Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 20, 1899, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Thursday, July 20, 1899.
The family of Tom Driscoll is
afflicted with what is pronounced
by the doctors who have visited
them as a very mild form of small
pox. The origin of the disease,
so far, has not been traced, and
the community mast await the
proof of the doctors' diagnosis
through contagion. Heppnerites
are in no way alarmed, as measles
and chicken pox have been preva
lent for some time. The city
officials are watching its develop
ment, and have taken the pre
caution of quarantining not only,
the house affected, but those who
have visited it, and should it prove
a contagion, the mayor assures the
Gazette that the town will be quar
antined against incomers and out
goers, in justice not only to the
farmers, upon whom we are de
pendent, but to the country at
large. Selfish consideration of a
few business men is not to be con
sidered for an instant in this case.
The towns heretofore afflicted have
shown a disposition to deny the
existence of this loathsome disease
for business policy, and are in a
measure responsible for its spread.
Ueppner will pot follow their ex
umple, and, should it prove a con
tagion, it will be announced, and
no individual affected, regardless
of their stringent circumstances,
or the fact that they are strangers
without friends, will be neglected,
but carefully nursed and taken care
of. If it proves we are not affected
with smallpox, the assurance will
go out from our town offloials, who
can bo depended upon. In the
meantime everybody will be vacci
nated and every precaution taken.
The disease is no stranger to this
town, and the fact that thorough
vaccination reduces the serious
consequences has been thoroughly
demonstrated here. We will stand
together on this isdue, as every en
lightened community should.
In defense of our home women
a blow was struck Tuesday night
by a gallant young Heppnerite,
that should have a salutary effect
with a cIhbs of "fresh" traveling
knights, who have so far forgotten
themselves and their sisters and
mothers as to carelessly address
or approach the weaker sex, re
gardless of their character or sur
roundings. A crowded buss de
prived a couple of ladies of a seat
when the train came in, and a
young traveling man unwisely ex
tended them an invitation to get
iu "We'll make room for you."
The huBbaud of one of the ladies
was in attendance upon them, and
felt it li in responsibility to dictate
to them, ami taking exception to
the unsolicited invitation of the
joung man, addressed him iu a
manner more forcible than elegant.
Realizing that he perhaps had
overstepped the laws of propiiety
iu the presence of the ladies, he
miule amends by postponeing his
interview with the traveling man
until he readied town. Finding
him at the hotel, he encountered
him with a pummcling process,
resulting in a pair of black eyes
nud a generally battered condition
of his features. Those who wit
nessed the fracus from start to
finish were unanimous iu their ap
proval of the result. The unfor
tunate young man was logical in
his explanation of Ins gentlemanly
intent, but admitted that to his
knowledge there were a Bmall mi
nority of traveling men who de
serve just whut ho got.
To our personal knowledge, from
past association with thetu as a
traveling representative, we cau
vouch for the majority of thorn be
ing gotitlemeu iu every souse of
the word, and disposed to despise
the uncouth element, void of the
descency attributed to mankiud,
who cast more or lesB reflection
upon their profession, and the
merited punishmeut which they
encounter meets with their earuost
Those knowing this young man
to be a geutlemau, will deplore
the unfortunate circumstances that
led to his falling a victim to cir
cumstances that inflicted punish
ment intended for those who de
serve it.
Th manhood of the one who
oauio to th rescue of our women
is commendable.
Delinquent subscribers are re
quested to come forw ard and settle,
as it costs money to publish he
There is neither surprise nor
alarm in official circles on account
of yellow fever among our troops
in Cuba. Surgeon-General Stern
berg, of the army, said: "We
have anticipated yellow fever
among the troops and prepared
for it, and uever expected to get
through the occupation of the
island without some cases of the
disease. Major General Brooke
understands the situation. He
has as his chief surgeon a compe
tent officer, and anything called
for by him will be immediately
sent. That there may be plenty
of surgeons available, additional
immune surgeons have been order
ed to report to Dr. O'Reilly."
