Rain or Shine, The station agent i on duty. On bia exact communication of train order depends thousand of lives, and millions of dollars in property, each day. In his haste he runs out in the rain or the snow hatlesa and unprotected. Then comes the sequel bron chitis, or some other disease of the respiratory or gans. The most effective remedy for bronchial or pulmonary disease is Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Almost all remedies pre scribed for such diseases contain opium or some narcotic which soothes by stupe faction. "Golden Medical Discov ery " contains neither narcotics nor alcohol. It stops coughs by curing their cause. It heals weak lungs, builds up wasted tissues, ana promotes the health of every or gan of the body. "I am a railroad agent," write I. B. Staples, Esq., of Barclay, Osage County, Kan., "and four yaara ago my work keeping me in a warm room and stepping out frequently into the cold air gave me bronchitis, which became chronic and deep-seated. Doctors failed to reach my case and advised me to try a higher air, but, fortunately for me, a friend advised mi to try Dr. Pierce's medicines. I commenced taking your 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and by the time I had taken the first bottle I was better, and after taking four bottles my cough was entirely gone. I nave found no necessity for seeking another climate. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate the stomach, liver and bowels. WHEAT. In actual wheat shipments, Portland handled 70.08 per cent of all that have been moved from the Northwest since the season opened, compared with 02.4 last season, iacoma and (Seattle failing back from 37.6 per cent for the first nine months of the season of 1898-09 to 22.32 per cent for the corresponding period in the current season. This material gain of Portland's is due to the superior ad vantages for selling and handling the wheat. Portland has the finest wheat docks and warehouses on the Pacific coast, and they are equipped with the very lateBt improved machinery for cleaning and preparing wheat for ship ment, enabling exporters to pay higher prices than can be paid where cruder uietbodB are employed. The total wheat movement from the Pacific Northwest for the first nine months of the cereal year was 10,115,929 bushels, and of this amount Portland exported 07.19 percent. Oregonian. SCHOOL FUND. J. AV. Shipley, school superintendent of Morrow county, has just made the quarterly apportionment of the school funds, as follows: CI.KRK CO. FUND J J Roberts f'JW 01) J no M Wadclcll 1H 60 Ham McBrldo 1:1 50 J 0 Kirk 10 50 FC Dillingham 10(H) A K Wright 11 (Kl 11 0 Oiiy H (HI W F MoMIIIhii 70 (Hi W 8 Connor 2 Hi A M Markham 5 fiO W B Parsons H (HI W O l,(iy 1ft 00 Krnnk Mnrnland Hi do K P Kurnsworlli r H 00 5 00 H N Burchfll 10 (Hi Mrs W E Wilson t (Hi (loo W VitiM'iit IH 5(1 (! II Bartholomew 2 50 W A Tlimmis 5 50 l.uthiT Huston 14 50 W T Klntt H 0(1 KBKIiinton 110(1 U W Kniltii 4 (HI J I, Hall 1 5(1 H K Moore 70 (10 V M llohnus 50 J M linker 17 (Kl J M Wimv u (HI Jus II. Wyland Ill (HI M J K Morgan 7 (HI Uoht Walkini t) 50 K K Haling 8 50 J 11 limkttep 7 no J A Miller A 50 KilCox Hi! (M J W (iHliorn H 5(1 David Brown. 7 50 J no Heeler 11 5(1 Alex Lindsay tl 50 A II Allen 17 Oil H Hale 14 (HI l.lzzie Cox 12 00 Total fund $703 60 HKORNT AUIUVAL8 AT PALACE HOTKL Ja Cheshire, Engmio A Toler, Haglnaw Mich W O Miloy, Portland Jne l.iicknian, But'r C'k Os Mitchell, lone T.I Davidson " A K Kimball, The Hall's (I M mines, Portland H A Hauiawalt " H J Romberg, rt V D C liervey, Hillings. Mt K O AshliKngh, M Mile K KHiultli Hardiuan i J Keeily, Portland H P llanawalt " R V, Irvine, liidepeuil'cs M Kenney, Heppner F Kllpatrlck, Portland A J U'lsllil " Harvey Passoll " J W Blake, Peiidluton Peek Co, Taeonia J V Thomas, Portland C Otterahageii " A A lleanloii " W II Mitchell ' J T tie Jong, Chlrago J M Berry, Ho. Omaha J W Chaney, 8 Mile N A l.each, Lexington H C Hayer, Chieago T V Baylls, Oman II Lrlwaggsrt, Athena GILLIAM REPUBLICANS. The Republicans of Gilliam county