Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 19, 1900, Image 4

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) ?
5 .
The body is built up from the
food we eat. But before food
can be assimilated by the body
it must be prepared for assimi
lation by the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutri
tion. Food does not feed when
J L 4MMU r rtti t sir
I' 1 1 .....u mti miiarlea and
flabby flesh. "Golden Med
ical Discovery" heals diseases
of the stomach and digestive
and nutritive system. It works
with Nature to make manly
' muscle and form firm flesh.
In a letter received from A. D.
Weller. Esq., of Pensacola. Es
cambia Co., Fla. (Bo 544). he
sUtes : " I have, since receiving
your diagnosis of my case, as
stomach trouble and liver com
plaint, taken eight bottles of the
f Golden Medical Discovery and must
gay that I am transformed from a walk
ing shadow (as my friends called me) to
perfect health."
Temperance Medicine.
Arlington Record. . .. .
Gay Boyd and Will Farr brought in
Friday from Olex 52 bead of beef cattle
for shipment by the 0. R. & N. to the
Union Meat Company, of Portland."
Cbas. McAlister, one of Gilliam coun
ty's rustling sheep men, was in town
this week. He is through lambing and
his increase of lambs wilt amount to 120
per cent. One of his ewes had fonr
lambs all alive and strong. As a lamb
at 24 hours old is worth two dollars, the
profit on a band of sheeD like this ewe
would equal a gold mine. He will soon
begin shearing at the Leonard bridge
on the John Day river. After shearing
Mr. McAlister will take big sbeep to the
mountains in Washington.
J. E. Buckley, of Olex, has 700 acres
of wheat which he reports to be as fine
for this time of year as over grew.
Married In Arlington, II. H. Little
and Mrs. Elizabeth Tullis.
Tli os. Hurlburt has returned from
Portland, where he has been attending
the Portland Business College, and not
being given to holding down a corner
drygoods box or sampling cigarettes,
the next day after his arrival home he
donned a pair of overalls and began
work manfully in Lord & Go 's store,
villa Commando There was fight
taking his place at trie toot oi tiie laaaer jDg at j)ewet8d0rp today.
many auouier uoy iiae ueau
Anvone wanting paBturage for a bunch
of cattle, horses or sheep, call on J. W.
Uedington, at Gazet othce, Heppner
where many another boy has
which leads to future promotion and
success in his life's work.
Miss Mollie E. Hurlburt has begun a
summer's term of school in the Ilkhorn
district near Mayville. She is one of
Gilliam county's most successful teach'
The Sumpter Blue Mountain Ameri
can says :
Only five burglaries during the past
ten days in Sumpter and no arrests
Thetotfn is overrun with a gang of
daring thieves, and hold-ups will follow
next in order if the authorities do not
attempt to make a round up of all bub
picioua characters. ' The reports of
robberies are being suppressed by the
city authorities, but when the "frater
nity" gets so bold as to enter a citizen's
home and steal his trousers from under
his pillow, it is about time for action.
Perhaps when some citizen is held up
and refuses to disgorge his money and
is murdered in cold blood, the police
officials will make an effort to rid the
town of its thugs and grafters. 1
II Harrisch, Portland
II T Sibray
L C Lakin
K B Dully
HW Kobison, Eight Mile
II C Gay and wife, Kliea Creek
I Evans, Hillsboro
J W Blake, Pendleton
Towiib Matthews, Walla Walla
C I) Ward, Arlington
A J Eavers, Butter Creek
II F Eversoti, Montana
F J Dunbar
J I? GaHton, Douglas
John Town, Great Falls
J E Howard, Chicago
J I) Daily, St. Paul
W T Matlock, Lone Rock
W A Anderson, Busanville
J A McCarty, Echo
I) C Andrews, Lone Rock
F Andrews " "
J A Waddle, Portland
AH Boy Ian
E D Rood, Spring Hollow
W A White, I ml.
C (! CurtiB, Cecil
J P Ilaydeu, Portland
F E Ramsey "
J 'A Sutton, S F
W E Potwine, Pendleton
F W l'iriiuiptoii, Lebanon
A G Robinson, Ky
Glorious News
C mea from Dr. D. B. Curgile, of
Washita, L T. Ua writes: "Four hollies
of Eleotrio Bitters baa cored Mrs. Brewer
of scrofula, wtiiob had caused her great
auU'ttriug for years. Terrible sores wonld
break nut on her bead and face, and tbr
bust di'otois could give no hlp;bot
her dure is oimiplete and ber health is
excellent." This shows what thousands
have proved that Elect no Bitters Is the
bust blood pnritler known. It s the m
preme remedy for erznma, letter, tall
rbeam, uloeis. bulls and running sores
II stimulates liver, kidueys and bowels
expels poisous, helps digestion, bnildi np
the strength. OulyBOc, Hold by Oouser
& Warren Drug Co. Guaranteed.
