The Gazette. Thursday, August 17, 1899. PROOF OF PROSPERITY. A review of the Gazette files shows over one hundred final proofs on land locations in the county adjacent to the town of Heppner since the first of August, last year, which is truly the beBt indication of the prosperity of our county. This vast amount of land being paid for means the final buildiDg up of homes after a con tinuous residenoe and cultivation, demonstrating thoroughly the bright future we have in store. Land entries for this section the past year have been astonishing to the land department, and, as the tide of Eastern immigration sets in, Morrow county is sure to prove a shining goal for them. Now is the time that it behooves the prop erty owners within the limits of our county lines to stir themselves by improving their homes, layirjg iug lines for further enhancement of values, and beautifying by set ting out orchards, shade trees and fencing, which lends so much to contentment, as well as influence to the classes of people of educa tion and refinement who are driven from their Eastern homes to the progressive west. As the advance guard of this class of immigration comes the enterprising business men, who are to revolutionize our business methods in the erection of bright and attractive businese structures, keeping pac with the progress of other sections bidding for their trade. Heppner, holding as she docs the first place in the county's recognition, must keep pace with the growing needs of her developing surroundings. She must not be content with simply alleviating the wants of those tributary to her, but she must fui nish them their every want. Man facturing institutions as they are required must be installed. As additional warehouses are needed, erect them. Places of amusement must not be overlooked. A close association must be kept up with the country people, and as they come to town they must be pro tected and entertained. The hand of friendship must be extended to them on all occasions. As we are dependent upon them, theyshould be led to feel their dependence up on us. Neglect of these duties loads to the springing up of small rivtd towns that menace our busi uobb success, peace and good will. Above all considerations should be tho support of home institu tions. Our business men should take oare of our agriculturalists, in return they will take care of our business men. It probably cost Baker City about $:H)0 to entertain the Nation nl Editorial Association for three hours. Evidently this is the cheapest investment tho town ever inudo, for if they had paid for all the advertising these editors have given Baker City it would have coat over $10,000. But do you know that some people here asked what good will it do to feed those editors? Republican. Alkxandeh McDonald, the uiin iug king of the Klondike, f uruiwhes au example of true American grit Four years ago he went to Alaska auo carved out a fortune that six months ago was estimated to be from 10,000,000 to 50,000,000. He has failed and his liabilities are $0,000,000. McDonald turned ovor his property to his creditors, left his young bride in Dawson City, shouldered a pick and started out to maks another fortune. Such men cannot fail to succeed. When tho circumstances under which Secretary lioot passsod his first week at the head of the war department are considered, oue wonders that bo fow plans have been manufactured for him by tho correspondents of tho yollow journals, which insist upon printing Washington news whether thero is any or not. Ow. iug to the abaouce of tho President and nearly all the members of the cabinet, there has boon a dearth of ollioial news, and Secretary Root has been too busy posting him self to talk about his plana. That ths yellows should proceed to make a few plans for him was as natural as that water will run down hill, and the only surprising thing was that (hey did not make them more sensational. At the proper time. Secretary Koot's official acts will show the country his iutentiom. JUDGE LOWELL'S ADDRKB8. He Speaks of the Slcolflcance of the Cam paign In tbe Far East. Io addressing the volunteer! si tbe breakfast at Pendleton, Judue Lowell said : "Boys This day you belong to tbe whole people. Speaking for Ihem, I bid you welcome home, and at yonr feet lay the laurel symbol of honorable duty done, while to tbe memory of