OFFICIAL PAPEli WEEKLY GAZETTE Subscription Price, f 1.50 Leads In Prestige.... Leads In Circulation. Leads In News Is the Official and Recognized Represent- The Paper Is Published Strictly In the Interests of Morrow County and its Taxpayers. -..v .vhuiqi vi nit) vuuiuy. WEEKLY GAZETTE Subscription price, f 1.50 Seine! SEVENTEENTH YEAR PEOPESSIOITAIj C-A.X5XS, HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBElTrTsor C. E. Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflioe in First National Bank building. Heppner, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Pub lic and Collectors. Ofttce in Natter's Building. Heppner, Oregon. J. W. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW and U. S. COMMISSIONER. Office in 1'nlace hotel building, Heppner, Or. A. Mallory, U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC vim,?nBrze.a.t?.e11 kind" 0' LAN I) J Collections made on reasonable terms Otlice at residence on Chase street. Government land script for sale. D. E. Gil man GENERAL COLLECTOR. Put your old books and notes in bis hands and get your mouev out of them them. Makes a specialty "of hard collections. Ofilce in J, N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or J fEni i BilSTOftiil H ia UtHiU 1U Ktsr. Hilinlr. Ilia irroth , l . iu -J , ..,,lu uo diut on me npeeu vim NO. 749 Dr. M. B. Metzler DENTIST Teeth Extracted and Filled Bridging a specialty Painless Extraction neppner - - Oregon. G. B. Hatt -Tonsorial Artist- Shop, Matlock Comer, Heppner, Oregon. AVegelablePreparationfor As similating thcroodandRegula ling the Stomachs anriBowels of ilia w trail. ft V.1U. I Promotes tHestion,CkeTful ness and Rest.Contains neither Opnim.Morpturu nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. StapeafOldH-SAMVELBIXmm Pumphn Seed"' AbcSmrut fioduth SJlt -Anise Seed Jipfx rntir.t - lYomAced - Clarified Sugnr . hbtoyreen f'lavwt A perfect Ifcmedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. exact copy of wrappeb. 1.... For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AM AW 0 Uncle Jaek Morrow Paesed Peacefully Awiij Friday Afternoon. The Kind You Have Always Bought. THC CrWTUW COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. -A.Abrahamsick : Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street fiRST Jational Bank Sad ia our realization tbnt Uncle Jaok Morrow has j.ined tbe great msjority in the filetit beyond. Loved and honored by men, women and obildren alike, tbei grim destroyer ia responsible for the gloom of asdoess wbiob spretid over ou .enure county wnen the announcement of bia death was made. Already the press of the state bar .eulogized bis memory in a fitting tribute to one so deserving of praise. Courage ous, strong and just he had the oouli aeoce or bis followers, aud his JifeVl work at its tioisb leaves this oommiinitj an inheritance deserving of the grati tude so manifest. , Morrow oountj staads a monument to his memory fo Ibe generations to oome. the creation of whioh was due to his efforts as a mm ber of the legislature in 1885. The oity of Heppner was named at bit .suggestion in consideration of bis faitb tul partner, Henry Heppner, who stoon jshoulder to shoulder with him in their raslruggle as pionetra for the eupremaoj ,of this section of Eastern Oregon, aud il was truly a pathetic illustration of de votion witnessed at tbe side of the grev, Has Henry paid bis farewell tribute, with tearful byes, to one whom he had known tbe snail The little children will miss Mr. Mor row, for he always bad a kind word fur them. He was a simple, straightforward man, who praoticedtbe goldeu rule, and whose good oommon sense forbade wast ing time strainini; eyes to sight the nn- "U, nmiio ine nnrainaole alonj; ;ne speotral of thoubr, the termi nati. n of whoso windings we do noi know. His light went out as tbe crimson euo set faded from tbe summit of old Mount Adams. The goldeu glow has gone, th purple hazj has vauished, and tbe world is better for bis having lived. No shade of shrubbery, no wealth n flowers, is possible up on this sun soorcbed hillside above the water leveh where it would be possible to beauM such a oemetry. There