Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 19, 1900, Image 3

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    The Heppner Gazette
Thtjbsdat, Apbil 19, 1900
Train leaves daily except Sunday for all
polnti at 10 a. m.
Train arriTM daily except Sunday from all
over the world at 11 JO p. m.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek
and Canyon City leave daily except Sunday at
v.w. iu j uibiaiiuo to canyon lut; ume 24 Hours
Malla cloae for traim at 9:10 a. m.
Heppner to Miles
Portland 107
Pendleton by wagon road 60
JjQAIUgKJIl ....v , 9
lone ; 15
Heppner Junction on Columbia River 45
Arlington ss
The Dalles 109
uanjon tjiiy 101
Cabin Canyon 16; with mud ig
Ho! ye voting men of Morrow)
Whistle up a lively tune.
For the candidate, I'm free to state.
Will be with us 'till June.
He's onto his Job, he is begob,
Like the Oregon Volunteer.
But he'll get our votes, U he wet our throats
With Milwaukee Lager Beer.
Bold only at Belvedere saloon.
, Frank Robebts, Prop.
Here and Tfyere
And now straw hats begin to bloom,
for Heppner's spring season is away
ahead of other parts of the state.
Asa B. Thompson, the next joint rep
resentative for Morrow and Umatilla
counties, visited Heppner yesterday.
Dill Garrigues is again able to attend
to business after a siege with a sprained
M. C. Fuqua, of the Eight Mile
country, was in yesterday, and says
crops never looked better and never
Mrs. A. L. Ayers and sister, Miss
Cassia Neal, arrived up from Salem
last night.
Died In Heppner, April 13th,
John T. Simons, infant son of Bert
Simons. Their many friends sym
pathize with them in their sad loss.
Albert Osmin, with two men, are
making big improvements on the road
up Wright canyon.
At the council meeting Monday night
Marshal Thornton waa instructed to in
spect all outhouses and back yards, and
disinfect any unhealthy spots, and to
fill or cover the well on the edge of the
Shipley side-walk.
Charlie Crichton, grandson of Mrs.
Keithley, is having a serious time with
typhoid fever in Portland.
Marshal Thornton has laid a new
crosswalk near Robert Wills' residence,
and the street has been much widened
there and much improved.
If you want to buy a good, big buggy
horse, call on Henry Heppner.
G. W. Swaggart has gone to locate
some new mines on Snake river.
Considering the severe tussle he had
with paralysis, Dr. A. J. Sbobe, Hepp
ner's pioneer physician, is getting along
very well indeed, and is able to be up
and around and enjoy the pleasing fra
grance of the apple blossoms on the
trees be planted with his own hands in
his orchard home.
Mr. Kinsman is building a tasteful
cottage in the Morrow addition.
Mayor Frank Gilliam has had his
hands full this week setting up Bain
wagons. The procession of drays bring
ing these wagons from the depot made
quite an animated spectacle on Main
street. The Bain wagon is recognized
aa a reliable stand-by. and Messrs. Gil
liam & Bisbee will take pleasure in
showing you their big stock.
Arthur Smith has had his business
building moved to the weet side of Main
Hugh Fields arrived here yesterday
from the Willamette valley to look after
his Heppner interests.
Frank Roberto baa gone to Lawton,
where he will put up a building and go
into business.
Frank Rogers has returned to Hepp
ner, and says he found few towns ahead
of it in a general way.
Percy Garrigues has returned from
attending business college at Salem, and
is warmly welcomed by his many
Do not forget the concert music
vocal and instrumental music by The
Humaniphooe to be given at the Opera
House Friday evening April 27. See
program next week. Tickets 35 and 50
cents, at Conser & Warren's drug store.
Do you read? Buy your book of Beal
& Co.
Dinner Party jam, all fruits, 10 cents
a can at Matlock & Hart's. Very choice.
