LOVK'S BELIEF. Love la Immortal. If I die Before you, dear, and over me The clover bloaaomi woo the bee, And little violets, tweet and ahjr, Peer through the grass above my face To emile at you when you come near Lean down and Hiten You will hear A whisper stlrlng In the place. And in that whisper you will know The voice you loved so well of old, Striving to tell the love untold; And aa your footsteps come and go About your task the whole day through Love's message whispered by the flowers. Will fill with gladness all the hours, For you will know I think of you. For well I know that love would thrill My heart of duat, if I were dead, And you came to my grave and said, "Dear heart, do you remember still?" And when I felt the subtile stir Of love that dies not, I would make You conscious of the truth and take The flowers for my interpreter. Ebeu E. Bexford, in Leslie's Monthly. LEXINGTON ITEMS. Q lite number of people bave goto to the mountains. W. B. MoAlister left on Friday morn iDg'i train for Portland. A. Raaney'i family returned Sunday after a abort stay id tbe inoantaios. H. Barohell is now having a well drilled on bis ranch with tbe hopes of getting s good supply of water. J. 8. Bootbby and L. Boober and family returned from tbe mountains Friday, not finding many berries. Wm. Campbell's steam thresher start ed np Monday. J. M. Wbite and W. F. Barnett will start their thresher next Monday. 0. A. Johnson, B. A. Niohols and Obas Barnett have gone to the moun tains to spend a few days enjoying mountain iceoery. Hal Skinner, son of Frof. Skinner, re turned on Monday's train to visit with the family. On arriving he found Ibey were in the mountains, where be started immediately. W. F. Barnett and family and W. E Leach and family bave returned from a ten days' stay in tbe mountains. Tbey report a splendid time, but were rather early for berries. Tbe first morning's hunt W. E. Leach killed a deer. Most of tbe people in town have been vaooinated on aooouot of smallpox eoare, some bave been having quite a time with their arm from tbe effect and may not be able to take their places with threshers. It is hoped tbe small pox will spread no further. E. X Spain 'a Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Oliver, of Barcelona, Spain, spends bis winters in Aiken, 8 0. Weak nerves bad caused eevere pains in the back of bis bead. On nsing Eleotrio Bitters, America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left bim. He says Ibis grand meileoiue is wbnt his oountry needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney troubles, puri fies the blood, tones up tbe stomach, strengthens Ibe nerves, pots vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve sod organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle gnarnnteed, only 60 oents. Sold by Blootim Drug Oo. WHITMAN COLLEGE NOTES. TlieUuzette has been favoreJ with tbe following interesting notes from the oollege, and additional ones will follow from time to time: President Penrose, of Whitman Col lege, has recently rcoeived a obeok for 85,000 from a lady iu Vermont, tbe money to be used in completing the new dormitory now iu process of erection. This briugs tbe amount in band and pledges up to $11,000, and leaves only $2,000 yet to be obtained. Both the dormitory and tbe Whitman memorial building are progressing rapidly and will be teady for oootipaooy during the first semester of the coming year. Tbe numbor of young people who are inquiring and making arrangements to enter the various departments of tbe College this fall is much larger than usual. Both tbe literary department and tbe conservatory of musio are making plans for the inoreased attendanoe, and all of tbe students, both old and new, will be heartily welcomed in tbe fall. Students who wish rooms iu tbe ladies' ball or the young men's dormi tory should apply at oioe to President Penrose, as Ibe supply is rapidly being exhausted. Prof. O. A. Uauerbauk, who delivered the address to the graduating class at Heppner this year, has gone to his borne in Salt Lake City tor a month's visit. During the summer be has submitted to a diflloult surgical operation, wbioh was performed with perfect suooees, and as aoon as his strength returns be ex peots to enjoy much belter health than be has bsd for several years. Tbe faculty are seattered for tbe sum mer, some In the mountains and some at the sea shors. UNIVISHSITX OF oueuoN. Tmtlou Kite. First term begins September 18, 1H99. Excellent oonrse In ancient and modern languages, sutenoes, mathematics, etc. Oraduates from the tenth grade and from all accredited schools admitted without examination. Students not fully prepared to enter , ran take studies in wbicb they are de ficient in the Eugene high school. For catalogues and further informa tion, address the president or lion. J. J. Walton, See i Eugene, Or. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Oroton, a l) "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on tnv lungs, cough set in and finally termi nated la consumption. Four doctors gave menpssyiug I oould live but a abort time. I gave myself op to my Savior, determined if I oould pot stay witb my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advlaed to get Dr. King's jisw Discovery . for oonsumption, coughs and colds. 1 gave it a trial, took in alt eight bottles. It baa cured me, and, tbank Qod, I am saved and now a well and healthy wo man." Trial bottles free at E. J. Hlo cum's drug store. Iteguler s'se 50o and 11.00 gutrsoteed or price refooded. State News. Baker City is to have a free postal delivery on the 1st of October. Mrs. Anna Squires Burton ia tbe stage driver and mail carrier between Tillamook and Hob sonville. Superintendent Ackerman has sent out copies of the course of public school studies aa pro vided by the Daly law. Judge A. 8. Bennett, of The Dalles, has just moved with his family into a handsome new home, built after his own Ideaa. Mlsa Susie Stott and Mlaa Dekum are to bs maida of honor to the regatta queen from Port land and Miss Tongue from Hlllsboro. A fire at Astoria on the 28th injured the Her ald and Budget each to the amount of 1500. The Budget was insured for the full amount. A Greek named Antone Picinle was aerioualy stabbed by Antone Sullivan in a dance house in Astoria. The would-be murderer ia under ar rest. Andy King, of Montana, and Tom Scott, of Pendleton, feather-weights, fought with gloves at Pendleton recently. Scott waa knocked out in the third round. The record in theclerk'a office ol Qrantcounty shows that during the month of June there were 70 mining locations and for the mouth of July, up to and including July 26th, 105 locations were made. It is stated that more money will be put In circulation by hop men this season than in any previous year, owing to the large acreage and the high price that will have to be paid to gather the crop. Mrs. Herman Helms has received the 12000 from the Qrand Lodge A. O. U. W., amount due on the beneficiary certificate of the late H. V. Helms, who waa a charter member of Banner lodge No. 23 of Jacksonville, organized in Feb ruary, 1881. Col. Robert A. Miller has retired from the presidency of the Willamette valley Chautauqua at Oregon City, which closed a successful season last week, and has been succeeded by President W. C. Hawley, of Willamette llniver aity at Salem. Walla Walla has broken ita record for the arrest of drunks. During the month of July 150 weary onee were run into the city jail for over indulgance in the ardent. The Statesman aaya the profits to the city for those arrests was 181.50 cash and 1174 in work, and the only expense was a few meals. Lieutenant Lewis,' of The Dalles, says of thirty-five applloants he haa accepted eight re cruits and rejected twenty-seven. Five left this morning and three will leave tomorrow. Others are being examined dally, and no doubt quite a number will be taken into the regular service before the lieutenant leaves the city. Governor Oeer haa decided to present the members of the Second Oregon regiment with a bronze medal, to be cast from one of the can nons captured in the Phllllpines. He has written to General Shatter with a view to secur ing the cannon. The governor is now studying out the design for the medals and figuring on the cost. While there Is no appropriation for the purpose, the governor feels confident that tbe next legislature will provide the necessary funds. The horse cannlug business must be ou tbe boom at Linnton. Three thousand head have recently been bought up on the Slmcoe Indian reservation, and aro being brought here and shipped to that preserver of horse flesh. Tbey are flue looking animals, too, Last year among those that were bought for that purpose, a man saved out a team, for which he has since been oflorcd $150. Dalles Chronicle. The Dallea Timea-Mountainecr aaya: . Hon. J. B. Hawssn, of Arlington, was In the city yester day on business. Mr. Hawson haa recently re turned from a visit to the Big Bend country, and says everything is prosperous there. The farmers in that section will harvest an immense crop, and If they get good prices will have money to burn next fall. The town of Daven port, he aaya, la a progressive little city that Is doing an Immense business. The following telegram was received In Port land yesterday by General Beebe from General Hummers: "Will leave here Tuesday, 5 p.m., and arrive homo Thursday, 2 p, m. Will bring through fully 600 men or more aa a regiment. Arrange for a reasonable parade. At the end ol the parade the colors will be presented to the governor, also the governor can review the parade. Have a hand for the regiment, as ours had to turn their Instruments back." Dalles Chronicle. The Aahland Fruit Association last week shipped over 3000 boxes of Alexander peaches to markets north of hero, The markets were a little weak the last of the Week, but fair prices were realised on shipments. Today Ashland peaches aro quoted at see In Portland and