Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 22, 1900, Image 1

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    Portland Library
. Subscription price. $1.50
Subscription Price, fl.50
Leads In Prestige
Leads In Circulation
Leads In News
is the Official and Recognized Represent
ative Journal of the County.
The Paper Is Published Strictly In the
Interests of Morrow County and Its
The Heppner Gazette
Is published every Thursday by
On Year -Six
Months -Three
Entered at the Poatofflce at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Sixth Judicial District.
(Hrenit Judge Stephen A. Lowell
Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean
Morrow County Official!.
J int Benator J, W.Morrow
R ipresontative. K. h. Freeland
C nntr Judge. A. Q. Bartholomew
Ummimonen J. L. Howard
J. W. Beckett.
" ai?ii 1 :Vawter Crawford
Sheriff A. Andrews
Treasurer M. Lichtenthal
Assessor J. F. Willis
Sarvejror Jaliue Keithly
Sohool Bup't Jay W. Shipley
" 0 rnnr Dr. E. R. Hnniouk
Btock Inspector Henry Scherzinger
Jo;; Frank Gilliam
l.oumiilmen S. P. GarrigU' s,
J. B. Simons. J. J. Koberts, K. W Uhea, Geo.
Nolle and Thus. Quaid.
Kooorder J. P. Williams
Trennnrer L. W. Brings
Marshal George Thornton
Directors Frank Gilli.-m, O. E. Famsworth,
J M. Hager; Clerk J. J. Roberts.
Precinct Officer.
I nstice of the Peaoe W.
A. Kiohardnon
onstable ,
G. o. Gray
United States Land Offioers.
Jay P Luom , , Register
Otis Patterson Receiver
E. W. Bartlett, Register
t. O. Hwackhatner Receiver
C E. Redfield
Office in First National Bank building.
Heppner, Oregon.
Ellis & Phelps
All business attended to in a prompt
and Shtisfactory manner. Notaries Pub
lic and Collectors.
Office In Natter's Building. Heppner, Oregon,
J. W. Morrow
Office In Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or.
A. Mallory,
Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND
Collections made on reasonable terms.
Office at residence on Chase street.
Government land script for sale.
D. E. Gilman
Put your old books and notes in his
hands and get your money out of them
Makes a specialty of hard collections.
Office in J, N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or
Dr. M. B. Metzler
Teeth Extracted and Filled.
Bridging a specialty
Painless Extraction. . . .
J. R. Simons & Son
General Blacksmiths
Horseshoeing a Specialty
Wagon Making
and Repairing.
All work done with neatness
and dispatch. ...
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Upper Main Street,
Heppner, Ore.
B. F. MILLER, Prop.
Cheapen and most direct route to John Day
VHlley, Canyon City mining district. Burns auu
other interior points.
Stages leave Heppner Daily, Sunday ex
cepted, at 6:30 a. m. Arrive at Canyon City
In 24 hours.
Leave Canyon City at 4 p m., arrive at Hepp
ner in U hours connecting with trains.
HirrKSR to
20 $1.60
M 4 00
85 4 75
75 6 60
t (00
103 8 00
104 8 00
Hardman ...
Monument .
Long Creek.
Fox Valley.,
John Day ...
Canyon City
Stages connect with trains at Heppner.
Note.- Bavins; stocked no this line with new
covered coaches and good teams I am prepared
Kive Urst-class service to the public
Bones Are Here.
Home-seekers with means, and invest
ors sbon Id come here. On account of
tbe low prices at which its lands are
offered, Morrow ooonty eipeoU to donbls
,ti popaUtioo Ibis yeer. Good land ean
i ; r nri-iMn-7TiiiT igiiTiMwaiii"iiii 1
The Kind You Have Always
in use for over 30 years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex-.
pertinents that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys AVorms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
U. A. RHEA. President
T. A. RHEA Vio President
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits $S5,O00.
A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel
Every Modern
Prummers Resort- Stockmen's Headquarter?;.
One of the finest equipped Bars and Clubrooms
in the state in connection. . . .
First-Class Sample Rooms.
For Business Heppner is one of the Leading
Towns of the West. wwvfc.
The Heppner Flouring Mill Company
H..ve perfected arrangements to run the mill permanently.
