Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 14, 1899, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Thursday, Sept. 14, 1899.
The uormal condition of the
average farmer throughout the
East is oue of inquiry as to weather
conditions. His face is upturned
to the sky, he watches the appear
ance of the clouds and auks 8dx
iously: "Will this rain hold off
for a day more?" or, "I am afraid
these are only wind clouds," as the
case may be. He must await for
rain in order to plow or to plant,
or he cannot plow or plant because
of rain, The greatest proof of the
value of irrigation lies in the fact
that no farmer who has once prac
ticed it is ever willing to change to
farming under conditions where he
is dependent upon natural and un
evenly distributed rainfall. The
farmer who has bis moisture sup
ply under his control knows what
he can do, and goes ahead and
does it with almost as much cer
tainity of results as the contractor
projects and builds bis house.
The satisfaction to the farmer of
knowing that the labors of a
half a season will not be rendered
void because of a week of untimely
drouth, is one that cannot be fully
appreciated except by those who
have tried both systems.
The ordinary farmer is looked
u poo largely as a man who plods
along without responsibility, worry
or thought. As a matter of fact,
his worries, where he is dependent
upon the elements, are constant,
and far in excess of those of many
business men. Never a season
goes by that he does not hope and
pray for rain at some time to save
some partially matured crop, or
fidget and stew about in impa
tience aiid fear lest his crop
already made shall be ruined be
fore it can be harvested or cured.
The brow of the irrigator is sure to
have many less lines and furrows
across it than that of the farmer
who does not know the control of
water in bis agricultural operations.
When questioned concerning
the space devoted by the state
press to Ex-Congressman Ellis'
ambition to become sergant-at-
arma of the house, Mr. Ellis em
phatically denies that he ever au.
thorized his name used in this
connection and that he seeks do
office nor has he any ambition for
the place mentioned. He is now
looking after his business affairs
and is not seeking office.
The East Oheoonun says: The
fbeepnu n will have to kavo the
forest reserves. The deportment
at Washington has already can
colled the grazing permits to
sheopmen to the Rainier forests
reserves in Washington, and it is
thought that sheop will be exclud
ed from the Cascade reserves by
another summer. The sheepmen
will be heavy losers by this action.
Thousands of sheep will have to
be disposed of in Oregon and
WWiington and their owners
drivon out of the business by it.
Tho grazing of shop in these re
borvcB is harmful to the govern
ment interests. The forest are
set on fire by the careless sheep
tenders and much valuable timber
destroyed. It is contended that if
tho nhoep are excluded from the
reserves the dangers of fire will be
brought down to the minium. In
other words, the department con
siders the timber interests of these
reserves of more value to the gov
ernment and the people than the
sheep interests, so far as they are
advanced by free range.
We note the Portland Cainbor
of Commerce has decided to ask
Beuator Simon to go to Washing
ton iu bohalf of Portland, in the
matter of having that city declared
as a shipping port for supplies and
men for the Luzon campaign.
This is good work. Hut it would
bo more effective if the entire dele-
gatiou were called to assist iu this
matter Senator Simon resides iu
Tortlaud, but Portland is our me
tropolis and the pride of the state.
Therefore there should be com
bined effort in the desired direc
tion, and it Bhoulil not have the
appearance of a 1'oitland iuvo,
uuHupportod by the rent of the
The world knows just as well as
France that Dreyfus is not guilty.
Everybody knows, too, that if
Dreyfus is guilty positive proofs
would be forthcoming. On Sun
day last every civilized hamlet on
the globe was commenting upon
this shameful act, the second con
viction of au innocent man. This
bodes no good for the approaching
Paris exposition, and France will
be made to feel it.
A Most Epjoyable Session Acknowledged
Appointments Hade.
The annual oonfereoos, in session here
from September 7th to 11th, closed one
of its most enocesBful meetings with the
reading ot the appointment! Sandsy
There were so nnnsnal tmmber of
preBCbers and delegates present. Tbe
reports from tbe various charges showed
decided gains on nearly all lines. There
was an inorease in membership and in
tbe gifts to the cause.
Tbe preaching and lectures by Bishop
Dunoan, Dr. Whisner, J. C. Thomas, L.
P. Shearer, 8. P. Wiggins, E. P. Greene
and A. Y. Skee were ot the high order.
Tbe bishop's presidency gave general
Rev. S. W. Davies had died during tbe
past year and suitable memorial services
were held Sunday evening in bis mem
ory, at which time a number of bis old
oomrades spoke feelingly of his worth
and of their loss.
