Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 15, 1900, Image 4

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    Moralists may
prate, and doc
tors proae, and
science shout
from the house-
iff, uut j uni
t so long as the
l' bird atncr and
the flowers
bloom, and a
-7 maiden's lips
are cnerry-rea,
1 and a young
iman's eyes
look love, lust
so long the fads
and lassies will
kiss and kiss
a train.
And where, pood men, is the harm if the
kissers and kissees be healthy, and true
love stands sponsor. It is only when ill
health has blasted the sweet cleanliness of
youth that death lurks upon its lips. The
deadly germs of dread consumption are as
harmless as June-time butterflies to the
young man or woman who is thoroughly
clean, sweet and healthy in every fiber and
tissue. The germs of disease only attack
that which is already partly decayed.
There is a great medicine that is a sure
and certain protection against all germs
and a speedy cure for all germ diseases.
It is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery. It gives youthful lest to the appetite.
It corrects all faults of the digestion. It
aids assimilation. It fills the blood with
the vital, life-giving elements of the food.
It builds sweet, clean, healthy tissues in
every part of the body. It drives out all
disease germs. It cures 98 per cent of all
cases of bronchial, throat and lung affec
tions if taken in time. All good medicine
dealers sell it, and have nothing "just as
Mr. Jos. Henderson Dirblun, of 544 Josephine
Street, New Orleans, La., writes : "I was ailing
for some two years, suffering from dyspepsia, a
tired feeling, and loss of energy ana appetite.
I tried one bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery and found great relief. I took two
more bottles, three in all, and one or two vinls I
01 tne Tenets,' when I was in good health
Again. I recommend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi
cal Discovery to do all that it is claimed to do.
A man or woman who neglects
constipation suffers from slow
poisoning. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets cure constipation. One
little "Pellet" is a gentle laxa
tive, and two a mild cathartic.
All medicine dealers sell them.
No other pills are "just as good."
IN BOLD LAND. Telephone Line Bold.
Isaao Ennia has relumed to HeDDner
In tost new possession of tba United lrom 10nK np along tbe Blue Moan
States both slavery and nolvm atI.i !a' alepborjs hoe in company with
There von find rene.ad. Arabs; n.t. ZX. "illZ.i? fttJSZ
inaian soiaiers, tor wnom mats baa be- tbe Inland company baa booabt tbe
oome loo bot; even the Sudan, bad as it Bine mountain rjos lines, extending
is, occasionally baa a man ao bad that ..m "ePPnr to Malbenr lake, conneot
i . o 1-o r .. . 1 iiu usurou uiir ana usier. in 11m
r um" ,0u'u- . . hM been in sncoes.fol operation for two
lUK-oBoip ui oju, ouia is (an oi aaven
turers. A native is quick to draw bit
knife, just aa an American desperado
was to draw bis revolver. Tbe knives
years, and is 450 miles long. Tbe price
paid for it was $15 000. Oeoar Minor
was president of tbe oompany, Frsnk
Uiliiam treasurer and I. Earns superin
tun nan I I ho mom i nnnn -
in thai. n.nA. ... J..J, " " """" " "
"d 101 uDaul wespuoi one.
at close quarters, especially the barong,
whose weight in some oases five pounds
combined with its exoellent balance,
makes it especially effective. With fire
armsas is usually the oase among
Orientals the Sains are not skilled
Heppner Horses.
Good big work horses command a very
fair price in Heppner now. A. M. Bnnoe
mis week bonebt from P. n (Venwll
a 2800-ponnd team for 8150; from Ralr.
riot. Tni...in. , , 1 u iuulu icnui ior QUO,
vu.ou.UD li.moo., supposed 10 oe norse from tbe Heppner bakery for $80,
ana oiners at about tbe same flearee
Mr. Bnnoe will take a carload of work
tbe most redoubted warrior of Sola
bad a quarrel with a badji. They de
aided to settle the matter with rifles
Xhe duel came off in an open field,
h ft-- I n tr , ,
anei eioouuKing 00 sDois, eaoa man
dodging about as be pleas?d, tbe badji
retreated, acknowledging himself beaten.
