FoitlMd Librarj WEEKLYGAZETTE Subscription price. $1.50 OFFICIAL PAPER i m vvrrn i itnh i h i Leads In Prestige........ Leads In Circulation Leads In News Is the Official and Recognized Represent- JffiLilSJ JUII III II Wy III V'&S$$ CllllnrVil Yllr I I Br Tne Paper Is Published strictly In tha ZJyGfy A A V Vx tLSv V .5&V. Vlil VVil. iJ 1 , I.IU. I Interests of Morrow fount ... ZaaPBMBBmiMIIMII VS " W vyj- v -y gV Taxpayers. EIGHTEENTH YEAR UEPFNER. MOURQW COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 8. 1900. . NOjT The .Heppner Gazette . . n i u7- . ' ,.mT WAn VT,wo - t Li- i i .. , " - - - . , LATEbT WAR NEWS. PITY THE ThTTn Is published every Thursday by - ;wwap , , u rl11 vniiiU. J. W. R.E DINQTON " 'x ' ; - " London, April 29.-The total absence nVn' ?raJ" " ,n: ,, a 8econd-clM matKr ' ' 5L I I JT Nl-iin 11 I iH . 11 I If" A V - V -. V S "tat B5 I r C E Redfield Office In Pint National Bank building. Heppner, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Pub- ' lie and Collectors. Office in Natter's Building. ... Heppner, Oregon, J. W. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW and U. fi. COMMISSIONER. Office in Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or. A. Mallory, U". S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC nis,ltnorizei1 t0 toke all kinds ol LAND PROOFS and LAND FILINW8. Collections made on reasonable terms. Office at residence on Cbase street. Government land script for sale. D- E. Gilman GENERAL COLLECTOR. Put your old books and notes in his hands and get your money out of them Makes a specialty of hard collections. Office in J, N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or Dr. M. B. Metzler DENTIST The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been iu. use iur over v years, has bomn rti si ' - w Wf5-wavlv Vf . .. and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. . Allnw nn iina 4-a jIaaaIi.a 1 .... i " " .uunucxvu juum tins. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. ... What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ; Colic. ; It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ' Bean the Signature ef The Kind You Have Always Bought in use Kor Over 30 Years. thc eNTuw eemwwT. tt muhhay vmm. new roan oitt. a Teeth Extracted and Filled. Bridging a specialty fli t o m x arnicas xjAtrauuou. Oregon. Heppner J. ft Simons & Son General Blacksmiths Horseshoeing a Specialty 0. A. RHEA T. A. RHEA... Rational OF HEPPNER. Jank Prnnlflnnt I (J W rntlQWP r. . ..Vio-President E. L. FREELAND. . Aasistani'fJaBhier Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS WW!Jl!W and undivided protm J35.000. Wagon taking and Repairing. All work done with neatness and dispatch. . . . Satisfaction Guaranteed. Upper Main Street, Heppner, Ore. All Heppner people who have stopped there speak well of the HOTEL. ST. GEORGE Pendleton, Oregon. GEORGE DARVEAU. Proprietor. EuroDean nlan. erected in IRfiQ elegantly furnished and heated dv not water. Corner Main and Webb streets, 1 blocks from depot. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. TflTTr Tfl HffDPUV ITl'WW TTVA ATT DVD a- iuiib u4iig cimiug Mfo.iuni' m oaLBifi oi Stephen Lalaode, deceased, that they are here- "J tlJUIICU J yi OBCIl V MIU lOli 111 , W 1 VII bllC Robert M. Hart, the executor of the last will nuu Xiamen ui saiu awuau lihuuO uo- ceased, at hli place of doing builneM, at tht law office of C. fi. Redfield, In Heppner, In inurruw county, orate 01 urecon, wimin SIX - Dated April 19, 1900. Executor of the Last Will and Teatament of T - 1 . n i n nn OWPUOU MtBUUe, VGOWM " MORROW. Propr,..