido, streot work 3.20 W. Warren, " 4. TOWARD THE TIM BUR. Robert Dexter was down this week from the head of navigation on Balm fork, and Bays that his wheat is so tall and rank that it is already falling over in spots when the Bhowers are heavy, and it is growing night and day. Bob and his friends are still cheering on the Boors, while Billy Stewart stands out for his British brethren. People up that way are now aiming to have the best roads in the county, and are putting them in splendid shape. Andy Stevenson is supervisor and Bob Dexter deputy. The latter is running for supervisor, and proposes, if elected, to make smooth sailing for all travelers Ten volunteers have worked the road down to Rhea creek, past where the new mill is running and lias sawed out 80, IKK) feet of lumber already. Mr. Slo cum is a thorough mill man. Miss I '.in in Yoos is running a good school up there and giving geueral satis faction to all. O. W. Dexter, hile busy on road work, hud his right leg crushed by a rolling log. lie is on crutches, but luckily no bones were broken. u . 1, I. l t 'l . piimii miiicu ana oriae received a giand serenade at their home place on their wedding night. The miinio was not only sweet, but also grand and aw ful, and the 17 seronaders were Invited in and treated to a nice lunch. CONSECRATION. The Consecration of the new F.pisco pal Church, will take place next Sunday, at 10:30 a. m., and will be conducted by Bishop Morris, Rev. W. K. Potwine and other. It will be an occasion of bc ial interest to all members of the F.pi copal Church he'e who have hillieito been dependent upon other religious bodies for a house of worship, There will be special music appropriate to the occasion rendered by the choir and an address by Bishop Mortis. A cordial invitation in extended to all to attend these opening services. Sheen-ranch oiitliU, stock salt, hats and furnishing good, pipes, tobacco, candy and nuts alt these are sold at 1, li. Howard's store. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. By Orvllle A. Jones. Rah ! Rah ! Rah ! High School. These, tbe last two weeks of school, are very busy, as all the finals are be ing taken in the different rooms. There will be only half day sessions at school the last week. Cultivate your red and white carna tions for commencement, as they are the graduating grade's class flowers. Owing to this being the last full week of school this term, the program that was to have been rendered last Friday was postponed until tomorrow, Friday, May 11. The program has been well prepared and will be exceptionally well rendered. Some novel features will be introduced. Everybody is cordially in vited to attend. Program will begin at 1 o'clock sharp. TO THE VOTERS. Habdman, May 8, 1900. F'ditor Gazette, Heppner, Through the Gazette I wish to say to the voters of Morrow county that having done considerable work under a Civil Engi neer, I am ambitious to become one myself. ' I have studied the past several years with that object in view and with a suitable instrument, I can do nearly any kind of civil engineering. If I am elect ed county Surveyor, I will procure a first-class instrument, and do the county suryeying at a much lower rate than has been paid in the past, and guaran tee satisfaction. Hoping to merit your confidence and support, I remain, Very truly yours, Harry Cumminos. HEPPNER SHIPMENTS. That Heppner is a very import ant shipping point may be seen from the following figures, which show shipments made by rail from here during the past year: Wool, pounds 3,245,750 Cattle, cars 220 Sheep " 175 Wheat shipped out of Mor row county over Hepp ner Branch, bushels 200,000 A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, soald, cut or bruise, Buoklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill tbe psio and promotly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions. Best pile oure on earth. Only 25o a box. Cure guar anteed. Ho'd by Conser & WarreD Drag