Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 04, 1900, Image 1

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    41 L JffcMS9Mlis;.!al
Subscription price. $1.50
Leads In Prestige
Leads In Circulation "'
Leads in News
Is the Official and Recognized Represent
ative Journal of the County.
Subscription Price, $1.50
The Paper Is Published Strictly In the
Interests of Morrow County and Its
NO. 763
PorUand Library
C E Redfield
Office In First National Bank building.
Heppner, Oregon.
Ellis & Phelps
Ail business attended to In a prompt
and satisfactory manner. Notaries Pub
lic and Collectors.
Office In Natter's Building. Heppner, Oregon,
- J. W. Morrow
Office In Palace hotel building, Heppner, Qr.
A. Mallory,
Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND
Collections made on reasonable terms.
Office at residence on Chase street.
Government land script for sale.
D. E- Gilman
Put your old books and notes In hfs
hands and get your money out of them
them. Makes a specialty of hard collec
tions. Office in J, N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or
Dr. M. B. Metzler
Teeth Extracted and Filled
Bridging a specialty
Painless Extraction
Heppner - - Oregon,
A, Abrahamsick
Merchant Tailor
Pioneer Tailor of Heppner
His work first-class
and- .gatisfactonv .
Give him a call May Street
Feed and Sale Stable
Has just been opened to the
public and Mr. Gordon, the
iroprieior, Kiiiaiy invites Ms
rifiids to call and try his
first-class accommodations.
nejaty of Hs-y a.n.3. 0-raln. fox Sal
Stable located on west side of Main
street between Wm. Scrivner's and
A. M. Gunn's blacksmith shops.
For the ladles A fine horse and lady's satdle,
1-UAlMUil 111!
Stage Line
B. F. MILLER, Prop.
Cheapest and most direct route to John Day
valley, Canyon City mining district, Burns ami
other interior points.
8tage leave Heppner Dally, Sunday e
cepted, at fl:30 a. in. Arrive at Canyon City
in 'ii hours.
Leave Canyon City at 4 p m., arrive at Hepp
ner in 24 hours connecting with trains.
20 11.80
56 4.00
65 4.75
75 5.50
S3 6.00
102 8. 00
104 8 00
Hard man
Monument ..
lx)ng Creek..
Fox Valley..,
John Day ...
Canyon City.
Stages connect with trains at Heppner.
Note. Having stocked up this line with new
covered coaches and good teams I am prepared
give first-class service to the public.
Stage Line
H. REED A I ProDrietors
A. O. OOILVIE f rropr.efors.
Fossil (60 miles)... 5 00 Kound trip 19 00
Mayville(53mlle). 4 00 Round trip 700
Condon (39 miles).. 800. Round trip 600
Clem (28 miles) .. 2 00 Round trip 850
Olei (19 miles) 1 50 Kound trip 8 50
Stage leaves Arlington every morning
(Sunday excepted) Bt 6 o'clock; is doe
at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrive! at Fos
sil at 7 p. rn.
Comfortable covered coaches bdJ oare
il. exparteceed driven.
The Only All-Bail Route Wifboot
Ooae of Cars Between Bpokane,
jji Bad and Nelson. Also between
Jjeda; sod Rosslsod, daily except
...6:40 P. M.
.. N.
...H5 P. M.
m a. j ;,.i:...i
i A. ,
a-ta A
pirfof" tor Kwl Hiw dJ Bomdan
" -. m . .y. . ith tiu aaia.
AVegetablcPrcparationfor As
similating UieTood and Regula
ting thaStamachs andBowels of
tiessandRestContains neither
Opmm.Morpuine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
fyaie afOldTirSXMVElBTCHER
flvpemunt -MCartsnamSoi
JfGmSeed -flanted
Sugar .
hiUHyrtm Fltmn
Aperfecf Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions Jeverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature of
fiRST ational Bank
0. A RHEA.
Transact a General Banking Business.
A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel
Every Modern
Drummers' Resort. Stockmen's Headquarters.
One of the finest equipped Bars and Clubrooms
in the state in connection
First-CIass Sample Rooms.
For Business Heppner Is one of the Leading
Towns of the West. Vt
And now the entire world
Knows this perfect product
As the Star Brewery beer.....
I On draught at
! all popular saloonr.