- ; Strictly First-Class A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel Every, Modern Convenience. - jrummer,Resork Stockmen's Headquarters. One of the finest equipped Bars and Clubrooms uic aiaw m connection ... . - First-Class Sample Rooms. For Business Heppner is one of the Leading Towns of the West xx. FLOUR J H 5! ft 3W o sss e e s a s L- 5 - a e -J s s r g s 2 m bh o g c 2 o w - I3J" Sac SS53 s s o I E Is H sj a. sj S X 2 a J It c is ss '!? s 4 FLOUR The Heppner Flouring Mill Company Hsre perfeoted arraDgemeotg to rnn the mill permaoeotly. They have secured the services of a firit olasa miller, and wheat sufficient to make and keep on band a permanent supply of A a ;s .,,., , . Flour, Graham, Germ Aleal. Whole What Bran and Shorts Of the wy best quality sod guaranteed to give salieraction. We are bere to boy wheat and exobaoire their patronage. rith tbe farmers, and aolioit -AT- T. R. HOWARD'S STORE, Main street, you can find 0 Groceries. Provisions, Glassware. Tinware and Furnishing Goods, : All well adapted to either City or Country Trade. Staple and Fanci) (h Fine lean and Coffci groceries- fees. Gopd Goods.... Fair Prices.i IX. R. HOWARD, Heppner. London, April 29. The total absence of news from the seat of war in South Africa during the last 24 hours Indicates that operations are progressing which it is beet to keep secret. 80 far as the eituation in the south eastern part of the Free Slate can be worked out from the latest dispatches, the main body of the Boers is retiring, with a view to join in the neighborhood of Ladybrand the commandos from Wepener, who made good" their re'reat to Ladybrand. The maiii body of the Boers is being followed. The British have an overwhelmingly superior force and ought to wipe out the Boers if they succeed In overtaking them and bring ing them to biyf'-www . - It may be assumed that the Boers are to the eastward of a north and south line drawn fromThabanchu to Wepeoer. The retreat is being carried put without fighting, which indicates that the Boers have a good start, and the dispatches say that they are not hampered much by transport and leave no visible wheel tracks behind tjiem on the ye!dt. ' Ammunition intrrcrpttd. Pretoria, April 27. The British at Jammesburg Drift tried to get ammuni tion through Basutoland, but the Basu-1 tos stopped the wagons and informed General De Wet. A strong contingent of Basutoa is now guarding the line to prevent entrance or exit from Basuto land. ' On to Winbenc. Maseru, April 27. The Boers, num bering several thousand, who abandoned the siege of Wepener on Wednesday, started in the direction of Ladybrand, but changed their course and took the middle road leading past Thaba Patso Mountain and Lecan River Mills, thence toward Thabanchu and in the direction of Winberg. The border guard of Basu- tos has been broken ud in .conseouence of Wepener now being in the hands of the British. One of General Hart's wagon trains, which encumbered the movements, has been taken charge of by the Basutoland government and re moved to Mafeking, where at present 70 wounded are getting along well. Botha U. K. London, April 28. In Gen. Botha the Boers appear to have found a capable successor to Joubert. As the result of his insight and quick dicision it may be assumed now that the "retreating coni mandos have gotten safely away with the transport. The position is that the Boers who be gan their raid a month ago by compell ing (olonel Broadwood to retire to Bloemfontein have now gotten safely away to the northward, practically without loss, but with the advantage of seven British nuns, together with a hundred prisoners, captured. Meanwhile the advance to Pretoria das not begun. Small wonder is it that muffled complaints and criticism are beginning to be heard here and there agoinst Lord Roberts. Two-thirds of his entire force has been employed in effecting this small satisfaction, and the probability is that the whole force must be again concentrated on Bloemfontein before the. main advance beuins. As similar raids on the British communica tions are likely to be repeated, it is evi dently a far cry to Pretoria. Many Movements. The Bloemfontein correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, says : The Boers who retreated from De Wet's Dorp kept well ahead of French's cavalry. Unless the enemv should make a stand at Kroonstad, Lord Roberts will rapidly cross the Vaal river." Other Bloemfontein dispatches throw interesting points of light upon the situ ation. One special