Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 15, 1900, Image 1

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    Pwtland Library
Subscription price. $1.50
lead In Prestige
Leads In Circulation
Leads la News
Subscription Price, $1.50
Is the Official and Recognized Represent
The Paper Is Published Strictly In the
Interests of Morrow County and Its
ative journal 01 me lounty.
057 '
The Heppner Gazette
Is published every Thursday by
One Year - - -Six
Three Months
Entered at the Fostoffice at Heppner, Oregon,
m secona-cuua mailer.
Sixth Judicial District.
(Hronit Jndge Stephen a. Lowell
rroswonng Attorney u. J. Bean
Morrow County Officials,
J tint Senator... ...
C "TityJadge
" Commissioners.,
J. W. Beokett.
" Clerk
" Sheriff
" Treasurer ,
J, W. Morrow
E. L. Freeland
.A. (i. Bartholomew
J. L. Howard
..' Vawter Crawford
, A.Andrews
M. Laehtenthal
J. F. Willis
..Julius Keithly
Hohool Bup't Jay W.
.inv w. HhiDiey
C ironer Dr. E. R. Hnnlock
Stock Inspector Henry Bcherzinger
Mayor Frank Gilliam
Crmnrllmen g. P. Garriguis,
J. K. Simons. J. J. Roberta, E. W Rhea, Geo.
No' le and Thos. Quaid.
Rooorder J. P. Williams
.Treasurer L. W, Brings
Marshal George Thornton
Directors Frank Gillirm O. E. Farniwortb,
J M. Hager; Clerk J. J. Roberts.
Justioeof the Peace W. A. Riohardson
''onstable G. 8. Gray
United States Land Officers.
lay P. Lnoaa .-. Register
Otis Patterson Beoeiver
E. W. Bartlett ...."Register
. O. Swackhamer Receiver
C E. Redfield
9 '
Office In First National Bank building.
Heppner, Oregon.
Ellis & Phelps
and satisfactory mauner.
lie and Collectors.
Notaries Ful
Office in Natter's Building. - Heppner, Oregon.
J. .W. Morrow
Office in Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or.
A. Mallory,
XJ. 8. OOMnaraararrmix. - ' -NOTARY
Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND
Collections made on reasonable terms.
OHice at residence on Chase street.
Government land script for sale.
D. E Gil man
" Put your old bocks and notes In his
hands and get your money out of them
Makes a specialty of hard collections.
Office in 1, N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or
Dr. M. B. Metzler
Teeth Extracted and Filled.
Bridging a specialty
Painless Extraction. ...
Heppner - - Oregon.
J, FgS'MQNS Si Son
General Blacksmiths
Horseshoeing a Specialty
Waaon Making
and Repairing.
All work done with neatness
and dispatch. ...
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Upper Main Street,
Heooner, Ore.
Stage. Line
B. r. MILLER, Prop.
Cheapest and most direct route to John Day
valley, Canyon City mining district, Burns ami
other interior points.
luTi Heimner Dally. Sunday ex
cepted. at : a. m. Arrive at Canyon City
in 24 hours.
Leave Canyon City at 4 p m., arrive at Hepp
ner In U hours connecting
Harness to
miles rial
20 II M
56 4 00
5 4.7
75 a.ftO
(!3 00
ioa ioo
104 00
Long Creek
Fox Valley
John Day
Can von City
Stages connect with trains at Heppner.
Note -Having stocked no this line with new
covered coaches and good fcams I am prepared
give arswlaas servk to the pnnnc.
Hemes Are Here.
Htmaseekers with means, sad invest
or should come here. On account of
the lw vrke at tich iu 1nd,
offered. M-.rrow county expote lo donbls
its population Ibis yew. Oood laud can
boogbt bwt at 81.25 to 13 o or.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
yT f and has been made under his per-
fJZT, sonal supervision since its infancy.
SA Mloyr n onfl to deceiye you in th.8
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trifle with and endanger the health! of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. , It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.,
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
U. A. RHEA...
T. A. RHEA...
FrefiideDt I
Transact a General
Collections made od all polntson reasonable
mvk&m -
A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel
Every Modern
Drummers' Resort. Stockmen's Headquarters.
