Portland Library WEEKLY GAZETTE Subscription price. $1.50 OFFICIAL PAPER I WEEKLY GAZETTE Subscription Price, $1.50 Leads In Prestige Leads In Circulation... Leads In News The Paper Is Published Strictly In the Interests of Morrow County and its Taxpayers. Is the Official and Recognized Represent ative Journal of the County. SEVENTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH. 1 , 1900. NO. 771 The Heppner Gazette la published every Thursday by J. W. RE DING-TON. SUBSCRIPTION On Year -Six Months Three Months RATES SI. 80 78 BO Entered at the PoBtofflce at Heppner, Oregon, ai second-class matter. OFnCU.Ii DISEOTOET. Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Proseouting Attorney V....H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. J int Senator J. W. Morrow R tpreaentative. E. L. Freeland C nntyJadge A. G. Bartholomew ' Commissioners J . L. Howard J. W. Beckett. " Clerk .Vawter Crawford " Sheriff A.Andrews " Treasurer fit. Lichteothal " Assessor J. F. Willis " Surveyor... Julius Keithly " Hohool Sup't Jay W. Shipley " C irouer Dr. . B. Hunlosk HKPPNKB TOWM OFFICERS. ' Mayor Frank Gilliam Onuncilraen 8. P. GnrriKUs, J. R. Simons. J. J. Roberts, E. W Rhea, Geo. NoMe and Thos. Quaid. Kjuorder .J. P, Williams l'rejwurer L. W. Brings Uarshal George Thornton Precinct Offleerr. .1 uetice of the Peace..... W. A. Richardson Constable G. B. Gray Onlted States Land Officers. THK DALLIS, OB. Jay P. Lncas Register Otis Patterson Receiver LA OBANDI, OB. K. W. Bartlett Register J. O. Swaokhamer Receiver PEOPESSIOITAL CA.KXJS. C E Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. OfAce in First National Bank building. Heppner, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Pub lic and Collectors. Office in Natter's Building. Heppner, Oregon. J. W. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW and U. S. COMMISSIONER. Office In Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or. A. Mallory, U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND PROOFS and LAND FlLINliS. -Collections made on reasonable terms. Office at residence on Chase street. Government land script for sale. D- E- Gilman GENERAL COLLECTOR.. Put your old books and notes in his hands and get your money out of them them. Makes a specialty of hard collec tions. Office in J, N. Brown's building, Heppnor, Or Dr. M. B. Metzler DENTIST Teeth Extracted and Filled. Bridging a specialty Painless Extraction. . . . Heppner - - Oregon. J. R. SiMNS Si Son General Blacksmiths Horseshoeing a Specialty Wagon Making and Repairing. All work done with neatness and dispatch. ... Satisfaction Guaranteed. Upper Main Street, Heppner, Ore, HEPPNEH-CANYON CITY Stage Line B. F. MILLER, Prop. Cheapest and most direct route to John Day valley, Canyon City mining district. Burns and other interior points. Stages leave Heppner Dally, Sunday ex cepted, at 8:30 a. m. Arrive at Canyon City In 21 hours. Leave Canyon City at 4 p m., arrive at Hepp ner in 24 hours connecting who wains, HXPPHKB TO MILES FA BC 20 II SO 55 4 00 65 4.75 75 5 50 3 6 00 102 8 00 104 800 Hardman Monument Hamilton Long Creek Fox Valley UIUJUU - - Stage connect wltn trains ai neppner. Note. Having stocked np this line with new covered coaches and good teams I am prepared give amt-class service to the public. Bosses Are Here. Home seekers with means, sod iovest- .i,nU irme here. On account of the law prices at which its lands are offered. Morrow eonnfy expect to doable its population tnis yw. v bought Ure at fiw 10 iiiiiiiiiiiiffi AVegelablePrcparationfor As similating IheTood and Regula ting thtStomadis andBoweis of RTjmotesTXfestion,Checiful- ness and uest.contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. XwfeofOl&lkrSMCllRrCBKa Pianp&in Sm2 JhcSennm WmSttd fianfud Suattr . A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish TJessandLossOF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. IIITHo iMti 9 01 ad EXACT COPY OF WBABPEB, rrM piRST Rational ank OF HEPPNER. O. A. RHEA President O. W. OONSER.... ; ....Cashier T. A. RHEA.. Vio President E. L. FREELAND. .Assistant Oasbier Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits 135,000. i A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel Every Modern Convenience. Drummers' Resort. Stockmen's Headquarters. One of the finest equipped Bars and Clubrooms in the state in connection. . . . First-Class Sample Rooms. For Business Heppner is one of the Leading Towns of the West. vw.. FLOUR The Heppner Flouring Mill Company Hove pet footed arrangements to ran the mill permanently. Tbey have aeon red tbe services of a first-class miller, and wheat sufficient to make and keep on band a permanent supply of Flour, Graham, Cerm Meal, Whole Wheat, Bran and Shorts Of the very beet qnulity and guaranteed to give satisfaction. We are here to boy wheat and tbeir patronage. Good Goods.... Fair Prices.