tl HIS OWN EXECUTIONER. An Indian Murderer Handed Himself la Jail Cell. Spokesman- Review Jimmy Ta-peluewt, tbe Colville Io diaa, who bas beea io tbe oouuty jail since June 10th, awaititig trial in tbe federal court, obarged witb tbe murder of bis sister, Katarrb Mary, a squaw, cheated tbe sallows at an early boar yesterday morning at tbe county jail by banging himself from tbe bars in bis cell. Tbe Indian was evidently determined to die, and took no obanoes on not suc ceeding in committing suicide, for be fore hanging bimselt be stabbed himself witb a bluut stick about 14 inches long, broken from a fruit basket, plungiog it into his body just below bis ribs about tbree inches toward tbe heart. He was oertainly game, for he evidently made no cry, as tbe night jailer was only about 10 feet away witb only open bare be tween, and in the next cell was Sam Jackson, another Indian, neither of whom ever beard a groan. Ever since Ta-pel uewt was arrested he has been trying to kill himself. He first out bis throat, but tbe wound did not prove futil, and be uext tried to starve himself, but was ought at this after throwing bis food down the waste pipe in his oeli for several days. Night Jailer E. G. rJberman was tbe first to discover the lifeless body of the Indian banging on tbe bar of tbe oell. This was abontB o'olook in tbe morning, and be had evidently been daad a good many hours, as all of tbe blood from hie wound was dry. Before baoging him self he removed bis shoes and then, evi dently, Bleppeil upon the water pipe f bis wash basin, which is about two feet from tbe floor, be tied bis neck olose tip to the first cross-bar of tbe cell door with a Bilk handkerchief and stepped off tbe pipe. His neck was not broken. Hugh Johnson, wbo has been held as a witness in the case, and who aided in capturing the murderer, says that Ta-pel-newt whs a dangerous man, and bad previously killed two Indians, one abont six years ago and the other abont four years ago. He was not arrested for the first murder, but was for the seoond, and discharged because the prosecuting wit ness did not appoar. The murder whioh resulted in bis sni oide, oocured last May on tbe Colville reBurvatlon. He imagined bis sister in tended to poison him, and he went to ber wigwam and shot hr through the bead. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurt, of Oroton, 8. D., "Was taken witb a bad cold which settled ou my lungs, cough set in and finally termi nated in consumption. Four dootors gave me up saying I oould live but a short time, I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I oould not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my tibeent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds. I gave it a trial, took in hII eiht bottles. It has cured me, and, thank God, I am saved and now a well and healthy wo man," Trial bottles free at E. J. 8lo- cnm'g drag store. Kegulsr s;ze 50o and ftl.OO guaranteed or price refunded. Hie Steer In King. No class of producers are riding on higher tide of prosperity jnst now than the cattlemen. Beer, at least in Eastern cities, hits not been so high io a third of a century. Thoso who oat beef, or desire to do so, don't look at the prioe as au in dex of prosperity. To them it is, or HOran, tho reverse. What is proHperily for the growers and a fortune fur tbe livestock manipulators is apparently ad versity and loss to the consumers. Yet it iB not really and altogether so. If beef, or Hour, or tiny product of the farm in high, uioBt people are at least as able to buy those lieoeNieries of life as they were when they were lower, The beueflt of good prices gradually passes all around the oiro e of human activity, generally reaching the wage earner last, but reach ing him, too, after awhile. If tbe farmers and raifcrB of livestock are prosperous, it follows, as surely as the light follows tua eastward revolutiou of the earth, that all or nearly all or nearly all other classes of workers uiimt speekily share iu that prosperity. Telegram. Hairs Claimed. Following are tbe dates olnitmtd for tbs various fairs of the northwest : Oregon Male Kalr(Salem) Sept. 1.') to 22 Wanirtou State Kalr( Sorth Yaklnia)-eit. '2j to SO Baker City Kimteru Oregon Dlat Fair Sept IS to 2A Boise, Malm Sept. 2J to ;!0 Portland Kbponlttou Sept, 2rt to Oct. 21 Seattle Ksposltlou. . . . Oct 8 to 15 Now Wontminlntur, n. 0 (let, 3 to 8 Rpnknue Industrial Ksponlllon Oct. 8 to 17 Prlnevlllo Oct. 7 to M Walla Walla... H'.t, a to 1 Knuinclaw, Wash Oct 5 to 7 Colfax, Wash O.t. 1J to 14 Antelope, Ore Oct. 18 to 20 Spain's Greatest Naad. Mr. U. P. Oliver, of Barcelona, Spain, spenda his winters in Aiken, 8 0. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the haok of his bead. Ou using Eleotrio Bitters, America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all paiu soou left him. II saya this grand meiiVoiiie is what his oonutry needs. All America knows that it ouren liver and kid aey tr oubles, puri- s me moon, tones un th gloiimo i. sirengiueuis tno nerves, puis vim, vigor sud new life into every muscle, nerve and orgau of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle nuaranteed, only 60 cents. Hold by Hloouiu Drug Co. When Yoa do Kant, Be sure your tioket reads via. the Chi cago, Rock inland A Paoiflo Ry., ' Rook Island Route." Latest design Pullman palaoe sleeping cars, elegant reclining chair oars free, library Buffet can, ou all through traiui, and best diuing oar service in tbe world. Ask tbe O. U. & N. agent about oar famous weekly per sonally couduoted tourist exoursiooa to all points feast, or write to A. E. Cooper, general agent passeuger dept.,2JtWiH. irtgton street Portland, Of, YOU'LL BE A LONG TIME DEAD. In noain' 'long the crooked trail 0' life. If things don't come your way Don't hang yer underlip an' wall Because you make a losln' play. Jeat give yer energy a apnr, Put on a emile, hold up yer head ; Enjoy lite while you've got it, fur Yer goin' to be a long time dead 1 Don't let a pleasure pass you by, Baak in the sunshine all you kin. An' when reveraea hit you, try To make another play an' win. Sip aweetneaa from the flow'ra o' mirth, The aklea of Jollity paint red, Fur when you quit thla bloomin' earth Yer goin' te be a long time dead! Yer face waa made to pack a amile Instead o' discontented frown, An' you should on the measure pile The grain o' fun an' Jolt it down. If fortune ahould deny you pie, Be thankful fur yer dally bread An' butterine, fur by an' by Yer goin' to be a long time dead ! In passln' down the valley try To scatter aunahine by the way, Play pleasure chipe, an' play 'em high, Encourage others to be gay. Don't waste a minute aettin round, But keep a goin', bulge ahead, Fur when you leave thla pleasure ground Yer goin' to be a long time dead ! Don't acatter thorns along the trail To atab the feet of others, who The rocky heights are try'n' to Male An' win auccesa the aame aa you, But plant aome llowera aa you go, By dew o' kindness keep 'em fed, Fur when yer lamp goes out, you know, Yer goin' to be a long time dead ! To box it in a nutshell, you Should live a heap while you've the chance, An' never miss a call to do A merrymakln' aong an' dance. Should squeeze the sponge o' liviu' dry, Sip pleasure from its fountain head, Fur when it cornea yer turn to die Yer goin' to be a long time dead! Denver Post. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you if you would use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thous ands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. Tbey make pure blood aod strong Dervea and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 ots. Money back if not cured. Sold by 81o- oum Drug (Jo. FASHION NOTES. New Notes on Dressj- Details of I. a dies' C'ostnnies. A handsome hat has a low crown and a moderately wide brim slightly rolled up at both sides. The edge is bound with velvet, and there are thick bunches of velvet Toses sewed close under the brim next to the hair. The trimming is a cluster of loops of velvet and wide, heavy ostrich plumes that sweep over and entirely conceal the crown of the hat and droop over the hair at the back. Colored handkerchiefs are coming Into fashion. They are elaborately emuroiuerea, and many of them are very expensive. One of the new pat terns is a line of butterflies extending from corner to corner. Another has half a dozen, butterflies in one corner others have two or three ineach of the corners. There are also fancy-bor dered handkerchiefs and those with wide hems. One of these latter is close ly embroidered with excellent imita tion of the honeybee. A novelty veil is alwut three yards long. I he mjddlc of it is placed around the front of the hut and over the face then the ends are crossed at the back fuHtencu with a jeweled pin, and brought down on cither side, of the face nnd tied in a large bow under the chin The loops 4i re fastened with stick-pins, Un sonic faces the effect is very pretty A new hat is turned down all around in scoop shape. The crown is rather high and narrow, and is trimmed with bands- of fancy velvet set round and round. At one side of the crown is a largecliisterof ostrich tips, thcquillsof which are concealed by a rosette of velvet. A natty little bonnet has a high jHjiie(i crown and