those who return not, whom yon io sorrow, witb muffled drum, have laid io eternal sleep amid etraotre scenes and stranger people, I bring a silent offering of sadness and of tears. "To many of ns who have remained at borne, as well as to you who have been at the front, tbe occurrences of tbe past sixteen months have exerted a sober, impressive and broadening influenoe. You had never witnessed a period of actual ooufliot before, and, ailbougb up on you has fallen tbe labor and strife, we are all better men and better women for yonr oourage and eacrifioe. "I personally am not ready to accept tbe dootrine tbat the world would be better were there an end of all war. War pursued for gain, domain or power well may cease. It was always unjust and will always be accursed. Bat, a war for bamaDity, for equal rights, for oommoo justice to oppressed mankind, seems to me an instrument of tbe Almighty, to oontinae until the' acceptance of tbat new oommandment throughout the earth, 'Thou sbalt love thy neighbor as thyself.' "Tbe war whose battle fields yon have honored, and in whose glories yon have shioed, ia matchless in tbe annals of earth. "Tbe world never beheld before a spectacle like that response of tbe yonng men of free Amerloa to fight tbe battles of ao alien raoe. They broke from the loving arms of mothers, wives and sweet hearts, whispering the poetic prayer of saorifloe ao often quoted: "In tho beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, With a glory In Ills bosom that transfigured you and mo; As He died to mako mo holy, let us die to make tliem free. "It was a new orusade, nobler, higher than those which Peter, tbe Hermit, in spired, for they were bat to recover tbe empty tomb of the Master of Mercy, while yours was an answer to the holy message of Ilia life. "It is trne you were culled upon to fuoe other guns than those of Spain, bat that only enhances tbe bonor das, be' cause from oat tbe glamor of the ory of Cuban Libre, to you oame tbe cold, grim duty of simple obedienoe to tbe author ity of your government the supreme test of loyal citizenship. "Few wars are there recorded but have resulted differently and for more momeutons purposes, that was foreseen at their inception. "When William tbe Conqueror landed his armies on British soil and trailed Harold's banner in the dust, he had no nobler purposs tbun adding British land to Norman crown, but out of his victory came tliut marvellous union of Anglo Saxon and Normao blood wbiob runs in tbe veins of Englishmen, and wbiob baa made England for centuries tbe might lest nation of tbe globe. "When, at the close of tbe last oentury, the allied powers warred to restore the throne of France, the rulers had no higher object tbno the protection of their crowns. Their defeat by the armies of Damoriez and Kellerman made possi ble imperial France and Napoleon, the might of whose geuiaa shook their thrones and changed the map of Europe; and the reflex influenoe of it all has established parlimeotary government and destroyed forever the arbitiary power of kings and prinoes. "Ho tbe war witb decaying Spain may, la Providence, ultimately mean more to Asia than to Europe or America. Who oan tell? "The genius of this republic is equal rights, and its vital purpose, whatever its temporary errors, is the supremacy of the individual. Whatever, then, shall result in those distant islands after the triumph of Amerioso arms, whether protectorate, oolouial empire or native government, free and independent, somehow there will triumph tbat civili zation which makes most for the uplift ingot the raoe and tbeexaltation of those principles tor which this nation stands. "There is a mightier power wbiob directs the destiny of people than tbat zeroised in cabinet chamber or legis lative ball. The God of nations mould men and governments to Ilia own mo tneut his aud mysterious purposes, and however muoh we differ as to tbe char soter of the ultimate government of those islands whose history you have helped to write, fortunately tbe nation is substantially a unit in tbe purpose to insure to tbe oppressed of Spain in east and west a government of civilization, and in tbe belief tbat this can come only after the final and deoisive triumph of American arms, and the recognition of the supremacy of tbe Amerioan flag. "Realizing this, your uutlinohiug and manly