..3,- . , ''' 't-Vi WEEKLY GAZETTE Subscription price. $1.50 Leads In Prestige Leads In Circulation Leads In News la the Official and Recognized Represent ative Journal of the County. OFFICIAL PAPER WEEKLY GAZETTE Subscription Price, $1.50 The Paper Is Published Strictly In the Interests ol Morrow County and Its Taxpayers. V EIGHTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1900, NO. 775 V I 1 he Heppner Gazette Is published every Thursday by J". W. R.E DING-TON. Entered at the Poatofflce at Hoppner, Oregon, ai second-class matter. ornoiAij uxiaBcroia-sr. , Sixth Judicial District. (Hr.init JndB Stephen a. Lowell P.osvMiting Attorney H. J. Bean Borrow Connty Officials. J lni Heimtor... ., ....J. W.Morrow R nreeentstive E. L. Freeland C Mty Judge A. (J. Bartholomew " 'ommissioners J. L. Howard J. W. Beckett. " liixrk Vawter Crawford " Hherifl A.Andrews " Treasurer.... , M. Lichtenthal " Assessor J. t. Willis " daneyor Julius Keithly " 'ohool Sap't Jay W. Shipley " C -oner Dr. E. U. Hnnloik Stock Inspector.... Henry Scherzinger BKPPNIB TOWH OFFIOFRS. Noi...;.. Frank GiUiim O Hnrllinen .. 8. P. Gsrrigu 8, J. R. Himoas. J. J. Boberta, K. W Rhea, Geo. No le and Thus. Quaid. Hcuordor J. P. Williams Treasurer.. L. W. Brigga Vlaritlial ..George Thorntou HBRPNER SCHOOL DISTRICT. Directors Frank G1U1 m 0. E. Farnsworth, J M. Hager; Clerk J. J. Roberts Precimtt Officers. ui.tioo of th Peace .....W. A Kioliardaon nUhle G. B. Graf Pulled States Land Officer. NTS DALLI8, On. 'ay P Luoas Kcgiittr Otie Patterson Reoeirer LA ORANUI, OB. E. W. Bartlett Register J. O. Bwackhamer Receiver FSOFBSSIOlTjLirCABZIS . C E. Redfield j ..... ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In First National Bank building. Heppner,' Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. AH business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Pub lic and Collectors. Office In Natter's Building. Heppuer, Oregon. t J. W. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW i and U. S. COMMISSIONER. Office in Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or. A. Mai lory, (7. S. COMMISSIONER I NOTARY PUBLIC It authorized to take all kinds of LAND PROOFS and LAND FILINtiS Collections made on reasonable terms. Office at residence on Chase street. ' ' Government land script for sale.. D. E. Gil man GENERAL COLLECTOR. Put your old books and notes in his hands and get your money out of them Makes a specialty of hard collections. Office in J, N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or Dr. M. B. Metzler DENTIST Teeth Extracted and Filled. Bridging a specialty Painless Extraction. . . . Heppner - - Oregon. J. R. Simons & Son General Blacksmiths Horseshoeing a Specialty- Wagon Making and Repairing. All work done with neatness and dispatch. ... Satisfaction Guaranteed. Upper Main Street, Heppner, Ore. All Heppner people who have topped there speak well of the HOTEL ST. GEORGE Pendleton, Oregon. GEORGE DARVEAU. Proprietor. European plan, erected in 1869, elegantly furnished and heated by hot water. Corner Main and Webb streets, blocks from depot. SAlwaye cheaper" y In the end than y eeede Vik ff thai only cost half M much. 1 1 Tested, troe to name, freah and I I I reliable. Alway.tkaWa. Aalt I J tor Ferry's take no other, f i V WHU for MM B"d Annual, jf f . . m. rmBT v., jt J AYege table Preparation for As similating theToodandRegula tingtteStomadasaririBowelsQf ftcnotest)igcsrion,Cheerful ness andRestContains neither Otm.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. PumJnn SmJ' ' Alx.Scnnm JiodtUh SJU -huM Seed fyppemunt -JH Giriona&SoJa fUmSttd - Oorilud Sugar . A Dcrfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jevensh Iiuess and LOSS OF SLEEP. MnmavH - aawaawMaHH Tac Simile Signature of , NEW YORK. Ui5 M1 EXACT COPY OF-WRAPPEB, a. -W fmsr Jational Jank OF HEPPNER. O. A. RHEA... ...President I (i. W. CON8ER Cashier T. A. RHEA Vio President E. L. FREELAND. .Assistant Cashier Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits $35,000. A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel Every Modern Convenience. Drummers' Resort. Stockmen's Headquarters. One of the finest equipped Bars and Clubrooms in the state in connection. . . . lirsst-Olass Sample Rooms. For Business Heppner is one of the Leading Towns of the West. vuW FLOUR The Heppner Flouring Mill Company Hxve pei footed erraiigements to ran the mill permanently. They