The latest gossip concerning the
candidacy of John R. McLearj, of
Washington and Cincinnati, for
the Ohio democratic gubernator
ial nomination, which is now be
ing openly pushed by Mr. McLean
himself, says that McLean has no
idea of being elected governor of
Ohio, but wishes to use the state
democratic machine and the prom
inence that may be acquired as a
candidate to help him ic his fight
to prevent Bryan getting the presi
dential nomination again. It was
first said that Mr. McLean was
after second place on the Bryan
ticket, but it now seems that his
principle desire is that there shall
be no Bryan ticket. Incidentally
he will let it be known to all the
democratic strikers that he is will
ing to put several of his millions
to boost a McLean ticket. It is
said that he has never forgiven
Mr. Bryan for objecting to bis
being given second place on the
ticket in 'ill!, and that he is de
termined to get even if possible.
Lhwh of Oregon od the fnliject Are Now oo
tlie Htatute Book.
Now that tbe hot weather in at band,
wbflu forest tires and Area of otber
obaracter are likely to Bet at any time,
tbe law on that subject may well be
printed, and read carefully by people
goiog into Ibe tuomtaiDa, eud who live
there or run sheep or oattle od the
mountain ranges. Tbe law reads;
Heotiou 1. If aDy person shall ma
lioinoflly, with intent to injure any other
person, kindle a Ore on bis own land or
tbe land of any otbe person, and by
means of such fire tbe buildings, fenoes,
orops, or otber personal property or
wooded timber lauds of any other per
son shall be destroyed or injured, he
nhall oo oonviution be pnnishod by
flue not less than $20, or by Imprison
ment in tbe oounty jail not leas than
three mouth nor more Ibau twelve
mouths, according to the aggravation of
tbe offense.
Heo. 2, If any person shall witbont
malioe kindle any fire in any field,
pnsiurp, enoiosure, forest, prune or
timber land not lit own, without tbe
consent of tbe owner, and the same
shall spread and do damage to any
buildings, fences, orops, cord wood,
hark, or other pridonal property uot his
own, or to aoy wood or timber land not
his own, he shall be punished by a foe
of not less tbpo $10 nor more than 8100
and costs, according to Ibe aggravation
of tbe offense, and shall stand com
mitted until tbe fine and ooata are paid.
Heo.8. Aoy person wbo shall enter
upon tbe lands of auolber person for tbe
purpose of buntiug or fishing, and shall
without the consent 'of tbe owner of
said lands kindle any fire tberon, shall
be pnuisbed by a fine not lesa than 810
nor more than $100; and it such firs be
kindled maliciously Bnd with intent to
injure any other person such offender
shall be punished by a flue not less than
$'20 uor more thau !f'2YJ, or by imprison
ment iu the oounty j til not less than
three months nor inure than twelve
8eo, 4. Any persou or persons who
hall willfully set tire to aoy wooded
country or forest belougiug to tbe stale
or tbe United Mutes, or to any pel son
or persous, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and npoo oon fiction be
fore a oourt of cinipetent jurisdiction
shall be punished by a fine uot riojeed
ing $1,000 or imprisoument not exceed
ing one year, or by both such floe aud
imprisonment: Provided, that nothing
herein shall apply to any person who io
good faith sets a bank tire to prevent the
extension o( fire already burning.
Heo. (i. It is hereby run.lo tbe duty ol
the governor of this stale o issue a
proolamatiou ou the firsl day of Jnly of
each year calling public attention lo
the provisions of this act and warning
persons agaiuei violating the same. It
is also made the dutf of
judge of Ibis slate to lead tbe provis
ions of Ibis sot to each grand inrt when
charging Idem as lo their dvttia.
bti. 7. Inasmuch as there is nrgenl
neoessily fur the protection of timber
and other proiierty b Hron. this hill
shall take etieot and be in foroe from
and af lr Us approval bv lbs govern ir.
KMed io lbs office of tbe secretary of
state February M, 188.
An Anirrlraa Kail mad la China.
Moneyed men from tha TTni
have seonred a franchise for building a
murium rrnrn itoog Kong to Van Kow,
China, a instance of nearly 700 miles.
While railroads are necessary lo a oa
lion's prosperity, health is still more
neoessary. A sick man can't makit
money if thre are a thousand railroads.
