Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 29, 1900, Image 3

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    The Heppner Gazette
Thuesdat, ... Maroh 29, 1900
Train leaves daily except Sunday or all
points at 10 a, m.
Train arrives daily except Sunday from all
over the world at 1130 p. m.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek
and Canyon City learet daily except Sunday at
6:30 a. m ; distance to Canyon 104; time 24 hours.
Mails close lor trains at 9:10 a. m.
Heppner to Miles
Portland ....197
Pendleton by wagon road tso
Lexington 9
lone ; 15
Heppner Junction on Columbia River 45
Arlington 55
The Dalles . 109
Canyon City.. 104
Cabin Canyon 16; with mud 18
We hear the bellow ol the Bull,
The wounded Lion's roar.
But God deals jUBtlce out In full
At the sharp tusks of the Boer;
Let nations frown and races fight,
No danger will we fear,
We'll sit and drink from morn 'till night
Milwaukee Lager Beer.
Bold only at Belvedere saloon.
Frank Robbbts, Prop.
Up in the Blue mountains, along the
ridges near the Saddle, which divides
the watersheds of VViflow creek and the
Gen. Joubert" is dead. But he
has no fault to find with fate, for
many men he met here when he
John Day's, is a picturesque place, and a went shooting chickens with Denny
romantic region, but the side hills are the Frenchman np at Bod Dextet's
necessarily steep, and the horse that ranch are also dead, and they did
Blips hurts himself and rider. not to to war. He did at Preto.
Such an "accident happened to Robert ria veBterdav from "stomach trou-
D, Watkins up there, and it broke one ble.
of bis legs. His horse fell on him. The Boers are Dushirju? more
And after the accident he remounted men to the fiehtins line near Blue-
the horse and rode home, more than fountain, southeast of Heppner,
4 miles, and sent for Dr.. Swinburne, and have blown ud the coal mines
who went up at once and set the broken in Natal that might be used bv the
bone. British ." The Tinpra Am r-nnr,pr.
The tort ure of a horseback trip with a Ladybraod, wherever that may be,
broken leg can be imagined.
Here and Tf)ere
Henry Heppner is soaking out his
rheumatism at Paso Robles hot springs.
James Jones has gone on a visit to
relatives in Iowa.
On his return from the Masonic doings
at lone P. 0. Borg visited his ranch on
Willow creek and found everything
growing finely.
Henry C. Gay has had his Rhea creek
house repapered for the last time. He
has lived in it for 22 years, and before
present paper becomes tired of its job,
its owner will build a new house to take
the plnce of the old structure that has
done duty so long and so faithfully.
Harry Warren has started a new
store at Hardman, which will be in
charge of John Hughes, a young busi
ness man ot much mercantile exper
ience. Mr. Warren bought the stock of
Mrs. Brown and Otto Freidrichs, and
has added to both.
Dill Garrigues is able to be out on
L. W. Briggs picked up an able-bodied
cold on his trip to lone.
Remember Republican primaries at
2 p. m. next Saturday.
Among the Rhea creek ranchers in
town Tuesday was Albert Rea, who
lives well up toward the timber.
Nat Webb is back from Walla Walla
and arranging for his usual big lambing
at the hotel.
Harry Jones and H. W. Bartholomew
are sick with spring colds, and Harry
Warren's baby boy is very seriously ill.
A little girl has arrived at the home
of Oris Robertson.
The lone Post comes out as a very
much improved paper under the man
agement of Garfield Crawford.
Norman Kelly's big barn is being
pushed by Jim Roberts, Dave Hamilton
and a full crew, and will be finished in
ten days. It is big as all outdoors, and
is just what every sheepman should
The blacksmith shop of J. R. Simons
& Son is the scene of great spting activ
ity now, and Tom Brennan is kept busy
fixing feet.
Hon. Henry Blackman has gone on a
business trip to Walla Walla, where he
will meet his mining partner, Thomas
Maloney, and incidentally bear Mr.
At a special meeting Saturday after
noon the city council instructed Marshal
Thornton to order all banking games
stopped, and he has stopped them.