Muoh to tbe regret of tbe brethren,
two of tbe youug men from Qeorgia re
turned, Kevs. 8. P. Wiggins and Joseph
Five new preachers were added to the
working force one from West Virginia,
one from Tennessee and three native.
Tbe next session will be beld at Day
ton, Washington.
Oar citizens manifested great interest
in tbe conference and large congrega
tions were present at all the servioes.
In tbe main tbe appointments gave
splendid satisfaction. We give them as
follows: 8pokane distriot, Q H. Qibbt
Presiding Elder; Spokane, M.V.How
ard ; Wilbur, J. Q. Carriok j Wilbur oir
coit, 8. A. Woods; Ed wall, Sidney Gren.
fell ; Oakesdale, D. K. Vernon ; Palouse
City, R. 0. Miobael; Geonesee, 0. R.
Howard; Troy, J. W. Compton; Leland,
W. O. Miller; Nee Perse, 8. E. Crow;
Cottonwood, to be supplied; Dayton, R.
8. Truesdale; Covello, A. T. Skee; Walla
Walla, E. P. Greene; Rhea Greek , A. L.
Tuorooghman; Heppner, Fred 8t. Clair.
Pendleton district, J. 0. Thomas, Pre
siding Elder; Pendleton, W. B Gray;
Weston, L. P. Shearer; La Grande, E.
B.Jones; Summerville, F. 0. Adkins;
Wingville, F. M. Oanfleld; Eagle and
Pine, E. G. Miobael; Boise Valley, C. 0.
Eaglo; Mabeur, J. B. Chamberlain;
Nampa, D. W. Yoknm; Wallowa, to be
Rev. R. 0. Miobael lost his baby boy
during tbe conference. It died Sunday
morning, and R9V. Qibbs preaohed a
suitable sermon on Monday morning,
after which tho precious little one was
laid to rent in our cemetery. The par
ents bavo tbe sincere sympathy of the
whole oommunity iu their bereavement.
liiebop Duncun and Dr. Whisner de
parted on Mooda8 train for Grant's
Push, where tbe session ot the Columbia
Conferenoe opened on tbe 11th.
A oiieat many country news
papers have been active in trying
E. L. Mims for the shooting of
Miller, of Pendletcn. This is the
duty of a judge and jury, and the
Oazetto is opposed to these self
constituted judges and juries.
Give the law a show, but do not
try to convict a mau on hearsay
eviderjep. Mr. Mitns claims self
defense, and ho is innocent before
tho law until proven otherwise.
Too runny newspapers in Oregon,
and not country papors either, are
wont to jump at conclusions and
then use their efforts to influence
vtrdicU, whicU iu.vl'y wrong,
lVodlrtoa Will Respond.
East Oregonian: Pendleton is asked to
contribute 8200 to 8300 towards making
a road from the oounty line of Umatilla
to Sueauville and building a wagon
bridge over tiie John Day river, to en
able the people of that eeotion to better
come to Pendleton lo trade. Pendleton
will respond to the appeal. Tbe Busan-
ville station Is about the rirhaat nart nf
Grant county and ooutaius some of tbe
most promising mlues in Eastern Ore-
gun. There are many 11 je ranches along
me river una a thrifty community of
people who desire to euter into trade re
lations with Pendleton. At present the
route to Pendleton is round about, dif
flonlt and dangerous to travel, but by
the expenditure of a little money tbe
mute oan be shortened, good road
made and a direct line established. The
amount Pendleton is asked to subrorihe
to tbe enterprise is small, oonBidering
tbe advantage aflored. With a good
wngou road opened lo Husanville, a trie
phono will follow.
On 8starday we bad tbe pleasure ot a
visit to tbe Mountain Valley Farm, in
company with Oscar Minor. There we
found Mr. Maris applying tbe finishing
touches to tbe sleek coats ot tbe
thoroughbred Shorthorns, preparatory
to tbeir departure on Monday morning's
train for tbe State Fair at Salem.
Tbe following contribution to tbe
Rural Spirit by Mr. Maris recite tbe
important point ot bis prize-winners,
and is of interest to every etockraieer in
the Northwest:
Among tbe front ranks ot tbe matrons
of tbis herd ie tbe grand old cow Reality,
an nndispnted champion in her day and
the dam of a lot of good ones. She ie a
cow ot great substance and vitality,
carrying a deep, heavy, well tamed
body on tbe shortest of legs. Sbe is
past her prime, but bringiog a oalt
every year, and ie now safe in oaif to
Conquero. We expeot something extra
fine from ber tbis time and it a heifer
calf would hardly put a price on it.
