Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 10, 1899, Image 3

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    r -
Published Every Thursday,
v by
On Year - -Six
Three Months
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postoffice at Hcppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Oil, How Thankfu
Pain Wa3 Maddening and Hope
Had Been Abandoned Wonder
ful Results of Purifying the Blood.
" A very severe pain came iu my left
knee, which grew worse and worse, and
finally a sore broke out above the knee.
It discharged a great deal and the pain
from my thigh down was maddening.
Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my
leg. I suffered in this way for years,
and gave up all hope of ever being cured.
My wife was reading of a case like mine
cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and Bhe
advised me to try it. I began taking It
and when I had used a few bottles I
found relief from my suffering. Oh,
how thankful I am for this relief 1 I am
stronger than I have ever been in my life.
I am in the best of health, have a good
appetite and am a new man altogether."
J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine.
I J Sarsa
Is the best in fact tlio One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents.
IJ Or., August 7, 1899.
Beck, Joseph
Blevins, Mr Quiller
Harrold, Mr W W
Larson, Mr A W
McCoemiek, Mr G E
Brown, MrChas
Campbell, Mr W A
Kuowles, Mr David A
bong, Mr H P
Mabre, John
Mr Pete
When calling for these letters please say
advertised. B. ('. Vauohan, P. M.
Local Notes.
Ioe cream and soda at Hart Bros.
The first load of Butter creek f rait wos
brought to towc yesterday.
Mrs. David Dean, of Eight Mile, died
very suddenly of neuralgia, of the heart
July 30th.
Haioey Bros., of Eight Mile, recently
purchased a 13 horse -power Russel
traction engine.
Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
(ion and defeots of tbe eye, will be here
every three months. 618-lyr
Best accommodations and courteous
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Washington streets, Portland.
Revs. Thorougbmso "and St. Olair and
their families will spend this week Bnd
next in tbe mountains near The Potts.
If you want Bankers' Life insnranoe
the cheapest aud most reliable in exist
ence, call on 0. Merritt, Gsz-itte offije.
The Summer Benson introduces itself
Hart Bro's tender in an ioe-cteam fest
ival. All are invited to their cool par
lors, tf
Tbe annual conference of the M. .
Church, South, will convene in Heppner
September 7th, Bishop Duncao pre
siding. Tbe stock of goods of The Spa bas
been boxed by. the sheriff and will be
held in storage ft tbe warehouse until
time of sale.
II. 0. Wills and Henry Johnson are
competing in tbe erection of their two
story dwellings. Both will prove mater
ial additions to Ibe town.
Now is the time to destroy the Russian,
Canada and China thistle. Road super
visiora are liable to a noe ot not Jess
than 850 for neglecting to extirpate
Tbe Isst beard from tbe Ditch oreek
village was tbat their 'entire band of
horses had decamped for greener pas
tures, with tbe buooaroa io underlain
Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa
tion it's tbe best and if after using it
yon don't say so, return package and
tret vour money. Sold by Conser &
Catarrh cured. A clear head and
gweet breath secured with Sbilob'
Catarrh Remedy; sold orj a guarantee
Nasal injector free. Sold by Conger &
For Constipation take Karl'f Clover
Tea, the great Blood Purifier, onres
headaches. Nervousness, Eruptions on
the (ace, and makes tbo bead as dear as
e bell. Sold by Conser & Warren, x
information mm en from the state
treasurer tbf.1 Morrow county bold
eecond plaoe in the aggregation of both
coyote scalps snd the number of sheep
Umatilla is first on ecalps, end Crook od
Hhiloh'a Consumption Cure cures
where others fail. It is the leadin
Cough Cure, and no borne should be I
without it. Pleasant to take and goes
right to the spot. Sold by Conser &
. LiofiT-Between Tibbets' piaee Bnd
Hoodlnm gulch, a silver watch with "C.
II afford to his son, O. H. M. C. H." en
grtd on the ir atd of ease. Finder
will please return to Uszette office and
receive reward.
The most refreshing shower of tbe
enmmer overtook ns Tae1ay night and
yesterday st noon the earth was well
sckd. Could this bave fallen a few
weeks earlier Morrow county grain rais-
0 H a
nooa s
en wouU bate sll tttcnJed tfca fall Uin.
