The Heppner Gazette Thursday, March 8, 1900 We hear the bellow ol the Bull, The wounded Lion'g roar. But Ood deala Justice out In full At the sharp tusks ol the Boer; Let nationa frown and races fight, No danger will we fear, We'll lit and drink Irom morn 'till night Milwaukee Lager Beer. Bold ooly at Belvedere saloon. Frank Rcbbrts, Prop. Here and Tfyere Heppner is steadily growing, and its future is abundantly assured. r R. C. WiIIb is building a new fence around his Jim Sperry residence and otherwise improving. At the O. R. & N. depot Agent Ker nan has a new red baggage truck with a carrying capacity of half a freight car. J. J. Roberts, the contractor, has gone ud Willow creek to build a big barn at Norman Kelly's home place. Men who make a specialty of whit tling down awning posts have the laugh on themselves when they tackle Qeorge Swaggart's, which are wearing a new coat of sheet-iron. - Albert and Bob Matteson were in Thursday from their homes on the head waters of Rhea creek. From upper Willow creek yesterday Hyle Corbin and Free Green were down. The winter has been pleasant enough up there to make garden in any month. Superintendent Preyn, of the Hepp ner .Liigm x water uo., put up some new and much larger transformers on Main street yesterday, and it was quite a job to hoist them. The Blake brothers, Gilliam county's leading sheepmen, with their families were over this week from their Rock creek possessions visiting relatives in Heppner. Geo. Vincent was in from Butter creek Saturday, and like other Morrow county fruit and stockmen is well pleased with the prospects. Call at Slonum's Drug store and get instructions free how to cure catarrah. T. R. Howard's store has everything in the grocery line needed by city trade. W. F. Brock, the rustling road agent of The Oregonian, blew into Heppner with the chinook breeze that came Mon day, and made several people happy by accepting their names to add to the swelling subscription list. Sheep-ranch outfits, stock salt, hats and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco, candy and nuts all these are sold at T. R. Howard's store. A stockbuyer is making contracts in Wallowa county to pay Z cents per pound for hogs, live weight, for June delivery. Mrs. Newt Jones arrived here the latter part of the week, being summoned to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. C. A. Rhea, whose condition still remains serious. A. M. Gunn has had a new sidewalk laid around his residence, and it is hoped that others will go and do like wise as soon as they can conveniently ont armmrl tn it.. Now is the time to get a first-class farm wagon at cost. Mr. Whiteis, pro prietor of The Fairis too busy with his many other lines of goods to handle wagons so he will close out at cost three Mitchell, Lewis & Staver 3 wagons at cost. Johnnie Beeler, the Caldwell pugilist and all around athlete, swooped down on this burg Wednesday. His moun tain orchard is looking fine and the prospects for fruit and other crops are good. Johnnie was about the first with nerve enough to give the mountains a trial on fruit production. His success is his reward, as he has proven beyond doubt that fruit matures well and is of fine quality. Several Lexington residents were do ing the sights in Heppner Saturday last among them being Chas. Johnson, the warehouse rustler. J. W. Williams, the Lone Rock livery stable keeper, was a welcome visitor amone HeDoner's business men this week. Lots of mud over there, he says, Heppner Gazette is on sale at Patter son & Son's drug store. Hominy both flake and lye at Mat lock & Hart's. Amonir the Lexingtonians visiting Heppner this week are Alva Leach, Charley Barnett and Bruce McAlister. Genial George Perrv, the Rock Creek stockman, is doing the sights in this metropolis this week. He expects to dispose of his cattle, as sheep and cattle A nn'fc wnrk well together on the same range. James Nunimaker, who now owns tr,e fine Frank Gilliam place in Spring Hollow, was in town Tuesday. His neighborhood is one of the most pro ductive parts of Morrow county. Slocum's Expectorant will cure that cough for 50 cents or money refunded. Improve your lawns, increase your feed, by sowing good grass seed such as is sold at E. R. Bishop's store. Heppner town lots are going to ad vance in value. To wind up some busi ness, three choice lots near the depot ..n nn7 h hniipht for 125 each, bee Wall, at Conser & Warren'B -M JJ ft ' ' druor store. ti. nwnriA iniinD nnenine of horse and male millinery is now on at JNobie & Co's harness store. Big stock ol everything. .ia on which von can keep tally on all kinds of games are now kept on (ale at the Heppner Gazette omoe. kidnev and liver troubles, Columbian Tea has no equal Price 25 cents a paean Drug Co's. iaor Bio re Enlarged. The big store of Minor & Co. has been made bigger by building a new iron warehouse at the rear, thus giving a floor capacity of 30x175 feet. A new skylight has been put in and new shelv ing mith new sliding ladders. The pew arrangement abolishes the former imAaA rendition of things and gives .1.