Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 21, 1899, Image 2

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The Gazette.
Thursday, Dec. 21, 1899.
Senatob McBeide, in the mat
ter of commities, is the best
placed man of all the senators on
the Pacific coast, and of the en
tire nation, for that matter. This
is very complimentary for Oregon,
as well as to oar senior senator.
Bi'LLEit struck a 8D8g on bis
march to the Pretoria Christmas
dinoer, and had to "back off and
grease." This homely smile ex
presses the ultimate result of fight
ing an underestimated enemy,
every time. The British are
brave, but the Boers are fighters
from "way back."
Senator Burrows has presented
President McKinley, a petition
signed by the Hollanders of Mich
igan, asking that he use his good
offices to bring about peace be
tween the English and the Boers,
and the petition has been filled in
the department of state. The
president can do nothing of this
kind, except when requested by
both parties to do it
As will be seen elsewhere, our
representatives and senators are
satisfied with the committee as
signments made for them. Well
they should be. The people of
Oregon are slso pleased that their
representatives should be so ad
mirably situated to do good work.
All the members of the present
session of members of congress
from Oregon were not the choice
of the Gazette, but they have been
elected, and in their work for their
state they should have the well
wishes and help of all.
It is plainly evident that the
weight of responsibility for the
coining republican campaign in
Oregon will fall upon the shoulders
of the country press. The com
bined harmonious pulling together
of the rural publications will be
just as effective as if they were
backed in their loyalty by the
metropolitan journals. The re
publican press will prove equal to
the emergency, as will be fully
proven when the campaign of 1900
in all its entirety has drawn to a
close. It will require energy to
accomplish the necessary results
but we believe the country press
are fully equal to the emergeucy.
Eugene Itegiater.
It is reported here that a railroad pro
ject is on foot (or the construction of a
lioe from lliliiard, on the O. R. k N.
nihil) line, lo the upper waters of the
John Day river, and on to Granite. Hi',
gard is beyond the anmmit of toe Blue
mountains east of Pendleton, and ia but
way station, no town being there.
The title of theoorapany ia tbeUilsgrd
A Uriinite oreek railroad oouipany.
The company has a general manager,
John D. Caaey, aud one of the directors,
John Milton, haa left La Grande osten
sibly to ell'oot arrangements for the odd
strnntion and rquipment of tbe road.
Much the same can be said of the
Hilgard plan as ean be said truthfully of
the toheme for a brauoh line for Peudle
ton to the John Day and Grauite
oonntry. Timber lands would be lapped
from whioh an enormous quantity of
lumber may be out, aud tonnage from
this item alone would be very heavy.
The line would also run through the flue
livestock countries of the interior region,
from whii'h annually now immense
amounts of at nil" are shipped. BuiUiug
Btone, red, grey and white sandstone,
lies within the belt, stone aeaond lo none
lo Oreg n for quality and beauty.
And the mining emntry at the inaide
terminus of tbe road would be imqnes-
tionably of character to add largely
to the volume of trnfilo flowing over
tbe rails.
The quantity of tonnage coming to the
main Hoe of the O. R. k N. company
fr uu thst country ia doI a oriterion to
judge what it would be with a line of
railroad running through it. Suoh an
enterprise would stimulate development
wonderfully, and in all lines of industry
the output would be augmented. Noth
ing more ilt Onlte has been learned here
conceriiing the company aud its plans
East Uregonian.
Nome thing for tin) New YVr.
