Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 13, 1899, Image 3

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l'ulilishcd Every Thursday.
Editor cua.3. Manag-er.
On Year
Six Month .
Three Month
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postofllee at Heppner, Oregon
Poor an! Weak
Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble
Had no Appetite-Now Better In
Every Way-A Delicate Child.
"Some time since I took a sudden cold
and could not get rid of it. Being subject
to catarrhand bronchial trouble I coughed
terribly. I lost my appetite and grew
poor and weak and I did not feel like
work. I betran taking Hood's Sarsapa
rilla. In a short time the cough disap
peared, I slept well, had a good appetite
and I was better in every way. Last
spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap
petite and no strength. I resorted to
Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more
like work. My little nephew was a deli
cate child and had a humor whicTi trou
bled him so he could not rest at night.
Be has taken a few bottles of Hoods Sar
saparilla and now he has a good appetite
and Is able to sleep." Miss Abbib J.
Fkebman, South Duxbury, Mass.
HOOCI'S Carina
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 81.
c Pi lie are fie best after-dinner
a mis j)iIl3i ai(l djgestj0n- 25c.
X J Or.,
, July 10, 1899.
Case, Ueorge McGian, Thos
KKan, MrJohu Morse, 8 B
Haas, Mr Henry R Peters, Mr Harry G
Holmau, Mr W L 8eiKel, Mr Thomas
Klise, Jlelvin Shilling, Mr A E
JjOtiKiellow. Mr W H Stone, Mr M E
MeFarren, Mr John Thompson, Mr. Martha
Wilcox. Mr W
When calling for these letters please say
advertised. B. P. Vauuhan, P. M.
Local Notes.
Advertise your wares.
Ioe cream and soda at Hart Bros.
Do you recognize the Hop Oold ad
id another oolumo ?
Hop Onlrj I the best beer made. Light
and delightfully refreshing.
Arthur Clurke, the new jeweler, is lo
oated next door to tbe oandy faotory. tf
Take your watches, olooks and jewelry
to Artbnr Clarke for repairs; be guar
antees satisfaction. tf
Dr. J, W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and defeots of the eye, will be here
every three months. 648-lyr
Arthur Clarke, tbe jeweler, is also a
practical watchmaker. Give him a trial.
He guarantees all bis work. tf
Best accommodations and courteous
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Washington streets, Portland.
If yon want Bankers' Life insurance
the cheapest and most reliable in exist
ence, call on 0. Merritt, Gazette office.
The Summer Benson introduces itself
Hart Bro's tender in an ioe-oream fest
ival. All are invited to their cool par
lors, tf
Stop that cough! Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 25c bot
tle of Shilob's Cure may save yonr life.
Hold by Conser &, Warren. x
Rufus Cochran, drove 75 head of good
looking horse through Heppner, Tunes
day from Silver Lake, to lone, where
they will be held for shipment east.
Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa
tion it's the best and it after using it
you don't say so, return package and
get your money. Bold by Cooser k
Warren. x
Catarrh oared. A olear head and
sweet breath secured with Shilob's
Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee.
Nasal injector free. Sold by Cooser &
Warren x
MiDor & Co make announcement in
tbeir advertising space that will cause a
run on tbe lice of goods tbey offer,
First come get tbeir oboioe. Read their
"ad" oarefully.
Tbe reservoir contributing tbe city's
watey supply was thoroughly oleaned
last night, and will obviate disorders
arising from drinking impure water dur
iog tbe hot spell.
For Constipation take Karl's Clover
Tea, the great Blood Furifitr, cures
headaohee, Nervousness, Eruptions on
tbe face, and makes tbe bead as olear as
a bell. Sold by Conser & Warren, x
The interior of Patterson A Son's well
arranged drug stoie is exciting much
interest, and the elegant show cases are
filled with a class of goods ss fine as can
be found in our largest fashionable
Shilob's Consumption Cure oures
where others fail. It is the leading
Cough Cure, and no boms should be
without it. PleasaDt to take and goes
right to the spot. . Sold by Conser A
Warren. x
The Fair calls yonr attention to neg
ligee shirts, lawn tennis shoes, erasb
Baits, white and silk shirts, boys and
men's summer suits. Read tbeir ad.