Tbere will ba no services at tbe South
M. . churob next Sunday, but tbe regu
lar services will be resumed on tbe third
Sunday August 20th at wbicb time all
who expect to help entertain delegates
to the ensuing annual conference will
please notify the pastor.
Persons contemplating purchasing
residence property in Heppner In order
to take advantage ot our unrivaled
sohool facilities will do well to call on
or address L. W, Briggs who bas tbe
choicest location in Heppner. Four'aod
one-third lots, smell bouse on one, will
sell in piece or divide. tf
Mart Smith and wife arrived home
from the Willamette valley, where Mr.
Smith went with Jess Stewart and his
band of horses. He is yet a partial
oripple from being thrown from a horse
there, whicb confiued him to bis bed for
several dive. He rf ports several horses
sold since J?es left there at fair figures.
The Gazette is being constantly ap
pealed to by Easterners for information
regarding tbe county. Its supply ot
of supplements published last year are
about exbnnsled, and if these who sub
soribed for them have a few oopieg re
maining if btouitht to us they will be
sent to encourage those making inquiries
to settle among n.
A dissolution notice annonnoes tbe re
tirement of Mr J D Brown from Ibe
firm of Brown & Hughes. Mr. Clarence
Hngbes succeeds bim nnder tbe new
firm name of Hughes & Hughes. Mr.
Brown signifies his intention of remain
ing with ns by buying a desirable piece
of resideooe property, which meets tbe
approval of ti e entire community.
County Superintendent Shipley, as
sifted by Professor Wm. Baling, began a
three days' session of teachers' exami
nation at tbe ennrt house yesterday, with
Misses Alice Glasscock, Myrtle Horner.
Mary Howard, Etta Walbridge snd
Charlotte Sbipley, of Heppner, and Miss
Eva Lone, nf Galloway. Miss Margaret
Gray, of Ella, and Mr. Harry A. Beau
cbflmp, of Lexington, in attendance.
Al Ribprts arrived here Isst evening
on bis return from Canyon City, where
he went to arrest a party for onttinp
timber on government land. The depre
dator gave bonds sufficient to secure his
release. Sheriff Newt Livingston bo
oompanied the O- S. marshal here, and
"imagination" had him nnder arrest as
the guilty one, necessitating a committee
going the rounds to explain the matter.
Tbe street sprinkling department
heartlessly deserted onr streets Monday,
nod'tbe "weeping, wailing and gnashing
of teeth" was general. The ditch bas
run dry. Capitalists of tbe city are
figuring on tbe practicability nf adding
Ditoh creek's volume of water to Willow
reek. In such an event the ranchers
along the oreek must b persuaded not
to use more water than they necessarily
Wm. Hughes and Oeo. French traveled
Grant county pretty thoroughly last
week with tbe intention of buying eheep,
but report prices too high for tbem.
Ewes are held at three dollars, while
two dollars is asked for lambs. In Borne
sections they found hay somewhat
scarce, whioh may influence the sale
ater on at reduced prioes. People
throughout tbe county are in easy cir
aumstanoes and disposed to take tbeir
Harry Bennett accompanied bv Geo.
Vandruff started for Prineville Monday
with Penland Bottes, R-kI Fox and
Buttonhole as a raciog string. Penland
Bnttes' reoord is well known. Tbe otber
wo are very raoy looking colts from the
Swaggart ranch, and should they get to
the front and stay tbere we will doubt
less bear from them. Harry informs us
tbat Jack Parker is at Prineville with
Paul Jones, and Is anxious for Deppcer-
ites to be on band at the meeting.
Simons & Sou, the pioneer black
smiths, are up to tbe times in securing a
latest improved "Little Giant Hub Bor-
ng Machine" with Abbott's box puller
for pntting in and taking out boxes
Pap Simons bas been a long time in the
business and seleoted this maobine after
a thorough personal investigation, and
upon recommendation ot tbe leading
wagon makers of America, who have
substituted all other machines with it
He finds it as it is guaranteed, tbe latest
and best development ot its kind.