is surrounded by puffs of velvet. At the front are prince of Wales foal hers, and around the sides of the bonnet arc large plumes. The back turns out. slightly over the hair, nnd is finished with a band of crushed loses. A prel ty bonnet is a cap shape. It is made of piisHcmptiterie over velvet! The brim is edged with fur, and the trim ming consists of large poppy-shaped flowers made of rrimned silk surround ed by velvet. Aigrettes and a Bimple ruriing omricn tip complete the trim ming. A neat, and rather trying hat is of while velvet. It, is ixnind with ruby velvet, and loops of velvet ribbon are set fdgewlse around the crown. At the buck is a large fnn-shaped trimming of Bigreues and birti-of-paradise feathers. A snug lit.lle toque is made of yellow reiver, looped and twisted over a frame. The trimming is a wreath of yellow asters with black centers, and a stand ing plumage of bird-of-paradise feath ers. Among the novelt ies in veils are those of very great, sic, which cover the en tire face and ire drawn under the chin. N. Y. Ledger. DRESSING TABLE NECESSITIES. Brians Artlclra for Matkinf a Lasi'a Toilet. A sensible girl will not keep a lot of cosmetics and drugs on her toilet table, but, there are a few articles she should always have in a convenient place. She should have an array of glass stoppered bottles containing alcohol, camphor, glycerine or vaseline, alurn, borax and ammonia. A little camphor and water should be used as a wash for the mouth and throat if t he breath Is not sweet. I'owdered alum applied to a feret we will prevent it from becoming un sightly or noticeable. Insect, stings or eruptions on the skin ere relieved by alcohol. A few grains of alum in tepid water will relieve those w hose hands perspire freely. A few drops of sulphuric acid in water ore also beneficial for this pur jKe, aa well aa dtwirable for wanning the feet when they perspire freely. In addition to snap for bathing, whit custile should be kept, for washing the hair. Occasionally a little borax or unimonia may be used fortius purpose, but care should be tuken in their appli cation, as they are rather harsh iu their tfioots. A little fresh cold cream should be kept on the toilet table during the cold weather, and applied to the lip and hands every night if the skin 6etmst - ' " fhnpjx'd. X. Y. Sua. UK ANT COUNTY NEWS. Blue Mountain; Eagle. Jerry Conn, of Heppner, came over with Lee Cant well last week and will remain until after the races. He 1b on his way to Sumpter. The Marlatt brothers, J. W. and William, were over from their homes on the North Fork Fri day. They report the grass excellent on the river since the late rains. Charles Turner and wife came down form Suaanville Saturday on a visit with Mrs. Tur ner's parents, Mr and lira. T. J. Scroggins. Mr, Turner will take charge of the Susanville Auatln mall line the 18th iust., he having leased the aame from 3. D. Franklin, the original contractor. The grass la growing finely on a thousand hills in Grant county since tbe recent heavy rains, and stock of all kinds will go Into the winter in prime condition. The rain damaged but very little hay in this section of the country and there will be plenty of feed for all the stock left after the fall drives are made. Grant county has the best paying mines, the finest bunch grass ranges, the fattest horses and the prettiest girls in ail Oregon, and our people are conse quently prosperous and happy. From Grant County News. Newt Livingston has sold his interest in the blacksmith business to his partner, F. Blagden Dr. J. H. Fell and wife, left John Day Sunday day morning for the bedside of his mother in Pendleton, who is reported to be seriously ill. Mrs. E. Hicka has gone over to Heppner to visit with Mrs. Ben Iceland and look after the new arrival at that home a sou. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks may be called uue'e and auntie iu the future. Stock Inspector Pearson swore out a warrant Tuesday against W. C. Coyle for moving a band of sheep affected with the scab. Mr. Coyle has been summering a band of sheep belonging to Knowlin & Co., in the vicinity of Bear valley. H. M. Basford, proprietor of the John Day flouring mill, has been up the valley endeavor- ug to purchase wheat to grind, the scarcity of Hour acting as a reminder that it is about the time of year to set the machinery of his mill in motion. Flour from the Grant county mills Is considered about the best in Eastern Oregon. The report of the viewers, in the matter of the proposed road leading from' John Day to the old Wm. Luce place and. intersecting the pref cnt county road leading from Canyon City