One of the reasotia why America is so
progrtmsive is ths 1M that in every drug
store ie sold Hostetters Stomaoh Hitlers,
thai celebrate,! tonie for trie weak, ap
petiser for lbs dyspeptio and sedative
for the uervons. li is taken with great
success by thousands of men and women
wbo are run down, pale and weak. It
increase tbe wsigbl, and Ibe gain is
permanent sn.i sunifanhal,
Tbe Ciamy Court Proceedings of tbe July
County oourt convened July 5th with
Judge Bartholomew, County Commis
sioners Beoket and Howard and Clerk
Crawford present, and transacted tbe
following business daring the three
days' session:
Following bills were presented and
C. H. Hams, pauper account .....$ 40 00
Oscar Shafer, stock Inspector 45 00
Dr. K. R. Hunlock, county physician 14 66
Mat Lichtenthal, treasurer's salary 83 33
V. Crawford, clerk's salary 400 00
A.O. Bartholomew, judge's salary 150 00
E. L. Matlock, sheritrs salary 340 00
J. W. Matlock, deputy sheriff 169 80
YV. L. Mallory, road and bridge acct 33 07
Glass Pnidhomme. stationery 10 00
Heppner Gazette, stationery 22 82
HL4W. Co., court bouse & jail acct. . . 9 00
L. Hamilton, road and bridge acct 30 00
Ed K. Bishop Co., pauper acct 2 00
J. K. Carr, court house and jail acct 10 00
J. Q. Halt, pauper acct 5 00
J. L. Yeager, pauper acct 45 00
In the matter of tbe appointment of a
sheriff of Morrow ooanty to fill tbe va-
oauoy caused by the death of E. L Mat
lock, it is ordered, adjudged and decreed
that Arthur Andrews be, and be is here
by appointed lo fill said vaoanoy
Inland Telephone & Telegraph Co 3 75
Irwin, Hodson Co., stationery 88 25
Conser & Warren, pauper acct 36 35
W. O. Minor, criminal acct 4 40
B. P. Vaughan, stationery 10 60
J.W.Shipley, Balary 142 40
W. L. Saling, deputy assessor 15 00
Slocum Drug Co., pauper acct 18 30
W. P. Snyder, same 17 50
A. M, Slocum, lumber 25 10
Gilliam (Si Bisbee, road and bridge acct. . . 39 90
0. W. Phelps, pauper acct 21 00
In tbe matter of examination of cer
tificates of claimants for bounty on
ooyote scalps, certificates examined and
Statement of emergency fund for Mor
row oounty approved and warrant for $75
ordered drawn io favor of oounty olerk.
Warrants Nos 172, for $8 and 173, for
115, in favor of H. A. Thompson, or
dered paid by connty treasurer, same
supposed to have been lost.
Petition of W. B. Parsons, et si, pray
ing that the polling plaoe in Welle
Springs . precinct be obanged to tbe
school bouse at Ella, granted.
Road application of Jaoob Bortzer, et
al, not properly describing tbe road, was
ordered oontinaed for the term.
M. S. Maxwell, assessor's acct
S. P Garrigucs, road aud bridge acct
J. W. Backet, salary
75 00
6 2 00
12 00
13 00
J, L. Howard,
Rhea & Welch, expense acct 5 83
T. R. Howard, pauper acct 2 10
J. F. Willis, assessors " 80 00
A. O. Bartholomew, fuel 85 00
W. M. Barton, pauper acct 128 50
Bond of Arthur Andrews presented
wilb Geo. Conser, E. It. Swinburne, O
E. FarnBwortb, Frank Gilliam and R F.
Hynd as sureties. Bond approved.
Bill of Multnomah ooanty for reim
bursement of (14 20, ioourred by Dan
MoLan a Morrow connty pauper, oon
tinned. Cost bill io oaee of State vs. T. G.
Aubrey, allowed as follows:
W. M. Haguewood, justice fees 10 55
W. T. McNabb, deputy coustable 4 90
E. Roberts, witness fees 3 50
Lloyd Roberts, same 3 50
Cost bill io oaae of Slate vs. A. G.
Ankeny, allowed as follows :
Wm. Haguewood, Justice fees 4 30
" " .- 11 00
Coat bill in oase of State vs. A. G.