Co. PFLEGATES. Lone Balm Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Hardman, has elected as delegates to the grand lodge at Astoria Clias. II, Hams and Frank Cowdrey. Rebeccas Sylvia Shaner. A Monster Devil Fish Destroying its viotim, is a type of con stipation. The power of this murderous melady is felt on organB and nerves end musoles and brain. There is do health till it's overoome. Dut Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain onre. Best io the world fnr stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Only 25 oeuta at CoiiBer & Warren Drug Oo. FOR KST RESERVES. There will be a meeting of the Oregon Wool (irowers' Association in The Dalles May 20, at 10 A. M. Superintendent Ormsby of the Cascade Reserve will then be present and take up the matter of allotments for the coming Summer. The meeting will be held in the Com mercial Club Rooms. "It is with a good deal of pleasure and Batisfaotion that I recommend Chamber lain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," says Druggist A. W. Bawtelle, of Hartford, Ooun. "A lady customer, seeing the remedv exposed for sale on my show case, said to mo: 'I really be lieve that medicine saved my life tbe psst summer wbila at the shore,' and she beonroe so entbusiastio over its merits that I at nnce made up my mind to re commend it in the future. Keoently a gentlemau oame into my store so over oome with onlio pains that be sank at once to tbe floor. I gave him a dose of this remedy which helped him. I re peated tbe dose and in 15 minntes he left my store smilingly Informing me that be felt as well as ever,' Sold by Conser a Warren. Lots for Sale. Lots 3, 4 and 5. block 6, Jones' add., in Heppner, at $100 for all. Located east of D. B. Stalter's residence; ereek crosses corner and there is a fine spring oo tbe place. Appiy to J. W. Kediogton, Gazette otlioe. SKWING. The ladies of Heppner are hereby notitind that I am prepared to do ail kindB of sowing. On Main street, 3d door south of l'aluco Hotel. Mhh, A. L. Stkki.k. If you want to buy a real cheap ranch, call on or address Go. W. Wells, Heppner. He has some places as low as $1.25 an acre, and will mail printed description free on requeBt SWATCHES SEftT FREEST EXAMINATION AND AfPHOVAL You Know Juil Whtl Yu buy. Kvory Watch Mump im) w it li maker's namo, Mnilwftrranittf. Thiahnmt tVmo. t,lnrulU I'vlml'ia Gnuln Oubr ftltvrln Ck lOpou l-HtMt ncrcvr I'm IciumI i ri'w hotH, ttut-pHV-f, ill WfHt'HIul ftltvr lor for ttfutlmv, prut's l. i , atciu wuui mitl Mont nft, lit I' ll It A ulo IITH THOMAft (INTURV Movo Mr ')ir(. m KtM'tl timl tt n tw fn-Hrtnf ft .nu'h ha uti tnuti n tti a , Kt iut us thUfttl. with your univt ami we t ill nd it o. o. l. aubtfct to vouf rmminnt ion atiU aphfrttvftl. hxtuti (in it l...rou;hfy Hnvl it fuiul I'.ikI e jitftl to ttu'hta IVIuiliM. hi tl ut. our rUf, S2.98 snd Etp. rhariioa.tilva It Kiiv trial. If not nt In n-t w e return Tonrmitwv. V t cnh with order tMld ft f ACt riCia-PlaM4 A ATCH CHAIN. F. I. Encsll &Co. 330 Dearborn St.Criicago CM WjP COYOTES CLEANED OUT. Willard H. Herren brought np Mon' day his two bands of 4500 sbeep from lower Eight Mile, and will soon take them to the mountains. As ao evidence of what the scalp bounty law has done, Mr. Herren had 200 lambs killed by coyotes last year, while this year he did not lose a single lamb , by coyotes. The scalp bounty stimulated their hunting, and guns and dogs bore down upon them. Mr. Herren therefore made a most successful lambing, and I as marked an increase of 123 percent. Miss Florence Newmao, wbo has been a great sufferer from mofcolar rbeuma tism, says Cbamberlaiu's Palo Balm is tbe only remedv that affords ber relief. Miss Newmao is a mnob respeoted resi dent of tbe village of Gray, N. Y.. atd makes this statement for tbe benefit of others similarly afflicted. This liniment is for sale by Conser & Warren.. HEPPNEB CHURCHES. M. E. church C. D. Nickelsen, pas tor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m