via John Day to Long Creek, was continued for the term and J. C. Oliver, J. F. Hodson and G. W. I'ortcr were ordered to assess the damages which will be caused by the establishment of said road, and to meet at John Day on the 18th inst, or five days thereafter, to view said pro posed road the entire length, through the premises of Frank Wiseman and E. L. Wiseman, his wife, and report to tho court at its next regular term. Flour has been a scarce commodity in this place for the past week, and the merchants of John Day have been dealing it out carefully, so that they may have enough on hand to supply the immediate necessities of their patrons, un til more can be obtained from Heppner, where there are large quantities stored for this market awaiting transportation. Until the freighters, whose teams are now moBtly en gaged in the harvest Holds, can find time to give their attention in this direction, farmers, stockmen and others will have to make fre quent trips to town, as not more than a sack at a time can be bought at any of the stor s. MY Lhu,",'; PARASOL. She Should llnvo n Dozen How She Can (let A Ionic Willi Three. Parasols have blossomed out into a raricty nnd fresh importance in the realm of fashion which is really dis heartening to all women except the few who are blessed with unlimited incomes 3r a mind above the frivolous things of life. Fashion decrees that the up-to-date woman must have from Rix to a dozen of these expensive trifles to har monize respectively with her various costumes, but with thi-eo well selected she can meet all the reijiiiieincnts of fashionable dress. One should be pf unangeauie or ionium sun, or ecru batiste, another of brocaded silk, and a third one oi clnfion or lace to curry with thm gowns. The chiffon purusol is a thing of frills and flutr, which is a puzzle to anyone except the ingenious designer' who fashioned it. in this class of parasols there are various kinds similarly elab orate, made of net, lace and gauze, and the handles are of gold set with jewels, with rock crystal and enameled heads of tortoise shell or some choice wood. Elegant brocaded and moire silks are used for covering, but there are all sorts of Icrs expensive silk purasols in plain colors, plaids and stripes without lim it to the variety. Keru batiste parasols iucd with a color and trimmed with narrow ecru lace are extremely pretty and useful as well as good style, and a Incquered wood handle is sure to bo a desirable choice. N. Y. Hun. An Awfnl Idiot. "Of all the fools 1 ever heard of, Jim- bermm is the chief." "What of Jimberson, pray ?" "Because his wife insisted that he should not stay around home while she was cleaning house, he thinks her love for him has waned." Indianapolis Journal. The wolf of starvation howls at the doors of thou sands of men who are well to do and sur rounded by plenty. 111. health, in the maioritv o' tion. nn re and IWMmplt. It ' 7 S x means that i ( Wv ooay, Drain, r CiT nerve, bone ' sj and sinew art insufficiently nourished. Improper, insuf ficient nourishment is starvation. hen a man a head iu-Iifs it is hrranw the tisanes of the brain do not receive sufficient nourishment from the blood, ot re ceive impute and unhealthy nourishment. wticn a man gets nervous and sleentefis. it means that the blood is not properly nour ishing the nervea. When his akin breaks out with blotches and pimples and erup tions, it means that the akin is being fed upon the impurities of the -blood. Almost every known disease is primarily due to mproner nourishment tliroiiEh the blood. which i the life -stream. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the greatest of all blood-makers and purifiers. It gives edge to the appetite, corrects all disorders of the digestion, makes the assimilation of the lite giving elements of the food per fect, invigorates the liver, oromotes secre. tion and excretion, and vitalises the whole body. It makes firm, muscular flesh, but does not make corpulent people more cor pulent. It cures q8 per cent, of all caes of lingering coughs, bronchial, throat and kindred affections, which, if neglected. lead up to roiiitiiittioii. It is the lct of all nerve tonics and restoratives. Kept by all medicine dealeia. I was taken ill iu h'chruaiv. with hrad. si'he ati.l pain io my bail.,'' wtut-s II Oaddts, ft-Hi . ui us Shhiib .) street, Tvom. Wash. " I callrd in a dut'tui aud heiMine llure tuuoi. lie said 1 w bilious bill .1 krul anting worse I tuoa a cuuitn so inui t ixnttd uot Kirep only by a uiupiKd un Iu l-4. Mv hums hurl mr nd Tgot so poor that 1 was just skin and Iwuc. thoniiht I was loinif to die. 1 usrd two hoitle of Dr. rierve's (iolden Medical Ditcoverv and il made me sound and well. It saved mv life,'" No remedv relieves combination sa quickly and effectively as. Dr. Pierce's Htasaut VeUeW. Tbey nevet uvpt. raF!