- w&'f t?Q4HA;; ---pi TIE HEPPNER GAZETTE Published Every Thursday. BY CORL1ES MEKRITT, Editor a.n.cL Eaiia.grr. SUBSCRIPTION One Year -Six Months Three Months RATES- $1.80 73 BO Aduertising Rates Made Known on Application. Eutered at the Postoftice at Heppner, Oregon, as secoud-clasg matter. A LITTLE SUFFERER Face, Hands and Arms Covered With Scrofulous Humors How a Cure Was Effected. "When five years old my little boy had scrofula on his face, hands and arms. It was worst on his chin, although the sores on his cheeks and hands were very bad. It appeared in the form of red pimples which would fester, break open and run and then scab over. After disappearing they would break out again. They caused intense itching and the little sufferer had to be watched continually to keep him from scratching the sores. We became greatly alarmed at his condition. My wife's mother had had scrofula and the only medicine which had helpd her was Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wo decided to give it to our boy and we noted an improve ment in his case very soon. After giving him four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla the humor had all been driven out of his blood and it has never since returned." William Bartz, 416 South Williams St., South Bend, Indiana. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. Hrwl'a Dillc rel.rverill:eaiiyttake, I1UUU S I HIS oitsy to operate. 24 cents. A D VKRT1SKD LETTERS. I KTTKK8 ADVERTISED AT HKPl'NEH lJ Or., July 17, , 1899. lienkel, II F Smith, Mr I.iemis Martin, I) D Tyler, Mrs Martha Perry, Mr R K Yaw, 0 .M When calling for these letters please say advertised. B. t'. Vauuhan, P. M. Local Notes. Advertise vonr wares. Jrf Do not overlook vaccination. Toe cream and soda at Hart Bros. Tbe courthouse is being repainted. Dr. Greenlee Introduces tbe latest In ' , dentistry. , Litest Chicago markets report grain weak; livestook, steady. Dr. Greenlee, tbe well known dentist, is here. Call ou him at otioe. Arthur Olarke, tbe new jeweler, is lo oated next door to tbe oandy factory, tt Tbi9 ie tbe weather that drives tbe small boys into tbe swimming bole.B of tbe oreek. Frank Sloan, while in the John Day oouutry last week, bought up quite a number of cattle, Take your watches, olooks and jewelry to Arthur Clarke for repairs; be guar antees satisfaction. tf Dr. 3. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defeots of tbe eye, will be here every three months. 648-lyr Andy Tillard's buokboard ran away Wedneeday, but wbs stopped at Mr, Cowbdb' place undamaged. Arthur- Clarke, tbe jeweler, is also a practical watchmaker. Give him a trial Lie guaranteed all his work. tf Thanks to the 11 luriug mill shutdown for snrinkled streets. It is truly an "ill wind that blows no good." Dr. Hunlok now occupies bis new home on Main stieet, wbicb is decidedly comfortable and nea'ly arranged Beat accommodations end courteous t reatmeut at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh .. llaaKin..lnn afroAla Pnrilttnrt. Oioar Minor and Tbos. Marlatt Bold 120 head of feeders this week, whioh will be taken to Butter oreek for fattening. If you want Bankers' Life insurance , the cheapest and most reliable in exist ence, call on C. Merritt, Gazette office. The Summer season introduces itself Hart Bro's tender in an ioe cieam fest- i val. All are invited to their cool par lors, tf Sam Jones, the world renonoed evan selist, ia at Oregon City this week aud deliver three lectures befjre the meeting of tbe stote Chatequa association Wa are indebted to tbe University of "oronn. looated at Eugene for a . copy r.r h rnlleee jnrnal. a handsomely printed, and well edited magazine ReDort oomes from Jess Stewart that reofnily be made an anction sale of 12 head of young unbroken horses at Eu gene aud averaged $21 50 per head. Hiuoe Pry Wilson was taken home ronnrta are that be has beeu gradually sinking, and ia in sucn b weakened con