Roan Lady is too well kbown to tbe
Shorthorn fraternity to need any intro
duction. A member of H. F. Brown's
noted show herd of '96, that won Illinois
state fair; second prize oow at Salem in
'97, being beaten by tbe best dangbter
of Reality-Wood ruff Bell, whose son,
Munson, was first prize aged bull at tbe
same show, and has stood at tbe bead
of tbis herd for tbe last four yearr.
Sbe was first in tbe aged cow olass last
year at tbe Washington state and The
Dalles District fairs. Sbe will be in
onr show herd this year, and altbongh
sbe bas lost some of ber form and be
oome a little patchy at tail and bead,
ebe is still a pretty good show cow and
settled right down to business as a
breeder. Sbe bas a fine beifer calf by
Munson, and is now well along in calf
to tbe service of Conqueror, and should
she drop a bull calf it ought to be good
enough to head anybad'y herd. We
are anxions for it to be a heifer, how
Mazurka Napier 5tb is oue of tbe best
oows tbat I imported along with Con
queror. Sbe was a obampion winner in
ber younger daya, and at fourteen ebe
holds ber own like a heifer, and one
would bardly take ber to be more than
six j ears old. Sbe is a oow ot good
style and wonderful quality; has a re
markable spriugy rib, and a baa It like a
a dining table. One of her daughters
and three grandaugbters and a
grand n in our show herd will show
what sbe bas been doing as a breeder.
Mazurka Napier 12'h. one of the bust
daughters of M. N. 5tb, is a genuine
beef block. She bas tbe ribs an1 baok
of bar dam, heavy quarters, well set on
Bhorl legs. We think ber a pretty fair
prodnoer, as she contributes tbrfe to our
show herd Ibis year, and we would b?
foolish enough to show them against a
number from anybod'y oow, one of them
being the yearling beifer that won tbe
female championship for us last year at
the Washington state fair.
Another oow that produces notb'ng
but show calves is Mezirka Napier Htb
Her yearling beifer won seoond priz"
last year, and her bull calf, Oregon
Monarch, first. If ber present bull calf,
Ojuqneror 21, dou't get a blue ribbon
there will be some mighty good calves
in the ring.
Three others of tbe Mazurkas I im
ported 9th, 11th and 2nd, now owned
by Mr. Minor, are right along with 12tb
and Hth as producers and will eaoh
contribute one or two apioe to onr show
herd tbis year.
There are fourteen of tbe Moziirkn
Oonqueror heifers in the herd, and they
are uniformly good. All have good
style an quality, fine ribs and baok,
good quarters and short legs and with
out exception are fine produoers. There
will be two calves in tbe show herd from
these heifers that will speak for them
Following are tbe proceedings ot tbe
oouuty oourt in addition to those pub
lidbed in last week'e issue of the Gazette:
The petition of Jacob Bortzer et al on
road application No. 150 was granted
and report of viewers acoepted, and ooet
bill amounting to 820.30 ordered paid.
Jurors' and witnesses' fees for the
term of oourt, to tbe amount of 8G7.80
were ordered paid.
Miscellaneous bills allowed as follows:
Comer & Warren, expense acct f 2 00
ur. K. K. Bwluburne, pauper acct 15 oo
J. W. Shipley, school sunt lti nn
A. T. McNay, pauper acct a no
Heppuor Gaietto, expense acct 35 oa
Jas Truto, rosd acct g 00
I. N. Prater, court house and jail acct.,.. 130 00
State vs. George Yates, cost bill
amounting to t;)0.50 ordered paid.
Court ordered warrant issued tor sale
of property for payment of taxes of 1894,
1895, 1990, 1897.
Claim of Ellis & Phelps for attorneys'
feea in MoGontiigell case allowed.
Scalp bounty certificates examined
and approved.
Warrant of $1410 paid to II. M.
Beardeley for redemption of property
eiroueousiy soui ror lares.
Miscellaneous bills allowed;
J. B. Mullhi. ronii acct t -n mi
J. L. tlnward, commlMiioiiei'i salary .... o ui
r. u mm, BMVRMir I'JO 0O
Cost ot innnost oo hod ot Harrv
Peters amounting lo $M was ordered
$ Ready-to-Wear g
Suits, Waists and Shirts
0 This fall's Btyles of ready-made suits for ladies reached yjf
j ns just recently. They are made in coverts, serges, Venetians vv
$ and black. We can describe only a few. but thev are an in- Mr
w dex to the complete stock.