discharge of duty after tbe tech nical term of enlmtuieut service bad ex pired, bas retleoted a luster upon yonr state and an exalted bonor on your own manhood, patriotism and devotion. "I cannot bring you a higher tribute from the loyal hearts of your fellow citi zens, for whom I speak today, tban to ssy io imitation of tbat language: "From tbe bay of Manila and the battlefields of Luzon, a new oivilizittiou io the Orient begins, and you can say that you were present at Its birth.' "Adding then to the personal interest we all feel in you as kiudred, neighbors, friends, the honors due yonr patriotism, aoritlcs and mauhool, again I give yon greeting aud welcome home. CO0R8E8 OF STUDY. Connty Teachers Requested to Assist in Having Them "Accepted, Gcanty Superintendent Shipley bae reoeived form tbe state superintendent a oopy of a oiroular wbiob. is being sent throughout (be state relating to oonrses of study for tbe pnblic sobools, Tbe oiroular says in part: Salem, Aug. 1 By today's express I send ydn oopies of tbe oiurse of study. A sufficient number will be sent yoa soon to enable yoa to furnish each sobool distriot and teacher who is actu ally engaged in tbe work one oopy. We do not claim that tbe course of study is all tbat oould be desired, yet we trust tbat it has sufficient merit to en title it to a fair trial, and what imper fections there may be, we will be glad to remedy io future editions. We shall depend largely upon your efforts to seoure, sa soon as practicable, tbe general aooeptanoe of tbe oonrse by teaohers and district boards. Next to the improvement of tbe quality of the teaohing in our sobools is tbe nee of tbe means by wbiob their management may be made more eflioieot under this teaoh ing. Tbat a course of etndy is one of tbe efficient means there oan be no question. In order that tbe most oan be accom plished with the oouree, we must stimu late and preserve a hearty enthusiasm in it. Like all other great enterprises, it mast be sustained by strong convictions and earnest feelings. Its chief otijeota and methods should reoeive tbe unanimous and hearty sup port of oar teachers and eohool officers. Tbe valuable results whioh it oan gain for our sobools, not tbe difficulties wbiob it enoonoters io securing a recognition , should command our main attention. We will need to create a sentiment in favor of the coarse among those most immediately in charge of tbe schools to be affected. We should strive to impress upon tbem the duty to introduoe tbe proposed innovations at oooe and to persevere nntil they are incorporated into the schools. Distriot boards should be made to understand clearly tbe nature of the soheme; its principal features should be discussed at teaohers' meet ings; lectures should be delivered upon its advantages before audiences com posed of the parents and children in tbe various sohool districts; oar teaobere' institutes should, year after year, set oat witb force its distinctive methods. We must depend in the more imme diate future very largely npon the efforts of tbe teaohers of the country schools to secure tbe establishment of this graded system. They are in close oontaot witb tbe sobool hoards, the pareuts and the pupils, and oan most easily influence these to scoept its features, therefore we should direot out attention at the pres ent time chiefly to persuading and io struoting these teachers that they may intelligently and energetically work to establish io tbe oountry schools this scheme of gradation. - J. U. Ackkhman, Snpt. Pnblio instruction, UNITED IN MAHR1AGK. Ladies, take the best. It yoa are troubled with constipation, sallow skin, and tired feeling, take Karl'a Clover Tea, it ie pleaaaot to take. Sold by Ooneer & Warren. v lie Qazette only $1.50 a year. The Brltlo, Miss Logan, Recently a Id sluVnt of Hnppnrr. Hev. Flesher furnishes the Giizette with the following from the Denver Re publican. Tbe fortunate bride, Miss Liogan spent some time here on a visit with Rey. Flesher, bringing bis children here to bim about year ago. She is bis nieoe, and little Frauois Flesher, referred to, is bis daughter: Rev. Albert W, Lindquist of Kansas City, Mo., and Miss Daisy Olga Logan of tbia oity were united io marriage August 2 in the Swedish Lutheran oburob of Denver, tbe pastor, Kev. G. A. Brandells, officiating. At 8:20 o'olook the bridal procession entered