Evening subject "is , a Mason a Christian?" The pastor will preach on this subject by request. No preaching service in tbe morning on account of the dedication of tbe Epis copal Church. v M. E: church, Soutb F. F. 8t. Clair, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Christian church Sunday School at 10 a. in. ' Baptist church Sunday School at 10 a. no. Episcopal church Services Sunday at 11 and 7:30 by Rev. Potwine. Con secration May 13. Rev. Ray Palmer of Portland will lec ture at Christian Church Wednesday at 8 o'clock on "Mankind Crucified at the Bar of the Saloon.". A Young Peo ples Temperance Union will be orga nized atclose of lecture. All are invited. NOTICE TO VOTERS; All Mast Register on or Before May 15, 1900. From tbe 2d day of January, 1900, at 8 a. m., nntil tbe 15th day of May, 1900, at 5. p. m., tbe records for tbe registra tion of voters will be open at tbe office of tbe County Clerk of Morrow ooooty. Naturalized citizens appearing to register will be requested lo produoe proofs of citizenship, either deolaratioo of intention, or oertifioate of citizenship, exoept where tbe same appears on tbe reoords of Morrow county, and also their street aod number, it living io town, or if living in country, section, township and range. Tbe law requires that it tbe elector is unable to conveniently appear before tbe oounty clerk tor registration, be may be registered by a notary publio or jus tice of tbe peaoe in tbe precinct in which be resides. Dated at Heppner, Morrow oounty, OregoD, this 3lst day of January, 1900. VAWTEB (JBAWFORD, Couuty Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon. TTT lllo Drpart FOR TIME SCHEDULES; ARRIVS FROM From Heppner. No tralna Sunday ChlRaRO I'ortland Special 9:15 a. m. Salt Lake, Denver, 4:00 p. ra. f t. worm, umana, Kansas City, St. LomIh, Chicago, and hunt. Atlantic KxprcHi 11:30 p. in. via. Uuut ltiKtou, Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kaunas City, St Loula, Chicago and Kant. 8 a. m. Atlantio Expreaa 6 '20 p. m, Via. Spo kane. Walla Walla, Lewli ton, Spokane, Min nuapolls, St. Paul, Duluth, Milwau kee Chicago aud Kant. 8 a. m. 8.00 p. m, Ockan Steamships 4:00 p. m. From Portland. All sailing date! subject to change. For (tan Franclaco Hall every 5 dayi 8:00 p. m. Ex. Bund ay Saturday 10:00 p. m. Columbia Rivk Stiamsrs. 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday To Aatorta and Way muumgi. A:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday Willametti Rivkr 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New- Berg, Bamm aud May Laudinga. 7:00 a. m. Tuea.. Thur, aud Sat. Willamette and 8:80 p. m. Mon., Wed. and Frl. Yamhill Rivers. Orogon City, Day ton dt vt ay Land' luga. 6:00 a. m. Tuea. Thura. and Sat. Willamette River 4:30 p.m. Mou.. Wed., Portland to Corval 11a & Way Laud and Frl. inga. Smaee River. Lv. Rlparla A a. m. dally Lv. Lewlaton Rlparla to Lewlaton 9 a. m. dally Pattanaart booked for oil Foreign Countries. J. M. KE11NAN, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Paaaenger Agent, Portland, Or. visit DR. JORDAN'S oiut IJUSEUU OF ANATOUY 1051 MARKET IT., SAN FMNCIK0, CM. (Smvm ajuta aaa J . ThalartMt Anatomical Ifnwoa tn the World. artattx atrmcMm (ft ft CUV. JL VnUr(ul MeAtkr warn Whw, or auy can trap. dllaMuw,BMltiTl7ar4 br tit olilMl Siwrlihit n lh PaciA Coaat. UbUahd9aji DR. JORDAN-PRIVATI UISIA8E1 and sbi4i mtrm wbo ar sutftrlnf Iiuiu the envta f youthful ladle orvuon or tiwiiin ia mainrar yrara. Narvoua and phyalaal lMfclliay,laB lw,i. Laat Ma.aba.ad la all lui-ompll-onion; ajparniMtorrliat. Prvaatr rliiaa, Uaaorrhra, Im, Frvajaaavr f I rlnallna. . Hy a combination of ramntlM, o( iii wit ruratlva pow r, th Doctor liaaaoarranatd hit troatmont (hat It Kill not only afford liuim dlat ivll.