dition that be ia unable to take nourish nieut. Be not deceived! A cough, hoarsnesa or croup are not to be trilled with dose in time of Huilob's Cure will save vim rvinrh trooble. Sold by Conger & Varreo. v Tvnpnsia cured. Sbilob's Vitaliner immediately relieves sour stomach, oom ini? ud of food distress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Hold by Coo r eer A Warreu. Cure that cough witb Sbilob's Cure. Tbe beet oough oure. Relieves croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25cts. Sold by Coo ler & Warren. Paul FUnuiifiiu heroically stopped 1 wagou outfit under full four borse wooi headway by retelling tbe leaders on the! fly, Wednesday, preventing ubukdiuuo Might down Main street. Bst touKh tirup. Tatet Gj(4. in lift. N-r'fl P7 arusir:w. Berj. Mitnews will soon begin tbe erection of a very neat five-room cottage on the desirable lot situated between his borne and that of Attorney Rsdfleld, on Main street. Ladies, take the beet. If yon are troubled with constipation, sallow skin, and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by Oonser & Warren. v Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, purities tbe blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts. Sold by Oonser A Warren. v "I bave osed Obamberlin's Cougb Remedy in my family for years and al ways with good resnltp," saya Mr. W B. Cooper cf El Rio, Cel. "For umall obildren we find it especially effective." For sale by Cocser & Warren. Tbe first of tbe week Judge Bartholo mew took the children belonging to Mrs. MoDongal, tbe woman left here reoently penniless, to the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, in Portland. Tbe mother went to tbe mountains in the employ of Tom Quaid. John McCarty and E. W. Ralston, tbe fat stock buyers, came baok to Heppner on Tuesday night's train to receive and ship tbe stnok bought here a few da) s ago. These two genial buyers always find the ''htob string" out for them all over this oouuty Chas. Teft and Mike Galloway re turned from the Laura mine, situated one mile above Hamilton's mill, tbis week, and report the Spokane company pushing work energetically under look acd key. They are secretive, and it is snspioioned that sensational reports will oome from there soon. Persons contemplating purchasing residence property in Heppner in order to take advantage of our unrivaled sohool faoilities will do well to oall on or address L. W, Briggs who has tbe choicest location in Heppner. F mr and one tbird lots, smll bouse on one, wil sell in pieoe or diviiJp, tf $10 Reward Lost in tbe mad adjac ent to Lexington paik, July 5tb, a gold watob, with tbe name of Henry Welob engraved on the inside case. If returned tbe reward will be paid and tbe kindness appreciated by Otis Welob, of Rhea A Welob. Tbe watch is alone valuable to him as a gift from bis father. Report oomes from tbe sheep camp of W. B. Finley on Brub oreek, Grant county, that tbe irrepressible sheep Siller bad ambushed and killed over 40 bead of bis sheep. Before "Uncle Sam" musters out tbe Oregon heroes from tbe wilds of tbe Philippine islands he bad better turn them loose in Graut county, as their work is needed tbere badly. A yonng boy, said to bave been tbe son of Umatilla's deputy sheriff, rode an ex oeptionally good borse into town, offering him for sale at 8-15, including bis saddle, and authorities, being some what suspicious, telephoned bis father, wbo replied that tbe borae was the boy's and be could act bis pleasure. H. A Thompson at onoe bought tbe animal, and is oredited with having made tbe best bargain offered in tbis section for many a day. Tbe lal at onoe began negotiations for a bicyole, but before purchasing took the train in the direc tion of the metropolis. Dr. Penrose Lectures. On Sunday morning aud evening Dr, Penrose, president of the Whitman College, lectured, and those fortnnate in attending listened to one of the ablest speukers and