THE HEPPNER GAZETTE Fublished Every Thursday. BY CORLIES MERRITT, Editor axxa. 1-ffajn.a.g-ar. . SUBSCRIPTION On Year - . . . Six Months . . . Three Months RATES- SI. SO 73 BO Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Enteted at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon ADVERTISED LETTEBS. f ETTER8 ADVERTISED AT HEPPNEB S.nSIi PS'S.e (2) White, Mabel Sfnif1, F 8tall Charles Neilson, Pete 8heppare, D A .hreH.Salllng for these lette Please lay dvertised, b. F. Vadohan. P. M. Local Notes. Turkeys are roostins; high. Don't miss the Tbanksgiying ball. Frank Sloan was in town Saturday. Thaokscivinu is but a week ahead. Judge Lowell left or this -morning's train. . Ball at the opera bouse Thanksgiving evening. . Come one, come all to the Thanks giving ball. "Home Comforts" are all we ask. Buy a range. A "Home Comfort" range makes Iile worth living VV. B. Turfey, of Butter creek, was in town this week. The "Home Comfort" ranges speak for tliemse'ves. P. Bcharff and son, of Monument, are in our city today. A great ball at Garrigues' hall Thanksgiving night. Mrs Ben Mathews went to Elgin, Or., for a few weeks' visit. The Heppner Transfer Co. will always serve the people right. Hiram Tash and J. W. Tash were in town the first of the week, ' Robt. Saver, a prominent Douglas farmer, was in town today. John XV. Cox, of Hardman, was in town this week as a juryman. Theo. E. Anderson was doing business with our merchants this week. Peter Brenner, the prominent Goos berry representative, is with as. Chas. Royce, of Hardman, the stock hustler, was with us this week. Miss Carrie Gray is reported seriously ill at the home of Frank Gilliam. . M. Curren is lying at the Palace hotel seriously afflicted with rheumatism. Jas. Mc Haley sold his clip of wool of three years ago, this week at 15 cents. Seed Rye for sale at the Morrow County Land and Trust Co's warehouse. Have you ever stopped to see our line of Lowney's candies? Patterson & Son. All delinquent in subscription to the Gazette are requested to come in and Bettle. J. Q. Wilson unfortunately had a pile up of his sheep last week costing him 56 head. Chas. Hams and daughter, Minnie, of Hardman, registered at the Palace Monday. Thanksgiving ball at the opera bouse Thursday evening. E. II. Kellogg manager. Mrs. E. W. Rhea with her son is visiting Mrs. Curtis, her sister-in-law, at Sumpter. W. B.' McAlister, of Lexington was held in town a few day's this week on court duty. Holidays are near at hand. Read The Fair's advertisement of their im mense stock. Jerry Brosnan and his (laughter. Miss Kitty, were registered at the Palace last Saturday. Elza Vinson, of Butter creek, was kicked by a horse last Tuesday and severely injured. G. A. Stevenson sold 700 head of ewes this week to Geo Gray, the rust ling sheep buyer. Stephen Hendrickson, who formerly herded sheep in this vicinity, died at Enterprise last week. Andrew Ranpy, Philip Doherty and Mrs. Sarah Jones made final proof on homesteads Saturday. Lowney's candies range in price from 10c up. Did you ever stop to think when you buy candies. Patterson & Son have the complete line of Lowny's candies on sale. Drop in and investigate them. Did- vou know we were agents of Lownev's candies all kinds and all prices? Patterson & Son. A sack of clothing found between here and Rhea creek by Crocket Kirk. Call at this office. Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tione and defects of the eye, will be here every three months. Miss Ethel Walbridge, who is teach ing the Brosnan school, was taken ill and compelled to come home. City election comes off on the 4th of next month. Recorder Williams is the first one announced for reelection. Hon. Henry Blackmail returned from Spokane last and has since been con fined to bis bed from effect of a cold. Script Fob Sale A nnmber of pieces of land script recently received and for sale at $4.25 per acre. A. Mallorv. " J. T. Johnson and R. N. Stanfield re turned from Walla Walla last week, where they delivered 130 head of cattle. K larue and apprecative audi Pat MuDaid, Tom Gilfillin, M. Keoney iom k-nnedy, P. M. Curren and M Curren were in our city during session of court. New goods at Mrs. L. J. Estes. con sisting of street hats, hair switches, stamped goods, battenburg, bustles. e c, etc. Ed Campbell, of Butter creek, has rented his place and gone to California to spend the winter in hope of bettering his health. . J. B. Coe, representing the Irwin Hodson Co,, C. H. Harrison and Oscar Johnson, popular traveling men, are in town today. Geo. Yates, who plead guilty to simple assault before the circuit judge, was today sentenced to a fine of $50, or 25 days in jail. O. A. Brian, a promising young Goos berry farmer, was in town Saturday, lie reports conditions favorable for next year's crop. Mrs. Thomas, who came here with her husband from Salem, left on this morning's train fr her home. Mr, Thomas will remain awhile. Judge Bartho'omew, owing to serious ailment, could not be on bund to attend to the business of his office. We ate glad to report hira on the mend. L. L. Parker was married to Miss E. M. Parker