Itrilured Kates.
The O. R. & N. Co. will give special
rate of one and one-llfth fare to those
delegates or members of their families
attending Rebekah Assembly, Gram!
Eocampintrnt and Grand Lodge, I. O. O
F. at Astoria Mavi.'2-w).
Masonic Grand Bodies of Oregon in
annual soKsions, Portland, June 11-10
Certificate plan.
After the 22J trains" will leave
Heppner at about 7:45 A. M. and
arrive at 5:30 P. M.
Sheriff Andrews baa completed
shearing bis sheep, and secured a
splendid clip.
W. T. Hatton, the wrench in
ventor, has returned to Heppner
and will locate here. In all his
travels be found no better town.
Heppner Gazette only 4 bits for
3 months.
Go to Matlock & Hart's for your vege
tables, fruits, etc., always fresh.
T. R. Howard's store has everything
in the grocery line needed by city trade.
Bishop has iust received a full line of
tents, wagon covers and stockmeos bed-sheets.
If vou want to buy some very low-
priced ranches, see George Wells,
ConserA Warren's drug Btore.
Home-seekers are dropping into Mor
row county, and And land values
Boers Want Help
Aliwal North, April 12. It is
reported that the BoerB lost heav
ily in the recent fighting at Wep-
ener. An urgent message for as
sistance has been sent to the Boux-
' ' Hbppnkb, Ogn, April 19, 1900.
To whom this may concern : The
legislature of '99 passed a law specify
ing that "no person shall be eligible to
the office of county superintendent who
baa not, at the time of his election or
appointment, taught in the schools of
the state at least nine school months
and who does not hold a first-grade
county certificate, a stats diploma, or a
state certificate in Oregon"
My first-grade county paper, which
the '99 law made renewable,' expired
during my incumbency in this office.
The state superintendent of schools,
attorney general, and district at
torney have given their opinion that
an expired first-grade paper is not suffi
cient to qualify a man for the office of
county superintendent. Therefore
upon the adrice of the state superintend
ent and district attorney, I have taken
out another first-grade certificate. This
was done to make my qualifications be
yond question.'
Respectfully submitted, .
J. W. Shipley,
' ' County Superintendent Schools.
The double train service to be estab
lished between Portland and Chicago
April 22, in which the O. R. & N., the
Union Pacific and the Oregon Short
Line are interested, will shorten the
through time 11 hours. Train No. 2
leaving Portland at 9:15 a. m., begin
ning on the date named, will be the
Chicago-Portland special. Its equip
ment will be new, making it fully the
equal of any train now in. service from
the Pacific coast to the east. It will
consist of a mail car, baggage car, a
library-composite car, a first-class Pull
man sleeper, a dining car, 2 chair cars,
and a tourist sleeper. There will be
but one change of cars to all eastern
points. The full time will be 3 days
through to Chicago, or 4 days and 2
hours to New York.
The second train, No. 6, will leave
Portland at 6:20 p. m
East Portland with the Southern Pa
cific's overland train from San Fran
cjsco, and will carry through equipment
to Chicago via the Union Pacific and
the Chicago & Northwestern, and also
the equipment for the Washington divj
sion of the O. R. & N., in connection
with the Great Northern for St. Paul
This train will reach Spokane at 10 a. m.
A dining car will be furnished for break
fast into Spokane, and lor dinner on
corresponding train leaving Spokane at
3:4o p.m. The new schedule as ar
ranged will supply the most complete
service ever furnished on the O. R. &
N., and provides increased service in
Eastern Oregon, where it is greatly
needed, and gives immediate aonnection
with the western division at Pendleton,
At this point there is a large interchange
of traffic, on account of the various
mining districts of Baker county, the
Coeur d'Alene, the Republic and Koote
nai mining camps. Portland is greatly
benelitted ty tins change, inasmuch as
increased service is given from Eastern
Oregon and Idaho.
No. 2 will arrive in Chicago at 9:30
a. in. ; INo. u at 7 :4d a. m., as at present.
