Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 12, 1900, Image 4

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    Semi-Annual Report
Of tbe County Clerk of Morrow County, State of Oregon, showing 'be amoont sod
Dumber of claims allowed by tbe county oonrt of laid oonnty, for what allowed,
amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, from
tbe 1st day of October, 1899, to the 3UI day of Mar oh, 1900, both inclusive.
Amount of
claims allowed.
Road and Bridge
Criminal, oirouit oonrt . ,
Criminal, jnetioe oourt
Court bouse and jail
Clerk's salary
Sheriff's salary
Bailiff's acol
School superintendent
County judge's salary
County commissioners' salary.
Insane acct
Coroner's acct
Treasurer's salary
Assessor's salary
Deputy sheriff's salary
Deputy olerk's salary
Htook inspector's aoot
County expense aoot
Amount of war
rant drawn.
Total amount olaims allowed and drawn.
1426 14
562 85
107 10
206 90
444 54
124 05
1200 00
1200 00
20 00
406 15
450 00
75 00
47 10
236 30
105 20
249 99
212 00
499 98
499 98
138 00
444 01
1426 14
562 85
107 10
206 90
444 54
124 05
1200 00
1200 00
20 00
406 15
450 00
75 00
47 10
236 30
105 20
249 99
212 00
499 98
499 98
138 00
444 01
$ 8655 29 8 8655 29
Outstanding nnpaid county warrants on tbe 31st
day of March, 1900
Estimated interest accrued tbereon
Total amount of nnpaid connty warrants.
9 23,389 18
9 23,389 18
$ 600 00
There are 6 buyers in Heppner now,
but business seems slow. However,
there are symptoms of growers and
buyers getting closer together, and tbey
are really not far apart. A. M. Bunco
and O. h. Farnsworth have had a pleas
ant picnic bush-whacking around each
other about buying and selling, but no
Bale resulted.
Al Justice on yesterday sold
1200 mixed yearlings, and is said to
have actually received $2.60 a head ;
but buyers claim that this sale does not
represent the true condition of the
market, and that it was an accidental
Charles White has this season bought
n Heppner 18,000 sheep, some yearl
ings, mostly 2-year-olds, and the av
erage price he paid is about $3.
J. I. Carson has returned to Heppner
after a trip to California. He says he
still wants sheep, but that growers will
not talk business. He is willing to pay
$2.25 for good yearling wethers and
$2.75 for ewes.
Red Hot From The Gun
Was the ball that bit O. B. Steadman
of Newark, Mioh , io the Civil War. It
caused horrible Ulcers that no treat
ment helped for 20 years. Then Buck-
len's Arnica Salve cured bim. Cures
Outs, Bruises. Barns, Boils, Felons,
Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile oare
on earth. 25 ots. box. Cure guaran
teed. Sold by Oonser & Warren Drug
$ 600 00
County of Morrow. 1
I, Vawter Crawford, County Clerk of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon,
do hereby oertify that the foregoing is a true and correot statement of tbe number
and amount of olaims allowed by tbe County Oourt of said County for tbe six
months ending on tbe 31st day of Marob, 1900, on what aooount tbe same were
allowed, and tbe amount of warrants drawn, and tbe amount of warrants outstand
ing and unpaid ei tbe same appear upon tbe reoords of my offloe and in my offloial
Witness my band and tbe seal of tbe Oonnty Oonrt of said Oonnty this 9tb
day of April, A. D., 1900. Vawter Cbawford, County Clerk.
Of tbe amount of money and warrants reoeived for taxes and money paid to tbe
County Treasurer by the Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon, for the six months
ending on the 3ist day or, juaron, &. u. vjw.
In coin and currency
In county warrants
Feet earned by sheriff mileage.
Costi on tax sales
Total rocelved
$1036 32
15190 85 13150 89
67 771
18 10
14 S
16 201
I 914 64
9 20
$ 199 56
105 Al
15276 72 13181 42 f 923 84
805 20
18365 85
18365 85
To County Treasurer
In oonnty warrants
Keen earned bv sheriff mileage
Costa on tax galea
By balance on hand.
