Walking the Floor. When a business man gets to the point where he cannot sleep at night, where he is so shattered of nerve that it is torture to even remain in his bed, and he has to get up and pace the floor it is time for that man to bring himself up with a round turn. If he does not, it means nervous prostration and mental, if not physical, death. For a man who gets into this condition there is a remedy that will brace him up, put him on his feet and make a man of him again, it is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It goes to the bottom of things. It searches out the first cause. When a man is in this condition you can put your finger on one of two spots and hit that first cause the stomach or the liver or both. This great medicine acts directly on these spots. It promptly transforms a weak stom ach into a healthy one. It facilitates the flow of digestive juices and makes diges tion and assimilation perfect. It gives a man an appetite like a boy's. It invigor ates the liver. It fills the blood with the life-giving elements of the food, and makes it pure, rich, red and plentiful. The blood is the life current, and when it is filled with the elements that build new and healthy tissues, it does not take long to make a man well and strong. It builds firm, muscular flesh tissues and strong and steady nerve fibers. It puts new life, vigor and vitality into every atom and organ of the body. It cures nervous exhaustion and prostration. Nothing "just as good" can be found at medicine stores. " I had suffered shout eleven years with a pain In the back of ray head and back," writes Mr. Kobert Hubbard, of Vamer, Lincoln Co., Ark. " I suffered for eleven years and spent a (treat deal of money for doctors and medicine, but did not get relief: Then I tried four bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and improved great ly. I sent for five more and now ant glad to tell everyone that I am in good health." Mary's Little Lambs. The Ban ia ebiniog Bud the meadow larks Bre aingiDg in the Heppner hills today, and soon the sunny slopes will be tamed into a nursery and playground for Mary's little laxbe. A few hundred of them have already arrived, and the main army will begin dropping March 15 in the region down toward the Columbia. Around Beppner tbey arrive from March 25 to April 1. Tbey are all mother's joys, and never know that they ever had a father. Considering the heavy fleeoe sheared off and the coupon lambs torn off, the Heppner sheep is now one of the best investments on earth, and Mary should be blessed for having the first one. Prime Meats. Morrow oounty is a great grazing region, and produces the best meats on earth. A call at Book & Mathews' Lib erty market gives yon a chance to see Heppner bills meats as they are. Such beef and mutton are not surpassed any wbere. A yearling; bog banging up there now dressed 425 ponnds. It was raised by Mrs. Peck. The Stanton hog mhinK nenamanrail thin vnnrWaf sit ita great Ohristmns display, weighed C45 pounds. North wostorn Mutual Life Insurance Co. Preeminently the polioy-bolders' com pany. Biggest dividends and most liberal treatment. Actual results at tained need as a basis. Any style of desirable polioy. L. V. Briggs, looal egent, with office in Thompson building, over post oflioe. Call and let him ex plain the plans. MOOD RANCH FOlt BALK. A very good plaoe ot 900 sores, looated 6 miles northwest of Heppner, all fenced, 40 acres in wheat and rye; ICO sores is bottom land on Willow oreek, in wbioh there is a permanent dam by wbioh 80 sores can be irrigated. Tbe place is located right on tbe railroad, and ad joins fine farms, and Is convenient to aobool. This plaoe la offered for sale because tbe owner is in business in town and cannot attend to tbe rancb. Price (5000. Apply to or address T. O. Borg, Heppner, Oregon. ij'rjEQU flTIIwpllnifl i fill I ' rc1 Aa vifllfflllllllCiTTllN II Hv)) AW lift iMMiiMMyATgi vAYwa II llllllW if WW .J HbI !!itS ahou BistAUt or rss : yJ- ff K It I f Jv2 yjf 1 1 1 ill i Chamberlain Meiiie Co; k vm! IlllllJiNllllllIm. Ml Mil! MAKVrjCTVMJM rMAMMAClin, W xW minUMWKS. 