The westbound train out of Chicago
corresponding with No. i is io. 1. This
will arrive in 1'ortland at 4 p. m. The
train corresponding with the eastbonnd
No. 0 is No. 3, out of Chicago. This
will reach Portland at 7 :30 a. m. West
bound train No. 1 will leave Chicago at
li 30 p. m., and Omaha at 8:20 a. m, the
following day. Ihe time will be reduced
2 hours, 46 minutes. No. 3 westbound
train will leave Chicago at 10 :;0 p. m
and Omaha at 4 :-5 p. in. next dav.
The service on the Union 1'acitlc on
all these trains include Buffet-smoking
library cars, and dining cars. No. 6
will carry a daily ordinary Bleeper to
Kansas City, with change enroute to
ordinary cars to Chicago.
Consult the nearest ticket agent for
detailed information.
W. H. Hl'RI.Bl'BT,
General Passenger Agent,
Morrow county has an excellent cli
mate, and thousands of acres of low'
priced lands, and within a year after it
is discovered by homeseekers it is safe
to say without stuttering that its popu
lation will double.
The Heppner Gazet has one of the
most complete printing plants in all
Orrgcn, and can print anything. Its
engine does the perspiring while its
sweatpower presses are grinding out the
printed sheets like snowflakes in August.
, D, Nickelsen, pas-
a. m. and 7:.JU p. m.
all , Mast Register on or Before Hay 15,
From the 2d day of Jan nary, 1900, at
8 a. m., nnlil the 15 tb day ot May, 1900,
at 5 p. m , the records tor the registra
tion ot voters will be open at tbe office
of Ihe County Clerk of Morrow ooaoty.
Naturalized oltizens appearing to
register will be requested lo produce
proofs of oitizenship, either declaration
of intention, or oerlifioate of citizenship,
ezoept where tbe same appears on tbe
records of Morrow county, and also
their street and number, if living io
town, or if living in oountry, section,
township and range.
Tbe law requires thai tr tne elector is
nnable to conveniently appear before
tbe county clerk (or registration, be may
be registered by a notary public or jus
tioe of tbe peaoe io tbe preoinct in whiob
be resides.
Dated at Hennner. Morrow county.
connecting at Oregon, this 31st day of January, 1900.
County Olerk, Morrow County, Oregon.
. M. E. church C.
tor. Services at 11
Subject next Sunday,
"What is Spirituality"; evening,
"Without Axe or Hammer."
M. E. church, South F. F. St. Clair,
pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 :30
No services except Sunday School for
two weeks. Pastor has gone to Los
Angeles to assist at revival.
Christian church Sunday School at
10 a. m.
Baptist church Sunday School at
10 a. m.
Episcopal church Services occasion
Portland, April 17. Wheat market is
still in a comatose state, wi h not
enough of tbe cereal changing hands to
enable an accurate quotation possible.
Interior mills are reported to be paying
pretty stiff figures, but in this city there
is not much disposition to do business
at anything in excess of 5455c for No.
1 Walla Walla, and 53(ffi54c for Valley.
Wool Valley, 12 13c for ooarse,
1618c for best; Eastern Oregon,
10(8 15c; mohair, 2627c per pound.
Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short
wool, 2535c; medium-wool, 3050c;
long wool, 60$1 each.
San Francisco, April 17. Wool
Spring Nevada, 1315c pel pound;
Eastern Oregon, 12 16; Valley, Oregon,
20 22c. Fall Northern, mountain, 10
12c; mountain, 810c; plains, 810c;
Humbolt and Mendocino, 1415c.
Boston, 'April 17. The demand for
wool in the market here this week wsb
quiet at general quotations not materi
ally changed. Territory wools continue
nominal in price, with free bids on the
basis of 55c scoured for fine medium and
fine, but holders are disposed to ask
5758c. Fleece wools are quiet, with
prices largely nominal. There is con
siderably more inquiry for Australian,
with a few crosB-breds selling.
Territorv wools Idaho fine, medium,
18(gl9c; Montana 2122.
Chicago, April 17. Cattlo Receipts
2500 head,. Market generally unsteady ;
natives, $5.35; good to prime
steers, steady, $4.90b' ; poor to medium,
about steady, 4.104 75 ; selected feed
ers, about steady, $4(3)4.90.
Sheep Receipts, 12,000. Bheep and
lambs are now very steady ; good to
choice wethers $66 50;fair to choice
mixed, $56; Western sheep, $6
6 30; yearlings, 66 50; native lambs,
5.567.45; Western lambs, $67.40.
and reliable The Oregon-
JS Otttee at I Grande, Or., April 3. 1900.
