The dread and fore boding which almost invariably comes over a voune wife, just ere the advent of the first little darling who shall call her mother, is one of the unnatural bur dens which civilization has imposed upon the privilege of mother hood. There ought not to be such an over whelming sense of depression and weak ness as a woman feels at this time and there would not be if she was in a perfectly strong and healthy condition. In thousands of cases motherhood has been divested of all its dangers and a large proportion of its pain by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which is the most marvelous nemedy ever discovered for restoring com plete organic health and strength to the delicate special structure involved in moth erhood. Taken early during the prospective time it makes the mother strong, energetic and cheerful and carries her through the period of trial with comparative comfort and ease. It increases the baby's natural, constitutional vigor and adds to the joys of motherhood the supreme satisfaction of a strong, robust, lusty infant " Favorite Pre scription " is also the best supportive tonic for nursing mothers. Every expectant mother will appreciate what is said by Mrs. Fannie M. Harry, of Galesburg, Ills., (54S Churchill Ave.) In a letter to Dr. Pierce she writes : " I have used your medicines in my family for s long time, and And them to be all that is claimed. I cannot recommend them too highly. My con finement was made easy, as I experienced none of the pains such at others have at that period, and the first born the one that mothers fear so much. Besides, the medicine has helped me in many other ways. I would recommend all af flicted women to try Dr. Pierce's valuable medi cines, and thus become well and strong.'' WHEAT, WOOL AND STOCK. Portland, March 28. The wheat mar ket shows a wide ranee of quotations, and but few sales. For Walla Walla the general fiaure niven out was5354c, and about the same for Valley, with blueBtem nominally 56(357c. Exporters do not seem to be hampered for want of wheat, as the few ships coming along at the present time are turned out with the usual dispatch, but it is a difficult matter to buy wheat on a basis which will admit of any new tonnage being taken at the rates now asked for ships. Wool Valley, 12(M;c for coarse, lfi(318c for best; Eastern Oregon, 10 15c; mohair, 2028c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 15(20c; short wool, 25($.'J5c; medium-wool, 3050cj long wool, 50$1 each. Chicago, March 28. Cattle Receipts 10,000 bead. Market generally steady to 10c lower; natives, $5.50; good to prime steers, steady, $55.75 ; poor to medium, weak to 10c lower, $-Kft4 75; selected feeders, about steady, $4($4.80. Sheen Receipts, 18,000. Sheep gen erally steady to 10c higher for best, Iambs slow to 10c lower; good to choice wethers, if 5.75(36; fair to choice mixed, $4.75(5.(iO: Western sheep, 5.40(6; vearlings, $ti(S(l,50; native lambs, $5 50 W7.50; Western lambs, $67.25 per 100 lbs. Boston, March 27. Wool continues dull with light sales, although one or two large transactions in territory have helped to increase week's volume of business. The long period of dullness has had a tendency to weaken values, but dealers are not forcing sales and there is no material change in quo' tations. Montana and Dakota fine medium and fino, 22 to 2U cents; scoured, 58 to GO cents; staple, 65 cents. HIGH SCHOOli NOTES. By Orvlllo A. Jouus. Co. It's program lust Friday was quite a succesB, some new features being in troduced. The recitations, readings, songs and instrumental pieces were well rendered by members of that department. The debate resulted in a decision that Washington was a greater man than Cromwell. The debuting society extend their thanks to the three judges. The graduating class are gutting ready to orate on commencement night, Mav 17th. 15EAUTIFUL BUS. The new bus of the Palace hotel is now being run, with Nelse Magnuseu on the seat behind prancing steeds. It is a thing of beauty, and wagons like it coBt well up toward $1000, JACKS, MULES, HOUSES. I offer for sain two fine Kentucky Jacks and 25 or 30 Work Mules weigh ing 1000 to 1200 pounds. Also seveial spans of fine Driving Horses. I?kn Swauuart, Heppner. HOME FOR SALE. A nice bouse, 8 rooms, well located, lot 50x150, ouly f 1100. Apply at Gazet olhce, A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety was fall for the widow of the brave General