Total paid to Treaaurer ....
(4614 78
20 54,
flC35 32
15190 8!) 13160 89
67 77 14 83
18 10 16 20
15276 72 13181 42
$ 914 C4
9 20
t 199 58
105 64
923 84 805 20
18351 29
14 56
J8365 85
' SS.
Statb of Orboon,
County of Morrow,
I, A. Andrews, sheriff of said county, do hereby oertify that tbe fore
going statement is oorreot and true. Witness my band this loth day of April
A. u. l'JUU. a. Andrews, Hbenrl of Morrow County.
By E. U. Andrews, Deputy.
Of tbe Connty Treasurer of Morrow Connty, Oregon, for tbe six months ending
on the Ulal day of March, A. V, 1900, of money reoeived and paid oat, from
wnom received ana trom wnai source, ana on west aooount paid out.
Irish Fcnght Nobly.
Bloemfontein, April 5. Tbe Royal
Irish Rifles bad been marching in the
eastern part of the Free State collecting
arms, and were returning to Bethanie
Tuesday, when they were intercepted
by a Boer Commando, which had placed
three guns in position. The Irish in
trenched themselves while the mounted
infantry scouted along both flanks, only
to find escape impossible.
The Boers opened with gun and rifle
fire. The British replied sparingly
with rifle fire, husbanding their cart
ridges in the hope that help would ar
rive. Gradually the Boers drew into
closer nimrtprs. Thev fired intermit
tently during Tuesday night, but did
not attempt to ruBh the Britisti position
until Wednesday, when the Irishmen,
who had fought tenaciously, were suner-
lng severely trom want 01 iooq anu
water. By this time also the Kines naa
expended their last cartridge, finding
that there was no Bign of succor, tbey
surrendered, having fought for nearly
30 hours. They lost 10 killed and many
The M.E. andCbristian Sunday Schools
have oombined to render an Easter pro
gram at tbe M. E. Cburcb Sunday even
ing. A number of ohoioe selections have
been arranged tor, and all are weloome.
Lots For Sale.
Lots 8, 4 and 5, block 6, Jones' add.
n Heppner, at 4UU lor all. JLiocaiea
east of D. B. Stalter's residence; oreek
crosses corner and there is a fine spring
on tbe plane. Apply to J. W. Redington,
Gazette offloe.
Brave Men Fall
Viotims to etomaob, liver and kidney
troubles as well as women, end all feel
tbe results in loss of appetite, poisons
in tbe blood, backache, nervousness,
beadaobe and tired, listless, run down
feeling. But there's no need to feel like
that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville,
Ind. He says: "Eleotrio Bitters are
just tbe thing for a man when be is all
run down, and don't oare whether be
lives or dies. It did more to give me
new strength and good appetite tbsn
anything I oould tBke. I can now eat
anything and have a new lease on life."
Only 50 cents, at Oonser & Warren
Drag Oo. Every bottle guaranteed.
Ail Hast Register on or Before May IS,
From tbe 2d day of January, 1900, at
8 a. m., until tbe 15th day of May, 1900,
at 5. p. m., the records for tbe registra
tion of voters will be open at tbe office
of tbe Oonnty Clerk of Morrow county.
Naturalized oltizens appearing to
register will be requested to produce
proofs of oitizenship, either declaration
of intention, or certificate of citizenship,
exoept wbere tbe same appears on tbe
reoords of Morrow county, and also
tbeir street and number, if living in
town, or if living in oountry, section,
township and range.
Tbe law requires that if tbe elector is
noble to oonveniently appear before
tbe county clerk for registration, be may
be registered by a notary publio or jus
tice of tbe peaoe in tbe precinct in which
be resides.
Dated at Heppner, Morrow oonnty,
Oregon, this 31st day of January, 1900.
Vawteb Cbawfobd,
Connty Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon.
BOTJRCB BBO'V'D. fund. fond.
