. The Gazette. Thursday, January 25, 1900. TVaitseurg, Wash, had a serious fire last week. The loss amount ing to several thousand dollar?. The supposition is that it was set with the intention of robbery. J. W. Ivey, collector of cue toms for the district of Alaska has resided his position believing he can make more by using his time ruining. His successor has not yet been named. A majority of the committee on privileges and elections report against the seating of Mathew S. Quay. Those signing the report were Senators Caffrey, Pettus, Turljy, Harris and .Burrows. Those in favor were Senators Hoar, Chandler, Pritchard and McComas. Mr. F. B. SHErARD, who is United States Commissioner at St Michaels, Alaska, says the action of President McKinley in making Alacka a military divison, under command of Gen. Randall, will be joyful news to the law Abiding residents of that territory, as under existing conditions, the civil authorities are powerless and military authority is absolutely necessary to preserve older. He thinks that the size of Alaska will soon make it necessary to divide it into two territories. The house committee on inter state and foreign commerce, will favorably report' Chairman Hep burn's bill, providing for the con struction of the Nicaragua canal, by this government, as Boon bs the required territory is acquired from Costa llica, and Nicaragua, and Mr. Hepburn thinks the bill will pass the house at this Beesion. That the sentiment of the house favors the bill is UDqestionably true, but the desire on the part of some members to wait for the re port of the canal commission, which will be available next winter, may prevent action at this session. "Publish copies of every record mv administration, u called of for," is the sum and substance of President McKinley s instructions to the members of bis cabinet. That is the straight-forward answer of the man who knows that the closer his official acts are studied, the higher his adminis tration will stand, to the round about attempts of 'the democrats to play politics by offering all sorts of resolutions asking for all sorts of information, so worded as to arouse suspicion in the minds of tie suspiciously inclined that their authors kuow of some thing discreditable on the part of some brauch of tho administration. This offer to furninh any informa tion desired by congress, together with President McKinley's request to tho republican leadeis in both branches of cougresB that they would not take advantage of the republican majority to defeat resolutions of inquiry offered by Amnnmia Ima disconcerted the l4UUiiv - democrats, and they soeni to be in doubt as to what they Bhall do next. Considerable talk has been in dulged in of late in regard to pon sion lecislation. We believe the press of tho country should speak un plain and to the point on tins snbjoct, There can be no doubt in the mind of any one that a vast amount of fraud is perpetrated and practiced under the present system. Tho bill recently intro duced into congress giving a pen uoii to any soldier who served in the war of the rebellion would eiinply iccrenso the pressure and result in uo good whatever. We believe fvury G. A. 11. post in the country should pass resolutions against this measure. We believe very man who served in that wai and was wholly or partly disabled and is now w ithout meaiiB of sup port should n ceive from tho gov ernment at least twelve dollars per mouth. We bIbo believe every man who is drawing a pension and has good health and plenty of prop eity around him to support him and his, should have his pension revoked. There is no mora reason why the government should peu biou a man who has plenty, than there would be for the