CHEH&LIS WAS DISTANCKO. Something Wrong With the Driving of the Black Pacer Thil Year. East Oregonian There is something radioally wrong with the driving Obebalia has tbia season, or be would not have been dis tanced in the 2:04 pace at Columbus. Taking the time made, and tbe distance from tbe flag to tbe wire into aocouot, Cbebalia need only bave showed a mile better tbno 2:10 to bave avoided being abut oat. It is on tbe record that Obebalia made a mile on tbe Columbus track last year, after a beavy rain which fell tbe previous day, in 2:04, and "jogged in," making no effort down tbe stretch. When be showed this fast mile, be was not urged by Mr. Frazier, bis driver and tben owner, but merely "olaoked" to the little pacer, and tbe paoer did tbe rest, winning tbe beat in a jog. II stands to reason tbat if tbe animal is in fair condition this year, be Deed not bave been distanced in this 2:04 pace at Oolnmbas. Bat be was distanced, and people here, wbo never lose interest in tbe stallion tbat went east from Ore gon and made tbe fast world beaters gaze at tbe rear end of a aulky all through tbe grand oircoit races. The description of the great 2.04 pace at Columbus, in wbiob Searchlight made three famous miles, is that givea by tbe Associated Press: This was a day of great racing at the Columbus Driving Park. The weather was ideal and the track was very fast. Soarcblight paoed tbe three fastest heats o! the sea8on-2:03, 2:04 and 2:04 and clipped a half second off hie reoord. Tbe Maid caaued a sensation among the turfmen by winning tbe postponed 2:10 pace after failing to finish better tban third in any one of the four beats paoed Tuesday. The Maid also established a new world's reoord for i year-old mares, when she paoed tbe fifth beat in 2:05. The best previous reoord was 2:00 '4, made by tbe Maid at Cleveland last week. Tbe 2:04 paoe, despite tbe fast time, whs won by Bearoblight, apparently without an effort. The gelding Is un doubtedly tbe fastest paoer out this season, and be was almost a prohibitive favorite in tbe batting. His perform aooe in tbe first heat was nothing short of sensational. There were six starters liassie Booehill, Ansoonda, Frank Bogasb, Searchlight, Directly and Cbebalis. Anaconda took tbe lead at tbe start, and it was evident that Mo HeDry intended to drive 8earcbllgbt out, for Aoaoonda went the first quurter at almost a two minute olip. Searohlight moved up slowly, and it was a pretty race all the way to tbe three quarters, with the horses neck and Deck after they parsed the bait with Direotly close be hind. The horses cams into the stretoh, Hearcblight shooting ahead aud holding the load, passing under tbe wire 2 lengths ahead of Anaoonda withoat being urged. Tbe oillaiat time by quarters was 304, 1:01, lV'Ju, 2-ffA. A protest was at onoe raised against the time, it being olaimed that, tbe beat was made in 2:02'.4, tbe half being made in :B9f, in stead of 1:01. This was tbe time caught by several horse men. The official time indicates tbe third quarter was made in :28'4 considerably under a two-mmate gait. Tbe protest was not regarded, how ever, aud the quarter of a seoood keeps Hearohligbt in the 2:04 class. Tbe geld ing wou the two remaining heats with as much ease as the first. The pace was to hot (or Cuohatin, aud after a laying up heat he was distanced. Pace, 2:04 class, purse $2000 Searoh light won in straight beats, time, 2:03l1', 2:01 '4', 2:04. Auaoonda was seoood, and Frank Ilogash third. A KAIK FOIt PKNDLdtTON. Tin) IHatrli-t Fair Can lis Permanently Hcniml If Prompt Actum In Takun. Kast On goniau. There is a good opportunity for Pen dleton to eeonre the district fair tbat in former years bas been held at Tbe lulles, The following letter concerning the matter has been received by Chris Simpson, of Pendletou, from M. D, Wisdom, editor of the llural Spirit, at Portland: Portland, Ore , Aug. 14 -Chris. Simp son, Pendleton, Oregon, Dear Sir: J. O. Mack was in today and informs me that the directors of the distriot fair bave not yet decided ou a place to hold the fall fair. lie says the track at Tbe Dalles is plowed tip and no race meeting can be held there. lie further eays, Umatilla county in uot represented on the board. Now if Pendleton wants tbe district fair I am sure you yet oan get it and make it a permanent thing for tbe place. It is worth working for and if it is possible to bold tbe fair and raoe meeting there, followiug Walla Walla it will be a great etioaess. We will do all we oao to help you ou a racing program. If you oan got the track and grounds ready for a fair now is the time to move in that direction. If you consider this favorable, bave the oouuty oourt ap point a member of tbe distriot board and then correspond with J. O. Maok