203 Washington St., Pottlnd, Or.
Good Goods....
Fair Prices:: l
- AT
?; Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,
1 Tinware and Furnishing Goods.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fine Teas and Coffees. maa,
OP. R. HOWARD, Heppner.
ar.sa, u a sfi,iru ii - -- - n o a
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
You Have
Always Bought.
President I (J. W. CONSER.. Cashier
Vio President B. L. FREELAND. . Aesistfint Cashier
a I ace
J. W. MORROW. Proprietor.
Strictly First-Class
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
Organizitlou of The Hoosb Orfgon
Secures Good Positions.
Editor Gazette: It has been shown
that our etfitn has been handsomely re
cognized in the organization ct the sen
ate. Now that the bouse is in working
order Oregon has similar reason for sat
isfaetioD. 8-jrue newspaper man at borne
lately made tbe critioism, that Oregon
representatives wonld arrive bere too
late to acquire suitable plaoes on con
gressional oomittees: Lnt tbe writer
who thus bewailed oan reverse the criti
oism then made and possess bis soul in
patience, with some little faith that there
is taot as well as brains at work to far
ther Oregon interests. .
The sacoess for oar state in the past
to secure appropriations for importau
objeots, was greatly due to the faot tha
we had good workers on both honse and
senate committees: Usually there were
members on the same committee in eaoh
bouse, who worked to advantage to se
oure legislation and win appropriations,
This was instanced when Senator Dolph
was on tne senats oommittee tor rivers
aud harbors and Representative Her
maon on the similur bouse committee
as bv working together their lnflnenoe
was produotive of good results. It was
tbe remurk of all statesmen that for
yoars, when that was the case, Oreg n
secured far more money appropriated
for rivers and harbors in proportion to
representation, than any other state in
the anion.
Tbis taot was so well apprecia'ed aud
matters so well handled that although
our memberes were not hare in advance
of tbe opeuiog of oongress, the repre
seutiilion of Oregon on committees is all
that can be reasonably asked for, and
greater, considerably, than tbe majority
of memtiers possess, a morning paper
tells an amusing aneodote of a mem
ber of the house from Ghioago, who
approached tbe speaker with smiling
faoe and made tbe remark that be felt
proud o! belonging to one very import
ant oomrnitteH. Sneaker flendt-rson ex
pressed his gr-itificmiou that the honor
able geutleman whs pleased and inquired
what committee he referred to. The
answer was "1 am a member of the oom
mittee of the whole." Indeed though
from an imperial city he had been ap
pointed to hat one very immaterial posi
tiou. " " And thto-wao not au' lsol.'.vM instance.
Ihere are other mtmbers of the house
who serve on no important committees,
which greatly restricts their lufliieuce.
it usually requires experience aud ser
vice, 10 piaoe a ruemoer where be ou
oommaud position on influential oom
mittees. In the senate there are ninety
members, imd at present there are five
vaoaucies. The membership of tut
house is 356, four times that of the
senate when full. As there are tbe eiunr
oommittics'in eaob, the ohance for posi
tion is four times us good in the house
as in tbe sanate. Tbis will show that
Oregon has been well treated aud prove
that some good work was done t J secure
it. Tbe pressure for important position
is very great: Speaker Henderson must
have a very friendly feeling toward our
state to plaoe Mr. Tongue as be does,
and to put Mr. Moody, a new member,
on three differect oommittees. Saob
result is not aohieved at haphazard so
it is safe to imagine good management
Rivers aud harbors was tbe oommittee
where Mr. Hermann was so successful at
the time when Mr. Dolph was in the
senate and a member of the same com
mittee tberd, and they worked together
so successfully. It was oonoeded that
no representative bad ever achieved so
mnoh for big stute as did Hermann, but
that was greatly doe to having bad an
elTioieut ally iu the senate.
Two oougresses later we fled Mr.
Tongue on the house committee, as Mr.
Hermann bud been, while (Senator Mo
Iiride fills the similar place on tbe
senate committee that Mr. Dolph did
aforetime. The labors of these two
should so harmonize us to secure valu
able results.
Mr. Tongue is also chairman of too
boufce committee for irrigation and recla
mation of arid lands , if wbiob Mr. Ellis
was formerly chairmm; benator Simon
being a memeber of the corresponding
committee in tbe senate. These two
positi in plaoe the senior Oregon mem
ber iu good shape before congress.