county to board and cloth such persons. In ,,ther words when a man is down help him, wheu he is op let him help himself. PENDLETON Vs. HEPPNEft. The Football Game Saturday Was a Howling Success. Beyond b qaeatiou Heppner (airly oat done hereelf in the reception and enter tainment of tbe football team from Pen dleton. NjI less than 700 people tramped to tbe grounds below tbe depot over a mile distant to witness this new game to Heppner, and notwithstanding tbe highways were open to tbe fenceless traok, Dot a pedestrian, old or young, was minus tbe white ribbon, wbicb re ceipted their admittance fee of twenty five cents, a record of honesty, decency, and entbnsiastio aapport, the town has oaose to be proud of. Although tbe clean-cat college boys of Pendletoo, owing to their light weight, caused some solicitation on the part of oar team of "giants,'' their gentlemanly bearing and confidence demanded re spect. Lined op in their suits tbey made a more favorable' showing, and, tbe koowing ones gave eaob other tbe wink. The straggle began at 3 o'clock prompt. Tbe first few minutes satis fied tbe spectators that a battle was on and enthusiasm ran bieb. Tbe praotioe and science of the visiting team was evenly met with giant strength and awkwardness and stubbornly tbey con tested for every inoh. At tbe oonoloeioo of tbe first half of tbe game, Heppner bad gained bat ten yards on Pendleton's goal. Fifteen minutes were allowed tor wind and repairs. Reversing positions tbe boys went at it in savage earnest ness. Heppner's strength seemed organ ized against tbe oenter rash Anderson, who bad came in oontaot with Hepp ner's beavy weights rendering several of tbem hore de combat, and neglecting some of tbe demloutive eprights, one of the corners found tbe football danger ously olose to their goal. This seemed to "rattle" the home team, and lost strength was soon responsible for tHe triumphant yell of Pendleton, as she has secured a tonohdown entitling her to five points. Miller failed to kick the goal which would have meant another point for tbem. At this time bat about five minutes time yet remained for the Heppner boys to regain their lost hon ors, and at us expiration time was called, thus leaving tbe boys nursiug besides their defeat, blaok eyes, broken shine, and enlarged craniams. For sev eral minutes pandomine reigned, and bad tbe victory been with tbe borne team the applause could not have been more demostrative. Tbe Btar plays of members of both teams were about even. Robertson, Clark, One y and Heal, of tho Heppner team proved themselves no novices at the game, and bad their sup port ever played tbe game before tbe re sult would have been different. Captain Leonard Laroue graciously admitted that with praolioe tbe Heppner team would wit hoot any question push them selves to the championship ranks of the Northwest. Tbe entertainment io the evening at tbe opera house, given in honor of the visiting boys, was a suooeea in every par ticular, and tbe ladies through whose efforts it was each a decided saocess, have the everlasting gratitude of those interested in this tbe most enjoyable event in tbe history of onr little city. Tbe gentlemanly deportment of tl e viaitiug bys, was thoroughly appreciated by tbe business men of oar town, and all feel that tbe support given tbis event will lead to a wholesome olass of ath letic sports, beneficial and interesting to the entire community. A return game is iu store (or the boys io the near future, and v. hen they go to Pendleton, it ia safe to predict that the Pendleton boys will pay them back with good interest tor the exertion of our boys in their behalf. 