are no sougbint pines, no somber evergreens up here, out tbe yellow sage blooming as a re minder cf first frosts soon to herald lb (Joining fall, and the beautiful bin. lupiue will come with the showers o' spring, and au oooasional maadow lart even now sweetlv ainua. nnl vaitin, PRAISE FOU DK. KA8MU8. A WALLA WALLA TRAGEDY. shadows nave a little longei OF HEPPNER. RHEA President KHEA Vio President . W CONSEK Cashie. E. L. FKEELAND. .Assistant Uashiei till the irown. And now the Maains have tenderiv Iropped the last sprig of evergreen int ibeir brother's grave, tbe clods hav. fallen, tbe mound has been rounded up oe people have gone down the hill. But as the sun disappears over Judgi I3ul ton's ridge and sknln its ahnft, gainst the summit of Morguu mountaii tbe hanging-lamps of heaven anr fhe aro lights of earth twinkle out am leam and glisten, and the big harvest moon looks down as it nnlv can in thi, mbieut air, they all know that the nev nade grave oontains one who appreoiat ?d their brightness before bis eyes be lame eigbtlees, Tbe Morrow monument is far from the raveled highway and arteries of trade but the noble oharaoter of Uucle Jack will long oast its shadow in homes anc public placeg, Transact a General Banking Business. Gordon's Feed and Sale Stable Ha j nut been opened to the public and Mr. Gordon, the proprietor, kindly Invites his friends to rail and try hU firat-clasa accommodation!. Flanty of Hay aA 3-raAa for Sal Stable located on west side of Main street between Win. Scrivner's and A. M. Oiinn's blacksmith shops. For the ladies A fine horse and lady's saldle. LiIIJIIHTY MARKET THE OLD SHOP I Is the place to ro to get your fine pork and lamb chops, steaks and roast. Fih Every Friday. - Fine sugar-cured hama and bacon. Pure leaf lard, kettle-rendered, old style. Highest cash price paid for at stock. Bock 4. Mathawa. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Burplusand undivided profits .)5,000. GOLDGOLD You can save it by trading with illiam I Bisbee Farewell, firm frinml mnv vnn aa nnna .1 1 . ra. ' " --w, m uwuo uiuc a itc uiimti iinnnn ihm ... Who carry a rve ex j tii. if n ' i . kji uBy Bu oneit Hardware, Uramteware, Tioware. Agricultural iuiF1cu,Bns , mbkoiis, mucks, iitc, rainla and Oils (the best in the world). Crockery and Glaaaware. Give ns the rash and you cm cet as good and as many goods from us as vou can get laid down in Ileppner from anywhere. This we guarantee art Stage Line" B. F. MILLER, Prop. Cheapest and most direct route to John Dav valley, Canyon City mining district, Burns ami otner interior points. Stages leave Heppner Daily, Sunday ex repted. at 6:30 a. m. Arrive at Canyon City yt a noura. Leave Canyon City at 4 p m., arrive at Hepp ner in U hours connecting with trains. HKi'fxita to Hardman Mouiiment . . Hamilton liong Crnek.. Fox Valley.., John Day ... Canyon City MILES FARK 20 91.SKI W 4 m K-'i 4 7 Ih : fin 1(12 8 on lot 8 On Stages connect with trains at Heppner. No's. Having stocked nn this line with new covered nachca and good teams I am prepared give crm-ciaw ser ice w die puuiic. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL Line Stage n. A. tinnn UtCU .V f ;i.. laokson Li. Morrow id family relatiou ship, aa be realizid that their j not laboiS ... . ea were ut aa eua. Born Id the state of Kentucky on Ootober 17, 1827, he would have been 72 years of age next moutb. Forty years ot 'bat period be bas spent In Eastern OrecpD. .. ... r , ...... .... A veteran early Irdian wars, bV mrried a badly irjnred leg from Ihi fleota of a rifle ball, wbiob necessitated?! late operation at tbe Good SameritBU Hospital in Portland litRl winter. Sine uien ne dns Rradually weakenea until be end came peaoefolly on Friday a 4:30 p. m. Tbe faneral esrvioei were beld Sun lay at 11 o'olock a. m., under tb inspioes of the Masonic Lndge, of wbicl a was a leading member, aud tbe at teudance of those from far aud near wac 'be true indication of the ftpnm i. wbiob be was held. Senator J. W. Morrow, his only sod mrvives him. peaceful, pamless, aud may tb realms you have entered into be do lesi beautiful Ibaa tbe wouderons cloud. ihat look on such fairy forms as yoi novo wuiciiBu inose epienam summei luusets from tbe wentern portals o-i your Heppuer borne. J. W. It, That 14-Ycar Old Stuff, Kohn's Best," On Tap Down at The TELEPHONE SALOON IT 14 HAHB QOODH a a a New Stand, City Ilotel BuildiDg, rOW TllvIvARD, ri-or. ' THE ART OF BREWING Was Perfected by the I'roauction of....