1 fi III OsMo1nea,low,U8.A - A WfMwM, : JNEQUAlIfDAjKV SiPBICE, Tf EKTT-F1TB CEMTla JN EQUALLED I tSj ''QlhvSw 1 ICwrtsM uaaadwrttia a Oa. Mai "ll A PLEASANT I REPUBLICAN STATU! CONVENTION. Thursday, April 12, the Republican State Convention will meet at Portland, and will consist ot 336 delegates. The ratio of represen tation Is one delegate at large for each county and one for every 150 votes cast for Governor Oeer In 1898, and one for each fraction of 75 or over. On this basis the representatives by counties will be as follows: Vote Dele r Geer. gates. 1,191 9 . 995 8 . 2,161 15 . 1,588 12 . 724 6 . 957 7 . 667 S . 301 3 . 1,653 12 . 554 i . 97S 7 . 347 3 . 1,350 10 . 825 7 . 459 4 . 433 4 . LW9 14 . 479 4 . 1,932 14 . 387 4 . 3,116 22 . 613 5 10,351 70 . 1.367 . 478 4 . 935 5 . 1.847 13 . 1.625 11 . 538 & . 1.360 10 . 1,741 13 . SS9 4 . 1,616 It S3 Baker Benton Clackamas . . Coos... Crook . Douglas . Grant... Barney. Lake., Lane. Llncol Linn. Polk. Dnlon Wallowa Wasco Washington.. REPUBLICAN COUNT CONTENTION. Will be Held Is Heppner April 7. Primaries March 31. The Morrow County Bepublloan cen tral oommittee met at the Palsoe Hotel Saturday, R. F. Hyod presiding, Dr. E R. Hunlook secretary. It was decided to bold tbe Republican primaries for Morrow oounty at 2 p. m. Marob 31, and tbe oounty convention at 10:30 a. m. April 7. Tbe delegates to tbe ooovention will number 49, and tbeoffioial oall published today shows bow many eaoh preoinot is entitled to. At The Pots. Charles Bell visited Heppner Monday and brought news of general thrift np at the Eagle sawmill on the head ot Butter creek, two miles from Tbe Pota, where many new aettlera have made homes aud are raising sheep, cattle and grain, and prospering at it. Tbe Eegle mill ia located wbere tbe old White mill used to be, and is run by J. A. MoLoughlin, who is just finishing a log obute a quarter of a mile long whiob will save four miles of travel. Lumber from this mill is hauled to Heppner, 35 miles, and to Pendleton, 45 miles. At the latter point it sells at &!0 for clear. At tbe mill prices are $10 rougb, 810 to $20 dressed. Mr. Bell is a pioneer who came to Morrow oounty 20 years ago, and settled in tbe Alpine neighborhood. Brave Men Tall Viotims to stomaoh, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons In tbe blood, backache, nervousness, bsadaobs and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, ind. lie says: iiieolrio Bitters are jost the thing for a man when be is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more te give me new strength and good appetite than anything I oould take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on lite." Only 50 cents, at Uonser 4 warren Drag Oo. Every bottle guaranteed. Death at Eight Mile. Mrs. Staoy Roberts died at her home at Eight Mils Center Sunday afternoon, in confinement. Mrs. Roberts was a most estimable woman, and ber sodden death baa cast a gloom over that com munity, In which she was universally reepeoted. She was a pioneer ot the neighborhood, having settled there 16 years ago. Cass Fuquay and Elihu Slanton came to Heppner Moodsy for tbe oasket. EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. Conser Tbe Oregonian. Beyond a doubt tbe Portland Oregon- ian is the ablest all round newspaper in tbe Paciflo Northwest. It is indispensa ble in connection with keeping track ot tbe world's progress. It reaobes Hepp ner at midnight on day oi iesue and men stay up and await its arrival. It is kept on sale at Patterson & Son's drug store, sod it always does the fair thing for Heppner and Morrow oounty. Dp Balm Fork. Prosperity and spring weather prevail in this favored locality. D. A Herren has enlarged and rebuilt bis bouse, and baa a good start in lambs. At tbe Qaaid ranobes are (he biggest haystacks in tbe oouolry, but they are not needed at present. At Albert Osmin's raoob there