Nntire ia herebv Blven that the following
named settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make final Drool in support of hi! claim.
and that said proof will he made before the
County Clerk, Umatilla County, Oregon, at
Pendleton, oresron, on May 19, 1VW, vu:
Homeatead entry No. 6717 ol
JOHN A. HORBMAN, of Gurdane, Or.,
For the southeast K northwest !4, northeast 54
northwest northwest northeast and lot
2 suction iv, townxmp a soinn, range winn.
Hp. names the following witnesses to Drove his
continuous resilience upon and cultivation of
said land, via: William Ely, oi renoieton, or.,
James L. Hall, Mlks Urtxms and Anthony
Corley, oi (Jurdaue, Or.
76 81. Regiater.
1 unice at me uaues, ur., niarcn v, iwju.
A mtlloient contest affidavit having been filed
in this office by Lorln D. Baker, contestant,
against timber culture entry JNo. 2547, made
October '27, 1SH7, for east northwest K.and
went h nortneaat section Z4, townsmp i
south, range 23 east, by Mils Peterson, contestee,
In which ii it alleged that said Mil Peterson
has neglected to plant or cultivate or otherwise
attempt to raise any timber on any of said land
and lias aboudoned the laud and that there is
no timber on the said land nor has been lor
over aix years laat past, And that defendant is
noteniraimd in either branch oi the military
service of the United Hiatus, said parties are
hereby notified to appear, reaitoud and offer
evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock
a. m. on April 2, lwm, before J. w. Morrow, u.
a. Commissioner, at his office in Heppner. Ore
gon, aud that final hearing will be held at 10
o'clock a. m. on May , 1(K), before the register
and receiver at the United States land office in
The Dalle. Orea-on.
The said contestant having, in a proper am
davit, Hied March 7, 110, set forth facts which
how that after dua diligence, peraonal service
of this notice can not be made, it Is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice be given
by due and proper publication. -
Southern Pacific Co
Dopot fifth and I SU
7:10 P M
8 !W A M
I) order of sale duly ImiuhI by the clerk ol
the Circuit Court of the County ol Morrow,
Htate ol Oregon, dated the 'Mh day ol March,
l'.Mi, in certain action In the Circuit Court lor
ant county and state, wherein K. 1), Rood,
plaiutlrt', recovered lodgment against A. W,
Haling and frank McKarland'and 1. K. Oilman,
intervenor, defendants, for the sum of twelve
hundred twenty. live and Hil-Hm dollars, and one
hundred and twenty dollars attorneys' lees, and
the further sum ot twenty live and Ttv-100 dol
lars cost on the t'lh day of March, ll. And,
whereas, on the nth (lay of March. WHO, in the
above named court, a Judgment waa rendered
in favor of the ahove named Intervenor, 1). K.
Oilman, and against the above named defend
ant, A. W. Haling, for twelve hundred twenty
eight and 7: HH) dollara, and the further sum ol
one hundred dollara attorneys' fee, which
Judgment was enrolled and docketed In the
clerk olll -e of said court Io aald county on
the Kth day of March, tin 0. as a second aud
aulist-iueut lien to plalntlS'i lion.
Notice is hereby given that I will on
Saturday, the 2Ath day of April, 1000,
at i o'clock p. in. of said day at the front door
of the court house In Heppner, Morrow county,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the higheat
bidder for cash III hand, the following de
scribed property, to-wlt: The south est quar
ter and the southeast quarter of auction thirty
live (l'l in township three (") south, range
twenty-lour (34) east W M In Morrow county,
Oregon, taken aud levied upou as the property
of the said A. W. Haling, or so much tbereol as
may he necessary to satisfy the said Judgment
lu favor of K. 1). Rood and D. K Oilman, Inter
vener, and against aald A W. Sating and Frank
McFarland, together with all coata and dis
bursements that have or may accrue.
A. ANDREWS, Hherift".
Dated at Heppner, Or.. Maruu , WO li t
If you take ttila paper and The Weekly
OreKoiilan you won't have t beg your
7:30 A M
111! ;tt P M
FRftrW TRAINS, lor
Salem, Roaeburg, Ash
land, SacramenUi.Og
den, Han Francisco,
Moiave, Ixs Angeles,
K.l Paao, New Orleans
and the East.
At Woodhtirn (dally
except Sunday), morn
tng train connects
with train for Ml. An
gel, Mllrerton, Browns
vllle, Springfield and
Natron, tint evening
train for Mt. Angel
aud Hllverton.