One of the finest equipped Bars and Clubrooms
in the state in connection. . . .
First-Class Sample Rooms,
For Business Heppner is one of the Leading
Towns of the West. vxwviu.
The Heppner Flouring Mill Company
Hhve peifeoted arrangements to mo tbe mill permanently.
They have seen red (be services of a first-class miller, and
wheat sufficient lo make and keep on band a permanent
supply of
Flour, Graham, Germ Meal, Whole Wheat,
Bran and Shorts
Of the very bfft ijtmlity ard guaranteed to give satitifsctioo.
We are here to boy wbent and
their patronage.
Good Goods....
Fair Prices.-J
Staple and Favsii G
Fine Teas and Coffe,
X. R. HOWARD, Heppner.
Signature of
O. W. CONSER..'.,
.Assistant Cashier
Banking Business.
tarm. Hnmiu.
Palace .
J. W. MORROW, Proprietor.
oiuuuv inai-Viaoo
exchange witb tbe farmers, and solicit
Groceries. Provisions, Glassware,
" Tinware and Furnishing Goods.
Washington, Mar. 18 Congress has
been occupied witb important question
that have excluded all other subjects
Xbese are tbe flnauoial bill and tbe
Puerto Rioa measure, the last one of tbe
most interesting subjects of tbe present
time. It seems tbat thin favored isle had
oeen more gently treated by opsin than
any otner Of tier losnlar dominions,
Siuce tbe American oooapation it has
oeen raveged by storm and do market
lor ber produots. Its people are suffer
ing great nsrrtebips and tbe delermioa
tion is to offer them good terms, as to
mass toeir lots as comfortable as we oau.
Representative Tongue is one of tbe
ousiesi meo id (Jongress. Whan I saw
bira last be had two type-writers at work
ana tells me tbat it requires that many
experts to do hisoorrespoodedoe. He lets
no business go unanswered, but all let
ters are replied to immediatAlv. Tho
work of a OODliressman in drndimrv if
oe Bitenas to tbe wants of bis constit
uents. There are no more bard workiue
men in this city than tbe Oregon dele
Membership of important oommitteen
oommands friendship from many who
desire to pass measures pending. The
snocess of a congressman redounds to
tDe advantage of bis constituents: Ou
congressmen ooonpy good positions and
Oregon is favored. No new man can
nil ouch positions until he has earned
them. The man wbo has realized
sucoese, nas tDe beBt obanoe for greater
success in toe future.
Bat the bill in wbiob Senator MuBride
is most interested is in tbe interest of
pioneer soldiers of Oregon and Wasbicir
ton. After working bard lo get an
early report on this bill, Mr. MoBride
made an effort to lake tbe bill out of its
place on tbe calendar, and pass it by
unanimous consent. Ahalfdnzn morn
Senators seem to want to amend the bill
so as to take in soldiers of later Ionian
Wars, BDd finally it had to be laid aside
for regular order. Since that time thn
8enator explained the bill, so that when
it came up not a single objection was
made aod it passed. Senator MoBride
is highly gratified over this result and
has oalled on tbe speaker of the house
lo induce him to favor the bill. Renre.
seotatives Tongue and Moody are already
uuiuk active worn tor the bill, and will
urge early action by tbe committee of
Tbe passage of eisht of Senator Mn-
Bride's bills darina 30 dava evident
bis industry aod influence in the henate.
Other proof, if any were needed, of bis
oigD standing amoDg Kepublioan
leaders, is found in his recent aDDoint-
ment on tbe Exeoutive Committee nf tho
Republican Congressional Committee
wbiob oonsistsof one member nf on norma
from each state. On tbis Executive
Cummitteeof nine members, there are but
three Senators, Procter of Vermont, for
merly Secretary of WT. and. .flaljiniw
Bride of Oregon. To be one of three
Senators selected to manage a great
oampaign, is no small oompliment to a
Senator of less than five years experience
in congress. '
Repubhoan (Senators oonld give no
stronger evidenoe of their confidence in
Senator MoBride tban by plaoing him on
tbis important committee. It shows
tbat RepublioaD Senator consider Mr.