is a big aoreage in growing grain on tbe rion north slope, and the woodpile in front of bis feooe it big enough to warm the world. RECENT ARRIVALS AT PALACE HOTEL- JoeLuckman, Butt'r Cr J C Long. Heppner RBWhited " C L Cason " H C Ashbaugh, 8 Mile W A Gilliam, Heppner C W Oney. ' Alex Cornett, Lena F Kilkenny, Sand Hoi Jaa Curran, " " J M Williams, Lone Rk Harry Parsell, Heppner A Tillard B W Becket, 8 Mile Arthur Daly, Heppner A Hod son " Ed Schircinger, But'r Cr John ZolUnger, " " J A KUbourn, " " M Kelly, " " Mrs C B McCarter, Baker J Endlcott, LehmanSpgs Jeff Neal, Lone Rock M Abraham, Portland B May, Portland F Bories " C L Kelthley, Heppn'r C W Repass, Hardman Nat Webb, Walla W G Collins, Portland A Cars " W D Simmons " M Kenny, Lena H C Gay, Rhea Creek LINGERING LETTERS. Postmaster Vaughn wants owners for letters addressed as follows: Wm Gambble; Tbos Buckley; PE Dahlstrom; W A Cummins; J W Cox; J B Brown; Emma Bailor; v7 H Gar ner 3; Anna Bradley, Wm Mowrort; J O MoOoy, Q W Dnnoan; Mrs W T His- lop, K Hughes; Bart Wheeler; JJ u Reese; J K Stout 2. Btoffed Clubs. Tbe Heppner Gazette has arranged to stuff itself into a benovelent trust with otber papers and thus give subscribers tbe benefit of reduoed rstes, as follows: Portland Oregonian and Heppner Ga zette one year, 82.50. Heppner Gazette and East Oregonian aemi-weekiy, $2.75; weekly $2 25. Tbe Heppner Gazette oflioe will fur nish you any paper or magazine in tbe world at a reduoed rate. Dragged and Kicked. Ernest Cooper came pretty near to death's door Sunday afternoon. He had slopped to dinner at Jim Jones' ranch, and in starting away fell off his horse and was dragged and kioked for 500 feet. Tbe horse bad been drinking. Word oame to town that Cooper was dead, and Marshal Thornton and Dil Garrigues rushed up. Tbey worked with him quite a while before tbey could bring him back to Ufa. Speaking ot the mutter yesterday a man said tbat if Willow oreek was running bank-full of straight, strong oider, and Cooper's horse was at the mouth of tbe oreek, not a drop of it would be allowed to run into tbe Colum bia river. Remarkable Cares of Rheumatism. From the Vindicator, Rutheriordton, N, C. Tha editor of tbe Vindicator has had occasion to test ths the efficiency ot Chamberlain's Pain Balm twioe with tbe most remarkable results in eaoh cbrs. First, witb rheumatism in the ebonlder from whiob be suffered excruciating pain for ten days, wbiob was relieved witb two applications of Pain Balm, rubbing tbe parts afHloted and realizing instant benefit and entire relief in a very short time. Beoond, in rheumatism in thigh joint, almost prostrating bim with severs pain, wbiob was relieved by two appli cations, rubbing witb tbe liniment on retiring at nigbt, and getting up free trom pain. For sale by Conger & Warren. CHURCH NOTICES. Subjects at the M. E. churob next Sunday will be "Unfinished Life Build ings" at 11 a. m., and, "Tbe New Woman ot tbe 20th Century" at 7 p. m. 8? VVnrren. GRANT X)UNTV NEW8. Canyon City News. Engineers In the employ of the Columbia Southern Railway company have been making John Day their headquarters lor several days. They confidently assert that the snort of the iron horse will be heard In John Day valley in side of two years. Several wide-awake mining men have been In our town during the past week looking after quartz or placer mining property. They repre sent large capital and are ready and anxious to invest in any claim or claims that have been sufficiently developed to warrant a purchase. Dr. Crockett has returned to Long Creek. To a News reporter he stated that all danger from smallpox was over and there need be no more fear. There has been but the one case In our city and the cfty authorities are deserving of commendation for the manner in which they handled the reins during the recent scare. Every precaution possible was taken and the disease was confined to the one person, who came from Sumpter, where he had already contracted the malady. The Lawton Investment