- fi,m . rh.nce to display and attrac tively arrange its immense atock of general merchandise. LAND SALE. Henry Royce Sella 520 Acres for $5100. Henry Ferguson has just bought from Henry Koyce 520 acres at Hardman for $5100. Mr. Ferguson will farm the place and also run a hotel and feed stable. He came from Kansas last fall, and gave Morrow county a thorough test beore uuying. ne stayed here and farmed for a year 8 years ago, and then returned to Kansas, but now comes back to stay. Mr, Ferguson says Morrow county is a splendid farming country if people will farm right. People here do not realize the true value of their lands, and new comers find here the lowest prices and the best climate on earth. Wren Place Bold. The A. A. Wren place, in Stausberry canyon above town, has just been sold for $1000 to Mrs. Mary Bellenbrock. It consists of 50 acres, and has produced as high as 20 pounds of potatoes to the hill. Mrs. Wren is viry anxious to be near her sister, who lives near Elgin, in Grand Ronde valley, and for that reason the family will remove there. Morrow county has an excellent cli mate, and thousands of acres of low priced lunds, and within a year after it is discovered by homeseekers it is safe to say without stuttering that its popu lation will double. The day is not distant when every inch of land will be deeded and doubled up in price. If you want to buy a good 324-acre place at $5 an acre , call on J W. Redingtun, Gazette office. It is a fact that farms can be bought in Morrow county at such low prices that their first coiniog crop will pay for the land. M1LLINKH Y. Lillie E. Colin invites the ladies of Heppner and vicinity to inspect a fine line of millinery and pattern hats, at Palace Hotel parlors. Opening day Monday, March 19. Henry Forbush, editor of the sawmill at the head of Hippopotamus knelt, is down for supplies today, and says the frogs are all croaking up there. Heppner weather this morning is springy and balmy, thermometer at 45, with some symptoms of coming rain. Grass is green and growing, and all stock thriving. A secret of how to keep well ; take Slocum's Sarsaparilla. Large bottle, price $1. Three young couples who came up from Lexington Sunday evening to at tend church in Heppner had a bad half hour with a balky team. It took all sorts of persuasion to get one of the horses Btarted, but when he did start he sawed the air like Whispering Thompson used to with his gentle voice. The team plunged and scratched all the bark off the sidewalk, and down by the slotter-house broke the tongue short off at the pockets, and the boys had to put in a fence-pole to get home on. Don't overlook Matlock & Hart for fancy groceries. Home-seekers are dropping into Mor row county, and find land values very reasonable. Next week The Fair is going to have a grand opening of hats and hosiery. All styles. Go to Matlock & Hart's for your vege tables, fruits, etc., always fresh. Take Slocum's Sarsaparilla for catarrah, constipation and general de bility ; it has no equal. Levi J. Shaner, a pioneer who has lived 24 years in the Heppner hills, is in from Dairy ridge. There are barrels of opals in his opal mine on Peter's butte, and seme day they will be taken out. Try that New Orleans molasses, in bulk, at Matlock & Hart's. A garden is a spot of beauty and use fulness, especially if planted with good fresh seeds suoh as you can buy both in bulk or package at E. R. Bishop' store. Hlocum's Sarsaparilla is the best blood purifier on the market. Sold exolus ively by Slocum Drug Co., Heppner. Now select your garden and flower seeds in packages or bulk at E. R Bishop's store. Salt mackerel and herring at Matlock & Hart's. If vou want to secure any political honors during the coming campaign, print your announcement in the Gazette. Bavle's deviled and after dinner cheese at Matlock & Hart's. If vou want to buy some very low- priced ranches, see George Wells, Conser A Warren's drug store. Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken charere of the Imperial Hotel, of Port land. The reputation ot inese gentle men insures the success of the enter prise. The diningroom is excellently managed ana is unsurpassed. Have you paid your subscription to the Gazette ? cm COUNCIL. Chickens 'Banning at Large Should Wear Mocoasins and Aprons. Regular meeting wag held Monday night. Present: Mayor Gilliam, Councilmen Simom, Garrlguea, Rhea, Noble, Roberta; Recorder Williams and Marshal Thornton. The councilmen discussed aeveral matters touching the beat interests of the taxpayers, and the committee on atock atreet reported the work well done, at a total coat of about $200 for land and fencing. Marshal Thornton was in structed to place algn .boards at the end of the new atreet. Following bills were ordered paid: Fencing new atock atreet f 45 (10 One-half year's interest on water bonds.. 650 00 Fixing sawa 1 10 Marshal, February 60 00 Recorder 16 68 Treaaurer 9 33 Intereat of achool block warrant 80 00 Water and lights, February 93 00 Heppner Gazette.. 7 80 Petltlona for renewal of liquor licenses were granted to G. W. Swaggart, N. 8. Whetstone and Mollie Reed. The matter of building sidewalks came up, and Councilman Garrlguea advocated letting the matter rest until the mountain roads from the home sawmills became better, and that would give the people a chance to get out their lumber. All the councilmen took the same view of the case, and did not want to work any hardship on the taxpayers. It seemed to be the general opinion that if the sidewalks were finished in about four months from now, that would be the fair thing all round. Councilman Pap Simons promptly paid a bet that he made and lost with the mayor, by hand ing over a cigar as long aa your arm, made to order and hammered out on hia own anvil. It reminded old timers of the iron spikes the Snake Indiana used to shoot out of their Yager rifles. It took the eye of the councilmen, and would probably take their combined breaths to smoke it, and keep the workmen of the Btreet department busy shoveling its smoke out of the city ball. The subject of chickena running at large was cussed and discussed, and while it was freely admitted that the A merican hen was the best machine on earth for manufacturing eggs, and all were willing to take off their hats to her and give her front aeata and high hats at the opera, still, Councilman Pap Simona did not think it the fair thing to have the neighbor'a chickens fertilizing hia doorstep where he was not going to sow aeeda, and causing him to thus muss up the carpets when he went ho me after dark. Councilman Garrlguea also brought down the house by describing how he had to keep customers waiting while he shooed chick ena out of hia feed store. They came right in the front door, and said they couldn't read when their attention was politely called to the keep oft' the grass aigna. If the American hen doean't stay closer to her own fertilizer hill in Heppner she is liable to be branded and ordered kept up in the family safe, with no chance to catch cod'.in moths. The councilmen thoroughly discussed needed changes and repairs of lights, bridges and road ways, and all agreed to do everything neces sary as soon as possible. at Old Put Came Back. Eastern Oregon, with its bright sun shine and invigorating air, has a strong attraction for all who have ever lived here, and many of those who go away are glad to come back. This is not only true of human beings, but also of animals. Most old-timers of Heppner remem ber the Matteson race horse, Old Put, He was Lindsley stock, and in '78 Edgar Matteson used to keep red stockings on him and house him in a box stall, and he used to run against the Cochran and Sperry mares. b or years Old Flit's range was along the timbered edges of the Blue moun tains, from the bead of Horse Gulch to Woodrat canyon. In 1889 he was taken by a new owner to Puget Sound and put in pasture in the upper Puyallup vallev. He became disgusted with the damp ness, and one night took down the bars and skipped. Nothing more was heard of him until recently, when he suddenly turned up on his old range south of Heppner. Al though he has voted at two presidential elections since leaving here, he is still hale and hearty, and the swimming of riyers and floundering throw deep snows while crossing the mountains on