Cor veil Is Passenger. .
Sheridan Passenger. .
9;15 A M
:00 PM
roa From Heppner. raoa
No trains Sunday
10:00 a.m. Halt Lake. Denver, 11:50 p. m.
Ft. Worth. Omaha,
Kansas City, BU
Louis, Chicago,
Portland, Walla
Walla, Spokane, .
Minneapolis, Ht.
Paul, Dul nth, Mil
waukee, and the
8.00 p. m.
From Portland.
For San Francisco
Sail Doc. . a. IS. 18
a, -Jg every days
1111:50 PM
6:00 p. m.
Ex. Sunday
10 00 p. in.
Daily except Sunday.
6:00 a. tn.
It i. Sunday
Relate tickets on sale between Portland, Sac
ramento and Man Francisco Net rates 117 flrst
Oiaas aud 111 second claaa, Including sleeper.
Hates aud tickets to Kastern Points and Eu
rope. Also JAi AN, CHINA, HONOLULU and
aiimtkai.ia. fail be ol. tallied from J,
KIUKXAND, Ticket Ageut, I3i 1 bird St.
7:00 a. m
Tnes., Thur,
ana Sat.
Passenger Depot, toot of Jefferson Street.
Iave for Oswego dally at 7:30. : a. ra
rMI,l:&M: :l. .u&, II ) p. ro ; and
Ooa. m. on Sundays only. Arrive at Portland
dally at ft:!), '10.SO a. m.i l.iS. 3:15, :.
JO, 7 , 10 HO p. ro.; la tO a. in. dally, except
Monday: :) and 10 OS a. in. on Huiidaya only.
Leavs lor Dallas dally, jcept Sunday, att:.V
p. m. Arrive at roriiaiui ai H.aia. m.
Passenger train leaves Imills lor Alrlle Non
nays, Wednesdays ana Fridays at S:ft p ui
Kcturns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Except Sunday,
w as r. agt fwflann iwsfB
t:O0a. m
Puea. Thnra.
aud Hat.
Lt. Riparta
1 JO a. in
Colombia Rites
To Astoria and Way
Oregon City, New-
berg, Salem and
ay Landings.
IAMH114, KlTtaS.
Oreaon City. Dav
ton Way Laud
Willamette Rites
Portland to Corral-
Ha Way Land
Hnasi Rives.
K I par la lo Lewiatoii
4:00 p. tn.
4:00 P.m.
Ex. Sunday
4:60 p.m.
Ex. Sunday
:.p. m.
Mon , Wed,
and Fri,
4.-60 p.m.
Mon., Wed.
and Fri.
Lt. lswistoa
8 a. in.
Have just received one of the largest Btocks of Bain Wagons evi r
brought to Ileppner.
Gall and See them.
Prices are Rights
Eleavy and Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural
Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Etc., i'ainta and Uils (,ttie Deal in
the world). Crockery aud Glassware.
A Testimonial From Old England.
"I cotjsider Obamberlain's Cough Rem
edy tbe beet in tbe world (or bronobi
tie," uavs Mr. William Savory, of War
rington, England. "It baa saved my
wife's life, sbe bavins been a martyr to
bronobitie for over six years, being most
of tbe time confined to ber bed. one Is
now quite well." Sold by Conser &
Lota For Sale.
Lots 3, 4 and 5. blook 6, Jones' add.,
in Heppner, at $400 for all. Loci ted
east of D. B. Stalter's residence: creek
crosses corner and there is a flue spring;
on tbe place. Appiy to J. W.Bedington,
liazette othoe.
The Black Hawk and Mammoth
Will stand at Hardman, Morrow county, Oregon, the season of 1000.
SAM JONES is 151 hands high and weighs 1000 pounds; is
heavy boned and a Thoroughbred Kentucky Jack.
Will pay you to come and see before breeding.
Terms: Single leap $5; Season, $8, payable at end of' season ; In
suranoe, $10, payable when mares are known to be in foal. Will not
be responsible for accidents.- - rasture will be furnished at $1 a month
. ; " H. Pergersoiis Owner and Manager
The news of both hemispheres In
Weekly Oregonian.
order of sale duly issued by the Clerk of
the Circuit Court ot the Uounty of Morrow,
State of Oregon, dated the 7th day of March,
1900, in a certain action In the Justice Court of
Dlstriet No. Three, Morrow county, state oi
Oregon, wherein Cleve Wagner, plaintitt, re
covered Judgment against A. 1. Cochran, de-
lenaant, lor me sum oi lony-seven aim au-iuu
dollara. on the 8d day of February. 1900, and
which said Judgment is duly entered in the
above entitled circuit court upon the Trans
cript herein.