tbe ohuroh, to the miiHio of a wedding marob, oom p ssd for tbe oooasion by the orgauist, Prof. E. R. Kiblmark, and dedioated to Miss Logan. Tbe bridesmaids were Misses Amanda Appell, Ida Bjorndahl and Elizabeth Scott. Tbe groomsmen were Messrs. And. Edqilist, J. Victor Swans in and Delmar Logan. Tbe bride's little oousm, Frauois Flesher, oarried tbe ring in a basket of daisies. The bride wore white organdie witb veil aud a myrtle crown, aud carried bride's roses. The bridegroom was dressed iu full Lutheran ministerial garb. Toe maids were dressed in white and wore bridesmaid roses. The ohurob, whioh was orowded, was beautifully decorated witb palms and flowers. During the ceremony the bridal pair stood under a lofty arob of flowers. After tbe services the proces sion and over a hundred guests repaired to the borne of the bride's parents, 2440 Lincoln avenue, where reception was held. During tbe receptiou the bride aud groom stood coder a oauopy of smilax and white decorations, walled off on tbe aide by ferns aud palms. A large table was heavily laden with gifts, among wbiob was noted an afternoon tea set presented by the Sunday sohool. Tbe bouse decorations were sweet peaa, carnations, roses and smilax. Rev, Lindquist reoeived his bachelor of arte degree in '05 at Betbany oollege; was graduated from the theological seminary at Rock Island, 111., this year, when he took tbe degree of bachelor of divinity. Having pursued bis studies after leaving his alma mater, he re oeived from her, Bethany college, at tbe last commencement tbe A . M. degree. Rev, Lindquist was ordained minister last Jane at St. Paul, Minn. Immedi ately afterwards be entered npon his duties as minister of the Sweedish Lutheran church, Kansas City, Mo, Mrs. Lindquist is a graduate of tbe fast Denver high school, where she wee valedictorian of her class of ".Hi. She has been orgaoletof tbe Lutheran church for sotue time, Mr. and Mrs. Lindquist left for a abort trip through the mountains, after whiob they will visit several places in the East, and will be at their future home iu Kan sas City, August 21 V) it il it) 1 Clearance il it Glenmary Lawn, black, white dot. . . . . .10o now Edinburgh Coid, blue with white figure. 15 Vasear Checks 12$ Corded Organdie, blue with white figure 25 Pink Organdie 25 Blue " 25 Figured " beautiful design 25 Dotted Swiss, mull blue with star effect. 15 Edinburgh Cord, white with heliotrope figure ; 15 Black Lawn, white dot 15 Blue Pique, white dot. U ..... .20 Dublin Dimity, pink, white stripe. . . . . .15 Glenmary Lawn, blue, white figure. . . . .10 Dublin Dimity, pink, blue, -red, navy blue, black, solid colors 15 Winona Plaid .12J Yale Suitings, lilac, white doi 15 Fine Pique, wide, pink and white stripe. 40 Black Lawn 15 Blue Figured Lawn, cross bar. 15 White Figured Satin Plaid ........... .20 White Dresden Dimity, blue flower 6J White Dimity, blue stripe and black stripe 20 Midsummer I it SI l! it - it it it) it 8c m 10 20 15 15 20 m m 12 15 12 8 10 12i 30 12$ m 15 5 15 Thrniin'limit, thft full lino nf snmmpr wukVi i o goods the same reduction is made Agents for Butterick Patterns Queen Quality Shoes. AjTimor" & Co n it it t it I it it it I it t it it it it I it it it it it it I it) t it t it it it it it it t it Vi The Reason Why! Perfect Detail Exactness Simplicity Reliability OF THE Handled by Conser & Warren Are responsible for the sales made the past month. First efforts of. amatures are a decided success. A pleasure to show our cameras. We have just the outfit for a lady with artistic taste.- Farm implements Wagons Hacks Buggies Rakes Mowers Plows Harrows Studebake Wagons Grain and Feed S. P. Garrigues regon The consular agents of the United States are not only expect ed to keep us posted on trade con ditions of the countries to which they are credited, but also upon everything in the line of progress in every branch of human aotivity. The department of state has re ceived the following concerning a new treatment for consumption, from the United States Commer cial Agent, at' Roubaix, France: "A new method of treating bron chial and pulmonary diseases, has been called to the attention of the Academy of Medicine, by Dr. Mendel. The treatment is speci ally recommended for tuberculosis. It consists of injecting daily into the bronchial tubes essence of eucalyptus, thyme and cinnamon