re garding a meeting of tbe board. It yoa can gut the district fair located at Pen dleton, you oau hold a big meeting there tbe next near hy getting out early on tue Pendleton should be aud oau be make a fair center for Eastern Oregou and now ia tbe time to start tbe ball ndliug. The liural Spirit is with you. M. D. Wisdom, Brave Men Fall Victims to ttoinaob, liver and kidney troubles as well a women, and all fuel tbe result in loss of appetite, poisons io tbe blood, backache, nervouaunas, bend ache aud tired, listless, run-down feel ing. But there's uo need to feel like that Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, lad. lie says: "Kieolno Bitters are just the thing for a man wheu he is all ruu down, and don't cars whether bt lives or dips. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have euew lwase on life." Only 60o at Hlo. cow DrngtVa. Every bottle guaranteed. State News. The subsidy of $12,000 lor the big saw mill at Albany has been subscribed. The wild hay crop In Klamath county was never better than the present year. The tax roll of Umatilla county shows an in crease in valuation of nearly $300,000 this year. The Southern Oregon Pioneer society will hold its re-union this year at Ashland, Sep tember 7th. The women of La Grande have formed a park association. They have already $500 on hand for park purposes. Fred Bunn struck Lee Wiseman on the head with a club at John Day last week. The latter is in a critical condition. It Is said that the 10,000 acre farm of Mr. Couley near La Grande is to be sold to an East ern colony, the price approximating $2.j0,000. Senator Joseph Simon visited the jetties at the mouth of the Columbia river last week. He was the guest of A. B. Hammond and S. B. Seeley. , Messrs. Hibbs and Barton, ol Joseph, have bonded their copper mine at the mouth of the Imnaha river for $100,000, of which $1000 has been paid down. . The boys of the Second Oregon had royal re ceptions at their home towns all over the state. They realize that the true welcome was at the home fireside alter all. While Julius Bcrnhendt, of Clackamas county, was shooting pheasants last week, bis gun ex ploded, a piece of which cracked his skull. It Is supposed the wound will prove fatal. Five cases of smallpox was brought Into Port land in June and July and one originated from exposure to the disease In the city. None of thoaflllctcd died and all have fully recovered. Nathaniel Evans, of Waitsburg, states that he has barley that will run over 100 bushels to the acre. He has one of Whisky creek's choicest ranches and it Is loaded with the golden grain. The first American flag hoisted in the Philip pines by the Oregon regiment was hung across Sixth street between Morrison and Yamhill on the occasion of the boys' return last Thursday. California will always hold a high place in the affections of the Oregon volunteers. The royal treatment the cltlzons gave the boys will be romeinbercd by them tho remainder of their lives. Kelly, arrested for robbery at Wallulu and found to be aflllctcd with smallpox, escaped Wednesday evening from the pest house at Walla Walla and Is still at large. The sheriff is making every effort to capture the prisoner and patient, as tf left free he will spread the disoase as he goes. Col. I'at Doiiau left last Saturday on a busi ness trip to the East. He did not say what his mission Is to be, but It will no doubt result In Oregon getting some more valuable advertising wherever he goes. The reporters of the East cm press hunt him up, and he never fails in gotting in a word for Oregon. 8. P. Shutt Is going to start another paper at Hood River. The place is not big enough to give one paper a lucrative support, and the Glazier has the field and well supplies the re quirement of the local domand. There is no use for a second paper at that place, and Mr, Shutt will probably ascertain that fact in time, Portland DiBpatch. The Jacksonville Times Is after the "demo cratic" county Judge with a sharp stick. "Booh Hah" Crowell, as he Is generally termed by the papers of Jackson county, is the whole thing unto himself, and the boss of the ranch in all Its details. But that Is not all. He bossed the last fusion Job In Oregon at the state conven tion aud made a bad mess of it. The O. R. fc N., on their through trains, has placed a Buffet Library car of the latest build This car embraces a spacious smoking saloon furnished with easy chairs, writing desks, well-selected library, a thoroughly-stocked bullet, a barber shop aud an apartment for baggage. The Short Lino has inaugurated modern dining car service, and uninterrupted dining car service will be available on all O. K & N. eastorn connections. Hawthorn, only son of Dr. and Mrs. 8. E, Josephl, was