brightest educators our country possesses. His "Story of the Life of Dr. Whitman" was listened to ith rapt attention, and detailed tbe early history ( f oar thriving northwest The professor has been associated witb tbe college as its president for five years and bas brought it up from a very bumble basis to a standard and recog nition as one of tbe beat educational institutions on tbe ooaet. Born in Germantown, a suburb of Philadelphia, and eduoated in our highest colleges, be is equipped for tbe develoiment of young minds which will oarry onr Da tion along tbe fatnre lines of unrivaled progress. Important in bis mind are tbe sooial and industrial conditions of Amerioa, and be will be one of the prime movers in adjusting conditions, reward ing honest endeavor. We enjoyed pleasant call from the professor who inserts, beginning witb tbis issue, an adverlisment calling attention to tbis in stitntion of learning, wbiob is already olaiming the greater share of tbe north west patranaue and will continue to in crease in importanoe. Matrimonial. Sargent-Frizelle Wednesday even log, at b.i north bixiu street, s quiet wedding ceremony took plaoe, tbe parties being Charles C. Sargent sn Mrs Annie Frizelle. Tbe bridegroom bss been for tbe PBSt 21 veari s well known hotel man of Heppner. Th bride, whose relatives reside in Colorado, was for three years in obargeoftbe boys' department of Ibe Orphans' Horn in Sooth Portland. Among the guests were tbe father and mother of tb groom, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Sargent, wbo lately eelebra'ed the 60tb anniversary o their marriage. They bave long lived in Mitchell. Crook county, wbere Mr. Har gent was a pioneer merchant. Tbe brid ! looked very attractive in a pearl gray costume, relieved witb white trimroinirs, tbe effort beiog heightened by a back ground of palms and foliage plants, in front of which tbe eonple stood. Rev. Mr. Powell, temporarily in chares of Trinity Eplsoopal obarch, performed the ceremony, and I tie wedding maroh mas I'layed by Mrs. Sprsug.-Oregcmmu. I1UO KKWAUD! Will be puiJ for information leading to tbe arrest and conviction of any per son stealiog cattle branded " WH" eoo neoted on the If ft ?iJ- Waddle on the now, FfHCT HpaifM, Personal. E. C Ashbaugh was in Heppner Monday. Frank Sloan came in trom Butter creek Mon day. Walt Richardson Is In Cannyon City on b isiness. Jim Nunnamaker came to town Tuesday, weighing 275 pounds. Tom Buckley returned from Colorado, where he went with a stock train. Mrs. Harry Mills dignifies the Ice cream par lors of Hart Bros' confectionary. Joe Meyer, the well-known tobacco man of Portland, was in town this week. Emmet Cochran, the prominent Monument sheepman, was in town thts week. Emile Hcharff, the Monument sheepman, was in town yesterday, returning today John Ayers and family have returned from Hitter, where he has sheep interests. Mrs. Wra. Ross came up from the city of lone Monday night, remaining a few days. M. S Maxwell came in from an assessment trip this week, but Is again In the field. Mrs L. J. Estes, with her little daughter, left for a visit with her mother at John Day, this morning. Mrs. Ada Redford Sproat is spending a few days in Heppner, combining business with pleasure. Miss Bertha Cate contemplates an extended visit to Walla Walla and the sound cities in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Leland now occupy the pretty home of Mrs. Dr. McSwords during her Eastern stay. Pete Devia returned for a day's visit with his Heppner associates Tuesday, wearing a crop of Haifa on his chit). J, B. Carmichael, of Lexington is in town to day aud reports haying In full blast aud grain prospects slim in that section. Miss Iren Riggs returned from a three weeks' Visit in Portland this week, and bas again pened her dressmaking parlors. Mrs. W. W.Smead went to The Dalles oh Mon day's train to attend the Grand Lodge Degree of Honor, which