Bat not a single ballet took effeot.
it one freeman kills another, tbe
murderer Is brought before one of the
borses and fine gentlemen sbeeD back
10 nis Dome in Wyoming.
USD matter bad a team of Clydesdale
mares in town Sunday whioh were mnnh
admired. I nev were of bis own raising
ana veiaea at 9 ml
Improved Lights.
Superintendent Pruyn is bard at work
d.toe. and fined one hundred and eight knd'lsi MuTek in S
Mo..-, ur uLr-iour aouars goia. mere obanges. A new transformer hsa hn
Fascination ot Mining.
Of all events in a miner's life, tbe find
ing of a nugget of gold is tbe one longest
remembered. Nnggets are bis hopes by
day bis dreams by night. If he oan
only find a big mass of tbe yellow metal
in one temping, solid lamp, his happi
ness is made and he will look baok to
tbe day with tbe same softly-voluptuous
pleasure felt by a child when be recalls
his first tin toy on wheels.
Only 15 Aa Acre.'
Banob of 321 acres for sale; good grass
or plow land, all under fenoe, has run
ning water, and is located on county
road, five miles south of Heppner. Ap
ply to owner, J. W. Bedington, at tbe
Qazette office, Heppner. This plaoe will
make a good home for some farmer or
stookman. If not sold soon it will be
for rent. It adjoins land of D. A. Her
ren, Tom Quaid, Win. Penland and
James Hayes.
is, however, no fine for killing a slave.
Slavery among tbe Salas does not orig
nale in differenoe of raae or color:
neither bas it ita origin in war. Tbe
slaves are of the aame race as their
masters, and are for the most part so
quired in payment of past debts. Thus,
if a man owes yon a large sum of money,
be may sell himself or his ohildren to
yon, and thus cancel tbe debt. Girls
are sold for bard oasb, bot it is not a
common ooourenoe, nor one which takes
plaoe against the will of the girl
Most of the Moros bave several wives,
although they are limited by tbe Koran
to four. Besides these wives, they have
innumerable concubines. If one of tbe
conoabines of the sultan bears him a
obild, she immediately becomes bis
wile, provided, of course, that the.
number ot bis wives is not already com
plete. Divoroe ia common and simple.
If a man no longer desires his wife, he
divorces bsr, and she returns to her
family. It is not considered a disgrace
to be divoroed. In spile ot all these in
equalities, tbe Sulu wemso are inde
pendent by Datura and well treated.
put iu and larger lead wires. The com
pany has doubled tbe ORDsoitv of its dy
namos, ana uses z oords of wood
oigbt. Its slab wood from Hood River
oosts WW bere, and Hoslyn coal $5 40.
UepDner's streets bave 7 2000-oandlA
aro lights and 0 82 incandescent!,
Rerinced Kates.
I he O. R. & N. (Jo. will give a special
rate of one and one-fifth fare to those
attending demooratio elate convention
la Portland April 12, prohibition con
vection April 9 10: Inland Em Dim
Teachers' Association, Pendleton, March
a a.
Mrs. A. M. Waggoner has arrived
from San Francisco, with the choicest
of pattern bats and bonnets. She kind
ly invites the ladies of Heppner and
vicinity to inspect ber 'exhibit at tbe
Palace hotel.
Teachers' Association.
J. W. Shipley, the efficient superin
tendent of Morrow county schools, bas
received notification from E. B.Conklin,
secretary of the Inland Empire Teach
ers' Association, that the dates of meet
ing at Pendleton bave been changed to
March 22, 23 and 24. Programs will be
received by Mr. Shipley tomorrow.
The Republicans of the second con
gressional district, in which Morrow
county is located, will hold their con
vention in Portland April 13, and voters
should bear in mind that in compliance
with the resolution offered by G. V.