Co. has bought from E, J. Summervllle the beautiful tract of land which lies at the lorks of Granite and Clear creeks, at which Is to be located the new min ing town of Lawton, Blue Mountain Eagle On the Monument-Canyon City mail line, the stage bound for Canyon "hung up" on School House hill Wednesday night, and before the driver had abandoned his vehicle, the stage from Canyon came up and attempted to pass on the narrow grade. The vehicle went over the grade, and was smashed to pieces as It rolled down the hill into the gulch below. Tbe driver and horses escaped Injury. This is not the first accident that has happened on that grade, but It is about the most complete wreck. "Look out for my left arm" is heard from all as the result of vaccination at John Day. Sev eral are quite sick from the aforesaid cause. Ralph Reiter has leased the Bmyers hotel at Susanville. In regard to reports that Dawson was being deserted, W. M. Rudlo says: "Too much actual gold is being taken out trom the ground near the town for people to desert it. It Is now dem onstrated that the mines of that district are regularly paying properties, and wll be for many years." Thanks to All. To the many newspapers of tbe North west whiob have reoently printed so many kind notioea of tbe Heppner Ga zette and its new editor, this paper re turns its thanks, with tbe wish that an abundant share ot prosperity may be theirs. Children's Column. Tbe Heppner Gazette is freely open to all writers who wish to dieoues live sub jeots, and it invites obildren who may want to write short stories, to send tbem in. An Instant Adjuster. Many a man baa sworn at tbe slow prooeBs of adjustment of a monkey wrencb, especially when it was rusty. Now a Heppner man is going to abolish all that swearing. W. T. Hatten has seoured a patent on a clutob wrencb whioh Is wonderful for simplioitv. It will adjust itself on tbe instant, without stutteriog. Mr. Hatten has gone' east to dispose of his invention, which is sure to take everywhere. Mr. Hatten is also a member of the new Canyon Creek mining Co', and shows some rock riob in gold taken from tbe oompany's tunnel near Canyon Uity. He is having deserved good luok. Working Night and Day. Tbe busiest and mightiest little thing tbat ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Fills. Every pill is a sugar coated globule ot health, tbat obaoges weak ness into strength, listlessness ioto ener gy brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building np tbe health Only 25 o per box. Sold by Conser Warren Drug Co. Rock Island Passenger Department Is Pro gresslve. The Rook Island Railroad is distribut iog a new map of the United States, of reoent revision, aod in everv way up to date. It is o s feet, printed on ex tra heavy paper, aod bound suitably to bang oo tbe wall. A great many ot these maps have been sent to hotels and public places, and many requests from school houses bave been received and oomplied witb. Tbe Rook Island passenger depart merit has also issued a neat booklet, en titled "Passenger Trains, Great Kock Island Kouta, Home questions Answered.' The booklet is attractively gntton np, aod in addition to valuable information in regard to running time aod equipment of the Kook Inland trains, contains a full page map, oorreot in every detail. The CALIFORNIA ROHK CO., Los Angeles. Cal , are headquarters o( the coast for nice field grown ROHK BUSHKS All the latest and best sorts. Bend for a catalogue today. 6-7U VIA Southern Pacific Co Leave Dopot Fifth and I Sts Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TKAINS, for Salem, Roaeburg, Ash land, Sacramento, Og den, Sau Francisco, Moiave, Ioa Angeles, El I'aao, New Orleans and the East. 7:10 P M 8:30 A M 9; 15 A M 7:00 P M At Woodburn (dally except Sunday), morn lng train connects with train for Mt. Au gel, Silvertou, Browns vllle, Springfield and Natron, aud evening train for Mt. Angel and Silvertou. 7:30 A M ;45 P M Corvallts Passenger. Sheridan Passenger. 