convened there Tuesday. W. L Utbson, accompanied by his wife, reg istered at the Palace last night. Mr. Gibson represents the firm of the Ben C. Irwin Co. Newt Jones, accompanied by his family, left ith a band of cattle yesterday morning for Idaho, where he will make his future home. Mrs. F. J. Hallock accompanied the family of Mr. Potter here from Bumpier, and will visit er parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Minor, for some ine. Will Spencer is roaming the hills in the einity of Dayvilln in search of his span of black horses, which escaped him there last week. Harvey Blake, the prominent Reck creek sheepman, is hauling Mb wool to the ware houses here, aud trading extensively with our merchants. Chas Bartholomew and Shirley Thompson have just returned from a short stay at Teal springs. They report the world at a standstill n that section. The many friends of Mrs. Harry Bartholomew will rejoyce In her recovery from one of the most serious conditions on record. The parents have a bright little baby. Frank Jones was with ub again this week for day. Frank is yet loyal to Heppner, but is compelled to accept his lot In the new stock range on the John Day river. Thos. E. Brown, is travelling the county thoroughly with the latest history of the Hpanish-American war. This book will be read by nearly every person in America. Miss Bertha Adkins left this morning for the Willamette valley, where she will visit relatives and friends for some time. Her sister, Miss Maggie, accompanied her as far as The Dalles Billy Myers abandoned the circus at Lone Rock and is touring the interior with a dra matic company and meeting with success. He writes that hot winds are working destruction to grain. Miss Elizabeth Mutlock left this week for Portland, where she is at present visiting Miss Henrietta Blnsheimer. Before returning she will visit the family of Hon. Thos Tongue, and other valley points. W. E. Brock with his family leave for Trout lake, Washington, situated near the base of Mt. Adams, for a few weeks' stay. While there they expect to register witb the Mazamas at the summit of the snow peak. T. R. Lyons, formerly a partner of Hon. W. R. Ellis, in the practice of law, and a decided favorite in Heppner, his returned for a vKit from J ii no, Alaska, where he holds the position as towiiKite commissioner. Bob Hart has retired to the shady side ol Black Butte for a short season, We mistrust that turning the handle of the ice cream freezer with the temperature at a huudred or more prompted the happy thoughts of the mountain resort. Wm, Corson's mother arrived here on Tues day evening's train from lone, and for the present will take up their abode in the rooms vacated by Dr. Metzler, this being the only available living quarters atibrded in tbe city of Heppner. Mr. D. Garrigues, brother of Park, has located permanently in Heppner. and is now connected with Wm. Cowins in the Ice and soda business. Mr. Garrigues was with the well-known firm ol Honeyman. DeHart & Co., of Portland, for a number of years. Mr. Hughes a bright young accountant, ar rived here recently from his home in Missouri, and has accepted a position as book-keeper for Brown & Hughes. He is a son of Mr. Chas Hughes, brother of I. N., who paid him a visit several weeks since. R. C. Wills Is now in Portland making ex- tensive purchases of lumber for the establish ment of a lumber yard on the corner he recent ly Intended erecting a hotel on. This is an en terprise worthy of encouragement, and long needed in Heppner. Mr. BenJ. Potter, with his family, arrived here last week from Bumpter, and will remain for some little time with Mrs Potter's parents, Mr and Mrs. E. Minor. During the absence ol Mac Clark on a vacation, Mr. Potter will take his place in the store. Clans Johnson and Ma rtin Lovgreeu, of Cow berry, paid the Gazette a pleasant call last Hat urday. They have just made a purchase of new header. They