Phelps, who represented Morrow county,
every county should send Reperate sets
of delegates to the state and district
conventions. A motion was also adopted
that where a county failed to elect dele
gates to both conventions the delegates
to tbe state convention were entitled to
sit in congressional convent ion.
Following is the apportionment:
Baker I), Itenton 8, Clackamas 15, Clat
sop 12, Columbia (1, Coos 8, Crook 5,
Curry 4, Douglas 12, (iilliam 4, (irant 7,
Harney 3, Jackson 10, Josephine 7,
Klamath 4, Lake 4, Lane 14, Lincoln 4,
Linn 14, Malheur 4, Marion 22, Morrow
5, Multnomah 70, Polk 9, Sherman 4,
Tillamook 5, Umatilla 13, Uniun 12,
Wallowa 5, Wasco 10, Washington 13,
Yamhill 12, Wheeler 4. Total 338.
The Young Hen Forgot Themselves.
A I I 1
a. uiispiBoeu comma nas gotten a
Kansas paper into a peck of trouble.
The journal reoently published an item
in wbiob the following sentenoeoocurred:
"Two young men from Leoti went with
their girls to Tribuue to attend tbe
teaohers' institute and as soon as they
Uli 11.. 1 .
tun, tne gins got ciruns:. rne oomma
belongs after the word "girls" and tbe
latter are feeling pretty hostile.
That Veteran Norse.
Despite age and infirmity, Florence
Nightingale stall lakes a strong interest
in the well-being of the warriors of ber
own oonnlry. At a banquet given In
Loudon tbe other day to tbe survivors of
tbe Balaolave oharge a letter was read
from this heroine of tbe Crimea, in which
she briefly referred to the horrors of war,
ut nujug hud una nu in mann. inn I tv,
- . cuiiuiim ijhkk 01 me weewy ure-
uueu uer inutile or praise 10 IDS valor goman gives a Broad treatment to a wide
and oourauB of the Rriti.h aoMi.,. ranKe 01 "uoJeets.
lbs field of battle. Miss Nightingale is
at present slaying in ber quiet London
.. . . ...
uuiun, uuioriunnieiy 100 unwell to see
any one but immediate relatives.
Remarkable Cores of Bhenmattsm.
From the Vindicator, Rutherford ton, N, C.
Tbe editor ot tbe Vindicator bas had
occasion to lest tbe tbe efficiency of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm twioe with the
most remarkable results in eaob case.
First, with rheumatism in the shoulder
from wbiob be suffered exornoiatins nain
for ten days, wbiob was relieved with
two applications ot Pain Balm, rubbing
tbe parts sfflloted and realizing instant
benefit and entire relief in a very short
time. Second, in rheumatism in thioh
joint, almost prostrating bim with severe
pain, wbiob was relieved by two appli
cations, rubbing with tbe liniment on
retiring at night, and getting up free
from pain. For sale by Oonser & Warren
Under the management ot Frank Rob
erts the football game ot last Friday
was well advertised, and tbe result was
tbat 1000 people attended. Snob a big
crowd is seldom seen on snob oooaeions.
It was a good game from tbe start, and
wee won by Heppner, 16 to 0. The WaP
t TT7 1 1 1 - .. . 1 .
is nsuioo;iam toeir rjesi, Dut were I
too light for Heppner. Tbe Heppner
boys started in to w-n and never for a
moment lost sight of tbeir intention.
Tbe lioe-up was as follows :
Center Cowins.
R. G.-Harl.
L, G. Thompson and Drisooll.
R. T. Lalaode.
L.T. Matlock.
R. E. Bisbee.
L E. Stott and Hamilton.
R. H. Natter.
L. H.-Clarke.
Q. B. Pobcrtson.
F. B. Oney.
Substitutes: Blackmao, Jones, Ball,
Quiet Wedding.
