The Gazette. Thursday, Oct. 26, 1899. ELECTIONS NEXT MONTH. The political schedule for No vember, 1890, embraces - just an even dozen state campaigns. Of, these, Ohio is premier, by reason of the interest that attaches to her as the presidential state, and be cause the result there will in a material degree forecast the na tional contest in 1900. According to the Oregonian the Ohio repub licans are pretty badly scared. In Kentucky there are five tickets in the field. Republicans, populist, prohibition, Goebel dem ocratic and Brown democratic, for governor, legislature and state officers. In other states officers, to be chosen are. Iowa Governor, state officers and legislature. Maryland Governor and both houses of the legislature. Massachusetts Governor, state officers and both houses of the legislature. Mississippi Governor, state officers and legislature. Nebraska Justices of tne su premo court and two members of the board of regents of the state university. New Jersey Eight state senat ors and sixty members of the as sembly. New York Two justices of the supreme court in the 1st judicial district, one justice to the 5th dis trict, three justicoB in the 8th dis trict and 150 members of the gen eral assembly. rennsylvauia State treasurer, two judges of the suprome court aud one judge of the superior court. Virginia Secretary of state, treasurer aud minor state officers and legislature. The wnr between Great Britian and the Transvaal republio will be likely to prove decidedly profit able to this country, as our neu trality will not provent our selling supplies to both, excepting, of course, arras an amunitions of war. Our peace commerce with the Transvaal, Inst year the total was Blii'litly under !K3,UUU,UUU, is so small that its loss will not bo seri ously folt. This governmout will be stiitcly neutral in the war, aud our couriHular ollioors in Houth Africa will return the Courtney ex tended to us by the British coutisuls in Uiilia, during the war with Spain, by looking after the interests of British citizens iu Mouth Atnca as long as tne war lusts. In assuming this task our government gave the strongest possible plodgo of its maintain auco of neutrality, although tho dnmocrata are pretending other wise, with the hope of affecting German voles in Ohio and else whore. IM 'I.K BMH'd DUTY. TO KNliLANII. Kx-.MiulHter Hrei kcnrldne Opines That It la Our Duly to Help Her. Kveuing Telex rum. New Yoiik, 0,;t 2t A to tbe Herald form Wellington says: Olifton It. IWeckiuriilge, United States minister to UtiNain during the enooud Cleveland administration, iu an iuterview states that iu case any nation or onmbiLatiou of nalious hIiouKI attempt to embarraa England in the premuit war iu Houth Africa, it would he tb imperative duty of the United States to take tbe part of Great Britain and sustain ber with our whole moral ami material strength. He said : "Oreat Britain' action in Honth Africa is iu line with the duty and development of the Anglo Haxou race. Iu her present struggle, she deserves tbe unanimous siiDDort of the American people. In case other European nations should, through international jealousy, attempt to retard her in the clear and pimple duty ehu la performing at this time, the couduot of the United States should be determined by considerations mightier than mere political expediency or politi cal precedence. "Wo ehould he enjoined by ovary sen tiitiout of patriotism and every tie of racial kiiiNhip to aland shoulder to shoiiMt r with our brutlirou auroNs the nea." A (irtitt CuKlDtb bUlMiiiRD't Secret. The Maret of a celebrated Englieb etatrnmtt'n long life w as bis systematic way ol eiiting. Every tite of food was chewed thirty times before swallowing. The reeult was he naturally enjoyed giod health. Most men aud wotueu bolt their food, mid eat things which were never in tended to la (aten. They become cos tive, have a had complex in, lose Hash, aro irritahlu and nervous, aud the first thing they know they are "plaed out." It is graiifiiug to kuow tbal Hosteller's Htomach Hitters cures stomaob troubles, It le a purely vegetable tnediolue that baa stood the teat ot many years. It cures oases which teem to be hopeless. HuflVriTH from sny disorder of stomach, liver or boweli should