- 1 Schillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at Your Grocers Summer Fancy Work. The fancy work of the moment of the modish young woman is not with wools or silks or any of the embroidery ma terials. On her light work basket is piled a tempting array of sheer organ dies, bolts of baby ribbon, and pieces of one-half-inch wide lace edgings. The organdies are in va rious delicate shades with small, indistinct figures, and they are pale blue, pink, cream, green or other tint, whioh is perfectly matched in the ribbons. From these the busy fingers are fashioning corset covers to be worn under the sheer shirt waists of organdie and' batiste, which will be in cluded in this same modish young wom an's summer outfit. The little slips are cut in three pieces with seams only un der the arms.' They are trimmed all around the upper and lower edges and up the front with a narrow beading, finished with an, equally narrow lace edge. Through the beading the ribbon runs, and by it they are drawn into a full and pretty fit. They are sleeveless, the armholes edged with the same lace and beading to tie up on the shoulders. The ribbon may be run unbrokenly and tie around the garment to draw it into a bolero effect in front, or it may end at corsage and belt line separately. They are dainty andl not unnecessary little confections of summer toilet. -tit. Loula Globe-Democrat. Effective Sept. 1st , tbe Rio (jrande Western Kail way will put on its fourth popular tourist excursion car from Port land to the East This oar will run via tbe Colorado Midland, Obioago. Rock island & 'Pacific and Obioago, Mil waukee & St. Paul roads, and will leave Portland every Friday, spend tbe second day oat (Sunday) at Salt Lake City , "tbe City of tbe Saints," and then go through to Obioago, via Colorado Springs aod Omaha, without ohaoge The other personaly conduoted tourist ezoureions leave Portland: Monday, via Kansas City and the Missouri Pacific & Alton roads; Tuesday, via Omaha and tbe Obioago, Book Island & Paoiflo; and Wednesday, via Omaha aod tbe Burling ton roads. All of these oars are cut out for tbe day at Salt L ike City, giving all passengers a daylight stopover in tbe Mormon Capital, thus ensuing them a ride by daylight through tbe beart of the Rocky Mountains. Tbe cars leaving Portland Monday, Tnesday and Wednes day ran over tbe Denver & Rio Grande traots. This gives the passengers from the Paoiflo Northwest tbe choice o! crossing the Rookies via Tennesee, Mar shall or HagnrmHu pass. For informa tion as to rates and for descriptive pamphlets, address J. D. Mansfleld, Gen'l Agent, 253 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. CONTEST NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR, LAND Otllee at l,a (Jrande, Or., September 8, ltw0. A eiillicient contest allulavit havinir been filed in mis onice ny jennte uumore, contestant, asralnst homestead entry No. 5879. made Anril 6. IH'.i2, Tor the Boutheast quarter section 18, town ship 2 south, range '7 K W M., by Quintila T. Mounts, contestee, In which it i8 aliened that the said entryman haa wholly abandoned the said tract; that she has changed her residence therefrom for more than six months since making said entry; that the said tract ia not settled upon and cultivated by tho aaid party aa reiiuiren by law; therefore aaid parties are hurei.y notified to appear, respond and oiler suen eviueiiee aa iney may nave concerning said allegations, at 10 o'clock a. m. on October 27, 1K1KI, before J. W. Morrow, United Htatea commissioner, at his ottlec in Heppner, Oregon and that li mil hearing will he held before the register and receiver of tho United States land olliee at La (Jrande, 10 o'clock a.m. on October SI, 18'JK The said contestant having in a proper affi davit, Hied iu this oflle.e September 7,1899, set lortn lacta wnicii snow tnat alter due diligence, personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. i-a a. w, d a ktlett, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION, 1 DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR, LAND is unice at i uiaiiuo, ur., sept, otn, l'Ji. Notice ia hereby given that the following- named settler haa filed notice of her intention to make final proof lnaunnort of her claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on October lain, ireiy., vi; KLIZAJ. WHETSTONE, (neeBoyer,) of Hoppner, Oregon. Homestead entry No 6737, for southeast south- weai v ami aoiunwest 'i nnrmeaai ana northwest '.' southeast V. and northeast Vt southwest '-i, section 27, township 2 south range it, B. . 