The world-renowoed sucoeea of Ilos
letter's Stomach lUtters, and their con
tinued popularity fur near half a century
as a stouiHohio, ia scarcely more won
derful than the welcome tbut greets
Iloetetter's Almanac, Tula tuedioal
treatise is published by the Hoetetter
Company, Pittsburg I'a., under their own
immediate supervision, employing aiity
haudu iu that department. The ioeue of
mime for 1M0 will be over eleven mil
ium, printed in bine language. liefer
to a oopy of it for valuable and interest
ing reading concerning health, and num.
erons testimonials as to tbe effleacy of
Hostetter't Btomaoh Bitteia. The alma
nac for WOO can be obtained, free of oost,
from droggiita and genera cqnotry
dealers in all part" of the country,
Dr. K. R. Swinburne, of Heppner, Had Pas
Analyzed of Bopposrd Smallpox,
East Oregonian
Throughout tbe entire Inland Empire,
comprising portions of Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho, have appeared a la-ge
number of oases of disease which baa
been commonly given diagnosis as
smallpox. These oases have appeared
al Pendleton, Heppner, Walla Walla,
Milton, near La Grande, at several plaoea
in Idaho, and very many in Washington.
Id all, or nearly all, of tbe towns dis
putes have arisen among pbysioians, as
lo the exact obaraoter of tbe disease.
Some have contended that it is typioal
smallpox , others that it ia not. Io some
instances, tbe disputes have led to al
most undignified quarrels among Ibe
medical gentlemen; in others, the in
vestigations have bseo oonduoted io a
spirit of professional inquiry, which was
had for tbe sole purpose of arriving at
tbe faots.
Desiring to give to the publio, as well
as to afford tbe medical gentlemen to
interchange views on tbe subjeot in all
cases in which aotual laboratory analysis
have been made, and latest methods of
soienoe employed, to arrive at the trutb ,
the East Oregonian has asked Dr. E. B.
Swinburne, of Heppner, to submit tbe
result of bis investigation, which has
been occasioned by the appearance in
bis town of Heppner of a number of
oases of tbe disease in question. Dr.
Swinburne kindly gives tbe matter im
me Jinta attention, and sends a complete
report so far as bis researches have gone.
Dr. Swinburne treats it in a oommen
dably professional spirit; and submits
the matter for the consideration of tbe
public and of tbe members of bis pro
fession. His letter to tbe East Ore
gonian, introduoing the BUjeot, reads:
Heppner, Or., Deo. 12 To tbe Editor.
Your valued favor at band. It is with
pleasure I send you what information I
have concerning this vexed question, for
tbe laity ore as frightened over this skin
disease as though it really weie demon
strated to be smallpox.
I enolose tbe original report from tbe
liboratory, also a letter to tbe "Clinic,'
a Chicago medioal journal, published
by the sane people as they asked a
history of tbe disease. Profs. Waugh
and Abbott, tbe elitors, are very wide
awake, reliable, up to date pbysioians,
tbe former a professor of theory and
praotioe in Chicago Medical oollege, and
their labratory is coLOeded strictly re
liab'e. I will say io passing, that tbe last
party named in artiole, Spivey, in tbe
last four days has developed a slig'jt
eruption, but is nearly dried up, with
no sydtematio affeotiou whatever.
It is o irtuinly a strauge disease, and
assimilates smollpox io miuy of its
feutnrei, yet it cannot hi.
Dr. Swinburne sent to tbe Abbott
Alkaloidal Company, of Chicago, recog
01Z3 1 baoteriolngionl experts, speoime :s
of the pus from two patients in Heppner,
and reocived reports as follows :
CurcAUo, 111., Soieutitio Department,
Luboratory, Deo. 1 To Dr. E K. Swin
burne, Heppner, Oregon: The speci
mens of two slides submitted by you
bas been fouud to contain pus oells very
numerous: no baoteria or oocol. II is
characteristic of ekiu eruptions in gen
e-al. (Signed)
Per Clay.
At the request of "Tbe Clinio," a well
known medioal Journal published in
Chicago, Dr, Swinburne sent them tbe
following letter concerning tbe disease
and bis obaeivations:
Hepi'nrr, Ore., Deo. 8 To the Kditor
of Tbe Ullnio: Your observation of
specimen sent on November 26, received,
and read as follows:
"The specimen of two slides submitted
by you oootalu pus oetls very numerous;
uo baoteria or oocoi. It is oharaoteristio
of skin eruptions in general."