-L. - W T TT . ? s I Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, , Tinware and Furnishing Goods. Staple and Fancy Groceries Fine Teas and Coffees. X. R. HOWARD, Heppner. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. TMaT CCNTAUR COMPANY, NEW VOAK CITY. AW Palace Hotel. J. W. MORROW, Proprietor. Strictly First-Class FLOUR exchange with the farmers, and tolioit AT - - A XT7 A TA CAPE NOME. Finding First Gold Where Will Soon Tend the Bush. The first diaooveries of gold at Oape Nome were made by tbe Laplanders, rent to the tundra where moss was plenty north of Bebring sea by tbe gov ernment, with Dr. Jackson's drove of reindeers. Tbe first known of tbe ex istence of gold there was some time a year ago in September. Word came down to tbe Yukon and spread among tbe orowds of disappointed and al most discouraged argonauts who bad reaobed that country too late or too illy supplied to participate in its socoeasee, inspiring new hope in tbeir breasts, making tbe weary strong and tbe sick well. Hundreds of tbem left lbs Yukon basin in the dead nf winter and took tbe dread jonrney of 2000 miles over a track less wild in the darkness of an artio night, breathing, eating and sleeping in a temperature 40 to 60 degrees below zero. That the human frame can stand snob hardship seems incredible, but they got through all right, and were on the ground at the opening of spring Word comes now from ' Dawson that thousands are preparing to follow tbeir trail from tbe Ynkon to the north shores of Bebring sea this winter. Spring opened, tbe long day of summer arrived, navigation was resumed and tbe Yukon, the shores of Alaska, the states of Oregon, Washington and Oal ifornia furnisbed each a quota of pros pectors, to wbicb may be added a few hundred from all the states of tbe Union. It was soon demonstrated that for three hundred miles tbe sands of tbe coast were rich rich beyond all pre vious conception iu gold. Mining dis tricts were organized, a eoore of towns and cities sprang np as by magic, one of which was Anvil City, as it was orig inally called, Nome City, as it is now named. It had 2000 inhabitants in July. where the January before there was naught but tbe solitude of the drifting snows of the inner arotio oirole; gleaming so clear in their oold whiteness that tbe light of tbe polar stars retieots trom tbe wind-blown particles as if each star bad fallen to earth and broken into a million shining fragments. Strange as it may seem in the light of tbe history of tbe crimes and murders of former rushes of mankind in like placet before, this oamp and all camps along tbe north shore of Bebring sea, during gammer of 1899 heve been as free from oriminal disturbances as a New England village. Tbe 166th meridian passes through tbe Paoifio ocean 1800 miles west of Portland. Approaohing winter came on to their reoolleotioas of tbe hardships unteHable of the previous winter; they OBohed or buried tbeir tools and took ship for tbe eouth. As one expressed it: "I have enough to pay all my debts, keep me through tbe winter and my family till next fall and outfit me for another season's work. My claim has millions of dollars in it at tbe rate I have taken it out. Why should I stand another winter in that olimate?" The first of these returning miners to arrive were reoeived doubtfully and tbeir stories listened to with derision; bnt, as time went on and more ships oame down with more men telling tbe tales larger than tbe first, sod every man proved tbe possession of money, the oity stood wonder struck at what was demonstrated to be tbe truth. So it la in all tbe towns and cities in tbe whole world, that has bad its re turn of adventures. Tbe rnsb to the northern shore of Bebring sea next spring will tax the transportation facil ities of tbe country more than the trans portation of