Notice is hereby given that I win on
Saturday, the 28th day of April, 1900,
at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door
of the court house in Heppner, Morrow county,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder tor casn in nana, ine lonowiug ue-
scribed property, to-wlt: Northwest quarter
oi section eignieen (ia; lownsmpiwo m imiiu,
ranee tweiitv-three 1231 E W M, in Morrow
county, Oregon, taken and levied upon as the
property oi ine snin a. j. ooiiran, vr bu uiut;n
thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said
Judgment in favor of Cleve Wagner and against
said A. j uoenran togemer wun an costs aim
disbursements that have or may accrue.
A. Andrkws, Sheriff.
. Dated at Heppner, Or., March 27, 1900. 7.V9
Ofhceat U Grande, Or., March 20, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has Sled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Vawter
Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon,
on May 7, 1U00, vis: Homestead eutry No. 9001 ot
JOHN H. BOMJUJ5, of Heppner, Or.,
for the southwest M northwest M section 17 and
south northeast and northwest A north
east section. 18, township 4 south, range 28
east W M.
Ue names the following witnesses to prove
his centiuuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, via: Hyall C. Corbin, Freeman
Oreen. Robert Dexter and Waldo Watklua, all
of Heppner, Oregon
76-80 E. W. Baktlitt, Register.
Otiice at U Grande, Or., March 20, 19110.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler bss filed notice of her Intention
to make fliisl proof In support of his claim, and
taat said proof will be made before J W. Mor
row, Uulted States Commissioner, at Heppner,
Oregon, on May 7, 1900, vis: Homestead
entry No. "875 of
KATE D. HTEEVE8, of Heppner, Or.,
for tbe southeast W southwest VK. sooth H
southeast section 38 township 1 south, range
28 east W M, lot 1 section 4 township south,
range 28 east.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her ooiittnuous residence upon and cultivation
ol said laud, vi: Andrew Tlllard, Hugh
Fields, Thomas A. Rhea and Frank McKnight,
all of Heppner, Oregon.
7S-80 K. W. Bartlctt, Register.
Office at The Dalles, Ore., March 22. 19)0.
Notice is hereby given that the followlng
ntuwl settler has filed notice of his tntentiou
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
thai said proo, will be made before J. W. Mor
row, United States commissioner, at Heppnef,
Oregon, on Saturday, May &, 19O0, vis:
BERNARD F. OOHERTY, of Heppner, Or .
Homeatead entry No. 423, for the north H
northeast and northeast 4a . northwest 1
section 82, and southeast V" southwest 4 sec
tion 20, township 1 south, range 28 east W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis: John Barton and J. O.
Doherty ol Heppner, Oregon, and Edward
IHiherty and Edward McDald, of Lexington,
76-80 J. P. Lotus. Register.
J I order of sale duly issued by the Clerk of
tne circuit court ot tne county oi Morrow
State of Oregon, dated the 19th day of March
lUK), in a uerain action in the Circuit Court for
said county ana state, wnerein l.N.Margent,
plaintitt, recovereu judgment against is. D. Urn
and Fouler Adams, defendants, for the sum of
One hundred seventy-three and 21-100 dol
lars, with interest thereon at the rate of
8 per cent per annum from the 20th day of
November, 1K99, and for the further sum of
Forty dollars attorneys' fee. and costs and
disbursements taxed at eight dollars, on the
6th day of March, 191X1.
Notice is hereby given that I will on
Saturday, the 21st day of April, 1900,
at 2 o'clock, p. m. of said day, at the front door
of the court house in Heppner. Morrow countv
Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, the following
described proberty, to-wlt: Ninety-nine (99)
feet off the east end of lot one (1) in block teu
(10) In the town of Heppner, said lot being in
siHusoerry s Addition to tne saia town ot Hem
ner. and belne all of i-aid lot one (11 of said
block ten (10) of said addition except 3a feet off
ot lite west end oi saia lot, i alien aim levied
upon as the property of the said E. D. Tims and
Foster Adams, or so much thereof as may be
necessary to satisfy the said Judgment in favor
oi i. n. Bargent ana against hum h. u. Tim
and Foster Adams together with. all costsand
disbursements that have or muy accrue.
) A. ANDREWS, Sheriff.