This specimen was taken from several
of the largest pustules on the 8th day of
eruption, they appearing at that time in
their fullest aud most distended oou
ditioo. This esse is m ire than tin average in
severity, yet ooia ton may have been
worse on acojunt of deraued oonditiou
of system to start with.
For the thermal CJuditiou.see iuoloeed
diagram. Patient boy, 18 years; pre
vious health and ooudition, good. Called
evening of 17th; found temperature 104
degrees, severe bead and backaohe.
Moroiug of 18lh temperature 102;
slight papular eruption on forehead and
face ; body free.
10th Temperature 101; eruption
spreading on face; body free.
20th Boy oomfortable; free from fever;
eruption thick on face and eoalp; begin
ning on arms and legs.
2M Eruption spreading over limbs
and scattering over tbe body; tempera
ture 101 ; tout;ua oleariug and appetite
2Jd Fifth day of eruption, taoe well
Covered and the papules are becoming
vessioular; a alight amount of swelling
abmit the eyes; temperature, normal.
2ol Sixth day, temperature, 101.50;
appetite ravenous; secretions good; faoe
eruption peslulitr, but drying up and
flattening dowu without rupturing.
24tb Seventh day, temperature 102;
fsoe drying down; extremities pustular;
begs for more to eat.
25:h Eighth day, opened a few of
largest pustules on tbe arm and sent you
for specimen; temperature normal;
tongue clear ami moist; is sitting np.
Jbth Muth day, pustules flattening
dowu without ileseioation ; temperature
normal and has remained so.
This bas left a slight elovation ; do
Family is of G; father vaccinated years
ago, niother and childreu not protected ;
vioeinated all with P. D. lymph on 19tb;
all working, but all have the eruption
la much lighter form, begimuiiug about
6 dayi ago, but no eyiteuialio affection
whatever; all about tbe bouse with good
appetites, normal temperatures and
tongues olean; in faot, as they say, they
are Dot sick.
Another oase in a distant part of the
town begun about same time; bigb
fever, severe back end beadaobe; erup
tion passing through its several stages in
6 days only , leaving tbe patient well and
witb a ravenous appetite; never vacoi
nated; has been a sailor and says be bad
tbe same thing onoe in Manila, only of a
severer type.
Often times but one io a family will
have it, but generally more, if not all.
I bave bad a varied experience in
variola in tbe past, io all three of its
forms, and while I am picturing you a
oase of varioloid, perhaps, and that too,
in oases that bave never been vaccinated,
I bave never believed it to be smallpox.
I will mention, too, that another party
bas slept with tbe eeoond oase all through
and never vacoinated and bas escaped,
I give you this at length, though it
seems too trifling a malady, as it is tbe
same all over tbe western states, soaroely
a town esoaping, and often oalled small
Oregon Senators Batixfled With Committee
Morning Oregonian.
Washington, Dec. 1& The Oregon senators
are better fixed on committee! than almost any
of the senators who have served the same
length of time and are still classed as new men
In the senate. McBrlde la chairman of coast
defenses and a member of commerce, Indian
depredations, public lands, forest reservations,
interoceanlc canals and Philippines seven
committees. They are better committee assign
ments thai any other man serving but four
years has secured, with the single exception of
Senator Carter, of Montana, while McBrlde's
committees are much better for Oregon and the
Pacific coast than are Carter's for the same
section of the country.
Four of the seven committees are of very
great importance to the Pacific coast: Com
merce, Philippines, interoceanlc canals and
public lands, while the other three may be
made of considerable advantage should there
be any legislation affecting tbe coast defenses,
forest reservations or anv proposal to pay Ore
gon and Washington Indian depredation claims.