tioc per box at Sound points, Next week will see Hale's Early in maket which are more popular with buyera than the Early Alexanders. Black berries are in tho market In quantity now. One huudred cratoa wore shipped out by the fruit association today. The price la now 75c per throe gallon crate. Tidings. There are times when a man aeea atara in the heavens by the millions, whon they aro covered by a canopy of clouds a mile deep. Such was the case of a man last Sunday morning. J as. Beaton was riding a horse up the street near the Hotel Linkvllle, and striking the animal a few unnecessary blows with a whip the horae threw ham off, cutting a gash in the back of his head and blacking hi left eye. After Beaton re covered from the fall he got on the horse again and began abusing It as before, but the animal being more sympathetic than the man, received the Improper treatment without further de fense to itself. The descent is certain front weak lungs, lingering coughs, throat troubles or bronchial affections through bleed ing lungs to consumption, the first stages are neg lected. Thou sands of tvn. pie who are now in their graves would be alive and well to-day if they had heeded the first warnings of those troubles which lead to consumption and death. The hacking cough, spitting of blood, weak lunga, and all similar troubles of the organs of breathing, will surely lead to consumption, if they are not already the signs of it. Then there are the other indi cations of the approach of consumption, such as night swrats, emaciation, or wast ing away of flesh from had nutrition, which, if neglected, lead to certain death. Ninety eight per cent, of all the cases of weak lungs, bleeding lungs, lingering and obstinate coughs, and other bronchial and throat diseases, which have been treated with Dr. Pierw's Golden Medical Discov. ery, have been cured by it. I)o not wait until your throat trouble becomes serious. All bronchial and throat troublrs are seri ous. The time to take the " Golden Medi cal Discovery " is right at the stait. Kvcn if your throat trouble has been neglected until it haa been pronounced pulmonary disease or consumption, do not hesitate to use the "Golden Medical Dis covery," for thousands of letters from the sufferers themselves, who are now well, bear evidence that the "Golden Medical UiK-ovety ' will cure, even after good phy sicians have pronounced the disease pul monary consumption. " I hid heu trvul.lol with bronchitis for sev eral yrs." write Mrs Orlln (I Han, Ho 114. Ftrgu. Kalla. Otlrrtatl Co , Minn. " hi the rt place. I hsd sore throat. I doctored with diner flit physicians and took various medicine, but got no relief. I raised from my throat a sticky substance like the white of an egg. Could not sleep, and had made up my mind that I would no! live through the winter. 1 took Ir. Pierce's Gold Medical Discovery and 'Favorite Pre scrtpllon' alternately, sod ia a few dsvs hearm to see that I was better. 1 took tight buttles. 1 have not felt aa well in year a stuve iitinc thus nmlirlnr." Unfaitable Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for constipation and biliousness. 3 VI IV W Pure Tea in packages at grocers' Schillings Best GRANT COUNTY NEWS. Blue Mountain Eagle. Harvest is in full blast throughout the county and harvest hauds, as usual, are much in de mand. Knowlton & Myers Comedy company will ap pear Monday and Tuesday nights at the Wood all opera house. E E. Allen departed for Pendleton Wednes day with a band of beef cattle for Platzoeder & Mlnger, of that place. Wm. Hughes, of Heppner, passed through Long Creek Tuesday, enroute to Hitter on busi ness. He was accompanied by George French. Mr. Baker, who was brought to Long Creek some time since for treatment for an accidental gunshot wound, has about recovered and la able to be out. Reports from Heppner say that the smallpox scare is abating, and the business of that place has assumed its normal condition again. The majority of tbe cases are in very mild form. John Ayers and Herbert Bartholomew, of Heppner, have been iu thta valley for tbe past week buying cattle. They were paying the uauai prices and have purchased about 500 head. They will receive at the Conger corral next Friday. Robt. Fuller, of the firm of Fuller & Trask, and W. H. Cohoe returned last Saturday from a trip to Dickinson, North Dakota, where they went some time ago with a band of sheep. Tbe Eagle Is luformed that the trip was a successful one, losing no sheep on the trail or train The grass in the neighborhood of Dickinson is fine and the sheep will soon be In condition to put on the market. Mr. Fuller returned for the purpose of purchasing a train load of stock cattle, which he will ship to the Dakotas. Hpokaue's Fair. The Spokane Industrial Exposition iu October will not only have a splendid mineral exhibit, but one of the most interesting features of the big show will be the mining machinery depart ment. This machinery will be iu actual motion, and will be