Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 03, 1899, Image 3

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l'ulilished Every Thursday.
Oria Year -Six
Three Months
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Application. '
Entored at the Poetoffice. at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-clans matter.
A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter
Tells all about Her Troubles when
Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores.
" At the age of two months, my baby
began to have Bores break out on his right
cheek. We used all the external ap
plications that we could think or hear of,
to no avail. The sores spread all over one
side of . bis face. We consulted a physi
cian and tried his medicine, and in a week
the sore was gone. But to my surprise in
two weeks more another scrofulous look
ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It
grew worse and worse, and when he was
three months old, I began giving him
Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's
Sarsaparilla, and before the first bottle
was finished, the sores were well and have
never returned. He is now four years old,
but he has never had any sign of those
scrofulous sores since he was cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very
grateful. My boy owes his good health
and smooth, fair skin to this great med
icine." Mbs. S. S. Wboten, Farming
ton, Delaware. Get only Hood's.
Hood's Pills
are prompt, efficient and
easy In effect 25 cents.
Local Notes.
How is your left arm?
Ioe oreatu and soda sfc Hart Bros.
Qidtt A By springs bus a colony of tents.
Dr. Greet) lee introduces the latest la
Mr. anil Mrs. Wash Thompson have
a nine-pound daughter.
Dr. Qreenlee, the well known dentist,
is here. Call on him st onoe.
Arthur Clarke, the new jeweler, is lo
Tated next door to the oandy factory, tf
Mrs. Dr. Garneey will furnish vaccine
tubes, inoluding vaccination, for 25 cents
Take yonr watches, olooks aud jewelry
to Arthur Clarke tor repairs; be guar
antees satisfaction. tf
Dr. J.W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and defeots of tbe eye, will be here
every three months. 648-lyr
Tbe Spa baa suooambed to the ravages
of oar smallpox soare, and tbe sheriff
has a look on the door.
Eddie Ellis, we are glad to report, as
recovering from bis attack of tbe
measles in good shape.
Arthur Clarke, tbe jeweler, is also a
practical watchmaker. Give bim a trial.
He guarantees all his work. tf
Best accommodations and oourteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Washington streets, Portland.
If yon want Bankers' Life insurance
tbe cheapest and most reliable in exist
eooe, call on C. Merritt, Gazette office.
The Snmmer season introduces itself
Hart Bro's teuder in an ioe-cream fest
ival. All are invited to tbeir cool par
lors, tf
Thunder and lightning gave tbe old
maids a soare the-other evening, but
passed over shedding but a few disap
pointing drops.
Be not deceived I A cougb, boarsness
or cronp are not to be trifled with. A
dose in time of Hhiloh's Cure will save
yon mnch trouble.. Bold by Oonser &
Warren .. v
. Dyspepsia cured. Sbilob's Vitalisser
immediately relieves sour stomach, com
ing up of food distress, and is tbe great
kidney aud liver remedy. Sold by Oon
ser & Warreu. T
Care that cough with Sbilob's Care.
The beet ooagb.aure. Relieves oroup
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. 40 doses for 25ots. Sold by Con
ser & WBrren. v
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulates the bowels, purifies
tbe blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy
to make aid pleasant to take. 25 eta.
Sold by Conser A Warren. v
Mrs. Herb Bartholomew is promised a
lovely new cottage on ber ret am from
tbe east, whioh is being ere 0 ted by Ben
Mathews 'neatb tbe lovely shade trees
sorroandiog bis beautiful orobard borne.
Lost Between Tibbets' plaee and
Hoodlom gulch, a silver watob with "C.
HniTord to bis eon, U. H. M. C. H," en
graved on tbe inside of Oftne. Finder
will please return to Gazette office and
reoeive reward.
I. N. Hughes purobased the H. C.
Rush property for $2,000 this week,
whioh is considered a bargain by tbe
knowing ones. Dan Homer, who occu
pies it, will exchange residenoe with Mr,
Hngbeg at once.