have nominated the following; ticket: Klieritt1 P. L. Ham, of Lone Rock. Clerk II. N. Frazer, of Condon. CoiutnisHioner Joseph Ward, of Olex. School Snpt. H. Crass, of Arlington. Asst'Bsor M. O. Clarke, of Condon. Treasurer 8. R. Harker, of Condon. Surveyor U. II. Wain, of Condon. Coroner A. II. Keudy, of Arlington. IMtgutes to State convention K. T. Hnrlhurt, Grant Wude, Jay Uowerman, Geo. U. Kukvk. Volcanlo Eruptions Are grand, but kin eruptions rob life of joy. Buokleu's Arnioa Halve oures them; also old, ruuuing and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, oorns, warte, out, braises, burns, soslds, ebspped bauds, obilblaiut, best pile our on earth. Drives out paius and sohes. Only l25o a box. Cure guaranteed. Bold by Conser A Warren Drug Co. HOME FOR SALE. A nice house, 6 rooms, well located, lot 50x150, only $1100. Apply at Ga.et ollice. NEW MILLINERY. Mrs. L. J. Fates bai just returned from Portland wbere she spent three weeks selecting choice pattern hals, trinnniugs htreel hats, latest novelties iu neck wear, belts, oumbs, etc She has large and varied spring stock and eao suit all from baby to grandma. Hlie has also added a new line ot ladies' furnishitig goods, oorsets, oottou uuderwear, hotiiery, shirt waists, i'to. It is a fact that farms t-un be bought In Morrow county at such low prices that thoir first coming crop will pay for the land. Alwuys rtliublc Tho Weekly Orcgonhtn.! CHICAGO'S CLIMATE. Heppner is not yet as large as Chica go, but it left its measure for a much better climate, and its order was promptly filled. Joe Carle is a rising young man who passed bis girlhood days in Oregon and appreciates her climate. But he is an offhand cartoonist and natural artist, and he sought the wider field of Chicago and is now on the art staff of the Daily News, making pictures that art) laughed at by millions. Writing March 29 to a friend in Hepp ner, Joe says : "The Heppner Gazet recently came wandering into the News office and asked for me. I was right glad to see the Gazette, and we were good friends in a minute. The Gazette told me a very pretty little story about spring in the Heppner Hills, but I couldent tell the Gazette any such pretty little tale of spring here. So we both sat for a while and gazed out the window at the whirl ing snow. We both wished for a while that we were back in old Oregon where all nature is kind and bestows her gifts where those who can enjoy may. WHEAT, WOOL AND STOCK. Portland, April 4 The wheat mar kets held steady yesterday, in spite of an increase in the visible supply. There is still a good demand for spot wheat in Liverpool, and this assists in keeping the cargo market steady. In Portland the uncertainty regarding freights is preventing much strength In tbe local market. Owners have not yet made up their minds to accept rates which will admit of exporters meeting the views of farmers, and accordingly busi ness is quiet, with nominal quotations of 54c for Walla Walla and 5354c for Valley. Wool Valley, 1213c for ooarse, 1618c for best; Eastern Oregon, 1015c; mohair, 2G28c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520cj short wool, 25!S5c; medium-wool, 3050c; long wool, oU(gj?i eacti. Boston, April 3 Demand for wool is slow; prices not weaker, but some grades have been marked lower to en courage business. Territory wools Idaho fine, medium, 1818c; Montana 2223. San Francisco, April 3. Wool Spring Nevada, 120115c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 12lflc; Valley, Oregon, 20 22c. Fall Northern, mountain, 1012c; mountain, 810c; plains, 810c; Hum boldt and Mendocino, 1415c. Chicago, April 2. Cattle Receipts 19,000 head. Market generally steady now; natives, $5.05; good to prime steers, steady, $5(35.75 ; poor to medium, about steady, $4 4 75 ; selected feeders, about steady, $44.00. Sheep Receipts, 13,000. Sheep and lambs are 106115c higher; sheep, high est since 1892; top, Colorado lambs, $7.50; good to choice wethers $fl6.30; fair to choice mixed, 56; Western sheep, $5.70(36 25; yearlings, 6.25 6.75; native lambs, 5.007.40; Western lambs, $7.25(87.50. April 3 Sheep about Bteady; lambs 10 cts lower. His Lif was Savsd. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo , lately bad a wonderful deliverenoe from a (rightful death. Id telling of it he says: ''I was taken with typhoid fever that ran into pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't fven sit op in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, wben I beard of Dr. King's New ihsoovery. One bottle gave great relief. I oontinued to nse it and now am well and strong. I oan't say too mnoh in its praise." This marvellous medioine is the surest and quickest oure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular sizes COo and $100. Trial bottles free at Conser & Warren Drug Co. Every bottle guaranteed. HEPPNER CHURCHES. M. E. church C. D. Nickelsen, pas tor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subject next Sunday, morning "A Sea Sermon;" evening "The Sub limity of a Great Conviction." M. E. church, Soutb F. F. St. Clair, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. "A First Century vs. a Twentieth Century Preacher" at 11 a. m., and "Saved by Grace" at 7:30 p. m. Sun day School at 3 p. ni, League at 7 p. m. Welcome to Southern church. Christian church Sunday School at 10 a. in. Baptist church Sunday School at 10 a. ra. Episcopal church Services occasion ally. A recognised authority The Weekly Oregonian. FE&CK DECLARED. Why devote all four time resdino shunt tbe Doer war and tbe gold fields of Alaska? There are other matters of vital importance: yon may roska s triD east, sod will want to know how to travel. In order to have tbe best service, use the Wisconsin Central Uy., between hi. rani ana Unicago. For rates sod other infomation, write Jas. A. Clock, general agent, Portland, Oregon, Yellow Stons Park Lin THK ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTS FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. TUK ONLY DIRECT IJNE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Uave. Depot Fifth and I Sis. Arrive, No. 3 Kant Mall for Taeonia. No. 1 10:15 A. M. Seattle, Aberdeen, Mouth IHmuI, Spokane, Helena, 11 A. M. mine, Anavoiuia, fcl. 1'aul. Chleaito. New York, Boston, and all points hast sua South rill, No. 6 (Portland, Taeoma and ifc-attle Ultima, for Ta No. u r.x eoma, Seattle, Olympta and intermediate main line Hiliita. e p. m. DAYS to Kt, Paul, Minneapolis, Omana, Kansas City and other Missouri river point. 3 DAYS to Ht. Louie, Milwaukee and Chi eeno. 4 DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Hoatou and other lar-Eaat-rn poluu. Vnlou depot roniiertlont tn all principal pities HnKKntfo cheeked through to destination of tlekeU, Vnlon depot, Portland, foot ot Sixth at. For ileeplni car reservations tleketa, map of routes and other luloruiatlou, call ou write A. D. CIUllLTON, Assistant Uvuoral Pasauuger Aguut, S6 Morri son St., Cor, Third, Portland, Oreton, NORTHERN PACI PIC ML GRANT COUNTY NEWS. ! Blue Mountain Eagle. Thos. E. Hinton made a business trip to his mines in Fox valley last Satur day, returning Sunday evening. He reports his placer mine in operation with plenty of water. Geo. Hinton and Chas. Woods have charge of the work. C. W. Blackwell leaves this week for the Bridge creek oountry with 150 head of hogs, where he will range them dur ing the summer. He thinks of turning his attention exclusively to the bog bus iness. This industry is a good one in Oregon, and Mr. Blackwell will realize money from it. A report reached this office last week that W. B. Mascall, a prominent sheep man of Dayville, bad lost 500 head of sheep by being poisoned. Mart Smith and family, from Hepp ner, have moved up to Newt Robinson's and will work for Mr. Robinson at Mon ument. D. W. Huff, who left his home on Pass creek some time since on account of ill health, died recently at Portland. Dr. Higgs has fully recovered from the attack of smallpox, and to date no other cases have appeared. The city has hopes that with the doctor's recovery it will exterminate the disease from this locality. Wm. H. Shank, the livery