his 350 mile trip have not washed off his brand. A horse that iivle Corbin sold here was taken to the Willamette valley and returned here by hand. He was again taken there, and may now be on his way back. Eastern Oregon climate is a strong attraction. Fraternal Call. A party of Heppner Masons, consist ing of Sheriff Andrews. Mayor Gilliam, Geo. Noble aod R. O. Wil's, drove down Sunday to visit Assessor J. F. Willis, bo hfif been very siok for some time past. These gentlemen report having a very pleasant drive, and finding Mr. Willis feeling brighter and batter than they expected. bttll More Counterfeiting. Tbe Seoret Service has unearthed an other band of counterfeiters and secured a large quantity ot bogus bills, whioh are so oleverly exeouted that tbe aver age person would never suspect tbem of being spurious. Things ot great value are always selected by counterfeiters for imitation, DQtably tbe celebrated Hos stelter's Stomach Bitters, which has many imitators but no fqaals for indi gestion, dvspepein, constipation, nervons ness and general debility. Tbe Bitters sets things right in the stomaon, end when the stnmaob is in good order mokes good bloorl and plenty of it. In ibis maoner tbe Biltere get at the seat of strength sod vitality, and restore vigor to tb wk and debilitated. Be. rare of counterfeits when buying. Good Land Right in Heppner at $ Acre. Wedding Bella. Judge A. G. Bartholomew and wife have issued invitations announcing a wedding at their Heppner home at noon on Wednesday, March 14. Tbe happy miinln will be their daui-hter, Eva E. Bartholomew, to Edmund E. Baling, -nrl thir mativ friends wish them a very prosperous future. Football. The Walla Walla football team will arrive here on tonight's train and the game wi'l be called tomorrow at 3 p. in. at tbe depot grounds. In the evening "Taggs,le Waif" will be produced at the opera house, followed by a social dance. Everybody join in. LINCOLN BUCKS. J. W. Blake will be in Heppner Frt day evening witn a lot of fine Lincoln bucks for sale. at Slocum The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose liver ere out of order. All snob should know that Dr. King's Ne Tifa Pill, the wonderfal stomsob and i; mmodv. rivea a soleodid appetite sound digestion and regular bjdily h.hit that inanres oerfeot health and Onlv 25c at Conser k Warren Drug Co. NOTICE. TVTOTI' E IS HEREBY GIVEN Til AT ON THE il 2Hth day of December, iww, A. W. haling of Hennner. Orecon. was only aliiirti:aiel bankrunt: and that the Drat meeting ol his cred Uirs will be held at room ftlH. worcest Building. Portland, Oregon, on the lfitn day ol March, iO0. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claim, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come oerore sain meemiKr. Vitea, r-ortiana, uregon, staran i, r". AI.KX. Hwkik, Referee lu Bankruptcy. rites as Uaadry. Heppner people will find it advisable and economical to have their ashiig done by the Heppner Steam Laundry, .!.,, nnlv mliable white labor is em- ..i....i f-milv wishinir will be done reed on bv the week. ikirta reduced to 10 cents. I ..r.nlM mv work to give satisfaction. 1 U .hofantf.rO No charges oniess wurs,,.. . Respectfully, Fbbd Kate. The Fair The Place to Save Money The Fair Remember that it was The Fair that made values better and prices lower. We Sell the "Brown Shoe Go's" 5 Shoes. Every pair having the above mark is thoroughly guaranteed in every respect. See Ttada Mark 5 Stamfted in Shank. Queen Bee. That Mark! Trade Mark 5 Sttmpsd In Shank. "Anchor" Shoe. It Means:-. Here's Where We Get Together. YOU WANT SHOES. WE'VE GOT SHOES. LATEST STYLES. jtjtBEST VALUES. $1.99 Buys the Shoe shown above, the Best for the Made by The money in town. Brown Shoe Co., the best shoe builders. Best material Under the sun. Yard wide values. Tasteful in design. Hurts not the purse Easy to the feet. Built for service Every day and Sunday. Style up-to-date. Thoroughly put together. We sell these Shoes. Men and women looking for their money's worth, buy them. The BrOWll TRADE MARK Shoo Vr fS Cr r. r TAMPIO IN SHANK. Dainty Footwear Shoes that please the eye and fit the feet are what you want. WeVe Got 'Em in all styles of Toes; Kid and Vesting Tops; Tan and Blade FAMOUS ST. LOUIS SHOES, MADE BY THE BROWN SHOE CO., PRO GRESS1YE SHOE BUILDERS. j ji J S2.98 Go.'s Is a small sum for a really stylish, ele gantly made and serviceable shoe. That's what the "Anchor" Ladies' Dress Shoe is.JJ Call and Examine