troops and saplies in the Ooban war did. Let no man go there thinking it it going to be a holiday excursion. True there are no Chiloat passes to olimb and in summer no ioe and snow to eoouuuter. Bnt tbe best of tbe weather, except for a few exceptional days in Jnly and August is trying in the extreme. It raint, blows ana storms almost continu ously. Tbe sun tbines only at Intervals while tbe north wind has "let go" to give the south wind a obanoe to vice versa, and neither is very long In "get ting bold" again. There is but four or five months in tbs year during whiob any work can be done. Tbe days are long with 18 to 24 hours of dsylfght and a man oan work as many boors as be can stand np to it. Tbe country is a barren waste so far ai vegetable life I oonoerned. A species of most grows on tbe tundra or level places into wbiob tbe foot sinks (ram an inch or two to a foot or eighteen inohes according to the amount of moisture present. A kind of grass grows on the lower slopes of the moaotaios and above that all it desola tion. No trees grow in that latitude of even tbe most stunted character noth ing tbat wonld erjllioe to build a fire. All fuel has to tie carried there save such as bas drifted into tbe abores from warmer latitude, from the sea. The supply of this, tbongh sufficient for last summer, will be totally exhausted by tbe return of spring. Aa Hmeot Medicine for La Grippe. Oeorge W. Waitt, of Hontb Gardiner, Me., rave: "I have had the worst ooogb, oold, chills and grip and have taken lots of traah of no aocouot bnt profit to tbe vendor. Chamberlain Cough Kerned? it tbs only tLmg that has done any good whatever. I have need one bottle of It and the chills, cold end grip Lave all left me. I congratulate the coancfao turers of an honest medicine," For salt tj Cocscr i Warren Cllmatio Contrasts. To fully realize what a fine climate Morrow oounty possesses, it is neoessary to listen to the experiences of men in other parts of tbe country. David Herrold, who has been living for several years near the mouth cf the Columbia, and will "Boon obange his residenoe to the more pleasant olimate of tbe Heppner hills, came here Satur day to investigate. In a general talk at tbe Palace hotel be gave bis experience in Iowa aa fol lows : "Twenty-seven years ego I went to Sak county and bongbt a tract of prairie land at $4 an aore. There "vers no other settlers In sight, and I thought I was going to have free range forever. But in a few yean every foot of land around me had been bought np and settled upon. "One fall winter oame on in October with a fall of 4 feet of snow. My corn was still standing in the fields. I had 125 head of cattle and hauled bay to them every day. The snow drifted aronnd tbe stacks so tbat I bad to sbevsl it away to get at tbeir tops, Bud the meroury dropped to 40 below zero. After I had used op all the hay I turned the cattle into the corn field, where tbe snow was as high as the stalks, and they had to dig for tbe ears. In spite of all I oould do, 25 head died. "While snob winters were bad enough, in tbe summer we did not know what minute a oyolone twister would oome along and sweep away bouses, lives and everything we bad, and tbe thunder and lightning were terrific I sold ont at a b eon floe, letting my place go at $10 an aore. "I visited baok there a few years ago, and found tbat notwithstanding all the olimatio drawbacks, land was selling at $60 an sore." When Jonbert Was Here. You don't remember when Gen. Piel Jonbert, the great Boer, visited Heppner with Deuny tbe Freoohman, do you? Not many other people do. Bnt be was here. He was born at 1105 Arch street, Philadelphia. His father was a French man, who fell in love with and married a girl in the south of Holland. He and bis family went tj South Africa a num ber of years ago. Tbe general visited here in 1879, as agent for a large finan cial ootpany, and again in 1893 when he was offloial representative of the Transvall Republic at the World's Fair at Chicago. He shot a wagon-load of prairie obiokens in Unole Charlie Wal laoe's grain field up Balm Fork one Suuday, He was a good wing saot. Winter at Nome. Letters dated Deoember 15 have been received from Cape Nome. Tbey oame out over tbe ice, and cue of them written by J. B. Ziudars says: "Provisions, outside of bacon and beant, are pretty high. Firewood ia $9 a cord