Tbey have seoured tbe services of a first olass miller, and
wheat snfficieot to make and keep on band a permanent
supply of
Flour, Graham, Germ Meal, Whole Wheat,
Bran and Shorts
Of the Tery beet qo&Jity ard gnarsnlerd to fcive fetiefaolion.
We are here to buy whent and exchange with tbe formers, and solicit
tliHr im'rorage.
T. R.
Main street, you can find
Groceries, Provisions. Glassware.
Tinware and Furnishing Goods,
All well adapted to either City or Country Trade.
Staple and Fancy Groceries-
j: Livtj jLvivn will kujj vgs.
if f,if rirh w w
Bought, and which has been
has borne the signature of
. and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since Its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive von in this.
Signature of
W. CONSER Cashier
L. FKEELAND. .Assistant (Jasbier
J. W. MORROW, Proprietor.
Strictly First-Class
- -
Good Goods....
Fair Prices. i
William Shakepere missed
whole lot by not living in the
Heppner Hills and hearing the
meadow-larks sing these magnifi
cent mornings of spriug. Who
has not heard of William? And
who has heard anything about him
that he can really bank on? Near
ly all the biographies of Shakspere
have been reconstructed from the
signature to his will, and are nec
essarily crooked. Yarns about this
great man are very conflicting,
Some say that he was a myriad-
minded individual, about as all-
round as Denny the Frenchman
who used to live here. Others tell
ub that this is all a fake, that he
was a perfect bum who should
have been run in at an early age.
He wrote a good many things in
blank verse, and even these have
become the subject of controversy.
Some say that he never wrote them
at all; that he didn't have enough
education to write an excuse to the
teacher when he wanted to go fish
ing; others say that he never went
to school aDd didn't have to write
excuses. Ilis spelling and his
capitalization have been held out
against him, and with remarkable
unanimity a certain faction de
clares him to have been a numb
skull who couldn't possibly have
written anything, uuless it was a
communicjitiou on the many-sided
silver question. There were re
porters in William's day, and some
of them may have written the
plays for him. One of the men
who claims to have written the
Shakspere plays still lives. Shak-
spere managed the Globe Theatre
in London and lived in the
fogs outside the city, where he
trained actors with dogs. He
only went down to the theatre
once a week, and then to cash in.
When the theatre burned Shak
spere went back to Stratford-on-
Avon with the insurance money.
He had himself buried there in
order to give the tourist quite a job
hniiing him. JNot many people
trom Jtleppner call at his grave.
The Portland Telegram of 16th
John Stockton is awaiting trial
on a charge of stealing a bicycle.
Stockton is considered a bad lot by
the police. They say he formerly
lived in Eastern Oregon, where he
used to work at odd jobs and hold
revival services, then after the
religious ceremonies were over he
would go out and steal anything he
could lay his hands upon. A de
tective states that Stockton also
assisted in a jail delivery at Day
ton. If all the Indians had the vi
tality possessed by Blind Jim, who
is now superintending the pulling
of perfumed wool in the Heppner
Hills, they would not decrease.
The annual report of the Commis
sioner of Indian Affairs shows that
the entire Indian population is
207,905, of which number 95,679
wear citizens' dress, while 31,923
wear a mixture of Indian and civ
ilized clothing. Those who can
read number 52,597, and 53,314
oan carry on an ordinary conver
sation in English. There are 25,
230 dwnlling houses built for Ind
iauri, 1153 of which were built in
tbe past year. The number of
births was 4237 mid the deaths
5253. Twenty-six weie killed by
whites and seven whitPB by In
diaus. One Indian was killed by
Indians. Ihe number Indian
criminals punished was 14C9,
There are 31,655 Indian church
members and 348 church buildings
upon the various reservations.
By Orville A. Jones.
The lecture (tivfn by Joaquin Miller
after paying all expanses netted the
school 0.
We are sorry to nay that Ahh'L Prin.
MiHH I'mlBi'er in on nick lint. Kufo
Wake, a MhIi hcIiooI Htinloiit, in also sick.
Co. A's lant program wan well ren
uVred before an appreciative audience.
Co. 15 will come on with their pro
gram tomorrow, Friday, March 2.1
Several new fetiire8 are to be added to
the regular program, no that it will he
quite interetin(. All sre cordially in
vited to come up and hear what we can
do in the literary line.
An lli.nrat Mf ilicltie for .a Grippe.