Tbe Pacific University News is at hand,
us neat and comp'ete ks possible. It con
tains uetails of information and a aeries
of cuts illustrating the college buildings,
which are making Forest Grove famous
as an educational point.
Mr. and Mm. E. E. Hewitt bare tbe
onngratolatioa of tbe entire community
in bting the parent of a sweet little
dAiigbter. Papa Hewitt bas been onn
fl'ieil to the be nse since. Several clerks
fill his place in the drug store.
CiJSti KntKi Au. tLSt f Alia. C3
1 A Bafft I jwh Bfmfi. Ta.ioa uxl.
l in in. .L1 -it n-iv-tn..
vie p
Geo. Wbiteis, tbe enterprising Fair
man, is tbe possessor of a span of the
Matlock thoroughbreds, wbioh be is
breaking for a buggy team, and they
promise to be great roadsters.
A bund of Crook county horses oor
raled at Binns for tbe night last week
aud departing next morning left a beau
tifol sorrel, Mr. BionB' seleotion. Oit
Summers introduced bim to tbe saddle
Monday in tbe presenoe of an audienoe.
Beware of tbe "kissiDg bugs," as its
prevalence is reported in Heppner. It
does its work in the night and once be
stowing its affeutio 1 upon tbe upper lip,
in a painless kiss, the lip later swells to
a frightful extent, and in' some oases
proves fulfil.
Sheriff Andrews is now tbe fortunate
owner of tbe flue home aud five acre
traot of tbe late John Elder, Mrs. Elder
having sold it to bim for a $2,000 oou
sideration this week. We are glad to
welcome tbe sheriff's family as perma
nent residents of our city.
The Hardman church has b?eo com
pletely overhauled and reseated, and ot
Sunday, tbe 13 b inst , Rev. Spanlding
will bold dedioatory services there,
which it is expeoted will be well attend
ed, as this will be a distinguishing mark
of the progress of the little town of
Persons contemplating purchasing
residenoe property u Heppner In order
to take advantage of our unrivaled
school facilities will do well to call on
or addreps L. W, Briggs who bos tbe
choicest location in Heppner. Four Bind
one-third lots, small bouse on one, will
sell in piece or divide. tf
To John B. Horner, profjssor of rbet-
orio and English literature in the State
Agricultural college at Oorvallis, we nrd
debt for a little book eutitled "Oregou
Literature," embodying a ohoic,e selec
tion of prose and poetry from our native
sons and daughters, it is simply a
treasure and will be eagerly sought the
world over.
W. A. Dewitt, has put the finishing
touches on tbe painting of tbe M. E.
church eoutb, wbiob together with its
rearranged iuteror enables the paster,
Rev. St. Clair, and its members to enter
tain the visiting delegates to the annual
conference, wbioh convenes here the
first week in September, with some de
gree of pride.
By Ibis morniDg's mail, County Treas
urer Licbtenthal received from Stata
Treasurer Moore a obeok for $2,393 35
as Morrow county's apportionment from
the school fund, a per oapita of $1.51
for the school children. Fur several
years a slight inorease of tbe apportion
ment has been made, but this year's in
orease is agreeably astonishing to tbe
entire state.
Geo, SwBggart returned from Walla
Walla Tuesday night, where be went to
inquire into tbe oondition of Ppd Hwsg
gart, who was reported very low from
tbe vicious attsok of a man t that plaoe.
He brought bis brother to Weston, where
his family is stopping, much improved,
Mr. Swaggart found tbe oitizens of
Walla Walla very indignant over the
unfair misrepresentation in the article
published in tbe Union relative to tbe
C. W. Molly is tbe name of a bright
young man from tbe interior who met
tbe Idol of bis heart on Friday night's
train at tbe junction. She was direct
from "way down tbar in Missouri," and
was a fine specimen of a genuine Ameri
can girl, with pluok enough to help
make a stake in this favored bunob-grass
oountry. Rev. Shelley pronounced them
man and wife as soon as they had
shaken off tbe dust of travel. They are
the kind of young people we need in this
Simons & Son, tbe pioneer black
smiths, are up to the times in securing a
latest improved "Little Giant Hub Bor
ing Maobine" with Abbott's box puller
for putting id and taking out boxes.