man, has sold his Fox valley ranch to Dave Rice, a sheepman of Morrow county. Consid eration 1750. Some members of tbe Woodmen order met at Hamilton Saturday, but the or ganization of a camp was deferred until a later date. Prairie seems to be forging ahead, and we understand that the citizens of that neighborhood have a move on foot to get the county sent from Can yon City. It would be a long , hard and laborious task and one pull would not move it, as the seat is pretty solid, and the roads are bad. In regard to tbe man Markell, who so mysteriously disappeared from here some time ago, I will say that no one need think him murdered. When a man offers to do business in the way and manner which Markell approached men here, it shows he was a bilk. Canyon City jail has been empty for several months, and people were begin uing to think that the next would be a very light term of court, but to the dis gust of many taxpayers, there will be another very costly murder trial. There will be many witnesses from Granite and the mileage and other expenses of this trial will run into the thousands before it ends. Lots For Sale. Lots 8, 4 and 5, block 6, Jones' add., in Heppner, at 8400 for all. Located esstofD.fi. Stalter's residence; creek crosses corner and there is a fine spring on tbe place. Apply to J, W. Itedington, Gazette office. OREGONIAN REDUCED. Tbe Portland Oregonian is really the only paper id tbe Peoitto Northwest that can afford to be a complete newspaper. Tbe cash it pays oat for dispatches alone every month would boy a good far.i . You can get tbe daily delivered at your door In Heppner for 15 cents a week. Tbe weekly oosts 81.60 a year, but by applying to tbe Heppner Gazette yon oan get both papers at 82 a year, a re daction of s whole 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Ollice at La Grande, Or., April 8. 1900. Notice la hereby (riven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make flnsl proof In support of bis claim, and thatsnld proof will be made before the County Clerk, Umatilla County, Oregon, at Pendleton, Oregon, on May 19, 19o0, viz: HomeBtead entry No. 8717 of JOHN A. HORSMAN, of Gurdane, Or., For the southeast northwest M, northeast a northwest '4, northwest 4 northeast and lot 2 section 19, township 3 south, range 80 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William Ely, of Pendleton, Or., James L, Hall, Mlks Urbons and Anthony Corley, of Gurdane, Or. E W. Bartlrtt, 78 81. Register. CONTEST NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. LAND Ollice at The Dalles, Or., March 7, 19-0. A stifllclent contest affidavit having been filed in this ollice by Lorin D. Baker, contestant, against timber culture entry No. 2M7, made October 27, 1HH7, for east northwest M and west H northeast 14 section 24, township 2 south, range 21 east, by Nils Peterson, contestee, in which it Is alleged that aald Nils Peterson has neglected to plant or cultivate or otherwise attempt to raiso any timber on any of said land and has abondoned the land and that there is no timber on the said land nor has been for over six years last past. And that defendant is not engaged In either branch of the military sorvlce of the United Htates, said parties are hereby notttied to appear, respond and oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on April 2x,190(i, before J. W. Morrow, U. 1. Commissioner, at his office in Heppner, Ore gon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on May 9, 1'.Ul, before the register and receiver at the United BUttes laud ollice In The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, In a proper affi davit, tiled March 7, lUOO, set forth fact which show that alter due diligence, personal service of this notice can not be made, It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. 3-7S Jay P. Lucas, Register. PIT Depart TIME SCHEDULES Arrivb for From Heppner. raoM No trains Sunday 10:00 a.m. Salt Lake, Denver, 11:50 p. m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, tit. Louis, Chicago, Portland. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, aud the East. 8.00 p.m. OrkAN Ptbahshifs 4:00 p.m. From Portland. For Han Francisco Sail Deo. 8, 8. 1.1, 18, it, -every ft days 8:00 p. m. COM'MRIA Rivsa 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Stxamkrs. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a.m. W114.AMSTTB RlViR 4:30p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem aud V ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. W11J.AMRTT and 3:30 p.m. Tuea., Thur, Yamhiu, Rivsrs. Moil. Wed. aud sat. and Frt. Oregon City, Day ton A Way Laud ing. 00a.m. WiUAMXTTi Rivir 4:30p.m. Tuea. Thnrs. Mon., Wed., and SU Portland to Corral, and Frt. lis A Way Laud tugs. 1 1 HNAKI Kivss. I Lv. Rlparla ;Lv. Lewistou 1 JO a. m Klparta to Lewlftou e:30 a. m. dally J dally Paisssngsrs booked for all Foreign Countries. J. M. KERN AN, Agent, Eeppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger A gout, Portland, Or. THEIR LIBERTY GONE. An old soldier, recently commenting on the Oregon soldiers' home at Rose berg, said : "I may frankly state that the Oregon soldiers' home is a penal institution, for you cannot go outside tbe home without asking permission, and if an old soldier takes a drink he iB branded, and if he takes a second drink he is liable to be discharged from the home. If an old soldier wants to be in good standing, he must sing and pray and praise the offi cers, or the wrath of those in power will descend upon you and your days shall be numbered in the home. "We get good, wholesome food and the sanitary condition of the home is good, but owing to the appropriations for the home being cut down by the last legislature, clothing is scarce. However, this condition cannot be rem edied at the present time." The Best Remedy Eor Uhnmatixm. QUICK KKIiIEF FKOM PAIN. All who use Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism are delighted with tbe quiok relief from pain wbio-h it affords. Wben spending of tbis Mr. D. N. Hioks, of Troy, Ohio, says: "3ome time ago I had a severe attack of rheumatism in my arm and shoulder. I tried numerous remedies but got no relief nntil I was reoommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Par sons & Co., druggists of tbis pi nee to try Obnmbertaio's Psia Balm. Tbey reo ommended it so highly that I bought a bottle. I was soon relieved of all pain. I have since reoommended this liniment to many of my friends, who agree with me that it is tbe best remedy for mus cular rbamatism in the market." For sale by Conser & Warren. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND order of sale duly issued by the clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, dated the Hh day of March, 1900, In a certain action In the Circuit Court for said county and state, wherein E. D. Rood, plaintiff, recovered judgment against A. W. Haling and Frank McFarland and D. E. Gilman, Intervener, defendants, for the Bum of twelve hundred twenty-live and 83-100 dollars, and one hundred and twenty dollars attorneys' fees, aud the further sum of twenty-five and 70-100 dol lars costs on the 6th day of March, VMM). And, whereas, on the 6th day of March, 1900, In the above named court, a judgment was rendered In favor of the above named Intervenor, D. E. Gilman, and against the above named defend ant, A, W. Baling, for twelve hundred twei:ty eight and 75-100 dollars, and the further sum of one hundred dollars attorneys' fees, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed In the clerk's office of said court in said county on the 6th day of March, 190, as a second and subsequent lien to plaintiff's Hen. Notice is hereby given that I will on Saturday, the 28th day of April, 1900, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cnnh In hand, the following de scribed property, to-wit: The southwest quar ter aud the southeast quarter of a ction thirty five (35) in township three (3) south, range twenty-four (24) east W M in Morrow county, Oregon, taken and levied upon as the property of the said A. W. Haling, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment In favor of E. D. Rood