' By J. W. Matlock, Deputy,
Dated at Heppner, March 22, 1900. 74-8
17 umce at ine Danes, ore., Maren iz. iuou.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make flnal proof in support of his claim, nnd
that said proof will be made before Vawter
Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon,
on rnuay a pni zv, rjuo, viz:
HENRY I. SHAEFFER, of Heppner, Or.,
Homestead entry No. 5058 for the southwest
M section 28, township 2 south range 25 a W M,
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
saia lana, vis: mihs f riend , Kobert mend
and Joseph Friend, all of Lexington, Oregon
ana natnatieal tsimw, oi Heppner, uregon,
8 78 Jay P. Lucas, Register
Dalles, Oregon, March 19. 1900.
Notice Is hereby given that Samuel Leffler, of
Heppner, Oregon, nas tiled notice oi intention
to mate nnai proof before vawter crawiord
county clerk, at his office in Heppner, Oregon
on Thursday the 26th day of April, lDOO, on
timber culture application No. 2018, for the
northwest of section No. 1 In township No
south, range No. 25 east W M
He names as witnesses: William Kummer-
land, of Heppner, Oregon, Ellas Friend, Joseph
Friend ana a. o. Gardner, ot Lexington, uregon
Jay P. Lucas, Register.
DR. JORDAN'S o.irf
(Mvms aiiikaai swmaj ,
Everybody want to
Orognnlan hat to say.
know what The
Paaaenawrs booked for all Foreign
J. M. K HUNAN, Agent, Ileppner.
Genera) Paaaencer Ageut, Portland, Or,
Office at The Dalles, Or., April 18. 1900.
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler bss filed notice of his intention
to make Sual proof tn support of his claim, and
tbat aald proof will be made before Vawtex
Crawford, countv olerk, at Heppner, Oregon,
on Thuradny, May 24, ltta, vis:
WALTER 8. B RUN DAG E, ol Heppner, Ore.,
Homestead entry No. 4852, tor the southeast
V southwest H section 11. and uortaeaat "
northwest la and north H northeast section
14. township i south, range 2 east W M.
He names the following witneeaee to prove
his continuous residence upou sud cultivation
ol said land, vis: William U Mallory. Albert
A Osmln, Henry Y. ihompaou aud Welter
Crosby, ail ol Heppner, orou
jY P. l'ocas, Register.
If 11
Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the best on earth.
G nam
Hardman Mercantile Go.
For Groceries,
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes.
Patent Medicines,
Hardware, Tinware, Etc.,
Come to the new store
We have put in a new stock and
will keep it right up to the handle.
Mercantile Co.
H. E. WARREN, Proprietor.
Fresh Meats
Salt and Smoked Meats
Pure Rendered Leaf Lard
Fish every Friday.
Liberty Market
Highest price paid for fat Stock.-
Heppner, Oregon,
Bock & Mathews,
French Canadian
Will stand the Season at Wm.
Gordon's Stables on .Wednes
days and Saturdays of each week. The balance of the
week at Herren's ranch, 6 miles South of Town.
HONEST ABE is a Dark Brown, 16$ haDds hiKb, and weighs
1450 pounds. He was foaled July 23, 1890. Sired by the imported
French Canadian Stallion Canada, imported in 1889 by C. .Cheval and
bred by E. Bauchemin, St Ours, Quebec, Canada, and was sired by
St-t Lawrence Boy, dam by Richelieu Girl (thoroughbred Canadian
mare). Honest Abe's dam was sired by Tornado, a pure bred Cana
dian etallion imported by T. Cunnmgton, of Sacramento, Cal., in 1882,
and sold to Kenady & Smith, of Woodburn, Oregon. His dam was
sired by the imported French Canadian Stallion Kobin Hood, imported
in 1882 by T. Cunnington and sold to Kenady & Smith, of Woodbnrn,
Or., and afterward sold to Wm. Walbridge, of Heppner, Or. Third
dam by Old Mistery; fourth dam by Old Lummacka; fifth dam by Old
Terms: Single leap $5; season $7.50, payable at end of season,
insurance $10, payable when mares are known to be in foal. Will not
be responsible for accidents. Pasturage will be furnished at $1 a month ;
D. A. Herren, Owner. Dan Henshew, Manager.
mmmA mrnmm who are suffer! ,
from the stfocts ef youUiful Inais-
erstloas er uoeun In soaairsr ,
' rsera ifsrTuusandrhrsicai umiist.Ibs-
, ssesiey , laS Sai in mil ItscompU.