Ankeny, allowed as follows:
Wm. Haguewood, justice lees 5 20
C. T. Walker, constable " 10 60
N. J. Hale, witness fees 1 50
R. K. Wllmot, same 150
Mat Halvorsen, same 1 50
M. Akors, same 1 50
Dr Reid, Juror 1 00
J. P. Louy " 1 00
John Orabill, same 1 00
Walter Carson, same 100
Chas. Martin, same 1 00
K. J. Snyder, same 1 00
Casebolt ii Reynolds, road & bridge acct. 18 00
Bill of Dr. E. H. Hunlock, $93.00, for
acting sheriff, disallowed.
In the matter of road No. : Now,
on this day tbe oourt onnsiderd tbe ob
struction of K W. Robinson to road No.
, and it appearing lo ths satisfaction
of the oourt thai their order al Ibe May
term, &'.), wherein he was directed to
remove said obstructions, was duly
communicated to him by the clerk of
this oourt, and it now appearing to the
court that said obstructions have not
been removed, it is hereby ordered that
tbe sheriff of this oounty proceed at once
to remove said obstructions and open
said road.
Report of viewers and surveyor in tbe
matter of road application No, 143, ao
oepted aud tbe following bills ordered
K. B. Stanton 3 40
Peter Brenner 3 40
J. W. Junes 3 80
V. t, Coffee. 2 60
Julius Keittilcy 8 20
In Ihe matter of claims for damages
by C. A. libea and J. J. Alston by reasou
of lay lug out road No 140, E. D Rood,
R. K. Simpson and Andrew Rsaney ap
pointed appraisers to meet on Thursday,
the 20th day of Jnly, 1890 at lbs hoar of
10 o'clock a. in. of said day to appraise
and assess damages, and report at the
next term of oourt.
In tbe matter of delinquent taxes
wan ant waa ordered issued for Ibe ool
leotion of tbe same.
In ths matter of painting tbs court
house, it appearing that 8. J. Leeier, to
whom tbe conlraot had bee, lei at $97.50
last September, bad tailed to comply
with Ihe same, it was ordered that oon
trsot be let to tbe only otber bidder, I.
N. Prater, whose bid was 125.
Court adjourned.
Oreatiraliy Nervuas,
tienls: I was dreadfully nervous, aud j
for relief took your Carl's Clover Root
Tea. II quieted my nerves and strength
ened my whole nervous eyr'em. I was
troubled with constipation, kidney and
bowel trouble. Tour Tea soon cleansed
my system so thoroughly that I rapidly
regained health and strength. Mr. 8.
A- Sweet, Hartford, Conn, Sold by
Owner Wsrrsn, j
ii r PI
Ml? l P I
il VlvUl llllvv OUlV it
it -it
it) w
Any Ladies' Shirt Waist in the
house for - -
Any Ladies' Straw Hat in the
house for - -
Ladies' Crash Skirts
Ladies' Duck Skirts, tan
" " " blue
trimmed in white
Ladies' navy blue Skirts, white
Ladies' worsted Skirts, small
plaid, flounced, placet but
tons, reduced from $3.00 to
Ladies' colored brilliantine
Skirts reduced from $2.25 to
Black brocaded brilliantine
Skirts reduced from $2.00 to
it m
it) w
it .
it) vv
si; w
it) w
it) 4
it) -m it
it Heppner,
The following interesting items are
from our regnlar correspondent, nnder
date of Jnly 16'b:
tiorn to tbe wife of Dan Potter a girl
on July 14tb. ; ,
W. B. MoAlister made Heppner a visit
last Tuesday.
Johnny Gault, wbo oelebrated at Port
land, is now baok again.
Heading is now in fall blast, crops be
ing prelty good this year.
Ethel Oentry and Kate Barton made
this plaoe a vieit Sunday.
Tbe painting of the school bouse was
finished last week, which looks quite
N. A. Leaob has just ereoted a wind
mill and water tank on his plaoe, wbiob
will le a great benefit.
The weather is so warm now the peo
pie are most of them wishing Ibey were
in tbe mountains, breathing Ibe pure,
fresh air.
T. H. Niobols new bouse on Water
street baa just been painted, and, from
tbe looks of affairs, Tom must be tbiok
ing of getting married.
Rev. Tboroughman preached a most
interesting sermon here Sunday evening.
The weather being so wirm, tbe seals
were moved out on tbe porob, wbere the
service waa held.