Senator J. W. Morrow is now rapidly
recovering from an attack of pneumonia,
during which he was in a very serious
condition. Dr. House attended him,
and Mrs. Morrow was the most tireless
of nurses.
E. O. Farnsworth has bet several
suits of clothes that his wool will net
him $1.50 a fleece this season, and that
ewes will Bell here at $4 next fall.
Bishop's store has fresh lettuce, on
ions, spinach, radishes and asparagus
on hand.
Ben Swaggart, who was in town Tues
day, says that his 500 acres of growmif
grain could not look better, and he also
has 300 in snmmer-fallow.
Don't ride a cheap bicycle and fall by
the wayside, but buy a Rambler and
keep in the middle of the road.
Mrs. Julius Keithley is enjoying a
visit from her son, Charles Wyland, and
his bride. They were married last week
at Tacoma. Charlie is a veteran "olun
teer who saw hard service in the Philip
pines, and was in all the battles with
the VVashington regiment.
North Shore herring 25 cents a dozen
at Matlock A Hart's. Salt mackerel 3
for 25 cents.
Assessor Willis was in town Saturday,
and is rapidly recovering from bis 50
day sickness.
Bill Walker, on the North Font, who
has been in the doctor's hands for a
year, is now getting pretty well again.
The Rambler Bicycle has stood the
test for 21 years.
Choice fresh country hams and bacons
at Bishop's
Now is the time to get a first-class
farm wagon at cost. Mr. Whiteis, pro
prietorof The Fair, is too busy with his
many other lines of goods to handle
wagons so he will close out a cost three
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver 3l4 wagons at
Proliant ft A. Rhea, of the First
NKtir.mil Hunk, in vr busv at his ranch
below lone preparing for the shearing of
his large bands of sheep, whose big clip
will vilrl wool to warm the world or
anile a slice of it.
Tl Slnciim's SarsaDarilla for
catarrah, constipation and general de
bility; it has no equal,
For choice f i uits go to the Heppner
Candy Factory.
Th household of Count C'erk Vaw
The Democratic primaries in Morrow
county were held Saturday, and re
sulted in the election of the following
delegates to the Democratic county con
vention :
Heppner precinct S P. Florence, Joe
Williams, G. W. Wells, G. W. .Swag
gart, Sam Meadows, J. L. Gibson, W.
C. Howard. i ,
Gentry precinct T. J, Matlock, Thos.
Quaid, George A ken, ; W. G. McCarty,
Garland Scott. -
Mt. Vernon precinct lohn Hughes,
Hiram Clark, George Noble, Henry
Blackman, Wm. Gordon, S. J. Leezer,
Fred Bock,
lone precinct J. L. Woolery, T. J.
Carle, W es McNabb, Seymour Wilson,
K G. Spen y, S. O. Stratton.
and the shelling of Makefing
been very vigorous.
A good soaking rain fell throughout
the Heppner Hills .Sunday, which very
much improved grain and grass condi
tions, which were already good.
Ed Bently has returned to Pend'eton
from a voyage to England. He shipped
befo-e the mast last fall, and had some
thrilling experiences.
Old Prairie City, so-called because
she has no prairies, is awaking from her
long sleep of years. Thu provocation
for waking is that she has rich mineral
rock and ground all around her and the
Columbia Southern railroad is said to
be heading her way. Cleaver brothers
and other Pendleton men are injecting
tne new me. . -' ; .
Get your camp-stove at Bishop's.
Bishop has just received a full line of
tents, wagon covers and stockmens bed-
A secret of how to keep well ; take
Slocura's Sarsaparilla. Large bottle,
price .
The wonderful Fairbanks scouring
soap, two cakes for 15 cents at Matlock
& Hart's. Scours anything.
Hlocum's Sarsaparilla is the beBt blood
puriher on the market. Hold exelus'
ively by Slocum Drug Co., Heppner.
Dinner Party jam, all fruits, 10 cents
a can at Matlock & Hart's. Very choice.