try it. A GRAND SUCCESS. The Musical Entertainment Saturday Night Enjoyed by All. The entertainment giyen at the opera bouse Saturday evening is pronounoed by those in attendance, the most enjoy able event of its kind ever held in Uepp ner. The elegant pianos affording both Mrs. Bartholomew and Misa Hart en opportunity to do themselves justice, to the satisfaction of their many admirers. Miss Emma Welch was in fine voioe and saemed inspired by the perfeot aocom- pnniment afforded, whioh won the ap- plause of the audience. At the conolu- sion ol "Umawiaii, DJ miss ieu Nelson on ber violin, the appreciation of the audienoe manifested itself in a per- feet thnnder of applause, and from that time she held the interest of the entire audience which was kept in anxious ei peotation of her next number. She is truly a wonderful mnsioian, and we are to be oongratulated that ao opportunity has enabled us to bear ber. She is a delightful little lady and will retain the everlasting admiration and friendship of those who formed ber acquaintance, The organ selection by Prof. A. . Smith, of Portland, was well reoeived , I and proved him a highly accomplished musician. At the conclusion of the mnsioal pro- gram, Mr. Allan introduced a laughable pie eating contest, which brought down the bouse. The amajl boy with tbe big month and elastio stomaob oarried off tbe pie, tbe prize and the glory. After this tbe audience oast ballots deoiding Miss Ethel Gentry tbe handsomest lady in the bouse, and Herb Bartholomew tbe ugliest man west of tbe Hooky mountains. A number of tbe ladles were dissatisfied with Miss Gentry's honor, feeling that bad there been a seoona prize she would have been entitled to it, as their husbands and beaux bad assured tbem when they left borne that tbey would surely win it. Tbe house sanc tioned tbe award to Herb. SEMI-ANNUAL CONVENTION. Tlie Morrow County Holiday School Associa tion Meets at Heppner Nov. IK, 17 and 18. The semi-annual convention of tbe Morrow Oounty Hunday school aseooia tion is to be bold a little later this fall than usual. This matter wbb decided on at a meeting of tbe exeoutive committee held on last Saturday afternoon at tbe M. E. ohnrob, South. The reason for thteobange is that a later date will prove advantageous to those residing in the oonntry, Bud will give tbem tbe oppor tunity of attending after their fall work is fininhed up. At this meeting of the executive oom- mitteea program for the ooming con vent ion was arranged and is now in tbe hands of the printer. As soon as priuted a copy of the program will be given to eaob one who has been assigned a part thereon and copies also will he mailed to the difTorout Sunday gohools of the county. The progrnm is well arrnnged and a troat is promised to all Sunday sohool workers who' atteud. It is expeoted that one or more of the ofllonrs of the State association will be in attendance and take a prominent part on tbe pro gram, and no one really interested in the promotion of this great work in our county should miss this meeting of th association. Free entertainment is to be provided all those at tending the convention from ontHide Heppner, and the Sunday schools of Heppner extend to tbe Sun day sohool workers or tbe oonDty a hearty invitation to be present at all tbe sessions of tbe convention. Vawter Crawford, secretary ot the association, earnestly requests that all the schools of the oounty send in the names of the superintendents and seore taries to him at onoe, and that they also prepare their reports to be presented at the business session of the convention. l-eft For Hllljard Congregated at tbe depot this morn ing were many ot our prominent society people and particular friends of tbe Hart family to bid them good-bye, as tbey left or their new borne at Hillgard, Or. This family will be sadly missed by the entire town, as their years of association with our people have endeared them to the heurls of every one. Monday night, iu honor of their departure, a party was given st the opera bouse which was be youd a doubt one of the most enjoyable occasions in the history of Heppner Danoing and card playing wbiled tbe pleasuut hours away until midnight, when refreshments were served Be tween one and two o'clook the