Frank Johnson, the rustling represen
tative of the wool bouse of Silberman
Bros., writes the Gazette from Chicago
that be will be again among bis Hepp
ner friends inside of a month.
Jamea Jones baa returned from bis
trip to Iowa.
The wonderful Fairbanks scouring
soap, two cakes for 15 cents at Matlock
& Hart's. Scours anything.
Get your camp-stove at Bishop's.
The new candy maker Knows bis bus
iness. Tom McCullongh waa down Monday
from hi big ranch on upper Willow
creek, and says that in bis residence of
20 years no there be never saw finer
cram, and this seems to be the univer
sal verdict all through the Heppner
BishoD's store has fresh lettuce, on
ions, spinach, radishes and asparagus
ob band.
Yes Sir ! A Rambler Is better than i
whole gymnasium.
Born Monday, to' tbe wife of H.C
Corbin, a daughter.
Candy Factory has ice-cream for the
whe'esale and retail trade.
AthT.a Grande suear Jactory the
supply of pulp has been all ate up, and
Patterson & Armstrong have fattened
oo it 75 bead of prior beef cattle.
Mrs. Qeorge E. Whiteli died in Hepp
ner on Tuesday. 17th. in childbirth.
Loving bends did all they oonld to save
life, bat in vain. She wee attended
through her eioknees by lite. Lizzie
Baker, ot Colfez, Wash, her foster-
mother, who. desires to express brr
tbanka to Heppner people. The re-
maina were taken toOolfaz for interment
Wednesday by Mr. Whtteie,aocotnpanied
by Mrs. Baker and Mr. Whiten' chil
dren. Mra. Baker took with her the
little motherless baby girl, and will
raise it aa her own. Mrs. Whities was
formerly Miss Lillian Lake, and was
highly esteemed by ell. The funeral
services at the family reside-aoe a ere
oondnctt-d by Rev. Niokeleen.
The order ot Artisans is flourishing
here in Heppner, aod 12 new membere
bare beec thkno in siooe the arrival of
H. G. Sibray, Ast Grand Master. Last
oigbt the members eDj lyed a spread in
Masonio hall, and several visitors were
op from Lexington. Anyone wanting
this form of gooi and low-prided insur
aooe should see Mr. Sibray.
A very entertaining musical program
is being prepared by the musical talent
of the city, to be rendered at the Opera
House Friday evening, April 27.
A. C. Giger, formerly of A. C. Giger
& Co., proprietors of New York Cash
Store at The Dalles, has purchased
"The Fail" Store of Mr. Whiteis, hav
ing taken charge about the first of this
month. Mr. Whiteis will remain with
Mr. Griger. This popular store has
made a phenomenal increase in its bus
iness, and has been the means of sav
ing the peop'e many a dollar and we
predict that with the united efforts of
these two gentlemen a much larger vol
ume o' business than ever before will be
the result. The business will be con
ducted on exactly the same prirciples
as heretofore. Mr, Giger comes from
one of the most popular and successful
stores of The Dalles and has many
friends and acquaintances among the in
terior people who have traded with him
Two Trains.
Every day after April 29 from Portland,
Tacoma, Seattle aod coast points via the
Northern I'scino for all points bast.
Same service west bound from St. Paul,
Minneapolis and Duluth. Ask any N.
P. agent about these trains.
The cannery at Hood River has fur
nished farmers free 75,000 tomato plant,
and 30 acres have been set out.
Balem schools get their wood as low
as $2.20 for fir aud $3.20 for oak.
Painless dentistry is pleasant dentis
try, and half the battle lies in having
pleasant surroundings. Dr. Metzler's
dental parlors are the most cheerful
rooms in town.
J. W. Becket, Republican nominee
for sheriff, was over Tuesday from his
Eight Mile borne, where everything is
growing and flourishing.
Perry Ham has bought the Campbell
ranch of 1000 acres, located near Con
don, for $5500 and will start a catt'e
In gathering up a band of 20 cows in
Tillamook, a Portland man paid $55 to
$75 a head.
