THE HEPPHER GAZETTE Published Every Thursday. BY CORL1ES M ERR ITT, Editor stud &sua.a.g'x. -SUBSCRIPTION On Year -Six Month Three Month RATES .BO 7B BO Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the PostolBce at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. Local Notes. FiremeDB' ball tomorrow night. Mima has Dot been sentenced yet. Dr. McSwords is back from Idaho. Agent Hart left for Hillgard Monday. J. W. King, of lone, was in town Saturday. - W. E. Brock paid La Grande a visit last week. County Commissioner Howard is in town today W. B. McAlister, of Lexington, came up this morning. J. P. Rhea came up from lone on business Saturday. i M. L. Older, of Fairview, was in Heppner Saturday. A. C. Pettys and two daughters spent Saturday in Heppner. The Heppner Transfer Co. will always serve the people right. Drill and gangplows for sale at A. M. Gunn's blacksmith shop. tf Asa Thompson, of Butter Creek, came in yesterday on business. Attorney Redfield is in his new office, and has it very neatly arranged. Don't forget Dickson at the lone stable when you want your team cared for. Sheepmen Good lot of bucks for sale by Ed. R. Bishop. Binns Bro's are launching out in the livery business, having several new rigs. Seed Rye for sale at the Morrow County Land and Trust Co's warehouse. J. L. Edwards and wife came up from Sand Hollow to do some trading Saturday. Mr. Leach, of Lexington, father of Mies Althea, paid Heppner a tfisit last week. Les Matlock went to Portland on Wednesday morning's train to remain a few days. Geo Parker, editor of the lone Post, arrived here Monday evening returning the next day. W. H. Herren, of Olex, is visiting Heppner and his brother Dave, living above town. Dr. J.W. Yogel, s pecialist for refrac tions and defects of the eye, will be here every three months. A fine ranch of five quarters and a 40 for sale, situated in the Eight Mile country. Inquire at this office. tf. The Wrought Iron Steel Range Co. make an announcement in another col umn showing a cut of the range. Script Fok Sale A number of pieces of land script recently received and for Bale at $4.25 per acre. A. Malloky. New goods at Mrs. L. J. Estes, con sisting of street bats, hair switches, stamped goods, button bags, bustles, etc., etc. Our subscribers are kindly requested to save up the subscription price of the Gazette, as our intention is to call on you very soon. Robt. Stott, stepson of Hon. W. R. Ellis, who has been north as a member of a government surveying party since last spring, returned home this week. Robert 8. Beach was married to Miss Lizzie Marshall at the home of Matt Hnghes last week, by Recorder Wil liams, in the presence of a number of intimate friends. Billy Reed has removed his saloon from the remains of Beoj. Mathews building in the burnt district to the building formerly occupied by Blumen thai as a clothing store. At the old familiar corner, the Belve dere, a smile awaits you. Within will be found the choicest brands of liquors and cigars. Billiard and pool tables kept in prime condition. Frank Whetstone, eldest son of Newt Whetstone, arrived here from Portland this week. The young man is just out of St. Vincents, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. The Heppoer Steam Laundry is out with its new laundry list. After 10 month's experience we can give you the best satisfaction in price and work. You will save money by inquiring prices. Ben Mathews returned from Portland with his wife Tuesday night, where he took her for treatment. He waa for tunate io having her return with him, since when she has Bhown decided im provement. Tunis Swick, the popular stockman, came to Heppner last week accom panied by his wife, son and daughter, who proceeded to the Willamette valley fr a visit of several weeks. Mr. Swick enjoyed a few days here with his many friends. The little son of Mr. Scrivner, the blacksmith, who broke his leg, between the knee and thigh several weeks ago, is now about with his limb perfectly straight, to the satisfaction of not only his parent, but Dr. Swinburne as well, who attended him. Rev. C. D. Nickelaen w ill preach on the following subjects next Sunday at the M. E. church ; At 11 a. m., "Help ing and Oyer-halpinji" at 7.3O p, m., '"The Aiooeoess of Lifa." All not worshiping eluawbers art) i)vitvJ to worship with U8. Messrs Swaggart & McAtee both went to Portland this week to contract for the erection of a brick building on the cite of their former place, which they hope to have finished in thirty days. They have also purchased new fixtures, which are said to be very fine. Martin Anderson, a young man who has made his home with Senator Mor row, returned from Portland this week, where he went several months ago to take a course in the business college there, and has taken the position as day clerk in the Palace hotel. A. M. Giesy, fire insurance adjuster, came up irom Portland in the interest of his company, and allowed B-nj. Mathews the full amount of his insur ance, which amounted to about $000. Mr. Mathews will begin the erection of a new building as soon as carpenters are available. Yesterday morning many of our citi zens enjoyi d the excitment of a coyote chase on the the ridge east of the court bouse, at about eight o'clock. Dave Herren's pack of hounds were after it and finally run it into Senator Morrow's barn, where some small boys succeeded in capturing it. The Rock Island Playing Cards are the slickest you ever handled. One pack will be sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents in stamps. A money order or draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will secure 4 packs, and they will be sent by express, charges prepaid. Address, John Sebastian, G. P. A. , C. R.I.