01. Bhe namea the following witnesses to nrove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaid laud, viz: John Bylaud, Frank Elder. Robert Johnson aud Thomaa J. Matlock, alio! iieppner, Oregon, B-ftl K. W. Bartett, NOTICE OF INTENTION. f AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON. -lj Atiguat in, itiyj. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler haa Hied notice of hia intention to make Dual proof in support of hit claim, and that said proot will he made before A. Mallorr. United States commissioner, at Hoppner, Ore gon, on ucicner n, item, vis: THOMAS SAPI of Heppner, Oregon; Homestead entry No. 5442, tor the south M southeast i and northeast Sk southeast U. and southeast 4 northeast !, section 31, townahlp i, souiii range i e. M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence noon ami cultivation oi sain land, vni: milium iiwan, K. K. nwau, Oscar Kdivards and Jay 1 levins, ill of Hcppoer, vregou. I ; E. V. Bartlktt, Register NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR, LAND OineeatTho Dalles, Oregon, August 16, 1SW. Notice ts hereby iriven that the following. named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hia claim, and that fald proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Hannnnr. Oregon, on Saturday, October 7, 1J, via: MILKS Mi'KEI.VEY, ot Morrow county, Or., Homestead entry No. mil for the west H northwest i and west1, southwest section 11. tow uship 8 south range .1 K. W. M. He names the fullowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol of said laud, vie: vm, Hughes, Mat Hughes, James Laticy and Kolicrt Beach all of Heppner, Oregon. i-!-s . Jay I. Iah'as, Register. limber Culture, final Proof. US! m Si-ATPS I AND OFFICE, THE Dalles. Oreann, July 2, lfw. Notnv Is hereby Riven thai Henry F Tolle, of llardmsn, has II led notice of Intention to make tinal proof lieiore J. W. Morrow, l t. commissioner, at hia ofliee In Heppner, Oregon, on F riday the tat day of September, lst, on timber culture application No. 814.1, lor lots 3 and 4, and south northwest S of auction 4 Iu township 4 south, range 24 K W M. He usnnw as witnvtstw; KJwiu D. Rood, Jsitob i. Young. Vsiy W. Branuau and t hrtoid t. Jom-, ll ol Eii.-M Mile, Or, Ja t tl'CAS, RSltt. TO THE OREGON BEACH In Four Hours By the NEW ASTORIA LINE Astoria and Columbia River Railway Co. No Delays No Transfers Through parlor cars from Portland to Astoria, Gearhart Park, Flavel and Seaside. Through tickets and close connections at Astoria with the I R & N Co'a boats lor llwaco and all North Beach points. Traina leave the Union depot at Portland as follows: Through Seaside Express, daily except Sun day at 8 a. in. Astoria Express, daily except Saturday 7 p. m. Seaside special, Saturdays only, 2:30 p. m. Fare, Portland to Seaside and return :! 50 " " Flavel " " 3 06 J. C. MAYS, Gen. Pass. Agt , Astoria, Oregon. lilo Depart FOB TIME 8CHEDULE8 Arrive from From Heppner. 10:00 a. m. Salt Lake Denver, 10:15 p. m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Ht. Louis. Chicago, Portland. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, aud the East. 8.00 p. m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p. m. From Portland. For Ran Francisco every five daya. 8:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. Columbia Riveb Steamers. To Astoria and Way Laudinga. 4:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday 6:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday Willamette Rivkb Oregon City, New berg, Salem and Vi ay Landings. 4:30 p. m. Ex. Sunday 7:00 a. m. Willamette and Yamhill Rivers. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. 3:30 p.m. Mon., V ed. aud Fri. Tues., Thur, ana Hat, 6:00a. m. Tues. Thura, and Sat. Willamette River 4.'30p. m. Tuea.. Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval lis St Way Land ings. Snake Riveb. Lv, Riparia 2:30 a. m daily except Sunday Lv. Lewiston Riparia to Lewistou 12 noon daily ex Saturday Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Or. E' Q0ICRE8T AND MOST DIRECT LINE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and alt Points EAS1 and SOUTH- LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK, 4J days CHICAGO, 3 " ST. LOUIS, 3i " OMAHA, 3 - SALT LAKE, 1 " Free lieolining Choir Cars Upholstered Tourist Bleeping Cars Fallmso Palace Sleeping Car For fall particulars regarding rate, time of trains, etc., call on or address J. O. HART, Agent O. R. & N. Co., Heppner, Oregot 0. 