held in solution in olive oil. The oil in descending slowly comes in contract with the walls of the tubes and tbe upper lungs. The gas that is set free saturates the air in the lungs and acts ou the mucus membranes as far as the air penetrates. Sixteen tuber culosis and two with bronchitis have been given this treatment, and in each case, after one or two weeks, a lessing or complete ces sation of the cough and expectora tion, as well as a return of sleep, appetite and strength bas been noted." LEXINOTUN NEWS. The weather has been quite pleasant for the past few days witb several show ers of rain, Mrs. John Barton of Black Horse was in town 8anday. L. Marqnam , of Clark's canyon, was here Monday on business Mr. Qay, of Rhea creek , made this plaoe a eall Monday tor tbe purpose of reoting property for winter. N. A. Leaob, a A. Joboson, K A Niobuls and family returned from tbe nioiio tains Wednesday after a plensent stay of about three week. Miss Ada Gentry bis purchased tbe property of J. L Gibson, on Main street, where they expect to move in the near future. Tom and Cbarlea Harnett got back from the ruonntaios Sunday evening. Cbarlps got eight gallons of huckle berries, but be didn't beat Tom, for be got 75 mountain trout.' Tom says be likes the mountains fine, it it just didn't rein. . X. State Normal School Monmouth, j Oregon. Training School for Teachers New Buildings New Departments Ungraded Country School Work. Graduates secure good positions. Strong courses. Well equipped training depart ment. Normal course quickest and bent way to state certificates. Expense for year from $120 to also, on board 12.50 to 1 00 per week. Tuition .25 per term of ten weeks. Fall terra begin i September 19th. Summer term from June 27th to September 1st For catalogue, address W. A. Wann, or V. L. Campbell. Secretary of Faculty. 1' resident. Bismarck's Iron Narve Was the result of his splendid bealtb. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kid neys sud bowels are out of order. If yoa want these qualities and tbe snooess they biitiir, use Dr. King'a New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Ouly 25 veuta at Slo ouia Drug (Jo's, Heppner Steam Laundry All kinds of laundry work done first class. Special rates on family washing. White Shirts a Specialty Washing without ironing cents per pound. Steady customers, 3 cts per pound. Carpet washing 3 cts per pound. Cash on delivery. Fresh Fruits Vegetables Fancy Groceries When you want anything to eat you will find it at Ed. R. Bishop's, Successors to P. C. Thompson Co. Headquarters for Guns and Cartridges. Whitman College About one month ago my child, wbiob is fifteen months old, bad an attack of diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting. I gave it such remedies as are usually giv en io snob case a, but as nothing save re lief, we sent for physician and it was under his oare fur a week. At tbia time tbe obild bad been sick for about ten days ana was naving about twenty-five opera tions of the bowels every twelve hoars, and we were convinced tbat unless it soon obtained relief it would not live. Chamberlain's Oolic Cholera and Diar- rnoea Remedy was recommenced, aud I decided to try it. I soon noticed a change lor I lie better; by Its ooutioued use a complete onro waa brought about and it is oow perfectly healthy. O. Ii. Hoses, StnmptowD, Gilmer Co., V. Ye. For sale by Conser & Warren. FOUNDED IN 1859 In memory of Marcus Whitman, JV. D., patriot and martyr Highest Standards Able Faculty Thorough Work, Classic, Scientific, Literary Departments. Conservatory of Music Piano, - Voice, - Organ, - Violin. - Viola, - Guitar, - Mandolin, - Etc. A PREPARATORY ACADEMY, wtih Four Yean lliqh School Course. Receires Students above Eighth Urade.... Magnificent Buildings Healthful Surroundings Ennobling Influences For Information or catalogue, write to tho Preaident of Whitman College, Wallo Walla, Woshlngton. 1 Palace 3 PARKER'S UAIB Rll AM Chum u4 kmuiiw u nnk. w Fail to iHlon Gray vv fl T. B. WHITNEY, Proprietor. Strictly First-Class A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel Every Modern Convenience. Drummers' Resort. Stockmen's HcadnnartPrg One of the finest equipped liars and C! u brooms , in the state in connection. ... ' Iirt-CIciss Snmplo Roo IT!. For Business Heppner is one of the Leading Towns of the West. www