1IRPPNRB TRAM. Fred Hart, oenter rash ; Jack Matlook, left guard ; Cans. Thompson, right guard; Orvile Jones, left tackle; Will Co wins, right tackle; E. M. Hbntt, left end; John B. Ileal, right end; Oris Robertson, quarter baok ; Louis Biebee, right ball; Arthur Clark, (Capt) left bait; Itert Oney, full baok; Peroy John-, son, BoTj Htott and Will Uriskell, subs. rRNDl.BTON TEAM. Andrew Anderson, center rnsh; Orvil ColTman, right guard; Bob Montgom ery, left gnard; Geo. Castle, right taokle; Ernest Temple, left tackle; Al vah Blusher, right end; Omar htevens, left end; Andrew Miller, full baok; James Hill, right half; Wm Wjriok, left half; Leonard Laroue. (Capt ) Quar ter back ; Fred Drake and Harry Tay lor, subs. Our boys had after paying all ei penses inoarred a balance on baud of VO.tST), which tbey spent for an oyster supper for the Heppner team, at which toasts to the team and individual mem bers thereof and responses were tbe pleasant features. ' We clip the following from the E.st Oregouian: The Pendleton all-Echool football team arrived borne this morn in g, with a wreath of laurol as tbe evideuoe of victory. Tbe wreath was mostly o( a tlgurlutive character, but the viotory was veiy tangible lu the tor m of a 5 to 0 icore iu tbtir favor. Captain Larnce led (he boys agaiuxt a team composed of heavy men, the lightest of tbe Ueppner tram weighing 130. The Pendleton, team won by superior team work, thai only enabled them to break through tbe massive Hue of the lleppneritea, and to resist Ibe battering of the oppouetils. Huob heavy weights as Jack Matlock, Cowins, Clark, and Thompson averaging about ISO, were what the Pendleton team bad to buck. Eud rune were made by Hill, Slasher, Wyriikand Laroue for Pendleton, and by Clark and Oney for Ueppner. Center booking by Hart, of Heppner and Ander son of Pendleton were features. Ander son made tbe touchdown in ibe ((Ootid half, neither sooring in the first , The Pendleton team was royully treated by the Ueppner people. Every thing was dona that hospitality and good feeling could suggest, to make Ibe vims pleasant. A. O. Haley refereed; Pap MoAlister umpired ; Fred Drake and Bert Prck were linemen; Haley and Drake kept time. George Carl manager. Wyrick was slightly injured iu the Inst half, Taylor substituting. The Mother's Favorite, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the mother's favorite. It ia pleasant and safe tor children to take and always cures. It is intended especially tor coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and is the best medicine made for these diseases. There is nut tbe least danger io giving it to children for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently to babe aa to an adult. For sale by Conser Warren. ENDED HIS TROUBLES. Sydney G. Bawson Shoots Himself Through the Heart Sydney G. Hawson, representative from Gilliam county, who baa been de fending a divorce quit in Judge Cleland's coort, ended bis troubles yesterday after noon by shooting himself through tbe heart in bis room in the Esmond hotel. He bad been greatly wrought op by tbe trial of tbe suit, and a letter be wrote to his wife shows that his quarrel with ber bad preyed npon bis mind till be deter mined on saioide. He had just paid bis bill at the hotel office, and was ready to leave for Arlington, when be fired the shot, which ended bis life instantly. A bell boy, Ralph Ross, was in tbe adjoin ing room tying op a bundle of letters under Mr. Hawson's direction, when he heard Ibe shot. He looked op sod saw that Hawson bad removed hie ooat and laid on tbe bed before killing himself, and the boy gave the alarm. Tbe ooro ner removed tbe remains to tbe morgue shortly after. Hawson was a native of England and about 35 years of age. He bad formerly been in charge of ex Governor Z. F. Moody's warehouse, at Arlington, bat more recently was in tbe employ of Mor ris & Whitehead, of this city. He repre sented Gilliam county at the last session of tbe legislature. Tbe coroner t and a letter Hawson bad written to Jadge Cleland, with tbe request tbat tbe jadge read it and then send it to Hawsoo's widow, at Arlington. It is as follows: Portland, Jan. 22, 1900. .My Dear Wife: Tbat justice may be done to yoo and Ibe obildren, I send tbis letter first to Jadge Clelaod, to read and make known to tbe world. 