Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 19, 1899, Image 3

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Mlished Every Thursday.
Editor and Jkan.ag-er.
On Year -Six
Three Months
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Or., October Hi, 1899.
Bradley. Mrs Anna Oldham, W H (2)
Schmidt, Rudolph (2)
Rirme, A
Smith, Glemmie
Bhambrook, B F
Stanton, Jerry
Yaw, 0 M
Jones, F A
Jones, UK
Lepman, J J
Kohlburner, George
Kelsay, Gillis
Matis, Henery
McKinzic, D H
When calling for these letters please say
advertised. B. J'. Vaughan, P. M.
Local Notes.
The minstrei boys are practicing.
Don't miss Saturday night's concei t.
Henry Jones is in town for a few days.
Jas. Hart is now a clerk in The Fair
Andy Neal came in from Lone Rock
Attorney Phelps returned from Tort
land Saturday.
The Ileppner Transfer Co. will always
serve the people right.
Jas. A. McCarty, of Echo, registered
at the Palace Tuesday.
Drill and gangplows for sale at A. M.
Gunn's blacksmith shop. tf
A farewell party will be given the
Misses Hart on Monday evening.
Al Shaddock and wife, of Goosberry,
were in Heppner Tuesday.
T. P. Vaughn, of Eight Mile, was in
town on business Monday.
G. M. Akers came over from Goos
berry tlfe first of the week.
C. N. and G. R. Wagner, of Wagner,
registered at the Palace today.
Misses Cora and Julia Hart paid Port
land a few day's visit last week.
Mike Roberts went to Hood River
Monday in Bearch of Baw-dust.
Geo. Whities went to The Dalles last
Thursday to interview drummers.
John Nelson, Ione's contractor and
builder, was in Heppner Tuesday.
Chas. II. Beyraer is the father of a
bouncing girl, bom on the 17th inst.
Don't forget Dickson at the lone stable
when you want your team cared for.
Al Roberts spent Sunday in Heppner,
going to Portland on Monday's train.
Sheepmen Good lot of bucks for sale
by Ed. R. Bishop.
Seed Rye for sale at the Morrow
County Land and Trust Go's warehouse.
Dr. Hunlock reports V. S. Coffee, of
Eight Mile, at Peter Brenner's quite
Do not overlook Jim Jones' sugges
tions to livestock growers in another
Geo. Parman and A Carlson of Goose
berry were trading with our merchants
The Misses Welch returned with their
brother Otis from Portland on last even
ing's train.
Geo. Gray arrived in town Monday,
a three weeks' sheep buying expedition
in the interior.
Miss Lundoll, of Jordan Forks, was in
our city the first of the week on a shop
ping expedition.
Perry Miller and Jay Hull, prominent
Goosberry farmers, were in Heppner the
first of the weefc.
Mrs. Otis Patterson returned to The
Dalles Monday, at the conclusion of a
very enjoyable visit.
Dr. J.W. Vogel, s pecialist for refrac
tions and defects of the eye, will be here
every three months.
W. T. McNabbe, Ione's marshal,
warehouseman and grain buyer, paid
Heppnr a visit Tuesday.
Henry North, . representing O. M.
ficott, the agricultural implement deal
er, was in Heppner this week.
Miss Edith Vaughn prides herself on
the first selection of a piano from Wiley
B. Allen Co's agent, Mr. Allan.
A fine ranch of five quarters and a 40
for sale, situated in the Eight Mile
country. Inquire at this office. tf.
J. R. Doug'ai spent a few days this
week in Heppner. Mr. Douglas was
bound tor Athena to spend the winter.
Miss Florence St. Claire, sister of
Rev. St. Claire, we are glad to announce
is fast recovering from a serious siege of
pneumonia. .
Our subscribers are kindly requested
to save up the subscription price of the
Gazette, as our intention is to call on
you very soon.
The Epworth League at the South
Methodist church, will be led by Prof.
Salina next Sunday at 7 p. m. in the
new League room.
Dr. W. L. Marsden, wife and son,
arrived her Monday from Borns, Ore
gon, and proceeded to Portland on the
next morning's train.