Mrs. Carrie A. Andrews, wife of T. J
Andrews, died at brr home in Lone Rook
on Jnly 28tb. Dr. Luoa, of Condon, and
Dr. Hnnlook, of Heppner, were sum
tunned, but tbe condition of the poor
woman was suob tbat medical skill was
ot no Bvsil. Her husband and three
children mourn the loss of a loving
mother and devoted wife. Tbe oldest of
tbe obildren is but eight, while tbe
youngest is but an infant only a coup)
of davs old at its mother's death. It
might well be said tbat this entire com
mnnity bas one great heart ache of eym
Datbv for tbe bereaved family. The
funeral took plaoe on Saturday nnde
the K. ol P. ceremony, of which Mr. Ao
drewi is a member Condon Globe.
A Morrow county lady, saspeotiog
that her huabind wag in tbe habit ot
kissing tbe bired girl, resolved to detect
him in tbe act. After watching for a few
day she beard him coming borne tbe
back way ooe evening and pissing qnit
ly in tbe kitchen. N jw the bired girl
was out that evening and the kitohan
wis dark. Burning with jialonsy tbe
injured woman' took a few mitohes in
ber hand, hastily putting a shawl over
ber head a tbe bired girl often did
entered the back door to ba immediately
seized, kissed and embraced io tbs mos
ardent manner. It wai with a heart
burning with rage and jloasy tbat the
woman prepared to administer a terrible
rebuke to her faithless sp ume, tearing
herself loose from his food eubraae,
struck a rotcb and stiod face to face
with their hired mm! Her bostnod
says tbat bis wife never treated bim so
well since th9 fi-et month they were
i marril tt baa duno? the p'
Ed Day was in town Friday.
Andy Rood and family were in Saturday.
Silas Wright Bpeut Wednesday in Heppner.
Wm. Walbridge, of Binton creek, came In
Asa Thompson came in from Butter creek
Jas Johnson came iu from Butter creek last
Dr. Swinbnrne made a trip to Lone Rock
tbis week.
George French is in Portland for treatment
for deafness.
Jack Matlock and family have gone to John
Day on a visit.
Marion Evans came up from bis Willow creek
ranch Saturday.
Jos. Currin and Tom Gillillen were In on
business yesterday. " '
Edward J. McCarthy spent a few days in
Heppner this week.
Waldon Rhea keeps the dust flying between
here and Ditch creek.
MisB Edna Florence is visiting with her
father, Price Florence.
Mr. Brown, prominent on Black Horse, visited
Heppner last Saturday.
John Edwards, of Sand Hollow, was in Satur
day doing some trading. -
The family of Harry Warren returned from
The Dalles this morning.
Wallace Smead started this week for an in
terior trip of some length.
Will Smith and Percy Garrigues are now
registered at the Teal springs.
Joe Rector, the king of the alfalfa growers,
was in town on business Saturday.
C. L Reed, of Hardman, spent a few days of
this week trading with our merchants.
Mrs. Oss Mitchell, of lone, daughter of Jas.
Jones, is visiting the family at their home.
John Hayes, of Lone Rock, spent several days
in Heppner this week, returning home today.
Frank Patterson and U. G. Rudd, social
favorites of lone, spent Monday night in town.
Hon. W. R. Ellis left for Portland the first of
the week, expecting to remain for several days.
Pearl Jones returned with his family from
two weeks' outing in the mountains Sunday.
Oscar Bhafer came to town the first of the
week, to the eucouranement of our merchants.
Dr. Reid and Milt Maxwell, of lone, passed
through Heppner Friday bound for the moun
tains. Sheriff Andrews and Coroner Honlock made
n official visit to the Eight Mile country last
Mr. and Mrs. Wells and family left this morn
ing for a big huckleberry patch on the moun
Ben Swaggart has been brought to his ranch.
It will take some time to complete his entire
Billy Stewart is again with us from Montana.
He says Montana is all right during sheepBhear-
nig season-
Andy Cook, the prominent stockman from
Lena precinct, spent Monday with the Heppner
Geo. B. Hull'ord, the sheepman, Bpcnt Sunday
and Monday iu neppner, returning to camp
ith supplies.
Judge P. P. Prim, pioneer of 18-"l, and promi
nent in the Oregon history of Oregon judiciary,
died August 7th.
D. E. Gtlman, returned Tuesday from Mc-
Duli'ee springs looking fine, with his same old
energy and action.
The building being remodeled for C. E. Fish
is about completed, and next week he will start
up his cigar factory.