&P. Chicago 4t. In the presenoe of about thirty intim ate friends of the young people, Rey. C. D. NickelHen joined in holy matri mony Percy E. Dawson and Ella Le forgy at the h une of the bride's parents, on Monday evening. Numerous presents were bestowed upon them, and their many friends unite in wishing them their allotment of happiness. E. L. Berry, who took a summer's vacation from his painting and paper hanging business to run a engine for E. L. Campbell during harvest on Campbell's ridge and in Clarks Canyon, returned here a few days ago to resume his trade. Mr. Berry ia a first-class engineer and follows his trade of paper hanging and painting only through preference. Mr. V. R. Whiteis and family arrived here last Saturday direct from Finley, Ohio, and have taken up theirresidence on the coiner of Main and August streets. Mr. Whiteis comes upon the solicitation of Geo. Whiteis, his brother, the popular proprietor of The Fair store. The business of this institution has developed to such proportions that a small army of clerks are necessary to accomodate its customers. Marshal Thorton and his deputies were kept busy Tuesday night, which was Hallowe'en. What the. boys left undone the officers were close to. Five of the young bloods were run to earth by the marshal, and he is authority for these young men having set about re arranging too many gates to be enumer ated, besides returning cords ot wood to the sheds from which it was carried by the "devil's imps," who always raise the mischief on the night of October 31st. Jas. Morrow has reached Skagway on his way home to Fossil from Klondike, penniless and badly used up with rheu matism. We understand a Fossil friend has sent him the money required to bring him the remainder of the way. Poor Jim ! He ia one the great ma jority of gold-seekers you seldom hear anything about the ones who fail to "strike it." His Klondike adventure has cost him his health, his money, and two of the best years of his life. Fossil Journal. On Saturday afternoon a number of our citizens were attracted to a horse suffering from lockjaw on our streets. Every suggested remedy was tried to relieve the animal without success. Its driver concluded to try and get home with it, but when opposite the ranch of J. Q. Wilson the animal dropped dead. Its driver abandoned it where it fell, and since then it has been a menace to travellers. I he owner should be compelled to remove and bury it. W. B. Robinson, a former popular hotel man of Portland, but late of Ore gon City, spent Sunday here si.eing up the Palace hotel proposition. He was decidedly impressed with onr little city and had not other arrangements been decided upon he would probably been our future hotel manager. Those who met him pronounced him the kind of a eitizen Heppner is in need of. We can vouch for his business ability, having formerly boarded at a hotel of which he was proprietor. There are several methods of finding the live weight of cattle, but the follow ing is probably the most correct: Measure the girth around the breast just behind the shoulder blade and the length of the back from the tail to the fore part of the ahoulunr blade. Multi nlv tha nroduct bv 11 and the result will be the number of pounds. If be' tween three and five feet multiply by 16; if between five and seven feet, mul tiply by 23 ; if between seven and nine feet, multip'v bv 31 ; if between nine and eleven feet, multiply by 40. The O. R. & N. is going to build brand new, spick and span, fISGOO nnion depot at Biggs, or rather, a mile and half west of that station, the work to commence about the 1st of November. This will make eyerybodv around these narts jump for joy. That old shack has been an eyesore for a good many years and we have seen pleasanter places to wait for a train. With a fine depot (with a lunch counter attachment) to rest in for three or four hours when go- in west, life will for passengers at the new Biggs be at least endurable. Be' idea, tha new location Is almost en tirely dsvoid of t!;3 and PXi'anca DEATH OF GEORUE 1NCENT. A Bright Young Han Passed Away Tues day Afternoon. Just at the threshold of a bright oareer George Vincent, aged twenty, was taken away. For nearly three years he had shown symptoms of Bright's disease, and a few months ago it developed into an aonte form wbioh is responsible tor bis death. About two weeks ago George disappeared from the midst of his schoolmates and associates, when the announcement came that he was in a serious condition. Since then all who knew him have been in a oondition ot suspense, and the announcement ot his death cubI a gloom over the entire 00m m unity. George was truly an exception to the avernge young mac, from the faot that he was inspired with an ambition to be oome more than an ordinary plodder, and, faithful to bis studies, his ambition wos sure ot fulfillment, bad not death taken him away at this importune time. Considerate ot others, be was always gentleman, and this admirable trait won bim the love and admiration of old and youDg. At the Methodist Episoopal ohurcb yesterday afternoon, where