To amount on hand from last report $ 5396 60 $ 4189 79
To am'ts reo'd from sheriff Taxes 15625 08 4595 55
To " " " " Fees earned... 43 50
To " " " " Costs tax sales. 105 64
To " " " clerk Fees earned. . . 77175
To " " " assessor; Poll tax 159 20
To " " " A.G.Bartboloniew Tax certificates
& lumber sold 95 90
To " " C. R. Howard.... Money found.. 6 50
To " " " A.Andrews, sheriff Fines 46 00
JTolals. $22204 17 $ 8831 84
By amount paid ont on Oo. warrants $17914 55
Hy amount paid out on sobool sup't'i warrants $7929 39
By balance general fund on band 4289 62
By balance sobool fund on band 901 95
Totals 122204 17 8831 84
Olllce at La Grande, Or., April 3, 1900.
Notice la hereby Riven that the following
named settler haa filed notice of hla intention
to make final proof in anpport of hia claim,
and that aaid proof will be made before the
County Clerk, Umatilla County, Oregon, at
Pondleton, Oregon, on May 19, 19U0, viz:
Homestead entry No. 6717 of
JOHN A. HORSMAN, Of Gurdane, Or.,
For the aouthcaat H northwest northeast W
northwest, northwest northeast and lot
2 section 19, township 3 south, range 30 E W M.
He names tho following witnesses to prove hia
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
aaid laud, vie: William Ely, of Pendleton. Or.,
James u Hall, mikb uruona ana Aninouy
Corley, of Gurdane, Or,
78 81, Register.
Balanoe on band last report 9 56 25
Received from sheriff, taxes 1226 15
1282 40
Amount paid ont 1282 40
By balanoe on band last report 9 388 42
Amount paid out . 100 00
Balance on band 9 288 42
Balance on band 9 17 80
By balanoe on baud 9 81 38
m'donald estate.
By balanoe on band 9 Q 10
By balanoe on band f 21 72
By balance on ban 1 9 15 00
County of Morrow. 1 '
I, Mat Liohtentbal, do hereby oertify that tbe foregoing is true and corrsot
statement of the amounts reoeived, paid out and remaining on band. In the eonntv
treasuy of said oounty (or tbe six months ending on tbe 81st day of Maroh,
a. u. lilUU.
Witness my baud this 9tb day of April, A. IX 1900.
. MAT L1CUTENT1IAL, County Treasurer.
Of tbe financial oondition of the County of Morrow, in tbe stale of Oregon, on tbe
oiat uay 01 marcn, ijuu: .
To warrants drawn on the oouuty treasurer, and outstanding and un
paid 923,389 18
To estimated amount of interest aoorusd thereon 600 00
To current state ttxes nnpaid 7 995 64
To state bounty fund 1,818 88
Total Liabilities....
Un.SrtS 70
By funds in bands of Oonnty Treasurer applicable to tbs payment of
ootinty warrants 9 4 289 62
liy estimated unpaid current taxes applicable to tbe payment of county
warrants, coyote bounty and state taxes , 35,940 86
Total Resources.
...940,230 48
Come to Morrow County for low-priced
lands. Values are sure to double up. Nev
er again will land sell so low as it does now.
Olllce at The Dalles, Or., March 7, 19JO.
A aulliclent contest allidavlt having been tiled
in this ottice by Lor in D. Baiter, contestant,
aKitlnat timber culture entry No. 2547, made
October 27, 1MH7, for east northwest U and
west u northeast K section 24, township '
south, range a east, by Nile Peterson, contestee,
In winch It is aliened mat aaia in lis reuirsou
haa neglected to plant or cultivate or otherwise
attempt to raise any timber on any of aaid land
and haa abondoued the land and that there ia
no timber on the aaid land nor haa been lot
over aix yeara last past. And that defendant la
not engaged in either branch of the military
service of the United Statee, aaid parties are
hereby notified to appear, respond and offer
evidence touching aaid allegation at 10 o'clock
a. m. on April 'is, 1900, before J. w. Morrow, u.
i. Commissioner, at hia olllce In Heppner, Ore
gon, and that Nual hearing will be held at 10
o'clock a. m. on May 9, 1900, before the regiater
and receiver at the United States landoOlceln
The Dallea, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper affi
davit, tiled March 7, 1900. set forth facta which
show that after due diligence, personal service
of this notice can not be made, it la hereby
ordered and directed that such notice be given
by due and proper publication.