Revs. St. Clair and Thoroughman with their
families are taking a needed rest in the moun
tains for a few weeks.
Sarah Jones, an esteemed Quaker lady of
Eastern Iowa, is visiting the family of Pearl
Jones for the summer.
B. F. Miller, the stage line proprietor, made
drive along his line in the absence of bis
regular driver this week.
Hick MathewB has come to the relief of V.
Gentry, who was longing for his partner's Ditch
creek snap for several days.
Chas. Kirk, of Rhoa creek, came in last Satur
day for lumber, with which he will erect a new
welling house on bis ranch.
Wm. Walsh, tbe lone sheepman, just returned
from a trip into Grant county in quest of lambs.
but found no satisfactory buys.
Rev. Shelley, Vawtcr Crawford and Mr. and
Mrs. Ed R. Bishop drove in from Ditch creek
Monday morning before breakfast.
Dr. Hunlock and family, accompanied by
Mrs. Eli Keeney, started for Hamilton's mill
this morning to remain until after huckleberry
Jake Wells, Jcbsb Shelley aud Clyde Baling
returned from their bear hunt last Saturday.
Jess shot at a deer, while Jake reports Boeing
two bears. ,
Wright Saling's Btock of provisions run low,
necessitating a trip to our town last Saturday.
He reports the smallpox scare abating in his
M. 8. Maxwell aud Dr. Reid, of lone, passed
through here Wednesday morning on their re
turn from Teal springs. They report 300 people
at the springs.
Miss McMicken and Miss Barton have been
removed from thehoraeof Editor Shutt tor final
fumigation before their release. The doctors
concede the danger period past.
Chas. Royce, of Hardman, returned on Mon.
day night's train from Portland, where he went
to deliver some cattle to tbe Union Meat Co.
He reports the metropolis quite lively.
Rev. Fleseher and Treasurer Briggs csme in
from Jones prairie today. Mr. Briggs will return
while Rev. Flesher will remain to begin ser
vices when the council grants permission.
Dave Neal, employed by Dave Herriu, bad
the misfortune to catch the middle Angers in
a pulley of a derick, servering them at the first
joint, Dr. Mcswords relieved his suffering.
Dave McAtee and Frank Griffith left Tuesday
for a month's exploration of the gold fields
tributary to the Susanville district. Their dis
coveries will be announced to the Gazette.
Tom Davidson came in from Kid creek, Mon
day, where his family suspending the summer.
It is reported that Mr. Davidson has been mak
ing heavy investments In Morrow county lands
Dock Matlock, who accompanied Jas. Keeney
with his horses, we have failed to interview,
but the boys assure ns that he bad a great round
of treasure and sightseeing, which has stirred
up a fever with many to make tbe next trip.
Rev. Shelley and family are in the mountains
for a week. On their return they expect to
move Into the house owmed by Mrs. Ayers, re
cently occupied by Dr. Hunlock, which will b
newly painted and repaired for their benefit
Tom Rhea returned from Victoria. U. C,
where he went with a train load of sheep a few
weeks since. He was very modest in his report
of the trip, but wore that satisfied smile, which
meant that lie was not left anywhere along the
Newt Whetstone, having made a trip to the
Long Creek country, returned to assume charge
of the Wool Growers Exchange during the
absence o( his partner, Chris Borchers, who
will indulge in the recuperative qualities ol the
MrDuftee springs for several weeks.
John Binns returned from McDullee springs
yesterday where he went wim 1. ncis jars
Morrow a few days since. He report a uiiinlr
of Ifc-ppncrl tea there. He says everybody is on
the mend, and a pile of discarded crutches
vouch for an army of recovered rheumatics.
Ed Rood and immiy cams to town, Sunday,
and Mr. Rood, securing the prlvelege of a
nutritious lawn for bis team turned them out,
and on returning for them found they had
(spread the pickets snd Uken French ltare,
I He caught .enl with a good saddle borse, be
I for jni4r.;rM.
Remember it
in Heppner!
White Shirts
White Laundried
reinforced bosom
Only 50c.
Crash Suits
Summer Comtort
the world over.
$1.99, $2.48, $2 79 $3.20
Best 4-ply Linen Collars 10c.
Best 4-ply Linen Cuffs 15c.
Culluloid Collars - 5c.