and D. E. Gilman, inter venor, and against said A. W. Baling aud Frank McFarland, together with all costs and dis bursements that have or may accrue. A. ANDREWS, Sheriff, Dated at Heppner, Or., March 28, 1900 75-9 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND order of sale duly Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, dated the 7th day of March, 1900, in a certain action in the Justice Court of District No. Three, Morrow county, State of Oregon, wherein Cleve Wagner, plaintiff, re covered judgment against A. J. Cochran, de fendant, for the sum of forty-seven and 30-100 dollars, on the 3d day of February, 1900, and which said judgment Is duly entered in the above entitled circuit court upon the Trans cript herein. Notice is hereby given that I will on Saturday, the 28th day of April,' 1900, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of the court house in Uoppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following de scribed property, to-wit: Northwest quarter of section eighteen (18) township two (2) south, range twenty-three (23) E W M, in Morrow county, Oregon, taken and levied upon as the property of the said A, J. Cochran, or so much thereof as mv be necessary to satisfv the said judgment in favor of Cleve W agner and against said a. J Cochran together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. A. Andrkwh, 8herifT. Dated at Heppner, Or., March 27, 1900, 75-9 NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTEKIOR, LAND Ollice at La Grande, Or., February 21. 11)00. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk or Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 14, 1900, viz: Homestead entry 8U58 of LOUIS M. 8UMMKRFIELD, of Heppner, Or., for the southeast ' of northeast and east V, of southeast and southwest $4 of southeast 14 of section 17, township 2 south, range 28 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: John Lazcr, A. C. Smith., Patrick Barry and Adolph Hertiz, all of Hepp ner, Oregon. 72-7 E. W. Baktlktt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Ollice at La Grande, Or., March 20, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Vawter Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 7, 1900, viz: Homestead entry No. 9001 of JOHN H. ROMJUE, of Heppner, Or., for the southwest northwest 4 section 17 and south H northeast H and northwest north east section 18, towuShip 4 south, range 28 east W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Hyall C. Corbin. Freeman Green. Robert Dexter aud Waldo Watkini, all of Heppner, Oregon 75-80 E. V. Bartlett, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at I Grande, Or., March 20, 11)00. Notice is hereby given that the following named settlor has tiled notice of her Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and taat said proof will be made before J W. Mor row, l ulted Stales Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 7, 1900, vU: Homestead entry No. 787S of KATE D. 8TF.EVE8, of Heppner, Or., for the southeast i southwest south H southeast V section 33 township 1 south, range 28 east WM, lot 1 section 4 township 2 south, range 28 east She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Andrew 'Ttllard, Hugh Fields, Thomas A. Rhea aud Frank McKnlght, all ol Heppner, Oregon. "5-80 E. W. Bartlitt, Register, NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THK INTERIOR, LAND Olllee at The Dalles, Ore., March 32. 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, May 5, 1900, viz: BF.KNARD F. OOHERTY, of Beppner, Or . nomestead entry No. 423, for the north H northeast and northeast a northwest section 32, and southeast " southwest V sec tion 29, township 1 south, range 2 east W M. He n sines the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vli: John Barton and J. U. Doherty ol Heppner. Oregon, and Edward loherty and Edward McDald, ol Lexington, Oregon. T5 !(0 1. P. H'cas, Register. Timber Culture. Final Proof. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, THE Dalles, Orvon, Febniary 2t, 1900. Notice Is herein- given that Koseita Wheeler, formerly Kooctta SuatigaM, ol 1'eiidleton, Oro goil, has tiled uollce of intention to make final prool heiore J. W. Vorrow, I' nited States Com missioner at his office lu Heppner, Oregon, on Friday the nth dav of April, lkU.oii timber culture application No. !2M for the northwest V southwest . south M southwest and , southwest -4 southeast H of section No. 12, iu uwimiiip no. 1 south, range no jn r. .11. She usmes ss witnesses: Evans Hregornen and Ben). F. fwaggart, of Heppuer, Or, and Ernest Wper and Jeilersou Kvaus, of Lexing ton. Oregon. 71 Jay P. LI'cas, Register. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. By Orvllle A. Jones. After a severe illness Rufo Klake is again able to attend school. Tbe 11th grade are making very active preparations for their graduation exercises May 18. The program will be rendered in the opera house in tbe evening. The Heppner schools have made a marked improvement under the able management of Prof. Sibray and Miss Balsiger. El.a Sutton of tbe high school is on the sick list. Co. A will come on Friday, April 6, with a tine program. All are cordially invited to attend. Co. B will come on with their last program of the school year Friday, April 18th. A good program is assured you from both companies. The news of loth hemispheres in The Weekly Oregonian. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND order of sale duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court ot the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, dated the 19th day of March, 1900, in a certain action in the Circuit Court for said county and state, wherein I. N. Sargent, plaintiff, recovered judgment against E. D. Tims and Foster Adams, defendants, for the sum of One hundred seveuty-three and 21-100 dol lars, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 20th day of November, 1899, and for the further sum of Forty dollars attorneys' fee, and costs and disbursements taxed at eight dollars, on the 6th day of March, 1900. Notice is hereby given that I will on Saturday, the 21st day of April, 1900, at 2 o'clock, p. m. of said day, at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following described proberty, to-wit: Ninety-nine (99) feet off the east end of lot one (1) in block ten (10) in the town of Heppner, said lot being in Stuusberry's addition to the said town of Hepp ner, and being all of aid lot one (1) of said block ten (10) of said addition except 33 feet off of the west end of said lot Taken and levied upon as the property of the said E. D. Tims and Foster Adams, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment In favor of I. N.Sargent and against said E. D. Tims and Foster Adams together with all costs aud disbursements that have or may accrue. A. ANDREWS, Sheriff. By J. W. Matlock, Deputy. Dated at Heppner, March 22, 1900. 71-8 NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR, LAND Ollice at The Dalles, Ore., March 12, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Vawter Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppuer, Oregon, on Friday April 27, 1900, viz: HENRY I. BHAEFFER, of Heppner, Or., Homestead entry No. 5053 for the southwest ii section 28, township 2 south range 25 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: Elias Friend, Robert Friend and Joseph Friend, all of Lexington, Oregon, and Matbaneal Bhaw, of Heppner, Oregon, 8-78 Jay P. Lucas, Register TIMBER CULTURE-FINAL PROOF UNITED BXATE8 LAND OFFICE, THE Dalles, Oregon, March 19, 1000. Notice is hereby given that Samuel Leffler, of Heppner, Oregon, has filed notice of Intention to make final proof before Vawter Crawford, county clerk, at his ollice In Heppner, Oregon, on Thursday the 26th day of April, 1900, on timber culture application No. 2618, for the northwest of section No. 1 in township No. 3 south, range No. 25 east W M. He names as witnesses: William Kummer land, of Heppner, Oregon, Elias Friend, Joseph Friend and H.S.Gardner, of Lexington, Oregon, 74-9 Jay P. Lucab, Register. 