Pap Simons has been a long time in the
business and selected this maobine after
a thorough personal investigation, and
upon reoommeodation of tbe leading
wagon makers of America, who have
substituted all other maobines with it.
He finds it as it is guaranteed, tbe latest
and best development of its kind.
Add Matteson and Yern Barton made
a ten-day trip tbiough tbe country, re
turning tbe first of the week. Tbey
visited Horopter, Granite, and other
points. Stopping at Teal springs they
found them well patronized by Pendle
ton and Portland people, besides those
from local seotions of the oountry. Con
spioious were the beautiful young ladies,
and, as tbe boys express it "Moot Natter
and Otis Welob, were in tbeir element,
as contented as "ooods" in a water
melon patob." While Moot shines eaoh
night by tbe light of tbe moon on tbe
dancing platform, Otis bies away to tbe
vine-olad retreats with tbe "bell of tbe
ball " SLe is witty and pretty, and tbe
swell boys bsve turned green with eovy,
while Otis simply "smiles- tbat same old
smile." They report having passed Leo
Matteson, Jim Hart,. Frank Borg, Tom
Buckley and Bu Id Sperry, . along the
line, testing tbe endnrance of th'ir
mustangs in tbeir endeavor to get to the
eprmgs first. Tbey are all ladies' men,
and the resolts at tbis fashionable re
sort will doubtless be tbe uniting of
hearts and hands later on.
Lost Hortw.
Bay horse, weight about 1300, branded
HF connected on tbe right stiftR
Strayed from Ellis creek. Suitable re
ward will be paid for information or
delivery of animal at Joe Lock man's
ranch 00 Little Batter crek. Any one
detaining' said horse after tbis time will
be prosecuted. - 2t.
Tie Mew Draper.
The Akera t Co's new patent draper
will be sold by Gilliam & Bishee tbis
season. It is tbe best, cheapest ud
most durable no tbe market.
Wood Wasted.
Now it tbe time for snbscribeis io
arrears, to pgr iheir subscriptions In
The Outgrowth of our Small
pox Announcement.
In just ice to onr adjoining neighbors,
upon tbe diagnosis by two of onr looal
dootors of three oases of smallpox in our
town, tbe Gazette courageously an
nounced the same, also oiting to tbe
careful quarantine of every one snspi
cioned of exposure. Tbe Dalles, Pen
dleton, Portland and Grant county
papers peid ns tbe consideration due
them, under a like oondition, by quoting
the Gazette truthfully in tbe matter.
Ab a precaution Dr. N. G. Blalock, of
Walla Walla, was sent for in good faith
by conservative business men.- His
verification of onr doctors' diagnosis
was aooepted by tbe msjority on tbe
three esses be visited. His assurance
that we had noted wisely in taking every
precaution to stop its spread by quar
antining, and his release of severa
families neighboring tbe efHioted was
not questioned. His interview with tbe
Gazette was published as he gave it to
us, the town's feare . were allayed,
and business assumed its normal con-l
dition. On bis arrival at Walla Walla
tbe Union, of July 27th, published the
Dr. Blalock Finds Eight Weil Developed
Cases There.
Dr. N. G. Blalook returned yesterday
from Heppner, Or., where he went to
settle a dispute. For some time in that
oi'.y there have been several oases of
smallpox and it is over these a row start
ed acd waxed warm, some claiming tbat
the patients bad smallpox and others
olaiming tbe oontrary. At length tbe
matter was referred to Dr. Blalook and
be went to Heppner and after an exam
ination pronounoed tbe sick persons
suffering with well developed smallpox.
All bauds were satisfied acd a quaran
tine was instituted at onoe. Previous to
Dr. Blalock's deoision the town of lone
quarantined against Heppner, causing
some bitter feeling between those cities.