Oeore W. Waitr, of Hotitb Gardiner,
Me., (bvh: "I have bail tbe worst oougb,
cold, cbilla and urip and have taken lots
of traeb of no aoconnt hut profit to tbe
vendor. Chamberlain's Couib Itemed?
is tbs only tljina that has don't sov good
whatever I have nsed one bottle of It
anil the ohills, cold ml grip have all
left me. ( congrntiilrtte the mannfao
tnrera of an Imneft modicino." For sale
by Ci'nc.er & Warren.
Danger A brad.
Girl, don't tbink of marry in 2 a man
onleM be thinks enough of yon to p-e-pare
l.t emergencies by InarHng bii lifn
in a safe company like the N rthwtro
Mntnfvl Life Innnraoe Co. Briggs, ins
Bgnt, baa the best proposition oat.
CaU aad ibvcgtitfitte.
H. GoldenBtair Guild, editor of
toe balem Independent, says:
xreraons interested in raising
poultry for cats should select eggs
irom tne oest breeds of chickens
to be had for hatching. One eood
healthy cat will consume about 200
chickens a year. They are verv
delicate animals and should not be
fed on tough meats. Some cats
will not eat chickens. They can
be taught to chew chicicens how
ever, by gradually baiting them
wan dead robins, jay blues and
other stuff. Once the appetite for
domestic fowls is established, one
ought to have no trouble in getting
them to eat the young, tender,
juicy chicks. It is great and
profitable sport raising chickens
for cats. Some of the poor felines
appear to like to chew on the cute
little birds, very much, indeed. By
great perseverance, all cats can be
trained to go and kill chickens of
their own accord. Some persons
are selhsh enough to object to
raising poultry for cats, and shoot
all the Tommys and Puesys that
come within range.
Ihe agricultural editor of this
sheet is somewhat stuck on Mes
quite grass. It is large, bunchy
and fluffy and has a dashy appear
ance in one's yard. More oeonle
ought to sow it. If is good cow
feed. But beat of all it has no
equal as an evergreen doormat
hoi cleaning muddy shoes on, it is
the very essence of perfection. It
beats the ordinary doormat all to
pieces. Ihe latter when dry is a
nasty thing to get the dust out of,
but with your Mesquite crass mat
the mud is dissolved by the rain
and dew, aDd the mat alwayB looks
vernal, fresh and inviting to your
mud beciogged shoes. Try a small
patch lor doormats. You will not
be buncoed.
me situation in iientuckv re
minds a fellow of two deteimined
old hens both trying to set in the
same nest.
That Heppner is a very import
anc snipping point mar be seen
from the following figures, which
show shipments made by rail from
here during the past vear:
Wool, pounds 3,245,750
Uattle, cars 220
Sheep " 175
Spring weather and the march of pro
gress is having a good effect on the town
of lone, and many of its people are
beautifying their homes by setting out
trees and shrubbery. Tbe mild waather
will cause them to grow Huh t along with
no interruption on account of tranaplant
ing, and trees in a few years will make
a wonderful difference in the landscape
and cause lone to become one of the
beauty spots of the earth.
For several months Foster Adams of
Heppner and Mrs. Maria Church, of
Missouri, have been making love to
each other by mail, and the result was
that the lady came here a few weeks
ago, and the couple were married Hun
day by Uev. St. Clair. In the evening
they were given a reception in the M
15. church South, and Monday night a
serenade. They have settled down to
quiet housekeeping in Heppner.
The Oreeonfan.
Beyond a doubt tbe Portland Oregon
ian is tbe ablest all round newspaper in
tbe Pacific Northwest. It Is indispensa
ble in connection with keeping track of
tbe world's progress. It reaobsg Ilepp
oer at midnight on day of issue and men
stay up and await its arrival. It Is kept
on sale at Patterson & Sou's drug store,
and it always does tbe fair thing for
Heppner and Morrow county.
Ia Qaod Colors.
Quite a few Columbia river Indians
in showy blankets have been in Hepp
ner this week selling tbe first wool of
the season. They bring it in wheat
sacks, and last year sold oyer $:i(J00
worth in Heppner.