1 also inclose a letter I wrote from Eoglaod io 1S95, wbioh will explain Harlburt's being in yoar room during your sickness at that date. Tbe same is slso true of Lucile Hawson. She is mine. Now bow and why did I do what I bave done ? I cannot tell, only tbat old Sydney is gone. Whisky took him away; bat be got back today, and is go ing to stay as be was in 1891. Do not let tbe obildren know what was tbe manner of my death. Jast tell them that I bave gone (I hope) to heaven, and will look down npon tbem. Forgive me, it yoo oan, tbe wrong I bave done yoo. I trust and know tbat you will do your duty by tbe boy and bring bim up a man. All my papers are in my grip in my room. I oannoi stand not io do my duty in the matter, for it is a sin to put a stain on yoo, and I wish yoo bad been a little more firm, and at the same lime shown some pity wben I asked you aontb ago. Your husband, Sidnei G. Hawson Most of my troubles oan be pat of late years to the Wasco warehouse, and F. T. Harlburt fighting me and ruining me A letter to A. O. Hawson, a brother, at Arlington, was also found and mailed to its destination yesterday, together with one to a friend named Smith, at tbe same place. Tbe brother, who is a business man of Arlington, is expeoted in Portland today. R. H. Benedict, friend in tbis city, also reoeived a letter, in wbioh deceased bade bim good-bye. The pistol used by Hawson was a new 38-oaliber Smith & Wesson, evidently parohased for tbe oocasion, as tbe price tag bad never been removed. A bullet bole just large enough to admit the end of a lead peooil was all tbe mark found upon tbe body. Tbis was on tbe left breast, immediately over the heart. There was oo outward hemorrhage whatever, but ample evidence of inter nal bleeding. Hawson bad been separated from bis family Binoe September, 18118, and tbe divorce suit pending in Judge Cleland's court was under advisement when Haw son's rash aol yesterday took tbe case beyond Judge Cleland's jurisdiction Mrs. Hawson bad originated tbe suit, al leg in g intemperance and crnelty. Haw eon filed a cross suit, attacking bis wife's reputation and naming F. T. Hurlboit mayor of Arlington, as corespondent. Hawson, who was a small, nervous man was considerably wrought up during the divorce proceedings. Mrs. Ham son im pressed spectators as beiDgamodesland respectable woman. 3 PUIMITIVK VACCINATION. A Htatesmaa Protects Ills Partisans From Devices of the Wicked. The Dal lei Chronicle. M. J. Anderson, the village blsok smith and populist statesman of Dnfur, thinks be oan see as tar into a republican millstone as the man who picks it While in town to day he strongly denounced tbe present Bmallpox scare as a deep- laid scheme of Mark Haunaand tbe Mc Kinley administration. "It is notorious," said Mr. Anderson "tbat only populist preoinots bave got this Filipiuo itob, as Ihey call it over in Sherman county. Moro, a populist stronghold iu Sherman oounty, has got it bad. So baa Wamio, in this oounty which is almost solidly populist. Tygb ia badly threatened, and Tygb is Bryan- rque to the core. Antelope and Hood Rive', two republican strongholds, bave not a single case. Neither is their rase in