A varied assortment of very neat
years of age. These suits are as fine
York City. The goods and trimmings
Summer S
A few
Miss Essie Robinson, sister of Mr. Oris Roliln
son, book-keeper for Minor & Co., is now chief
clerk for Postmaster Vaughan. Miss Koblnson
has been in various postottices for a period of
nine years, and will prove a valuable assistant,
as she Is thoroughly up to date in details of
ofllce management.
James Doherty, of Wallowa county, formerly
one of Heppner's leading citizens, is again with
his old-time friends reviewing in pleasant
reminiscence the political and other struggles
of times gone bye. His mission here is to dis
pose of the "Sperry property" on Main street,
which ho now owns.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Courier and Luther Hus
ton, of Eight Mile, spent Monday in Beppner
trading with our merchants. All misgivings
relative to catching smallpox took wing as
soon as they sized up our business community,
and they expressed themselves astonished at
(he rediculas scare thai pervades the county.
Rev. Henry Rasmus, having been retained
live years by his Portland congregation, the ex
treme allowance of the church, he will be given
11 new charge during the Methodist Episcopal
oonventlon there.
(Since going (o press tbe Oregon volun
teers bave arrived in Portland Tbe
oity ia wild io its excitement. Never in
the history of tbe oity bee excitement
rarj ao high. Oregon lined tbe railroad
treoka as they passed along, deafening,
with t'jeir yells of weloome, tbe scream
log ot tbe looomotive'e shrill whistle.
Astoria Railroad.
In another ooltimo will be seen the
advertisement of tha Astoria & Columbia
River Kail way Co., wbiob carries tbe
publio to tbe be soli in fonr hours, tbns
avoiding n day's tedions journey. Those
lioiott to tbe coast hurriedly bIwbjs take
tbis quick service, thus enjoying aa
much as possible of the sen's exhilerat
ion influence. Read tbe ad carefully.
Mew Hay Derrick.
In the rear of Park Garrigues' is erected a hay
derrick, the Invention of Mr. Htubblelleld of
Kcho, which Is attracting great deal of atten
lion. lir.Htubblefidld will have It patented at
once. In the judgment of practical men he has
tbe best thing of its kind. Call and examine It,
About one month ago my cbild, wbicb
ia fifteen months old, bad an aline of
diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting.
gave it nicb remedies aa are usually giv
eo io snob oast a, bnt as nothing gave re
lief, we aent tor a physician aud it waa
nnder bis eare for a week. At tbis time
tbe child bad been aick for aboot ten daya
and was having about twenty-five opera
tions of tbe bowels every twelve hours,
aud we were oonviooed tbat unless it
aooo obtained relief it would not live.
Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and I)iar
rnoea Ifa-inedy was recommended, aud I
decided to try it. I soon noticed a change
for tbe better; by its ooutinued use a
complete care was brought about and it
is uow perfectly bealthy. O. L Hove.
Htnmptowo, Gilmer Co., W. Vs. For
sale by Conser & Warren.
Uillbepuid for information leading
to the arrtit and conviction of any r
moo stealing cattle branded "WEJ" con
nected oo Ibe left side. Waddle on tbe
nose. Pkiict HcoriEH
Wood Waafd
tbe timn for snbeoribera
Now is
arrears to
j-ay their (Qbvctiptions
was The Fair that made values better and
! !
Fancy Percale M
Endless Variety
Sold everywhere
for $ 1 . Only 50c
White Vests - -Silk
Vests - - -Madras
Swell Suits left Your hist chance.
Patterson & Hon are to be congratu
lated npon being the proprietors of one
of tbe best and most artistically arranged
drug etore in tbe Northwest, now tbat
tbeir rooms bave been given their, final
finish. Tbe extension to tbe sidewalks
afford them a frontage with display
windows, that envy of every business
hfluse io our prosperous little city, Tbe
interior is a veritable palace, the beauti
ful showcases arranged in a manner
atrikiug to the beholder. Within tbeee
cases are a stook of goods, the latest
and finest in finish and quality, getting
aside tbe ambition of tbe most fastidious
to eeek the great metropolitan oenters
for a selection to exoite the admiration
ot their "folks at home." It is thin kind
of enterprise tbat marks tbe progress of
American merchants, wbiob today as
tonishea the world and "drives competi
tion to the wall." Their shelves are
filled with Wbitall, Tatum'a artistic
bottles, containing every essential drug I
Tbeir stook comprises oomplete lines
Tbe famous Howard brushes, full
bristol and solid backs.