3-78 Jay P. Lucas, Regiater.
10:00 a. m.
From Heppner.
No trains Sunday
Salt Lake, Denver,
rt. ortn, umana,
Kansas City, 8t.
Loula, Chicago.
Portland, Walla
Walla, Spokane,
Minneapolis, St.
Paul, Duluth, Mil
waukee, and the
11:50 p. m.
8.00 p. m.
Otian RTaunaxira
From Portland.
For Ban Francisco!
Sail Deo, H, 8, 14, 18,!
at, 28 every 6 daya
8:00 p. m.
Ex. Sunday
10:00 p. m.
B OO a. tn.
Kx. Sunday
7:00 a. m.
Tui-a.. Tttur
ami Sat.
Colombia Rivbb
To Astoria and Way
Wolamitts Rivia
Oregon City, New-I
berg, Salem aud
A ay Lauding.
Yamhill Rivers.
Oregon City, Day
ton s way Land'
8:00 a. m. iWiLLAMlTTs RlTia!
Tuss. Thurt.
and Sat.
LT. Rlparla
1: a. m
Portland to Corral.
11a A Way Land
4:00 p. m.
4:00 p.m.
Ex. Sunday
4:90 p. m.
S:80p. m.
Mon., Wed.
aud Frt.
4:30 p.m.
Mon., Wed.,
and Frt.
Heppner people were shocked yester
day by hearing that S. A. Lalande hail
committed suicide.
It seems that he entered a bedroom
at his ranch, locked the door and shot
himself through the head.
He was in Heppner Tuesday, appar
ently as cheerful and smiling as ever,
and then made a will in which he left
most of his estate to his son Elbert, and
appointed Robert Hart executor.
Mr. Lalande was a member ot the
Christian Church, and donated $100 to
ward erectine its building.
Like all others, Steve Lalande had his
faults and peculiarities, but now that he
is dead, the mantle of charity may be
drawn over them. And if a modern
searchlight were thrown over the dim
past a streak of ancestral insanity mibt
be discovered that would cause him to
be held blameless for his rash folly.
Deceased came here in 1870 and took
up land on Willow creek, 4 miles below
The Best Remedy Eor uhnmatiNiu.
AH wbo use Chamberlain's Fain Balm
for rheumatism are delighted with tbe
quiok relief trom pain whioh it affords.
Wben speaking of tbis Mr. D. N. Minks,
of Troy, Ohio, sys : "Some time ago I
bad a severe attack of rheumatism in
my arm and shoulder. I tried numerooe
remedies but got no relief nntil I was
reoommended by Messrs. ueo. H . far
sons & Co., druggists of thiB plaoe to try
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They reo
ommended it so highly tbat I bought a
bottle. I was soon relieved ot all pain.
I have since reoommended this limmnnt
to many of my friends, who agree with
me that it is tbe best remedy for mna-
oular rbnmatism in the market." For
sale by Cooser & Warren.
M. E. church C. D. Nickelsen, pas
tor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Subject next Sunday, morning
Easter sermon; evening, Easter oonoort.
M. E. church, South F. F. St. Clair,
pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m.
Tbe pastor will preach an Easter
sermon at 11 n. m . Bpeoial music. Ad
jutant Nelson will preach at 7:30 p. m,
He Is now a member of tbe M. K.
obnrob, South, and has been appointed
to Mountain Valley charge until con
ference. Christian church Sunday School at
10 a. in.
The Heppner Gazet has one of the
most complete printing plants in all
Oregon, and can print anything. Its
engine does tbe perspiring while its
sweatpower presses are grinding out the
printed sheets tike snowhakes in August.
A Testimonial From Old England.