Rivers and harbor is a very important
committee aud effirt had to be made to
secure it; be snoo eded where many in
fliieiitiul men failed. Tois speaks well
for hi in personally and confirms the fiict
as to the Hpeakei's friendly feeling for
our state us well as fur its representa
tives. Any one not a vare of the con
ditions and oofitinenoi'j that attend
coiigrestl'inal life may not be able to
apprcoiute fully as to the vtlue of ootn
m fee appointments
Mr. Moody is a L.r.v inen,br and few
men ob'aiu important positions on coro-njitlet-K.
It must bf b rne in mind tbat
ei.ch Lucm has nearly the suiue Com
mitttts, but it is for reupouu stated much
more dilb'i!t to obtain good places in
the honse.
Mr. Moody is ! member of the com.
uiitteeoo public lauds; another oom
mittee tbat Oregon is greatly interested
in, and of txinob valae to tbe nation.
Id this he follows f'.ia predecessor, Mr.
! liis, a recognition tlmt Oregon is oue
of the publn land status, s ua interested.
Tbia h pomtioo new cii mherg seldom
fill at tbe first eeeaioo. Ai Betator Mo-
Bride is on the corresponding senate
committee bere is another instanoa
where Oregon is well represented.
There is as mnoh in possessing taot as
iu doing head work or bard work, so we
oan pleasantly realize tbat matters have
beei well managed to seoure each high
Mr. Moody is also on mines and min
ing, tbat covers great questions, and on
expenditures in tbe interior department.
As a new member be has oause to feel
complimented by appointment on these
good committees. I osnnot say how be
was so fortunate, bat know that he has
reason to believe tbat his congressio lal
oareer opens auspiciously. SAC.
He Is Located at tbe Plaae Hotel Cotill
January 20.
Dr. Darrio's treatment by electrioity
has beoome so popular with tbe tfllioted
tbat bis offices are crowded night and
dny, and that patients do not seek id
vain, for tbe relief from the ills that
flesh is heir to is positive proof of tbe
superiorty of bis treatment over all other
methods of oure. As a further proof
tbe names of some reoeot cures are
given: E. E. Grout's boy, La Grande
Ore , orossed eye 12 years, cared iu 10
Bruce Bnyd, Elgin, Ore., deafness five
years, cured in ten minutes.
Condnoter J. O. Gulling can bs re
ferred to iu regard to the treatment of
himself and family.
E. F. Tice, Summerville. Oregon, terri
ble pain in the head for 12 years from
sunstroke and oatarrb, cared.
v. a, Hearing, Island City, Ore,
loathsome discharge of tbe ear, oured in
one month.
Mrs. Al. Hudson, formerly of La
Grande, Ore., now residing at 269 Sal
mon St., Portland, paralysis of one side
and diseases peoaliar to her sex, oured
nine years ago,
A, L. Jones, Athena, Oregon, neural
gia in the bead and eyes for 15 years, sc
bad at times that tbe least ray of light
orooiawind would almost mike him
orezy, oured.
Senator Geo. Chandler's son Cburles.
Baker City, Ore., heart trouble and gen
eral Dervous debility, oured and gained
30 pounds
John Martin, Cove, Ore., bydroceb
10 years, cured six years ago. Volnk
Webster, Weston Ore , oatarrli, onred ;
Miss Faonie Keuoedy, of Walla Walla,
Wash., both eyes crossed sinos a child
oured. H. A Tuoker, president of Bank
of Gennesee, Idaho, oatarrb 15 years,
cured. O. P. Mason, Portland, deaf
ness 20 years from paralysis of the nerve,
restored. Truman Butler, The Dalles
Oregon, obrouio rheumatism and con
traoted pints, nnd Impoverished blood,
all of three years standing, given up bj
all treatments until . Dr. Dirrio oured
him. S. A. Cameron, Pendleton, Ore.,
rheumatism, liver and kidney trouble,
cured two years ngo. Lee Baker. Conn
Street, Pendleton, Ore., rheumatism for
years io its worst form, also liver aud
kidney oomplaiota sail dyspepsia, re
stored six years ago.