Goods. The Fair Money returned if Goods are not Satisfatory. The Fair an Jim Jones authorizes me to sell 100 acres of his land on the south edge of Hepp ner, at the low price of $11 an acre. It is all good farming land, as can be seen by the good growing grain in Tom Avers field which ad- i joins it on the north. This tract will cut up into the most sightly residence lots in Heppner, and several of them will front on the main Court street, as they now abut on the county road. The town has already grown past this tract. There is no live town on earth with Heppner's population of 1200 and Heppner's big business, where land on its edge can be bought at SI 1 an acre. This tract is all under " fence. Apply to J. W. Redington, Gazette Orhcc, Heppner. Durine: the creat depression a few Morrow county places were taken in by loan companies which are now winding up business, ana i am now auuiorizea 10 sen uie places at very low figures, and give penect title, as loiiows Th T. a. nhrr nlsoa. NEW See. 34. i W. W. Stookdale place. 8 mile from T. 2 N.. R. 24 E. 160 sorei, looated ji'UngtOD; Via aores; bat all been emu near Doaglas pontofflce, about 20 miles vated and feooed. $175. north of Heppner. Price $250. Tbe Geo. W. Tbomaa plaoe, 8W 8eo. 30. T. 2 N., R. 24 E. 160 aoree, looated 3 mile frum above place. Price S200. Tbe Jasper Wlckbam place, 8W 8ec. 34, T. 2 N., R. 23 E. LooBted near Douglas postoffloe. Price $200. Ransom LieuallHD place, 14 miles from Castle Rook and 10 miles from Oeoil's; 160 sores, most of whicb bus beerj culti vate); frame bonse, stable aud orchard. Price $225. Tbe Liae Hendiix ranobes in Ibe timber, 25 miles southwest ot Heppner 480 ao res; booses aod stables; make an offer. IV R. Daren place, 18 miles from Castle Book; 160 acres; bas two wells aod small bouse and barn; $200. I W. II Beneflel plaoe, 172 sores; 12 miles northwest of Heppner;small bouse aud barn; all tillable; $226. i Heppner, Douglas, Lexington, Castle Hock aod Cecil's are all looated on the fdilrohd. I also offer three town lots in Mt. Vernon addition near the depot in Heppner, at $25 each. GEO. W. WELLS, Heppner, Oregon. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. Kind Yea Have Always Bought Bears tbe B'gaature of UUOD RANCH FOU H4I.K. A very good plaoe of 900 aoree, looated 6 miles northwest 'f Heppner, all feocwi, 40 acres in wheat and rye; 100 acres is bottom IhikI on Willow oreek, iu which there is a permsneot darn by which HO acres can be irrigated. The place is located right on tbe railroad, and arl joios fine farms, aod Is convenient to scbooU This pUcs is offered for atle because tt e owner is in business in Uu and ennoot attend to tbe ranch. Price $5000. 1. O. Boko, Heppner, Oiegoa. I To prove that it Is cheaper to sdvertlse tlia to hunt horses or hunt ixxiiile up iiersunally theiszt will irlve a SMM:Ui rata of 1 cent per worn ror notices inseruMi unner una neau. IXMT. Two ! sections ot my host breath liils rewanl lor its return to my ralitilt ranch at Urd Valler. Wimdi Ji . 1AMT, Mlxteen acres ol mj moral charact and two sax of my reputation for veracity; re- tarn to my palatial residence, corner Yellow stone avenue and Tlnpot Alley. Tum Huxuar TO BWAF.-A IIVO dO for two 1'4 cats. K, Nrviu.e. Henry Heppner's WAREHOUSE -HEPPNER & CO. GENERAL WOOL WAREHOUSING and GRAIN Gasii ftdvanGGS made on Wool and Grain Highest Pr.ce Paid for HD&$ gnfl fUJ Feed and Seed Grain always on hand Wool Sacks and Grain Bags For Sale Little's and Black Leaf Sheep Dips Come to Morrow County for low-priced lands. Values are sure to double up. Nev er again will land sell so low as it does now. At So an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles south of Heppner; almost all good plow land, has running water and is under fence; will make a good home for some farmer or stock man. If not sold soon will be rented on shares to farm. It adjoins the places of Tom Quaid, D. A. I Ierren, VVm, Penland and Jas. Hayes. Apply to J. W. Redington, Gazette Office, Heppner. OUR SPRING OPENING OF HQrse qnd Mule Millinery Is Now On, We havs a full stock of Harness, Baddies, Bridles, -In fact, everything In the way of Home Furniture, and our price are as low as such reliable goods run be sold for anywhere. We have Tenia for camping, and big Umbrellas to shade wagon scats, Main Btreet CO., Heppner, Oregon. Hon VV. R. Ellis baa 210 acres 4 miles west of Heppner at $1000. It is under fence and bas a good spriog. -turn !Kljr Ure40nUa.