killed at the residence of his pa rents on the East Side, last evening, while en gaged in repairing somo ol tho electric wires In the bath room. How the fatal accident oc curred Is uot known, as ho was alone In the room and not discovered for a short tlmo aftrr the sad occurrence. He was IV years of age, a native of East Portland and an examplary young man respected and loved by his associ ates and all who knew him. WEATHEH AND CROP BULLETIN. Tho following climate and crop servloo, fur nished by B. 8. Pague, section director of Ore gon's weather bureau, is for the week ending Aiiguxt 20th: Weather Rain fell on Monday, Wodnosday and Sunday, In amount from .:W to .52 of an Inch. Since tho llth nearly one Inch of rain has fallen. As In the caso of Western Orogon, the weather conditions have been phenomenal Rain In August from thunderstorms Is not tin usual, but general rains, such as have occurred are the first of their kind ou record. The mean temperature for the week, 01 de grces, is 8 degrees lower than for tho preceed lug week aud 8 lower than for the correspond lug week of last year. The maximum tempera tures ranged from fid to r8 degrees, and the minimum from 80 to 00 degrees, the former occurring over tho plateau region, whore frosts occurred on the lMli. Sunshine has been dc ftclent. Crops The rains dolaycd harvesting, other wise there has been no damage from them The grain Is today in a dangerous condition but a chango to fair and warmer weather, which will probably occur within 48 hours, will prevent any damage being done. Fall-sown grain that Is uncut Is falling down, and that will probably bo the greatest loss. The rains have benefitted late sown grain, paaturage aud gardens. Fruit Is ripening slowly. Harden produce is more plentiful than usual The conditions today are serious and great damage may result, yet a favorable change in weather expected, aud should It occur, the rains will be found to be beneficial rather than injurious. CLAIMS IT WAS HOUSE HEAT. A Soldier In an Interview Hays Canoed Meat Waa Traced Back To Llnnton. Charles Newman, one of tbe returned members of the Second Oregon, was in Astoria the oilier day, aud made a state ment to the Astoria correspondent of the Portland Oregonian regarding the fare of the soldiers during the Philippine campaign. He advises young men to keep away from the Philippines, and asserts tbat they lived on canned aatmoo and bard tnok for a year, and they got so tired of it that tbey lost all interest in tbe salmon industry. Some of tb "canned beef" that was given them was horse meat. This be says, is a fact, as the oflioers of tbe regiment went to tbe trouble to trace it back and found that the meat oauie from tbe borse fuolnry at I.luutou, aud, after being shipped to Chicago aud had Armour's label plaoed on It, it was reshaped to the Philippine. lie eays that there is indisputable evi dence of this, aud tbat it will bs for warded to tbe proper authorities Washington. at Catarrh cured. A clear brad and sweet breath secured with Bhllob'a Catarrh Remedy; told 00 t guarantee. NaiaJ injector free, ppJ by Conner & Warren j BET YOUE TEETH AN' COME AGIN I Don't loaf around an' kick when luck Don't seem to come your way, but buck Agin adversity till you Through breakln' clouds can see the blue. Don't think because the skies are black The sun has jumped its job, but stack Yer nerve all in a bunch to win An' set yer teeth an' come agin! In every life some rain must fall, In every sweet there is some gall, An' every earthly trail of ours Must have some thorns among the flowers. If fortune treats you rather rough Look on its coldness as a bluff; At every knockdown wear a grin An' set yer teeth an' come agin ! The man who wins success mus' light His way up fortune's rocky hight, Mus' battle bravely day by day An' never loiter by the way. Reverses of'n come; the foe Will deal you many a stunnln' blow, But solid nerve is bound to win- Jets' set yer teeth an' come agin ! The field o' life is thickly strewn With men who lost their nerve too Boon, Who lacked the gritty sand to stay An' give an' take In manly way. Choose fur yer mat to: "Win or Die!" When sent to grass don't never lie An' sadly say: "It might have bin!" But set yer teeth an' come agin! When you have reached the goal at last, With not a cloud to overcast Yer sky of life, when, day by day, All things jes' seem to tail your way, rhen you kin take yer lazy ease, Kin loaf around jes' as you please, An' then you'll say with cheery grin: I sot my teeth an' come agin!" Globe-Dcmooiat. GRAN f COUNTY NEW8. Blue Mountain Eagle. Mrs. Julia Bradley is quite 111 at the McDuffee hot springs. Dr. Crockett was called in attend ance Saturday. You can say "hollo" to Prlnevllle now. The Heppner line