Barnbam of Me- obias, Me., when the doctors said she could not live till morning," writes Mrs. b. II. Llooolo, who attended ber tbal fearful night. "All thought she most soon die from pneumonia, but she btwed for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying it bad more than once saved ber life, and bad cured her of consumption. After lures small doses she slept easily all night, aud Us further use completely oured ber." This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to oure all throat, chest ana lutig diseases. Only 6O0 aud $1.00. Trial buttles free at Oonser & Warren Urng (Jo. NEW MILLINERY. Mr. L. J. Estes has just returned from Portland where she speDt three weeks Meeting choice pattern hall, trimmings street bats, latest novelties in neck wear, belts, ooitibs, eta. She has a large and varum spring slock and osu suit all rrntu baby to grandma. She has also added a new tins of Udles' lurnlahing goods, corsets, cotton underwear, Hosiery, shirt waists, etc A Monster Devil Fish Destroying its vlotim, is a type of con stipslion. Tbe power of this murderous melsdy it Ml on organs ami nerves aud muscles aud brain. There it bo health till It's overcome. Dat lr. King's New Life Pills are a safe aud oertaio oure. Best in tbe world for stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Only 25 cents at Corner A Warren Drag Oo. It is a fact that farms ran be bought In Morrow county at such low prices that their first coming crop w ill pay for the land, BHKEP DA LEA George Gray has bought of J. T. Hos- kins 500 mixed yearlings at $2 50; Chas White sold to Geo Perry 700 yearling ewes at t'i after shearing ; Wm Stabler bought of R F Hynd the Lindley lot of 800 yearling ewes at $2 00 ; Tom David son, of Democrat gulcb, on luesday shipped 300 6-year-old ewes to Portland. In the restaurants there they will nave their ages soaked in alum-water and shrunk up b years. Chas Hales, formerly of Sand Hollow, is here from Waitsbarg to buy yearling wetbers. Dock Wilson and J W Blake started Monday by buggv for Pendleton, look ing at Ed Day's bux on the way. Dock says he is going to Texas, where he is offered sheep at 1 65. But at that fig ure there weuld be no advantage, for the Oregon sheep is worth 50 cents a head more than the Texas, and shipping cost is about the same. A M Bunce has gone to Wyoming on business, but may return to Heppner In 10 days. Mr Stabler has now contracted for about 2800 head of ewes, and regards yearling ewe as the best property on earth. He may also take back to Wyo ming a carload of heavy horses to fill out his train. He says that in no part of the west can better horses be found than right here. Mr Stabler came here intending to buy 5000 ewes, bht found prices higher than be expected. ELKS' ELECTION. Heppner Lodge No. 358, B. and P. O. of Elks, is in a flourishing condition, and held its election Thursday evening with the following result: R. F. Hynd E. R. ; Henry Blackman Esteemed Leading Knight; Frank Rob erts Esteemed Loyal Knight; D. A. McAtee Esteemdd Lecturing Knight; Frank Gilliam Treasurer; James Hart Secretary ; J. J. Harris Esquire; Chris Borchers I. G. ; H. W. Bartholomew Tyler; delegates to Grand Lodge S. W. Spencer, A. W. Patterson. Still More Counterfeiting. The Seoret Service bss unearthed an other band of counterfeiters and secured a large quantity of bogus bills, wbiob are so cleverly exeoated that the aver age person wonld never suspeot tbem of being spurious. Things of great value are always selected by counterfeiters for imitation, notably tbe celebrated Hos- stetter's Stomach Bitters, which has many imitators but no equals for Indi gestion, dyspepsia, constipation, nervous ness and general debility. Tbe Bitters sets things right in tbe stomaob, and when tbe stomaob is in good order it roke good blood and plenty of it. In ibis manner the Bitters get at the seat of strength and vitality, and restore vigor to the weak and debilitated. Be ware of counterfeits when baying. TALENT IS HERE. The recent performances of the Hepp ner Amateurs surprised people here, and showed that there is lots of good talent here. It should not be allowed to sleep, and people hope to see it on the stage again soon. OREGONIAN REDUCED. The Portland Oregonisn is really tbe only paper in tbe Piioifio Northwest that on afford to be a complete newspaper. The ossb it pays oat for dispatches alone every month would buy a good fan . You can get the daily delivered