bis funeral was beld, standing room was denied m.iny who oame to pay their respects to one so deserving. Rev. C. D. Niokeleen preaobed a tonching sermon, and as be dwelt upon the companionship of this young mBn and his eohoolmates, his oharaoter and his ambitions, the emotion of the entire assemblage was distressing. The girls and boys as well as fathers and mothers were sobbing as though their hearts would break. Aooompanyiog tbe remains to the oemetery was tbe fire department, of whiob he was a member, drawing its hose cart, and following the bearse was the room of bis schoolmates to whiob he belonged. Tbe olose of this sobool year promised his graduation with high honors, and be had already planned for the study of dentistry. Tbe parents and family of this worthy young man have ooossion to mourn the loss of one who would prove sn example for all yooog meo, regardless of their social conditions and influences, and they have the sympathy of all. KAlLROAl) ACCIDENT. Brakesman Wood worth Has a Foot Run Over and Badly Crashed. The train leaving here Friday morning reaohed Lexington at 12:40, where they found it necessary to do some switching, and in starting to climb the ladder on a freigbt oar, tbe brskemno, Bert Wood worth, slipped and his right foot went under tbe truck crushing it badly. He was pioked up and brought to Hepp ner on tbe locomotive, and taken to tbe Hotel Heppner, where Dr. House, e eisted by Dr. MoFanl, attend' d bim. A out of fix inch extended the length of the upper sod inner surface of the foot, the" big toe was diepiutud, and tbe other toes and portions of the fjot b'idly crashed. The little toe, whiob was banging by tbe skin, was taken off and the blood vessels tied, after whioh the ujary wns carefully dressed to await tbe return of oiroolaiioi, that final de cision as to bow much ot the font should be amputated could ' be deoided, Tbe following morning orders came from tbe railroad oompany to bring him at once to tbe St. Yinoents hospital in Portland, which was done. Toe doot rs' opiuion is that be will loose a portion of tbe foot. The young man was 23 years ot age and bad been here but three weeks. He displayed wonderful nerve while sub' mitting to treatment. TEACHERS' BEAD1NU CHICLE. The following is tbe program of tbe Teachers' Reading Oirole, wbiob meets at tbe home of Mr. Jas. Adkius on the evening of November 6tb : Miscellaneous business, 5 minutes Psychology, from "Intuition," page 44, to "Memory," page SI, 20 miuutea Mrs Minor Roll call Quotation! from authors named In Chapter IX, 5 minutes Song, "Btar Spangled Banner" Quartette Literature, Chapter IX Mrs. Humphries Sketch of Joseph R. Drake 1 D. Brown Sketch of Fltz Green Halleck Mrs. Smead Recitation "Death of the Flowers". Miss St. Clair Sketch of Samuel Wood worth Prof, Sibray Sketch of Geo. P. Morris Supt. Shipley Song, "Home Sweet Home" Circle Gratitode. Tbe boys ot tbe fire department bud tbe ooossion to realize tbat tbeir efforts at tbe fire last week were appreciated Senator Morrow presented tbe depart ment with a obeok for fifty dollars, in consideration ot their (ff irtsto save bis property. TLis money will be added to tbe food wbioh they expect to realize from the sale ot tickets to their ball to morrow night and be used for the pur cbase of a training track and fire suits. The business men Bre responding gener ally and well equipped department ill be the result. An Eight Mile WfddlnK. Mr. Otto E. Lnndstrora joined hearts with Miss Anna Lnodell list Huuday at tbe Sweedisb cbnrch on Eight Mile, the Rev. E. W. Skans, of Portland, official ing. Tbe ceremony was most interest ing and friends from far and neer gathered to wish the happy conple well. A tampions dinner was spread in tbe ball at the conclusion ot tbe ceremony, and again on Monday. Tbe eouple bave a wide oirole of friends io tbat commu nity and tbey were all there to j in io tbe festivities. ( nnningham Hacks. Tbe weli-know Cunningham Books, thoroughbred grades and Delaio, will be on exhibition and for sale at Ueppner on or about October let. Prices to snit the times. In 0 barge of 4H-tf Wm. Uvohwh. Hon. Phil Metw-han, in connection with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port land. The reputation of these gentle men insures the success ot the enter prise, The diningroom is excellently managed an J U uu.u17a6.i1d, The Fair The Place to Save Money. The Fair Remember it was The Fair that made values better and prices lower in Heppner! ! ! We Underbuy and Undersell AJlI Competitors. Wraps Shirtwaists Skirts Wrappers 50 per cent positively saved on these goods Gent's Clothing, Underwear, Hats, Ties, Etc. Mackintoshes, Rubber Goods, Blankets, Ouilts, Socks-cotton and wool. Iadies' Underwear ODlie very latest and finest goods 11 icicle. Call and Examine- Our stock, which is larger this fall than ever before. The Fair, Money back if Goods are not Satisfactory. The Fair. THE LATEST in Style and Finish THE BESSIE In Quality and Make Winter Clothing and Overcoats; Our Claim!. Wo have in stock the finest assortment and best line of ready-made Clothing ever brought to Morrow county. We defy our competitors! Before buying we invite you to call and examine quality, style and prices. Wo cheerfully await your verdict. We mean Business! Full Dress Suits, - The Latest Cutaway Suits, - Very Nobby Doublc-Breasted Suits, Square Cut Cur Overcoats and Rubber Goods KM Heppner, Oregon J I JSjt