Twenty different temperance drinks
at Candy Factory.
Choice fresh country hams aud bacons
at Bishop's
Sheep-ranch outfits, stock salt, bats
and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco,
candy and nuts all these are sold at T.
R. Howard's store.
North Shore herring 25 centea dozeo
at Matlock Hart's. Salt mackerel &
for 25 certs.
Jack 1 Jack 1 Jack I Have you a Jack
to start a crop of mules? If so, come to
Gtzet office and get some bills printed,
with a big picture of a Jack on them.
Now is the season for gentlemen
horses to parade themselves, and the
Heppner Gazet prints showy horse-bills
at short notice.
Hominy both flake and lye at Mat
lock & Hart's.
Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection
with Mr. C. W. Know leg, has taken
charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port
land. The reputation of these gentle
men insures the success of the enter
prise. The diningroora is excellently
managed and is unsurpassed.
Score cards on which you can keep
tally on all kinds of games are now kept
on tale at the Heppner Gazette office.
Don't overlook Matlock A Hart for
fancy groceries.
Good, gentle saddle-horse and sad
dle tor sale ebeap. Apply to J, W.
Redington, Gazet office.
The day is not distant when every
inch of land will be deeded and doubled
no in price. If you want to buy a good
324-acre place at S5 an acre, call on J.
w. Redington, Gazette office.
I have an unlimited supply of cab
bage, tomato, cauliflower and other
plants for sale. Keaciy now.
A. G. Bartholomew.
I offer for sale two fine Kentucky
Jacks and 25 or 30 Work Mules weigh
ing 1000 to 1200 pounds. Also seveial
spans of fine Driving Horses.
Ben Swagoabt, Heppner.
The ladies of Heppner are hereby
notified that I am prepared to do all
kinds of sewing. On Main street, 3d
door south of Palace Hotel.
Mae. A. L. Sickle.
The convention of the Morrow County
Prohibition Party is hereby called to
meet at tbe court house in Heppner on
April 23, 1900, at 10 o'clock a. m.. for
the purpose of nominating a county
.ticket. J. i- Adkim,
Tbe government baa decided to allow,
tree, 250,000 sheep, 5500 eattle and 1000
horses to graze on Mr. Ranier forest re
serve this summer, tut no Oregon stock
are to be allowed over there.
Time tells the tale, and Ex-Mayor
P. O. Borg keeps the time for Heppner
and Morrow county. His jewelry store
and watchmaking establishment is the
leading one here, and he has just re
ceived a splendid new stock of watches,
clocks and jewelry of all descriptions,
which he invites you to call and in
spect. T me is free, and prices on his
other goods are very reasonable, for the
quality is first-class. Mr. Borg'a new
regulator is the talk of the town. It
stands 8 feet high, and gives the exact
time at all times. Come and see it.
Its handsome pendulum is as large as a
full moon. -
80 Miles Aa Boar.
If necessary, can be made by the loco
motives that draw the North Coast Lim
ited. That means time made up if de
lays occur between terminals so that
Chicago or St. Louis passengers will
not miss connections at St. Paul and
Captala Jack and the Preacher.
The Klamath Falls Republican says :
An interesting incident is related in
connection with the execution of Cap
tain Jack, who was one of the Indians
hanged in this county for murdering
Gen. Canby in the Modoc war. The
day before bis death, Captain Jack was
visited by a number of the clergy and
asked to receive the ordinance of bap
tism anu otherwise prepare himself for
a comfortable reception at the end of
his journey on the morrow, being told
of heaven's bliss and the means to at
tain it. Then Jaok innuired of the
divine if he were actually sure of heaven
ana the way to get there, to which an
affirmative answer was given, with
positive anaurance. Whereupon Jack
replied : "As for me, I feel a trifle un
certain about the matter, and you being
sure, I'll make this proposition to you.