at your door In Heppner for 15 cents a week. Tbe weekly oosts 81.50 a year, bat by applying to tbe Heppner Gazette you osn get botb papers at $2 a year, a re- duotion of a whole 9. Stuffed Clubs. Tbe Heppner Gnzelte bss arranged to stair itself into a benoveleot trust with other papets and thus give subscriber! tbe benefit of reduoed rates, as follows: Portland Oregoniao and Heppner Ga zette one year, $2. Heppner Gazette and Esst Oregoniao semi-veekiy, $2.75; weekly $2 25. The Heppner Gazette tffioe will tar nish yea say paper or magazine io the world at a reduoed rate. A Frightful Blunder Will often onuses horrible burn, eoald, cat or bruise, Buoklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill tbe psio and promptly beat it. Cures old sores, fever sores, nloers, bulls, felons, corns, all skin eruptions. Best pile oure oo earth. Only 25o a box. Care guar anteed. Hold by Oonser & Warren Drug Oo. PEACE DECLARED. Why devote all your time reading about Ibe Boer war aud the gold fields of Alaska! There are other matters of vital importance; you may make a trip east, and will want tj know bow to travel. In order to bave tbe best servioe, use the Wisconsin Central Ry between Ht. Peal and Obioago. For rates and other infomation, write Jas. A. Clock, general agent, Portland, Oregon, The news of both hemispheres In Weekly Oregonlan. The 1? none h. Yellow Stone Park Lin THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Leave. Depot Fifth and I SI& Arrive. No. 2 Font Mall for Tacoma, Seattle, Aberdeen, South Demi, Spokane, Helena, Hutte, Anaconda, St. Paul, Chicago, New York. Boston, and all No. 1 11 A. M. 10:15 A. M. points Fast and South east. No. S Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Express, for Ta No. 5 coma, Seattle, Olympia t P. and intermediate main line points. 11 P. H S riAYH to Ht Paul Ulnnunstlla m,.B. Kansas City aud other Missouri river points. .1i DA YH to Ht. 111 Is, Milwaukee ami CM rsgo. 4V4 DAYS to Washington. Philadelphia. New York, Riwtou and other far-East- eru points. Cnlon depot connections In all principal cities Baggage checked through to destination of ticauks, I'ulon depot, Portland, loot of Sixth it. For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, map of routes and other Information, uall ou write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, ttt Morri son St., Cor, Third, IVrUaud, Oregon. Mm s LOCAL NOTES. Dr. McSwords and C. E. Redfield have returned from Idaho, where they watt, tbe famous sheep case, although tbe best legal talent of Utah was artay- ed against tbem. James J. Adkins is down with la grippe, and his daughter Maggie is a so sick. Mixed weather this week. Some March wiud; much bright sunshine; raining now and everything growing. Huston Bros., of Smile will to-morrow Bhip a carload of l-'00-lb horses to Albany. If present conditions keep up, Morrow county will have to borrow ground from Western Oregon on which to stack its this year's grain crop. Lambing is now getting under good lead way, and tbe increase is immense. Tom Davidson got 800 from 700 old ewes, and Dave Herren got 13-j from 7 ewes, and everybody is reporting big in creases with thousands of interior de partments to hear from. Lewis Burke, of the Union Stock yards Portland, shipped a carload of fat bogs from Hepnner Monday, paying 53 cents on foot. They were furnished by Bock & Mathews, Bud Willingham and Mr. Kinsman. FHOTOS AT 25 CENTS A DOZEN. D. D. Wilder, the leading photog rapher of Tbe Dalles, will be in Hepp ner for a few days, making photos as low as 25 cents per dozen. This is a new invention, the Multigraph, giving four different positions in the dozen, and but few are successful operators. Gallery is located in tbe first building below the brewery. LUMBER. Much building and improving is go ing on in Heppner and vicinity, and more is being figured on. Tbe lnmber yard of Wills & Patterson is well stocked up and ready to furnish any thing in the building line. These en terprising gentlemen also do a general real estate and insurance business. Their new enterprise is named the Heppner Lumber Co. KEEP UP TOUR OOW3. Notioe is hereby given to the oitizens of Heppner that on and after Tuesday, March 20, 1900,1 will strictly and rigidly enforoe Slock Ordinanoe No. 70, in rela tion to live stock running at large with in Ibe oity limits between tbe boars of 7 p. m. and 7 s. m. Owners of stook will please govern themselves accordingly. Gbobob Thobnton, Oity Marshal. Heppner, March 15, 1900. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT FOR the purpose of making an examination of ail persons who may oiler themselves as candi dates for teachers of the schools of this county, and for county and primary certificates, the county school superintendent thereof will hold a public examination at the court house at Heppner, opening Wednesday, April 11 at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Friday, April 18, at 4 o'clock. The program which will be followed in the examination tor county certificates is as follows: Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthog raphy, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, school law. Friday Geography, mental arithmetic, phys iology, civil government. Commencing Wednesday, April 11, at 9 a. m., and continuing until Thursday, April 12, at 4 p. m the following program will be followed in the examination for primary certificates: Wednesday renmansnip, orinugrapny, reaa- Ine. Thursday Art of teaching, methods. questioning, theory of JAY W. SHIPLEY, School Stipt., Morrow Co. 75-lt DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. H. Und Offloe, The Dalles, Or., March 23, 1900. Notice is hereby given that on May 1, 1H00, at 9 a m , approved plat of fractional township f south of range 13 east, W M will be filed in this office, after which time the vacant tracts in said township will be subject to entry. Jay P, Lucas, Register. Otis Patterson, Receiver. HEPPNER CHURCHES. M. E. church C. D. Nickelsen, pas tor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subject next Sunday, morning "The Chant of the Stars" ; evening "Tbe New Politics of the 20 h Century," This is a special invitation to Demo crat, Republican, Prohibitionist and Populist to be preBont at the evening service. M. E. church, South F. F. St. Clair, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Christian church Sunday School at 10 a. in. Baptist church Sunday School at 10 a. n. Episcopal church Services occasion ally. . A recognized authority The Weekly Oregonlan. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Ry. The Favorite Line to -A.11 Points East Broad, vesttbuled, up-to-date tralni between Pueblo and Deliver, and Omaha, Chicago and Kansas City, making direct connection! in Chicaso with all niornltis trains east First elaas Pullman Sleepers. Library Buffet cars, between Deliver and Chicago; the most perfect dining car service in the world "a la carte": through first class Pullman sleeper very day between Salt Lake City aud Chicago via. me scenio i,me. rcrsonauy conouoiro excursions in ordinary Pullman sleeping cars once a week from Portland and San Francisco to Omaha. Chicago, Riittalo, Boston and New York, via. the Urcat Salt Lake Route without change to Chicago. No annoying transfer in Chlcsgo. These cars are provided with all weekly periodicals for free use of our patrons. For further Information, .maps, folders, etc . call ou your nearest ticket agent, or address A. K. COOPER, Oen'I Agt. Pass. Dept. Portland, Ore. CONTEST NOTIOE. i-vepartment or the interior, land 1 OhVe at The Dalles, Or., March 7, IV 0. A 111 thclent contest affidavit having been filed In this orilee by Lorln D. Baker, contestant. against timber culture entry No. 2M7, made October 27, 1H7, for cast H northwest t and west M northeast W section 24, township sooth, range 21 east, by Mis Peterson, contestee, in which it is aliened that said Nils Peterson has neglected to plant or cultivate or otherwise attempt to rata any iimuer on any 01 sain ihiiu aud has abondoned the land and that there is no lluiber ou Hi said land nor has been lor over six year last past. And that defendant Is not uninunki In either branch of the mi liary service of the Pulled States, said parties are hereby uotitled to appear, reoud and otter svUlenoe touching said allegation at 10 0 clock m. 011 Anrtl 2M-ltnn before J. W. Morrow. U. A. Commissioner, at his othc in Heppner, Ore- son, and that dual hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. n. ou May 9, lwO, before the register aud waiver at tbe United States laud office lu The Dirties, ISregou. The said contestant nsving, in a proper am. davit, filed March 7, icon, act forth facts which show that after due dtllgeuc. peraoual service of this notice ran not be made, it 1 hereby ordcred and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication, t-n 