Chief of Polios Brisbt's wife, of tbe
Indian reservation, Pendleton, Ore., al
most totally blind oured. Oris Breding's
son, Peudletm, eye trouble for years,
restored. Miss Nellie Riyoe, Athena,
oross eyes, onred. Hundreds of other
oases mulit b mentioned were It not
from tbe fact that many dislike to see
their name in print. Patients desiring
to see Dr. Dirrin should not delay, as he
cannot remain sway from tbe Portland
offloe longer than January 20.
Dr. Darrin will furnish batteries and
electric belts for any patient requiring
them, and will give fall directions for
their ase. Proper testing of eyes and
fitting glasses a speoialty.
He makes a speoialty of all diseases of
the ear, eye nose and throat, oatarrb,
deafness, bronchitis, la grippe, consump
tion, dyspepsia, constipation, beart, liver
and kidney diaeates.
He permanently oares all diseases o.
tbe geoito-urinary orgf.n, in either sex,
such as syphillis, gonorhea, blood taints
sorofala, stricture, seminal weakness
spermatorrnoea, loss of manhood.
All peculiar female troubles, irregulai
menu tn ration, leuohorrbosa, displace'
mvnt, etc, are confidently treated, at
well as all acute, ohronio, private, and
nervous diseases, of whatever nature, if
curable. No oases taken if Dot.
According to tbe time honored cus
tom Dr. Darrin will give treatment to
the worthy poor from 10 to 11 a, n.
Those able to pay from 10 a, m. to 6 p.
m. Evenings 7 to 8. Sundays 10 a. m.
to 3 p.m. The afflicted should not lose
the opportunity to consult tbit eminent
physician while here. All business re
lations with Dr. Darrin are strioily con-
Glorious N.ws
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes: "Foor tottle
of Eleotrie Bitters has cared Mm.Breer
of sorofula, wbiob has caused ber great
snfferiog for vears. Terrible sores would
break out on her bead sod faoe, and tbe
bet doctors ooold give no help; but ber
ours is oo i plets and her health is e x
celleD!.' Tbis shows what thousand have
proved tbat Electrio Bitters is the bst
blood purifier known. It's tbe supreme
remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,
ulcers, boiles and running sores. Ii
, :.nlHtf liver, kidneys and bowels, ex
f is potsoo.holps digestion.bullds op the
length. Only 60a. Hjld by Hlocuai
rnar Co. Quiranteed.
are made with Royal Baking
Powder, and are the most appe
tizing, healthful and nutritious
of foods.
Hot biscuit made with im
pure and adulterated baking
powder are neither appetizing
nor wholesome.
It all depends upon the bak
ing powder.
Take every care to have
your biscuit made with Royal,
which is a pure cream of tartar
baking powder, (if you would
avoid indigestion.
lmprMstv Uecr;itUin nf K'liiicror Wlllliiin
anil EmpruMK,
Berlin, Jan. 1 Amid tolling of churoh
bells and oheere arising from booms of
thousands of throtts io the dense multi
tude of joyoaa people who orowded the
streets down town, tbe new year and the
uew century, as the Germtoa eleot to
oall it, was weloimed with the simul
taneous boo ning of 3! gnnahita of s'ilii
tatiou from tbe Liitnrtonnear, tbe out
tie where Emperor William and the
empress were receiving enthasiastio
homage from the representatives of a
loyal nation. The oourt reoepliou was
i most impressive spectacle. It wai
Dreceded by divine servioes in the chapel
of tbe castle in whioh their mnj mties,
tbe priooes of tbe royal household, the
ambassadors, ministers and high digni
taries . j lined. Quite oontrary to
tbe general expectation, Ambassador
White and Mrs. White followed tbe
Spanish ambassador, Sanor Djd Mendez
le Vigo.
From a well-informed authority it is
learned tbat preliminary negotiation!!
bave been going on for some time be
tween Great Britain and Germany in
London for tbe pnrposo of extending tb
oope of tbe treity regarding tbe Portu
guese colonies, but that tbe Asiatic
oolooies of Portugal are not comprised
in tbe extension proposal.