oompany dlapersed, wishing Mrs. Hart and her daughters happiness in their new borne, and all united id expressing bopea that the near future may return Uepnner. them to THE Ml. MS Till A U The Jury Has Been Chows ami frog reusing. the Trial After intioh trouble an acceptable jury was chosen and tho trial of Edward L. Minis for the killing ol J. Henry Miller began laet Friday evening at Pendleton, before Judge Lowell. Interest iu tbe oase is as deep today, not enly to Peu dleton people, but to Ueppnerites, as when llrst Announced. The state is represented by District Attorney Bean, bis assistant John II. l.awrey and Judge John J. Italleray, aud the defense by Messrs. Carter A Kaley, Judge J hb. A. Fee and Judge V. J. Mo- 8 ween, of Teuuessee, an unole of Mima and a very able lawyer. The names ot the jurymen are: A. J. Sample, M. Ii. Morrison, Wm. Hoot!, Duu Hioks, Unas, botbertoo, Ihos. Thompson, U. 8. Horn, O. W. Hogg, John Muir, Grant Earhart, J. D. Peuok and J. M. Pointer. Wood Wasted. Now is the time for subscribers Id arrears to pay their subscription Id wood. Oazkttk. Brief Wr News, Tele graphic News Notes, Etc.. Etc. Ban Qdentin, Cal., Oct. 23-Amos Lunt, woo during eight years' service at the state penitentiary has executed 20 murderers, has become a mental wreck. ge j8 haunted by visions of men he has hanged. His condition has become so serious that Warden Aguirre will today Berj,j njm to Han Franoisoo, where an at tempt will be made to restore bis mental balance. If this fails, be will be com mitted to an asylum. Chicago, Oat. 23 A special to the Tribune from Helena, Mont., says: The northern part of the state is digging it' 8ef oat of the snow. For four or five days last week snow oime down almost unoeasiogly. At the town of Choteau, oounty Beat of Teton oouoty, it was 10 to 12 feet deep in drifts, and at least three feet on the level. Oldtimers are agreed that nothing like this fall of snow has been seen in October for 20 years. The loss of life will exceed 20 persons in Teton oounty, and 20,000 sheep perished in the storm. Omaha, Oct. 22 A special oable was received bere today announcing tbe death in the Philippines on Saturday of Major Quy Howard, son of General O, O.Howard. Tbe cablegram, dated 8at- urday, was reoeived by J. J. Woolwortb, father-in-law of Major Howard, and read as follows: ''Quy Howard was killed id action today." Mnjir Howard was well known in Omabn, being on his father's staff when tbe latter was sta- tioned bere. He was married in this city 15 years ago to Miss Woolwortb, and tbe nuptials were a notable society funotion. Mrs. Howard resides here with her three obildren. VAN C. ALEXANDUlt INDICTED. The Man Who InHtUnted the Wextfutl BUge Kobbery Nuhhcd, The United States grand jury at Tort- land has returned au indictment agains Van 0. Alexander, the older man wbo was implicated with John Bark ley and Forest Farrens, the two boys wbo were arrested here by SberilT Blakely on the westbound overland passenger, for the robbery of tbe United States mails od the stage between Ontario and Burns fifty miles from Ontario. Tbe boys were no doubt guilty, as ap parently no attempt is made to deny their having robbed the mails, lint at the first, only the two boys were placed under arrest, aud Alexander wont free tie has, however, boen taken into oils tody, and will stand trial with the other two at the term of the United Stiit dietrict oourt. Alexander, bo it develops, the infor mation being in this ewe absolutely re liable, admits that he wan with the boys just before they robbed the etnge, and held their horses while they weut to the stage road aud laid iu wait for the com ing ot the vehicle in which they carried the Uuited States mnilH. Of this he tells himself, and has an explanation some what of this cbaraoter. He claims that be was merely trying to get tbe boys to desist from their un dertaking, and, being unable to deter tbem, went along in order to keep traok of tbem and be able to inform the oflioers of their acts and see that they were ap prebended. This he did, aud it was through Alexander that tbe hoys were ao qoiokly oaught. It will probably be shown that Alex ander and Detective Jones of the Short Line, were all the time in olear under standing, and