I pari, a; Sssrsisf rrlMwt, S"rIlr- i
rhm. Clsnrhe. SJIa. rrsaafr '
ar I riMailaist. fH. Mr a enmoiiisiHio of 1
rvmllss. of ar,'t eumtlvft powvr, th Doctor
t hMsoarniiiad his treHtmut thst II UI Dot i
' only siTrtl Irumdml relief, but psrtnsntiit
I cure, ids LPorior oo ni ciwiu io pr' wnn
1 KilraclM. but m well knnwn to b a lair tut
, aqimro Pliyth-lan and Htirfpon. pr-smlusot
I In his n,-taitT ISIor.aes 9W mrm.
STPHIMS thnmmrilT eradicated rrorn
tn srstru without in ua ot ji.mr?.
Traiwl flEtrd br an Ksrert. ilai.le.1
I eair lur MaitSaire. a. autrk shmI mflsal i
rwrt Pll-a. t tusir aud t lalalaa, 07 '
1 Dr. Jordan a atrlai itaailrhS Dlviuoua,
KVt.HV HS.X si'Pi'totooaUIrctT'
tirVwjuluiuul blsHMi,i)lliil. 1
awry CM tr vnfrf,lA;a.
.Mnsuitatl ui ruts unowncui pn
TraaLmwitt D4rai,iMllv or br wtlar.
Write fr nnak. PHII.MrilT SF
IHtKRUHt.. M!Lkd r'acjc. iA.valuao.l
book (or niau.i Uail ur rite
01 JORDAH A CO.. I OS 1 Market St.. t.
I 1 I 1 1M I . If I''H
I I r lM n. I
11 ra i3
: 11!
on annroTKl to rnnr tuAnm WlTHfittT A fr-air im
SEMD US y OUR BfWER. M?teZZr,o Z. ZVZ"??
' snve color. ueitit ot u-ameajid KevrantIaiia WP tail if 'iWJ
THE W1IEKL C O. D. on .Prroal,TlojJa w f waiiViK'
sniioe it luiljr hprora you Tit ltT If lt la nit 11... J.
Claim for It, aid a Bettir ..bad ran for a?i1.T"i'lan
price from any ontl:. fL 11 a if "'P.?' the
rrA Th. "MONTROSE-' fipjro- TC
at .our ripecial Asrenfs sample prt of 1 R50
la the irrcab'M uarinMu ill a I,tc1o ,.-v,'r otlwl vr- 1 J
to any M0 wheel cSTlhe r.uu4rt j, &ot afTftT"'3 "ul
if you do not find It ao we rem.i iirr I.0;?.TP: ""T r a cnt
A5 II F ATI R E lis anj take tl,i. m55,Si .3 J5 X fUt
Handle bar, Soyal Arrhcmwn, toe celebrated Mm$?l IT
the eiut ninnlnw known, Rrer4 "A" K". 1'"
mo.teipendveUre.onthemarket. The irenulnTM MrlJlIi u
.MII pwiaU, tools and aaworles the ha .."'."MTr lrei
ola. , maroon orcoacb (rreen. hlnhly Bnlfhed sod orai,,i . .
Bnilted nk krtl.or on ail bright liart Wa t h.,?.,.,Vw'.t,l 1 siieetal
or 111 I row inar p,.a uiro trila awcoine.
tinee aewa wnn earn mnria
thorouirhtv t,t . .
Our Madia, w . .'e-
rTRFF .VJ.' I-W.h In fnl. with nrn
rrrL.ZZ7 ZTriJL.'Z.'ZLZ "'He barrel natter
or.hifhanaoorpamp. VourCL'l?'.".
chsMu, writ id k a tell yi
each town for tils pun-one. We have eevrral hundred MUIN U M A- l W 'Hi:Lljiakee , 4n 1? "".tn"10"
;bopwniaaina and MS modiH Teryehiao. Kunu for aul. 1 J.
ii! f!,ec out at S to lltavft, aim aoma
U R K I'. 1.1 All 11.1 TV yun.ueetiaed. We refer to an
Ytiroacicou!iapr. w e wi ;l a'Td too lettere
e refer to any Innk or bu-Uvss boose In l blcmro. or anre
"S. n!TTt V'C' ,rrm ,h '"rra banks In n,l.iiT, I? v
low prlceanl tbne apeetal ler of w.irao wliiottt dS
. Lm MEAD CYCLE COMPANY. Qhicartn. lit
J W wmmw
Tlin VrtllB IfjnPn tadar. This
tlond for kai-Taia Lki,
1 eioreae or
you it.
. 1