Striped Worsted, all tbe rage for the youogme', Italian serge lin iog.... 675 Grand Army Suit, blue Slater.good weight, two sets of buttons. . . . . 9 97 F ncy Blue Berge, fast oolor. . . 9 98 We Handle Fine Dress Suite of Blaok, French baok Worsted Frook Coat 16 84 and many others. 0 A ft l kA 0 ci "jr.. 41 WW n J; 1 n 0 16 3 00 ..40 . 60 S 00 5 00 , 9 00 7 00 1 ..12 .. t oM o30 ..10 . .75 to 5 . 15 Oil die. er. et. Our Jeader ia gray check Cheviot Suck Coat; neat ODd dressy, and you oan't matoh it for $6; our Price ...8 5 00 Big line working and drees pants from 81 up. All-Wool Provo Gray, Farmers' Fa-vorite--- 10 00 i ' Men's Heavy Buokle. nnr nair OR iuAH rj li . . ' ( mm a uuukih yj. j, tap sole l as Men's Satin Clf Bils., shop ' Baa'1 ......... 1 75 lien's med. weight Bale, and Oon- i grees, tbe old stand-by 1 49 Volunteer Chocolate Vioi 2 15 Blaok Box Calf Welt. ; 2 98 Also finer line of Men's Colored Shoes. Trad Mark Stampad in Shank BUMBLEBEE STOP AND THINK! . If It Is a pair of Shoes vou want, be sure vou get a heaping measure of value for vour monev. Shoes With a Record "ilaaaaaaaaaWMMiiriBM Tor durability, stvle and all the fine pomrs in snoememma and fitting. That's the Kind We Sell Thev arc made bv The BROWN SHOE CO., the Biggest and Best Shoe Builders Irt the Country, and they stand behind their product. 82.98". Trade Mark Stampad SECRETARY ON THE That's what wins Getting there first and hitten' 'em hard when you arrrve. 1 haf s what Ottv Goods and Out Prioea ire doing; for competition in the Shoe line this season. We're hammering down prioes an driving uv values. 83.8. Ladif s' fioe kid vest top-. $1 39 " heavy grain I 38 " k.ugaroo ealf laoe. ...... .11 99 " One kid, liKht sole 'l 99 " French kid, hnd turced, Try fine -2 98 1 Also complete line colored iboetaod Oxfords. in Shank. I I Trad Mark 5 Stampad In Shank. ; f "Anchor" Shoe. Dainty Footwear Shoes that please the eye and irt the teet are what you want. We've Got 'Em in all styles of Toes; Kid ane v csting 1 ops; 1 an and Black FAMOUS ST. LOUIS SHOES, MAPI BY THE BROWN SHOE CO., PRO GRESSIVE SHOE BUILDERS, j Jt jl Q. O fa Q k a small sum fot W A J O a really stylish, ele- gantly made and serviceable shoe. 1 haf s what the "Anchor" Ladies' Dress Shoe is.J J Trada Mark 5 Stampad In Shank, Hpfp'c Where We Get Together. YOU WANT SHOES. WE'VE GOT SHOES. LATEST STYLES, jtjtBEST VALUES 81.99 Boys the Shoe shown above, the Best for the money in town. Made by The Brown Shoe Co., the best shoe builders. MEN'S SHIRTS. llSiiiii 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 snii i"!ii:.jvr,ii!!;;:i II!!!!!! !!!!:!'!!!!!!! ! This is a line we have bongbt very heavy on. both in the fancy silk aod soft bosoms and in tbe working shirts. We want to sell every one of tbeee shirts be fore fall goods arrive, aod bave marked thero exceptionally low to move them quiokly. 2705 x dark blue cheviot 3 inches long 25 Blaok and white strips dock and drill, double . stitched, felled seams, extra vnlne. ' . Same as above with double front, back aod sleeves Peroale laundered, wiih 2 detached collars 49 68 CO Fine white shirt',' Freoob flannel and tllk front shirts at corres pondingly low prioes. pS!i!i!ii!lgeS!;i!g2eesS!i!lilSIi3l jlggiig;Mgggg8g!jgg :!;;fll; lr :gr;rrr!S iliiiiiHi iiili !'!!;; !!;: r:::::::; JB For Men. Women I TA Ann n n nr r UWUU UMU calf Foxed lace, 5 to 7 " 8 to 12. " " 13 to 2. heavy rivited 5 to 7. 8 to 12. 13 to 2..... New Line All Colors. 4 Everything in Gloves -4 Fedoras .. In Every Shape and Best Hat in the World for . . Still Better Extra Fine . . $2.00, $2.50 All Shapes. Child's Stetson and the Famous $1 to $3.50 We sell Trunks and Valises way down WE SELL Bggy Wliir and Team Whips. Wash your Clothes in Fels' No more expensive than the common kind, the worst half. 