Slocum's Expectorant will cure that
cough for 50 cents or money refunded.
Heppner town lots are going to ad
vance in value. To wind up some busi
ness, three choice lots near the depot
can now be bought for $25 each. See
George Wells, at Conser & Warren's
drug store.
Score cards on which you can keep
tally on all kinds of games are now kept
oh tale at the Heppner uazette omce.
For constipation, kidney and liver
troubles, Columbian Tea has no equal.
Price 25 cents a package at Slocum
Drug Go's.
Don't overlook Matlock & Hart for
fancy groceries.
Home-seekers are dropping into Mor
row county, and nnci Janu values verv
The Gazet is always glad to print
items of news about the doings of local
lodges and fraternal orders. Send them
in and they will be given as front seats
as possible.
Morrow county has an excellent cli
mate, and thousands of acres of low-
priced lands, and within a year after it
is discovered by homeseekers it is safe
to say without stuttering that its popu
lation will double.
Sheep-ranch outfits, stock salt, hats
and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco,
candy and nuts all these are sold at T,
R. Howard s store.
Heppner Gazette is on sale at Patter
son & Son's drug store.
Hominv both flake and lye at Mat
lock & Hart's.
If vou want to secure any political
honors during the coming campaign,
print your announcement in the Gazette.
If you want to buy some very lo'
priced ranches, see George Wells, at
Conser & Warren's drug store.
Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection
with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken
charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port
land. The reputation of these gentle
men insures the success of the enter
prise. The diningroom is excellently
managed and is unsurpassed.
Have you paid your subscription to
the Gazette ?
Heppner is' the connecting link be
tween the main railroad line down the
Columbia and the great interior min
ing and stockrsising region that stretch
es away for more than 100 miles to the
south of Morrow county. '
The roads between those points tra
verse portions of the Blue mountains,
where travel is supposed to be suspend
ed during winter and early spring. But
navigation opened early this year, and
already one big freight outfit has started
over the road. It is not supposed to be fit
for hravy hauling until about six weeks
later, but Tuesday the cheerful jingle of
the freighter's bells was heard coming
down Stansberry canyon, and Perry
Shank and Newt. Smith rolled into town
with their big'8-horse freight outfits,
and soon had their horses feasting at
Billy Gordon's feed stable. They are
the first through outfits of the year, and
will soon be followed by strings of
teams coming to Heppner for general
Mr. Shank came for general merchan
dise for merchant Cummings, of Mt.
Vernon, 109 mites from Heppner, and
was five days on the road, camping out
at night. There were mudholes In
places, but no snow, and the roads are
better than ever before at this season.
They are 6 weeks ahead of usual condi
tions, and have been kept open all win
ter by Mr. Miller's stage line from
Heppner to Canyon City.
The O. R. & N. Co. is a prosperous
organization, and it delights in doing
good along its lines. It establishes, fos
ters and encourages all industries in the
great region tributary to it, and works
early and late to improve conditions and
make its roadbed better.
Just now the Heppner branch is re
ceiving marked attention along its entire
47 miles. There are three crews at
work, a rock crew, a bridge crew and a
pile-driver crew, They are repairing,
renewing and improving everything in
sight, and will shortly have the whole
business in the best possible condition.
And then when the up run is changed to
a daylight run it will be a delightful trip.
Spring is here, with the wild flowers
in bloom, and the latest spring and
summer shoes are on sale at the store
of Rhea & Welch. Their spring and
summer suits of clothing are unexcelled.
People who have once lived in Hepp
ner and enjoyed its good climate and
many pleasant davs are generally glad
to return here after trying other locali
ties, for they find here many advantages
not enjoyed elsewhere.
Two years ago Wm. D. Lord left
Heppner and sold his house to D. B.
Stalter for $475. Now be has returned
and bought back his home, paying $(300
for it. Mr. Stalter has moved out to
his farm, where his time will be fully
occupied in looking after his coming
crop and live stock.