You take my place tomorrow and go to
that reirion, about which you haven't a
single doubt, and in return for tbe favor
I'll give yon all I've got 10 ponies to
add to your estate. I'm not usually very
particular, but in this instance, feehne
somewhat uneasy about the result.
would a little rather stay here."
A Dice house, A rooms, well located,
lot 50x150, only $1100. Apply at Gazet
Only Lawns Can be Irrigated with City
In order to prevent possible waste of
water, and to extend fair treatment to
all, the Heppner Light and Water Com
pany is compelled to forbid the use of
its water this season for the purpose of
irrigating gardens. '
The use of water for sprinkling lawns
will be allowed only between the hours
of 6 and 8 p. m. At no other time will
lawn sprinkling be allowed.
A whistle will be blown at 6 p. m. to
begin, and another at 8 p. m. to close.
Those found violating these regula
tions will have their water shut off and
a charge of 50 cents made to turn it on
again. JNo exceptions to this rule.
Heppnkk Light & Water Co.
Bteam Laaadry.
Heppner people will find it advisable
and economical to have their washing
done by the Heppner Steam Laundry,
where only reliable white labor is em
ployed. Family washing will be done
at low prices agreed on by the week.
White shirts reduced to 10 cents. I
guarantee my work to give satisfaction.
No charges unless work is satisfactory.
Kespeutiuiiy, f red kruo.
Gunn's is the place to go. He sells
his implements high and low. Gunn's
is the very spot. From his implements
you will get a crop. Tbe bars of the
Critic harrow are made of U-shaped
steel without any holes in them. Each
tooth is securely clipped on.
Appointmeat of Dwpat Stoek Inspectors.
All stockmen of Morrow county are
hereby notified that having been ap
pointed Stock Inspector of Morrow
County, I have appointed tbe following
deputy stock inspectors :
James P. Rhea, whose post office ad
dress is lone, Oregon.
Isaac Vinson, whose post office ad
dress is Galloway, O egon.
lbese deputies are fully authorized to
perform all the duties devolving upon
them under the stock law and Section
3351 of Hill's Code.
Henry Schebzinger.
Stock Inspector for Morrow County, Or.
Seed beardless barley, wheat and rye
for sale at Henry Heppner's warehouse.
The moving of sheep from one county
to another without a permit from the
stock inspector is contrary to law, and
violations of the law will be pro"ecuted.
Therefore all persons are warned against
moving sheep from Morrow county into
adjoining counties without a traveling
permit from the undersigned or one of
the deputy stock inspectors for Morrow
county, J. P. Khea and Isaac Vinson.
Henry Kcherzinger,
Stock Inspector for Morrow Co., Or.
sons bavins claims amines the estate of
Stephen Lalande, deceased, tbat they are here
by required to present said claims, with the
proper vouchers thereof, to the undemtgned,
Robert It. Bart, tbe executor of the last will
and testament of said Stephen Lalande. de
ceased, at bis place of dolnir busineae, at the
law omce ! nennein, in Heppner, in
Morrow eonntr. Btate of Oregon, within six
jnontbe from the aate of wis notice.
IMtea pru is, iwu.
Bossst M. Hast.
Executor of the Leet Will and Testament of
btepbeo Lalauoa, Deceesea. 7-
For Infanta and Children.
Kind Too Hare Always Ec-jgbt
Bears the SjY J fa J S'
The Fair
National Bank Building, Heppner.
Who is it that made values better and prices lower in' Morrow County?
We have a "big line of infants aod children's ready to
wear dresses, colored and white, that are beauties, well made
and of good material, and the prices are no mora than the
goods alone would cost don't worry and work making them
it's time thrown away. . ,
Infants' White Slips, embroidery trimmed 30c
' " " ruffle and insertion trimmed 43c
Children's White Dresses with yoke embroidery
trimmed 45c
Children's White Dresses with yoke embroidery
and tacking 75c
Finer enes at $1 and up to '. $1,30
Child's White Skirts, hem-stitched and embroidery
ruffle, 50c and . . . . . 75c
Child's Percale Dress, pink and blue, trimmed in
torchon lace '. iOc
Finer ones at 55c and 80c
Remember our line of Children's Spring Jackets
from $1.10 up.