'visit DR. JORDAN'S qrmt MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 1051 MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL f Satwm Sixth ul Smith J Thelargsst Anatomical Museum In the World. Oreateit attraelion in tht tttv. A ieondtrul tight for vUUort. WnknMwi, or anycon tract. ed disease, oltlvl j cured by I the oldest Specialist un the Paolfie Coast. Jtablisbad 38 ysara, 1 DR. JORDAN PRIVATE DISEASES Tooir xnon and middle 1 red mra who are sufferlm , fium the enacts of youthful India-1 cretlons or exuesses In maturar ' VMm. Arrnill Knll nhTilcnl llhl lit Sm. I potency, Loat Mmiiiivoal lnallluioomDii. I cations; IparmalurrhOM. Prvatntor i ruwi, wonorrnoen, srreajaency ' I r I'rluallne;, vie. By a combination of 1 remedies, of great curative powar, the Doctor 1 lias so arranged his treatment that it will not , only afford Immediate relief, but permanent I cure, ine uoctor noes not claim to perform ' miracles, but Is well known to be a fair aud I . square Physician and Surgeon,ire-emlueat f iu nispeciaicyxsia'isaa ox its 1 NYPHII.IWJ thoroughly eradicated from I ma syBtem wicnoiit tne use 01 jnreur.v. j Trussea fitted bv an Exnart. Radical I care for Rupture. A quick and radical 1 cure for Plica, Flaaur and flatnlaa, by ' nr. joruan a special painless meiooas. , EVERY MAN applying toils will raoalv I I our homH opinion of hlsconiplalnt. , ' W will Quarantrs a POSITIVE CUBE to every cane we undertake. consul lation i hek ana strictly pnTata, CHARQK8 VERY REASON ABLE. Treatment personally or by latter. Write for Hook. PHII.oajOPHT OF I IHARRIAOK. Maimed Faxa. (A valuable j Doox tor men.) can or write DR. JORDAN k CO.. 1 0B I Msrkd St, 8. P. 9 in nit jjMaCj mil' tall Afcpaal (a mu Dlfiflf If Tflfl frrrllm I II n Mm t CoWs i I 1 l lilll 7Si PPm' J'" -Co3"0' II J I ll fPlI THROATLUNGS ; iCfL MM 1 1ll 1 1 lin il "" JA I lmS.U 111 111 Chamlifirlalii'MfiiliiflCo. Jk 1 Jlllllllllillllll Wl! :!' ; MMVfJCTtMIMti MAMMACm P if TllWBfn DMMolntfclowfcU&A., . l yjffl BjiJ l 1 UNEQUALUDWv S1 PBICE, TWEWTTTiTE CEHTlifc smW 1 i!A WTnN JtU SS A PLEASANT I f Paints. Oils and Glass A full stock. Kodaks Supplies of all kinds. CONSER & Highest price paid for fat if Heppner, Oregon. days and Saturdays of each week. The balance of the week at Herren's ranch, 6 miles South of Town. HONEST ABE is a Dark Brown, 16 hands high, BDd weighs 1450 pouDds. He was foaled July 23, 1890. Sired by the imported French Canadian Stallion Canada, imported in 1889 by C. Cheval and bred by E. Bauchemin, St. Ours, Quebec, Canada, and wbs sired by St. Lawrence Boy, dam by Richelieu Girl (thoroughbred Canadian mare). Honest Abe's dam was sired by Tornado, a pure bred Cana dian stallion imported by T. Cunmngton, of Sacramento, Cal., in 1882, and sold to Kenady & Smith, of Woodburn, Oregon. His dam was sired by the imported French Canadian Stallion Robin Hood, imported in 1882 by T. Cunnington and sold to Kenady & Smith, of Woodburn, Or., and afterward sold to Wm. Walbridge, of Heppner, Or. Third dam by Old Mistery; fourth dam by Old Lummacke; fifth dam by Old Laplander. Terms: Single leap $5; season $7 50, payable at end of season, insurance $10, payable when mares are known to be in foal. ' Will not be responsible for accidents. PaBturage will be furnished at $1 a month; D. A. Herren, Owner. -Dan Henshew, Manager. GOLD GOLD GOLD You can save it by trading with Gilliam S Bisbee Who curry a COMPLVBTB 1I1VE Of Heavy aDd Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Etc, Paints and Oils (the best in the world). Crockery aud Glassware. Give us the cash nd you can get as can get laid down la Heppner from EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. Conser The largest and best selected stock in Morrow county. . Jewelry A fine stock to select from. Stationery The very latest. WARREN. Fresh Meats Salt and Smoked Meats Pure Rendered Leaf Lard Fish every Friday. Liberty Market Stock. p""1, & Mathews, Proprietors. French Canadian Stallion HONEST ABE Will stand the Season at Wm. Gordon's Stables on Wednes good and as many goods from us as you anywhere. This we guarantee. Ss VVnrren,