At the residence of the bride's mother
in Heppner last evening Mies Alice
Glossoook was married to W.O.Bay less.
Only a few friends and relatives were
present, end tbe ceremony was per
formed by Rev. C. D. Niokelsen. The
groom is s well-known resident of Hard-
man, and the bride bas been one of
Morrow county's most diligent teachers.
Notioe is hereby civen to the citizens
or Heppner tbat on and after Tuesday,
March 20, 1900,1 will strictly and rigidly
emoroe oiook urainanoe No. 70, in rela
tion to live stook running at large with
in tbe oity limits between the honrn of
1 p. m. and 7 a. m.
Owners of stook will please govern
nemseives accordingly.
Gbobgb Thornton.
City Marshal.
neppner, March 10, 1W,
Lots For Sale.
Lots 3. 4 and 5. block 6. Jones' arid.
in Heppner. at 8400 for all. Located
east of D. B. Slalter's residence; creek I
cropses oorner and mere is a Hue spring
on tbe plaoe. Appiy lo J. W. Redingtoo,
uHzene omoe.
ssssssssssssi , ft
m &mAM '! TV
Office at The T)ll. nr. 1.), io ,m
.... . . v,.j, u, j,, fc... xtj. ttnru.
Presoolt, Ariz., Mar. 12.-Tbere is war named i ffiJlS.flfi? ,t,le..,?"0!P5-
in Tonto Basin. It is betwee j tbe oat- JS.1?1111,,01"11 Pro9' ln wpport of his claim, and
.u r . that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor-
- v.- VUvvuvm. jmy uci uo ui umiou owtujii comini88iouer, ac HeDnnpr.
. .... . I I (refffin nn OQ(iinn u n iaaa , '
sneeprrom wortnern Arizona are dnveo Tt ,v. . ' w ' TB:
flnnth fn, th. Win-. . . .!... "-vu. WALKER, one of the
..u.u.uK w iuch I heirs and for the heirs of John R. Walker,
NnrfchArn orwrtnt apnnmla nnB;n kA I deceased, nf nantman riratwnn
. H.wUUUS i.u iu tuo rf.,.j-'.--T--".r.TV
BpriDg.and one of the favorite routes 3
watered and abounds ID COOli ffrnas. Discontinuous reairionxo V.rn ... ..iVl.J..i "
Tbe drought of tbe past year has oansed of "M? ',an.ai. vlz: Henry Padbern of lone, Ore
. shortage of both, and cattlemen served TbsM SS.ttWSnTS
nonce OD tne sbeeDmeo. tbat on aaaonnt of Bardman. Oreoron.
of the conditions, they would not be ner
mitted to return North by tbis route this
Spring. The latter sent back word tbat
tbey were g dng Ihrougn Tooto Basin if
they bad to fight tbeir way. The ad
vance guard of tbe returning flooks were
met Dy the cattlemen and turned back
and soattered. Several oases of arms
and ammunition are known to bave been
shipped into tbe section reoently. ana
open tnreais Dave b' en made by tbe in
terested parlies la shoot each other 00
Jat P.
Office at La Grande, Or., February 21. 1900.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final Droof in snnnnrt nf hti il1m
that said proof will be made before the county
clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon,
on April 14, 1900, viz: Homestead entry 8058 of
L.UUI8 M. 8UMMKRFIELU, of Heppner. Or.
for the southeast '4 of northeast i and east
of southeast H and southwest J4 of southeast U
of section 17, township 2 south, range 28 east.
He names the following witnesses to prove
uiDwuuiiuuu,riniut!iii upon ana cmiivauon
of said land, viz: John Lazer, A. 0. Smith.
..-.l ai i j aim Auujun aeruz, ail 01 uepD
ner, Oregon. vr
'2-7 E. W. Babtlktt, Register.
and reliable The Oregon-
Tbe inorease in Iransoontinental travel
by way of Salt Lake Oity in consequenoe
of the soenio and other attractions ot the
route, has reoently justified the Rio
Grande Western Railway in onneolion
with tbe Denver & Rio Grande sod Ool-
orado Midland Railroads says the Salt
T 1 T1 . I ... .. ...