0. Tubby, W. E. Cohan, Trav. Pass. Agt. Otn'l Agt. 124 Third St., Portland, Ore. SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SHEPP1RD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Care Between Spokane, itosBlsnd and Nelson. Also between Nelson and Rosalaod, daily except Sunday : Leave. Arrive. 8110 A. M Spokane 6.40 P. M. UiV A. M Kosaland :40 P; M. 8:10 A.H Nelson 0:45 P. M Close connections at Nelson with steamers for B.asio, and all Kootenai lake point. Passenger for Kettle Klver and Boundarj nek connect at Mamas with ataae dailv. ulENIb,0" can cured If jrm suffer from any of ths i ills of men. corns to the oldest ' 1 Specialist on the Pacific Coast, l 1 OR. JORDAN a. CO.. I S,05t "art tt St. Est' 1862. I V lfoaag Men and middle , Sized nrs who an nurTerin I tha effects of youthful indiscraioni or ex- , , e! in suturer years. Nervous and Physical I PMllt7,liiito7,llMMtMM4 , in ll its complications: WnrrMKtorrhflP av. rramwrsHrs, nrriiri, (alms, i is".rT vi a1 rieasssiHst. mv as ' I combtrtstioa of remedies, of great curative pow r, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment 1 I that ft will not onlv afford immediate relief but Permanent cure, the Doctor does not claim to 1 I perform miracles, but is well-known to fee a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, rce-eraiuent m jus specially isismuww er JFIrw. yswiiie tnorootrnlT prxflh-atMl mm tn tcm wlthotiumlng Mrrrari. EVERT MIX m.lvlnr tn M trill r. I I tttnkm or n complaint. it c wm ntuiraNirv a mu 1 1 1 a 1 1 e 1 mry cat unaertMt, r jai feit M I'VI I Ml V. (-Omtlltatl.-llk rWEk ari.1 ttriltv h nta rat- i went proru!iy or uy letter, Send for book, i nee. (A valuable book for men.; VI NIT sssa. .manatees Great Museum of AtiAtrtniT , , ho ttrgen Museomol us kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you I ! ww io avoiu iicKaess aoa tuseswe. te are conrimtany adding sew soectsueiisw CATA LOU CB ruin. l,Vwrt, frTl 17 a TTT GON SHORT LINE Ry V GREAT ROCK VIA Fast Express Leaves DENVEK, ' PUEliLO, " COLO. BPKINGH 9:30 p. ra 7. 05 p. m. 8:tU p. in. 8:5fi p. m. HAK) p. m. Arrives 10PEKA Arrives K NBAS CITY Arrives LIN JOLN " OMAHA " DE8 MOINES " PEOMA " CHICAGO 2:11 p. ra. 4:2s p. m. :30 p. ra. 11 -'iO a. m. 8AXJ a. in. Cars Colorado to throughout. The Through Sleepers and Chair Chicago. Wide V etibuie finest train in the West. For particulars and folders gi ving time of tlwee J. L. DE BEVOISE, PORTLAND, OKE. E. E. M'LEOD, A. . P. A.. TOPEKA. THROUGH TICKETS TO THE Fa t and Southeast VIA THE il PAC1PI0 II. R. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOUHIST SLEEPERS. FUEE H EC LINING CI1AIH OA KB. Poland to Eastern Cities Without Change. Qnick Time. Union Depots. Personally Conducted Exmirsions. Hhukhkb Checked to IXwtinHtiou. L'iw Rates. Direct line to Trans-Mississippi nnd Inter national Exposition held lit Oniahu, Nebraska, June to November, Write undorsiRned for rates, time tables and ther information pertaining to Union Pacific ft R J. H. LOTHROP, or J. C. HAItT Agt., Gen. At.. 1.15 3d St., O. It. &N. Co, Portland. Or. Heppner, Or. CHICAGO Iwaft k St. M TlVs Railway Co. Operates its traina on tbe famous bio ok system; Lights its trains by eleotrioity through out; Uses tbe celebrated elpotrio berth read nig lamp; Rons speedily equipped pnsseDgsr trnins every day and Bifrbt between St. Paul and Chioago, aud Omuba and Chiongo; tbe Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated vestibuled trains, carrying the latest private oompartment cars, library buffet smok ing cars, and pnlnce drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining clmir cars, and tbe very best (lining cbtiir osr service. For lowest rates to any point in tbe United States or Canada, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY, J. W. CASEY, Oenprtil Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. HQE YOU GOING EBST ? If so, be snre and see that your ticket reads via Ts HortAwestern. Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTFT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestibuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains, and Motto: "always on time haa gi en this road a national reputation. All elaene of passengers carried on the vestibuled trains without extra charge, Khip your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents hare tickets. W. H. MEAD, F. C. SAVAGE, Gen. Agent. Trav. F. Jk P. Agt. 24S Washington St.. Portland, Or. lie feulak Line" The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. BTBAMEISS ' 'DALLES CITY" AUD "REGULATOR" Both of the aliove stcsinera have been rebuilt. and are iu excellent elmpe for the season ol 1M!. The