Dr. Blalook saw two or three oases and
it is understood tbat there are about
eight cases in that vioinity, some of the
persons suffering with tbe disease being
10 a oritioal condition. One man, un
oonBoious thct be bad smallpox, bad
been piokiog the soabs off his faoe, and
be will be badly pitted as a result. A
large number of people bave been ex
posed to the disease in -and about Hepp
ner and it is feared' many other oases
may develop.
Tbe result of the above, crediting the
doctor with having found "eight well
developed oases," and tbe claim tbat be
placed a quarantine, when tbe faots are
tbat be released a majority of tbe quar
antine already instituted by our dootors;
tbe assertion that "one man, unconsoious
that be bad tbe smallpox and bad been
piokiog off tbe soabs" (wbioh was Mr.
8hutt), when the faots are that in bis
early stages bis two dootors positively
announoed that his case was smallpox,
aad were guarding him at the time, and
its conclusion was that "a number of
people bave been exposed to tbe disease
in and about Heppner and it is feared
many cases will develop," are in snob
varienoe with bis action and advioe
here tbat it has bad a tendency to cause
distrust of him, and beyond any question
has worked an injury to the business
interest of our town. It tbe fault was
with the reporter of tbe Union, it was
becoming tbe doctor to have corrected
Our next grievance is with tbe lone
Post. Ia its issue of July 28th it comes
put with an artiole startling that portion
of the oounty with tbe announcement of
smallpox in Heppner acd " no quaran
tine," besides, apparently, inferring tbat
tbe published reports did not bear oat
oar having smallpox here, and lays
stress on private letters, "with no reason
for misrepresenting," furnishing lone
with its information. Tbe misohief of
such journalism works an injury to the
community in wbiob it is published. It
would bave been far more oreditsble to
that paper to have clipped tbe straight
forward announcement of tbe diagnosis
of our physicians, a report of the strict
quarantine, and our assurances to tbe
people of the oonoty.
Tbe smallpox situation here, as we go
to press, is tbat tbe Driskell family have
removed to tbeir ranob, with no other
cases developed outside tbe family. Mr.
Sbatt is convalescent, and tbe members
of bis household three women and two
children show no symptoms of the con
tagion, and tbe fears of tbe oommonity
are at rest. No negligence of precau
tions will be allowed. All farmers oom
iog to town are familiarizing themselves
with tbe true situation, and returning
to tbeir homes, branding tbe outrageous
reports and tbe nureasonable snare in
tbe country the work of the agents of
$100 EKWAUD!
Will be paid for information leading
lo tbe arrest and conviction of any per
son stealing cattle branded "WH" con
ceo ted on tbe left side. Waddle on tbe
cce?. Tesci Hroais.
Remember it
in Heppner!
White Shirts
White Laundried
reinforced bosom
Only 50c.
Crash Suits
Summer Comfort
the world over.
$1.99, $2.48, $2.79 $3.20
Best 4-ply Linen
Best 3-ply Linen
Culluloid Collars
A varied assortment of very neat
years of age. These suits are as fine
York City. The goods and frimmings
A few Swell Suits leftYour last chance.
Art Minor came in from the ranch this week.
James Johnson came la .troin Butter creek
Jas. Hager family are located at his rauch
for the summer.
Frank Giluian and family are in the mount
ains for some time.
Frank McFarland and family are at Trout
Lake spending the summer.
Mr. Hughes, bookkeeper for Brown & Hughes,
U slightly under the weather.
Mrs. John Elder and family left Wednesday
to join the Ditch creek colony.
J. A. Woolery and Tom Carle came up from
Iome on business this morning.
Attorney C. K. Redfleld made a flying trip to
Arlington on business last week.
Eugene Gilliam and wife are at the McDuffee
springs, and his health is fast Improving.
8. A. McLaughlin came down from the Eagle
saw mill the first of the week, and spent a day
with us.