Mr. Lord makes no mistake in buy
ing back his Heppner property at an
advance, for its value will surely ad
vance still further. He will operate the
mail route between Heppner and Gal
loway, which will probably soon be ex
tended up Butter creek to Lena, as it
should be.
The number of bicycle riders in
Heppner has increased surprisingly
during the past week, and the need of
a proper track on which to practice the
xhilerating xercise is at once telt. Any'
one having a level tract ol land on
which a half mile track can be built,
can easily arrange to rem same by
calling on Cashier Geo. Conser, of the
First National Bank, or some other or
the leading wheelmen.
A man giving the name of George
Smith, and claiming to be a Montana
sheenshearer. is in iail here in default
of $250 bonds Justice Richardson asked
him to furnish. He took Eugene Jones'
horse and saddle from in front of the
Palace hotel Saturday night, and seemed
to have led no Hinton creek. He
tied the animal to a wire fence, which
resulted in its beintr so badly cut that
Remarkable Cares of Ubeninatlsra.
From the Vindicator, Rutherlordton, N, C.
The editor of the Vindioator has had
oocasion to lest Ida tne efficiency ol
Ohambnrlain's Pain Balm twioe with the
most remarkable results in eacb case.
First, wib rheumatism in the sboolder
from wbicb be suffered exornciating pain
for tea days, wbiob was relieved with
two applications ot Pain Balm, rubbing
tbe parts efflioted and realizing instant
benefit and entire relief in a very short
time. fleooDd, in rbenmatism fa tbigb
joint, almost prostrating him with severe
pain, wbiob was relieved by two appli
cations, rubbing with tbe liniment on
retiring at nigbt, and getting up free
from pain. For sale by Oouser & Warren
Reitaeed Kates.
Tbe O. R. fc N. Oo. will give a special
rate of one and one-fifth fare to those
attending democratic slate convention
io Portland April 12, prohibition oon
vcrjtion April 9 10; lolnnd Empire
Teachers' Association, Pendleton, March
22 4.
Marshal Thornton had to shoot it. The
fr.wfnrd has been made glad bv the marshal tracked the man up a canyon
v.- : . . . r if ....at., rA
nf a new bov. who is pleased
come into this new world during the
beautiful springtime.
If you want to break your jaw, prac
tice on the name of the cottage Dick
Tayleur now lives in at Rhyl, Wales.
It is "Maessrvilym." Supposed to
mean something about Bweetwilham
and Mary Ann, with an xtra g thrown
in for good measure.
Call at Slor-nm's Drug store and get
instructions free how to cure catarrah.
T R. Howard's store has everytning
in the grocery line needed by city trade.
Go to Mutlock & Hart's for your vege
table, fruits, etc, lay frh-
m , : iha season for irentlerapn
Mm in t"w
horses to parada
captured bim.
Seed beardless barley, wheat and rye
for sale at Henry Heppner's warehouse.
Gunn's is the place to go. He sells
his implements high and low. Gunn's
ia the very spot. From his implements
you will get a crop. The bars nf the
Critic harrow are made of U-shaped
steel without any holes in them. Each
tooth is securely clipped on.
The Fair
The Place to
Save Money
The Fair
Remember that it was The Fair that made values better and prices lower
in Morrow County.
Just Received-
The largest line of Clothing ever seen in Heppner.
Prices lower than ever before. Monopolies cut no
figure in our prices.
Spring and Summer
Goods Daily Arriving.
A Carload of Granite-Iron Ware
just arrived. Tinware, Crockery,
Glassware and Notion Hardware
in endless profusion.
Soap to wash the world.
A Large Line of SHOES just arrived, including the famous invisible cork
sole variety.
Call and Examine Goods.
Good Working Suits $3.33
An All-wool Suit,
very nobby - 6.40
A 20-oz imported
English clay worst
ed Suit, round or
square cut - 9.97
All other Suits at propor
tionately low prices.
The Fair
Money returned if Goods
are not Satisfatory.
The Fair
Located in the largest building in Heppner, the spacious brick formerly
occupied by The National Bank.
Heppner, Oregon.
Is all steel, which makes it very strong and durable.