In rubber goods, tbe latest and finest
lines evei introduced outside the fashion
able cities, such as water bottles, ato
mizers, syringes, etc.
Toilet articles of every description,
ooluding lovely hind mirrors for dress-
tog cases.
Toilet soaps, nf the highest standard,
from all tbe lending manufacturers.
Htatiooery, io wedding and parohinent
bonds, exceedingly ewell.
Eye glaeses and speotaoles to suit
Hundry drugs aud patent medicines
of every dieoriptloo.
Tbe fioest medicinal whiskeys, wines,
Perfumes, embracing Heely'e Ad
miral Dewey (tbe latest), Crown Violet
and Orttbapple, besides tbe oboioeBt
makes of Hoger Ac Gnllet aud Luuborgn.
Kodaok supplies of all kinds. Mr
Patterson olasses aa aa expert photo
grapher, aud l versed iu all kinds of
cameras, and ia ever ready to explain
their iutrioame and merits, and supply
a person's preference.
In fact everything kept in a well
regulated drug establishment.
Tbe store is equipped with 'frontier's
counter and prescription scales, the
most accurate io use.
Mr. B. II. Patterson, returns to Hepp
ner a graduate pharmaoist with a da
gree of Fh. O., from the well known
Buffalo -oollege of Pharmacy of New
York state, and having spent two years as
leading prescription olerk io leading
drug stores throughout tbe different
states, his latest position being with tbe
Perry Drug Co., of Ellensburg Wash.,
bich gnarai tees bis efficiency. Ilia
prescription laboratory is faultlessly ar
ranged and open to tbe inspection of all.
IMt Home.
I'.ay horse, Height about PfcHI, branded
II K couuectud on tbe right stillK
Strayed fro'o Kllis creer. Suitable re
ward will be paid for information or
delivery of noiinal at Joe Lockman'a
ranch on Little Butler erek. Any one
..inin .'.A h ,r. .r,.r I hi. Hmo .HI
be proteuuteJ.
Madras Shirts
The Latest and Finest
neglige Shirts.
Very Swell
Worth $1.50. Only 95c
and 98c...
Elegant Patterns
Exceedingly Swell.
A Swell Line of Gent's
A Swell Line of Gent's
Best make of Overalls 39c.
and stylish suits for
as can be bought in
are the finest.
Under the above beading, after qnot
ing tbe Gazette in detail in its oritioism
of the iterview of Dr. Bla'.ock, as pub
lished in the Walla WBlia Union, tbe
Walla Walla Htatesman defends the
doctor in tbe following vigorous manner:
"It gives Ibe Statesman great pleasure
to inform tbe Gf.zttte that Dr. Dlalook
gave a correct statement to the Union,
wbiob they garbled iu publication ; that
when the doctor saw the Union bad mis
represented tbe condition, he imme
diately demanded a correction, tbat tbe
correction was promised, but bus never
been forthcoming. Dr. Blalook w
ratber indignant tbat a report so unjust
to Heppner should go out through tbe
looseneea of tbe Uoion's methods, and
be h)mo bad a right to be indigtiant that
be should be made responsible for the
misreureeentation. He stated 1 1 1 (it be
raised tbe quarantine on tbe town aud
on some of tbe bouses, and declared to
the Heppueritea that there was no dan
ger io communicating with them.
'It was bid enough that the morning
paper should so ihgrantly misrepresent
and injure our sister town; but it was
far wor8 to call down on Dr. Blalock,
who deserves only the highest credit aud
praise flora all tbis Northwest ouutry,
tbe blume of a town to wbiob he had
done a great service, as well as the oriti-
ciem of other places which were not
aware of tbe true ciroumstauoes.
"The Blatesmon ia glad to set this
matter right, and ad viae tbe Union to be
more careful in the future."
Dr. Blalook considerately writes tbe
Gazette a most satisfactory explanation
embracing the sentiment expressed in
the (Statesman's comment. In view of
tbe neoessary saonfice subsequent to tbe
announcement of the three mild oases
by onr business men ia goneral, we
naturally took exception to nntruo re
oitals of tbe situation.
Hie Htato Fair.
