THE IPB GAZETTE Published Every Thursday. BY OORL1ES MEHRITT, SUBSCRIPTION On Year . Six Months Three Months RATES- SI. 50 73 80 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon as second-class matter. ADVERTISED LETTERS. LETTERS - ADVERTISED AT HEPPNER Or., November 7, 1899. Dahlstrom, P E Pettyjohn, T 8 Hamilton, Orlean Rice, D 8 Jerman, D Htarika, Joseph Polley, P A Vallely, Win . When calling for these letters please say advertised. B. Vauuhan, P. M. Local Notes. Luther Hamilton is in town. . Ben Parker spent a few days here this week. Work on the Episcopal church begins Monday. . W. B. McAlister, of Lexington, oame up Saturday. . December 4th is the date of Hepp ner's city election. E. G. Sperry, of lone, is again with us for a day or two. , Emit Scharff, of Monument, paid the Gazette a visit today. The Heppner Transfer Co. will always serve the people right. Seymore Wilson, of Dry creek, came in on business Tuesday. Drill and gangplows for sale at A. M. Gunn's blacksmith shop. tf John McMillan, of Lexington, spent Saturday here on business. Mrs, J. S. Boothby, of Lexington, paid Heppner a visit Saturday. Chas. Iloyce, the hustling cattle dealer, is with us for a few days. Kevl Henry Barnhart and wife, of Monument, are visiting Heppner. Don't forget Dickson at the lone stable when you want your team cared for. T.ios. Boothby and wife, of Lexington, are the parents of a fine 9 pound boy. The interior of the Liberty Meat market has been artistically repared. Luther and John Huston were in town on business the first of the week. Seed Rye for sale at the Morrow County Land and Trust Co's warehouse. Mrs. Jerry Brossmann and daughter are visiting Heppner friends for a few days, Chas. Johnson, the wheat bnyr, was prospecting this field the last of the week. Geo. Luttrell is now at Canyon City working for the Heppner-Canyon City stage line. Mrs. Geo. Swaggart is viBiting her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Beard, near Lew iston, Idaho. Geo. Smith, Jim Brown, Mr. Stanton and Gay brothers, of Lexington, were in town Saturday. A 9-pound boy is responsible for the absence of Chas. Malteson about town since last Saturday. John McCarty, the Union Meat Co's. buyer; is shipping considerable fat stock from here this week. Script For Sale A number of pieces of land script recently received and for sale at $4.25 per acre. A. Mai.lory. Rev. Potwine came here from Pendle ton on Monday night's train to hold service, and look to the interest of his church. Peter Conroy brought his family over from Olex to derive the benefits of our excellent public schools during the winter. Mr. Mueller, the popular representa tive of the Hop Gold brewery, is in town today. Hop Gold is Heppner's favorite. New goods at Mrs. L. J. EBtes, con sisting of street hats, hair switches, stamped goods, button bags, bustles, etc., etc. Geo. Hufford informs us that "Yakima Yack" is now a great dog fancier, and the "race boss" a second consideration with him. P. C. Holland, the genial Pacific Paper Co's. representative did con siderable business with our merchants yesterday. B. F. Miller, the stage man, was here this week, having come from the in terior. He is preparing for this winter's hardships. Our subscribers are kindly requested to save up the subscription price of the Gazette, as our intention is to call on you very soon. The subjects at the M. E. church for next Sunday will b: At 11 a. ni., "The Philosonliv of the Dew." 7 p. m., "The Man with the Hoe." Mrs. H. Dale, of Baker City, an aunt Mrs. Oris Robertson, spent a few days' visit with her last week, aod proceeded to Portland on Monday's train. The Rusgel Comedy company met with a "Waterloo" here their second night. They refunded their bo receipt in order to save the house rent. G. W. Maxwell, the prominent Goose berry farmer, spent Sunday in our city. He insists that conditions are most favorable for good crops next year. Assessor Willis was on onr streets yesterday, showing an improvement for the better, and his Mends feel very much encouraged over his condition. The M. E. Sunday school is making excellent progress nnaer the leadership of Mrs. E. J. Slocum. It has almot reached the 100 mark in attendance. You are invited to come and bring the children. W. G. Sweetser, tormerly a promi nent Black Horse rancher, is again here on a visit from Medical Lake, Wash His many friends enjoy his presence. Mrs. Bock and Mrs. Merritt paid Mrs M. M. Hunter of lone a visit Monday. They report Mr. Hunter in a serious condition, being affected with dropsy. Art Minor passed through town Wed nesday with a fine band of yearling cattle bound for his Butter creek ranch These cattle were secured in the John Day country. At the old familiar corner, the Belve dere, a smile awaits you. Within will be found the choicest brauds of liquors and cigars. Billiard and pool tables kept in prime condition. Remember the Sunday School Con vention to be held here on the 10th, 17th and 18th of this month. County Clerk Crawford anticipates an exceptional in terest and a big attendence. Harry Warren, his wife and son, are away on a few weeks' visit to The Dalles and Portland. Mr. Warren may indulge in a China pheasant shoot up the valley before he returns. Mr. J. L. Yeager found it necessary to take his little boy to