Percy Fuyear, a popular young man from
lone, attended the wedding of Mr. aud Mrs.
Molly, Friday night.
Wm. Iugraham and Wm. Gilliam were dis
cussing tbe political horizon with ouruonfidont
republicans Wednesday.
Dave Herrln found time to come iu from the
rauch Monday for repairs. His hay crop ex
ceeded his expectations. ,
Senator J. W. Morrow left with his family for
the mountains Tuesday morning, where they
will spend several weeks.
Alonzo Gesner, ex-state senator, passed
through town, bound for the lnterion by pri
vate conveyance, Tuesday.
Wilson Brock and family are on their way to
Trout Lake In their comfortable family carriage
and their pleasure Is assured.
Henry Jones, the sheep man, braved the terri
ble reports out relative to our epidemic, bring
ing his family to town Monday.
George Luttrell, tlio pioneer stage driver and
homeshoer, came down from Butter creek
Tuesday, where be has been gathering a crop.
Mrs. Tillard and daughters, Miss Oracle, Mrs.
Stecves and Mrs. Barr 'composed a party which
left here fer a month's sojurn at the Teal springs
this week.
H. C. Gay paid the Gazette a substantial visit
today .and reports the scare about "blown over"
in bis neighborhood.
Frank Ward and Mr, Ammerman came down
from Parker b Gleason's mill for supplies Wed
nesday. They report the mill shut down dur
ing haying season.
Will Ball, Wayne Howard, Louis BIsbee and
Louie Campbell formed a procession for Teal
Springs Tuesday. If tbe boys miss a good time
we are terribly mistaken.
Dr. A. C. Greenlee is yet wit Dr. Vaughait sud
will remain a few days yet. The doctors' repu
tation has kept bim occupied most of the time,
regardless of the panic. Call on him at once.
Miss Moeck, of Rainier, aud Miss Bertha
Fryer, of Independence, were thrown out of a
buggy last week In Portland. Miss Fryer es.
caped uninjured, and the former was consider,
ably bruised up.
Otis Patterson dropped In on Friday night's
tralu and devoted the time until bis morning's
departure handshaking. Patt's genial presence
had the effect of dislodging the gloom of busi
ness depression while he was here with those
he came in contact with.
Monday morning's train carried Mrs. George
Conser, Mrs. C. A. Mica, Miss Lena Rhea and
Mrs. Fred Bartholomew and Fay to tbe Ocean
beach, where they will enjoy tbe coming and
going of the tides and all the social pleasures
attendant upon a month's sojourn.
This morning the families of County Clerk
Crawford and Her Bheliey, with au extensive
ramping outfit, left the city for the mountains
at the head of Caplinger creek. Vawter accom
panies them to do the heavy w ork, expecting to
return the last of the week. The Umillu
promise themselves a month rusticating.
Marshal Thornton and family are now In the
mountains for recreation and health. Jim Fits
wears his bright star during his absence, and
his pride Is equal to that of Walfton Rhea on bis
Ipb-tailed "Buckskin Bob.'' Fltz has put a
stop to,'cannlng"d.)gsifid "blgbljfelng" horses.
I a set perfect order a hi (t; re,y(j ! U
was The Fair that
! !
Fancy Percale snirts
Endless Variety
Sold everywhere
for$i. Only 50c
Collars 10c.
Cuffs 15c.
- 5c.
Steam Laundry
All kinds of laundry work done
first class.
Special rates on family washing.
White Shirts Specialty
Washing without ironing 3$ cents
per pound.
Steady customers, 3 cts per pound.
Carpet washing 3 cts per pound
Cash on delivery.
Geo. Yearhart Sued For Damages for Herding
Hheep on Osear Minor's band.