say that 750 wagons of a Boer heavy transport train have reached Kroonstad from the south. Only light wagons have been left, behind. The Boers have organized a specially mounted corps for foraging and other work requiring special mobility. An other reports that before the Boers were driven from De Wet's Dorp about 7000 of them had been slowly retiring toward Ladybrand, where large supplies are stored, and Immense corn fields are ready for harvesting. The Ladysmith correspondent of tbe Daily Telegraph says: P The Boers are preparing to spend the winter in Natal. They are bringlnu their stock from the high veldt into Natal for winter grazing, and they are demanding that the Kaffirs pay the hut tax on them instead of the Natal govern ment. Thev also declare that unlnia the Kaffirs work for them they (the Kaffirs) must remove south of Sunday' river. ; The commandos ordered to the front are obeying reluctantly. One burgher who has escaped injury in a number of battles admits that the Boers have fired upon the Red Cross frequently. The sending of General Cronie to St. Helena has greatly enraged the Boers, who are said to be more than ever de termined to fight to the death. Vat Aldiif tli gnemjr. Pretoria, April 30. Lrastus da Klock has been sentenced to two years at hard labor for guiding the British to Bloem- footein. PITY Bam It in, cram It la; Children's heads are Hollow, Slam it In, jam it In; Still there's more to follow Hygiene aud history. Astronomic mystery, Algebra, histology, . Latin, etymology, , Botany, geometry, Greek and trigonometry, Ram it in, cram it In; Children's heads are hollow. Kap it in, tap it in; What are teachers piM for? Bang it in, slam it in; What are children made fort Ancient archasology, Aryan phililogy, . ; Prosody, zoology, Physics, cllnictology. Calculus and mathematics. ... Rhetoric and hydrostatisUoa.. Hoax it in, coax It in; Children's heads are hollow. Scold it in, mold It in; All that they can swallow. Fold it In, mold it in; Still there's more to follow. Faces pinched, and sad, and pale, Tell the same undying tale- Tell of moments robbed from sleep, Meals untasted, studies deeo. Those who've passed the furnace through, with aching brow, will toll to you How the teacher crammed it in, Rammed it In, jammed it in, Crunched It in, punched It in, t Rubbed It in, olubbed It in, Pressed it in, caressed it in, Rapped it in, and slapped it in When their heads were hollow. of I Boers Are Active. London, May 1. The Boers are now showing uncommon activity wsst Bloemfontein. They are in force be tween Fourteen Streams and Kimberlv Sunday they occupied Windsorton, and now threaten to interrupt the commnn ication of the British force at Warrenton to tne north. Tins, when Gen. Hunter is about to start on a 200-mile march for Mafeking, probably with 5000 men To the east of Bloemfontein the Boers bunday night were still holding the hills wnue behind them long waaon traina loaded with wheat for the Boer armv in the north, are moving through Ladv. Drana, the British captured one Boer convoy Saturday. The BaButos are a second timeastnnn ded to see the Boers peacefully retiring AlbsolWeiy Warn Makes light, flaky, delicious hot biscuits, rolls, muflins and crusts. Makes hot bread wholesome. These ' are qualities peculiar to it alone. I have found the Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. C. Gorju, late Chef, Delmonico's. ROYAU BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. LIFE IN LUZON. Corporal MoAlliBter'a with herds which the native, think" s "'.' should be the booty of the British, who "ViT. p Jr g 218 ,lnaDtry are said to be the conaueror. ' ' Sth.e. Uippinw "ently wrote - , linn Bu tii nwa According to information from Maseru. I the main bodv of the B . , . .. 1?w . v.wa maPa mumer- Leeuw river, due treacberoua ways ZlrZ n Pa,rt'ef traiI'nK bind Bt here ad fighting etill goe8 on. intervals of 10 miles to nrotect t in tm-1 uLi 1 0 ii7-fj . , , ..j !,! . . 1 vuiuuui miaerB jJiacaoeDe and whip up their herds. Mnnt. nrior6,:n Jn tha ,,:, . Slight outpost actions take nlaoe di. STi" ' 7 ",.r " vl it. 1 v c-j- , . 