MoBride worthy of tbe highest trusts for
tbe party and the country. Oregon
ought to be pre Jul tbat her native son Id
the Senate has attained enoh at nrling in
so short a time. . 8. A. Clarkb.
War is a Curse.
President Jordan, of Stanford Univer
sity, says: "I think war more than any
other agency destroys the vitality of a
nation.- Take, for instance, tbe present
Britisb-Boer war. Tbe best repreeentn-
tives of both countries are now on lbs
field of battle, War not only makes
widows, bat prevents many marriages.
I am oertainly of the opinon that war is
a curse on any nation, nnless it is
the result of a fight for freedom. 8uoh
a thing as earrying on war for tbe sake
of encouraging imperialistic ideas will
wreck, sooner or later, a nation tbat
tries such a scheme." '
That Throbbing Headache
Would qniokly leave you if you uned
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of
sufferers have proved their mntcb'es
merit for sick aod nervous headaches.
They make pure blond and strong nerves
and build up your health. Ensy to take
Try them. Only 25o. Money back if not
cured. Sold at Coue.fr & Warren DrngOo.
Senora Smith. '
Tbe faot thai Ltdyamit.b received its
name lo memory of a wra o Is well
known, bat the romance of General Sir
Barry Smith's marriage bas not been
so widely published. During the Pen
insular war two yonng British off! ours
in a Spanish town, wbioh had just been
captured by an English foroe, were tar
prised by a visit from two very young
and beautiful Spanish girls of tbs better
class. Tbese fair callers begged pro
lection In tbe alarming circumstances in
which tbey bad beeu placed by tbe oc
cupation of tbe rougher soldiery. Tbeir
request was, of course, gallantly granted,
aod ioa short time one of the oflloers,
Captain Hmitb, fonnd Mmseit desper
ately in love. In due time be married
the woman whom be bad protected. Tbs
marriage proved a bappy one.
As Hcneet Medlelae for La (irlpp.
George W. Waitt, of South Gardiner,
Me., revs: " bave bad Ibe worst oongb,
cold, chills and grip aod bave taken lots
or irasa or n account but prolll to tbe
vendor. Cnsmberlain's Cough Remedy
is tbe only thing that ha dune any good
whatever I bave nsed op bottle of it
and tbe obills, cold and grip have ell
left me. I congratulate the mannfao
tnrer of an honest tnedimne." For sale
by Cotieer k Warren.
Ini-r Ahead.
Girls, don't think of marrying a man
oolese be thinks enough ot you to pe
pare fur ernergooie by insuring bis life
in a safe oompauy like the N jrthwettero
Matual'Life Insurance C. Briggs, 'hi
agent, bas tbe best propnsl!iou QQt.
CaH and laT'stlgat.
That Heppner is a very import
ant shipping point may be seen
from the following figures, whMi
show shipments made by rail from
here daring the past year:
Wool, pounds. 3,245,750
Cattle, cars.. 220
Sheep " 175
Morrow County's Aerease in Fali-Rnwn
The acreage that some Morrow county
men have in fall wheat is somewhat con
siderable. The lone Post gives tbe
Dames of a few Morrow oounty farmers
wbo are doing business on a large scale
and tbe numbers of aores of fall sown
wheat wbicb they have, not counting the
spring sown wheal and the various other
grains, which will swell tbe figures M
least 50 per cent. Here tbey are:
Thos. Davidson 2,500
Ed Hollowoy 2 000
John Harpke 2 000
Wilson Bros 3,000
T. Walker. 1,000
A. Woolery 1,400
Jacob Borlzer linn
J. Conner 1 050
Williams Bros 1,000
Qeo.Utt ,000
Reitmao Bros 800
Rube Sperry 1,300
W. 8. Smith 450
Morgan Bros. 600
D. Ball.... 700
L. Etooaid W)0
P. Brenner 600
Glook Bros win
There are others scores of them who
have from 160 to 300 acres eaoh.