1111:50 PM 118:25 A M Daily. IIDaily except Suuday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Sac ramento and San Francisco Net rates $17 nrst clam and In second class. Including sleeper Rates nd tickets to Eastern Points and Europe- Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLl LU and Al sTKAl.U. (n b obtained from 1. B. KIKKLAND, Ticket Ageut, 134 Third St. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, toot of Jenersou Street. Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20 9 4n a. m : U to, 1:56, 3 t, 5 1 6:25,6:05. 1130 p. m : aud V.'OO a. m. on Sumlavs only. Arrive at Portland dally at :.', 8:30, 10.50 a. m.; 1:35, 3 15. i:M, XK 7 10, 10 00 p. in.: 13 W a. m. daily, except Monday; H:H0 and 10:05 a, in. on Sundays onlv. Iave for PhIIm da'ly, esrept Sunday, at s:30 p. tu. Arilve at Portland at 9::a. m. Passenger train leaves HalMa for Airlie Mon dys. Nntnt'iktay and Friday at 2 1.'' p m. Returns Tuesdavs, Thursdays aud Saturdays. Except Suuday. &KOKHLKR, Manager. C, H. MAKXHAM, 4n. t. A P. Agt, Portland. Oragoa A Winter Freighting.. Heppner as a railroad terminns ia tbe great shipping point for forwarding goods to the interior stook, farming sod mining oonntry wbioh stretches away for hundreds of miles to the south, southeast and southwest. Thousands of tons ot goods go from here, and all are hauled in wagons. This wagon-freigbting is now going on with no interruption on account of the so-called winter. Three-wagons pulled out of Heppner Saturday, manned by Tip Williams, Charles Eincaid and John Geinger. Tbey made a final start witb tbe merry jingle of bells from in front of tbe big store of Minor & Co., and will unload their general merohan diee 55 miles away. The Eagle Will Scream. A large eagle wbioh bad been held a oaptive curio in Heppner for some time was pardoned out and given his liberty Saturday. At first be seemed lotb to leave towD, and lighted on adjoining hillsides. But so soon as some boy preeented him with a copy of the Hepp ner Gazette in which be read of an early crop ot lambs at tbe ranches of Dave Herren and Henry Gay be sailed away toward those plaoes, and will no doubt meet with a warm reoeption and be made to soream when a obarge of book shot rattles off his ribs. LOST CATTLE. Five bead of oattle lost. Four branded witb 3 bars on left bip. One branded large H aoross left bip, All have split left ear. John Habbison, 71-3t. Hardman, Or. NOTICE OF INTENTION. "PVEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND u omce at im uranoe, or., r eDruary zi. isuu. Notice Is hereby ulven that the followinc- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow countv. at Henoner. Oreeon, on April 14, 1900, viz: Homestead entry 8058 of LOUIS M. BOMMERFIELD, of Heppner, Or. for the southeast of northeast U and east 'A of southeast H and southwest K of southeast !4 of sectlou 17, township 2 south, ra nee a ease. tie names me louowing witnesses w prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: Oswald Huebler, Henry Hopkins, Louis Holstein and Herman Reuben?, an ot Miuon, uregon. 7l-o Hi. w. hartlbtt, KegiBter, NOTICE OF INTENTION. TAEPARTkIENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND u umce at The Dalles, ore., DeD. ia, iuuu. Notice is herebv given that the following, named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, uuitea states commissioner, at tieppner, uregon, on satuoay, March ill, ivw, viz: ALEXANDER L. WALKER, one of the heirs and for the heirs of John R. Walker, deceased, of Hardman. Oregon. Homestead entry No. 5163 for the east W north west U and east V, southwest H section 33, township 2 south, range 25 E. W. M. He nameB the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: Henry Padberg of lone, Ore gon. Raluh Benge of Lexington, Oregon. George Y . Kami oi tieppner, uregon, vviniam a., kicks of Hardman. Oregon. Jay P. Lucas, 70-5 Register. Depart fob TIME SCHEDULES From Heppner. Akrivs fbok 10:00 a. m. Salt Lake, Denver, 10:15 p. m, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, tit. Louis. Chicago. Portland, Walla Walla, Bpokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul. Duluth, Mil waukee, aud the East. 8.00 p. m. Ockasc Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. For San Francisco- Hail Dee. 3. 