that Jones bad been told by Alexander of the plaus ot tho boys, who bad intended to oommit various ao ts of depredation, aud made known their intentions to Jones. Jones aud Alexander therefore knew of the plan to rob the mails, and it was for this reason they found all tbe facts so quickly after the commission of tbe deed, Kant Ore gOOlBD. The Kht'eu Ca. What promises to be n famous case in tbe action of the First National Bauk of Heppner Oregon vs. McSworda aud Mattuewe. ibis case was a suit on a note for $ti(KK), and the bank at the time of bringing suit attached 4000 sheep owned by Or. MoSwords. and which were handled by the partnership of Mc Sworda A Mathews. After the attach ment Taylor Thompson a local sheep man bought about I5lK) of the sheep from Matthews s,ud took thein out of I -the possession ot the man the sheriff placed in oharge ot them. Thompson then mnrtgagsd the sheep to the Uauk ot Weiser tor $3200. The sheriff retook the sbeep from Thompson's man, aud now Thompson has brought an act ion in replevin to reoover tbe sheep, aud has put up a StHHH) bond signed by Fi. M. Bartun. A. (1. Buttertield and Geo. Nesbit. After retaking the sheep tbe sheriff posted notices to sell all the sheep attached in the bank cuse at the Lamb ranch near Halubria, on Saturday Oct. 21, 1S1H), but the replevin suit is ou and just what the next move will bo re- remains to be seen. Some one will be out of pocket before thie case is finished, aud some eUrtling developments are likely to follow the trial, lr. MuSwnrds arrived iu Werner r ri Jay. enter Iieeord, :0 RKWiRI Will be naid for information leadinu to tha arrest aud oooviotioo of any person stealing horses branded on left shoulder with shield under bar. Oliver Pearson, 9 7 Eiht Mile, Or. Tie Gazette ouly $1.50 a year. Stylish and b Hf Outer Garments vi Hi We have a very large Heppner, 5' i You can save it iiam Wlio carry a s- mi li f ur - M; 'r t J i tf t i; M i to ' I I kj iff rUV H to ' ; to r , to I l ' i Ja to 2$ to WEAR THE FAMOUS 1V W GUARANTEED CLOTHING to Mi to to to Gil COMPLETE IyIJVE Of Heavy and fcShHf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Etc., Paints and Oils (the best in the world). Crockery and Glassware. (live us Hip null mill von fun get at (rood and aa many Roods from us as you can gal lui.l dim n in 1 iojumcr (roin anywhere. This we guarantee. ('M)UIM. The sky is full of clouds today, And idly, to and fro, Like sheep across the pa tare, thpy Across the heavens (?o. 1 hear the wind with mercy noise Around the housetops sweep, And dream it Is the shepherd hoys They're driving homo their sheep. The clouds move faster now ; aud see! Tho west Is red and gold. Each sheep Bcoms hastening to he The first within the fold, 1 watch them hurry on until The blue is clear aud deep, And dream that fur beyond the hill The hepherd8 fold their sheep. Then In the sky the trembling stars Like lltle lion ers shine out, While Ntuht puts up the shadow bars, And darkness falls about. I hear the shepherd wlnd'B good night "Good nlKhtaud happy sleep!" And dream that in the east, all white, Slumlier the i louda, the sheep. -V I. Sherman, iu Little Folk Lyrics. 'I'm key KalnlnK. A new iuJtiBtry for tbe farmers over id the guild bills of the EiU locality is about to bs pronnilgnted, tya the lone Post, whioh gives noelleut promise of iueoeee, soys onr informant. It in that of raising turkeys whieu csu be done with little expense, and whioh is snre to yield a handsome profit. Mr. J. 0. Fal coner has been experimenting iu the business, and his success has been all that can be wiehed for. Lust year he shipped 30 bead to Portland which yielded him a net profit of $50 or more tbau 81 50 each. This year he has 500 hemi to market and next year he pro poses to go iuto the business on a still more extensive scale. With the assist auoe of a dog trained for the work, Mr. Faulooner drives bin fl'ek out ou the rane every mnruing. It is said to hd au ititerchtioa eitrht t wtitob this dog maneuver with his charge while rounding thorn up for the drive home iu tho evening. Ai trvi.KNt: ;a. lie iudooendnnt if aud tit-clno light ocirpiratioua and owu your own lili'iurf pi tut. T jk N iMivial neueratar does not have to b cared for oftuer than onH io IS iliy, Ii i postively safe aud reomm-n l.vl by insurance b )ardi. We liijtit resid'io-m, churches, stores, factories and t vm ,tt i ) per rent less than other svsWia wi:h double the illuuiiuatiou. To repLus'b!e partiee will ship machines on thirty days trial. Snd for free bwM.