Big shipment of Axle Grease just arrived
Did you get a pair of "Black's" patent
seamless Sheep Shearers' Gloves,
genuine buckskin?
Do you appreciate our big line of Laces and Embroideries just arrived by far
the biggest line ever shown in Heppner.
Make our store your headquarters when in town you are always welcome.
Yours for mutual trade benefits,
The Fair ITII The Fair
4 j The largest and best selected
stock in Morrow county.
Paints, Oils
and Glass
A full stock.
Supplies of all kinds.
For Spring and Summer Wear
C- : Xtae p,0Deer Boot ln)1 pk, o( HeppUcr hM
The Latest Styles of Footwear for
Men, Women and Children.
014 Starts, Main Straat. Raaalrlng a 6is.ola.ty.
At the Wm. Penland headquarter ranch
on Balm Fork on Saturdays and Sundays.
At Binns' stable; Heppner, on Mondays,
Tuesdays and Fridays. .
At Lexington on Wednesdays and
Thursdays; '
Terms: Single leap $3; Season $5; To insure $7.50.
Free pasturage for mares.
Norman is a beautiful dapple gray, 8 years old and weighs
1800 pounds.
Wm. Poland.
The Place to
A fine stock to
select from.
The very latest.
The Fine Norman stallion
Will maKe the season
of i goo as follows:
Save Money
House-Cleaning Time is near at hand and you
will need new matting on the floor. It's too cheap
to do without.
Japanese Matting, hemp warp, per yard 18c
' " linen " fancy pattern, best,
per yard 27c
Both of above guaranteed for 5 years.
Henry Heppner's
Gash Advances made on Wool and Grain
gwMfyMj!?. hides and PELTS
Feed and Seed Grain always on hand
Wool Sacks and Grain Bags For Sale
Little's and Black Leaf Sheep Dips
Is all steel, which makes 11 very strong and durable.
It is simple in contraction and naa lea. pans to wear
than any Disc Blade. The chilled journal bearings are
entirely duel-proof and can be easily oiled. There is
abiolutcly no end thru. I to wear on the bearing..
The gang are ao arranged that they cannot raise
out of the ground in the center, but caaily adjust them
selves to dead furrow, or low places in rough ground.
A trial will convince you that the Canton is without
an equal. Manufactured by
mlmm -
Are the best Because they are mad of the best steel mBy po,n .uptrionty over all others. Made in all
.hX'Ti'!.'"? U '-'T4 "uf STl.KlTor ClIlLLtD bottoms and R ding
Za uL uF11 U ,horouhll' Attachment. Compare them with oil.en. and see tluw
biaced. Made in all siaes. Made by work and you will buy a Canton. Manufactured by
Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons
Islaln Street, - Heppner.
The Fair
New Home
Sewing Macnine
For the next 90 days
we are going to put this
Machine on sale; either
drop head or cabinet, 5
drawers at $37,50.
This is an oppor
tunity you may not get
again. Do not pass it by.
The "Fair"
Simple and durable.
Cabinet top, finely fin
ished in antique oak,
with 3 drawers and the
price is only $23.74.
Stubble Plows
Made with wood or steel beams in all sites. Mold,
Share and Landiide is made of soft center, crucible
steel, thoroughly herdened, Double Shin Mold. They
are the farmers' friend, be ame they are well and sub
stantially made and work perfectly in all soils.
L4t riRLIil k Oiimm CO, futot. Illiieii.
Acknowledged the superior of all makes. The easi
est handled, lightest draft, most durable and turn the
mi jr