Portland for treatment and left on Monday morning's train. An affection about the knee has caused a stiffness of the joint. Mr. A. A. Fuller, of Portland, known to many of our prominent citizens, is here in the interest of the Order ot Washington, a beneficiary organization, and expects to meet with success. The regular session of the county court is being held by Judge Bartholo mew and Commissioners Howard and Becket. The business of the court is yery light and will be concluded today. Mrs Sealy, sister of Mrs. Hick Math ews, who has been here on a visit of some length, retu'ned to Portland Moo day morning, where she was summoned on account of the sickness of her hus band. Prof. G. M. Paul, who taught a suc cessful term of pennmansbip here last winter, wii'es the Gazette a request to notify his former pupils that he will ar rive here in a few days to beg;n another term. E. E. Hewett went to The Dalles last Fripay to meet his wife on her return from the Portland hospital. Her con dition is very much improved and it will be but a short time until she has fully recovered. Geo. Swaggart returned from Portland on Monday night's train haying com pleted arranUments for the erection of his brick building. The contractor came with him accompanied by help and work will begin at one. A New York bride and groom have received more than $200,000 worth of wedding presents. This proves that marriage is a lottery, as in all well reg ulated lotteries a few people get the prizes while the rest get nothing. Ex. The youngest daughter of Johnie Hager was taken to Portland recently by her mother for surgical advice con cerning an alllicted finger, which was liable to amputation, but we understand that Dr. D. H. Rami is treating it suc cessfully. Jess Stewart gladdened the hearts of his many Heppner friends with his presence Saturday and Sunday. Jess finds his business and new made Lone Rock friends most agreeable to him. He is sure to have the business and confidence of that section. Cass Matlock now prides himself on having one of the neatest saloons in Eastern Oregon, since having the old Telephone saloon remodeled. His son Dee, who has been throughout the northwest with racing, stock is here and will have charge of the place. lion. Phil Metschan, in connection with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port land. The reputation of these gentle men insures the success of the enter prise. The diningroom is excellently managed and is unsurpassed. Did you know that the revival at the Southern Methodist church is going full blast? It started on Sunday the 5th and is now under full headway. Victory is in sight. Come and get into the cur rent. This will be the last opportunity for many a poor fellow. Beware! Death is on your track. John Ambrose, one of Grant county's solid citizens is now visiting Wra. Hoghftt. He lives a short distance from the McDuffee springs and reports them gaining in popular favor and feels that the owners will have a very val uable property in the near fu'ure. Mrs. Ambrose accompanied him. W. A. DeWitt finished painting the elegant home of Jas. 11. Hager on Willow creek this week. Mr. DeWitt has again accepted a position with the East Oregnnian, and will canvass the interior in the interest of this excellent Eastern Oregon journal. Mr. DeWitt is a success wherever place 1. Back of The Palace bar has just been placed a painting of a stag as he merges from his plunge in a mirrored lake. A band of wild fowl, disturbed by his presence, arise from the waters' edge, making a most interesting picture for a suortsman. The work reflects credit on the artist, Mr. J. E. Halton. The Rock Island Playing Cards are the slickest you ever handled. One pack will be sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents in stamps. A money order or draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will secure 4 packs, and they will be sent by express, charges prepaid. Address, Joun Scbastia.v, G. P. A., C. R.I.&P. Chicago 4t. A quite wedding took place Wednes day, Nov. 1st, in the parlors of the lone hotel in presence of relatives and friends of the happy couple. Miss Kate Barton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barton, and A. J. Lane, well and favor ably known in Heppner, which was fknif trtrmam I, TlitttT hdVA iakun tup their residence in Lexington. A little miss, A little kiss, A little bliss, A wedding that is splendid ; A little jaw, A little law, Back home to ma, - And, lo! the trouble's ended. Memphis Scimitar. Coming! Who? Why, the Adjutant. He and his wife are movers, too. They make things hum wherever they go. They sing anything almost everything. They perform on the piano, guitar and cornet. They will be at the Southern M. E. church Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday night. At 3 p. m. they will be at the Salvation Army ball. They will stay all the following week and possibly assist in the services at the church. Brigadier Marshall will be here on the 18th, 19th and 20th, and preach in the M. E. church South. The Brig adeer is a strong preacher and wide-awake worker. Hear him. Bring your friends. The firemen's ball held last Friday night at the opera house was a very en joyable event for those present. Tbe number of tickets sold was only 57, which, owing to the fact