-J ot Aoetylene gas. We waut goo) Rfi-is. 2. National Ackitlkne Gas Co Hufhlo, N.Y, sir Serviceable $ to to to stock of Overcoats, Top (Joats, Ureat Uoats ana Fur Coats for winter wear. Anything from a heavy frieze ulster to a fashionable dress overcoat. You can have a se lection from the Largest Stock to in Town to and the prices range from $6 to $17 Made in blacks, tans, grays and blues, in Mpltnn Hfiavfirs. to to to to Frieze, Coverts, Her- W ring bone and Chin- W chillas. , Some Heavy Weights Genuine Irish Frieze to to to to to in dark brown color, high storm collar, lined throughout with all-wool flannel, Mo- hair sleeve lining, will wear for years, $12.00. A grey Chinchilla, ex- jy tra heavy, high storm collar, Farmers satin lining, full length; a y coat for cold, wintry y weather; special value at $11.00 Jjy & Co.,. to Oregon. to by trading with & Bisbee OPENS IN Portland September 28 CLOSES October 28, 1899 HORTICULTURAL AND AGRICULTURAL Products ol Oregon, Washington and Idaho In greater variety and prolusion than ever before. BENNETT'S RENOWNED MILITARY BAND Miss Alice Raymond America's Greatest Lady Cornet Soloist. The iiueaqualled Florenz Troupe ot Acrobats, direct from the Empire Theatre, London; their (irst appearance Iu America. A Great Filipino War Museum 3 Great Sisters Macarte Unsurpassed Aerialists, la their thrilling acts. AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Season of Great Surprises and Astounding Feats. Reduced Rates on All Transportation Lines Admission, 25 CNTS Children under l'i years, 10 cents DON'T MISS IT! Heppner Steam Laundry All kinds of laundry work done tiret class. Special rates on family washing. White Shirts a Specialty YVashiDg without ironing 3 J cents per pound. Steady customers, 3 cts per pound. Carpet washing 3 eta per pound Casb on delivery. Industrial Ewilion Paints, Oils and Glass A full stock. Kodaks Supplies of all kinds. CONSER & Fresh Fruits Vegetables Fancy Groceries When you want anything to eat you will find it at Ed. R. Bishop's, Successors to P. Headquarters for Guns Whitman College FOUNDED IN 1859 In memory of Marcus Whitman, JH. D., patriot and martyr Highest Standards Able Faculty Thorough Work, Classic, Scientific, Literary Departments. Conservatory of Music Piano, - Voice, Organ, - Violin, - Viola, Guitar, - Mandolin, Eto. A PREPARATORY ACADEMY, with Four Year High School Course. Receives Students above Eighth Grade.,.. Magnificent Buildings Healthful Surrounding? Ennobling Influences For information or catalogue, write to the President of Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington, "NAME ON EVERY PIECE." LOWNEY'S Chocolate Bonbons. FOB SALE BY Patterson & Son. Photographers' supplies of all kinds. Dark room iu rear of store free to all amateur photographers. Call and investigate. 5 Flour The Heppner Flouring Alill Co. Have perfected arrangements to run the mill permanently. They have se cured the services of a first:class miller, and wheat sufficient to make and keep on hand a permanent supply of Flour, Graham, Germ Meal, Whole Wheat, Bran and Shorts Of the very best quality and guarantee to give satisfaction. We are here to buy wheat and ex change with the farmers, and so licit their patronage. Heppner Flourino Mill Go., Heppner, Ore. The largest and best selected stock in Morrow county. Jewelry A fine stock to select from. Stationery The very latest. WARREN. C. Thompson Co. and Cartridges. Medicine To be effective must be good. Accurately prepared from ma terials of good quality and in good condition. We are Careful At every step-taking nothing tor granted, and the result is a perfect preparation. Stationery A full line of tablets and choice writing paper. Also school tablets, slates, pencils, sponges, pens, penholders, ink, etc. Rubber Goods As fine an assortment as you can find in any store on the Pacific coast, at astonishingly low prices. Seeing is Believing Call and See. PATTERSON & SON, Up-to-date Druggists. C Flour