Portland Oregonian and Heppner Ga- XZZ fV.0""!' "f 9
zette one year, $2 X). den and Denver. All of these trains ar
Heppner Gazette and East Oregonian equipped with tbe latest spplianoes, im-
Btnfffd Clubs.
Tbe Heppner Gazette has arranged to
stair itself into a benovelenl trust with
other papers and thus give subscribers
Ihe benefit of reduced rates, as follows:
semi-weekly, $2.75 j weekly 82.25
Tbe Heppner Gazette oflloe will fur
nish yen any paper or magazine io lb
world at a reduced rate.
The Qazette only $1.50 a year
imiveujBuiH auu oars, iuis road now
operates through sleeuers between Chi
cago, Ogden and Hao Francisco, also a
perfect dining car servioe. Send 2o post
age for literature, rates and other infor
mation lo J. D. Mansfield, 253 Washing
on St., Portlaud, or Geo. W. Heintz,
general passenger agent, Salt Lake City.
The OreKQDian.
Beyond a doubt tbe Portland Oregon-
an is tbe ablest all round newspaper in
tbe Paciflo Northwest. It is indispensa
ble in connection with keeping track of
the world's progress. It reaches Hepp
ner at midnight on day of issue and men
stay up and await its arrival. It is kepi
on sale at Patterson & Son's drag store,
and it always does the fair tbi tg for
Heppner and Morrow connly.
fiiiifiliiiilFiiiiiiiiitfiiiiiMniiiiiiiMiiiilkiuiM M UmisH II II 1? W
. MK IroiH
1 HtWW JI 1 lm """w consvttPTioH mi II M II
I IM Liil THROATudLDRd 5T9A fl
ijiMiiiiiiiiiii w i iiiiix Biiuakiiu n r n x mi m
kW XhP8-unnifiiE ctms EQUAUro'
" " " " V 11 It m'''M 'ti111' nMliiilllViinWl'g,,,MH
u 1 1 T 1
At the joint meeting of the Idaho
Woolgrowera' Association and Ihe Paci
fic Northwest Woolgrowers' Association,
comprising the sbeepgrowers ot Oregon,
Idaho, Washington and Utah, held at
Boise, strong resolutions were adopted
against the leasing of arid lands of the
Western states and against the efforts of
oertain ohemiets to bave tbe Bureau of
Animal Industry disoontmuo the free
distribution ot blaokleg vaccine vims.
The meeting was very enthusiastic, and
bad a larger attendance Ibao any daring
the past five years. Resolutions were
also adopted indorsing tbe propoei
of the Government to make a classified
oensos of the livestock of the country,
asking Congress to pass lbs Senate bill
Increasing tbe power of the Interstate
Commerce Commission and the bill ex
tending the time ot keeping stock in oars
while in transit from 18 to 40 boars.
roa From Heppner. from
No trains Bunday
10:00a.m. Salt Lake. Denver, 11:50 p.m.
Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, Bt.
Louis, Chicago,
Portland, Walla
Walla, Spokane,
Minneapolis, St.
Paul, Duluth, Mil
waukee, and the
8.00p.m. Ocsan Stkamships 4:00 p.m.
From Portland.
For San Francisco
Sail Deo, 3, 8, 13, 18,
211, 28 every 5 days
8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivkb 4:00p.m.
Ex. Bunday Btiamibs. Ex. Sunday
Saturday '
10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way
6:00 a.m. Willambtts Riveb 4:80 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Ex.Sunday
Oregon City, New
berg, Salem and
M ay Landings.
7:00 a.m. Wiixanittb and 8:30 p.m.
Tues., Thur, Yamhill Kivirs. Mon., Wed.
nd8t- r. anrfFrl.