- HOP GOO) And now the entire world Knows this perfect product is i n,e orar urewery veer...- .ila' gradual ai llent messenger i iiug of a clock On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY CO. 203 Washington St., Portland, Or.? Good Goods.... Fair Prices.i FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (i mill-").. .I'IM Kf'iin.l trip n Mayville M mllc). 4 00 Round trip Com! on (!9 miles). . 3 00 Ron nil trip 6 Clem (2 wiles) ... i o Round trip :n l Ten-! 5ft I Olel (1 miles) 1 . . Kouud trip 3 .1 AT- - T. R. HOWARD'S. Groceries, Provisions, Glassware. iimai anu rurnisning UOOOS. under the trees that Mr. Morrow bad setE Vmt with liia own IihikIp. For he was u tree-planter, as most men with a goo streak in them nlway are. And thi roses and Ibe home honeysnokleu b irHiLfcii on Dm pnron snowed How neat him u to nature. y Mr. Morrow bad pamed the three- K - . 41.... .. .. .. uure nun imj iuhi rii iiiiiiy men IHIl i rvaou, and iiiiiuenniH of lux niilo st'iiiHi- were tuodeitly marked with good deedx. aa tbe sua w dwo io n ilood ofii tiiHoo, tislbing (lie rolling bills io h' 1 c..; ,7 v ... Ptsire leavw Arlington wt, morninrf,'.'1'.,""" J ';"',' urucerirs (Snnday Mwpted) at o'clork; ia &nV,r IUC ICCIS and tfijees.mewmm Oon-V'D at 3 p. m. und aniyea at Fo ,ilt7p. m. , OomfortabU coered coaches, sod 0'7 rw-y WrTtT j. ---sr-. ol(exyetieDceJ dmtts. X -IV. X 1 VJ V JvJJ , finud I t"r"" Tbe following is the beautiful tribute to his memory reported to the Morniut Oregonian by J. W. He Jiutfton, former!) Hoditor of the Qozette, and a dovoled ad mirer aud assooiate of Ducle Jack's: Hkipnbb, Or., Sept. 24 -(Stuff oorre- jHpondenoe.) These Morrow oounty billi. Heem sad today, for bis brother Masom Shave just buried a good man a mat who gave tbe oounty its name on th maps of (bo world, and left it a legaoy ol an honored reputation. It is warm up on this treeless billaid today, and tbe sun beats down, but th people of city and oouutry bave olimburi fjnp bere. 500 feet above the tnwn h. founded, to pay their Inst tribute cf re wpect to Mr. Morrow. Old neighbors Jtrndged through tbe dust aa tbey would not do for many other men, and hi. numerous friends throughout the North west will be glad to learo that in dyinfc tie died as be lived patient, tolerant bruad-mioded, unassuming. Mr, Morrow's neighbor pioneers oam today for miles aronod, bringing simple tributes of a few flowers, and they found him iu Lis oasket, witb a peaoef ul face. There was no sign of suffering a few das' gradual sinking and when tbe si came it was like tbe stop hose machinery had Hervrd its time, and there was do suddet Rhm.'k about its pausing. Tbe eiraiile service at the bouse wa exactly such as would suit a man of snoli simple tantes a sweet rufraiu from thi girl-voices that bad grown up around bim, and the simple forma of his order, and the cononunm of people passed itiroiiKU tbe borne he had founded 2'i vears scro. arid took thn Ixnt lrw,W anri .overflowed ioto tbe well sbadud Kroundoll"" taken out in one day recently by tbe -"T-TliB Ht. Sterling Khwdtker-i..". . Vsliland Tiilings. Cousiderabls interest attaobos to tb reports which have been reaching ber if the phenomenally rich strikes madi iy William Angle and Jordan Brown it heir "Klondike" quartz claim on Sterl og mountain. Tbe Tidings I as noted hese reports on several oooasious. M L. Alford, of this oity, returned from the u . . ueaver oreeK seotion Monday and Drought some lioh speoimens from thi olaim referred to which were plaoed oi -xbibition at the Bank of Ashland Tueg lay and amused increased interest in the luosy find. The claim was boated ibout a year ago and is tituated on Jlerlicg mountain, jnst over tbe state line in California and south of Ashland butte, some 20 miles from Ashland in a lireot line. Tbe olaim is near tbe enin