The Dalles. Tbis shows beyond oon troversy ibat Mark Hauna is at Ibe bot tom of the whole busiuess. Tbe affected districts bave all been quarantined, and thus prevented from registering, so that tbey may not be able to vote at tbe next election." It's a cold day when Anderson gets led, however. In tbe absence of a doo tor, and without proper instrument to scarify tbe flesh, Anderson has inocu lated every populist in Dufur, using i ourry-oomb to start, the blood, and io jeoting the patients with a vims, ob lained, be says, direot from Lincoln, Neb, CUrttS linYtlL AIL USk tAILS. Rant t'iuh brup. 'ri (..ihu Vm MORROW COUNTY'S WEALTH. Lint of Taxpayers Who Pay taxes os 11,000 and Upwards. Chas Anderson 1 470 John C Brown....... 4 020 J L Beymer 1 405 Mary A Barker.... 8 aio H Barker 1 550 im 1 235 4 824 1 137 1 069 Helvina Brenner.. E A Brundage..... A Andrews A H Alters B L Akers Theodore Anderson 1 717 J W Allstott 1 095 Foster Adams 165 J L Ayers 7 110 MaryEAyers 1150 James Ayers 1 20 Wm Ayers 1800 John A Adams. 2 810 Fred Ash baugh 1545 TJAllyn 1670 J W Osborne 50 PatMcDaid 2 785 Thos McCullough 3 032 R McElligOtt 1 865 J J McElligOtt 1 32H J P McAllister 1 705 J B Natter 2 830 Geo Noble 8 iil6 Noble & Co 3 000 H U Olden 1130 J R Olden. 1467 Bergntrom 1 010 E R Bishop & T H Bisbee 1800 E R Bishop, assignee 1 790 JBrosnan 5 375 Wm T Campbell 1 285 GeoWChapla 1260 C C Curtis 4 705 EdClaff. 1275 Wm Cecil, estate 3 03J H E Burchell 1 227 FESell 1645 H E Bartholomew . 9 265 Mary A Bartholomew 1 050 J W Beckett 2 625 JBCarmichael .. 1755 Clementine Cate 1 030 Carty Jl Kjllkenny 7 590 A Carlson 1 290 A B Chapman ... 6 398 Geo S Crane 3 765 RobtCoppock .". 1450 Chas Cunningham 1 050 Geo W Conser 4 300 Conser A Warren 3 200 Edward F Day 1 364 M J Devtn 1 171 E S Duran 1 807 Doherty 4 McDaid 10 181 Catherine Doherty 1 860 B P Doherty 10 110 W P Dutton 8 570 1 889 2 845 2 172 1 775 1 550 2 530 O P Douglas PL Dorm an Jeff Eans Marion Si Jeff Evans. W R EUls John P English Hugh Fields 21 865 B Fields 4 A T Tillard. 6 000 J D French 1 930 Ruth E French E L Farrens RA Farrens 1 050 1 170 1 315 2 715 5 730 S P Florence WB Finley S W Fagalde 3 100 OE Farnsworth 13 390 M Uchtenthal 2 520 T J Matlock 7 062 Frank Roberts 1 650 Mary A Matlock 3 570 W L Mallory 1 675 Mike "Marshall 3 300 Os Mitchell 1 255 Wm A Morgan 2 213 Frank Kilkenny 2 770 B F King AP King ... 1 185 1 146 , 4 050 6 609 JOKincaid , J C Kirk WC Lacy W D l ord ;., Alex Llndsey. I F A Lundell , Hughes & Hughes.... L Hamilton J Jenkins Kate Johnson Johnson Bros John Johnson Henry Jones Margaret Jones J H Jones Nelson Jones estate. C E Jones Missouri Gordon ... Michael Kenny C 8 Kirk RF Hynd Hynd Bros Wm Hendrix T R Howard E Hendrix J M Han:blet OSHodsdou L Huston J P Hoskins C H Hams Emma C Henderson. 1 040 1 875 8 010 1 520 6 000 1 150 1 255 4 330 8 835 1 015 6 550 1 370 1 115 7 560 1 172 1 379 4 088 3 875 1 (100 5 550 2 905 S 080 1 310 3 060 8 204 '.. 8 042 4 180 1 193 1 164 J M Hager 12 800 D A Herren H C Gay & Sons. Thos Oilfillin... Wm Gordon ... Qui Stalter A B Orover 9 576 1 650 1 145 2 050 1 662 1 300 Gilliam & Bisbee 10 OU) A Gunn , 1 745 I L Howard 2 778 J L Howard 1368 J M Hayes 8 400 Hynd & Barratt 7 215 Thos Marlatt 1 520 A M Markhain '., 2 920 Sarah E Morgan 1 809 R & M Morgan 1450 E L Matlock estate 2 100 J W Marlatt 4 620 G W Murray 1 380 Minor & Co 13 000 J H Padberg 1 390 Henry Padberg 5 610 E L Padberg 2 S E D Palmer 1 5(H) Ernest Piper 1 420 Wm Penland 57 365 JW Rector 2-490 Rice & Btiger 2 250 D Rice 1 mi Paul Reltman 1 420 Ernest Rettmaii 1159 Mary E Rust 1 u E K Swinburne 1 040 Oscar Schall'er 1 815 H Scherslngcr J 425 Dennii Spillane 1 000 E G Sloan estate. 