You mast see them.
A heavy, grey wool homespun fly front, jacket
trimmed with silk soutache braid, lined through
out with best quality scarlet satin; skirt, latest
style, velvet bindings and trimmed with triple
rowB silk soutache, with button and loop trim
mings at the back'
A military blue covret cloth fly front waist, very
latest, lined with purple satin, good quality; skirt
1 i naA aif h of artrla r1 nnnlUn w-i.AAKt.n U.n J
ing, placket buttons at the back $1400 W
A tan covert cloth waist lined througoout with
tan satin of good quality, brown velvet collar, but-
ton trimmings; skirt lined with good quality per- vj.
caline, trimmed with placket buttons at the back, it
bound with velvet $11.00 it
a ia - - W
Jg Keqqy-made SKirts
We have these in serges, cashmeres, silk brocades,
crepons at prices from $2 to $11. They are the
latest cut skirts, beautifully trimmed, with stand
ard quality linings, etc.
Ladies' Silk and SnHn Wnicr; it
u . v v - - ji.
There are no two wsists alike. Each waist is ex
clusive. Come in all colors including the very
latest shades. The price is within reach, as for
instance, an India silk waist, good quality, front
trimmed diagonal with tucks, price
jjj Underskirts
Infancy silk, mercerized cotton, satmes, elegant
designs. Prices from $1 to $5. Come in and look
at these goods. It is a pleasure to show them.
They are just what you want and the prices will
suit you.
Minor & Co.,
Heppner, Oregon.
$4 25 (
To be effective must be good. Accu
rately prepared from materials of
good quality and good condition.
A full 1 ine of tablets and choice writing
paper. Also school tablets, slates, pencils,
sponges, pens, penholders and ink, etc.
Rubber Goods
As fine an assortment as you can find in any
store on the Pacific coast, at astonishing prices.
Seeing in Believing Call and See.
Agents for
Lowney's noted candies, ranging in pi ice
from 5c per package up. Call and see them.
Fresh supply twice a month. Don't forget
the place.
FliotoKra pliers' supplies of all kinds. Dark room in rear ot store tree to all amature
photographers. Call and investigate.
Up-to-date Druggists. (?
Portland September 28
October 28, 1899
Products ot Oregon, Washington and Idaho
In greater variety and profusion
than ovor bafor.
Miss Alice Raymond
America's Greatest Lady Cornet Soloist.
HI III Mure Counterfeiting.
The ai'cret nervieo has unearthed an
other Utul of counterfeiters ami secured
larKe quantity of bogus bills, whiob
re so oleverly exeouted that tbe average
person would never suspect them of be
ing spurious. Things of great value are
always selected by counterfeiters for im
itsttoo, notably the celebrated Hostel
ler's Hiomsoh n ittrir U silnh Ima hum.
Imitators but no a, mil. r, i
digestion, dyspepsia, constipation, oerv.
ousoees and general debility. The bit
ters sets things right iu tbe stomach, and
ufu uio luinunu is 111 s?rtod order II st-itlptt upon ami I'uliivaitHl uv the bhUI irt
Diakes good b!ood and plentr of 11 r 'equlroa by la v: thereiore said parties xr
this manner tbe hitlers Jit al .h. .... t .LKl!!
atrengin anil vitality, at restores tigor it alii'Kniinns, al iu oVlwk a. m. nn ortotier
lithe week and iMiihtattd 1 trio rr ' -;- lH'loro J' "rrow, limed si.i...
Oontiterfoita linn h,.n, I ,'"i"lo,r, at hi. ollu-o in ll.-ppiior, orenon.
I ullit) at LaMramle. Or., SoptiulKr H,
A uttii'H'tlt I'Ollli'nt allidavit liaviuir Inn in.-)'
lu this office lv Jennie (tllinimv
aKalimt hointntrail entry No. ,y. made April 6
in nr me oiiinram iiuarier api'tlou IS, Imvn
hip ixiiith, rmiRe J7 K W M., by Qulniila T.
Mounlt, eonUxttii), in which it is alleged that
the aaiil eutryiuau has wholly abauitonett the
saiii tract; that she has ehauKed her resilience
therelrom tor more thau aix months since
nakiiiK salt! enirv; tlmt the salit tractliii.it
chum upon ami I'tiiiivaiiM iy
The uticauualled
Florcnz Troupe
o: Acroliata, direct trom the Empire Theatre,
luulon; their first appearance lu America.