have seoared the services of a first ol bis miller, and wheat sofScieot to make and keep on hand permanent supply of Flour, Graham, Germ Meal, Whole Wheat, Bran and Shorts Of the very beet quality end guaranteed to give satisfaction. We are here to buy wheat and their patronage. - AT T. R. HOWARD'S STORE, Main street, you can find st I Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, ".l Tinware and Furnishing Goods, All well adapted to either City or Country Trade. Staple and Fanei Groceries- tine leas ana uofecs. Tt IS. HOWARD, Heppner, Mm For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought The Kind You Have Always Bought. TMB CENTAUR OOWMNY, HtWTORH CITV. Palace Hotel. J. W. MORROW, Proprietor. Strictly First-Class FLOUR exobenge with the termers, and solioit Good Goods.... Fair Prices.ij ! Bears the t Signature fj Jr W GRANT COUNTY NEWS. Blue Mountain Eagle. Uncle Sam has established a postof fice on the south side of Fox valley named Beach Creek, with J. T. Berry as postmaster. This new office will be quite convenient to the settlers on the south side of the valley. John Day will hold her first city elec tion on April 2. Dave Mo A tee of Heppner, whs at Granite several days this week, Mr. McAtee owns 40 acres of valuable placer ground two miles west of Granito, out of which he will doubtless realize a fortune. Dr. Fell and wife returned from Tort land last Saturday. While in Portland the doctor bad an operation performed on his throat, and is now much improvi. William Wyllie, of Dayville, paid Long Creek a visit this week. He is a candidate for the Republican nomination for sheriff, and is makiug a tour of the county. The North l'ole mine, 10 miles east of Granite, has reached the greatest depth that has been attained in any other mine in Oregon 1100 feet deep. Surapter has numerous cases of small pox, which, to prevent any excitement, is called "eruptive disease." Canyon City News. Rev. Hope was in townaiiain Monday. O. P. Cresap is prepairing for his summer's work. He has rented some good placer giound at Mtrysville and will soon begin piping. In the southern part of the county al falfa is from 6 to 8 inches iu height. There will be considerable improve ment in the way of new buildintrs as soon as lumber for building purposes can be bad. Seed grain sells at John Day at 2 cents. Irvine Bros, last week sold a band of cattle to Wm. Pope, of Mt. Vernon, for $1936. Mr. Oppenheimer, formerly a com mercial traveler, and who a short time ago cleaned up $40,000 in a mine at Rocky Bar, Idaho, is at Susanville this week, looking after his mining interests at that place. Ike Guker and C. M. Carson started last Tuesday to do development work on the Freemont prospect on Canyon mountain. Guker never lets any of his mining property lay idle. It would be well for some of our "sidewalk" miners to imitate bis example. Cold Steel or Death "There is bot one small ohaDoe to save your life and that is through ao opera, tion," was the awful prospect set before VI is. I. B Hunt, of Lime Ridee, Wis., by her oootor after vainly toing to onrt her of a frightful onseof stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't oount on the marvellous power of Electrio Bitters to cure stomncb and liyer troubles, hnt she beard of it, took seven bottles, was wholly oured. avoided sargeon'l knife, now weighs more sod feels better than ever. It's positively guaranteed to enre stotnaoh, liver and kidney troubles and never disappoints. Price 5Co at OoDser & WarreD Drug Co. ON THE JOHN DAY. Surveyor J. J. McGeo returned to Heppner Monday after a five-week's trip through the John Day country. He found that section in most excellent con dition, with General' Prosperity In full command, aid good prices and ready sale for sheep. Mr. McGee found that as the John Day country settled up it began to give birth to new towns. He laid out the town of Spray on the beautiful Hogan bottom, where the junipers come down to the water's edge and the landicape is lovely. The town's owner is J. F. Spray, formerly a business man of Heppner, and its present population, counting men women and children and cats and dogs and sagetix would not fill one of the hotel busses that will run on its streets hereafter. But it has the whole of the U. 8. and Urup to draw on, and it aspires to be the capital of Wheeler county, as do a'so Twicken ham, Mitchell, Shoofly and Fossil. Spray