Oregon City, Day
ton & Way Land
ings. 8:00a.m. Willamsttc Rivbb 4:30p.m.
Tues. Thurs. Mon., Wed.,
and Sat. Portland to Corval. aud Frl.
lis A Way Land
lugs. Snaii Rivbb.
.J"pari , , . . Lv.LewIston
1:20 a. m Riparla to Lewiston 8:30 a. m.
daily daily
Office at The Dalles, Ore. , March VI, 1900.
nereuy given mat tne Jollowlng
pamed settler has filed notice of his intention
vu iimicuimi prooi in support of his claim, snd
that said proof will be made before Vawter
Crawford, County clerk, at Heppner, Oregon,
on Friday A pril 27, 1900, viz :
HENRY I. 8HAEFFER, of Heppner, Or.,
Homestead entry No. 5053 for the southwest
H 'ection 28, township 2 south range 25 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Ellas Friend, Robert Friend
snd Joseph Friend, all of Lexington, Oregon,
and Nathaneal Bliaw. of Heppner, Oregon,
8 78 Jay P. Lucas, Register
Lost and Found
For Sale,To Rent
passengers booked fop all F-ralnn
J. M. KERNAN. Aaenl. Hsnnnsr.
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
To prove that it Is rhsoDer tn n1vrri than
to hunt horses or hunt people up nersonallv.
tne uazet will give a special rste of l cent per
Sat Fit f.isi nn I. ...... I... . J a . L I . V. 1
w v.v i iiuiicofl iiiBurvuu uuuer mil neau.
U UUVA U . 1 KJUUlllJ UUU 11.1
i-iv juiro nniory nas a letter inqillr
!"r ?e" p hmldt, who herded sheep here
In 77. His mother's estate in Germany can't
be settled until he either shows up
..in. lie ib ui'llU.
or proves
LOST. Two U aAotinna nf m hut Km.k.
biU reward for lis return to my rabbit ranch
at Lard Valley. Windv Jack.
LOST. Sixteen acres or mv moral rhinrfo.
and two sax of mv reDUtation for nnn-ltv
turn to my palatial residence, corner Yellow-
sum avenue ana Tlnpot Alley.
Tom Hv no by.
TO 8W AP.-A ioo dog for two t'ti cats.
R. Nbvills
FOl'ND.-Two gunnv sax couttuln 700
pounds of Spautsh doubloons, all gold ; supposed
to have been burled by Captain Kldd when he
sailed up Rutabaga Krick. Apply at my mlul
Julep plantation, on section 38.
run KENT.-2U rooms on 16lh floor, with or
without windows: no stares to dime; evert
man his own elevator; apply to professions!
laoaiaay. um. Twinsistbbs.
Feed and Sale Stable
Hss jmt been ornrd to the
Public and Mr. Uortlnh. Ilm
pnrlelor, kindly lnvlus his
mxiim to
nnl els
rail and try his
OoiihoiSAs VVnrrcn.
T T.aty c Hsvy far 61
BUbl located on west side of Main
street between Wm, Uerivner's suid
A. M. Uuuu'j blacksmith shops.
for the Udis-A fins horw aud lady s aatdla,
Points EAST, and SOUTH.
NEW YORK, A days
3 "
W. E. Oomar,
Oen'l Agl.
Office at The Dalles, Or., March 7, 19 0.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
ln this office bv LoiiiR l nn
against timber culture entry No. 2547, made
October 27, 1887, for east M northwest and
west V, northeast U section 21 tawnaMn o
south, range 23 east, by Nils Peterson, contestee,
in truiuii ii ib auegea mac said Nils Peterson
has neglected to plant or cultivate or otherwise
attempt to raise any timber on any of said land
and has aboudoned the land and that there is
no timber on the said land nor has been for
fare last past. And that defendant is
not engagad in either branch of the military
service of the United States, said parties are
hereby notified to appear, respond and offer
oiucuue loucnmg sam allegation at 10 o'clock
a.m. on April 28, 190f, before J. W. Morrow, U.