Compared to other senators who have served
four years, McBrlde's committees stand out
very prominently. Baker, of Kansas has but
two good committees, District of Columbia and
Indian affairs. Deboe, of Kentucky, has no
good committee. Elkins, of West Virginia, is
the only man that comes near to McBrlde in
important committees, and his would not be so
Important to Oregon as those held by the latter.
Oeer, of Iowa; Thurston, of Nebraska, and
Wetmore, of Rhode Island, all have committees
inferior to the senior senator from Oregon.
In fact, his committee places are much better
than those of some men who are serving their
second term.
Senator Simon is a member of seven commit
tees, the two important ones being Judiciary
and public buildings and grounds. Next come
the irrigation and reclamation of arid lands, of
which he ia chairman; mines and mining,
which will deal with legislation affecting not
only Oregon, but Washington and Alaska, and
the minor committies of revolutionary claims,
Potomac river in front of Washington, and
trespassers on Indian lands.
Iu comparing the assignments of Senator
Simon with the other men who are classed as
new senators at the. beginning ol this congress,
it is noticed that they are better than those of
Beverldge, of Indiana, whose only good com
mittees are Philippines and territories; better
than Depew, of New York, who is on com
merce; Kean.of New Jersey, who is on inter
state commerce and public lands; Mc"omn, of
Maryland, whose boat committee Is privileges
and elections; McCumbcr, of North Dakota,
whose best committee Is Indian affairs; Quartos
of Wisconsin, who has Indian affairs and pub
lic buildings and grounds; Koss, of Vermont,
whose best eommittoe is that on territories, and
Scott, of West Virginia, whoso best is public
buildings and grounds.
Senator Simon's committee assignments are
also bettor than those of a number of men who
have served longer than he, among whom may
be mentioned Deboe, Mason, Prltchard, Shoup
and Wellington. The positions ot both Oregon
men are better than the corresponding positions
of men on the democratic side.
Senator Fostor, of Washington, Is chairman of
the coast and Insular survey committee, and a
member of agricultural, forestry, fisheries,
manufacture, woman's suffrage and revolu
tlonary claims committees. The new Washing
ton senator has not been as fortunately placed
as the men from Oregon. The coast ami Insular
survey committee may develop into one of
some importance, and the agricultural com
mittee handles an appropriation bill ,yet,ln the
classification of committees, none of those to
which Senator Fostor has been assigned are
considered among the first and second-class
committies of the senate, for at least the rank
of a dozen others Is considered hlghor.
The democrats took very good care of Senator
Tumor, of Washington, and he is a member of
the oommittees on commerce, public buildings
and grounds, tutcroceauie canals, coast de
fenses, fisheries, Immigration, pensions and
transportation routes to the seaboard, holding
all of his old places with the addition of the
interooeanto canals.
The Oregon senators are particularly well
satisfied with their assignments, and should be,
for they are placed so as to do the greatest
work for their constituents. Matters in which
the people are most Interested are sure to come
before these commit toes.
A large delegation of Pacific coast senators
and representatives called on the president and
secretary of war today and urged the appoint
ment of Colonel Long, chief quartermaster at
San Francisco, to be brlgadeer-general of vol
unteers. The Westom congressmen say that he
has earned his promotion on account of the
work he has done In the matter of arranging
for the shipping of troops and supplies to the
KnglKb Plum Padding.
Seed first one pound of raisins, when prepar
ing to make an English plum pudding; mix
thorn with a pound of currants and halt a
pound of minced orange peel; dust over a
quarter of a pound ol flour. Chop fine one
pound of suet; add to It a quarter of a pound of
brown sugar, half a uutmeg, grated, three-
quarters of a pound of stale, dry bread crumbs.
Mix all the Ingredients together. Beat the
eggs, without separating, until light; add to
them half a pint of grape or orange juice; pour
over the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly.
The mixthue should not be wet, but each
particle snould be moistened. Pack this Into
small greased kettles or molds It will fill two
three-pound kettles. Put on the covers, stand
in the steamer, and steam steadily for 10 hours
The easier way is to get the lngnxllents ready
the night before; mix and put them on early tu
the morning, allowing them to cook all day.