8. 13. 18 23, 28 every a days 8:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. Columbia River Stkamers. 4:00 n, m, Ex. Sunday To Astoria and Way uumings. (5:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday Willamette River 4:30 D. m. Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and V ay Landings. 7:00 a. ra. Tues., Thin, and Sat. willamktts and 3:30 p.m. Yamhill Rivers. Mon., Wed and Fri. Oregon City, Dav- ton 4 Way Laui d- ings. 6:00a. m. Tues. Thurs. aud Sat. Willamette River 4:30 D.m Mon., Wed Portland to Corval. lis & Way Land ings. aud Frt, Snaki River. Riparla to Lewlston Lv. Riparla 1:20 a. m daily Lv. Lewiatoa 8:30 a. daily Passengers booked for all Foreig Countries. J. M. KERN AN, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. J ji QUICKEST AND MOST DIRECT LINE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and. al Poinis EASI and SOUTH- EAST. LOOK AT THE TIME. I NEW YORK, 4 days : CHICAGO, 3 1ST. LOUIS, S " I OMAHA, 3 " ; SALT LAKE, 1 J " J. a HART, Agent O. R. A N. Co., Heppoer, OregoQ O. O. Tebrv, W. E. Ooman, Trav. Pas. Act. Gtn'l Agt. 124 Third St., Portland. Ore. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Owm and Wiurtat tfct N. lTH!Mt a lttiartmot fewta. Blow riilfl to Rrstor Om I Bur to it Toutbful Color. 1 mm rip ihhm a our laiuitf. OoMoIaL SBOBTUNEBr - GREAT ROCK - Fast Express Leaves DENVER, . . 9:80 p. m. ruismio. . . 7.0s p. m. "COLO. SPRINGS . . 8:0 d m. Arrives 1'OPEKA Arrives KANSAS CITY 8:55 p. BKX) p. Arrives LINJOLN 2:11 p. m. 4:25 p. m. 9:80 p. m. 11-20 a. m. 8110 a. in. " OMAHA " DES MOINES " PEORIA " CHICAGO Through Sleepers and Chair Cars Colorado to Chicago, wide vestiDuie throughout. The finest train in the West. For particulars and folders giving time ot these L. DE BEVOISE, E. E. M'LEOO, JNO. SEBASTIAN, PORTLAND, ORE. A. G. P. A.. TOPEKA. G. P. A., CHICAGO THROUGH TICKETS TO THE East and Southeast VIA THE H R. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. Portland to Eastern Cities Without Change. Qniok Time. Union Depots. Personally Conducted Excursions. Baggage Checked to Destination. Low lta tea. Direct line to Trans-MississiDoi and Inter national KxDosition held at Omaha. Nebraska, June to November, Write undersigned tor rotes, time tables and other information pertaining to Union Paoifio R. R. . J. H. LOTHROP. or J. u. HAKT Agt-i Gen. Airt.. 135 8d St., O. R. AN. Co., Portland, Ur Heppner, ur. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. LAND Office at La Grande.Or., January 6, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final Droof in Bupport of his claim. and that said proof will be made before the Uounty UlerK, umaiina uounty, uregon, ai fendleton, uregon, on Marcn 0, iwu, viz; Homestead entry No. 6647 of ORRINA. SIMONTON, Gurdane, Umatilla Co., Ore., for the EJ4. NEK Sen. 9. WV4 N WU Bee. 10 Td 4 S R 80 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Thomas B. Gurdane, Pendleton, Oregon; Charles R. Cate, John W. Kay ana ifraun . uartnorn, uuraane, uregon. E W. Bartlett, 6-71, Register, NOTICE OF INTENTION. PVEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND JL Ottlce at La Urande, ore. , January au, laou Notice is herebv Biven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final nroof in sunoort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Vawter Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 16, 1900, viz: Homestead entry 6322 of ROBERT M HART, for the southwest M of section 13, township 1 South, ranee 27. E. W. M. He nameB the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: I'aul tiisier, jonn mess, jonn Buseick and Edward F. Day, all of Heppner, uregon. 