Tbe Lod 8 Greek Eagle says: Deput)
Sheriff Geo. Gray, of Morrow oounty, bo
oompBDied by Constable Ward, of tbis
oily, speDl last Friday and Saturday in
tbe rimrocks of tbe North Fork country
huutiiig for George Yearhart, against
whom Oscar Minor, of Heppner, bad
brought an action for damages for tres
pass by herding bis ibeep on bis enoloeed
deeded land near tbe Ditch creek ooun
try. After two days' bard riding they
found tbeir tuau.
Mr. Minor is tbe owoer of a large
cattle ranch io tbe Bine mountains
north of tbe North Fork, and tbe Eagle
is informed that it is only by tbe oloseel
watch tbat be is able to save any of bis
grass, even tbat inside of tbe fenoes.
Mr. Minor is one of Morrow county's
oitizens who says tbat outside sheepmen
are to blame in moat of the trouble in
Grant county ; that it is rare tbat tbey
respect tbe rights of settlers, and be
oannot blame tbe settlers for protecting
A Good Thing..
A boy was oompelled by bis teaober
to write an essay "on tbe mouth," and
tbis is what lie wrote: The mouth is tbe
trout door to tbe face; it's the aperture
of the oold storage of your anatomy.
Borne mouths look like penubes and
oreHm; some look like a bole in a brick
wall to admit a door or window. Tbe
month is a orimson isle to yonr liver; it
is patriotism's fountain aud a tool obent
for pie. Without tbe mouth tbe poli
tician would be Aanderer on tbe faoe
of tbe earth, aud go down to n unbon
ored grave. It is tbe grocer's friend,
the orator's pride sod the dentist's bope.
It puts some men on tbe rostrum aud
some in jail. It is a temptation's luncb
counter when attached to maiden, aud
tobaooo's friend when attsobed to a man.
It is the home of the nnroly member -tbfl
loiiifne. Witbont it married life
w(nld h a snmmer dream and a dude
would ns half of bis attrHolrw. V,t,
For Infant! and Children.
Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears th
lgaatwfl of
made values better and prices lower
Madras Shirts
. The Latest and Finest
neglige Shirts.
Very Swell
Worth $1.50. Only 95c
and 98c...
White Vests - - $2.38
Silk Vests - - - 3.39
Madras Vests - - 1.75
Elegant Patterns
Exceedingly Swell.
A Swell Line of Gent'
A Swell Line of Gent's-Nightrobes.
Best make of Overalls 39c.
and stylish suits for
as can be bought in
are the finest.
And now the entire world
Knows this perfect product
As the Star Brewery beer
Whitman . College....
111 memory of Marcus Whitman, M.D., patriot and martyr
Highest Standards Classic,
Thorough Work Scientific,
Able Faculty Literary Departments.
Conservatory of Music
Piano, Voice, - Organ, Violin, Viola, Guitar, Mandolin, Eto.
A Terfect Academy, with Four Ymr High School
Voume. Iieceiven Student above Eighth Grade....
Magnificent Buildings Healthful Surroundings
Ennobling Injluences
For Information or catalogue, write to the Secretary of tha Faculty,
Walla Wtillo, Washington.
We are all out lor the
But you can make them all take your dust if you
The most reliable and easiest running wheel on earth.
Just ask a Rambler rider about it.
Here it is. Isn't it a Reauty?
Only $40.
IDEALS, next best, at $25 and $30.
All mini willi lbs re (1 k 3 olinnbr tires. Auyous enn repair tlimn quickly
without tools or previons siperiwiof. I do ill Decennary repairing, not dus to
I ruisntc, free ot ohnre for tbs iosmoo of "M.
fcecood bund wheals from $5 tip. A full line of oyole goods coustaotly ou baud
at Portlimd prions.
All kinds of repairing and all work guaranteed. If yon bare anything (but oefds
fixing bring it in. Ilioyolea to reol, '25c per boar,
Hliop jtiat Imcli of Wells i Co' Mtora.
J. II, rcieJinrtlscm, Hoppiier, Or
Just what you
need for warm
weather, in camp.
Genuine comfort
60 and 68 cents.
boys from 3 to I2
Portland or New
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
j) Guaranteed