to that enterprising little city was ompleted last week. W. W. Kirk, of Hitter, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Kirk has leased the A, H. Powell larin near the hot springs, and is prepared to make it comfortable for campers at that famous resort. Ye editor and family took their departure Monday for the East, on a visit with parents in lid Hoosior state. During the former's absence the Eagle will be under the control and 'man age nent of G10. F. Ward and (J has. A. Coe. Ernest Cannon, the boy who underwent an operation for appendicitis by Drs. Crockett and Ashford, Thursday of last week, is gradually nproving and at present there Is hopes of his final recovery. Monday night a band of cowboys took Sump- ter by storm, says the Baker City Republican. They rode into town, commenced yelling and shooting In typical style, rode their horses in to saloons and then made the bartenders dig up. When the marshal remonstrated they took him by force into a saloon, made him apologize and drink with them. Report have reached this city that a band of dioep was fired into a few days ago on Bully creek a number killed aud weunded. It is also told that the sheepmen at the time were on or near the ranch of a settler, which caused the trouble. Considerable trouble has happened in that section of country this summer between sheep men aud settlers. The reporter did not learu the name of the owner of the sheep fired into nor the amount of damage done, neither docs the Eagle vouch for the truth of the rumor, but gives it for what it is worth. From Grant County News. John C. Haskell and Maggie Welch were mar rled at Susanville Monday. Now potatoes are selling in Portland for 60 cents per sack aud at Canyon City for $2,50 per sack an arithmetical progression. Charles Bockler has been awarded the con tract to build the bridgo across the north fork of the John Day at Monument, Walter Brown and family are enjoying them- solvcls at the warm springs. Misses Selma Schmidt and Ida Bakor are in company with them. J. W. Biggs came down from the springs last Saturday and took his departure on the Hepp ner stago for Portland to be in attendance at tho district court next week. Frank Lacy is preparing to ship a train load of sheep to the Eastern markets. He will start from lfakor City about tho 1'ith i tint. In his band will bo a largo number of Grant county sheep. Mrs. Maud Bennett returned from Portland last Saturday on tho Heppner stage, Mrs. Honnott has boon visiting with friends at Lour Beach and neighboring points on the coast lor the past month. A telephone message from Priiievllle states that the brewery at that place caughl fire Tues day morning and was about half consumed be fore the liaincs were subdued. The browery was owned by O'Noil Bros , and was valued at about U 0X1. McCallum & Bayley sold all the wool clip ol this year that they had stored in Heppner. They received 1 cents per pound and the trans, action was a largo one, the gross amount realized for the sale of the wool being the hand some sum of $.'0,000. During the storm on Sunday afternoon tele phone poles near J, C. Oliver's ranch above John Day, were struck by lightning, shattering them, and continuing along the line, burnt out sevoral fuses In tho switchboard at the tele phone central olllce In McCallum iV Bayluy's tore In John Day. Chris Hardy, working in a Bold near by, received a severe shook from tbe same flash, almost completely paralyzing him. He was knocked senseless and It was some time before he recovered auillctent to regain his feet. Carried Down Stream. When a man crossing some difficult place in his working career ; spurring all his energies to accomplish some critical passage in his business jour ney, suddenlv finds his health fiviug way and eela himself swept out of the saddle by the aw i ft r un n i n g current of dis ease then ia the time when the marvelous rejuvenating properties of Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery will prove an unfailing means of rescue and restoration. It is a very simple though eminently scientific medicine. It is not a mere stim ulant like so many malt extracts. It re stores healthy power by reviving the in nermost sources of vitality in the nutritive system. It enables the digestive and blood-making organism to manufacture good blond abundantly and rapidly, ao that the immense waste of tissue and nerve 6ber entailed by hard labor is offset by a speedy upbuilding of fresh energy and strength. A prominent and venerable Illinois physician, l. W. Vowlra, M. I)., of Fowler, Adnma Co., writing to Dr. Pierce, nays: " I send herewith thirty-one (,nl centa in utiimpii for ' The People' Common Stnw Medical Adviser ' In cloth bind ing. With this pittance for so valuable