at Moscow, Idaho, last Sun day. They returned here Tuesday and will make Heppner their home. J. Woolery, E. G. Sperry, W. M. Haguewood, Dr. Rudd, Mat Halvorson and Nat Hale were among the Ionites iu town on court and other business this week. Rev. C. I). Nickelson will preach next Sauday morning and evening on "The Lily of the Field." These sermons will be illustrated by the use of a lily from the Holy Land. Styner the ekctrio belt man, is truly a genius as an impersonator, and last evening's entertainment held the inter est of all present. In fact he is a "whole show," Jas. Mc Haley left on this morning's train for Portland where he takes his wife to the hospital for treatment. It is to be hoped that she will recover from her serious injury. About fifty members of the Holly Club enjoyed a delightful party atlhe opera house last Friday evening, it be ns the event of its reorganization. Re freshments were served. At the old familiar corner, the Belve dere, a smile awaits you. Within will be found the choicest brands of liquors and cigars. Billiard and pool tables kept in prime condition. -: Rev. Putwine-will hold services at the Christian church Nov. 25th. Morning service at 11 o'clock with communion. Evening services at 7:30. A confirma tion class will be organized. Miss Essie Robertson left on Wednes day's train for a short vacation and visit with her relatives at Independence. She will return next week. Mrs. M. E. Ball will fill her vacancy in the post- office. - Conspicuous has been the presence of so many of our prominent farmers and stockmen in town the past week. Their companionship is enioyed by us all and increases our sociability, consequently our business association.. Mr. J. O. and L. J. Kincaid of lone came up last Saturday. The young man was detained as a juror during session of court. Mr, Kincaid has a record of 40 coyote scalps since the bounty law went into effect. Thanksgiving day will be appropri ately observed by a thanksgiving service at the M. E. church on next Thur8(Ly evening, at 7 o'clock, special music will be arranged for the occasion. You are all invited to attend this service. "Sharkey and Jeffries" had a second "go" in front of Swaggart A- McAfee's new building 'on Monday. It was a good big man vs. a good little man. The small man got a black eye and $7.50. The big man got the glory and a dismissal by the judge. Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port land. The reputation of these gentle men insures the success of the enter prise. The diningroom is excellently managed and is unsurpassed. The Hyacinth remedies are a new system of Homepathic cures for use in the family, and are much superior to any other heretofore knon. They are easy to take, always safe, and very effectual, 50 cts. each. Mrs. A. M. Gunn agent for Heppner and vicinity-. Mrs. S. A. PickarJ, one of Morrow county's most successful teachers, closed a seven months' term on the 10th inst. on Rhea creek, with entertaining execcises. Mrs. Pickard is a favorite with her pupils, and her success is most gratifying to the parents of the children intrusted to her care. The Rock Island Playing Cards are the slickest you ever handled. One pack will be st by mail on receipt of L15 cents in stamps. A money order or draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will secure 4 packs, and they will be sent by express, charges prepaid. Address, John Se bastian, G. P. A., C. R.I.&P. Chicago 4t. County Commissioner Howard, wife and daughter were on Monday's out-going train biund for their old home at St. Joseph, Mo , which place Mr. How ard left twenty-one years ago. They will also visit Chicago and other points and expect to remain away two months. Mr. A. A. Lindsey, his son-in-law and wife accompanied them as far as Port land, where they will visit for several diys. The ladies band met at the new and elegant residence of Mrs. R. C. Wills last night for practice and reoiganiza' tion, electing Mrs. Geo. Conser, presi dent; Mrs. J. D. Brown, secretary ; Mrs. S. P. Garrigues, treasurer; Miss Willa Minor, dispatcher and lr. V. Crawford leader and business manger. The baud will meet on Tuesday and Friday even ings of each week, and will be in readi ness for the coming politcial campaigns. Minor & Co have commenced a series of special sales opening with cloaks and jackets this week, placing fascina tors and hoods on the list. Next week a new line will be cut. These special offers may be withdrawn at any time. Their object is to reduce the lines in which they are overstocked and when they advertise a bargain it goes. The ladieB will watch M. & Co's. ads with interest from now on and save money. There is a genuine revival on at the M. E. church, south. Souls are being saved nightly. Great crowds attend and the interest is unabated. Adjutant Nelson and wife are certainly a whole host. The Adjutant is a plain old fashioned gospel preacher. He is abso lutely fearless, and he smashes the toes of sinner arid saint alike, but it is all done with such a loving heart, that no one can take offense. They will at least remain over Sunday. The street meet