Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 27, 1899, Image 3

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Published Every Thursday.
33dJ.tor and .feCa.xa.ag'ax.
On Year -Six
Three Months
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Those Dreadful Sores
They Continued to Spread in Spite
ot Treatment but Now They are
Healed A Wonderful Work.
"For many yeara I have been a great
tnfferer with varicose veins on one of my
limbs. My foot and limb became dread
fully swollen. When I stood up I could
feel the blood rushing down the veins of
this limb. One day I accidentally hit my
foot against Borne Object and a sore broke
out which continued to spread and was
exceedingly painful. I concluded I
needed a blood purifier and I began taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time
those dreadful sores which had caused
me so much suffering, began to heal. I
.kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and in a short time my limb was
completely healed and the sores gave me
no more pain. I cannot be too thankful
for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, has done for me." Mes. A. E.
Gilbon, Hartland, Vermont.
oocTss parilla
Is tlit best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
food's Pill3 cure all liver ills. las cents.
Or., July 24, 1899.
Brown, Mrs Lottie Hird, Mr P O
Brock, Mr G W Estosh, Mr
Gillenbeck, MiesTed(2) Glaubitz, Mr Alfred
Maukey, Mr Win Small Mr L '
When calling for these letters please say
advertised. B, ('. Vaughan, P. M.
Local Notes.
Ioe cream and soda at Hart Bros.
Chambermaid wanted at the Palace
Dr. Greenlee Introduces the latest In
Dr. Greenlee, tbe well known dentist,
is here. Call on bim at oooe.
Artbnr Clarke, tbe new jeweler, is lo
on ted next door to tbe oandy factory, tf
The court house is assuming oonspic
uoueness with a refreshing ooat of wbite
Mrs. Dr. Qarnsey will furnish vaccine
tubes, including vaccination, for 25 cents
Take your watches, olooks and jewelry
to Arthur Clarke for repairs; he guar
antees satisfaction. tt
Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and defeots of the eye, will be here
every three months. 648-lyr
Arthur Clarke, the jeweler, is also a
practical watchmaker. Give bim a trial,
He guarantees all his work. tf
Best accommodations and courteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Washington streets, Portland.
If you want Bankers' Life insurance
tbe cheapest and most reliable in exist
ence, call on O. Merritt, Qazette office.
The Summer season introduoes itself
Hart Bro's tender in an ice-cream fest
ival. All are invited to their coo par
lors, tt
Report ootues from Walla Walla that
B. F. Uwaggart was dangerously hurt in
an enoounter at that place with unknown
parties this week.
Stop that oongbl Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 25c bot
tle of Sbiloh's Cure may save your life.
Sold by Oonser & Warren. z
Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa
tion It's the best and if after using it
you don't eay so, return package and
tret your money. Sold by Conser &
Warren. x
Catarrh cured. A olear head and
sweet breath secured with Shilob'i
Catarrh Remedy; sold on a gnarantee.
Nasal injector free. Sold by Conser A
Warren x
For Constipation take Karl's Clover
Tea, the great Blood Purifier, oures
beadaohes, Nervousness, Eruptions on
tbe face, and makes tbe head as olear as
a bell. Sold by Conser A Warren, x
B. F. Miller, tbe stage proprietor, re
ports that tbe soare along tbe line is fast
subsiding. Farmers are again coming
to town to trade and, if no other case
develnns another week, it will be for
Hbilobs Consumption Uure oures
wbere others fail. It is the leading
Cough Core, and no borne should be
without it. Pleasant to take and goes
ritrht to the BDot. Sold by Conser A
Warren. J
As Less Matlock joined tbe procession
for Ditch oreek, mounted on "Buokskin
Bob," our national colors were flying In
bis woke. Bob seemed to appreciate
bis importance as a standard bearer and
kept tbe flig well np in the breeze.
- Lost Between Tibbets' place an
Hoodlum guloh, a Bilver watoh with "C.
Hufford to his son, G. H. M. C. H." en
graved on the iodide of ease. Finder
will please return to Gszette office and
receive reward.
"I have osed I'bBmberlin's Cough
Remedy in my family for years and al
ways with good rxsolts," say Mr. W. B.
Cooper tf El Rio, Cal. "For small
children we find it especially effective."
For sale by CoDBer A Warren.