Taks them from the steamer, remove the lids
of the kettles or moulds, and allow the pud
dings to cool; then replace the lids and put
the puddings away. They will keep in a cool
nlacs for H'veral months or a year.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are graud. but skiu eroptious rob I te
of jiy. Backleu's Arnica Halve cares
tbeai; also old, running and fever sores,
ulcers, felons, boil, corns, warts, cuts,
bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands,
chilblains. Boat pile cure on earth.
Drives nnt paius s nd aches. Only 23
cent a box. Cur guarantied. Bold by
olooum yrod Uo,
.sfV sbsbjibs
Hi I II ir I hirrl
w vj I I 1 1 1
Our former
Jackets and
we supplement them with a
Special Mackintosh Sale
ill .
4V We
haven't a vfirv Tato-a stnrk tViia cooenn'o
W Stuff, with the exception
w toshes, and we are going to clean them out at Hi
special bargain prices.
yjfj A Misses' brown mackintosh with cape,
ylf lengin iio ovmcnes, aouDie texture, velvet kt
ii fto s-x '
Hi inlaid collar, $3, now
" A ladies' mackintosh with cape and
w velvet collar, solid colors, navy blue and
j black, lengths, 58 to G2 inches, $3.50
ij) Men's black tricot mackintoshes with
YJ) capes at the very low price of
Men's heavy, tan colored, all wool, lined
w mackintoshes, cut in box coat style, silk
yj! velvet collar, were $5.50, now
2 Our 'Xmas Stock
Is opened up and you will
them all in the matter ot
A- for askintr double nrices.
w 1
You can
ii Heppner,
Highest price paid for fat
Heppner, Oregon.
City oonucil met in regular seseiorj
last Monday night, with Mayor Oonser
and ootiBoilmen Q irrigate, Noble, Rhf ,
U ilierts trnil Him )ds present.
Proceedings of last meeting road and
Petitions of Mollis Heed, Ohbs Ma -lork
and W. R. Reed were granted.
Tbe following bills presented were re
ferred to tbe linaoce oommittea and
reported baok witb reoouiuieDdatiou tbat
flame be allowed :
T. R Howard J 4 00
Sam McBrlde 3 00
Win. Halrd 3 34
Geo. Voats 9 40
Geo Thornton 50
The bonds of treasurer aud recorder
were submitted and appioved.
The surveyor was ordered to survey
tbe street running by Morgan's.
Mr. Editor: Dear Sir: I bave been
troubled for over two years with ringing
in my head and ears and deaf in one ear
ao I could not bear a watch tiok; also
bad pain and soreness in the glands of
the neck, base of tbe brain, and di.iness.
I oonsulted Dr. Darrin. He said he
oould oure me. I took a few of his
eleotrio treatments and will truly say
he has entirely cured me of all those
ailments. I oso bear the watch tiok
plain, ringing aud soreness all gone, and
willingly reoommend Dr Durrin to tha
elllioted pnbhe. I can be referred to. I
reside at Wapinitia, Ore.
Thomas Batti.
O insiltalion free. The ronr treated
free except medicine. Write for qnes
tion blanks, batteries and eleotrio belts.
Dr. Darrin will visit Heppner, at tbe
Palace hotel January 1st to 2hl.
His Lifs Wat) Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a promineol citizen of
(Iauuibal, Mo., lately bad a wouderful
deliverance from a frightful death. In
telling of it be says: "I was taken with
typhoid feer, that rao into pneumonia.
My lungs beoame bardeued. I was so
weak I couldn't sit op in bed. Nothing
helped me. I ei peeled to soou die of
couenmptiou, when I beard of Dr. King's
New Discovery. Oo bottle gave great
relief. I continued lo use it, and now
am well and strong. I can't esy too
much iu its praise." Tbia marvelous
medicine is Ibe surest and quickest core
in the world for all throat and lung
trouble. Reg nlar tixt e 0 cents and $1
Trial bottles free at Slooqtn Drug Co.