. Commissioner, at his office in Heppner, Ore
gon, and that final hearing will be held at 10
o clock a. m. on May 9, 1900, before the register
and receiver at the United States land office In
. The said contestant having, in a proper affl
vu, niea Marcn 7, 1900. set forth facts which
now mat alter due diligence, personal service
of this notice can not. ho tnaita u i. k...v...
ordered and directed that such notice be given
8"' Jas p. Litcas, Register.
Office at The Dalles, Ore., February 13, 19C0.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in this office by Ernest W. Moyers, contestant,
against homestead entry No. 4756, made July
17, 1893, for north northeast and north 4
northwest section 25, township 8 south,
range 2r east, by Belle Howell, formerly Belle
Thomas, contestee, in which it is alleged that
said Belle Howell, formerly Belle Thomas, has
wholly abandoned said tract; that she hss
changed her residence therefrom for more than
six months since making said entry, and that
said entrywoman is not engaged in the army,
navy or marine service of the United States,
said parties are hereby notified to appear, re
spond and offer evidence touching said allega
tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on April 7, 1900, before
Vawter Crawford, county clerk, at his residence
at Heppner, Oregon, and that final hearing will
be held at 10 o'clock a. m, on April 14. 1900, be
fore the Register and Receiver at the United
States land office In The Dalles, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper affi
davit, filed February 13, 1900, set forth facts
which show that after d ie diligence, personal
service of this notice cannot be made, it is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publication.
9"?4 Jay P. Lucas, Register.
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
Dalles, Oregon, February 26, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that Rosetta Wheeler,
formerly Rosetta Swaggart, of Pendleton, Ore
gon, has filed notice of Intention to make final
proof before J. W. Morrow, United States Com
missioner at his office ln Heppner, Oregon, on
Friday the 6th dav of Anrli ,nn n hA
culture application No. 8281 for the northwest
M southwest a, south southwest H and
southwest li southeast u nf ontir, i
township No. 1 south, range No. 28 E W M.
She names as witnesses: Evans Gregorsen
and Benj. F. Swaggart, of Beppner, Or , and
i-rnest Piper and Jefferson Evans, of Lexing
ton, Oregon.
"-a Jay P. Lucar, Register.
, .. . . iuH a"es, ure., reD. 9, 1900.
notice is herebv irivAn that tha fn.4nA
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final nroof in mnnnrt nf mb niaim
that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor-
iwii DHWI Mmm ll nna, at Un... .
nraonn wr.tA. ..7..A,"' -r w"'i
ui, riiuo,;, utaruu 2d, 1MUU, VIZ .
JOHN D. HICKEY. of Heppner. Ore .
Homestead entry No. 8351. for the east south
west yA ana east M northwest H section 7, town
a a somn. range 26 east w M
e names the following u,itiBaAa ... .
' i . i . i imiiwcHto upon anu cultivation
... wiu iniiu, vis; matt uugnes, Krnest Cunoer.
r.inua ttpiuane ana w. J. Carroll, all of
uci'liuor, vregou.
J- P- Lucas, Register.
Southern Pacific Co
Dopot Fifth and I Sts
7:10 P M
8:30 AM
0. O. Tkbbv,
Tray. Pass. Agl.
124 Third St., Portland, Ore.
TbousaiKls of fardra-'
JW radrpndoa trVnysHwas
IF ,rTrT lv and sever sunW
dlsappolntmeac Cbsap satMt.
, ,utr bint Ium, ao payinc crops.
r.Jr? 'o'W
II Kirs cMia per pr 11
II 1Tr'",,,,rr nd m,mf r'" tt ll
f 1 always tk Bnt. IKOHtS Annual frw. f 3
! I si. hhi a es mwiT, Hits,
7:30 A M
Salem, Rosebnrg, Ash
land, Sacramento, Og
den, San Francisco,
Moiave, Los Angeles,
El Paso, New Orleans
and the East.