Persons contemplating purchasing
residence property in Heppner in order
to take advantage of our unrivaled
school facilities will do well to oall 00
or address L. W, Briggs who has tbe
choicest location in Heppner. Four and
one-third lots, small house on one, will
sell in pieoe or divide. tf
Tbe Dalles oomplains of some wool
growers not selling when fair prices are
offered, feBring that some of tbem will
have their clips on band until it loses
its value. Heppner woolgrowers "got
next" to themselves ond disposed of
their wool. ' Wool buyers here are
soaroe as hen's teeth. They are all
good fellows and pay their board bills,
but 12 cents per pound it a good sub
stit nte.
Wnldon Rhea and family, aooompanied
by Hick Matbews and family and Lsss
Matlook, left for Ditoh creek the first of
tbe week. Il is reported that a yt How
flag flies from each "wigwwam." Wal
don is authority for "a farmer coming
np the road and, nearing tbe oamp, dis
covered tbe yellow suobonoet perobed
00 a stick, when he jerked tbe old horse
around for bis flight with a suddenness
that snapped tbe animal's head off."
Simons & Sou, tbe pioneer black
smiths, are up to the times in securing a
latest improved "Little Ginnt Hub Bor
ing Maobine" with Abbott's box puller
for putting in and taking out boxes.
Pap Simons has been a long time in the
business and seleoted this maobine after
a thorough persooal investigation, and
upon recommendation of the leading
wagon makers of America, who have
substituted nil other machines with it.
He finds it as it is guaranteed, tbe latest
and best development of its kind,
Harry E. Warren returned on Toes
day night's train with bis family from a
week's stay at Wind river, on the Wash
ingtoL side of the Columbia river, tbe
popular summer resort of Tbe Dalles,
wbere be found many of the principal
oitizens of that city. Fishing, bathing
and general rusticating under the
shadow of the mountain sides made bis
stay a delightful pastime. As he neared
home he reoeived the first news of our
smallpox sensation and arriving here
was more than pleased to find the oity
calmed down, and no indication of the
disease spreading, with business assum
ing its normal oondition.
Caldwell Record: The gentleman
who worked some ot our business men
for ads is the Presbyterian manuel Ibat
he was going to publish, returned un
expectedly to town in company of Sheriff
Campbell, who was one of bis victims.
Dan got him at Montpelier, wbere be
was doing good work in the same line
that be has been working in Weiser and
this oity. Un bis arrival here he ex
plained to the Rey. Smith that be was
mistaken on bis oonstruotion of tbe
agreement, claiming that he had stated
that he would return in three weeks
and have tbe woik done. On this show
ing the proseonting witness on tbe ad
vice of tbe oounty attorney dismissed
tbe charge and let tbe young man go
free. It is safe to bet that the next ad
vertising agent that strikes this town
will have to get hia work done before
he gets any oheoks. Tbe boys are onto
themselves, as it were.
Herb Bartholomew and John Ayers
left Tuesday morning for the Long
Creek country to reoeive some oattle
purobased a few days siooe, whiob tbey
will take to their ranges in Grant
oounty and "nil up" for a promising
market in store for them. Before de
parting Herb gave an exhibition of
equestrianism on Main street, whiob,
compared with Barnums equestrian
monkeys, oarried off tbe palm. Alight
ing in the saddle, b tb bands went in
tuitively to the horn, and "jug-bolt" re
gardless of tbe reins. The gnidless
mustang turned slowly in direotioo of
the stable, depositing Herb in tbe mid
die ot tbe street. Tbe tables bad turned,
and the hilarity of, bis audience koe w
no bounds. Tbe touch of "bigb life''
he bad administered to horses the previ
ous day or two had come baok to him four
told. Herb acknowledged bis defeat by
turning the animal over to its proprietor
at the end of a long rope, with a distress
ing appeal for a boocaro. Tbe owner
appealed at onoe to a little child, and
tbe little fellow responded by riding tbe
gentle animal baok and forth, to tbe
obagrin of the vetran "oonnter-bopper"
and all his friends. It is safe to prediot
that Herb as a stockman will round bis
oattle np on foot with a shepherd's
Andy J. Cook, of Lena, registered at tbe
Palace Tuesday.
Emery Leeaer substitutes Frank Natter at tbe
Hop Gold palace.
Mils Mable Leezer has returned after an en
joyable visit at the metropolis.