Regulator Line " ill endeavor to give its patrons the best service possible. For Comfort. Economvand Plesiurs travel by the steamers of The Regulator Line. The above ateamers leave Portland and The nail,, at 7 m. in Mud nrrivA Ml, ili-MHttut,.,,, i ample time for outgoing trains. Portland office. The Dalles ofliee, Oat St. Dock. Court street. W. a ALLAWAY, Geopral Agent. C? UICIC TI3VI13 ! Snn Frnticlseo And (II point in lifortii. tin tho Ml bhatta ronw ot ns Southern Pacific Co I'll ureal highway throutfb California, to at; point sast nn.1 South, id nt cttv-ui Koute ! of ths Paoinc Ciit. 1'ullii ji ii:itt,.t bieprtnk ttacoiid-t'lfuts Hiei.iHrw Attachol l zi.rsM t ruins, affording suimwi : scnnimodations for sneond -class tiRSfneera. , For rats, tiekrta. slwping ear raswrvittii'cs, i sto. call njon or address K. sCKHUiK, Mduagrr. i. n. makahav GflO. F. A P. Agt . Port iann. flroyon THROUGH TICKETS j To all poi"" 1" ne Eteru ittei. Canada and Europe ran he oMfined at lowest rate from 1 D k. ANj Htrpi lief, Kit, FflST TBHIK SERVICE DAILY TO THE EAST ISLAND ROUTE. Colorado. Flyer Leaves DENVEIt COLO. BPIUNGB 2:as p. m 2:85 p. m 7:30 a. m :15 a. in Arrives J OFEKA KANSAS CITY Ar. ST. LOUIS, (Wnb, K'y) Arrives BT. JOSEPH Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Sun) 6:45 a. m OMAHA (KxHiil) . 8ir.Ua. in " CO.iiLUEiS, . . D.loa. m Through SleeporB Colorado Springs to Bt. Louis via Wabash K'y. tralus write JNO. SEBASTIAN, .G. I'. A., CHICAGO anything you invent or improve ; also get , i;Vtm,IHAUt.VIAKK, COKTKIUHIOrUESlUN i PROTECTION. Send model, sketnh. or nhoto. for free examination and advice. BOOK OH PflTENTSfeebeforeaSu yftTG.A.SmW& CO. Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gau It House, ciiicagm, i i.i... Half block west of the Cnion Depot of 0, B. it Q., C. M. & Ht. I'., C. A . I1. H. tV. & C. and the C. St. U & I'. Itailroads. MATICS &i. I MCI DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton fits., CXXICjSj.O-0. IXjXj. Denver k lie We a Scenic Line of the World The Favorite TratiEcontinental Between the Northwest and all Toiiits East Choice of Two Monies Thtotigh the FAMOUS Rocky Mountain Scenery And four routes cant of Fueblo and Denver... All pnBfieDferB granted a day stopover iu the Mormon capitol or anywhere between Ogden and Denver. Personally conducted ex cursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, 5t Louis Chicago and the East, For tickets and and Information regarding rates, routes, etc., or for descriptive advertising matter, call on agents of O. H. & N., Oregon Short Line or Southern i'acific companies . R. C. NICHOb, g. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. 1'hbs. & Tkt. Agt. 2Til Washington St., Denver. Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Haiit, Local Act., Ilepimer, Or. JM)T ERN Vv It'll lif. Yellow Stone Park Line THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTK FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THK ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Leave. Depot Fifth and I (sl Arrive. No. East Mail for TaconiR, Seattle. Aherdeen.sniitti No. 1 10:15 A. M. Dend, Spokane, Helena, Butte, Anaconda, St.. Paul, Chicago, New York. Boston, and all points -.'8t and South east. 11 A. M. No. 8 Poitland, Tacoma and No. 5 11 P. M neanie txpress, for Ta icoma, Seattle, Olvmpia : P. M. ami intermediate "maiii- 'line points. 8 BAYS to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omana Kansas City and other Missouri river points. DAYS to St. Louis, Milwaukee and Chi cago. 4 H DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia New York, Boston and other far-Eastern points. Cnion depot connections In all principal cities. ticBkew'lKe Checked tIiro,18h to destination of Union depot, Portland, foot of Sixth st. For sWni routes and other mio Jll'Sr A. D. CHARLTON1, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Morri sou St., Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. GKNEllAL PASSENGKIl DEPARTMENT. Wisconsin Central Lines Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897 PATliONS of tLe Wieeonein tentral Lines iu paBsicg tlrough Chicago may require some ansiet aDce in tLe way of l.aviug their hand baggage tnkeu form or to train and cHrringe or bus, or iu many other whys, ...;n find all that is desired in (Li8 re. S,Prv,ee of tLe Usbere at the Grand (Vntml p.c. Station, who havo treerMv h. uniformed with brown snitand'nd c. I hey l0 iu waitlll t all trams prepared to fiRist pas seugers, and it ia hoped that onr ''."".I" "J vr,il themselves of this aduitionai provigion for their comfort. NORTH J A 8. C. I'OND, Gen'l P8r, Agt.