L. II. Donovan brought a load of hogs
in for Dock & Matthews yesterday from
W. A. Fisher's ranch near Wagner, and
paid the Gazette a visit.
Sunday school teachers' meeting has
been organized at the M. E. South,
Sbbath school and will meet at P. M.
Poward'a home Friday at 7 p. ni.
J. M. Hansford and Bob Krick
brought Hanry Blah ro's sheep in from
their mounuin range Monday. Their
good condition was very noticeable.
Joe McLain, the Portland blacksmith,
who has been employed by Simons &
Son during the summer months, re
turned to Portland to remain, last Mon
day, "Death and Life" at 11 a. in., and
"The Greatest Robber on Earth" at
7:30 p.m. at the M. E. church South,
next Sunday. Everybody cordially in
vited. M. S. Corrigall, of Butter creek, the
extensive sheep owner, was in town
Monday. Mr. Corrigall will probably
winter more sheep than any man in
Morrow county.
Ed Dougherty passed through town
last Friday with 4500 sheep enioute
from the mountains to their winter
range below Lexington. The sheep
were in fine condition.
At the old familiar corner, the Belve
dere, a smile awaits you. Within will
be found the choicest brands. of liquors
and cigars. Billiard and pool tables
kept in prime condition.
The infant child of Elmer Hickey died
last Saturday night after an illness of
several days from summer complaint
and was burried Monday, Rev. Nickle
son preachi.ig the funeral services.
On Tuesday six big teams pulled out
of town loaded with freight for the in
tenor. The eight horses driven by
Jack McCulloch are undoubtedly the
finest team that comes into Heppner.
The community has been quite
anxious over the reporti d Ferious ill
ness of both Bruce Kelley and George
Vince: t, but their physicians report
them both convalescent with prospects
of being around soon.
J. M. Brown the popular Lone Rock
sheepman, came to Heppner the first of
the week to do some tradiog, Mr.
Brown reports very favorably on Jess
Stewart's prospects, which is good news
for his many Heppner friends.
Hart Bros, disposed of their confec
onery this week to Oris Robinson and
John Busick. These popular young
men will keep up the stock with the
very latest in their line and will con
tinue to merit the business of the pub
lic's patronage.
Subjects at the M E. church for next
Sunday are ; Morning, "Temptation ;"
evening, "The Bible Not Man's Ulti
mate Authority in Morals and Religion."
The evening subject will be of interef-t
to you. Be present.
C. D. Nickklskn, Pastor.
Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection
witu Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken
charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port
land. The reputation of these gentle
men insures the success of the enter
prise. The diningroora is excellently
managed and is unsurpassed.
Now is the time to begin your 'XtnasJ
work. You will find a nice assortment
of stamped cushion covers, table covers,
doylies, laundry bags etc., eto., with
materials for working, also Battenberg
patterns and many articles for fancy
work at Mrs. L. J. Eates millinery store,
opposite Palace hotel.
The O. R. & N. Co's fare to Portland
and return during the Industrial fai
will he one fare with !iO cents added for
two admission coupons to the exoosi
tion, making a total of $8.30. Tickets
will be sold on Wednesdays only of
each week and expire on the following
Walter Brown, the successtul Canyon
City miner, arrived here a few days ago
accompanied by his wife and two
daughters enroute to Los Angeles, Cali
fornia, where they will spend the win
ter for the benefit of Miss Nellie's
health. They are making Mr. and Mrs
Geo. Whiteis h visit for u few days prior
to their departure.
The Grand Lodge, K. of P., of O egon
met in Portland last week and "Pap"
Simons, Hon. W. 11. Ellis, W. W
rneau ana 1'. Devins. representing
Heppner's lodge, with George Perry and
and Chas. Ralston, of Lone Rock, and
Chas. Rovce and Chas. I loir lie. of
Hardman, went down as delegates.