They secure their wool without the
experme of keeping sheep. There be
ing 200,000 sheep in Morrow county, a
fair percentage of them naturally drop
dead around cer the big range, The
Indians ride all over the county and
discover the dead sheep and pull the
wool. The ripor the sheep the easier
it is to pull the wool, and the stronger
the smell. If you ride along a trail and
there is a gay cavalcade of Indian pack
horses ahead of yon with a cargo of
pulled wool, you will need corks for
you nose.
When the old Morrow and Herren
store stood where tho grand Palace
hotel now is, several clerks were driven
to drink Florida water on account of the
accumulations of pulled wool in the
back yard.
A Uuod 'oils' h Merilisine for Children.
"I have no hesitancy in reoommending
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," says F
P. Morao, a well known and popular
baker, of Petersburg, Vs. "We have
given it to our children when troubled
witb bad oougbs, also whooping ooogb,
and it hss always given perfeot satlsfao-
.i t .
hod. it wb reoommannea: to roe by a
drrjgfnet a the best cough medeclne for
cin;urn as u contained no opiom or
.ther harmful drug." Hold by Ootiser
x warrm.
ble-The Orocn
The Absolutely Pure
Made from Grape
Cream of Tartar.
Baking powders made from alum and other
harsh, caustic acids are lower in price, but
inferior in work and injurious to the stomach.
In the war in South Africa of to
day the hostile battalions of two
hostile armies emolov the Bame
chaplains to repeat the same pray
ers in the same creed. And
strange as it may seem, in spite of
big guns that will kill at six miles;
in spite of dynamite bombs that
will kill a whole company of sol.
diers ifwell directed; iu spite of
lyacute enelis that tear up half an
acre of solid earth, and in soite of
all tbe devils of destruction that
the genius of modern invention
has produced, the cavalrv horse
and the army mule still remain the
most potent factors of this war in
In the land of the Transvaal,
where the Jioers are now battling
to hold their country aeainst Eng
land, during the dry season the
earth puts forth no verdure, and
the rivers are emptied of their
waters. How can an army of cav
alry subsist in Buch a country as
this? How can the horses of the
United States or Europe Jive in a
country where the thermometer
ranges 120 degrees in the mid
day, even now. Already the
English government has purchased
in the United States over 15,000
mules that have been shipped to
the seat of war in South Africa.
Ten times 10,000 more mules will
be wanted. And where are tbese
much-wanted cavalry horses to
come from? The United States
and Canada will have to supply
the demand.
Battle of Thorn Krlck.
Next Sunday will be the 22d anniver
sary of a great battle up on Thorn creek
Obadiah Welch had seven roosters and
one ben, and tbe roosters attacked the
sUespsbearers, who were oompelled to
right and slay six of them. And wben
Mr. Welch oame home be feasted for a
long spell on what be thought was groase
potpie nntil be missed tbe usual orow
iog next morning. One of tbe roosters
had a bard time being born. His mother
bad stolen ber nest high np on tbe bill
aids, and when tbe breeze blew tbe eggs
from nnder ber sbe followed one down
to tbe bottom, sat on it 3f j days longer,
and brought forth a ouie little baby
rooster who grew up into a horrid fight
er who attacked shearers and had to
have bis spurs clipped and be put into a
Prevented a Tragedy.
Timely information given Mrs. George
Long, of New Straitsville, Obio, prevent-
a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives.
A frightful ooogb had long kept ber
awake every night. She bad tried many
remedies and doctors, bnt steadily grew
worse nntil urged to try Dr. King s New
Discovery. Ooe bottle wholly onred her,
and sbe writes this marvelous medicine
also oured Mr. Long of a severe attack of
pnenmoula. Huoh onres are positive
proof of the matchless merit of this grand
remedy for curing all throat, obest and
long troubles. Only 5()o and f 1. Every
bottle guaranteed' Trial bottles freest
Conser & Warren Drog Co.
All Hunt ItealHter " r Ki-fore May 15,
From tbe 2d day of January, 1U00, at
8 a. m until the 10th dar of May, 1U00,
at 5. p. in., the records for tbe registra
tion of voters will be open at tbe ofllce
of Ihe County Clerk of Morrow coonty.
Naturalized oltissens appearing to
register will be requested to produoe
proofs of citizenship, either declaration
of intention, or certificate of.citizeosbip,
except where the same appears on tbe
reoords of Morrow county, and also
tbeir street and Dumber, if living in
town, or if living io country, section,
township and range.