1 080 B F SwagKart a J0 Olive E ttwaggart 1 090 Nelson Swaggart 1 150 A Stephens 1 425 J E Stevens 1 080 E B Stanton 1 655 A 8 Shaddock ; J 017 J R Stanley 1 sso Robert Sayers i 90s AH Smith 1260 R K Hinpson ' J 740 P C Thompson eaUte 29 355 J A Thompson 13 155 M Belle Thompson 4 135 RW Turner j 414 P Trocdsou 1 5(i 8wen Troedson 1 HTash 1070 H M Thornton i f,x Geo W Ttt 2 518 Antone Vey 21 0S7 Joseph Vey ? ja n KltaMS Vey 1 tvo Q W Viureut ,, 3 2xi Geo M Vinson 1 053 C W Valentin. 1 ftffl Emma Vorus i 1 jno A K Wriht is o Albert Wright j 7511 K K Wilmot 3 o N B Williams j ,w 8 r Wilson J677 CC Wilson '. 186-5 C J Wilson 1 617 F H Wilson 1 &90 O Williamson 1 lw W A Wilmot 1 536 Wm Wattenberger 1 670 J Q Wilson 2 500 Nat Webb 000 J H Wyland 1 830 S Warfleld 1 020 J L Yeager 1 670 Alex Young 2 180 Heppner Building and Loan Ass'n S 000 Heppner Flouring Mill Co 4 3U0 Inland Telephone Co 9 511 M C L & T Co 10 000 Morrow Co Land A Stock Co 7 780 American Mortgage Co , 1 000 N P R R Co by Walsh A Day 1 260 " " " Doherty A McDaid 1120 Carty A Killkenny 2 360 1 CBWade 7 211 O R A N CO 265 339 1 000 2 823 5 520 EC Allen - A H Allen Rand A Allen Ayers A Spencer. T W Ayers 4 717 J J Atkllli...; 5 629 MrsESAyeri 3 410 First National Bank of Heppner.. 31 500 J A Brown Julia W Bisbee 1 135 1 650 1 820 Burgoyne J M Baker 1 170 1 168 David F Baker PO Borg H Blann... : 3 705 1 540 1 850 2 880 1 455 1 114 6 000 g 000 4 010 4 217 1 240 1 050 2 902 1 085 1 793 1 216 1 600 5 000 2 750 D Baker jr Joyce B Brown E J Curren HCummlngs John Campbell Mrs I M Corigall.... M S Corigall FDCox PCCresswell Taylor Dodson J H Edwards .' A Engleman Joseph Eskelion C E Fell Carmelia V Fox..., J L Fuller estate Frank Gilliam D H Grable P Gleason 1 226 3 175 4 020 1 842 4 809 1 210 4 105 3 415 1 100 2 925 5 000 3 P Garrigues. Lucinda Hales John Hughes Frank Hagarman M Halvorson J M Humphrey Wm Hughes Howard A Vinson Heppner Light A Water Co. H Heppner - 31 450 G M Holmes Bruce Haines lone Drug Co James Jones EmmaKilcup Mary E Kirk J L Klncald M Kelly Julius Kelthley JLuckman R Livingstone Belle LaLande...'.... W R Leathers S LaLande Joseph Mason MerrittA Hebron... C A Minor M R Morgan E Minor J W Morrow J L Morrow J L& J W Morrow.. 1 334 1 685 2 675 8 020 6 195 1 200 2 315 6 765 1 995 5 471 1 110 1 645 1 015 3 125 3 475 2 150 3 810 4 502 3 920 12 195 1 250 1 450 Jas McHaley 10 650 J R Nunamaker 6 200 Nichols & Leach 5 710 MA Olden " 1 362 Catherine PettyB 1 450 M B Potter 1 450 Jane Penland 3 125 C N Peck 1 330 Benj Parker 2 690 Parker & Gleason 8 0:10 J E Peterson 1 720 F Poppenga 1 110 Thos Quaid 16 210 Pat Quaid 1 345 Rhea & Welch 9 000, C A Rhea ' 17 301 A Rood 7 m J P Rhea t 6 360 E D Rood 11 520 RW Robinson 2 968 Margaret Reanny 1 HX) A Reanny 1 650 DBStalter 1 987 A M Slocum 2 650 A J Shobe 1 2(!3 E R Swinburne 3 000 Wm E Straight 1 722 E G Sperry 4 860 WMStaufl'er 2 335 Rhotla Summers 1 307 F CSt Cclair 1 -t J B 8perry 1 000 H A Thompson 2 100 L E Thompson 1 750 E Tlmms 1 300 H C Thompson 4 990 S L Vancleve 1 050 G W Wells 1 230 H E Warren 1 550 RC Wills 1 000 JO Williams 4 000 8 Wright. 7 355 Geo Whltles 5 275 H Welch estate 1 350 Emma Welch 8 610 N S Whetstone 2 190 C A Worthlngton 2 145 J A Woolery 12 630 C T Walker 4 830 WfNTEB TBIPH. For witter residence or winter outing ideal conditions will be found on every hand io Southern California. Flenleons early rainfall baa Ibia season given to Ibe eemi-tropioal vegetation wonderful impetus; the floral offerlDRS are more than usually generous and tbe orop of southern trails bountiful and eioellent. Old ocean possesses new obarms bI Santa Barbara, Hanta Monica, Long Beaob, Oorooado and thai enobanted isle of tbe eea, Catalina, wbere fishing, boat ing, ramblicg, riding, banting