a work itiulya Kill t the public), 1 tmul expreiw my high appreciation of the vast amount of good thnt you have rendered the public. A correct measure of your utehilueM never ha been, and never will be estimated bv the public: no, uot even by the multitude of Hftlicted huinatitty thnt ha been relieved and cured by your 'medi cine. Wherever 1 go or hve been in the t'tiiled State, I find person who have ued. and are lining Dr. Pierce medicines with Ml inac tion, lor all condition lor which they are recom mended. Never has one poketi diparagin(ty of their action, and from having seen no often thrr good effect. I ra ! enthused with con fidence in their action io rate nd condition for which they re recommended. It ia uot common for regular physician to endorse and recommend proprietary medicine, but in this case 1 havt no equivocation or hesitancy in o uoiug." The quick conatipation cure Doctor i Fitrtt'a Pleaut relicts. 'cver gripe. Schillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at Your Grocers Company H. The mothers and friends of oompany H gave the boys a reoeption at tbe Arm ory last Friday evening. An interesting program had been arranged by tbe Ladies' Auxiliary and Mrs. MoDonald, mother of Capt. McDonald, aoled as president. Speeches were made by Mrs. MoDonald, Geo. Beebe and others. When Capt. McDonald spoke and came to tbe Doint where he refered to the gathering that would be the last of his company and tbe boys with whom he bad been bo intimately associated, he broke down completely and oould say nothing more. It was a touching scene and found a ready response not only in the boys, but with tbe audience. Mr. Freeman, a member of tbe company, in a very neat and appropriate little speech spoke of tbe high esteem in which tbe boys held their captain, and at the con clusion he presented bim with a beauti ful watch and chain as a testimonial from the members of the company. Tbe captain made a short response and then the guests enj yed themselves in dano ing and taking refreshments. Capt. Mo Donald bas endeared himself to the members of his company and all speak in the highest terms of bim as an offioer and gentleman. He set a good txamp'e and tho boys followed. Portland Dis patch. NOTICE OF INTENTION. LAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, August 19, 1890. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before A. Mallory, United States commissioner, at Heppuer, Ore gon, on October 6, 18119, viz: THOMAS 8 APP, of Heppner, Oregon ; Homestead entry No. 5112, for the south V4 southeast and northeast H southeast and southeast northeast Hi section 31, township 1, south range 27 E W M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: William Dwan, R. R. Dwan, Oscar Edwards and Jay Devins, all of Heppner, Oregon. 4 50 E. W. BARTLETT, Register NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 16, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and thatfraid proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, October 7, 1899, viz: MILES McKELVEY, of Morrow county, Or., Homestead entry No. 41141 for the west northwest and west southwest i, section 11. township it south mime 2t E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of of said land, viz: Wm. Hughes, Mat Hughes, James Lahey and Robert Beach all of Heppner, Oregon, 4:1-8 Jay P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned, administrator of the estate of Holland B. Thompson, deceased, has filed in the county court of Morrow county, Oregon, his final account as such administrator of saldestate, and that Monday, the 4th day of September, 1K99. at the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of objections to said report, and the settlement thereof. J. A. 1 homhboh, Administrator of tho estate of Holland B. Thompson, deceased. 1- Timber Culture, Final Proof. TTNITEl) 8TATES LAND OFFICE, THE Dalles. Oreeon. July 21. 199. Notice is hcrebv uiven that Henry F. Tolle of llanliiian, has tiled notice of intention to make llual proof before J. W. Morrow, u. 8. cmtnlnionrr, at his ollice in Heppner, Oregon, ou Friday tho 1st day of September, 1H99, on timber culture application No. itllll, for lots Hand I, aud south V4 north went 'i of section 4 in township 4 soutn, range Jt r. w m. He names as witnesses: Edwin D. Rood Jacob H. Young, Wesley W. Braiiuan aud Clifford E. Jones, all of Eight Mile, Or. 40-8 Jay P. Lucas, Register. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE A of Oregon for the County of Morrow. Martha Ann Wilson, Plaintiff vs Rufus Wilson, Defendant To Kulus Wilson, defeudant above named, You are hereby required to appear and an swer tbe complaint of plaintiff filed in the above entitled court and suit on or before the 15th day of September, 18119, and If you fall so to answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree forever dissolving tne nonos ol main monv now existinir between the plaintiff and defendant, and for her coats and disbursements In this suit. This summons is published by order ot the Honorable A. u. Bartholomew iudire of the county court of Morrow county Oregon, given under his hand at Heppner, Ore gon, and dated July 28, 1H9U. setting the 1Mb day ot September, 1899, as tne (late lor answer ing the summons In said suit by the defendant This summons was published for the first time In the Heppner Gazette, of Heppner, Mor row county, Oregon, on the 3d day of August, m. J. W. Morrow & (1 W. Rra, 118 Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF INTENTION. TAEPARTMKNT OF THK INTERIOR, LAND 1 Office at La U ramie, or., July 14. i-m. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler bas tiled notice ot his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and tnat said prool win lie mane neiore J. vt. Mor row, U. 8 commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon ou August ', 189V, viz: JESSE I. FRKNCH, of Heppner. Ore., Homestead entry No. i (-4 1 . for the ninth southwest section 22. and north u north- west V suction 11, tow uship 3 south, range -9 K. Vt . M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Franklin Golf, Mfcaiah Keeder, Jerry Brosinan and Levi L. Hiatt,all of Heppner, Oregon. B-tl E. W. Baktlktt, Register, SUMMONS. IN TH K (1 KCt IT COP KT Of TH E STATE OF Oregon for Morrow Countv, Maggie M.Clark, Plalntlll. vs. Matthew E. Clark, Defendant, To Matthew E. Clark, the atiove named de fendant: You lire herehv notllled to appear and answer the eoiiiiilitiiit tilled axmnut vou in Hie lxve entitled suit, ou or bofore the 4th dav of Sep temher, 1S'.S, ithst belns; the first d'v of the next term of the above entitled Circuit I'ourt) and If vou shall lull to appear and answer said eoniplitlnl ou or before thnt day In said court, pUiutitt above named will apply Io the said Court for the rellel demanded in her complaint, to-wit: For a dtvree dissolving and raneeltlng the houd ol niatrlinouv now existing between defemlHut and plaintiff, divorcing plaintiff from defendant, and granting to her the sole charge, cutody and management of tho three minor children of tuild plauitiil and defendant, aud onus and disbursements ::slnl dcleudant, and for awneral relief. This summons is published pur-uiant to order made by the Judge of the above entitled Court at Pendleton, I'niatilla County, Oregon, at chamber, ou the llth day of July, lwi. Cbtib & KtLIY. Nt Attorney! Mr J'lalutitT. TO THE OREGON BEACH In Four Hours By the NEW ASTORIA LINE Astoria and Columbia River . Railway Co. No Delays No Transfers Through parlor cars from Portland to Astoria, Gearhart Park, Flavel and Seaside. Through tickets and closo connections at Astoria with the I R & N Co's boats for Ilwaco and all North Beach points. Trains leave the Union depot at Portland as follows: Through Seaside Express, daily except Bun day at 8 a. m. Astoria Express, daily except Saturday 7 p. m. Seaside special, Saturdays only, 2:30 p. m. Fare, Portland to Seaside and return 3 SO 1 navei o w J. C. MAYS, Gen. Pass. Ajrt . Astoria, Oregon. TTT Depart FOR TIME SCHEDULES From Heppner. Arrivb FROM 10:00 a. m. Salt Lake Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City. St. 10:15 p. m. Louis, Chicago, Portland. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St, Paul. Duluth, Mil waukee, aud the East. 8.00 p. m. OCKAN STKAMBHirS 4:00 p. m. From Portland. For San Francisco every five days. S:00 p. m. Columbia River Steamers. 4:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Haturaay 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. fi:00 a. m. Willamette River1 4:30 p. m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New- borg, ralem ana V ay Landings. 7:00 a m, WILLAMETTE AND 3:30 p. m. Mon.. Wed. and Frl. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Rivers and Sat. Oregon City, Day ton 6i nay lllgB. 6:00 a. m. Willamette River 4 :30 D. m. Tues. Thurs. Tues.. Thur. aud Sat. Portland to Corval. and Sat. lis & Way Laud ings. Snake River. Rlparia to Lewiston Lv. Rlparia 2:30 a. m Lv. Lewiston 12 noon daily daily except ex Saturday Sunday Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. O. HART, Agent, Heppner, W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. QUICK E8T AND MOST DIRECT LINE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EAS1 and SOUTH LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK, 4i days CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, 3! HKITNEK II OMAHA. 