The joint oonfereuoe, lasting four days,
between Ibe Wyoming board of sheep
commissioners and representatives of all
tbe railroads running through the state,
considering matters cOnneoted with
shipments and quarantine regulations,
oloetd Saturday, Maroh 10. Tbe result
will be tbe establishment of the follow
ing rales:
Mhun in t.anait 1,.-U ,U. .....
-.i- uuiu iub nine uos
tined to outside points will be allowed
n a 0 14 ad for water aod feed and will
not necessarily be subj oted to inspection
or payment of fees.
ocTaii railroad Hues running into tbs
state, where all sheep brought into Ibe
state (not in transit) must be quarantined
for sixty days, and mast have been
dipped to oooform to government reg
ulations. At the end of sixty days a sec
ond inspeotio'i will be made by the in
spector on duty at eaob quarantine
station, and if found free from scab, will
be released. If disease is found tbey
will be kept till pronounoed bealtby.
Tbe quarantine stations will be selected
witb eollicient area for keeping and oar
ing for the numbers shipped in without
ooiiflicting witb neighboring herds and
defluite limits maintained.
Tbo United States government dip
baa beeu officially adopted by the Wyom
ing board aod gives a oboioe of two dips.
One of tobacoo and sulphur, and
another of lime aod sulphur, tbe exact
proportions of tbese subsiacoea to be
published in the orders of tbe beard.
In addition to tbe Wyoming reg
ulations, tboee of tbe department of
Mgrionllure issued in July will be
strictly enforoed Tbese prohibit by
law all sbipmeuta of infected animals,
rt quire dipping in all oases, one for
shipments Irom points east of tbe Mis
souri river, and twioe for western sbeep
destined fur tbe East.
Tbe lamb feeding industry in neigh
borhood of Bertboad bas reached the
18,170 mark tbis year, even tboagb
lambs are reported too high in price to
Roab Iihs broken ont amoog several
bands of sheep in tbe vicinity of
Don gins, and quarantine limits have
been established. Tbe weather is floe,
nDtl it is believed tbe bands can all be
dipped without serious loss. Several
sheep men inthiaseotion bave contracted
their next year's wool clip at from 15 to
18 oi-n's per pound.
lo the oase of 1. U. Miller vs. uoggrin
Biotbers, of Rawlins, involving an action
for trespass of sbeep herds on leased
state Ian-Is, in which the plaintiff ae
cared judgment of 86.200. Judge Craig
of tbe district opart' bas denied a new
trial Tbe oaae will bo taken to tbe
KUpieme court by the Owgriff Brothers,
and as both parties are wealthy, tbey
will tlgbl it out to tbe end. Tbe case is
of spocial interest to the stale land de
partment, and lo leasers, In determining
Ibeir respective rights in tbe open raDge,
where lands bave been leased, but not
inclosed by a feooe.
M. K. church CD. Nickelsen, pas
tor. Services at II a. m. and 7:.'K) . m.
Hcbjw.t next Sunday, morning
"Weights that Lift." Kvening "The
Preacher of the 20th Century."
M. E. church, Houtb F. F. St. Clair,
pastor. Services at 11 a. rn. and 7:30
p. m.
Presiding Elder (tibbs will this week
assist at the revival.
Ctirist'an church Sunday Behoof at
10 a. 111.
Baptist church fcunday School at
10 a. rn.
Kpiscopsl church Services occasion
ally. .
A Omul CflBlh Medlelae for Chlldrea.
"I bave do besilaooy in recommending
Chnmbnriaib'e Coogh Remedy," says F.
P. Muraii, a well known aud popular
bnapr, of Peterabilrg, Vs. "We have
given it lo our children wlien troubled
witb bad oongbs, also wboopiog oongb,
and it bus always given perfeol satlsfao
t-oa. It was recommended to me by 1
droggiet as tbe beat oongb medeciu for
cbtiareo as it coniaiued do opium or
other harmful 4rog" Hold by Ooreer
& Wan eo.
i 1 "
The dainty cake,
The white and flaky tea biscuit,
The sweet and tender hot griddle cake,
The light and delicate crust,
The finely flavored waffle and muffin,
The crisp and delicious doughnut,
The white, sweet, nutritious bread and roll,
Delightful to the taste and always wholesome. .