mit of the mountain at an elevation o( probably 8000 feel above sea level, am) was accidentally discovered by Messrs. Brown aud Angle, who found a place oil float from it while proupeotfng the coun try thereabouts, and almost the first Htroke of tbe pick into the ground ii traoiog op tbe float unoovered a rlol strike of quartz whioh startled the pros pectors, who appear now to bave as i result a genuine bouaLzsand no mistake ULast year tbey dug out several thousand loll ars before the soows of winter drove tbem ( IT the olaim and it is estimated that they bave already taken out thi teasoii fully 820,000. Just bow long the :laim will bold out, no one pretends ti know, but there are plenty of peoph wno would like to have Angle and Brown's chauora of takins a fortnna nm f tbe lead yet. Whether Ibe ledge is in place or a slide bas been discussed htr not fully determined and matters little to the owners at the present rate it iv yielding tbe yellow metal. Tbe bedrook upon which the ledge of porphyry sod quartz, In wbioh tbe gold is found, lays, pitches into the monutain at a deoided angle, and tbe pay streak of rich rock i found next to tbe bedrook, for a width of sometimes three or four inches. Mr. Alford spent some time with the lucky mine's and helped thm pan some quartz, reports of the riobness of which nounds like early tales from tbe AlaHknH' Klondike. In two pans wbioh he washed f - iii.j . . .. ,ur. nnuru tmimaies innr. mere wan ield- wiiih rortlaad Methodists Tliluk of Tlieii Jietii Ing I'astor. Spokesman-Review Grace M E. Churah at Tortland, Ore. J Knows when it has been in luck. Thi Kev. Henry Rasmus, formerly of Sdo naue, nas just oompleted Ave years d aervioe there, and tbe following expres sioo of sentiment in the unanimous void )f the quarterly conference of Graoe M. E. church: "In view of tbe fact that the Rev. Henry Rasmus, D. D., is Boon to Bevei us relations as pastor of Graoe M. E uburoh, Portland, Ore., having served w she full term of five years allowed b ur polity, we, tbe members of tb. quarterly oonferenoe of this ohurob, de sire to make this formal yet beartfell Hatement of our aDDreoiatiou of hi labor of love' and tbe highly successful work which be bas done while bere among as. "Duriug tbe pastorate of Dr. Rasmus, our church membership bas been very largely iucreased, and the material inter 8ls of tbe cburoh orentlv i Despite tbe greatest fiuauoial depression over Known in this northwest, the uburob debt bus been much reduoed duriug his term ot service. He bas gone in and out among us, leaving every where evidenoe of his true Christian Jharaoter, and inculcating In our hearts by bis preaobing tbe true Christian raoes of spirit and life. We have list- aned, witb great profit and tireless de igbt, to bis masterful presentations ol gospel truth, as, Sabbath after Sabbath, ue has, for five years past, preaobed to as the pure word of God, and we do uost cordially commend his ministry tothosewho may be bo fortunate as to leoure bis services hereafter. "Tbe relations existing between this Jhurch and Dr. Rusraus. and alnn his jaost estimable wife and family, have lways been of tbe most cordial, pleas nt and helpful character, and we shall iver remember his term of service among is as one of work and spiritoBl life. "Our love and our prayers will follow bim. Gbaoe M. E. Chckcjh. tjfully $1000 io gold, tbs seoond pan yl Fing about 8700. Three thousand dol HIS BUdY LIFE. Heury Irving Rasmus, D D , who i just completing a live years pastorate a araoe Methodiat cburoh in this oity. en tered the regular traveling ooonection o itio M , 1. ; ,. , i i Hiotuuaim uuurcu orgauizitiou io ,u""i wregooiao. Lute mosi methodist preachers, be bogau witl 'lumuie, ousou.e work. Ue had served two such charges with credit t himself aud successful resnlU. wiion lve years after bis admission into the ministry, he was BDnninlnd hi iiHbop John Q. Vinoent presiding eldet f Spokane dietriot, where, for two years je made a splendid record. Cjugrega fions taxing tbe oapiioity of the cburcbee greeted him everywhere. Daring that time Dr, Rasmus saw 10 new ohorobei- built within the bounds of bis