1 1 uiu nuu muvitiiuues, rounaea up ly beyond Karee Siding, where the hearl r., a nr. i. 1 1 ' ,., F of the British invasion is cantoned. a. lflmiHn .U T'..t. A African horsesickness has broken out "a "l l'-'i " " j j ' .7! if,,, , . ucouemm icbibihuub mm UuriDg n uenerai culler s army. It proves es- tlin flan 1.W Url rnriAa tvuru billoi aud a largo number of rifles cap tured. Un the same dav Cantain McRaeof the Third Infkntrv. mnt, a body of 150 ladrones Hix miles from Polo. They put up a stifl resistance and bv a number nf swift movements on their Hank 72 of their number wore killed and pecially fatal among freshly arrived an iniaiS. the Blotsmfontein correanrm aent points oat that the deficiencies in the verterinary department cause thou sands of losses. Ordered to Leave. Pretoria, April 30. As a senuel to th. Johannesburg pxnlnamn tl.o ment has ordered British subjects, with 64 rifles cuntnrprt. a tew exceptions, to leave the reuublic "The ladronps did not hmmi t within 4H hours. Nearly 400 linn Vin have a verv rlnnannt limn nf if in subscribed for tbe relief of the victims, the province of BulaRAn. on wht General Louia Botha has returned in I Was HUnnnHwl tr ha liinii arcni Pretoria to resume the supreme com-1 holiday. In honor of their chief, manaoiuie iransvaal forces. 65 bod Aguinaldo, tbey intended to make ies have been extricated irom thA mln. I it a dav of irrpnt, iummriiiihmanta in Begbie Iron Works, at Johannesburg. I and a night of general rejoicing in me eveumg over the victories of a hi h Hans Project. the day. They had all the fun A rioh man's statAmnf tl..i h. ir.t.nri. I thev wantdd in Bulanan nrnvinne to devote almost bis entire fortnna however, for over 300 newly made charitable works bai amused mnnh Aim. graves indicate it. cossioo. This is beoause it will aooom-1 luere seems to have been gen. plisb moob good. It is a praisewortb) eral understanding among the AMnrti i k' are m.oy otber ladrones in regard to the opera good,'.ttom.obButerir ttX .y' for U,ey W6re ii'r iun"HUt; it n ffrABi a motn km .am. i r w o ia v lunv Btdi irti 111 iiv - bj--- wJ iw (u fVUi' I dy . For fifty years it has cored ann. Eettinc on a fine vino iacr and that stipatloo, dyspepsia and all tbe ills account for lh riiitr.h aioamfinn. TKia I .1 1 , 0 Which arian from k medicine will keep the stomaoh in good uaia Boa ine o'lweis regulsr. It is a wonoerroi restoratie tonio sad bealtb boildof. It ia alao a . malaria, fever and ague. Ask for it, and insist npnn having it. 8e that the l-ri- vate lievenne Stamp covers tbe neck of ioe oodie. NOTICE TO SHEEPMEN. The moving of sheep from one nnnntv to another without permit from the stock inspector is contrary to law, and violations of the law will be pro'ecuted. Therefore all persons are warned airalnat moving sheep from Morrow county into BUjuiiiiiiu connues without a traveling permit from thA nnititninnul . i '!nf?,iyi?t mk ln!,P""" u Morrow years ago la the vote on attorneygeoer COUntV. J. P. K hm anrl Tana., I .... . KAKEH 18 REPUBLICAN. Men who have a good knowledge of the situation assert that the Republi cans bave a clear majority in Baker county today, and the vote in June will prove it. In 1800 they were hopelessly in tbe minority. That year the vote for representative was: 1). W. Yokum, Pop., 882: W. F. Butcher. Dem.. 797: C. W. Nibley, Rep., 787. The Demo cratic and Populist vote was 892 in ex cess of the Republican. In two yeais the Republicans cut this to 245. The best test of the alignment of parties two county, J. V, Rh ,d Umu Vinann. . IlKNHV SdlKRSSINUKH. Stock Inspector for Morrow Co., Or. The Ilennner Gazet has on nf Ilia most complete- nrintinir olants in all Orcgrn, and can prin anything. Its engine does the perspiring while its sweatpower prf sues are grinding out the printer soeeis use snownanes in August, coionei uaden I'owe . who. nt th outbreak of the Transvaal war, asked to be placed In a "warm corner." Im nn. held his "little comer" long enough to break all British siege records, includ ing that of Lucknow. Bis nickname in the army is Col. Bathing Towel. 