3 SALT LAKE, 1 " Free Reclining CbBir Can Upholstered Tourist Bleeping Cars Pullman Falaoe Sleeping Car For full particulars regarding rates, time of trains, etc, call on or address J. C. HART, Agent O, R. & N. Co., Heppner, Oregon O. 0. Tkrby, W. E. Comak, Trav. Pass. Agt. Gtn'l Agt. 124 Third St., Portland, Ore. spokane falls a northern - nelson a fort sheppard red mountain railways The Only All-Rail Route Without Change ot Care Between Spokane, Roasland and Nelson. Also between Nelson snl Roselaod, daily exoept Sunday: Leave. ArrlTe. A. M Spokane 6:40 P. M. 11 IX) A. M Komi and S0 P. M. 8:10 A.M Nelson 6:45 P. M. Clone connections at Nelson with steamers for Kaalo, aud all Kootenai Lake point. Paaaengers (or Kettle Hirer and Boundary reek oonneot at Marons with stara daily- if-i lilLH i be cured 1862. lddle I ths effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- m esses in malurer years. Nervous and Physical Debility, lmwswey.l.MMassttM f "rMiaiiftrrbnpis, Jnntrrhr, I 1, M rre,srrj mt I'rlsiisilsitT, wtav By a T combuisiioa of remedies, of great curative pow M st, ths Doctor hu so arranged hi treatment T that it will not only afford immediate relief but i permanent cur. The Doctor does not claim to T perform miracles, but is well-known to b a fair at maal wuw I IIJ1II.I.UI Wiau JHI KVOIIi IS U ia his irxtialiv IMax-aUM-a of Ilea. aw,hllls thoroughly eiwllrwted from tne ' uwm wiinoet using ."resire , EVISr ! aitnlvlnr m sn wftl re- ! Oeiveoura.Mieff opiNMOf hiNfttuiplMut, H wiiiuiiarantrY a l-vajll 1 1, ll eerry reus we mitdmate, or for til Vae astvamsiBiii Mvoiisvrw. Coo.nlutico FREE and lriril private. CHARGES VERY RSASOSABLS. Treat- I attent personally or or letter. Send lor book, , free. (A valuable book fur smb. I TIMT DR. JOWnllfl GrfatMiiKtMitu of Anatomy , the finest and largest M useumaf ks kind is th world. Com and tear a how wonderfully yoa ar mads; how to avoid sickness and disease. w are contmualtv aoMin new spcuDcna CATaIOOVB tKM. CaJtorwrlMh A 1061 Market Street, taa Frtftctsc. Cat OREGON SHORT LINE Ky I m-m m yo suffer from any of tht ill '" mcn to the oldest I Specialist on the Pacific Coast, 1 eX-.e 1 DR. JORDAN k CO- 1.1 f It 1 08 1 Market St Est I V Yoow Hew and karrst mew who are s F05T TBBIH SERVICE TO THE EAST (Ml m i vj wr VIA Fast Express Leaves DENVElt, " PUE11LO, " COLO. SPRINGS B:30 p. m. 7 05 p. m. 8:10 i). m. 8:55 p. m. HilO p. m. Arrives I OPKKA Arrives KANSAS CITY Arrives LINCOLN 2:11 p. m. 4:25 p. ra. (I:.1I) p. in. 11 -! a. m. 8:UJ 8. in. " OMAHA " DES MOINES ' PEORIA " CHICAGO Throngh Sleepers and Chair Cars Colorado to Chicago. Wide vestibule throughout. Hie finest train in tbe West. For particulars and foldora giving time of those J. L. DE BEVOISE, E. E. M' ' LEOD, PORTLAND, OUE. A. O. P. THROUGH TICKETS TO THE Ea-t and Southeast 11. R. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAKS. Portland to Eautern Cities Change. Without Qnick Time. Union Depots. Personally Condncted Excursions. Baggage Checked to Destination. Ijow Kates. Direct line to Trans-Mississippi and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebinnku, June to November, Write undersigned for rates, timetables arid other information pertaining to Union Pacific U. R. J. H. LOTHROP, or J. C. HART Art... Gen. Agt.. 185 3d St., O. It. &N. Co , Portland, Or. Heppner, Or. CHICAGO mslwaukee & St. Paul ify This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous block system; Lights its trainB by eleotrioity through out; Uses the oelebrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger trnins every day and mtrht between Wt. l'mu and Ohioago, and Omaha end Chicago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul AlfJo operates steam-heated veatibnled trains, carrying the latest private oomparlment oars, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining chair cars, and tbe very best dining chair oar service. For lowest ratee to any point in the United States or Canada, apply to agent or address C. J. EDDY, J. W. CASEY, General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. m ion GOING EAST? If so, be sure and see tbat your tioket reads via Tlte HortltwestBru Line ....THE.... OHIOAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS IBB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTFT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Veetibnled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME" has gt en this road a national reputation. All clause of passenger carried on the vestibuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents bave tickets. W. H. MEAD. F. C. SAVAGE, Gen. Agent. Trav. F. A P. Agt. 248 Washington St.. Portland, Or. "Tie Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland S Astoria Navigation Co. BTEAMBS "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR" Both of the