The Vorwaerte today published Ibe
alleged text of a new manifesto from
Emperor Niobolas against the increase
of naval armaments, wbiob, it is sai 1, be
will promulgate on the first day of the
Russian new year. The Vorwaerte pub
lioation represents theozar as oonveuing
another international oooferenoe to oou
aider tbis particular question, Tbe Ger
man public appears to bave aooepted tb-i
nanifestn as genuine, but on inquiry at
tbe foreign offloe it was asoertaioed tbat
the manifesto is bogus. From another
source, usually well informed, tbe corre
spondent of the Assooiuted Press learned
that tbe Vorwaerts meant the whole
thing as a hoax, and as an ironloil repri
mand for the government.
Today terminates the privilege bithar-
to enjoyed by Heligoland enabling "in
stantaneous marriages" to be performed
on tbe islands. Tbe last seven oouples
tbus united bave just returned.
Count Arthur Von Borostorff. who four
years agooame near marrying one of the
Barrison sisters, of vaudeville fame, has
just become betrothal to tbe daughter
of a wealthy manufacturer, Herr Htol
werok, who has made a fortuae io choo
late at Cologne.
Hinoe the monthly settlement on
Thursday, which pussed off smoothly,
tbe money mtrket has been decidedly
any. Money is now ofTirel freely at low
raU, Liudon exohuoge declining. Fur
ther exports of g il l are tmprob ible,
Only three millions forexport ward taken
directly from tbe ltiiohsbank. Enrly
last week some gold waa imported.
Tbe financial papers point out tbat the
esse with wbiob Btrlio baa pa4 the
olose of tbe year d jinins'rAtws the solid
ity of the Germau mouey markut. T.js
explanation offers! is tbut Qerm iny to k
the moat oorreot view of t?m w.ir in
Boutb Atrioa tad its clleota, making
preparations for month') agtiust the
yearly settlement. The chamber of com
merce reports and the press reviews for
1809 pronounce this the best year G r
m iny ever bill. There hai bssn enor
mons activity in all lines, and tbe out
look is now most excellent. The Hum-
burg ohnmbar of onranerch expects the
boom to be one of long oootinaanoe, and
believes that sudden reactions are im
probable. O i tha other band, tbe net
profits of tbe year were seriously affdotsil
by high wngaa and tbe oost of raw
A coal famine prevails in Western
Germ my and but: ness concerns at Dua
seldorf hive petitioned for permission to
deliver empty coal oars at tbe mines oa
Sundays. 1
Tha iron market rena iina firm. Berlin
dealers have raiaed tbe pries of bars and
sheets five marks.
The North German Lloyd Steamship
Company has ordeiel a number of new
s'esmnre aud is raising its ooaan fhet to
95 vessels, the larg st number under tbe
oontrol of any company in the world.
A school for training railway experts
has just been established in Berlin. It
will open next month.
Tbe Berlin Uenetes Naohriohten, after
poiniiog out the increasing importation
of wood from the United States, advises
the German forestry organizations Io
0 imbiad and endeavor to seoure pro
tective duty.
(Oregon Agricultural College and Experiment
An especial effort is being put forth by
the Htate Agricultural O jllege to make
tbe coming winter short ooarse for
farmers, which will be held from Jan
uary 9th to February 21, inoluaive,
stronger in every partioular and more
intensely educational along the lines ot
praotioal husbandry than those which
have preoeded it. The objeot ot tbe
course is for the dissemination ot praoti
oal information io the various braoobes
ot farming, and for tbe teaohing of
modern methods, the outgrowth of
scientific research, thereby stimulating
production, lessenlug the arduous duties
ot the farmer, and yet increasing tha
revenues of tbe farm. This ooarsa will
consist of nus baudred leotures and ex.
ercisee, including tbe teohuioal and
practical features of general agriculture,
horticulture, dairying, veterinary
science, stock feeding anl breeding,
poully raising, etc.
In addition to this, several leotures
will be delivered by prominent men oa
economic questions that are of especial
interest to farmers. Tbe last three days
of tbe ooarse will be devoted exclusively
to tbo dtscussioas of problem! la f rait
growing, at wbicb time prominent fruit
gruwers and members of fruitgrowers'
orKanizatious throughout the (tats are
expected to be io attendance, and ws
anticipate tbat this will be one ot tbs
most notable gatherings ot representa
tive liorticulturi-ts ever witnessed io the
The course is freu to everyone. 8pe
olii! raits will begiveu by transportation
omipaoiea. Rural Spirit,