The law requires that if the elector is
unable to conveniently appear before
tbe oounty clerk for registration, be may
be registered by a notary public or jus
tice of tbe peace io tbe precinct in wbiob
be resides.
Datel at Heppner, Morrow oounty,
Oregon, this 31st day of January, l'.RR).
Vawtkb Crawford,
County Clerk, Motrow County, Oiegou.
; First to arrive with the tclographto
nwi-Ih' Weekly 'jregCulun.
NO. 774
By a ourioas faot, those who invite ill
will seem often to get it. Society, based
on a reciprocity of faith., seems to have
no smiles to bestow upon tbe misan
thrope. It bids him, "Laugh, and the
world laughs with you." It so comes to
pass that many of them acquire some
real ground for their "sense of iDjury,"
and in the long ran that real quarrels
are precipitated from this atmosphere ot
suspiciousness. Indeed, this is tbe
psychology ot most quarrels, says an
artiole in Appleton's Monthly.
Tbe effeot of imaginary grievances
oomea in torn to be tbe cause of real
ones. Thus into an acoident between
two persons, one of them mistakenly
reads an affront to himself. He retali
ates, and tbe other person, unconscious
of having done anything to evoke any
hostility, finds himself affronted, and in
bis turn retaliates. Bv this time real
grievances have oome, and the quarrel
is on. Balzac, that master analyst, in
alluding to friendship, in one of bis
stones, says: "It died" (tbe friendship)
"like other great passions by a mis
understanding. Both sides imagine
treaohery, pride prevents an understand
ing, and tbe ruptore comes." Just as
tbe malevolent feelings may arise de
novo, so it is with the benevolent ones.
Nordau shews bow the nondesoriD state
of beiug "in love" often arises. Some
inoident betweeo John and Mary leads
one of them we will say John to tbink
mistakenly that Mary has been attracted
to him. Pleased with the faot, be re
ciprocates, Mary, although unconsoious
of tbe reciprocal natare of John's atten
tion, finds pleasure in it, and in her tarn
reoiprocates. Mutnal reciprocity then
In irritable persons we find the morbid
sense of injury coupled witb resent
ment. Quickly interpreting anything
disagreeable to them as an affront by
another, tbeir first impulse is to resent
it, which tbey do more or less violently,
acoordiug to ciroumstances, tbeir second
thought otten recognizing tbe irrational
nature of the outbreak.
A. Andrews, sheriff of Morrow county,
is now promptly performing bis duty of
personally notifying the ofliciale who
will preside in each precinct at the com
In ir election, lie has been to Alpine
and Wells Hpring, ami on Tuesday re
turned from Eight Mile and Dry Fork,
where he found vegotation green, grow
ing and flourishing, and the crop out
look never better. He saw many farm
ers plowing summer-fallow and harrow
ing barlev ground.
KheriirAndrews will today go to Dairy
and Matteson precincts, and afterwards
notify officials in Lena and Pine City
A dozen or so miles south from Hepp
ner, whore fringes of timber vonture
down from the mountains, where the
towering tamaracks grow and mingle
witli the picturesque pines, where pure
water splashes and dashes, is always a
pretty place, and particularly pretty
Thorn is snow up there on the higher
ridges and it is melting fust, and along
side of it is the greenest of grans and
acres of beautiful blooming buttercups,
and ttie larks are singing and the blue
grouse beginning to make love.
The tall tamaracks are threatening to
thrust out their needle-like leaves of
vivid green, the most beautiful shade of
green on earth. It is of such a tint as
comes in the springtime to a troe in
Senator Carson's yard in Portland,
which the' neighbors come for miles to
see, and his Italian gardoner from the
Tratisvall calls the Oregonius giuantictia
tamarackahiis. It is a beautiful trea
wherever met, and Hcppner's Blue
mountains are full of it.
Lon Markliam has bought from Pat
Kpillane 10KI acres of land at the head
of Clark's canyon, a fow miles west of
Heppner, at the rate of $400 a quarter
section, lie also bought Pat's ewe
sheep at $1.K0 with wool on. This gives
lxn 1000 head of ewes in sight, and
probably more than that now out of
sight but which will soon be in sight.
He now has 2K00 acres, making one of
the best ranches in Morrow county.
Pat will remain on the place for tbe
present and help through lambing, and
probably huy sheep ai?ain next full.
Always rtlluhle rtie Weekly Oreg'onUn.