At Woodburn (dally
except Sunday), mom
lng train connects
with train for Mt An
gel, Sllverton, Browns
ville, Springfield and
Natron, and evening
train for Mt. Angel
and Silvertou.
Corvallis Passenger.
Sheridan Passenger.
9;15 AM
7:00 P M
Yellow Stons Prk Lins
No. 2
11 A. M.
No. 8
P. M.
Depot Fifth and 1 Sts.
Fast Mail for Tacoma,
Seattle, Aberdeen, South
Dend, Spokane, Helena,
Butte, Anaconda, St.
Paul, Chicago, New
York. Boston, and all
points East and South.
Portland. Tacoma nrt
Seattle Express, for Ta
coma, Seattle, Olympla
and Intermediate main-
line points.
No. 1
10:15 A. M.
11 P. M
S DAYS" to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omsna,
Kansas City and other Missouri
river points.
SJ DAYS to St Louis, Milwaukee and Chi
cago. 4J4 DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New
York, Boston and other far-Eastern
Union depot connections in all principal cities
Ragirara cheeked t.h mil eh fn rlullnnil..
tickets. ui
Union depot, Portland foot of Sixth st.
For sleeDlnir .... '-. ny,.
of ront. nX Tk. "'V
call on
Assistant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morri
son St., Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon,
1:50 PM
Ii8:25 A M
II Dally except Sunday.
Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac
ramento and San Francisco Net rates 17 first
class and 111 second claw, including sleeper
Rate and tickets to Eastern Points and Eu
rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA. HOSOLl LU and
mcibawh. ic oomiuen lrom J R
KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent, 134 Third StT
Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street.
visit DR. JORDAN'S omt
rBMnn SUU tmi SnMlk.
Iflr m th World.
TS. OnaltMatlraeHt
f 7 Vmuierful rtgtttar
I. I I 1 1 WttMi, ,
li. 71 Oau'W.pMlsi'
1 Z. I tba oldmt Bpn-lnl I
J ll Coast. Sitabushw
from ihs tan of youthful todif
" . In matursr A
1117. 1-f
Leave for Osweeo daily at 7:20 9 ) a m
l2k.l:.W,S ,V1 6:Z-.:t.Tp m"ind
. , m..on ""'' only. Arrive at Portland
daily at 6... H:41,10.,M1 a. m.: 1:. s IS 4 n
S JU 7:40.
IW .W U. 111. . I A Ml sa m il a I I tr
Monday; S:.W and 10:06 a. m. on Sundivs onlv
lave for 111-. da ly. tt-M gBdi k,
p m. Arriv at Portland at : s m.
-Mner train leaves Pailis
Idsys. We.trFSciars and Kri.iara at 2 iS n
Returns Tuewlays, Thursdays aud siainrdavs
r- . 7.
. EOEHLXS, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM.
eo. F. P. Agt. Poitiand . Otsgoa
' !2"SS SstniMwrk-"
I , riMmllBv mtm um - - '
' mXflmSi f un"nt ,h It will sol A
, JS flX&iZLr??" '"'..bt Prm.i,.ntf
IPHIUs h.. ... ... W
for Rarlur. A quirk and rnrfMnJ
?"..".' 'r and rUMIa.H
tn. jar.mo a a-w painlw mmboda
EVKST MA.nl.l..b,n..lllHMl
oa'K':m" opi-M nl tiismmplitlitl.
wryw CMS uxjlrrrnln.
yinwita'l.in FRKK atiO ttrirtlT nilTat. T
TreiniU pvnunailv or by In lor. J
Wrfr tir IW.fc auiLaaAaBrv aw T
ISI4RMI4SK, Mailed I-aim. IA valuabl at
eouK lot mu.j LUorwriw T
OR JORDAN i CO.. I0SI Hark St.! . 4