"I consider Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy tbe best in tbe world for bronchi
tis," savs Mr. William Savory, of War
rington, Knglaod. "it has saved my
wife's life, she having been a martyr to
bronobitis for over six years, being most
of tbe time cod fined to her bed. one Is
now auite well." Sold by Cooser &
The Black Hawk and Mammoth
"!5fTSiS-- al
Will stand at Hardman, Morrow county, Oregon, the season of 1900.
SAM JONES ia 15 hands high and weighs 1000 pounds; is
heavy boned and a Thoroughbred KentucKy Jacu.
Will pay you to come and see before breeding.
Tflrms: Sinde leaD $5: Season, $8, payable at end of season: In
nnrRno.FL .10. nftvahle when mares are known to be in foal. Will not
be responsible for accidents. Pasture will be furnished at $1 a month
H. Fergerson, Owner and Manager
The news of both hemispheres in The
Weekly Oregonian.
order of Bale duly Issued by the Clerk of
the Circuit Court of the County of Morrow,
State of Oregon, dated the 7th day of March,
1900, in a certain action in the Justice Court of
Distriet No. Three, Morrow county. State of
Oregon, wherein Cleve Wagner, plaintiff, re
covered judgment against A. J. Cochran, de
fendant, for the sum of forty-aeven and 30-100
dollars, on the 3d day of February, 1900, and
which aaid judgment la duly entored in the
above entitled circuit court upon the Trans
cript herein.
Notice la hereby given that I will on
Saturday, th 28th day of April, 1900,
at 2 o'olock p. m. of aaid day, at the front door
of the court houae in Heppner, Morrow county,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash In hand, the following de
scribed property, to-wit: Northwest quarter
of section eighteen (18) township two (21 south,
ranue twenty-three fa) E W M, In Morrow
county, Oregon, taken and levied upon as the
firoperty of the aaid A. J. Cochran, or bo much
hereof aa may be necessary to satisfy the said
Judgment in favor of Cleve Wagner and against
aaia A. J uoenran togemer wiui u uubib mm
disbursements that have or may accrue.
. A. ANDRKwa, ttnenii.
Dated at Heppner, Or., March 27, 1900. 75-8
Axita RlTKB.
Lv. Lewlatoa
Klparia to LawlatoDi l i a. m
Passenger booked for all Foreign
J. M. KElvNAN, Agent, Heppner.
Qaneral Faaacnger Atnt, Portland, Or.
Offloe at La Grande, Or., February 21. woo.
Notice te hereby given that the following
named settler haa filed notice of hla intention
to make final proof in support of hia claim, and
that said oroof will be made before the county
clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon,
on April 14, 1W0, viz: Homestead entry 8058 of
LOUIS M. SUMMERFIELD, of Heppner, Or.,
for the southeast i of nortbeaat Vi and east K
of southeast i and southwest of southeast
of section 17, township 2 south, ra-nge 28 east.
He names toe following witneasea io prove
hla continuous residence unon and cultivation
of aaid land, viz: John Lazer, A. O. Smith,
ratrtck Barry ana Aaoipn Benin, an oi nepp
ner, Oregon.
72-7 B. W. Bartlktt, Regiater.
order of sale duly issued by the Clerk of
the Circuit Court ot tne county oi Morrow,
State of Oreson. dated the loth day of March
WOO, In a ceqaln action in the Circuit Court for
said county and state, wherein I. N. Harcent,
plaintiff, recovered judgment against E. D. Tims
and Foster Adams, defendants, for the sum of
One hundred seventy-three and 21-100 dol
lars, with interest thereon at the rate of
ft nur cent ier milium from the 20th day oi
November, 1809, and for the further sum of
Forty dollars attorneys tee, ana coats ana
disbursements taxed at eight dollars, on the
6th day of March, 1900.