They report an interesting session and
a general god time. Astoria was Je
cided upon for holding the next Grand
On Tuesday night Joe Luck man re
turned after a five months visit to his
old home in England, from which he
had been absent 20 years. While ho
found the country familiar to him the
city of Manchester had underwent such
a change that it seemed entirely new to
him. While his visit was most enjoy
able to him he feels that Morrow county
has attractions enouirh for him. Before
going to press we hoped to Inye a de
tailed report of his trip, but failed owing
to his going to his ranch the next morn
Lett For Oiympia.
Mrs. Rev. Shelley, with ber danghter
Miss Nettie and two yonng (boy,' look
ber departure on Wednesday morning's
train for Oiympia to join her husband,
who, with George Frenob, is oorjduotiDg
a prosperous "Fair" store business
Many are tbe regrets we hear expressed
on every band that tbis estimable family
have been induced to other fields. They
have the earnest wishes of all for a
happy future.
Geo. W. Allan, the up-to-date piano
representative of the popular Wiley B.
Alien Oo,, whose pianos are favorite with
Heppner musicians, made bis first ap
pearance io Heppner last evening at tbe
operahouse before a psoked audience, in
troducing one of the highest-priced
graphopbones iu existence, and tbe
pianolo, tbe wonder of tbe age, tbe first
ever brooght to this section. These late
scientific) productions were a marvel to
the Andienoe, and for nearly three hours
it was delightfully entertained. This
evening as well bs tomorrow evening an
entirely new program has been arranger?,
at which an elegant musioal instrument
will be given away. On Saturday even
ing he hBs enlisted tbe oo-operation of
Mrs Herb Bartholomew, Miss Lena
Nelson , the famous Chicago violinist,
Miss Julia Bart, and Mies Emit Welob,
besides others, and a muBioal entertain-
will he given the public eolipsing any
thing of its nature ever presented an an
dienoe in Heppner. His entire oarload
of instruments will be plsced on tbe
stage, and tbe 8900 Enabe will be at tbe
disposal of tbe musical ladies, with
which they can do themselves justice,
and it is snfe for us to predict that
etaoding room in the operAhouse will be
at a premium. Tbis entertainment will
afford everyone sn opportunity of listen
ing to the best class of musioal instru
ments in existenoe in tbe hands of those
wbo are equal to many professionals
now holding tbe mnsic lovers spellbound
in our largest mnsical oenters. Do not
miss this entertainment. An admission
of 25 and 50 oeuts will be charged, with
tickets on sale at Couser & Warrens, be
ginning Friday noon.
Given in Honor of Hisses Nettie Shelley and
Vira Hart.
On MoucUy evening a farewell party
was given Miss Nettie Shelley, who left
for her new Oiympia, Wash.,- home
Wednesday morning and Miss Vira
Hart, who will leave with ber parent!
for Hillgard, Wash , in the very near
future, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bishop. The popularity of these young
ladies assembled a throng of yonng
people who are reoogoizd the life of
oar social events. The evening was
spent in a most inj yable manner. At
12 o'olock tin oompany dispersed wish
ing the young ladies a happy future :
Those attending the ptrty were:
Mrs. Herb Ba'th domsw, Mrs. Nolsoo,
Misses Lena Nelson, Edoa Van Duyan,
Editb Vaughn, Grace linger, Mable
Ayers, Auna Smith, Pearl Wells, Elise
Bartholomew, Maude Flaugber, Myitis
Bryant, May Bailey, Nettie Shelley,
Vira Hurt, Gertrude Bishop, and Messrs.
Will Smith. Will Ball, Will Duttoa, T. m
Johnson, Louie Campbell. Louis B'sbee,
Bert Bryant, Garfild Crawford, Osman
Huger, O'Oir Borg, Archie Matthews,
Qansou Hughes, Percy Garrigues, Nel
sou Bartholomew and Ritpb Binb ip.
A New Physician.
This week introduces to our com-
innnity a bright jourjg physician find
surgeon, Dr. Wro. Home, who arrived
on Tuesday eight's train direot from
Buffalo, New York, wbers be has been
practicing. He is graduate of tbe
medical department of tbe University of
Buffalo, and afterwards served fifteen
months m resident surgeon of tbe Erie
Coantj Hospital in Buffalo, alio three
tuoutbs io tbe cbolera-infaotom hospiU
at Buffalo, at tl then one sod one balf
years in tbe Manhattan State hospital.
of New York City, as assistant eorgeon,
snd now holds tbe honor of being tbe
lecturer on snatomy In tlie me lien I de
partment of tbe University of Boffnlo.