Mrs. Fred Bock returned from a visit with
her parents In Portland last night.
Representative Freeland Is editor-in-chief of
tbe Timet during Editor Shutt'i seige of smallpox.
W. J. Walsh, Ione't wide-awake sheepman,
paid Heppner a business visit the first of the
Mrs. Evans, wife of the late Allen Evans, is
the mother of a beautiful little daughter, born
last week.
The family of Jack Matlock have removed to
town and will spend some time at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Matlock.
Geo. W. Young, a conductor of a construction
train was killed near Victoria, B. C, last week.
He was formerly an Arlington merchant.
W.L. Baling, Clyde' Saling, Jake Wells and
Jess Shelley are now at the head of Willow
creek In search of venison and bear meat.
Mrs. Martha Ross, who has been visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Neville, returned to
Portland Monday accompanied by Mrs. Jas.
Mr. O. J. Renyolds, a graduate of Portland's
Business oollege, spent Wednesday visiting
Jess Stewart, on his return home to Helena,
Hon. Henry Blackmail left Monday morning
for Bpokane. He is about to form a copartner
ship in the brokerage and Insurance business
with one of Washington's most prominent ana
influential citizens.
Moot Natter and Otis Welch will be "shining
society lights" at the Teal springs, during the
heights of the season. Togged in their "ioe
cream" suits, patent leathers, etc., they started
for the popular resort Tuesday, Hearts will
The Dalles Times-Mountaineer refers to Mrs.
Ida Crawford, the professional nurse, as having
gone to Bpokane for her health. Mrs. Crawford
spent a few weeks in Heppner recently in
quest of health, and it was hoped by her Hepp
ner friends that she had been benefitted
The city marshal has proven himself equal to
the smallpox emergency and has not only ad
ministered unceasingly to the wants of those
afflicted but has enforced disinfection regard
less of long residence and prominence. George
does not weigh 200 pounds but he gets there
just the same.
Messrs. Mackllu and Fordyce, the popular
drummers, braved the sensational rumors
about out town and were doing business with
our merchants this week jiiBt the same. They
report this mild epidemic all along the line,
with scarcely any of the business communities
paying it any attention.
C. E. Fish, of Portland, has rented the build
ing formerly occupied by the Elk resturant and
on the first of the month will open up a cigar
factory. Mr. Fish is a thorough tobacco man
and will familiarize our traders and consumers
with the details of its growth, treatment and
manufactures. This Industry is deserving of
support and adds to our home Industries.
Save TVKoxi&yr
Remember it was The Fair
in Heppner! ! !
that made values better and prices lower
White Shirts
White Laundried
reinforced bosom
Only 50c.
Endless Variety
Sold everywhere
for $1 . Only 50c
Madras Shirts
The Latest and Finest
neglige Shirts.
Very Swell
Worth $1.50.. Only 95c
and 98e...
Crash Suits
Summer Comlort
the world over.
$1.99, $2.48, $2.79 $3.20
White Vests - - $2.38
Silk Vests - - - 3.39
Madras Vests - - 1.75
Elegant Patterns
Exceedingly Swell.
Just what you
need for warm
weather, in camp.
Genuine comfort
60 and 68 cents.
A Swell Line of Gent's
A Swell Line of Gent's Nightrobes.
Best make of Overalls 39c.
Best 4-ply Linen Collars 10c.
Best 4-ply Linen Cuffs 15c.
Culluloid Collars - 5c.
Boys Exalts
A varied assortment of very neat and stylish suits for boys from 3 to I2
years of age. These suits are as fine as can be bought in Portland or New
York City. The goods and trimmings are the finest.
A few Swell Suits left Your last ehanee.
Was Perfected by
Production of....
And now the entire world
Knows this perfect product
As the Star Brewery beer
Back From Dawson City for a Krw Months
Visit Here.
O. L. Keithly, son of ex-Oounty Judge
Julias Keithly, who left here (onr years
ago last February, returned here last
week to visit his parents. Going to
Juneau from here, be spent one year's
time there, and with a number of others
orossed the Chilfcoot piss and looated
on Forty Mile oreek, 50 miles beyond
the present sight of Dawson City. Mr.