4V P. LVCa. Register. Lost and Found -For Sale,-To Rent FOUND On the street In Heppner a gunny sack containing an overcoat, pair of gum boots, last week's undershirt, some sox of last -month and a Mask with all its firewater gone xcept 1S4 drops. Apply at tiazet office, Heppner. To prove that It la cheaper to advertise than to hunt horses or hunt people up personally, the (iazet will give a special rite of 1 cent per word for notiees Inserted under this head . Man Lost Squire Mai lory has a letter inquir ing for Nell P. Schmidt, who herded sheep nere in '77. His mother's estate in Germany can't be settled until he either shows up or proves that he is dead. LOST. Two if sections of my best breath; 6 bits reward for its return to 111 y rabbit ranch at Lard Valley. Windy Jack. LOST. Sixteen acres of ray moral character and two sax of my reputation for veracity; re turn to my palatial residence, corner Yellow stone avenue and Tin pot Alley. Tom Ht'NGiY. TO SWAP. A 1100 dog tor two $50 cats. R. NevillS FOUND.-Two gunny sax containing 700 pounds of Spanish doubloons, all gold; supposed to have been buried by Captain Kidd when he sailed up Rutabaga Krick. Apply at my mint julep plantation, on section 38. Dutch Billy. FOR RENT. 2V4 rooms on 16th floor, with or without windows; no stares to clime; every man his own elevator; apply to professional landlady, Mas. Twinsirteks, NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND order of sale duly issued by the clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Morrow, State of Oregou, dated the '28th day of March, 1900, In a ceriain action in the Circuit Court for said county and state, wherein E. D. Rood, plaintiff, recovered judgment against A. W, Baling and Frank McFarland and D. E. Oilman, intervenor, defendants, for the sum of twelve hundred twenty-five and (13-100 dollars, and one hundred and twenty dollars attorneys fees, and tbe further mm of tw enty-five and 70-luO dol lars costs on the 6th day of March, 1900. And, whereas, on the 6th day of March, WOO. in the above named court, a judgment was rendered in favor of the above named intervenor, I). E. Oilman, and against the above named defend ant, A, W. Baling, for twelve hundred twenty eight and 76-10U dollars, and the further sum of one hundred dollarB attorneys' fees, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the clerk's offlse of a Id court in said county on the 6th day of March, 19(0, as a secoud and subsequent lien to plaintiff's lien. Notice is hereby given that I will on Saturday, the 28th day of April, 1000, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, the following de scribed property, to-wit: The southwest quar ter and the southeast quarter of s ction thirty five (35) in township three (3) south, range twenty-four (24) east VV M In Morrow county, Oreeou. taken and levied upon as the property of the raid A. W. Baling, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment in favor ot E. 1). kooo ana u. c unman, nicer venor. and aiainst said A. W. Baling and Frank McFarland, together with all costs and dis bursement! that have or may accrue. A. ANDREWS, Sheriff, Dated at Heppner, Or.. March 28, 1900. 75-9 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND order of sale duly Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit-Court of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, anted ine vtn aay 01 siarcn 1900. in a certain action in the Justice Court 0: District No. Three, Morrow county. State of Oreeon. wherein Cleve Wagner, plaintiff, re covered judgment against A. J. Cochran, de fendant, for the sum of forty-seven and 30-100 dollars, on the 3d day of February, 1900, and which said judgment is duly entered in the above entitled circuit court upon the Trans cript herein. Notice is hereby given that I will on Saturday, the 28th day of April, 1900, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregou, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following de scribed property, to-wit: Northwest quarter of section eighteen (IN) townsnip two m soutn, range twenty-three (2.1) E W M, in Morrow county, Oregon, taken and levied upon as the property of the said A. J. Cochran, or so much thereof ss may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment in favor of Cleve Wagner and against said A. J Cochran together with all costs and disbursements that nave or may accrue. A. Andrkws, Sheriff. Dated at Heppner, Or., March 27, 1900. 