A Ureal
Filipino War Museum
3 Great Sisters Macarte
I'usnrpaMeJ Aerialista. in their thrilling act.
A Season of Great Surprises and
Astounding Feats.
Steam Laundry
All kinds of laundry work done
first class.
Special rates on family washing,
White Shirts a Specialty
WashiDg without ironing 3J cents
per pound.
Steady customers, 3 cts per pound.
Carpet washing 3 eta per pound.
Cash on delivery.
Si Mary's fcfe;;
Reduced Rates on AIITransportattoa lines
Admission, 25 Osxts
Children under 12 years, lOceuta
. ", ,Uy "f Ausu.1, l.vni. Nathan Cecil
01 toi.laiul, lrir,ii. was ilnlv a.ijiijicatej
11 l VHitl Ul
a "1"X MnjXuqsmvMo
;l" J'l I IT M 5 3
I ol
! lis n km ill: ati.l ihAi thu tin., ...
ret'luter and rnviver ol fie fnltiM suu-s land ' emlltora will b held at room W'orpeete"
I i-L", i a wiw u"uu'" v a.m. ou : ihiihiiuk. roriiaim. orvou, on the 2M dar ol
I 'wri IW, a I1IO ClOCt lu th Inniuwm .,
coiitenant navinsr m a proper affl- which time the said creditori m.r .it.,rf nrX.l
in (hit omce iwptemtier 7.1ni9. set their claims, antxilnt i,n,iM .J-
hichihow that alter due dllisronce, ! bankrupt ami trammel such other business as
1 tK'loberai, It
Rrl I I'he said coi
LM4 davit, Hied in
Tfj ! forili facts wh
a ftl personal service of this notice cannot bo made, ', may properly come before said meetin
tl ills hereby ordered aud directed that such I'aled. "eptuul.cr 1 Imn. v"":,!uu
Zl I nonce p gi'.eu ry onesn i proper puoilcalion, AtlT 8waa
Under tbe Direction
of the : : : : :
Sisters of the Holy Names
of Jesus and Mary.
THE DALLES, Wasco C... Ortgon.
This inatitution Is pleasautly situated near
the Columbia ou the line of the railroad: thence
it is easy of access for all who desire to secure s
comfortable home and a progressive seat ol
learning for their daughters or wards. The
locatiou of the Academy is oue of the most
healthy oo the Pacific elope, this portion ot
Oreexia helnir proverbial for its pure, water,
bracing air and picturesque arenery. The
Academy is Incorporated and anthortred br thp
state to confer Academic honora.
Hiard and tuition per scholastic Tear. llwV
Htiidiea will Iw resumed Thtiradav. Sept Mb.
Kr detaicd Inforuiatlou apply to the fitter
A Present
Each School Boy and Girl
Conser & Warren
'During the month of September, with each purchase
of School Books amounting to f 1 00 or over
A Nice Writing Tablet
With photo of Heppner School
house on the cover aw
School Supply Headquarters.
Farm Implements
Wagons Hacks Buggies Rakes
Mowers Plows Harrows
Grain and Feed
1 9
Heppner, Oregon.
Fresh Fruits
Fancy Groceries
When you want anything
to eat you will find it at
Ed. R. Bishop's,
Successors to P. C. Thompson Co.
Headquarters for
Guns and Cartridges.
In memory of Marcus Whitman, ill. D., patriot and martyr
Highest Standards Able Faculty Thorough Work
Classic, Scientific, Literary Departments. '
Conservatory of Music
Piano, - Voice, - Organ, - Violin. - Viola, - Guitar, - Mandolin, - Etc.
School Course. Receives Students above Eighth Grade....
Magnificent Buildings Healthful Surroundings
Ennobling Influences
For information or catalogue, write to the President of Whitman College
Wall Walla, Voslilng.-nn.
CTsmmii aai. kwulM U. k-Jt.
iWta a hnMm cwrth.
Ht Valla to JiMtar Orf
a lace
T. B.WHITNEY, Proprietor.
Strictly First-Class
A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel
Every Modern Convenience.
Drummers' Resort. Stockmen's HM.n
una ii:i'.L'iU3
One of th? finest np.ippfd ?ars niltl Cul,roon
in the state in connection
For Business Heppner is one of the l eading
Towns of the est,NVk