feel somewhat ihakcy about the result of the hot winds, but will be In good shape to get what is left. Mr. Pniyn. J. J. Harris and Jaa. Roberts, dc Kiples of Isaac Walton, (peut portion of the week along the fishing streams of the Blue mountains. Returning home their friends were not overlooked, all being furnished with about all tbe trout yarns they could swallow. Dr. A. C. Greenlee, from Portland, is In Hepp ner aud will associate himself with Dr. B. F. Vaughn for a short period. Hie doctor la a recognized leader In bis profusion In Portland, and excels tn all branches of dental surgery. The public are urged to avail themselves of of this opportunity. Herb Bartholomew ami (Mis Welch ae threatened with constitutional complications I and will go to the springs and mountain reaorls at once, where they will recuperate. Cloea application and long hours bave made changed man of Herb, upon which hit many friends comment dally. W. B, Barksdale, a newspsr man of Purlil.i, Colorado, visited his uncle, Tom Ayers, this week. Mr. Barksdaie is looking up western locution, and has been tendered a position at Eastern Oregon representative of the Morning Oregonian. with probable headquarters at Pen. dleton, which position he will probably accept. H. J. Strickfaieu, formerly employed on the, great eecrifloe to merchandise of all uaette, aud recently publlalier ol the Worl.l- kinds for the next sixty or niuey daya. Heral.1 ot Kalrhaven. Wa.h , haa aevered nil ' We shall keep a complete linSff Staples, connection with that papar, and will ao"n ' selling MM at coet of handling, fr launch the Pairhaven Kewe. Brother Wrtak. (M'lfn, baa given tha little touni city a paper, ana in nn n venture irjll pro-e pa ')t'-ff titig rouiprti'nr THE Remember it was The Fair that made values better and in Heppner! ! ! White Shirts White Laundried reinforced bosom Only 50c. Crash Suits Summer Comfort the world over. $1.99, $2.48, $2 79 $3.20 Best 4-ply Linen Collars 10c. Best 4-ply Linen Cuffs 15c. Culluloid Collars A varied assortment of very neat years of age. These suits are as fine York City. The goods and trimmings A few M THE ART OF BREWING HCMP GOIvD And now the entire world Knows this perfect product As the Star Brewery beer STAR BREWERY CO. 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. Whitman College.... FOUNDED IN 1859 In memory of Marcus Whitman, M.D., patriot and martyr Highest Standards Classic, Thorough Work Scientific, Able Faculty Literary Departments. Conservatory of M usic Piano, Voico, Organ, - Violin. A Perfect Academy, with Course. Receives Students Magnificent Buildings unnooLing For information or catalogue, write to Walla VT olio, Frof. C. E. Smith, teacher of the Jerry Bro man ichool on little Butter creek, wag com pelled to bring till wife (formerly Mini Hamil ton of the telephone nervlce) to Heppner for treatment ai ahe la threatened with a nerioua caae of fever. He waa unable to reiume teach in thla week. Her many friendi earnealy hope her caae will not prove acrioua. A. Z. A. White, a real live Cuban, apent a few daya in our little town thla week, doubtleaa meaanring the "rough rldera" of our wild and wool biinchcnuH country. Had we a Kooac- velt In our midat, doubtleaa a campaign would before thia have won world-wide recognition for m, aa we have an abundance ot the wild untamed aplrlt. of which Kooaevelt'a command waa compoaed. The Htcam lnndry. Fred Krag, proprietor of the Heppner Steam Laundry, baa bad tbe good for tone to secure tbe aervioea of a flrtt clasa lauodrymao from tbe oity and ia oov prepared to give Heppner aa good service aa ia lo be bad ia Portland. Hpecial ratei iveo oo family waibiogn. Tbis ia a long needed enterprise and deserves tbe aopport of tbe people, tf Tbe New Draprr. Tbe Akera k Go's new patent dxapr ill be sold by Gilliam fc Binbee tbis aiseasoD. It is tbe Deal, coeapsai ana most durable on the market. NOTHK Iu ordr to raise mouey