Keithly mined there with varied success
until the Bonanza creek exoitement was
sprung, nod, like many others, reaobed
there ae pioneers on the ground select
ing his claim by tbe "staking out" pro-
oess, customary there in the absence of
aoodeoflaws. Their venture later on
oame in oontiict with tbe laws of Cana
dian authority and be was one of four
whose claims were oiowded out of tbe
rich belt. Remaining tbere be spent
considerable work on various claims
until tbe oity of Dawson was founded,
wbere be has been since. Mr. Keithly,
acquainted with the conditions of that
oouotry, feels that bis business obanoes
there are better than bere. While the
country is considerably overrun now,
with those who will oome out and a dis
tribution of others, opportunities in tbe
future should be good for a person with
pluck enough to stay.
He came down tbe Yukon by way of
St. Michals, ooenpying a month s time.
Returning this fall be expects to go in
via. Skagaay, wbere tbe railroad over
the nass will be completed, whiob will
do away with tbe former difficulties and j
Mr. Keitbley is tbe picture of health, j ,f rf Mm. RM.lAin.d
and shows no indications of having ' VntfUh
missed any meals. He is careful not to
tosnire a stamoede fur that country, in
consideration of the homeeiok ventnrers : WnllCl Walla, WaslllllirtOIl.
there already trying to get out.
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Whitman Colle
In memory of Marcus Whitman, M. D., patriot and martyr
Highest Standards Classic,
Thorough Work Scientific,
Able Faculty Literary Departments.
Conservatory of Music
Voica, - Organ, - Violin, - Viola, - Guitar, - Mandolin, - Ete
A Perfect Academy, with Four Year High Selwol
Course. Receives Students above Eighth Grade....
Healthful Surroundings
Jbnnooiing influences
For information or catalogue, write to the Secretary of tho Faculty,
His Band of 75 Bead of Dorses Tamed Over
to Willamette Farmers.
Jess Stewart is again installed into
bis position with Rhea A Welch, having
experienced an adventuresome trip
across the mountains with bis horses
He traveled the MoKenzie route, en
countered snow oo tbe ascent of tbe
mountains for dietanoe of 15 miles, a
which at times gave way precipitating
tbe horses, whicb resulted in tbe ex
haustion and death of eight bead. Tbe
reflection from show almost blinded tbe
drivers, who neglected smoked glasses.
At tbe time of leaving tbe valley be bad
disposed of number ot bead, princi
pally unbroken horse. Tbe others will
be held in pasture until disposed of.
Had be arrived tbere a few weeks sooner
tbe tale of tbe entire band would bave
been assured in short order.
The Mew Draper.
The AJkers A Co's new patent draper
! W1" 00 R0ld by Gilliam A Bis bee tbis
We. your committee appointed to draft I ,t , the be, cbeapMt Md
resolntions of oondolenoe oo tbe death
of our late brother, Edward L. Matlook, j
report as follows: j
Whereas, It has pleased tbe Grand i
Exalted Raler of tbe universe to remove !
from our midst our late brother, Ed-
ward L. Matlock, and
Whereas, That by bis death Heppner
Lodge No. 358. B. P. O
most durable on tbe market.
In order to raise money to satisfy
creditors and plane Mat Halvorsen on
bis feet, we are oompelled to make a
urKt nanriflne in mHrohumllHR of all
JMks, Isment , hinds for the next sixty or ninety days,
tj.-Li rirMt AJ. ILit t:La,
Boat Itwi Byrop. Twa bwio,
In tuns. f'1 tr flr"ririM
the loss of a brother who was always We shall keep a complete line of staples,
of the distance on tbe crust, ready to proffer tbe band of aid and lend ell.ng same at cost or
a voice of sympathy to tbe needy ana . Qw) E WnABT0I(i Iooef 0re.
distressed, a friend and fellow citizen Agent for K. L. Hsbin.
whose npright and noble life was a ' . .
staudard of emulation to bis followers.
Whereas, It is just that a fitting recog
nition t j his many virtues should be .
made, therefore be it
Resolved, By Heppner Lodge No. 368,
B. P. O. Elks, that wbile we bow in j
bumble submission to the will of tbs j
Most High, we do not the less mourn for
onr brother who bas been taken from us. ' "
Unsolved. That the sympathy of tbis The H,em
l,.rfffe he conveyed to tbe Immediate f red Krog, proprietor of tbe Heppner
lti.e. nf the deceased brother, oouv i S"" Lanndry, bas bad the good for-
mittino them in tbis boor of their b ! mne to secure tbe services of a first-
,h. k-.n.u. .,.,.ai.ur.ti ., r.i ! rises laundry roan from tbe city and is
ii ,m -ho rtoih all ihmos well. o prepared lo give ueppner as gooo
t...,.i.,i Th.t thA r.nlnii.,i, t i tfervlpe as i to be bs l in Portland
What Dr. A. K. Halter Says.