district. in 181)2, by unanimous request of tbe ifllaial board, be was invited to First iburoh, Spokane, aud was appointed pastor by Bishop Walden. Qreat crowds attended his ministry there, particularly Sunday evenings, when even standing room was not to be had. This oontiuued for two years, when be was transferred to Graoe cburoh, Port land. This morning be will olose bit iflh year with this cburoh. During hie Portland pastorate, tbe membership of tbe chorch bas increased from 320 to 450, which Ib something remarkable io a oity. vhere membership is oonstautly ohaog ing. Within tbe same period of lime, something like 815,000 bas been raised md expended for benevolent purposes, nd the work of the cburoh. Tbe in- lebtedoess, which amounted to about 332.000 when Dr. lUamni nmn l,uJi beeD reduoed to $20,000. The reverend doctor's ministry bus been appreciated by all classes, and in parting witb hie uburob be will leave it stronger in man) ways than wben be oatne to it. AWKUL HI.AZK, I! owners, who bave run a out into the 'mountain for a short distance and an ,;working thus far at a depth of only 2;' iem. The oouutry over there linn been full '1uf tiriiaiief'.titr I ... r.... reuougb to strike a streak of good luok yiiod many locations bave bpen made oi, tue mountain siooe tbe Bod was made by Ugleano: I'.rowo.bnt tba latter have b iraoticm rimnopdly of the gold proiluo lion in Ibfl immediate vicinity (Iihh fur. Oiamarck'a Iron Narva Was tli result of bis splendid health 1 ImlOOUf'tll Will BUI trmnl.,na t i . . K J il. ,.,,,. . . t u.juno iiij niurnjH. I Try IV w ' ug, to wili his memory abide Ptbuknew him, and it is but r The Mule in Flouring Mills Consumed Twi Hnmlrcd Thousand Dollar Kir, -lalein Hentinel. Shortly before 4 o'olnck on the mom ing of September 23J tire wa discovered in Ibe seoond mill of tbs Salem Flour mg Mills Co. The alarm was promptly turned in and the Are department's re xponse was immediate. Jiut before water :ould be put on the entire upper floore if the mill were one mass of leaping lames. The tire having originated prob ibly from oombuslion of tbe dry Hour lust and tbe mill being dry as tindei tbe flames spread rapidly, conioming tbe mill proper and tbe wheat ware bouse. Tbe mills were iusnred for Jfij ,000 , wbioh included the Hour warehouse and contents, which were saved thr nigh the lire boys' hernia work. The Ions totb mill oompany will exceed the insuranoe,' is the two buildings and maohinery were valuable. The oompany losep some wheat also. lint the heavy )ws fall noon th fanner, as iihii&I. Tba farmers lose frointj 75,000 to lOO.OtX) buslidls of nuiriBurcd wheat that was dopotiite J ic the "are of tbe I'frmera bad their wlmat insured. )riu Baker Byland HUoots His Wife, Brother and Himself. Walla Walla, Sept. 22 Passengers who were waiting for the southbound passenger train in Walla Walla, Thura. lay afternoon, to go to Pendleton, were startled by bearing five shots fired rather olosely together. In a few moments tbey bad learned the details of a tragedy that bids fair to take rank as the most remarkable ou record in the Inland Empire. A mBn named Byland, from Montana. shot his brother, then killed his wife. iod then ended tbe affair by committing Hiiioide, Just as soon as tbe fact became known i;reat orowds of people began to gather tt tbe oabin which was the eoene of tbe Ikilliogg, and there was a degree of ex citement that bns never before been equaled in tbe Garden City. It was at about 3 o'clock in the after- ooon, just before the sohedule time for Bthe southbound to pull out for PendU. ton. Sitting near tbe passenger station, no the railroad men stated, a man bad Hbeen industriously writing on foolscap paper. He wrote on apparently in a hurry, until be had covered half a dozen sheets, and then, concluding bis literary labors, went away, going to a small house or oabia near tbe station. There were By land's brother, and wife and Mrs. Byland's mother. He produoed a pistol, shot bis brother, one bullet sufficient to acComDlish hia nnrnnan. Mrs. Bylund started to run from tbe place and tbe murderer tired at her. sending tbree bullets before she fell lead. Lying on