Mrs, Oentry aud family have moved
to town, having returned from Mou
mouth a short lime ago, wbere Miss
Gentry attended school, Bbe bas been
engaged lo teaob the primary depart
ment here.
Oo last Bnnday Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
White and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Barnett and family, Mr. and Mrs. N. A.
Leaob and family, Mr. and Mrs. R A.
Leaob and family, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Leach and family and T. B. Nicbols
spent the day with (heir aged mother,
Mrs. E. Tbompeon, tbe afternoon being
spent eating ice oream and cake, and en
joying a splendid time. E X
t'irratt Court I'l-octmiug.
At the adjourned lerm of Circuit
Court held here IpsI week, Judge A. 8.
Ixwell presiding, the following busiuees
was completed:
In Ibe matter of tbe estate of Eliza
Ann Plunkett, d ceased, tbe appeal was
W. T. Lord, et al vs. Adeline Howell
et al. Confirmed.
Beory Padberg vs. B. 1). Whitman et
al. Confirmed.
E. W. Rhea vs. J. N. Nealen. Verdict
for defendant and judgment on verdict
for $130 80 rendered.
E. K. rJwiobnrne vs. a T. Walker.
Settled and dismissed.
Mat Balverson vs. John P. Lony.
Verdict for defendant, and lodgement
Emma Welob vs. T. C. Aubrey. Set
t ltil and dismissed.
II. Ulat iman A Co vs. Wm. and John
Scrivuer. limi)teed.
ouWtamliiiK Morrow county warntiita rwn
tstrnHl prior K aud liivladiuc January
. ism, will he paid upou prawntaUon at th
ottW of ths treurrol said couuty. interest
v ltr th date At this initio,
l'atwl at Bppser, Or, Julv l, is).
M lMrirw o( Morrow County.
75c it
2.25 it
1.50 itv
Five Tailor Made Suits in blue, black
and brown serge to sell at actual
This Sale will continue until
all these qoods are gone.
There are about 50 pair of ladies',
children's and men's shoes left on
the bargain counter. We will sell
them at 50c a pair
Agents for Butterick Patterns
Queen Quality Shoes.
T. it)
3 it
Oregon. tj
O E. FARNSWORTH. President.
Wool. Storage and Forwarding. Grain.
Owned and Operated or tlie Wool
Growers of Alorrow County.
Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides and Pelts.
Finest Residence Property in the city for sale at a Bargain.
State Normal School
Monmouth, Oregon.
Training School for Teachers
New Buildings
New Departments
Ungraded Country School Work.
Graduates secure good poeitlooa.
Strong courses.
Well equipped training depart
meet. Normal coarse quickest and bet
way to state certificates. j
Kzoenw for Tcr Iron tiJO to i'.so. on bosrd ;
t2.ua to H 00 per week. Tuition 6..'5 cer term I
otten weeks. '
term tHKlna September 14h. Hummer (
term from June 27th to .S't'lmiber 1st.
Korr.t.logue, slilress
W. A. Wans, or 1. LCixniu.
SocreUry o( Faculty. freuaeut
J CT imiiii sal Wwute tlx Wtr.
I Pwwa s IsavaM frowth.
v' Urm Falls to BWi Qrmj
.Bur a Us TOKthful Ooiar.
, i - -f
Handled by
Conser & Warren
Are responsible for the sales made the past month.
First efforts of amatures are a decided success.
A pleasure to show our cameras.
We have just the outfit for a lady with artistic
Farmers Attention
The Best Makes of
Horse Rakes,
Binders and Reapers
Advances made on Wool and Grain in Store
Feed and Seed Grain always on hand.
Wool Sacks at cost to patrons.
Ed. R. Bishop Co
Successors to P. C. Thompson Co.
Make it easy for your wife
by getting her a new
Boss Wash
Guns, Pistols and Cartridges
Hardware and Groceries.
Ed. R. Bishop Co.
Good Goods....
Fair Prices.i
T. It.
Staple, and Fancy Groceries
Fine I'eas and Coffees. my
Tf J. HOWARD, Hoppner,
R. F. HYND, Secretary and Manager.
i w
- AT- -
Groceries, Provisions. Glassware.
Tinware and Furnishing Goods.