Buffalo, JM. i. Uents: I'rom my
personal knowledge, gained in observing
tbe effeot ot yonr Shilob's Cure in cases
of advanced consumption, I am prepared
to say it ia tbe most remarkable remedy
that bas ever been brought to my atten
tiou. It has oertainly saved many from
oonaumption. Sold by Oonser & Warren
Will be paiil for information leading
to tbe arrest and conviction of any per
son stealing oattle branded "WH" con
nected oo the left side. Waddle on the
nose. I'khct Uvuhkh.
A Frightful Blunder
Will oftem cause a horrible bnro, sqald,
ant or bruise. Bnoklln's Arnica Halve,
the best in tbe world, will kill tbe pain
aod promptly beal it. Curat old sores,
fever sores, nloers, boils, felons, oome,
all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on
sartb. Only 25o a box. Cure guaran
teed. Hold by Hloonm Drag Co.
Death ol Artbnr TlbbllU.
Died at Lower Lake, Cel., of oon
sumption, July 7, Arthur Tibbits, aged
23 years ond 8 months. Tbe deceased
was a member ot tbe oity band and had
been attending Whitman oollege for tbe
past four years. His many friends will
be grieved to learn of bis untimely
death. He was a great favorite at tbe
oollege and well liked by all who knew
bim. Arthur was raised in Heppner,
and bis many friends will feel sad that
bis yonng life con Id not have been
soared for tbe useful porpose foi wfaifih
be placed npon the records of this lodge,
a copy transmitted to tbe Immediate
relatives, and a oopy printed in each of
the Bepyoer newspapers.
Ga Conker,
E L. Fhcelakd,
J. F. HtKD.
Special ratus giveo on family washings.
This is a long needed enterprise and
deserves tbe support of tbe people, tf
Wood WaoUd.
Now is tbs tine fqr snbsoribera
arrears q pa Jhejf gi)b?criPoo
T- B. WHITNEY, Proprietor.
Strictly First-Class
A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel
Every Modern Convenience.
Stockmen's Headquarters.
Drummers' Resort.
One of the finest equipped Bars and Clubrooms
in the state in connection. . . .
Iijcst-CIass Sample Rooms.
For Business Heppner is one of the Leading
Towns of the West.-
We are all out tor the Dust
But you can make them all take your dust if you
The most reliable and easiest running wheel on earth.
Just ask a Rambler rider about it.
Here it is. Isn't it a Beauty?
Only $40.
l'ersons troubled with diarrhoea will
e interested in tbe expierience of Mr.
W. M. Bnsb, clerk f Hotel Dorranoe,
l'rovtdenoe, K. I. He says: "For sev
eral years I bave been almost a constant
sufferer from diarrhoea, the frequent
attacks completely prostrating me and
rendering me nntlt for my duties at tbis
botel. About two years ago a traveling
salesman kindly gave me a small bottle
of Cbamberlin's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Itemedy. Mnob to ray sur
prise and delight its eBVots were im
mediate. Whenever I felt symptoms of
tbe disease I woold fortify myself against
the attack with a few doses oi tbis valu
able remedy. Tbe result bas been very
satisfactory and almost oomplete relief
from the sftliotlnn." For sals by Uonser
t Warren.
IDEALS, next best, at $25 and $30.
All fitted with the great G A J olinober tires. Anyone oan repair them quickly
without tools or previous experience. I do all ueoessary repairing, not due to
misuse, free of charge for the season of 'IK),
Second hand wbesls from $5 up. A full line ot cycle goods constantly on band
at Portland prices.
AH kinds of repairing and all work guaranteed. If yoa bave aoything that nerds
fixing bring it in. liioyoles to rent, 2Tjc per hour.
Nliop Juaat Imok of Welia As Co'm store.
J. I-I.liElelitircJNoria. Heppner, Or,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Spa !
Telephone 13 4 rings.
Smead & Co.
' The Best of Everything. . j
Fancy Groceries