'We sell it. W li Child's vest Same, ,8 to " 12 to Also line of $1 23 iu a OUU 93c 99o of Sweaters Men's and Boys'. Here's Where We HATS and CAPS Excellent Values and complete assortment of SOFT HATS . .. .. Full Line of COW-BOY HATS Color . . $1.00 1.50 and 3.00 Stiff Hats Shapes and Lowest of Prices Cold Water with Naptha CO lllil i i' fl CO Chi top, very fine, black, No. i to 7 $1 12 1 2 1 slippers and colored shoes. Shine. All Sizes. Men's, Boys and Children's Caps . . All the Late Styles .. .. Swell Handsome Colors .. at the very All Kinda. Fothchild. Soap. Saves half of wash-day LACE CURTAINS 50o to 82.50 per LADIES' 8HIRT WAISTS. Tou oho set n idea of tbe rocularitf of our Waists and tbe prioes they go at wbeo we tell you that the first shipment is already exhausted, bat more will ar rive ere tbia reaohes yon. the price on peroales starts et " " " Fretioh lawns sod or gandies etnrts b The price on white starts at TABLE OIL CLOTH, 20a A YARD LADIES' WRAPPERS. We oarry a Fine Selection of these Goods. All have extra waist linings and are nioely trimmed, and tbe skirts 14 39 68 are wide. The materials are P-roalee, Lawns, Organdies and Prints, and run in price from 73 oents to $2 89. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. These goods oome in two weights of ootton with long sleeves or wing sleeves or sleeveless, and the price starts at 5o, np to as fine as you want. LADIES' KID GLOVES. We carry the "Adele" kid glove sold by most stores for 81 25. We guarantee this glove and sell it to you for 81 00. All colors. We also bave tbe "Victoria" in hlsok only; also line of Misses' kid gloves. ribbons. . Ribbons from lo yard up. Sand tor samples. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. Biggest assortment of these goods ever shown in faot no better seleotioo oan bs found in department stores in the cities, and tbe prioe is from 10 a yard np. Send for samples. CRASH TOWELING. Ootton orasb, per yard 310 Belter grade orasb, per yard 60 Linen orasb, per ysrd 80, 9o aod 10c Also a line of ready-to-use towels In cot tin and linen knotted fringe at nearly one-balf regular price. v.. HlWalliwwwl MllllMIianiltNa MWUSSHISSMd If III Camp Stoves. Ws sell camp stoves lower thao you ever knew of tbeir being sold for in Heppoer or any otber place, aod do not want you to forget this when you get ready to furnish your sheen oamD or go camping. Those formerly sold for i'2 are now 0Dl' $U7 Those formerly sold for 83 are now 0D'' $2 37 This store is brim full of goods, and every artiole is marked in plain figures, wilb prioe soffioiently low to make esob a bargain. We offer no baits. Everybody nets tbs stme prioe, and tbat is tbe lowest possible tor cash to secure. c II I1WV '"taw Our Spring Lm of Boys' Cloth ing both in Koee Pants Suits and Long Pants Suits have not arrived ns we go to press, but we, ouu assure you tbat it is tbe lar gest line ever shown in Heop ner, and tbe prioes will be in keeping with all otber goods. pair CORSETS. 50o 83a 93j We carry a complete line of American Lady and Model Form Corsets. We will sell yon Good Summer Corset for. 25 A better one at 63 No. 100 is blaok, good and strong, with medium long waiBt, at 49 No. 454 blaok or drab, French Model Form, black, long waist, worn with or without shoulder straps, and as tbe name implies, is a model form No. 82, short, French sbnpe, trim med in lace, black or drab 1 23 1 50 NOTIONS. Safety pins, nickle plstad. No. 1. 2 end 3 ( 3o, 4o and 5c Dress stays, per set 60 and 80 Dress shields.... ..10c, 12c and 15o Shell hair pins, eaoh. Dressing oombs, eaoh Fioe oombs, each. . . . Hair brushes, each. . , . ..lo, 3o and 4o . . ,5o, 9c and 12o . . .4o, 5c, and Ho lOo, 15o and 24o Curling irons, small, eaob.. 2c 60 In.,.. Bone oollar buttons, per dozen 5o Kid hair ourlers, per bunob 4o Clothes brushes, each, . .18o, 23o and 48o Ink, per bottle 5o Mnollnge 5j Tooth brushes, each. 3o, Ho, 13o and 20o THEY ARE FAST The "Ironclad" for boys, the heavy ribbed or Ibe fioe ribbed for the chil dren or Minees, and the plsio to tbs finest for ladies, and Ibe prioe is right, too. For 10 cents we sell you as good a slookiog as you get at mottt stores (or 15 cents. Best ITltlUC HOSIERY. y h 1 :r ) JlsL 75