Notice Is hereby given that I will on
Saturday, the 21st day of April,'- 1900
at 2 o'clock, p. m. of said day, at the front door
of the court house in Heppner, Morrow county,
Oregon, sell at publio auction to the higheat
bidder for cash In hand, the following
described proberty, to-wit: mnety-nine (00j
feet off the east end of lot one (1) in block ten
(10) in the town of Heppner, said lot being in
Ht.RMflhArrv'n addition to the said town of Heim-
ner, and being all of aid lot one (1 ) of said
block teu (10) of said addition except "& feet off
of the west end of said lot. Taken aud levied
upon aa the property of the aaid E. D. Tima and
Foster Adams, or so much thereof as may be
necessary to atlsfy the said judgment in favor
of I. N.Sargent and againBt said E. D. Tima
and Foster Adams together with all costs and
disbursements that have or may accrue.
A. ANDREWS, BhoriiT.
By J. W. Matlock. Deputy.
Dated at Heppner, March 22, I'M. 71-8
Ottice at La Grande, Or., March 20, MR).
Notice ia hereby given that the following
named settler haa tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof tn support of hia claim and
that said nroof will be made before Vawter
Crawford, Couuty Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon,
on May 7, 1900, via: Homestead entry No. 9001 of
JOHN H. ROMJUE, of Heppner, Or.,
for the eouthwoat U northwest Vi aection 17 and
south H northeaat and northwest north
east a aection 18, township 4 aouth, range 28
east W M.
He namna the following wltneaaea to prove
his continuous reaidence upon and cultivation
otaald land, via: Hyall C. Corbtn. Freeman
Green, Robert Dexter aud Waldo Watkins, all
of Heppuer, Oregon
75-80 E. W. BaBTLETT, Regiater.
Otllce at Grande, Or., Maroh 20, l'JOO.
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler haa filed notice ot her intention
to make tlual proof tn anpport of hi claim, and
taat aaid proof will be made before J W. Mor
row, l; ultej State Commissioner, at Heppner.
Oregon, on May 7, 1900, via: Homestead
entry No. "875 of
KATE D. 8TEEVE8, of Heppner, Or.,
for the southeast U southwest M. aouth H
southeast V section 83 township 1 aouth, range
28 east W M, lot 1 aection i township 2 aouth,
range 28 east.
She names the following wttneaae to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, via: Andrew Tlllard, Hush
Fields, Thomaa A. Rhea aud Frank McKnlgnt,
all of Heppner, Oregon.
75-80 E. W. Babtlitt, Register.
Office at The Dallea, Ore., March 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler haa filed notice of hia intention
to make final proof in support of hia claim, aud
that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor
row, t nlted States commissioner, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Saturday, May 4, 1900, vu :
BERNARD F. OOHKRTY. of Heppner, Or.,
Homestead entry No. 428, for the north
northeast aud northeast northwest t
section 82, and southeast ta southwest H sec
tion W. township 1 south, range 2 east W M.
He name the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ot aaid laud, via: John Barton aud J. O.
loherty of Hpner, Oregon, and Edward
Doherty and kdwari McDaid, of Lexington,
7 J, P. U'cas, Register.
IJ Office at The Dallea. Ore.. March 13, l'JOO
Notice ia hereby given that the following-
named aottier naa tiled notice oi nta intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, an
tbat Bald proof will be made before Vawter
tjrawiora, uouniy cierg, at tieppuer, uregou.
on Friday A prll 27, 1900, viz:
HENRY I. SHAEFFER, of Heppner, Or.,
Homestead entry No. 506:) for the southwest
K section 28, township 2 aouth range 25 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Ellas Friend, Robert Friend
and Joseph Friend, all of Lexington, Oregon
and Natnaneal Shaw, ot Heppner, uregon,
8-78 Jay P. Lucas, Regiater
U Dalles. Oreron. March 19. 1MK).
Notice 1b hereby given that Samuel Lelller, of
Heppner, uregon, naa men nonce ot intention
to maae nnai prooi neiore vawter tniwioru
county clerk, at hia office in Heppner, Oregon,
on Thursday the 26th day of April, 1900, on
timber culture application No. 2618, for the
northwest ot section no. i in townsnip ro
south, ranee No. 25 east W M.