that Mr. Garrigues gave them the use of the opera house free, allowed a small margin to be applied to the expense of better equipment. This cause was truly a worthy one and should have met with a better rf sponse. No doubt the work of the boys at the recent fire was thoroughly appreciated by every person in town, and the result of the sale of tickets is regretted by them all. An other occasion of this kind and we feel confident amends will be made, and no one will miss it. MONEY SAVED 18 MONEY MADE. - Von Will Not, Because Yon Cannot, Pass Ui By. A few weeks since a fall ot snow sig nalled the approach of winter. We were prepared for it with a full and oomplefe Hue of winter clothing, as advertised in the dispUy columns of joor looal papers. One year has familiarized you with our values and prioes. As we have been prepared to supply yoor wants in the past, we are here to do it in tbe future. As the' holiday trade approaoaea you wili find us with the most complete line of holiday goods ever brongbt to tbe oity of Hepptier. This fall we have added greatly to all lines we carry, and are now one of tbe largest buBiuess concerns of Eastern Oregon. Our business methods whereby we can sell our goods for oash at almost one half tbe prioe paid elsewhere are fast beooming the envy ot all busiuesi men in all lines of trade. You will always meet with a cordial greeting at The Fa ib KKPUBLIOAN MEETING. The Morrow Oounty Republican Club will hold business meeting on -Friday evening, Nov. 17, at 7:30 p. m, et the council chambers. As business ot im portance will come before tbe meeting at that time, a fall atteridanoe is re quested. W. W. Smead. 21 President. Teachers' Read In is Circle. The Teachers' Reading Oioole met at the home of Mr. J. J. Adkins on Monday evening Nov. 6th, aod tbe following pro gram was rendered: Psychology, embracing "Intuition" Mrs. Ed. Minor Roll call Quotations by members Literature-. Mrs. Humphrey Sketch of Joseph R. Drake 1. D. Brown Sketch of Fltzgreen Halleck Mrs. Smead Recital, "Death of the flower"..... Miss St. Clair Sketch of Samuel Woodworth Prof. Sibray Sketch of Ueorge P, Morris ,8upt bhiplcy 8ong, "Home, Sweet Home" Circle Th YVarograptl Coining. The 1M i sou Warograph oompnny, under the management of the Flemiug Bros., will exhibit at the opera bouse io this city on next Monday night, and with tbe moBt woDderful moving picture machine of tbe age will buow tbe most realistic prize figbt ever produced, be tween McCoy and Sharkey, from oom menoement to knockout. Also tbe naval battle io Santiago barter, showing the destruction of tbe Spanish fleet; return of the rough riders; landing horses io Cuba, and one hundred others of mar velous accuracy and beauty, A number of illustrated songs eucb as "Just as the Sun Wnt Down," and "Break the News to Mother" will be introduced. The program will bs assisted by tbe Edison mechanical opera, the rendition as loud as a brsss band and of the softness of a human voioa. Don't fail to hear this, Edisou'd latest achievement. Admis sion, obildreo 25 cents; ad ul s, 35 and 50 oents. Bests reserved at Ujnser & Warren's. A DiitijigBlshrd Visitor. Recently Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan (for raerly Irving), of Portland, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hughes, and at the conclusion of her visit made a trip to McDuffee Hot Springs. Returning she was loud in her praise of the medio inai properties of these sprim a, declar ing them far ahead of many others she bad visited, which have a world-wide reputation. Mrs. Ryan wields a wide iollueooe.froro the fact that she ia a most intelligent and estimable lady, besides possessing property estimated at over a a million dollars in Portland alone. Irvington is oarned in honor of her, lie oite of which she owned. The Irving- ton race track is her property. Mr. Hughes bad the pleasnre of driving her about Heppoer aod while here sbe made many friend, returning home most favorably impressed with onr little city and tbe iooitbility of those the met. Bbe promises both Heppner and tbe a prings another vi it nrit year. Wood Waatrd. Now is tbe time for snbt enters arrears to pnr their subscriptions wood. Gazkttk. ) The Fair The Place to Save Money. The Fair Remember it was The Fair that made values better and prices lower in Heppner! ! ! We Underbuy and Undersell .A.11 Competitors. Wraps Shirtwaists Skirts Wrappers 50 per cent positively saved on these goods Gent's Clothing, Underwear, Hats, Ties, Etc. Mackintoshes, Rubber Goods, Blankets, Ouilts, Socks-cotton and wool. Tlie very latest mcl finest floods made. Call and Examine:- Our stock, which is larger this fall than ever before. The Fair, Money back if Goods are not Satisfactory. The Fair. THE LATEST In Style and Finish THE) IBKJT; In Quality and MaKe Winter Clothing and Overcoats; If ifelff Our Claim! We have in stock iho finest assortment and best line of ready-niado Clothing ever brought to Morrow county. We defy our competitors! Before buying we invito you to call and examine quality, style and prices. We cheerfully await your verdict. We mean Business! Full Dress Suits, - The Latest V V Cutaway Suits, - Very Nobby Double-Brcasted Suits, Square Cut ml M Cur Overcoats and Rubber Goods M 1 Heppner, Oregon. t. .A THHT liiY JX2LL III, ; f v. M