Tbe Ua.ette acknowledges the receipt
of a season ticket for the state fair to
to oonvene at Halern, Heptember llitb and
continuing until the 22 1. Oregon's pros
perity insures a euocess of this fair.
Knilroads will give special rates. It is
tbe duty of every Oregouian to take an
interest iu tbis annual exhibit of its pro
ducts, where people from different agri
cultural aud stockraieiug sections bave
an opportunity to meet, compare notes
and neroetnate their interest in each
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given tbat the firm of
Brown A Oughea has hneo dissolved by
by mutual cotisent, J. D. Brown retiring
and I. N. Hngbes aud Clarence Hughes
oouiouing the business under tbe firm
name of Hngbes k Hughes, wbo will
pay all bills an I. collect all indebtedness
of tbu firm.
I. N. HomiKH,
J. 1). L'liOWN.
'I lie Rest KfHietly tor rim
Mr. John Mathia", a well known atook
dealer of Pulauki, Ky., says: "After
suffering for over a week with llux, and
my physician baviog failed to relieve
me. I was advised to try Chamberlain's
! Colin, Coolers t-nl Ufiirrhoca i.eme.iv,
: nd l)BV. the pleasure nf stating that tt6
bait of one boille cured tue." Fur sale
uy Coner ii Warren.
prices lower
Just what you
need for warm
weather, in camp.
Genuine comfort
60 and 68 cents.
boys from 3 to I2
Portland or New
Home Enterprise.
Geo. Whiteie made a trip to Portland
this week buyiug extensively for Tbe
Fair. Mr. Wbiteis is proving himself a
wide-awake business man, and through
his energy, tne outside business con
cerns, wuioh round morrow county a
fruitful field for tbeir catalogue dealing,
nre more than alarmed, and will meet
with a deserved routing. Tbe farmers
ami property owners in general are be
ginning to realize that every dollar sent
outside their own county for goods that
oan be obtained here is working tbe
deetruotion of their own property values
and increasing their taxttion. The
business men of Heppner, appreciating
the unjust competition from the outside
ore doubling tbeir vigilauce, and are
united in tbeir efforts to aocommodate
tbe trade of their county. The Fair tbis
week will start "swell team" for tbe
interior witb tbeir special "New Home"
sewing maohioe in obarge of a thorough
eewmg machine man, and it ia safe to
predict that be will meet with encourage
ment, as he deserves, at every farm
house. His team oomus from the famoua
Matlock ranges, and later on will be
matched in a way tbat attention will be
attracted to tbem.
Horses Hold.
Jas, Keeney bas returned to Heppner
from St. Louis aud Kansas City, where
be went tbree weeks ago witb 75 bead of
mixed horses. Mr. Keeney recites his
experiences in an Merestiug manner,
aud attributes big quick sales to his
good tort'inein not falling iuto the bauds
of ' sharks" wbo run the oommissiou
barns, where a man if usually jobbed
out ot his horses and sent home a
'moneyless man" sadder aud wiser,
Tbe prioes there average about as they
would here, judging from tbe recent
anotion sulcs, the advantage there be.
ing that you bave more buyers aud oau
diepose of them in carload lots. Like
nil otber products, a combination
stands at tbe "forks of the road" to
meet you aud "do you," if you fail to do
them first. At Kansas City ba sold tbe
first carload, while the otber two found
buyers io Ht. Louis, .fames seemed to
enjoy the little game, and may try them
onoe more some time in tbe future.
(iinllilf lies Iti-stiiretl.
Tbe personal and brevity odlumns of
tbe Gazette, registering tbe influx of
farmers and stockmen to onr oity since
last Saturday is evidence enough of the
exaggerate ! report of smallpox here, nnd
tbe faot tbat tbe false alarm io tbe
country is at an end. A majority of
lone' business men have been with us
and our streets have been well lined
witb teams from John Day, Canyon City
and Long Creek. Among those loading
freight for these points were Drowning,
Frye, Vegas, Hiotoo aud Tip Williams.
As many express it, "tbe c hid try in
general is loyal to Heppner, and tbe pre
tense of I'endlttou, Baker City and
ather poiols natobing most of out trade
is all talk. As long as Heppner baa the
goods aud prioes, she will bold the trade
she is entitled to."
For Infant and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of