grludiug out the ores, pounding rock, drilling, etc., day after day at the fair All the latest mining machinery, appliances and mining devices will be on exhibition. The big mining machinery houses will put in ex tensive exhibits. Mining men will find this department very Interesting and instructive. The motion of the machinery will also be in teresting to every other man, woman and child who visits tbe exposition. Baker City has promised to send a large quantity of ores, which will be worked up iu machinery hall during the fair. Iu tho mineral department at the Spokane In dustrial Exposition this year gold, silver and bronze medals and diplomas will be awarded Those to miners and mining camps will be more valuable than any cosh prizes would have been For the state or province making the best col lective exhibit there will be a gold medal given; lor the second best, a silver medal, and for the third best, a bronze medal. British Columbia, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Montana will be competitors for this gold medal. For the beat district exhibit there will be gold, silver and bronze medals for the first, sec ond and third prizes. Rosslaiul, Slocan, Repub lic, theCoeur d'Aluues, Bullalo Hump, Baker City, Boundary and other big districts near and far must fight out this contest. Then there are a numbor ol individual exhib its for which prlzoa are offered. For each of these individual exhibits a silver medal will be given for the llrst prize and a bronze medal for the second prize. The difl'ere it individual prizes will be aa follows: For the beat exhibit of gold nuggets: for the best exhibit of free gold ore; for the bust exhibit of silver ore; for the best ex hiblt of silver-lead ore; for the best display of copper ore; best dis play of copper-gold ore; best display of coal; best display of ornamental stone and for the best arranged exhibit. In each of these classes there will be stiver and bronze medals awarded In another department a bronze medal for the first prize, and a diploma for the second prize will be given for the best exhibit in each of the following 15 classes: Iron, coke, clays, manu factured products of clay, building stone, slate .nica, limestone, asbostos, zluo ore, antimony ore, molybdenite, platinum, rare miueralsaud precious stones. In all the above competitions only minerals from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and British Columbia will be wligiblo for entry for awards. But there are prizes which will be open to competition for exhibits from all pails of the world. These are as follows: For the best cabinet exhibit, a silver medal will be gtveu; for the second best cabinet exhibit a bronze medal will be given. Silver and brotue medals will also be given for the first and second prizes for the best teohutcal exhibit. The mineral department has gone at its work iu ample season, and intends to bave all exhib its in place by the opening day. In order to do thia it haa been decided that exhibits not in place on Octobor 3d, which la the opening day of the exposition, cannot compete for awards In order to decide these awards a Jury of three will be chosen. Great care will be exercised to secure the best possible judges for these depart menta. The judgea will make their awarda aoon after the opening of tbe exhibition, ao that the medalacau be ahown at the exhibition by tbe winners. A Frightful Blunder Willoftem cause a horrible burn, scald, out or bruise. Buokliu's Arnica Salse, Ibe best in tbe world, will kill tbe pain and promptly beal it. Cures old sores fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, oorns, all skin eraptious. Best, pile core on earth. Only 26c a box. Cure guarao teed. Bold by Blooms Drug Co. TO THE OREGON BEACH In Four Hours By the NEW ASTORIA LINE Astoria and Columbia River Railway Co. No Delays No Transfers Through parlor cars from I'ortland to Astoria, Gearhart Park, Flavel and Seaside. Through tickets and close cnmwtlona st Autoria nilh the 1 K 4 N (Va boats for llwsio aud all North Beach points. Trains leave tbe I'uiou depot at Fortlaud aa follows: Through Seaside Express, dally except Sun day at 8 a. 111. Astoria KxprvM, dally except Saturday 7 p, m. Scaalde special, Saturday only, i.M p. ui. Far, Portland to Seaside and return .10 " ' Flavel " " J tw J. C. MAYS, Gn. Pas. Agt , Astoria, OKjrrn. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON TBE 7th day of August, lhtsj, D. W, Hornor, of Heppner, was duly adjudicated bankrupt: and that the first meting of his creditors will be held at room 54H Worcester building, Portland, Uregon, on the 25th day of A ugust, 18!W, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap point a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business aa may properly come before said meeting. Dated, Portland, Oregon, August 8, im. ALEX 8WKICK, Referee in Bankruptcy. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned, administrator of the estate of Holland B. Thompson, deceased, has died in the county court of Morrow county, Oregon, his final account as such administrator of saldpstate, and that Monday, the 4th day of September, lxini, at the hour ot 10 o'clock a. in. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing oi objections to said report, and the settlement thereof. J. A. Thomphon, AdminlHtrator of the estate of Holland B. Thompson, deceased. 1-6 Timber Culture, Final Proof. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, THE Dallea, Oreajou, July 21, 1S9S. Notice ia hereby given that Henry F. Tolle, of Hardman, has filed notice of Intention to make final proof belore J. W. Morrow, U. 8. commissioner, at hisollice in Heppner, Oregon, on Friday the let day of September, 1899, on timber culture application No. 3143, for lots 3 and 1, aud south Vt northwest of section 4 ln township 4 south, range 24 E W M. He names as witnesses; Edwin D. Rood, Jacob 8. Young, Wesley W. Brannan aud Clirtbrd E. Jones, all of Eight Mile, Or. 40-8 Jay P. Likxs, Register. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for the County of Morrow. Martha Ann Wilson, Plaintiff vs. Rufus Wilson, Defendant To Rufus Wilson, defendant above named. Vnn am herehv renuired to aoDear and an swer tbe complaint of plaintiff tiled ln tbe above entitled court ana sun on or Deiure me 15th day of September, 1899, and if you fail so to answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree forever dissolving; the bonds of matri mony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for her costs and disbiimements in this suit. This summons is published by order of the Honorable A. G. Bartholomew, judge of the county court of Morrow county, uregon, Klven unaer nis iiauu at neppiier, ure gon, and dated July 28, 1899, setting the 15th day of September, 1899, as the date for answering- the summons ln said suit by the defendant .This summons was published for the first tlmo in the Heppner Gazette, of Heppner, Mor row county, Oregon, on tne a nay 01 August, UflM. J. YV. MOKHOW OS li W KKA. 41 fl Attorneys for Plain til!'. NOTICE OF INTENTION. rvEPARTMHNT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND I J Ollice at La Grande, Or., July 14. i-siu. Notice is herebv sriven that the following- named settler has filed notice oi his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, u.s commissioner, at nemnier. ureKon on August 25, 1899, viz: JESSE I). FRENCH, of Heppner, Ore., HmttPHtpari entrv No. (1444. for the south southwest M section 22. and north u north west 14, section 11, township 3 south, range 29 it. w. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Franklin Gotl. Mlcajab Reeder, Jerry Brosman and Levi L. matt, an 01 Heppnor, Oregon. 9-14 E. W. Baktlett, Register. SUMMONS. I N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF 1 Oregon for Morrow County. Maggie M. Clark, l'lalntlll', vs. Matthew K. Clark. Defendant To Matthew E. Clark, the above named de fendant: You are hereby notified to appear and answor the complaint filled against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the 4th day of Sep tember, 1899. (that being the first day of the next term 01 the above entitled circuit courti aud if you shall fail to appear and answer said complaint on or before that day in said court, plaintiff above named will apply lo the said Court for the relief demanded in her complaint. to-wlt: For a decree dissolving and cancelling the bonds of matrimonv now existing between defendant and plaintiff, divorcing plaintiff trnm c.etenoani, ami granting to ner tne soie charge, custody and management of the three minor children of said plaiutllt and defendant and costs and disbursements aguliiBt defeudaut, and for general relief. This summons is published pursuant to order made by the Judge of the above entitled Court at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, at chambers, on the 14tn day ot July. 1899. Carter & Hai.ky. 9-44 Attorneys for Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TN THE COUNTY COURT OF MORROW X Countv. State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Nancy Coffee, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the final account ot ,v. w. Kirk-, the administrator of the estate of Nancy Colleo, deceased, has been filed ln the shove entitled court, in the above entitled matter, aud that said account will come on for hearing and determination before said court at 1110 court limine iu Heppner, Morrow county, State of Oregon, on the 5th day of September. Im'.k. at 10 o'clock, a. m the same being the first judicial day of the September term of said court. Any person iutereated iu said estate may file objections to said final account on or before the time set lor hearing ot the same This notice is published iu pursuance of an order of tho Honorable A. i Bartholomew, judge of said court, duly made aud entered in :.sid matter ou the 29th day of June, 1899. W W. KIRK. Administrator of tho estate of Nancy Coffee deceased. C. K. Kkdfiki.p, Attorney for Administrator, uateciJ 11 no 29, 1899, 712 CONTEST NOTICE. pVEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND x nmce at rne Danes, or., juue 22, 1899. A flu Undent contest artidavit having been tiled In this otllee by Oscar Montgomery, contestant, against homestead entry No. 4tiU2. made April t. 1893, for southeast section 22, township S soiiin, mugo 2D e vv m., oy josnua torn, con testee, in which it is alleged that the rntryman has wholly abandoned said tract aud chanired hla residence therefrom for more than two year, aud said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and oner evidence touching nam allegation ai 10 o ciaca a. m.on August IS 1899, before J. W. Morrow. United States com- missioner. at Heppner. Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on August 19, 1899, before the register and receiver attne 11 uited states land oilico iu The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, ln a proper affi davit, filed June 8, 1899, set -forth (arts which show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice cannot be made, It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given ty uue aim proper punucaiion. Ml Jay P. Lucas, Register, SHERIFFS SALE. JY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT ISSUED OUT it ot the county court of the State of Oregon lor the county ol Morrow, to me directed, com mandliiR me to levy on the goods and chatties 01 uie uuitniieiit taxpayers named on the tax roil tor said eouuty tor tne years 18!. 1NW, 18!H. 1897 aud IK'.W thereto attached, aud none be found then upon the real property as set forth and dcwriln-d In the said tax rolls, or so much thereof aa shall satisfy the amount of taxes charged therein, together with costs and ex pense. I have duly levied, having been unable lo find any goods or chattels belonging to the resiectlve delinquents hereinafter named, up on (ho following dcacrilied pieces or parcels ol 1 Him aa sci tortn in sani lax lists, lying and be ing In said Morrow county, state of Oregon, uoscriuuu ami aweasoa as louowa: axt. T.1X California, Oregon aud Idaho Stago Co Commencing at northeast corner of lol HI, block 3, riming west nn feet, south 41 fct't, east i feel north 41 fect to be ginning, in towu of Heppnor, Morrow county, Oregon. Tax for 1897 I 9 45 selling. Amelia fcasl half ol eouthwest quarter of section 12, township 1 aouth range 29 K W M, Morrow county. Ore gon Tax for 1897 3 "8 ren, paran ti --west nan ot northwest quarter and west half of southwest quarter of section 8. township 1 south, range SSKWM. Morrow county, Ore Ron. Tax for 1897 s Ward. M. B.-Lots2aud 3 in block 10, Lexington. Morrow county, Oregon. lax for 1X97 1 s iiagcrmaii. A. J.- .sonihct quarter ot seclion.it. township 2 north, range'.';! E W M. Morrow county, Orecou. Tax for 1897 8 7 And on featuMar. the l'th da of A mint. lt. at the hour ol 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. at the court house door in said county and atate, I win neii me aoove oewrltw-l real estate at puiuic auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to redemption, to satisfy said warrants, coals and accruing costs. Dated thia l:tst day ol June. 18.l. A. ANDItKWS, Sheriff oi Morrow countv, Oregon. B)' J. W. M ATi.org. Peputft NOTICE OF INTENTION. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, Julys, 1B9H. , , Notice is hereby given tnat tne louowing named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said Droot will be made belore Vawter Crawford, county clers, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, August la, 18!, viz: ALEXANDER U WALKER, one of the heirs and lor the heirs of John R. Walker, of Hard man, Oregon, Homestead entry No. 5153 for the east M north west and east M southwest hi section 33, township i south, range 25 E. W. H. He names the following witnesses to prove hla Rnntliiiioiis residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: George Baird and Wm. Baird. of Heppner, Oregon, wm. Kicke and Chaa. Hums, 01 uaraman uregon. 7-l'j jay r. jjuiab, Register. iTHllD, mi anything yon invent or improve ; also get CAVEAT JRADE-MARK, COPYRIGHT or DESIGN PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo, for free examination and advice. BOOK ON PATENTS fee"oteS TC.A.SNOW& CO. Patent Lawyers. WASHIN GTO N , D . C . MEN I You can I L. I ue cureu If yon suffer from any of th ills of men, come to the oldest r 1 Specialist on the Pacific Coast, .. I DR. JORDAN k CO.. I aV05' Market St Est'd 1881 1 I P Vonnsr men and middle 1 as aared men who are suffering I from th effecta of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical uesiiiiy,impvicne7.iriwi nannwoa in all its complications: Muerniatorrhcna. Proataitorrtaea, dtotiorrhcrft, dHec-l, 1 arriu.iic.v ox ti riaaung, eic. ay a ' I combination of remedies, of great curative pow- , er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment ' mac 11 win not only anora immediate reiiei out , permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to ' I perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair t and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent 1 in ins specialty iriseages) 01 lien, , Myphllla thoroughly eradicated from the ' arntAm without nninff MrDV.Va kvaHi ifiAN applying 10 oa win re- 1 I tivo our nonec opinion or ntseompininK. newuiuuaranirt a rvsiTi v& vuicm in 1 every ease we undertake, or forfeit One Thonsmnd Dollars. I Consultation FREE and strictly private. CHARGES VERY SEASONABLE. Treat-I ment personally or oy letter. Send for book, " The Philosophy of Marriajre,' free. (A valuable book for men.) YISIT DB. JORDAN' Great Museum of Anatomy i the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you I are made: now to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. 1 iLTA.iMtvei tKKe!. uaiiorwme. I OB I Market Street. San Francisco. CaL rsV-VSAs-svs! TTT ' Depart FOB TIME SCHEDULES Arrivs FROM From Heppner. 10:00 a. m. Bait Lake Denver, 10:15 p. m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, KanBag City, St. Louis, Chicago. Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis. Rt. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p. m. Ocean Stkmbhips 4:00 p. m. From Portland. For Pan Francisco every five daya. 8:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. in. Columbia River Steamers. lo Astoria and Way Landings. 4:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday 6:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday WlLLAMETTBj RlVKR 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New- berg, Falem and V) ay Landings. 7:00 a. m. Willamette and 3:. TO p. m. Mon., Wed. and Fri. fuea.. Thur, Yamhill Rivers, aim Hat. Oregon City, Day ton a way Land ings. 6:00 a. m Willamette River 4 :30 p. m. Tues., Thur. and Sat. Tues. Thura. and Sat. Portland to Corval Ha & Way Land lugs. Snake River, Lv. Rlparla 2:. to a. m daily except Sunday Lv. Lewlston U110011 daily Riparia to Lewiaton ex Saturday Pasasngsra booksd for all Foreign Countries. J. O. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or, QUICKEST AND MOST DIRECT LINE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EAS1 and SOUTH- LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK. 4J days CHICAGO, 3 " ST. LOUIS, 3& " OMAHA, 3 SALT LAKE, 1$ HEITNEH 10 Free Redlining Chair Cars Upholstered Toarist Sleeping Cars Pullman I'alaoe Sleeping Cars For full particulars regarding rates, time of trains, etc,' call on or address J. C. HART, Agent O. R. & S. Co., Heppner, Oregon O. O. Terry, W. E. Cohan, Trav. Pass. Agt. Oen'l Agt. 124 Third St., Portland, Ore. spokane palls i northers " NELSON 1 FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Ronte Wilhont Change ot Cars Between Hpokane, Rossland and Nelson. Also between Nelson sod Rossland, daily except Bundey: Lour. Arrive. aii A. M Hpokane ) P. M. II m A. M Kowland 0 f. j. :10 A.M Nolaon a 45 Y. M. (Titaa ennnectiona ar aeiwn won pmidri ror Kaalo, aud all Kooteoat Lake point. Vmmmtm fne KHl Hlnr and HonndaxT . rwk rouusL't at Hare us with Mac daulr- OREGON SHORT LINE Ry FJIuI TBBIH 8EB.16E DMLR TO THE EAST Mm nnmr VIA Fast Express Leaves DENVER, . . 9:80 p. m " FUEBLO, . . 7 05 p. in. "COliO. BPU1NGS . . 8:40 o. m. Arrives 10PEKA 8:55 p. m. HJ0 p. m. Arrives K NBAS CITY Arrives LIN JOLN . - 2:11 p. m. 4:25 p. in. 8-K1 p. m. 11 -M a. m. 8:10 a. in. " OMAHA " DE8 MOINES " PEORIA " CHICAGO Throneh Sleepers and Chair Cars Colorado to Chicago, Wide estibnle throuftbo&t. The finest train in the West. For particulars and folders giving time of those J. L. DE BEVOISE, XX m iK m mini! viivuui nvvil IrJJJill V 11UU1UI E. E. M'LEOD, A. G. P. A.. TOPEKA. PORTLAND. ORE. Mr; TI1R0CGU TICKETS TO THE Eat and Southeast VIA THB R. R. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. Portland to Eastern, Cities Without Change. Qnick Time. Ilnion Depots. Personally Conducted Excursions. Baggage Checked to Destination. Low Rates. Direct line to Trans-Mississippi and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, June to November, Write nndereigned for rates, timetables and other information pertaining to Union Pacific R K J. H. LOTHHOP, or . C. HART Agt... Gen. Agt.. 135 8d St., O. K. & N. Co , Portland, Or. Heppner, Or. CHIOAGrO UlilwauReB & St. Paul BTy This Railway Co. Operates its traiDS on tbe famous blook system ; Lights its trains by eleotrioity through oat; Uses the celebrated elnotrio berth rend ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger trains . every day and night between St. Paul and Chioago, and Omaha and Chioago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated vestibuled trains, carrying the latest private oompartment earn, library buffet smok ing cars, - Bnd palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining chnir cars, and tbe very best dining chair oar service. For lowest rates to any point in tbe United States or Canada, apply to agent or address C. J. EDDY, J. W. OA8ET. General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. BEE