75-9 NOTICE OF INTENTION. T.EPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND U Olllce at La Grande. Or.. February 21. 1900. Notice Is hereby eiven that the followinir- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county nlarlr nf Mttrrnw nnnnr.v. at Hpnnner. Orporon. on April 14, 1900, viz: Homestead entry 8058 of LOUIS M. 8UMMERFIELD, of Heppner, Or., for the southeast i of northeast V and east M of southeast and southwest H of southeast H of section 17. township 2 south, range 28 east, He names the touowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Lazer. A. C. Smith, Patrick Barry and Adolph Hertiz, all of Hepp ner, Oregon. 72-7 J. VY. BABTLETT, KCglSter, NOTICE OF INTENTION. pvEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND omce at La uranoe, ur marcnw, iwu. Notice is hereby ariven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Vawter Crawford. County Clerk, at Heonner. Oreeon on May 7, 1900, viz: Homestead entry No. 9001 of JOHN H. ROMJUE, of Heppner, Or., for the southwest M northwest H. lection 17 and south M northeast A and northwest A north east section IB, township 4 south, range 28 east vt m. He names the following witnesses to prove his centinuoui residence upon and cultivation of said land, vi.: Hyall C. Corbln. Freeman Green, Robert Dexter and ftaldo Watkiua, all of Heppner, Oregon 75-80 E. W. Barti.ktt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. TAEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND XJ Olllce at La Orande. Or.. March 20, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of her intention to make final nroof in sunnort of his claim, and taatsald proof will be made before J. W, Mor row. Uulted States Commissioner, at Heonner Oregon, on May 7, 1900, vli; Homestead entry No. 785 of KATE D. BTEEVES, ol Heppner, Or., for the southeast southwest K. south southeast U section 33 township 1 south, range 2 east .11, lot 1 section townsnip i soutn range 28 east. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Andrew Tillard, Hugh Fields, Thomas A. Rhea aud Frank McKnight, ail ol Heppner, Oregon. 75-80 E. W. Bahtlitt, Register, NOTICE OF INTENTION. IAEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND XJ Olllce at The Dallea, Ore., March 32. 19iW. Notice Is hereby Kiven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proo, will tie made before J. W. Mor row, I' nlted Slates commissioner, at Heppner, uregou, on eaturuay, May a, ivw, viz: BERNARD F. DOHERTY. of Heppner. Or Homestead entry No. 423, for the north H northeast and northeast ft northwest section 32, and southeast southwest H sec tion 29, township south, ratine 26 east W M. He names the following witnesses to prove discontinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: John Barton and J. 6. Doherty of Heppner, Oregon, and Edward Doherty and Edward McDald, of Lexington uregon. 7S0 J. P. Lucas. Register, Timber Culture. Final Proof. TTNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, THE J I Pa lies. Oreeon. February 26. 19t. Notice li hereby aiven that Rosetta Wheeler. formerly Rosetta 8 w sugar t, of Pendleton. Ore gon, has filed notice of intention to make final proof before J. W, Morrow, I nited States Com mtssioner at his office in HeDDiier. Oreiton. on Friday the 6th day of April, 10, on limber cuuure appucatiou Mi. ium lor ine nortnweei V southwest a. south U southwest V and southwest southeast of section No. 12. in township No. 1 south, ramre No. 2 K w M. She names as witnesses: Evans Orvgorsen and Ben). P. Swaicvart, of Peppner, Or , and l.mest Piper and Jctlersou Kvaus, ot Lexlug win, Oregon. Jay P. Ke&Uter, : lUNEQUALUDASA Mlli CURB FOR 'mMl BAD COLDS JfSPS? II 1: .l.t!J II IT . I If Mtvaaa u iw 1 1 M I UNEQUALLED "Wl m - as a i PREVENTIVE 5 and cure tor croup Jilll EVERY NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, LAND Olfice at The Dalles, Ore., Feb. 19, 1900. Notice is hereby eiven that the following- named settler has Hied notice of his luteution to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proot win De mane Detore J. vv. mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, March 31, 1900, viz: ALEXANDER L. WALKER, one of the heirs and for the heirs of John R. Walker, deceased, of Hardman. Oreeon. Homestead entry No. 6153 for the east north west H and east 'A southwest section 33, township i south, range n. w, M, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Henry Padberg of lone, Ore- fon, Kalph Benge ot Lexington, uregon, ueorge . Baird of Heppner, Oregon, William H. Hicks of Hardman. Oregon. J AT r. liUCAB, 0-5 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles, Ore., March 19. 