7-71 E. W. Bartlktt, Register NO TICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Ore., January 30 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim; and tnat said proot will De sitae oeiorej.n. mor row, United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 19, 1900, viz: Homestead entry 7869, of 8AMUEL M. TEED For the south H northwest , northeast M eolith west and northwest hi southeast section 34, township 2 south, range 28 east W M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James Gilllllin, Thomas Kilkenny. Frank E. McKnlght and Mack Smith all of Heppner, Oregon. 7-72 E. W. Babtlitt, Register.. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grand, Or., January 31. 190!!. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 15, 1900, viz: Homestead entry No. 8902 of JAMES H. LONG For the southeast southwest H section 5, and north northwest 54 and northwest north east section 8, township 4 south, range 29 eastW M. He names the following witnesses to prove his coutiuuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James M. Wllklson, Jerry Brnsuan, Elihu Tyler and William E. Straight all of Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon. 7-72 E. W. Babtlitt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Or., January 30, 19U0. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of bis Intention to make final proof In support of hit claim, and taat said proof will be made before J W. Mor row, Uuited States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 16, 1900, viz: Homestead entry No. 8892 of ROBERT 8. CLARK For the south southeast M, northeast i southeast and southeast H northeast ! sec tion 9, township 4 south, range 29 east W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Jerry Brosnan and Hezikiah Tippett. of Heppner, Or., Abraham B. Chapman, of v inson, Umatilla county, Or., and James Pearson, of Gurdane, Umatilla county, Or. 7-72 E. W. Babtlitt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Omce at (La Grande, Or., January 30, 1'KJG. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hit claim and that said proof will be made before V. Craw ford , County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 16, 1900, vis: Homestead entry No 7013 of JOHN ZOLLINGER, of Heppner, Or., For the north H northwest U and west H of northeast section 12, township 5 south, range 27 east W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his cttntinuons residence upon and cultivation ol said land, viz: Louis Groshens, Samuel Crea te 11, Lafayette Penland and George Thorn tou, all of Heppner, Oregon. 7 72 . E. W. Babtlitt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THIS INTERIOR, LAND Omo at The Pallea. Ore., Feb. , 1. Notic is hereby given that the follow Ing naraeri e? ttler has filed notice of hit Intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that sal.t prool will be made before J. W. Mor row, toned Statet commissioner, at Herpner, Oregon, on Friday, March 23, 19U0, tu: fOHN D. HICKEY. el Beppner, Ore , RnmMtAad entrv No. VF1. for the east south west ' an-.i east H northwest section 7, town- thip 3 south, range 26 east W M. I He names the iollowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence uoon and cultivation ' of said laud, vis: Matt Hughes, Krneet Cupper, Patrick piilaue aud vt. J- -rroii, an 01 Heppner, Oteson, . ik J- P. Li'cas, RegUter. HON PACIFIC FAST TRHIH SERVICE DAILY TO THE EAST ISLAND ROUTE. Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER " COLO. SPRINGS Arrives TOPEKA " KANSAS CITY 2:85 p. m 2:85 p. m 7:80 a. m 9:15 a. m Ar. ST. LOUIS, (Wab.K'y) 6:15 p. m Arrives ST. JOSEPH 10:40 a. m Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Sun) 8:48 s. m " OMAHA (Ex Bun) . 8:r.0a. m " CO.tiLTJFiB, . . 9.10 a. m Through Sleepers Colorado Springs to Bt. Louis via Wabash K'y- trains write Gordon's Feed and Sale Stable Has lust been opened to the public and Mr. Gordon, the proprietor, kindly invites his friends to call and try his first-class accommodations. nn.ty of Hay emd. G-raJja. fox Sad Stable located on west side of Main street between Wm. Scrivner's and A. M. Gunn's blacksmith shops. For the ladles A fine horse and lady's ealdle. grow paying crops because they re fresh and always tbe beat. For sale everywhere. Refuse substitutes. Stick to Ferry's Seeds and prosper. 