is two miles below the mouth of Haystack, on the main John Day. Mr. McGee also resurveyed the town site of Monument, which is mostly owned by Mrs. Pry Wilson. Monument is becoming quite a thriving village. Mr. McGee will soon return to the John Day and survey irrigating ditches above Spray. The day is not distant when every inch of land will be deeded and doubled op in price. If you want to buy a good 3 -'4-acre place at 85 an acre, call on J. W. Redington, Ga.ette office. As HtBt-Kt Mrilliine for La Grippe. Onorge W. Waitt, of Houtb Gardiner, Me., invp: "I have had the worst ooogh, cold, ohills and grip and have taken lots of trash ot no account but profit to the vendor. ChmnberUlu's Congb Remedy is the only thing that b done any good whatever I hive need one bottle of tt and the chills, cold und grip have all left me. I congratulate the manufao fnrers of an honest medicine," For sale by Conner 4 Warren. Ilssfer A brad. Oirln, don't think of marrying man ooless he thinks enongh of yon to pre pare fi.r emergencies by insuring bis life in safe company like the Nortbwetern Mntnl Life Inanraoce Co. Briggt, the agent, has the beat proposition oat. Call and investigate. Always, r?HaWfr-rTiie Wtskiy QMtwlaih HEPPNER SHIPMENTS. That Heppner is a very import Hot shipping point may be Been from the following figures, which show shipments made by rail from here duriDg the past year: Wool, pounds 3,245,750 Cattle, cars 220 Sheep " 175 PRESS COMMENT. A Slap in the Face. The Ore gonian has done a grave wrong both to the friends of Senator Mc Bride and to those of Mr. Moody. Mr. McBride's friends frankly conceded a solid Wasco county delegation to Mr. Moody. They manifested uo desire whatever, at any time, to thwart the wishes of Mr. Moody's friends. The latter assure The Chronicle that they made it a point to commit no act nor deed that could be justly con strued as unfriendly to Mr. Mc Bride. They were in no sense an tagonizing the interests of Mr. McBride. Their single purpose was the nomination of Mr. Moody. The primaries passed without op position. The Oregonian corre spondent sent to his paper a plain, truthful unvarnished statement of the result. The Oregonian edited the dispatch and added the follow ing clause: "The McBride influ ence failed utterly to materialize." This was not in the original, which we have seen. The result is that the friends of Mr. McBride con sider they have been slapped in the face. But the Oregonian did it and is wholly responsible for an act that is regretted here on all hands. The Oregonian has the faculty of raising more hell in a minute than it can down in a century. Let it fight McBride if it wants to, but let it not compro mise others who desire peace. The Dalles Chronicle. Justice for Col. Bbyan. If the crime of '73 still cries unavenged to heaven; if the gold standard is still a crown of thorns for labor and a cross of gold on which it is proposed to orucify mankind, if 16 to 1 is the only thing that can save us from financial ruin and indus trial slavery, what else can the Col. do but cry aloud and spare not? Qn the other hand, if these things look funny now' in the light of experience, can any one reason ably expect the only self-confessed candidate to keep silent about them? -Oregonian. SUSAN VILLE STIRRING. Blue Mountain Eagle. Mr. A. B. JBenneson, president and general manager of the Badger Mining company, owner and ope rators of the Badger and other mines at Susanville, recently came from San Francisce on a visit to his mines. In speaking of his organization, he is quoted assay ing that all trouble among the stockholders in his company had been adjusted and its properties would be operated at once on an extensive scale. In "fact that a resumption had ' already taken place and no other complications would likely occur to interfere with his company's plans to work its mines, both quartz and placer, for all there was in them. The operations of the company at Susanville is superintended by Alfred Brile, a well knotvn and competent mining man. The Bad ger mine, which property has been tho seat of operation for some time, has produced fully $85,000 of rich ore. The most of this amount has been expended in wages, improvements and for other work in developing the property. The property is yet all right, and with the assistance of the Stock ton, Gem and Princess, will be the means of Susanville experiencing a boom