1900. Notice in hereby eiven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in support of bis claim and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow. United States Commissioner, at Heppnei, Oregou, on Friday, April 27, 1000, viz: DANIEL C. GRIFFIN, of Heppner, Ore,, Homestead entrv No. 6752 for the northeast lection 21, township 1 south, range 26 east W M, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank E. Bell. Even Greiror- sen, Benj. F. Swaggart and Eliner Scott, all of tieppuer, uregon. 4- jay r. liUCAB, tiegisier. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles, Or., March 19, 1900. Notice Is hereby eiven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final nroof in support of his claim. and that said proof will be made before A. Manory, uniten states uommiBsioner, at nepp ner, Oregon, on Friday, April 27, 1900., viz: JAMES W. BEYMER, of flardman, Ore., Homestead entry No. 7249 for the southwest U northeast H. west '-4 southeast H and northeast ;4 southeast scctiou ity, townsnip soutn, ranee 1 east w M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: W. F. Cowdrey, J, C. Owen, Osmer Shatter and A. E. Wright, all of Hard man, uregon. 74 jay r. tiUCAH, tiegisier, TIMBER CULTURE-FINAL PROOF UNITED 8TAIE8 LAND OFFICE, THE Dalles. Oreeon. March 19. 1H00. Notice is hereby given that Bamuei iemer, 01 Hennner. Oreeon. has Hied notice of intention to make final proof before Vawter Crawford, county clerk, at his mnce in neppner, uregon, nn Thursday the 26th day of April. 1900. on Mm her culture acmicatlon no. tttiH. lor me northwest V of section No. 1 in township No. S otith, range No. 25 east W M. lie names as witnesses: wunani nummer- land, of Heppner, Oregon, Eliaa Friend, Joseph Friend and H.B.uardner, 01 Islington, uregon, 74-9 jay r. Lucas. Register. mm Dkpart FOB TIME SCHEDULES AltRiva ruoM From Heppner. No trains Sunday 10:00 a. m. Salt Lake. Denver, 11:50 p, m. n. north, umana, Kansas City, Ht. Louis. Chicago. Portland. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Ht. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p. m. OCKAK 8TSAMSH1P8 4:00 p. m. From Portland. For Ban Francisco Sail Deo. 8. 8. 13, 18, 23, 28-evcry 5 days R:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. Colombia Riveb bis AMIRS. 4:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday To Astoria and Way Landings. s on a. m. Ex. Sunday Wiixamitti Rival 4:30 p. m. Kx. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, halera and Y ay Landings. 7 00 a. m. Tues . Thur, and Sat. Willamette and 1:30 p. m. Mon., Wed. and Fri. Yamhill Rivirs. Oregon City. Day ton a n ay land ings. 6.00 a.m. WIU.AMITT1 Rivia 4:30 p.m. TliM Thnrm Mon., Wed., aud Sat. .Portland to corral and Fri. 11s a nay una iugs. Bmaki Rivxb. t. klnart Lv. Lewiston 1: JO a. in Rlparia to Lewiston daily I a a. m. dally Passngra booked for all Foreign Countries. J. M. KEHSAN, Agent. Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or, mb Utal AfayteJ ( SSU .owitxa Coughs.Colds CROUP WHOOPINO COUCH, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, SORE THROAT, rmrrsNZA. tsctrtBNT Consumption AND AIL niStASIs Of Tt THROAT and LUNGS? M6e6tvMMeeeF NsssMOTt satf t Chamberlain Medicine Co. 0 A. - lhAA&eeeeMeeeWWSW PRICE, TWEHTY-FITE CENTS. r Coprrlgbttd bf cttuabarlala sj Oo 1883.1 BOTTLE GUARANTEED. Conser s Warren. j The Paints. Oils and Glass A full stock. Kodaks Supplies of all kinds. CONSER & 6t Highest price paid for fat Heppner, Oregon. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles, Ore., March 12. 1U00. Notice is hereby eiven that the following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Vawter Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday April 27, 1900, vis: HENRY I. SHAEFFER, of Heppner, Or., Homestead entry No. 5053 for the southwest 4 lection 28, township 2 south range 25 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ellas Friend, Robert Friend and Joseph Friend, all of Lexington, Oregon, and Nathaneal Bhaw, of Heppner, Oregon, 8 78 Jay P. Lucas, Register VIA Southern Pacific Co Leave I Dopot Fifth and I Sts Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS THAINS, for Salem, Roseburg, Ash land, Sacramento, Og den, San Francisco, Mojave, Los Angeles, El Paso, New Orleans and the East 7:10 P M 8:30 AH 9;15 A M 7:00 PM At Woodbnrn (dally except Sunday), morn lug train connects with train for Ht. An gel, Silvertnn, Browns ville, Spiinglield and Natron, and evening train for Mt. Angel and Bllvertou. 