He names as witnesses: William Kummer
land, of Heppner, Oregon. Ellas Friend, Joseph
f riend and u.B.uaraner, oi lxtngton, uregon,
74-9 Jay f. LUCAS, Regiater.
Now is the time to kill squirrels.
22 Ed. R. Bishop's
And get a 22 rifle and set the kids to work. One
killed now means a dozen later on.
Stevens, Winchester, Remington, Alarlin and
Phoenix kept in stock.
The Phoenix Sure Shot 22 is aafe for women and children.
Also tsteel Traps ealore,
Hardman Mercantile Co.
For Groceries,
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes.
Patent Medicines,
Hardware, Tinware, Etc.,
Come to the new store
We have put in a new stock and
will keep it right up to the handle.-
Hardman IVIercnritll e Oo.
H. E. "VVAEREN, Proprietor.
You can save it by trading with
Gilliam k Bisbee
Who carry a
Of Heavy aiid Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural
Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Etc., Paints and Oils (the best in
the world). Crockery aDd Glassware.
Give ua the cash and you can get aa good and aa many goods from us as you
can got laid down in Heppner from anywhere, This we guarantee.
Fresh Meats
Salt and Smoked Meats
Pure Rendered Leaf Lard
Fish every Friday.
Liberty Market
Highest price paid for fat Stock
rm Rnr.lt & ATathews,
Heppner, Oregon. Proprietors.
J order of sale duly issued by the clerk of
the Circuit Court ot tne couuty oi Morrow
State of Oregou. datetl the vath day of March
1'.W0, iu a certain action lu the Circuit Court for
said county and state, wncroin fi. u. Kooa
nlHiiititl". recovered iudement against A. W
Saling and Frauk McFarland and D. . Oilman,
tntervmior. defendants, for the sum of twelv
hundred tweuty-ttve aud ts3-100 dollars, and one
hmulre.l and twenty aoiiar attorneys iees, aua
the further sura of twenty-five and 70-100 dol
Inn civLa on the 6th dav of March. 1W0. And
whereas, on the 8th day of March. l'.i, in the
above named oonrt, a judgment was renders
in favor of tne arove namea iiiiervenor, ii. ji
Oilman, and against the above named defend
ant, A. W. aluig, for twelve hundred twenty
elirht and 7 .V HiO dollars, and the further sum o
one hundred dollars attorneys' ft, which
judgment was enrolled and docketed in the
clerk's oihe of sutd court in said county on
the tilh day of March, l'Kil, as a second and
subsequent lien to plaintitra lien.
Notice is hereby given that I will on
Saturday, the 28th day of April, 1900,
at 2 o'clock p. m. of aaid day at the front door
of the court house in Heppner, Morrow county.
Oregon, sell al public auction to the highest
bidder for cash ia hand, the following de
scribed property, to-wit: Tbe southwest quar
ter and the southeast quarter of s-vliou thirty,
live (85) in township three () south, range
twenty-four ell) east W M in Morrow county,
Oregon, taken and levied upon as the property
of the said A. W. Baling, or so much thereof as
may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment
iu favor of K. I). Rood and l. K uilman, inter
vener, aud against said A. W. baling and Frank
McFarland, together with all costs and dis
bursements that have or may awnie,
A. ASDKKWS, Sheriff,
Dated at Heppner, Or.. Marco 2S. lXi 7.V9
French Canadian
Will stand the Season at Wm.
-Gordon's Stables on Wednes
days and Saturdays of each week. The balance of the
week at Herren's ranch, 6 miles South of Town.