Tbe severity of New York's clii.ate
DeaWieUd a cbsnge with bira, snd he
feels thi he ia Sa t&fo eontr? r-
Sail Misfortune.
Mr. ond Mrs Elza Vioceot, of Butter
oreek, have the heartfelt sympathy of
not only those in their immediate neigh
borhood, but of the entire oommunity in
tbe untimely death of their lovely little
2 year-old daughter. It seems that in
their childlike amusement a sister, aged
4 years, gained possession of a bottle of
carbolic acid and a spjon aud, plnyiug
doctor, gave her little sister a spoonful,
with fattl results. Discovering it at
once tbe parents made every effort to
save the little oua's life, and sent a
messenger to town for additional reme
dies, bat the little on bad succumbed to
its deadly effect before the return of the
Rack From the Races.
Jus. Jones and Dive MoAtee returned
yesterday from Prineville, where they
went to attend the races. Tbsy report
a very interesting meeting, everything
going (iff in a most saiistuotory and
orderly manner. The horses taken over
by Bennett and Parker failed to win any
raoes. Peulaud Duties proved so stub
born that after several attempts to start
be was given up. Paul Jooes run sec
ond to Broosti, so imported eastern
horse, and a very fast one. Panl was
slightly lame in bis cut foot, which
proved unfortunate, as be is beyond a
doubt a very fast annimal, and Mr.
Jones yet has confidence in his recover
ing to s -me day upset tbe talent Harry
Bennett took tbe animals to Antelops
wbere a fair is to be held this week after
which he will return here with them.
Will Tillard also stopped at Antelope.
What Do Yon Want for Your Money ?
What do you want for your money?
Is it good guaranteed goods?
Is it good measurement?
Is it good, honest values?
Is it good, full weights?
. Is it courteous treatment?
Is it fair and hoiest dealings?
Is it more value and quality for less
monev than you can get elsewhere?
If so, our address is
Minor & Co., Ileppner.
CaimiHichani Kucks.
Tbe well-know Ounningbnm Bucks,
thoroughbred grades snd Detain, will be
oo exhibition snd for sale at Heppner on
or about October 1st. Prices to suit tbe
times. Id obsrge of
4S-tf Wm. Hconxs.
t'luthm Makes tbe Mas
Feel easy in. all kinds of oompany.
The elegant styles shown iu Rhea &
Welch's bg display sd. sbow you
what they have io stock. If yoii are
desirous of looking well read their sd.
snd accept tbeir invitation.
Wood Wantfd.
Now is tbe time for tabf crihers in
arrears to par Ibeif subscriptions Io
wootf, Qmm
The Fair
The Place to
Save Money.
The Fair
Remember it was The Fair that made values better and pri'ces
lower in Heppner! ! !
We Underbuy and Undersell
.11 Competitorst
50 per cent positively saved on these goods
Gent's Clothing, Underwear, Hats, Ties, Etc.
Mackintoshes, Rubber Goods, Blankets,
Ouilts, Socks-cotton and wool.
IMne very latest and finest goods liiticlo.
Call and Examine--
Our stock, which is larger this fall than ever before.
The Fair.
Money back if Goods
are not Satisfactory.
The Fair.
In Style and Finish
In Quality and Make
tt. M
Our Claim!
We have in stock the finest assortment and host
line of ready-made Clothing ever brought to Morrow
county. We defy our competitors!
Jefore buying we invite you to call and examine
quality, style and prices. We cheerfully await your
We mean Business!
and Overcoats:
Full Dress Suits. - The Latest
Cutaway Suits, - Very Nobby
Double-Breasted Suits, Square Cut
Cur Overcoats and Rubber Goods
- V- V V-- V V- V- v
He3iiite3r9 Oregon.
4& "