1900 Seed Annual free. Write for It D. M. FERRY A CO., Detroit, Mich. CONTEST NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalle, Ore., February 13, 1900. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office bv Ernest W. Movers, conteitant. against homestead entry No. 4756, made July ii.irh, Kir norui y, nonneast. ana norm ft northwest section 25, township 8 south, range 25 east, by Belle Howell, formerly Belle Thomas, coutestee, in which It Is alleged that said Belle Howell, formerly Belle Thomas, has wholly abandoned said tract; that she has changed her residence therefrom for more than six montliB since making said entry, and that said entrywoman is not engaged in the army, navy or marine service of the United 8tates, said parties are hereby notified to appear, re spond and ofl'er evidence touching Bald allega tion at 10 o'clock a, in. on April 7, 1900, before Vawter Crawford, county clerk, at his residence at Heppner, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m, on April 14. 1900, be fore the Register and Receiver at the United States land office in The Dalles. Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit, filed February 18, 1900, set forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal service of this. notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. 9-74 Jay P. Ldcas, Register. Timber Culture, Final Proof. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, THE Dalles, Oregon, Febiuary 26, 1900. Notice is hereby given that RoBetta Wheeler, formerly Rosetta Swaggart, of Pendleton, Ore gon, has filed notice of intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, Uuited States Com missioner at his office in Heppner, Oregon, on Friday the 6th day of April, TOO, on timber culture application No. 8261 for the northwest H southwest hi, south southwest and southwest southeast H of section No. 12, in township No. 1 south, range No. 28 E W M. She names as witnesses: Evans Gregorien and Benj. V. Swaggart, of Heppner, Or , and Ernest Piper and Jefferson Evans, of Lexing ton, Oregon. 71-8 Jay P. Lucas, Regiiter. Yellow Stont) Park Una THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. NORTHERN PACIFIC Rl Leave- Depot Fifth and i Sis. Arr- No. 2 Fast Mail for Tacoma, No. 1 Seattle, Aberdeen, South Dend, Spokane, Helena, 11A.M. Butte, Anaconda, St. 10:15 A.M. Paul, Chicago, New York. Boston, snd all east. No. 8 Portland. Timmi anA No.J 11 P. M Seattle Express, for Ta coma, Seattle, Olympia and intermedin main. e P. M. Iline points. 8 DAY8 to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omana, " vny aim oiner juittourl river point. 8! DAYS to St Louis, Milwaukee and Chi cago. i DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and other far-Eastern points. Union depot connections In all principal cities Bsggage checked through to destination of tickets. Union depot, Portland, foot of Sixth tt For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, maps oi routes and other information, call on write A. D. CHARLTON, AssiBtant General Passenger Agent, 256 Morri son St., Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon, viair rlR. JnDniMte I UUSEUU OF ANATOUyr 1 anvwa una us lmatk.1 1 , - V.nVl viiHurii 1 1 H .1 nroon trtri. 0B. JOROAH-rUIVATI DIRtAStt ( er.UonV or ir" ' rrona mil nh?ili JI'..5'"rM 1 ' rnn. Wtrvom and phy ileal UtMilto 1 f anlr irn.H T-3,r. "V n " UI Bet , iuri. Th. r.',o7'. '""'!:,?" ?;nt ( t mirmol but w,i. kWB to b. .J I la bp-cUlty-IM., W'Jt 1 1:7 .th J"'J2iv ' 1 Drii pe r s.ni.r.j2ar i aor "."11 ,T,n r W m ' r. .u o nwmnip'alnt. CHAR;i.1 r.- BMASOXAJiltl lr-'lmiit penmnallr ,u l.. Wrlr ... o . . . ' " ' " I booaiur mi-Tro.".-. ."!"'" taabl. OH lORtUH ft CO.. 1051 MaritM St.! I