tbe ground beside tbe dead body of his wife, hn tnrnori tt barrel of tbe weapon against his temple nd pulled the trigger, dying a double murderer and a suicide. It was learned that Byland CBme from Montana. He had followed bis victims, io it was claimed, and found them in the house near the Walla Walla passenger ntation, living together. First, he wrote the letter, addressing it to the coroner, telling of his family troubles, and alleging that his wife'a mother had made snob trouble between them that he aud bia wife could no longer live together. Against tbe mother-in-law be appeared to have the bitterest animosity, and it was bis ex pressed intention to kill her, aud, in fact, it was she principally whom be wanted to kill. ' " Addressing Ibe letter, be prooeded to liis bloody work, and in a few minutes oad done what in bis frenzy of hatred be had beforehand determined. His name was Orin Baker Byland : big vita's name Ella Byland; bis brother's lame Cburles H. Byland. Tbe brother, wife and mother were living together in tbe oabin, but it is believed that Byland did not do the leed from a feeling of doubt a to bia wife's faithfulness. As a matter of faot. lie expressed himself io Bffdotionate terms regarding bis wife, and appeared to eutertaio strong aiTeotioo for ber to tbe last. Tbe coroner impaneled a jury, and today they found a verdict in accord ance with the faote as bere stated. Tbe tragedy, terrible as it is, will not lemand the usual trial to asoertaio guilt, iinoe the murderer is also a suioide, and no one lives who can be punished for the ieedi All three died at tbe instant the bullets entered their bodies. At the oourt house in Pendleton, the uame of Charles H. Byland was found in the 18!M tax roll. Io that year be was lown for the polltax only, no property tux being charged against hi name, rins is the same name as Ihat of tbe brother, who was shot by tbe enraged Byland iu Walla Walla. Whether it ia the same man no one bere can yet tell, ft is known that there bave been several people of tbe name of liylatd who bave lived in Umatilla oounty. A family of that name lived on Weston and there were a numbsr of brothers. A 'Minor of Halt Utah's glittering Halt Palace, witb its Midway Plaisauoe and otber attractions, ijopensal Salt Lake City August 21st. Che Rio Grande Western, tbe only line m Ntlin (I t!.r..ii,.l, .t,A m .. j. iuiuuhu ius muruiuu capital, H'ia arranged to give holders of nil asses of tickets a day stonover at Halt Lake ia order that tbey may have an opportunity of visiting this wonderful Htrooture, built of salt crystals taken from tbe brine of tbe Great Salt Lake itself. Tbe inauguration of the Rio Grande Western's dining oar Bervioe, do ing away witb the necessity of stopping trains at eating stations, leaves nothing Io be desired for an ideal trip across tbe continent; for tbe equipment and train service are equal, if not superior, tu those of any of tbe trans continental dues. Furthermore, no liue traverses niiy section of the American coutiunnl where there is bo much grandeur of -iceoery. A daylight ride through the lieart of the Rookie leaves nothing to be desired. For information as to rates iind for descriptive pamphlets, addres r. D. Mansfield, general agent, Wdbbiogton street. Portland, Or. i . i i . . ' m ST"U '"- " " '""( are not found where stomach, liver, kid i kiut in. ui luTB-nKut iu ma ifieam-t nevs ana nowe i ni ni itb those i von want Ibeee qualit-en and the snooetm er lino, uis i;r. tonui bw tiui s. They develop evr noi .,nnok mills and will no doubt arrange at and ho'ly. f)u 25 renin t Hl a onoe to store wheat there and nut in LHng Cb, ttnillitig mobiucry. a simp e' Dill. .imtbIol tiibate to say that bi yuiptLy rajn XieppilQlgwas as swift a9 tb light ot tbtt wild foam I wt Volcanio Eruptions Are grand, but skin ernptions rob life t j iy- Bucklen's Arnica Halve cures 'hum; also old. rtinuiuo an! fever noma. ulcers, Monp, boils, oorns. warts, en's. The Salem company owns the bipkl'r"i"w'.' burns, scalds, chapped hands, r. I'tiiioiaiUN. ihhi one onre cm earth. Drives out pains aud aches. Only 25 cent a box. Cure guarantee.!, HuU by SloQum projf C'Oi