Royal Baking Powder is made
TARTAR and is absolutely free
from lime, alum and ammonia.
Manila, Marob 9. Generals Yonng
aod Hood are asking for reinforcements,
and a battalion of Ibe Forty eighth bas
beeo seal to Aparri. Other troops will
follow. The rebels recently persistently
attacked Aparri for several hoars, bat
were tloally driven away. Details of the
affair are lrin.
provino ot North Ilooos and the red
Eatapnnan cross, symbolic of resistance,
is agaiu appearing among tbe natives.
It is believed that tbe insurgent Gen
erals, Tinto and Florbes, bave been driv.
en by Young into Hood's territory. Tbe
fsol tbat Young is unable, owing to lack
of troops, tomaiutatu garrisons in all Ibe
towns 000 u pied bas bad a bad effect on
the natives.
General Bales has returned here alter
leaving garrisons in the provlooes of
North and Sooth Camariues. Tbe expe
dition lost seven men killed and 10 wound
ed. On entering New Caoeree. Proviooe
of Boutn Oamarines, General Bates
learned tbat 2000 insurgents bad departed
tbe same day. Tbe Americans immed
iately sent out tbres pursuing columns,
enouuntering the enemy in three small
engagements and killiug a total of 40 men
The Spanish prisoners report that tbe
enemy was divided Into small baods in
Ins mountains, under tbe leadership ot
General Legaspf, Tbe town of Irgia had
been burned by tbe enemy, ttotb prov
looes were thoroughly scouted.
Tbs inhabitants of tbe dlstnot Of Lib-
maoan, including Abells, the provincial
Governor and other ollioials, are return
ing lo their homes. Abella bas issned a
proclamation calling upon tbe natives to
submit lo the Americans.
Tbe liberated priests from New Caoeres
report that the insurgents killed 68 China
meo and 40 Spaniards al the towo ot
II is estimated that there are lOO.UUO
bales of bempin tbeCamarine Provinces.
Twelve bundred woll-armed insur
gents, formerly of Oavlte Province, with
a Chinese Colonel in oommand, surround
tbe towns of Albay and Legaspi. They
bave effected three night attaoks and
oontinually harass tbe Forty-seventh
Iteglmeot.wbiob bas lost eight men killed
and 20 wounded in defending tbese towns.
Editor's Awful Plight.
F. M. Biggins, editor Buncos, (Ills.)
News, was atilioted tor years witb piles
that no dootor or remedy helped until
he tried Bnoklen' Arnica Salve. He writes
two boxes wholly cured bim. It's the
sorest pile cure on eartb and Ibe best
salve in tbe world. Cure guaranteed
Sold by Oonser 4 Warren Drag Co.
The news of both hemlaphpres In The
Weekly Orcgonlan.
Nonce 10 voi kkh.
All Mast Hmlsler on or Keforo May 1j,
From tbe 2d day of January, 1000, al
8 a. m.. until tbs 15th day of May, 1900,
at 5. p. m., tbe records for tbe registra
tion of voters witl be open at tbe office
of tbe County Clerk of Morrow coaoty
Naturalised citizens appearing to
register will be requested lo produce
poofs of citizenship, either declaration
of intention, or cerlifioate of citizenship,
exoept wbers tbe same appears on tbe
records of Morrow county, sod also
their street aod Dumber, if living io
town, or if I'viog lo country, section,
towoship and range,
Tbe law requires Dial if tbe elector is
unable to conveniently appear before
Ibe onunly clerk for registration, be may
be regtatered by a notary public or jus
tine of tbe peaoe io tbe precinct in wbioh
be resides.
Date! at Heppner, Morrow county,
Oregon, this Slat day of January, l'JOO.