1r tf a Conih- A congh is not a disease bnt a symp. ion. uonsnroption and bronobitis, whlcb are tbs most dngron aod fatal dis- v-fTm, imvn iur Tnsir nrst locltostioB a persistent oongb, sod if properly treated M SOOO as Ihia mnoh .i. ...... ... cored. Chsmbfirlam's Cnnoh llam.H. baa provon wond-rfally sncmsful, snl ffainsd ill wide rtnnlilln. i i sale by its snoops, in coring tba diseases wnioo ooh o'logniiiii. if it is not bn. nasi ii win do enat yoo s ettU For aie 07 viewer c warrrB, al. B sckburn got the full republican vote, and Story all that fusion could throw to him. There was no middle-of- the-road candidate, and Bright, the Pro hibition nominee, cut little figure. Story received 1385 votes and Blackbu'n 1140. The difference between them. 245. rep resented the anti-Republican majority in the county in 18!)8. The large acces sions to the Rennhlli-uri rank. then Lave, it is believed, wiped out this excess aou put a large sized balance on uie otDr siae 01 the blackboard. The Republicans have tha vnta. Tl, ,in ia to get them into tha ballot-box on election day. GOLD IN THE RIVER. Soldiers in the Philippines are having all sorts of experiences. Major Downie, who used to cam paign here in the hills south of Heppner, is nowjn the pay de partment In Luzon." s The major recently went through a bridge with his SS30.000 in gold while crossing it at ilermosa, a town North of Orani, in lJataan. Fortunately no one was hurt and everything was recovered. The accident was caused by the weak news of the trestle. The paymasters of the United States army have many difficulties to overcome in reachiug the boys in blue every two months. They seem to take special delight in reaching the troops with their pay as quickly as possible. Nothing seems to daunt them in their work. During the entire insurrection the paymaster's department has never lout a cent by coming in coutact with the enemy, though many times have the rebelB nlotted to catch the paymasters napping and mane a nam 011 uncle Ham s cash boxes. In not one instance bav they succeeded, and every expedi tion has been carried out success, fully. Maior Downev. however, had an experience that was far from nloas. ant when he proceeded up country, The country is rough and the prts ence of the enemv between the points garrisoned necessitates a strong escort. A company of the Thirty-second Infantry accompan- leu mm irom urani, and every. thinrr nroannrnd nn tha Irin O Z j'.. - . luu MIU BO usual until they reached the Her- mosa oridge. Tee structure is an ordinary native bridge, but it ap peared strong enough to carry the iwo pair ot norses and the heavy wacon. There was a drnn of nhnnr. 50 feet from the stringere, and the river was about 20 feet den whftr the river spanned it. Just ad the wagon reached the center of the structure it collapsed and down went horses, wagon and all. With a crash the deceptive bridge gave way, aud wagon, its cargo and the occupants had a slight imnression of a ripfuAnt in . parachute with the additional un- . 1 a pieasant Dumping that contact with the river bed and the water effected. It was at once an-nectarl that the CUerillas had nut 11 n a inh on Major Downey with the inten tion of relieving him of his load of "shiners," and the escort took ex. tra precaution to receive any war like demonstration from tho woods in that viciaity. Bismarck's Iron N Was the result of his solttudid health. Indomitable will aod tremendona energy ana not f on nil whrn .trimm-h liv.r H,l. oeys aod bowels are out of order. If you wsnt tbesa qualities snd tbe suaoess they bring, una Dr. Kiug's New Life Pills. They develop svery power of brain aod body. Only 25o st Oooser Warren Prug Co. HEPPNER SHIPMENTS. That Heppner ia a verv imnnrt. ant shipping noint mnv hn nam from the following figures, whioh show shipments made by rail from nere uunng tne past year: Wool, pounds 3,245,750 Cattle, cars 290 Sheep " , , 175 Wheat shipped out of Mor row county over Hepp ner Prancb, bushels 200,000