ahove steamers have hcen rebuilt, and are In excellent shape for the season of istm. Thtl Regulator Lin will endeavor to give Its patrons the best service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure, travel by the steamers of The Regulator Line. The above steamers leave Portland and The Dalles at 7 a. m., and arrive at destination In ample time for outgoing trains. Portland office. The Dalles office, Oak St. Dock. Court street, W. O. AI.LAWAY, General Agent. QDIOa TI3VII3 : Son Francisco And all poiota in California, vis the Mt, Hhasts route ot tha Southern Pacific Co The great highway throns-h California to all point Kant and South, (jrand rkvric lurnt of tha Pacific Coast. Pullman baflet tUaomra. Second-class Sleeper Attached tonpr-eea trains, aftordirg up-nor aoeomaimiatioos for vood-elass paMw?!. For rats, tu'kau. aloepiug ear iwswrstixcs, etc, mil upon rddri ft, KOKHLKK. JHnnagnr. t H. M A Ksi. rt A ften. r. P. agt.. Portland. Oreuoa THROUGH TICKETS To all points In the Eastern States, Canada and KurtiL can ue obtained ai lowest ml.- from ' y. OILMAN, Ht-ppavr, V:. UNION F MILT- 11 1) lV 11 Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER " COliO. SPRINGS Arrives TOPKKA " KANSAS CITY 2:35 p. m 2:S5 p. m 7:3U a. ra 9:15 a. m Ar. ST. lOl'IS, (Wab.K'y) 6:15 p. m Arrives BT. JOSEPH 10:111 a. m Arrives IJNCOLN (KxSnn) B:45 a. m OMAHA lEx Sob) . 8:."0a. m " CO. IjLTJFi 8, . . tl.lua. ra Through Sleepers Colorado Springs to St. Louis via Wabash lt'y. truiutt write UNO. SEBASTIAN, G. P. A.. CHICAGO A.. TOPEKA. anything yon invent or improve ; also get CAVEAT .TRADE-MARK, COPYRIGHT or DESIGN PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo, for free examination and advice. Dfink flU DATCUTC NoAtty-s uuun un miLniu fee before patent. Write I to viMiAiiwrr hwwi Patent Lawyers. WASH INGTO N, D.C. H. VV. Fa I! PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gau It House, CH1CACO, II.' Halfblock west of the Union Q., C. M. Vj Kt, P., V k A , and the C. St, L. .V I1 of 0. B. r. Kt. W. & C. Railroads. KATI!,S $&S.oo 115 HE DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., cHicAaa ixjXi. (8 lm I Bio Grsnae ll Scenic Line of the World Tbe Favorite Tratigcontioental Between the Northwest aud all Points East Choice of Two Routes Through tho FAMOUS Rocky Mountain Scenery And four routes east of Pueblo anil Denver All passengers granted a day stopover iu the Mormon cnpitol or anywhere between Ogden and Denver. Personally conducted ex cursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, St- Louis Chicago and the East, For tickets and and Information regarding rates, routes, etc., or fordem-riptive advertising matter, call on aoiits of O. K. fc N., Oregon short Line or boutiioin ruclhc companies . R. 0. NICHOI., S. K. HOOPER. General Agent, lien. Pans. fe Tkt. Agt. 2T)1 Washington St., Deliver, Col. Portland , Oregon. J.-O. Hakt, Local Agt.. Heppner, Or. Yellow Stone Park Line THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Leave. Depot Fifth and I Sts. Arrive. No. 2 iFast MhII for Taeoma, No. 1 leattie, A herd ecu, South iDend, Cpokano, Helena, 11A.M. iButte, Anaconda, St. 1 10:15 A. M. jPaul, Chicago, New lYork. Boston, and nil' Ipoiuts East and South least. No. 6 iPoitland, Taeoma and No. 5 Seattle hxpress, for Ta eoma. Hcalll. fllvmrvij r. ai. ana intermediate main- -line points. 11 P. M 8 DAYS to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omana, Kansas City and other Missouri river points. .154 DAY8 to St. Louis, Milwaukee and Chi cago. 4i DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and other tar-Eastern points. Union depot connections In all principal cities. Bagnrage checked through to destination of tickets. Union depot, Portland, foot of Sixth st. For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, maps ef .routes and other information, call on or write A. D. (JUARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 2.V, Morri son St., Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon, GENE UAL TASSENGKIl DEPARTMENT. Wisconsin Central Lincs Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATKONS of the Wiscousin Ci'Dtral Lines iu tmrisinj,' through Chicago may require some assist ance iu the way of inning their hand bRggafja tnken foim or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, ami they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have recently heeu uniformed with brown suit and rrd cap. They will he in WHitiuc at ft! trailJ9 nrpnnrpJ fr r.Qt-;l !,, i -. . . '. . , t j SUUgcrfS, ana It 1H hoped tUBt OUP . j natrrmn w ill fullv t-,-,;I !, !.. M, ; r ---- - "j "" mi met iveH of this additional provision for their comfort. JA8. c. roxi, Gsa'l ra-Br, Act. icu n Alia UU1U Pit WIG il i