1(7:30 A M 11;45PM Corvallli Passenger. Sheridan Passenger. 1111:50 PM 113:25 AM Daily. HDaily except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Sac ramento and San Francisco Net rates 117 first class and ill second class, including sleeper Rates and tickets to Eastern Points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHIN A, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent, Kit Third St. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leave for Oswego daily at 7:20 9:W a. m ; 12: , 1:55,3:", 5:15, 6:25,11:05, 11:30 p. m : and :) a. m. on Sundays only. Arrive at Portland dally at 8:30, 10.30 a. ni.; 1:35, 3:15, 4:39. 6:3 7 40, 10:l p. m. : 12 W a. m. daily, except Monday; 8:0 and 10.05 a, in. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas daily, eicept Sunday, at 4:oU p m. Arrive at Portland at it-Wa. 10. Passenger train leaves DstHi lor Airlie Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 p m. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. K. EOEHLES, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. J n, F. 4 p. Aft., f QtUartd, Oregon. V usr IB HI t UNEQUALLED AS V I - " I V W(A 'I llll v?LnVAa I Hill s.Fi J6v J HP- W M rUNEQUALLEDJl 1 TW AS A PLEASANT II llll 11H5& CHILDREN! pipiipilflffltfTfnjjiiiitA Hiiiiy, pip largest and best selected stock in Morrow county. Jewelry A fine stock to select from. Stationery The very latest. WARREN. Fresh Meats Salt and Smoked Meats Pure Rendered Leaf Lard Fish every Friday. Liberty Market Stock.- .Bock & Mathews, Proprietors. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND order of tale duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court ot the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, dated the 19th day of March, 1900, In a cerjaln actiou in the Circuit Court for said county and state, wherein I. N. Sargent, plaintiff, recovered judgment against E. D. Tima and Foster Adams, defendants, for the sum of One hundred seventy-three and 21-100 dol lars, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 20th day of November, 1899, aud for the further sum of Forty dollars attorneys' fee, and costs and disbursements taxed at eight dollars, on the 6th day of March, 1900. Notice is hereby given that I will on Saturday, the 21st day of April, 1900, at 2 o'clock, p. m. of said day, at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following described property, to-wit: Ninety-niue (99) feet off the east end of lot one (1) in block ten (10) in the town of Heppner, said lot being in Stansberry's addition to the said town of Hepp ner, and being all of aid lot one (1) of said block ten (10) of said addition except 8.1 feet off of the west end of said lot. Taken and levied upon as the property of the said E. D. Tims and Foster Adams, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said Judgment in favor of I. N. Sargent and against said E. D. Time and Foster Adams together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. , A. ANDREWS, Sheriff. . - . ByJf.W. Matlock, Deputy. Dated at Heppner, March 22, 1900. 7M visit DR. JORDAN'S 1 nUSEUU OF ANATOUY I us 1 BMKKEI sr., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL flutwMa mm Smau.1 0 tollZlAa.u,aUlxm i Ormtut attraction a (As atu. A it 0 il J"?i0.r.tDr the oldest Hpecialtat un ths I'-iA. H Coast. stabuahd34yara, OR. JORDAN PRIVATE DISEASES and aaliMie from las etlkcta ot youtaful Indw ereUons or In maturer 'year Harvons an physical Ochiiitw cation.;- 'ii7wK22Et 1 ?;?.'."".,r,',Ba. . Wrtmm-nry I I"0.Vmi"f"J h". "tnnt that II win b2i 1 cure. Tba Doctor duM .,,, iUH .. . ' mlrutlM h, ii .7 "In" . Mir. Phyi. .nd Surgeon. pr'eiLVnt I h htsspsclaltr-Dtarswea stf y.-uun", 1 .t?1rf,,,,'!f thoroughly eradicated from th avswiu ahonl the use of Msr,ar,. m t '"L-PtmT' A oak- and rn-tltytl I K. rU. " and ruilla.b, ' W anplrlng totnwUl rscetva I Wr"it 'tpinum nf his complaint. W Will ftumvmtM IU1 1. I f W r-F, n . 1 , - ; i uujii w m vi. J. A BS I vons-man ai r ItKK and strictly private. CHARGES VKr BKAJSOXABL& TmtimcHt psmotiH'lv or by lttr. Wrlrj, f. . 11, l, nn I '?iRI,: Wii.d Kasjs. (Avalnaola OH JORDAN t, CO.. 1011 Marks! St. ?.