It it iimple in construction and has less parts to wear
than any Disc made. The chilled journal bearings are
entirely dust-proof and can be easily oiled. There is
absolutely no end thrust to wear on the bearings.
The gangs are so arranged that they cannot raise
out of the ground in the center, but easily adjust them
selves to dead furrows or low places in rough ground.
A trial will convince you mat tne canton is witnoui
in equal. Manufactured by
Acknowledged the superior of all makes. The easi
est hamlled, lightest draft, most durable and turn the
soil perfectly. Can be adjusted to work on side hills,
where others fail. Have dust proof hub bands and
many points of superiority over all others. Made in all
sires with STKF.L or CHILLED bottoms and Riding
Attachment. Compare them with others and see them
work and you will buy a Canton. Manufactured by
Henry Heppner's
Stubble Plows
ssss 1 -
Made with wood or steel beams in all sires. Mold,
Are the best because thev are made of the best steel Share anil Lnndside is made of soft center, crucible
and are durable. The teeth can be adjusted as to steel, thoroughly hardened, Double Shin Mold. They
line IS tnorougniy are the larniers' friend, because iney are well ana suo-
depth and the edges reversed. Frame i
braced. Made in an sues, mane oy
stantially made and work perfectly in all soils.
Farm Implements,
Grain and Feed,
Studebaker Wagons.
Main Street, - Heppner.
Everybody want to
Oregonlan has to say.
know what The
I.illie K. Colin tia a fine line of
linery at the Palace Hntal parlor.
OmUth taken for pattern hata. Open
from 8 A. M. to 7.,'W I'. M.
tttvam Laaidrjr.
Beppner people will 6nd it advisable
and economical to have their waohinn
done by the Heppner Steam Laundry.
her onlv reliable white labor is ein-
tiloved. Family washing will be done
at low cricea agreed on by the week.
Whito ffcirii reduced to iu cent, i
.i and tha ! irnarar.iea IBV woi iu uio
For Infants and Children.
IN Kind You Have Always Bought
Bsari the sfTTTZr
The Running Stallion
Will make the season of i'JQO at Blum' Btable
Heppner, on Saturdays and Sundays; at the
ranch In McDonald canyon the balance of the
week. Good pasture free to mares.
Hchnltz Is a cbeatnut sorrel, W) pounds,
foaled WM He comes of a family of mu:o-w1ii
tiers, Sir Panlqu, dam Ilia.
Mil run record
Tcr mi-$. lor season, payable H at time ot
service, balance at end of season.
Dee Matlock.
For Spring and Hummer Wear
0 The Pioneer Hoot and Hhoe Dealer of Heppner, has
Tho Latest Styles of Footwear for
Men, Women and Children,
Qli Stand, Main Strtet. Repairing a Saaolalty
Gash Advances made on Wool and Grain
Highest Price Paid for I D 0, S M PELTS
Feed and Seed Grain always on hand
Wool Sacks and Grain Bags For Sale
Little's and Black Leaf Sheep Dips
Come to Morrow County for low-priced
ands. Values are sure to double up. Nev
er again will land sell so low as it does now.
At $o an acre I offer t324 acres 5 miles
south of Heppner; almost all good plow land,
has running water and is under fence; will
make a good home for some farmer or stock
man. If not sold soon will he rented on
shares to farm. It adjoins the places of Tom
Quaid, D. A. Herren, Wm, Penland and Jas.
Hayes. Apply to J. W. Redington, Gazette
Office, Heppner.
Horse and Mule Millinery
1 Now On,
We have a (nil Ux It of Harness, Haddlea, Hrldli'H, -In tiu:t, everything lu the way ot Home
Furniture, and our nr!('K are as low aa Hlirth rllitln irond flan ha sulci (nr snvuti am Wn Iiruh
Tents (or camping, anil big Umbrellas to shade whuoii seat.
Main Street
Heppner, Oregon.
Hon W. It. Ellis Las 210 acros 4 milca wont o( Heppner at $JQ0Q.
It is uuder (coco aud Las a good nyrlag,