YOU GOING ERST? If so, be sure Bnd see that your tioket reads via He lifliiiwesien Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THE Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerleaa Veatibuled inning ana Bleeping car Tralua, and Motto: "always on time" haa gi en thia road a national reputation. All clause of paaaengers carried on tne vestibuled trains without extra charge. Hhip your freight and travel over this famous line. All agenta nave ucaeu. W. H. MEAD, ' F. C. SAVAGE, Gen. Agent Trav. F. & P. Agt 248 Washington 8t Portland, Or. "Tie Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland i Astoria Navigation Co. M....BTKA.USS3 "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR" Both of the above steamers have been rebuilt, and are in excellent shape for the season of 1HW. The Regulator Lin will endeavor to give ita patrons tbe beet service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure), travel by tbe atoamera of The Regulator Lino. The above steamer leave Portland and The Dalles at 7 a. m., and arrive at destination In ample time for outgoing trains. I'ortland office. The Dalles odice, Oa (St Dock. Court street W. CALLAWAY, Qeoeral Agrot. QUICK, TIME I Stin. Fronolseo tod all points in California, via tha ML rjhasta root of the Southern Pacific Co rh (raat hiahway thrunsrh California t all : it; j i .i . ., . trvw.B "i' cuLa. unau own in noarsi of the PaoiAo Coast. Prill roan Hoffst Sleepers. Bsoond-eka. Sleeper For rata, ticketo. almpint ear namrrativn, eto,. call upon or addrsa K. KOKHLKE, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, An. F. A P. AarL. Portland. Onmn TH ROl'GH TICKETS To all points in tbe Eaatern Htatn, Canada aud Kurope can be obtained si lownt rate from V. I. UUUK, He prssf, ift. HON PACIFIC mi inn nAiimii Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER " COLO. SPRINGS Arrives TOPEKA " KANSAS CITY 2:3!'. p. m 2:85 p. in 7:30 a. m 9:15 a. m Ar. ST. LOUIS, (Wab. K'y) 1:15 p. m Arrives ST. JOSEPH 10:40 m Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Sun) 6:45 a. m OMAHA (Ex Sun) . 8:."0 a. m " CO.i.LUFi B, . . 9,10 a. m Through Sleepers Colorado Springs to St. Louis via Wabash K'y. trains write JNO. SEBASTIAN, G. P. A., CHICAGO H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A Q., C. M. A St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. St C. and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. HATBH 9a.oo PKR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sta., CiXICA.3-0. IXiXj. Denver k Bio Grande fi.fi. Scenic Line of the World The Favorite Trai.tcontiuental BetweeD the Northwest and all Points East Choice ot Two KotitcB Through the FAMOUS Rocky Mountain Scenery And four routes esst of Pueblo and Denver... All passengers graDted a day stopover iu the Mormon capitol or anywhere between Ogden BDd Denver. Personally couducted ex cursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, St- Louis Chicago and the East, For tickets and and Information regarding rates, routes, etc., or for descriptive advertising matter, call on agents of O. K. & N., Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific companies . R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Ageut, Gen. Pase. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. 0. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. 'A nam it. Yellow Stono Park Lino THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROtlTK FROM PORTLAND TO THK EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Leave. Depot Fifth and I Sta. Arrive. No, 2 11 A. M. No.S t P. M. Fast Mail for Taroina No. 1 Scuttle, Aberdeen, South vena, Spokane, Helena, Butte, Anaconda. St. 10:15 A. M. Paul. Chimin lYork. Boston, and all poiiiis tasi aim south east. POltlaild. Tirnmi mnA No.S Seattle Express, for Ta- coma, Seattle, Olympia and intermediate main li ne points. 11 P. M 8 DAYS to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omana. Kansas City and other Missouri river points. SJ DAYS to 8t. Louis, Milwaukee and Chi cago. i DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and other far-Eastern points. Union depot connections in all principal cities. Baggage checked through to deatination of tickets. Union depot, Portland, foot of Sixth at. For eleeping-car reservatione, tickets, map write" tbe' in,orm,,ion cal1 on or A. D. CHARLTON, Aaaiatant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morri son 8t., Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon, GENERAL Wisconsin Central Lines PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train and carriacn or hna r many other ways, and they will bnd all that is desired in thia re spect in the service of the Ushtjra at the Grand Out Po Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trainB DreDared to sengers, and it ia hoped that our patrons will fully avail tbfmgf Itpp of this additional provision fr their comfort. JAS. ' . IOND. Gen'! fnwr. Atf .