-f, bin narmaiwnt cuia. Tha lV-ir rt.x-a not rlaim to naiform nilriuMix, tint i wwli known ta b a fair aod aijuara I'hynlrlan and HnrgfKin, pra-anlaaat lu bltpl-laliy-Dla.aaaa mt lira nvrtlll.l thiumiifhly anidlcatad troaB tha araiviu wlihont lha ua of Maraary. Truaaaa flttrd by an snort aa'laal far tw Raalara, A quirk aod ra,lxa no for Pllra. I iuara aud t'Utalaa, by Dr. Jordan' e, lnl palnlras mtlbotta, EVKKT Mt applvlna tout will racalva our Aiuujt ofHNton of bia complaint. Wavili (litrnM a iXi&UlYf CCMt Coiomiiati.m KKKK and atrlctlTprlyaia. CHARHKS fKHY KKASOSAHLM. Trauiint xm,iiIU' or by latter. M'rilo f.-r Rik. Illll.OPHT MAKHIAUK. UumioI'hu vAvaluatwa bH,k for mm.) Call ur wnt OH i0R0N CO., 1081 Martat St.t P. WHISKEY TO INDIANS. Allen's Ranch, May 6. Editor Gazette: It seems that some one in Heppner is furnishing the In dianS'With whisky, for they are passing my place night and day actually crazy drunk, making night hideour with their shrieks, groans and yelps, frightening men women and children almost out of their wits. Yesterday tbe old gentle man Swick, of Grant county, was on his road home, with quite a sum of money, and when about two miles from the Allen Toll Rock, he was held up by a drunken Jndian, one Billy by name. The Indian grabbed the lines and stopped the team and held .them for some time, all the time talking very saucr, and when the old gentleman came to my place ne was greatly ex cited, and I guess if he had had any thing with which to defend himself, there would have been one more good Indian. I hope the authorities will look into this matter. li. Allen. Always reliable The "Weekly Oregonlan. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Ore., May 4 1900. Notice ia hereby given that the following named aettler haa filed notice of her Intention to commute and make final proof in aupport of her claim, and that aaid proof will be made be fore County Clerk of Morrow coiiDty at Hepp ner, Oregon, on June 16, 1900, viz: Homestead entry 8232, of ' MABLE CASY, of Heppner, Oregon, For the aouthweat M northeast , north H Southeast ii aud southeast ii southeast K sec tion 20, townBhip 4 south, range 27 E W M. She names the following witneaaea to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaid land, viz: Oeorge Sperry, Joseph Pot ter, La Fayette Penland and Jerry Phillips, all of Heppner, Oregon. 81-6 E. W. Bartlett, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTIONS ,1 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dallea, Ore., April 80, 1900. Notice ia hereby given that the following named aettler haa filed notice of his intention to make final proof in aupport of his claim, and that aaid Droof will be made before Vawter Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday June 8, 1900, viz: OSCAR SHAFER, of Heppner, Ore., Homestead entry No. 5696. for the weat K north east K and southeast L northeast K aection 18, and aouthweat !4 northwest aection 17, town ship 4 soutn, range ail. w m, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaid land, viz; Harry C. Hauby, James O. Wil liams, J. R. Nunamaker and Silaa Wright, all of Heppner, Oregon. ou-w jax r. lJUVAB, nvKMH" NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dallea, Ore., April 30, 1900. Notice ia hereby given that the following named aettler haa filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before Vawter Crawford, County Clerk, at tieppner, uregon, on Friday, June s, mu, viz: ALBERT F. RANNEY, of Eight Mile, Ore., Homestead entry No. 6917 for the southeast section 21, township 3 aouth, range 24 E W M. tie names me loiiowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaid land, viz: L. Pearl Jones, of Heppner, tire., reter Brenner ana Bruce uaineaoi Eignt Mile, Ore., and John H. Bellenbrock, of Hepp ner, Ore. Jay P. Lucas, 80-85 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles, Ore., April 30, 1900. Notice ia hereby given that the following named aettler haa filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that aaid Droof will be made before J. W. Mor row, U. 8. commissioner, at Heppner. Oregon, on Friday, June B, l'JUO, viz: ELBA FARMER, of Eight Mile, Ore., Homestead entry No. 6748 for the northeast aection 24. township 8 aouth. range 24 E W M. She namea the following wltneaaes to prove her continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: Frank P. vaughan, Theodore Anderson, Luther Huston and Peter Breuner, all of Eight Mile, Ore. 80-85 Jay P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. TEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND XJ Office at La Grande, or.. March 2U, mud, Notice la hereby given that the following named aettler haa filed notice of hia intention to make final nroof in support of hi claim and that aaid proof will be made before Vawter urawtora, county uierK, at rteppner, uregon, on May 7, 1900, viz: Homestead entry No. 9001 oi JOHN H. ROMJUE. of Heppner, Or., for the aouthweat !4 northweat H aection 17 and aouth H northeast !4 and northweat M north east aection 18, townBhip 4 south, range 28 east W M. He namea the following witneaaea to prove hia eantlnuous residence upon and cultivation of aaid land, viz: Hyall C. Corbin. Freeman Green, Robert Dexter and Waldo Watkina, all of Heppner, Oregon 75-80 E. W. Bartlett, Register. ' NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at I Grande, Or., March 20, 1900. Notice la hereby given that the following named aettler haa filed notice of her intention to make final proof in aupport of hia claim, and taat sam proof win be roaae oeiore j . mor row. United States Commissioner, at Heimner. Oregon, on May 7, 1900, viz: Homestead entry no. vso oi KATE D. BTEEVES, of Heppner, Or., for the southeast ii aouthweat . south H southeast U section 33 township 1 aouth, range 28 eaat w M, lot 1 section 4 towuanip i soutn, ran ire 28 eaat. Khe name the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon ana cultivation of aaid land, viz: Andrew Tillard, Hugh Fields Thomas A. Rhea and Frank McKuight, an oi tieppner, Oregon. 76-80 E. W. Babtlett, Register, Come to , Morrow lands. Values are sure er again will land sell At $5 an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles south of Heppner; almost all good plow land, has running water and is under fence; will make a good home for Tr- .11 man. it not sola soon win oe rentea on shares to farm. It adjoins the places of Tom Quaid, D. A. Herren, Hayes. Apply to J. Office, Heppner. Our Famous Stock Saddles Staid the Racket OUR SPRING OPENING OF Horse and Mule Millinery is ISTowr On We have t full stock o( Hsjrnea, Sadaies, Brldlrs,-in (act, sverylhlng in the way of Hone Furniture, and our prtca arc as low as such reliable goods can be sold for any w -rJTT We have Tent lor ramping, and bis; Umbrellas to shade wagon svata. NOJBIyB Main Street LOCAL WARS. At the new Scandinaviao settle ment south of the town of McGin ty all ia not always peaceful. Tom Qvale'a horses treepasepd on his neighbor Kkijec's land, whereupon Mr. Skijen, after some little skirminhiug, caught the horses, put their bridles on them, and led them to the town pound. But the road to the pound led past Qvale's place", aud the valiant Thom as issued foith, as Skijen was pas sing, and, being a larger niau, not only rescued the horses, but took the bridles off and struck Skijen over tbe head with them, uttering enss words iu four different lan guages. Mr. Skijen went at once to town to obtain aid from the strong arm of justice. But the authorities re fused to listen to his talo of woe, assured him that justice was blind to small matters, and Ole went home disgusted with law. On his later application to a jus tice of the peace, Qvale was arrest ed, bound over to keep the peace "the rest of his natural life," fined $12.00 and a keg of beer, and or dered to go to Skijen's place and nelp drink the beer. As Qvale is under bonds to keep the peace, and hence can't fight, Skijen threat ens to club him'wben he comes for the beer. Independent and reliable The Oregon lan. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dallea, Ore., March 22, 1900. Notice is herebv given tbat the following- named aettler hag filed 'notice of hia intention to make final proof in aupport of hia claim, and tnataaia prooi win De maae oeiore j. w. mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, May 5, 1900, viz: BERNARD F. DOHERTY, of Heppner, Or., Homestead entry No. 4823, for the north V, northeast V. and northeast M. northweat M. section 32, and southeast aouthweat aec tion 29, townehip 1 aouth, range 26 eaBt W M. He namea the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Barton and J. G. Doherty of Heppner, Oregon, and Edward Doherty and Edward McDaid, of Lexington, Oregon. 75-80 J. r. lucab, KegiBter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. v waaaaBaaa-aas . DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. LAND Office at La Grande, Or.. April 8, 1900. Notice is herebv given that the following- named aettler haa filed notice of hia intention to make final proof in aupport of hia claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk, Umatilla County, Oregon, at rcndieton, uregon, on May 19, I9tw, viz: Homestead entry No. 6717 of john a huksman, ot uuraane, ur. , For the aoutheaat H northwest yt, northeast K northwest i, northwest !4 northeast and lot 2 section 19, township 3 aouth, range 30 E W M He namea the following witnesses to prove hia continuoua residence upon and cultivation of saw lana, viz: wiuiam my, ot renaieton, ur., James L. Hall, Mika Urbons and Anthony Corley, of Gurdane, Or. E W. Bartlett, 76 81. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. TTVEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND J Office at The Dalles, or., April IB. woo. Notice is hereby given that the following named'aettler has filed notice of hia intention to make final proof in aupport of hia claim, and that said proof will be made betore Vawter Crawford, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on i nursany, may a, law, viz: WALTER S. BRCNDAGE, of Heppner, Ore., Homeatead entry No. 4W2, W the aoutheaat H BouthweBt Vt aection 11, and nortneast M northwest a and north northeaat aection 14, township 3 south, range 26 east W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William L. Mallory, Albert A. Osmln, Henry Y. Thompson and Walter Crosby, all oi Heppner, Oregon. 78-83 Jay P. Locas, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Public Land Sale (Isolated Tract.) TOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN pursuance of lnatructlona from the Com missioner of the general land office, under au thority vested in him by aection 24oft. D. 8. RevlHed Statute, aa amended by the act of Con gress approved gebruary2, 1895, we will pro ceed to oiler at public sale on Saturday the 9tb dav of June, next, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at this office, the following tract of land, to-wit: iMortneast yK sou in west aection i townahiD 4 aouth. range 24 E W M. Anv and all peraona claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to file their claims in this office on or before the day above aestgnatea tor tne commencement oi saia sale, otnerwise tneir rignu win De iorieitea. Jay P. Lucas, Regiater. 80-85 Otib Pattkrson, Receiver. V. S. Land Office, The Dallea, Or., April 30, 1900. NOTICE OF INTENTION. "TVEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND XJ Otnce at La (iranne, or., April 23, I'.hk). Notice ia hereby given that the following named aettler haa filed notice of her Intention to make final proof in aupport of her claim, and that aaid proof will be made betore the County Clerk oi Morrow county at tieppner, uregon on Junes, 1900, viz: SI ERA N. 8HICK, one of the heirs and for the heirs of Joahua Ricka, deceased, of Heppner, Oregon, Homeatead entry No. 4416 for the southwest yt aection 12, township 4 aouth, range 28 E W M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John N. Beller, Ellhu Tyler, w. icy ana jonn poian, an oi tieppner, ur. 80-83 E. W. Bartlett, Register. County for low-priced to double up. Nev so low as it does now. some farmer or stock '11 1 .1 Wm, Penland and Jas. W. Redington, Gazette Ss CO., Heppner, Oregon. IT VJ ' : Ull rillirL'iwttNtfi Jlhitoiu i -. -. .., n a im, i li yLvm9-!r -.i.iii"iiiii f --Tr ' "(.if THE BiVIIV WAGON Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the best on earth. Gilliam J Bisbee Have just received one of the largest stocks of Bain Wagons ever brought to Heppner. Call and See them. Prices are Rlglxt. Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Mo., raints and Uils (the best in the world). Crockery and Glassware. Highest price paid for fat rta Heppner, Oregon. - days and Saturdays of each week at Herren's ranch, 6 miles South of Town. HONEST ABE is a Hurt 1450 pounds. He was foaled July i ioijuu vjhuhuihu ouwuun uanaaa, imported in looy Ey u. UnevHl and bred bv E. B&uchemiu. St. Oiirn. Onuhop Canada wua DirA k St. Lawrence Boy, dam by Kichelieu Girl (thoroughbred Canadinn mare). Honest Abe's dam was sired by Tornado, a pure bred Cana dian stallion imported by T. Cunnington, of Sacramento, Cal., in 1882, and sold to Kenady & Smith, of Woodburn, Oregon. His dam was sired by the imported French Canadian Stallion Robin Hood, imported loot) i m n . i , i . iu iooi oy i. vunmngion ana sola to Kenaay & Smith, of Woodburn, Or., and afterward sold to Wm. Walbridge, of Heppner, Or. Third dam by Old Mistery; fourth dam by Old LummackB; fifth dam by Old Laplander. Terms: Single leap $5; season $7.50, payable at end of senson. insurance $10, payable when mares are known to be in foal. Will not be responsible for accidents. Pasturage will be furnished at $1 a month; D. A. Herren, Owner. Dan Henshew, Manager. At my ranch, 4 miles southwest of Heppner. On Saturdays at Billy Gordon's Stable, in Heppner. CROOKSTON is a dark bay, 9 years old, weighs 2000 pounds, and is 17 yi hands high. His dam and sire were imported from Scotland, and his sire sold at Salem for 2500. Terms Season 10; to insure 15; single leap $5. Good pasture at 1 a month. S. A. HUGHES, Owner. MAT HUGHES, Manager. MS 1 f V- oaraelai. at onr Mprrial A Kent's nam u jne a-rrat( A. . concern t t iu. srlta M atrui la-aV II ta I V.i Wm Vaa' aearhtoanjfortK. ,, Watawimml kandml ktxy SUAMIH IU;tUw iak.-n i S t ale , , "h l K kr' LIABILITY 1 unqno.ti.wod. W. refer to an. Ur.k or bnrine houi ii.ldt.v? oraJf Jil" 0,:?,L''U1'1 V"" ' l "id y, letter, of reference from the k,rc,t Mrk, In o.mirn If 'm . ,7S JEKD YOUR CRDEara MEAQ CYCLE COMPANY, cmco, m presh Meats Salt and Smoked Meats Pure Rendered Leaf Lard Fish every Friday. Liberty Market Stock. - & Mathews,, Proprietors. French Canadian Stallion HONEST ABE Will sand the Season at Wm. Gordon's Stables on Wednes week. The balance of the 23, 189( Sired by the imported The Fine Clyde Stallion CR00KST0N. Will make the follows: Beason of 1900 as UOUTROSE BIOYCLEHIEFREE SEHO US yoUROHOEIi, f " T1IK WIIEF.l, C. O. 1). oo appm-aL an.,wiii you U, Snciai- .,., if annua ii uuj wrore ymi a-,.H It. if u j t an a,ld -Claim for it. and a teller whral tin jrou en ri for ai.j aher?i T2 price from any oue el . retu it ami e wnl par all ,"S Ift9 " MOUTKOSE iplo prics of wTerl. We iniarantrJTt eml uartml n la a Mryrle v a It I n r D a r a, r ' .' ' ,uw P ' - - - . . m v. tm i ,f. nkji town IO rt'DTPHMn. .. . aM take onter. Onraurul make m.ra.y fart. " prcneot aa handle n V.,al Arcf. crown: tl-.r M.num ., ,. nV."i L.Ur the easiest mnnm known; Krror.l "A" urr. ih- l.t aid o' oris. -HrtdlCj prdaw, ..! and .,xw.rlr th. hv obtain C V' Kaiahed nickeling- on all bright We u.p"i7eT7,' J? 11 ot maarlal that gwa Into Ihla maune. Our fciadl.jT.JL . aa.Mml.ith a. hhi,7rle. afli.. ,,, FHEE toTo"-wllnsU l.Mr.-k In f"li with m-in wa win tiriSi' Your aKmey " 5 lAU? WHEELS. n?L"rzrri"- knd bie ,,,,.( hooaN aiUeru and eM hlj h Rnule. V e mn f-i n'lhTra ktaj to t7 NtrloCHI: or lo ll.rimn,J.i. U. .u. ... .' 'a K hnw mn..k au..-,.. . 1 " '