ing is attracting much attention. Report comes from Lexington that a disgraceful row occured there last Friday night, owing to attentions being paid to an estimable young lady by a traveling professional man, which ex cited the ire of some local young men. The consequences were most disastrous to the outsider, and escaping from those who assaulted him he walked a dis tance of twenty miles during the night to Douglas, hatless and coatless, in a sad plight, owing to his battered con dition. . Sympathy seemed divided. J. E. Halton, the artistic painter is nowatwoikon a picturesque pastoral scenei t1' be bordered with adver tisement of our principal business houses, which will be placed in the Palace hotel offbe. His work is origi nal and effective and will be studied with interest by those who see it. We are inclined to encourage this disposi tion of advrrtis'ng as it keeps our busi ness houses constantly before the pub lic. American advertising instinct has placed us far in the lead of all nations. The twenty first edition of Copp's Settler's Guide, a popular exposition of our public land system, is before us. It is edited by Henry N. Copp, of Wash ington, D. C., the well known land attorney. Its price is only 25 cents. The chapter on surveys is illustrated and tells how to decipher township sec tion corners. Toe book gives the latest rulings on the Homestead and other laws. Mr. Copp desires the adlresae) of all union soldiers who made home stead entries before June 1874, of leBS than 100 acres. He has a matter of in terest for their c msideration .'- The ladies of the Relief Corps report a most satisfactory meeting on last Saturday. A number of the civil war veterans were there and seemed to en joy and appreciate the efforts in their behalf by the ladies. At the conclusion of-a sumptuous dinner entertaining speeches were made by Commander G. XV. Ilea, Comrade J. F. Willis and Hon. W. R. Ellis, afterward meetings were held by the G. A. R. Post and the ladies Relief Corps at which officers were nominated. Mrs. Bertha Drew Oilman was initiated a member of the corps. At the regular meeting the election will be held. The Relief Corps is the only purely patriotic order in our city and is entitled to much consideration. TKST OF DRAFT. "Trlaninli Plow vs. Walking Plow. Test made at Heppner, Or, on Nov. 21, 1899, between Triumph Qaog Plow, 28 iDobes, and Moline Plow Co., steel beam, Walking Plow, 14 iuouet. The self registering dynamometer and meas urements showed the following remit: WAI.KINO MEMORANDA GANG PLOW Width of furrow cut, Inches.... 30 11.7 Depth of furrow cut, " Square Inches of earth turned. Draft to do the work, pounds. . Draft to turn 1 iquare inch of earth, computed on above baiii, pounda 4.4 Difference in favor of Triumph Gang, if Walking Plow had turned two farrows and the Bame fqoare inobes of earth, 168 pounds Judges present were: Oliver Kincaid, If ne; C. Mullory, Heppner; B. Rsnney, Eight Mile. TRIUMPH GANG . 30 . 6 .180 .705 6.5 7 425 5.4 NOTICE OF CITV ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that general city election of the city of Heppner will be held oo Monday, the 4tb day of Dec ember, 1899, nt the recorder's offiee in aid oity, for the purpose of electing the following oity offioers: 1 myor, 1 re corder, 1 treasurer and 3 oonnoilmen. The polls will open at 8 o'clock a. m. and remain open until 5 o'clock p. m. of said dtv. The chairman and judges of aid election will be: A. H. Wells, Albert Wright and Vivo. Warren, and 8. J. L(zer and W. A. Itichordson cleiks. Dated November 17, 1899. J. P. WlILIAMS, (Seal) " City Reoorder. $50 KKWAKi) iMiri .ii:if- ill f;.f (AifL i i in syrup, i miv Mi. iw Will be paid for information leading to the arrest and cooviotioo of any person stealing horses branded on left shoulder witb shield nnder bar. Oliver Pearson, 9-7 Eight Mi'e, Or. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Omum and ImutifiM U tnlfc ft ln'inH fr'iwth. Be to Hortor Grj Unr to It. Teuthfiil Coior. Cuxas tctp ft btir Ill, iMIl I I .11 ,jl,Ul The Fair The Place to Save Money. The Fair Remember it was The Fair that made values better and prices lower in Heppner! ! ! Holiday Announcement We have received the most complete stock of Holiday Goods ever hrought to Heppner, which will be sold at prices that will simply astonish you. k few cents will make the little ones happy. Our counters are teeming with) goods of every description. We are no longer a stranger to you. Our Dualities are k hi and our Prices the Low est. ; ThB Fir. are not Satisfactory. Til Fjlf. St THE LATEST In Style and Finish JL. JLJLJCV JC JlVk3 -XL : In Quality and Make Winter Clothing and Overcoats: Our Claim! We have in stock the finest assortment and best line of ready-made Clothing ever brought to Morrow county. We defy our competitors! , Before buying wo invito you to call and examine quality, style and prices. We cheerfully await your verdict. We mean Business! Full Dress Suits, - The Latest h Uj Cutaway Suits, - Very Nobby Double-Breasted Suits, Square Cut U V'. IJ k'J F ur Overcoats and Rubber Goods v v-- W V V V V V 5 w M V,