Every bottle uuarauteed.
special sales of Capes
Fascinators have proven jy
popular and this week jjy
of a few men's mnrVkin- ii
1.75 ft
4 no ii
find it surpasses
Lnnk them nver v.
Save Money, il
Oregon. il
fresh Meats
Salt and Smoked Meats
Pure Rendered Leaf Lard
Fish every Friday.
Liberty Market
RnrU & Alathews,
Ninety-nine times out of a hundred the spas
modlc advertiser, the man who advertises to
day a little, one day next week a good deal, and
then none at all for a long time, is the very
fellow who claims that advertising does net
I never heard of a man who advertised
thoroughly, carefully, persistently and rezu
larly for a whole year that was not afterwards
an advocate of advertising.
Advertise just as yoi eat regularly and In
reasonable quantity, You don't wait until you
are starved before you eat, but you goto your
meals at a set time every day. One meal right
after another, year, after year, makes you grow
fat and keep well.
Advertise jist as you drive a nail. Not one
big blow and theu stop forever, but with
reasonable blows, one following the other,
Even if your one blow Is hard enough to drive
the nail home, it Is likely to go crooked or slip
the plauk and spoil your job.
Advertise just as the farmer plants corn
not a big sackfull at one time, in one place and
then stop; but a few gralus at a time In regular
In other words, advertise with business sense,
just as you would do anything else. Keep at It
week after week, month after month, and suc
cess will surely come by and by. Printers' Ink.
Bismarck's Iron Nerva
Was the result ot bis splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver, kid
neys aud bowels are out of order. If
yoo want these qualities and the suooess
they bring, nee Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25 ceut3 at 81o
oara Drug Co's.
Steam Laundry
All kiuda of laundry work done
first cIhbs.
Special ratrs on family washing.
White Shirts a Specialty
Washing without ironing 3h cent
per pound.
Steady customers, 3 c'a per pound.
Carpet washing 3 cU per found
Casb on delivery.
Paints, Oils
and Glass
A full stock.
Supplies of all kinds.
You can save it by trading with
Gilliam k Bisbee
Who carry a
Of Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural
Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Etc., Paints and Oils (the best in
the world). Crockery aud GlaBsware.
Give 11s the cash and you can get as good and as many goods from us as you
can got laid dowu In Heppner from anywhere. This we guarantee.
6 Heppner Candy Factory.
t We manufacture our
V INut bandies. Ktc.
They are always fresh. .
Fresh Oysters served at all hours.
I Full line of Lunch Goods, Fruits, Stationery,
A Cla;cs.r find Tobaoooa.
Chocolate Bonbons.
Patterson & Son.
The Heppner' Flouring Mill Company
Hhva peifeoted arrangements to ran tbe mill permanently.
They have eeonrel tbe eervioea of a first olsss miller, and
wheat sufficient to make and keep on band a permanent
supply of
Flour, Graham, Cerm Meal, Whole Wheat,
Bran and Shorts
Of the very best quality and guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We are here to bay wheut and
tueir patronage.
When Wheat is depressed
Trepare for a reaction by concentrating
your grain with
The Mutual Warehouse Co.
at tidewater. If you are not fully
posted about the advantage of the offer
drop us a line and we will explain.
THe Mutual WarefiousG Go.
Office, 7 First Street,
The largest and best selected
stock in Morrow county.
A fine stock to
select from.
The very latest.
& Co.,.
to Mart Bros.)
Taffies, Caromels, Creams. 5
Christmas Goods
Find Hand Painted
Leather Goods
'Xmas Candies
'Xmas Goods of
all kinds
Pocket Books
Toilet Cases
All kinds of leather
Picture Frames
Up-to-date Druggists. (?
exobange witb the farmers, and solicit