to satiefy creditors and plaoe Mat Ilalvurseu on bis feet, we are oom pel led to make a , HAT HaLVoEMta. live i Go. E. WiBT0, ' Jg','?i Of?; FAIR Fancy Percale Si Endless Variety Sold everywhere for $ 1 . Onlysoc 5c. ts Swell Suits left Your last chance. ONEY RETURNED IF GOODS ARE NOT SATISFACTORY Was Perfected by the Production of.... On draught at all popular saloons Viola, Guitar, - Mandolin, Etc Four Yean High School above Eighth Grade.... Healthful Surroundings influences the Sacrttary of tha Faculty, WoshinBton Hmnpter la In It, A ulbuce at tbe last issue of the Bump ter pat er eliowa tbat tbere are more ad vertiBpmenla in tbat paper by Baker City mercbanta tbno in the Baker Oity papeta. Evidently Baker Oity people believe in the future of 8t)mpter and bave nbnDdorjed Baker to tbe bow wows Tbe Btiitemeut is made in Bumpter tbat during the month of June one third more tnerttliHiidise wah shipped ioto Humpter tliHti was reoeiyed by Baker merolmntD. Investigation at the freight boinca show tbat do definite slatiatioa bave been made, but tbat the Humpter buHiuens was very heavy, owing to tbe stocking up of several oew stores tbere, and tbe shipment of a large amount of freight for stores in camps beyond Humpter. Baker City Kepobliaan. Wood Wanted. Now is tbe time for subeoribera arrears to pay their subscriptions wood. Gazkttic I'ersnDN troubled with diarrhoea will be intereated io Ibe exoierieuce of Mr. W. M. Buab, clerk of Hotel Dorraoee, Providence, B. I. He saya; "Foraev- eral years I have been a'moat a constant offerer from diarrhoea, the frcqnent attaoks completely protttrstmg tue and reiiileriiiti me nnfil for my iliilies at thin hotel. About two years mii a traveling SftlemuHU kindly gave hie a small ImjIIIb ' of Cbaiuherlin's Colin, Cholera and I Diarrhoea ltemedy. Much to my stir ! prise and delight its eff'-ots were tm-j mediate. Whenever I felt symptoms o' ; tbe diseaae I would fortify myself against ' the attack witb a few doses of tbis vain.- j abla remedy. The resn!t bas been very 1 satibfaotory and almoat oomplete relief! from the affliction." For bs's by Uouier , Madras Shirts The Latest and Finest neglige Shirts. Very Swell Worth $1.50. Only 95c and 98c... White Vests - - $2.38 Silk Vests - - - 3.39 Madras Vests - - 1.75 Elegant Patterns Exceedingly Swell. A Swell Line of Gent's A Swell Line of Gent's Best make of Overalls 39c. and stylish suits for as can be bought in are the finest. THE A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel Every Modern Drummers' Resort. Stockmen s Headquarters. One of the finest equipped J'ars and Clubrooms in the state in connection. . . . Flrst-Ciass fcSfimiilo Rooms. For Business Heppner is one of the Leading Towns of the West. . We are all out lor the But you can make them all take your dust if you The most reliable and easiest running wheel on earth. Just ask a RaniMer rider about it. Here it is. Isn't it a Beauty? Only $40. IDEALS, next best, at $25 and $30. All lilted witb the great G k 3 oliuoher tires. Aoyone can repair them qtiiukly without tools or previous experience. I do all ueoeaaary repairing, not due to midline, free of charge for tbe seaaoo of "HI. Second hand wheels from $5 up. A full line of cycle Roods constantly ou baud at Portland prions. All kiods of repairing- and all work guaranteed. If you bave anything that ueds filing bring it in. Bioyolea to rent, ra per boar. tlop juMt IxicK of Wnllai tt Co'a atore, J. II. IiolitirtlHon, Heppner, Or. A - 7 1 r t - r. I V I I (' s ' 1 1 1 V w,'Cl I J, I Confectionary Fancy Groceries Fruits The Best of Everything. prices lower Lawn Tenis Shoes Just what you need for warm weather, in camp. Genuine comfort 60 and 68 cents. Ties: Nicrhtrobes. boys from 3 to Iq Portland or New FAIR Palace Hotel. T. B. WHITNEY, Proprietor. Strictly First-Class Convenience. Dost Fully Guaranteed Telephone 13 4 rings, f Smead & Co. Ice Cream Parlors. ..:...T!:,..0,