HONEST ABE is a Dark Brown, 16 bands high, and weighs
1450 pounds. He was foaled July 23, 1890. Sired by the imported
French Canadian Stallion Canada, imported in 1889 by C. Cheval and
bred by E. Bauchemin, St. Oars, Quebec, Canada, and was sired by
St. Lawrence Boy, dam by Richelieu Girl (thoroughbred Canadian
mare). Honest Abe's dam was sired by Tornado, a pure bred Cana
dian stallion imported by T. Cunnington, of Sacramento, Cal., in 1882,
and sold to Kenady & Smith, of Woodburn, Oregon. His dam was
sired by the imported French Canadian Stallion Robin Hood, imported
in 1882 by T. Cuniiington and sold to Kenady & Smith, of Woodburn,
Or., and afterward Bold to Wm. Walbridge, of Heppner, Or. Third
dam by Old Mistery; fourth dam by Old Lnmmacks; fifth dam by Old
Terms: Single leap $5; season' $7.50, payable at end of season,
insurance $ 10, payable when mares are known to be in foal. Will not
be responsible for accidents. Pasturage will be furnished at $1 a month;
D. A. Herren, Owner. Dan Henshew, Manager.
'Hs--Kl irrT:lvA1,.iK'0'" centm advance.
res to kw.i vi;vcff, nether you w1h lnriTr.mn,B
1 ; (rtve color, height ul f ranie anJ Kear nu j ai d w K w 1 1 I u
THE WIIEKL C. V. V. on appnmU, allowing you to unr-ratS a"l "E
claim for it, alia a better whwl tha?i you can evt for at.r vlKnnrirt
If you take tnts pap!- and The Weekly
Oresronian you won t hava to bg your
v nkn i
our.vM. Tho "MONTROSE" Ccyeto en
Bt our Special Aleut's sample vrUo of Hl rt-aU
ia the Krut UuTMin in a Mcycle ever on c r.i. W imarairti-JltTnaT
to any m h-l on the nmrketand you need not a.-.-c.,,t uT, "Ty ni
ir you do not find It h mt rcurcwiit. We ar LI HI vt- Hri'vVi S
MAM TAOTI'K KRS ami take this D.MI.id l of ,.h'klJ "tiortn..!,
our llMMt MUOfcJ. T1.I. otlcr of a .,,te hel at t!hVl.,?ric 5
made to (wmre l Of R A G EM T in each town to rfuresent nm
and fake oivlera. OnraireiilRhiak money fans. u"
VPFT FlPflTIUflS. " -V-wiii ladies. SKm-h. -s
Hon, flush I 'lnta. Improved exrnnd. r d.-VH-e u, f,,ten mil tt
handle oil'-, Koyal An-hcn.wn; the rcloNrmted MaeU hutwand hn
he eeslvet ninninst anowni Nrewil " A" tlrea. ihe ai d one of tha
n.f eieri.lTUr.-eonlhemarket. lhegenulne Hlnae Hn',.1.
kllei :nla. tools and a.Tessorlra the het ol.uuruilKar t nan."lXl I
)la. k. nurren orcich trreen. hittlily Bnlshed and ornamented
lilt hod ni. ltellnr on aj urlirht nana. U ,14
V ill JM niaterlul that (riiM into IM. luacJliM. Our kiiaUas rear's Yu.
CBre to ?y ons sendlna- Ui lAOeah to Mil with order . ll
t..W' """ TLK IS?. " v 1"uu0 mi' iMrrl Pitera cyel.i-
rrf .i'tlr mJSA ""t " aac U yoo ax. o
: .T oonomia and big Bipi'ly h.w ailverti! and arli aa hh irnul. We can ijrnKu therT
savc-isu asnrau. aMM-x " ili'llll iw in ivw fr-1 fj(J D'Atlitr hO OI hlaT
chcapk write on and k4 n tell you how roach w nn tve you on tle h-iip m. hiii
U.T UNABLE to BUY tZZZ!ZV?,?S .J,"-i
nwirh town tor t.M pnnw W e bv vrml Imndred HK1U HWit H Hr.r U- iakn in u-A hhl
ii I ,-l(wsrt,,ttti t-- le hi IllsWirosh'pwirilHUllJ- .h! IDuM Vsjcv r fk-itlv f,.r It. - a , .
IB wn 0R3E8 !OTn.!rr,rr?rr
el. Lm FJ2EAD CYCLE COMPANY. Chicago, in.
It K H