and loaf ing may be enjoyed aa nowhere else. Quiet little spots, snag and warm, offer themselves at Monteoito, Nordboff, Pasadena, Eobo Mountain, Han Jacinto, Fall Brook ao Palm Springs. For renewing health and vigor, here abound many hot springs, of widely varying constituents and demonstrated merits; tbe dry, antiseptio, tonic air of tbe desert may be enjoyed at Banning, todio, Yoma; and, even farther on, at 1'hoenii, El Paso, exist conditions equal ly well indicated for weak throats and longs. Many tbink nothing in nature more attractive than Ibe shimmering olive orchards of Sanla Barbara and Son Diego; others prefer the stately walnuts of Ventura and LoeNietos.or the lemons of Fernando; bat for glorious frail and graoefal trees commend as to tbe golden orange, first, last and always, and it exists io greatest perfasion at Covins, Riverside, Redlands and Highlands. Equally interesting is tbe scientific and tempting fashion in which tbe sorting and packing of Ibe orange is here ac complished Tbe faithful were erorted to see Mecca and shorn off; bnt wiser generations will soe California of the Sooth and pro long life. Cltf Paints. Oils and Glass A full stock. Kodaks Supplies of all kinds. CONSER. & GOLD GOLD GOLD . You can save it by trading with';.... Gilliam & Bisbee Who carry a Of Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Etc., Faints and Oils (tbe best in the world). Crockery aod Glassware. Give us the cash and you can get as can get laid down in Heppner from Ed. R Dealer in- Groceries, Hardware, Guns, Crockery, Etc., Etc. is "NAME ON EVERY PIECE." LOWNEY'S Chocolate Bonbons. FOR SALE BY Patterson & Son. Photographers' supplies of all kinds. Dark photographers. Call and Investigate. r Highest price paid for fat Heppner, Oregon. LKFT KOB ALASKA. Matlock and Beagle on Their Ketum Trip With a Car of Draft Horses. East Oregonian. W. F. Matlock and W. M. Beagle, wbo returned to Pendleton from tbe Klondike country recently, left Friday night over the W. & C. B. for Seattle, wbere tbey will remain a few days before taking passage to the Alaskan gold fields. While in Pendleton tbev purchased a carload of large draft horses, wbioh the? will take into tbat country for the pur pose of sledding hay and grain supplies into tbe interior. Heretofore tbey have carried those supplies iu by boat; but, as lbs seasons there are so uncer tain, tbey bave concluded to experiment ith teams and si ds. Tbe laet season they were unfortunate io baviug several scowloads of sapplies frsen up io tbe Yukon river 70 miles from Dawson, and it is tbeir intention to try to get tbe supplies in with teams. Tbe horses are all thoroughly broke and are Ibe befit thil eonld be tenure! thr ruhot (te j comity. Eenew your Gazette subseriptiou The largest and best selected stock in Morrow county. Jewelry A fine stociV to select from. Stationery The very latest. WARREN. good and as many goods from us as you anywhere. This we guarantee. Bishop Christmas Goods Find Hand Painted Chinaware Leather Goods Purses 'Xmas Candies 'Xmas Goods of all kinds Pocket Books Toilet Cases All kinds of leather goods Picture Frames room in rear of store free to all mtir amateur PATTERSON & SON, Up-to-date Druggists. (? rxjji Fresh Meats Salt and Smoked Meats Pure Rendered Leaf Lard Fish every Friday. Liberty Market Stock.- .Bock & Mathews, Proprietors, The Heppner Steam Laundry All kinds of first clasp. laundry woik done Special ratps on White Shirts family washing, a Specialty White shiru... Collars Cuffs, per pair. 10 2 5 10 Woolen underclothes, per piece. am k. . .ul,.u unaen-iotbes, per piece 8 All necessary mending buttons secured. done atd Strictly cash on delivery. y PARKERS "1 s HAIR BALSAM