in Nome. Coal wor'd sell at any price. Saloons and gambling-houses are making fortunes. A sluioe-rooker works fonr or five boors with 15 buckets of water. It picks up tbe tame water and works it over. Maoy plaoes it will beat the oentrifugal. Tbe aluioe rooker embraoes a large wheel, tbat pioks np the water and keeps it flowing from onps. It takes mnoh money to get olaims and looate tbem. Dogs for the trip to Cape York oosl 8250. "In town there has not been as muob sickness as last fall. It has been pretty cold tbe last two weeks. The thermom eter has run to 40 degrees below zero. "About November 6 it thawed, and Price aud 1 finished onr rooker, and got in five days' work before it froze again, taking ont in tbat lime $312. "Tbe Alaska Commercial Company took out with a gold separator or sluice rooker $3800 in five days." A Uood CouKh Medicine for Children. "I have no beaitanoy in recommending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," sayt F. P. Moran, a well known aud popular bafcer, of Petersburg, Va. "We have given it to our children wben troubled witb bad coughs, also whooping oougb, and it bas always given perfeot satisfac tion. It was recommended to me by a druggist as the best oough medecine for children at it contained no opium or other harmful drug." Hold by Conser k Warren. Over tbe Orade. Henry Oay drove in lbs Loue ltock stags lost night from bis place on Rhea oreek. He left VA Corcpton, tbe driver, at bis bonse, pretty badly used up. As the stage was onming doo the grade tbe horte discovered a nioe, large, fat sow snoring away in the road. Not knowing but that tbe was loaded, the horse gave a snort aud a spring, and took stage, driver and all over the em bankment and piled them up at tbe bottom, wbere a barbed wire fence added to the misery. Mr.Compton was helped down to Mr. Oay's house, and made as comfortable aa possible. His chest and side seemed injured so tbat it was al most impossible for him to lie down. Death of James Hayes. On Feb. !, James Hayes died of dropsy at the borne of bit son in-law, James H, Hayes, on Kbea creek. De oeased was aged 64 years, and was a pionaer of Lane oounty, ooming to Mor row county last July, The remains were taken below today for buritl at bis old borne la the YtUey. Quality It is the high quality of Royal Baking Powder that has estab lished its great and world-wide reputation. Every house wife knows she can rely upon it; that it makes the bread and biscuit more delicious and whole some always the finest that can be baked. It is economy and every way better to use the Royal, whose work is always certain, never experimental. There are many imitation baking powders, made from alum. They may cost less per pound, but their use is at the cost of health. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK 10NE BHKV1T1K8. From the Post, E. Q. 8 perry, Ione'a mayor and father of our city, and one of tbe most exten sive mole breeders in tbe state of Ore gon, oontemplutes shipping a oarload of mules to Kansas Oity in the near future. Fred FilkiDs, one of Morrow oounty'a native sons, was in town Monday and while here filed on a quarter seotion of Kood land looated four miles from the railroad. Fred oan see that a farm in Morrow oounty will prove a profitable investment. Nearly every day homesteads are be ing taken in the vioinity of lone and yet there ia room for many more homes on vaoant lands in Morrow oounty and we predict tbat before six months expires every available traol of agricultural land will be turned into permanent homes. Osuar Jayne, formerly of Morrow county, but cow a prominent stookraiser neat Condon, it over this week visiting relatives and friends here. He reports farming and stock interests in oar neighboring oounty as being very en couraging. Newcomers are settling op that country at a rapid rate, lone ia fast taking on a metropolitan air. New side and oroes walks, graded streets, and now we are assured that ithin ten days an agent will be in stalled in the new depot to attend to tbe multitodenous duties wbioh will de volve npon the man so domioiled. An agent at lone is muob needed and our oitizens realize tbat bis coming is an acquisition to tbe town wbicb will add to its importance before the oommeroial world, and recognition is what we are after. Quite a large amount of wheat yet re mains stored in the two warehouses here, the present prioe being too low to move tbe same. The owners of this staple commodity being in good ciroum etances are holding their wbe.it witb an expeotation of an advance before the next crop oomet into market. There ia a large amount of vaoant land in tbe immediate vioinity of lone, much of wbiob will be taken up during tbe ooming spring and summer. Immi gration to Eastern Oregon bas already begun in earnest, and tbe present out look for abnndant crops in Morrow county will wield a great influence witb bomeseekers. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one oouoern in tbe land who are not afraid to be generous to tbe needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Cougbt and Colds, bave given away over ten million trial bottlet of thit great mediums, and have tbe satis faction of knowing it bas absolutely cored thousands of hopeless oases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseaaes of tbe Throat, Chest and Langs are surely cured by it. Call on Cunser A Warren Drug Co., and get a free trial bottle. Iiegular size 60o. and II. Every bottle guaranteed, or prioe refunded. B't shoe Rale. The Fair Invites you all to oome and lntpeoi its big stook of sloes. The prioee and styl s are set forth in at at tractive advertisement, to which atten tion is invited. The goods are all guar anteed, sad are lure to giro satisfaction. Never experiment with so important an article as the human food UP THE KlllCK. Notes Blown Down From the Tall Tamaracks of the Reservation. We are trying to fight the South Afri can war ourselves np here, but it is one sided. We are all Boers exoept Billy Stewart. He is in favor of England, and has started out to raise recruits for the English army. But the only ones who wonld enlist ate Bill Penland'a mottled faoed sheep. We are having aores of whooping oough amoDg our kidg up bere. Most of tbem bave it light, but Free Qreen lost one of bis fine twin girls, 3 months old. The little one was buried Thurs day in the pioneer oemetery on Kbea oreek. Ed Siroinger bas welcomed a little girl baby to bis bcaseiinld. Our sobool district has 42 obildren enumerated, and oar improvements are substantial. Wbere we thought there was no water we find plenty of it in tbe oanyons by digging four to seven feet. Our most prominent landmark is the new S. L. MoBride residenoe. It is well finished and home-like. Bob Ler ter's comes next, then John Depuy's. Bob has 54 aores in fall wheat, which will go 60 bushels to tbe acre, and has 90 tons of bay on band. The bouses of Hyle Oorbin and Free Qreen, in Dipping Vat canyon, are not to be sneezed at for a new oountry. Tbe roads from tbe timber are now good, and the boys oan baul to town loads of 1 cords. Jack MoKenzie, who lives at tbe mouth of Dutch Billie kriok, is going to rig np a mule outfit, witb wide-tire wheels and go into tbe wood business. He believes in keeping op good roadt. Qeorge Oopelaod is taking a month's vacalio j. Gun. Jewshabf, Boer. Red Hot Trom The Gun Wat tbe ball that bit Q. B. Steadman of Newark, Mioh , in tbe Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcsrs tbat no treat ment helped for 20 years. Then BaoK len's Arnloa Salve cured bim. Cares Cats, Braises, Burnt, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eraptioot. Bett Pile oare on eartb. 25 ots. a box. Cure guaran tee!. Hold by Conser & Warren Drag Co. NOTHJB TO VOTEU8. All Mast UfulMter on or Itefore May 15, 11100. From tbe 2d day of January, 1900, at 8 a. m., until tbe 15th day of May, 1900, at 5. p. tn., the records for tbe registra tion of voters will be open at tbe office of the County Clerk of Morrow oonnty. Naturalized citizen! appearing to register will be requested to produce proofs of citizenship, either deolaration of intention, or certifloate of citizenship, exoept wbere tbe same appears on tbe reoordt of Morrow county, and also tbeir street and number, if living ia town, or if lvmg in oountry, section, township and range. Tbe law rsquirea that it tbe elector is unable to conveniently appear before tbe oounty olerk for registration, be may be registered by a notary publio or jus tice of the peaoe in the preoinct in wbioh ' be resides. Dated at Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, this Slat day of January, 1900. Vawteb Ckawkord, County Olerk, Morrow County, Oregon,