some day. NOTICE TO SHEEPMEN. The moving of sheep from one county to another without a permit from the stock inspector is contrary to law, and violations of the law will he prorecuted. Therefore all persons are warned against moving slieep from Morrow county into adjoining counties without a traveling permit from the undersigned or one of the deputy stock inspectors for Morrow county, J, P. Rhea and Isaac Vinson. IlKNBY HrllKB.fNOKK, Stock Inspector for Morrow Co., Or. A Good Conch Modidae for Children. "I have no besilanoy in recommending Chamberlain's Congb Remedy," says F. P. Morao, well known sod popular baker, of Petersburg, Va. "We have given it to our children when troubled with bad eonghs, also whooping oongb, acd it has always given perfeoi satlflfafl lioo. It was reootnmeuded to me by a druggist as the best cough medeciue for children a it conUiiitd no opinm or otber barmfql drag' 8Jld b Qyossr DOWN THE CREEK. lone Post. Fred Beymer, the 14-year ''old son of Mrs. Eliza Ceymer, of Lex ington, had his leg broken Saturday at the thigh, while playing foot ball, the bone being pretty badly crushed. Dr. Swinburne was tel ephoned for and reduced the frao ture, which had become very pain ful, tbe contraction of the muscles causing the ends of the bone to be drawn past each other about 2 inches. Walter Pruyer and Albeit Kiug left on Wednesday morningV train for Sumpter. Avery pleas ant Dartv was civen in their honor tbe night befoie, at Walker's hall. Alvah Leach of. LexingtoD, bought considerable wheat this week from J. M. Baker and others. at 41 cents. N. J. Hale reports a good land business now on and lots of settlers takins lands. W. O. Johnson has contested a timber culture entered several years ago by William Young. No protest was made. This is a very desirable tract in the heart of the Gooseberry farm ing region, There are Beveral tracts like this which were entered upon and afterwards abandoned, that are now being contested anti retaken. Wheat DroSDects in Morrow county were never better at this time of year, in some parts it has began to head out, and harvesting will becin about the middle of June. Wheat has began jointing, which will put it far enough ahead as to be well matured before the June hot winds come, Farmers are rejoicing at the prospect and this fall, if prices are good, they will turn the golden grain into golden dollars and lone will get her share of this prosperity. PASTE IN YOUR HAT. Morrow County Republican pri maries at 2 p. m. Saturday, March 31. County convention at court house, Heppner, 10:30 a, m., Sat urday, April 7. Morrow County Democratic county convention in court house at Heppner, on Monday, April 9, at 10 a. m. Republican state convention, April 12th, at Portiaod. Republican Congressional Con vention, 2d district, at Portland April 13. Democratic state convention, April 12tb, at Portland. Peoples Party state convention, April 12th, at Portland. Grant County Republican coun ty convention, Mai ch 31, at Can yon City. Democratic county convention, ivlonday, April lGtb, at Canyon City. Umatilla County Democratic convention at Pendleton April 7. (iilham County Republican convention at Condon March 20. Democratic March 31. People's Party March 31. Republican National convention, Philadelphia, June 19. Democratic National convention, July 4th, Kansas City. M'CLURE'S. McClure's Magazine for April will contain an article by William Barclay Parsons, chief engineer oi the AmericaniChina Development Company, giving the result of his receut commercial explorations in the most secluded parts of China and showing what an immense market China offers American far mers, manufacturers, and mer chants. Tbe article will be fully illustrated from photographs taken by tbe auther on his journeys. NO'l'lUK '10 votkiw. all Mast Register oa or Before May IS, 1900. From tbe 2d day of January, 1!X)0, at 8 a. m., nntil tbe IStb day of May, 1900, at 5. p. m., the records for the registra tion of voters will be open at tbe office of tbe County Clerk of Morrow county. Naturalized citizens appearing to register will be requested to produoe proofs of citizenship, either declaration of Intention, or certificate of citizenship, eioept where the same appears on tbe reoords of Morrow county, and also their street and camber, if living iu toD, or if living in country, section, township and range. Tbe law reqnires that if the elector is enable to conveniently appear before the county clerk for registration, be may be registered by a notary publio or jus tioe of tbe peace io tbe preoinct in which be resides. DateJ at Heppuer, Morrow oounty, Oregon, this 31st day of January, 1900. Vawtbr CHAWrOHD, County Olerk, Morrow Connty, Oregon, The Heppner (iazet lias one of the most complete printing plants in all Oregon, and can prmr anything. Its engine does the perspiring while its sweatpower presses are grinding out the printed, hpt w (lke in Angust. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders an the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROVAl BAKINO POWDER CO., HFW VOBK. SWEET GIRL GRADUATES. Time flies, and it will not be long before leafy June is here again, bringing with it the fact that the sweet girl graduate is always with us aud is really the sweetest thing on earth. ' Ar rayed in her spotless dress of purest white she is a fond, dear dream not found in tho rigid walks of business life. Lord Byron's works are not claimed to be the most fitting books for sweet girl graduates to read, but many minds differ on these subjects. Some girls like standing collars as high as the highest of the Heppner Hills, but Lord Byron had strong ideas as to the atrocity of standing collars. He was a man of peculiarly inde pendent mind and refused to wear them. For this he was ostracized from society and went abroad, where he wrote "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" and other works. He was much admired for his opposi tion to the collar. Early in life his own collar, or more properly speaking, his choler (it is spelled difierently in the Worcestershire and Webstershire dictionaries) rose and he wrote a pretty good thing about English bards and Scotch reviewers. Of course it was impossible to convince the Scotch that he was jokiug all the time. It made Sir Walter Scott rather savage, but it is all right now. It is a pity Byron died at the age of 37. If he had lived to 137 he would have had a pretty good tinid with the Scotch. They say that Byron was a licentious man but he was a conscientious up holder of high license and the patrol limits. Byron finally became pretty sick of roast beef and waiting for the English to grasp his meaning and went over into Greece, where he found a 2x5 war on tap, which just suited him. lie had himself meas ured lor a general's uniform and paid in enough money to start the commissary department. The Greeks were very fond of him while his dough held out. and afterwards buried him reverently and with a considerable outpour ing'of eulogy. The Greeks do these things and there Englishmen rather cleverly. But it took the terrible Turks to do them up in the last little war. rJHEEPMEN, TAKE NOTICE. Appointment of Deputy Stock Inspectors. All stockmen of Marrow county are hereby notified that having been ap pointed Stock Inspector of Morrow County, I have appointed the following deputy stock inspectors: James P. Rhea, whoso post office ad dress is lone, Oregon. Isaac Vinson, whose post office ad dress is Galloway, Oregon. These deputies are fully authorized to perform all the duties devolving upon them under tho stock law and Section 8351 of Hill's Code. IIrnry Sciikiizinurk, Stock Inspector for Morrow County, Or. WATER NOTICE. Only Lawns Can be Irrigated with City Water. In order to prevent possible waste of water, and to extend fair treatment to all, the Heppner Light and Water Com pany is compelled to forbid the use of its water this season for the purpose of irrigating garuens. The use of water for sprinkling lawns will be allowed only between the hours of 6 and 8 p. m. At no other time will lawn sprinkling be allowed. A whistle will be blown at 6 p. tn. to begin, and another at 8 p. m. to close. Those found violating these regula tions will have their water shut oil and a charge of 50 cents made to turn it on again. No exceptions to this rule. IIki'I'Nkh Lioht & Water Co. PLANTS FOR SALE. I hut e an unlimited supply of cab bage, tomat'i, cauliflower and other plant! for ml. Ready now. A. G. Pjakthoi.omkw. ltliCKNT AltKlVAt AT PALACE HOI KL W B Conner, lone V Farrtflly, Ireland F Berno " B J Taylor. Portland J 1 Dimla,S f A J Wright, Smile A Forkner, Montana JSBoothby, Lexington T Mclntrr, Lowell Thos t'oullti " J V Kunnedy, Portland L 1 Winner, Hardman i T Honk I ii j, Galloway C y hjatlri(;t. Ilardrnan J FJ Fordyee, The Dalka 'A