Vawtbb Cbawvobd,
County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon.
. rtret to
nwa Tha
arrive with the talegraphlo
Wtki7 Orgcnlan.
NT) 773
will aid the
cook as
no other
agent will
to make
are many imitation baking powders,
from alum, mostly sold cheap. Avoid
as they make the food unwholesome.
A British dispatob from Makefiogsays:
On Maroh 3, the Boers furiously bom
barded Ibe brick fields aod trenches
about a mile from the town, for three
hours, killing sod wounding two
Colonials. March 5, they made a deter,
mined attaok. Owing lo a misunder-
t.nilfnn I L. . n.lMl.l . .j
pied, bat reserves were oalled np, and tbe
trench was reoaptured with a rush.
Tbe Boers are very active, and il taxes
Colonel Baden Powell aod the garrison
very heavily to prevent them enoroaohing
on oar lines. Hiooe Commandant 8nv-
man returned from the North tbe siege
has been proieouted with renewed vigor.
Boers are said lo be massing a strong
foroe on tbe Veal River, in tbe neigh
borhood ot tbe Klip Dam.
London, Mar.ll The Uoers may make
another tight, but Ihere is little doubl
that Ltord itoberts wilt oooupy Bloemfon
tein Wednesday.
Tbe Boers, retiring from Orange River.
will find themselves between two British
Brums, aod tbeir guns are almost bound
lo fall into tbe bands of tbe British.
while the occupation of Ibe capital of
Ibe Fiee 8tate will strain ibe alliance of
tbe two Republios lo tbe utmost.
the Ho vert men! will not allow the
Kroger Steyn appeal to influence in any
way their determination not to spare anv
effort t prosecute tbe war. Tbere will
be no diminution of measures oalonlaled
0 maintain tbe full efiloienoy of the
field force, and whatever reinforcements
were prevlonsly considered advisable
ill still be sent oot. The dispatch from
Cape Town, saying that General French
bas arrived at Bloemfooteio, probably
does not mean that be has entered the
J. Q. Wilson bas sold to George Gray
GOO 2-year-old wethers at $3 after shear
ing. Also sold 1200 yearlings to John
Blake at $1.50 for mixed end 82. '15 for
straight wethers.
Jobn McCarty has sold 1200 2 year-old
wethers to Charles White, at 83 a besd,
after shearing.
Norman Kelly has sold to George Gray
8(X) mixed yearlings at 82.50 a head after
. Emmet Coohran bas sold 800 mixed
yearlings to George Gray at $2 50 a bead
after shearing.
Jobn Blake hss sold 6000 wethers lo
ttobert Foster at 82 25,
The Oregonian of 13tb says: Dr. Wil
son, of Wyoming, is here to buy sbeep.
He thinks sheep raisers bold their stock
too bigb. "They will not say wbal they
want for yearlings after shearing, but
tbey Intimate $2 60 to $2 80, which is
away abyve what we can pay, and sbeep
can now be bought io Wyoming for less
than they can be bought io Oregon and
freighted to Rook Springs, allowing 50
cents a head for freight."
A New Explosive.
Dr. Tuttle, of Taooma, for years put
In most ot his time raising Angora goats
aod laughing at the Billies butting eaoh
otber. In one spell between kiddiog
and shearing he xperimeoted and in
vented a new xplosive tbat tears tbe In
side out of a marble mountain. It is
called Thorite, and tbe C. 8. oavy la
goiag to make xhauslive lesls of it. The
teats conducted by tbe army ordoanoe
officers bave prnvsd eminently satisfac
tory, and tbe navy contemplates lbs
sdoptioo of the material io tbat service
provided il meets tbe requirements. A
structure composed of 8 inch armor bss
been erected at the proving groood aod
will be attacked by a 10-inoh shell.
hoar CATTLE.
Five bead of oattle Inst, Four branded
with 3 bars on left bip. One branded
large II aoross left hip. All bave split
left ear. John Habrison,
71-3t. Usrdman, Or.
Always rUlablaTha Wekly OregonUB.