They are here to do business and not to
be lost sight of.
On Monday night, Frank UKkey, who
came bere for the benefit of his health
from the valley, died, and bis remaios
were returned to bis borne the next day.
He attended the picnic at Ltxington on
tbe Fourth.
Bert t.-Jmrh ImkmOomI. vm
1 have used Ubamberlin'n n,uioh
Kemedy id my family for years and al
ways with good results." says Mr. W. B.
Cooper of El Rio, Cal. "For small
ohildren we find it especially effeotive."
t or sale by Conser & Warren.
Last week tbe old Wm. Gordon baro
oppsite tbe Balvadere, was sold to tbe
H. T. Co, and will be moved at onoe to
tbeir headquarters near the depot. Park
Garrignes, who purchased tbe property
will ereot a business block on the cite
Monday night's train brought borne
Jas. Jones, Eli Keeney and Mrs. Jas,
Carty, who were digobarged simultane
ously from tbe St. Vincents hospital.
All left bere seriously afflicted and
return restored to perfect conditions of
Mrs. MoDougal, tbe woman referred to
recently, bere with several small chil
dren, from Monument, where her hus
band deserted her, aud whom tbe ladies
in tbe town solicited a snug sum for,
bad tbe misfortune to lose her infant
child, last week.
There will be no services at the M. E.
oburob, South, next Sunday, exoept Sab
bath sohool and league. Tbe oongre
gation will bear President Penrose of
Whitman college. Tbe pastor will be at
tbe basket meeting on Rhea creek, near
J. J. Adkiiis' home.
James Keeney has in pasture near
town 75 head of horses, which he will
ship EbBt Satarday. His horses are
made up of three classes draft horses
roadsters and smaller range horses,
His purpose is to test tbe market
thoroughly, as be has yet remaining
several hundred head.
Persons contemplating purchasing
residence property in Heppner In order
to take advantage of our unrivaled
eobool facilities will do well to oall on
or address L. W, Briggs who has tbe
choicest looation in Heppner. Four and
one third lots, small bouse on on0, wil
sell in pieoe or divide. tf
810 Reward Lost iu tbe road adjac
ent to Lexington paik, July 5th, a gold
watob, with the name of Henry Weloh
engraved on tbe inside case. If returned
tbe reward will be paid aod the kindness
appreciated by Otis Welch, of Rbes &
Weloh. Tbe watch is alone valuable to
him as a gift from bis father.
The announcement of tbe Sixth An
nual Spokane Industrial Eqposition has
reached us. Tbe enterprise of this oily
was truly astonishing to tbe Eastern
editors, and marvelous tales of its won
derful growth and business bustle will
sweep the continent. "Advertising" is
tbeir motto, and - no undertaking too
great for them. This expositioa is bound
to be a success.
Dr. Penrose, of Whitman Collego,
Walla Walla, will lecture, morning and
evening, July 16th, at tbe Christian
ohurob. As a speaker he has but few
equals in this country, and comes highly
recommended by suoh meu as Judge
Lowell. His principal inbjnot will be
"Oregon's Greatest Hero," and will be
listened to with interest by those who
are fortunate enough to attend.
He sat at bis door at noonday, lonely,
glum and sad. Tbe flies were buzzing
about bim, led by a blue winged gad
Not a customer darkened his portal, not
a sign of business was there ; but tbe
flies kept buzzing about tbe old man's
hair. At last io misery be shouted :
"Great Scott I I'm covered with flies!"
And tbe zephyr that toyed with bis
whiskers said : "Why don't you adver
tise ?"-Ex. ' .
Rev. Tborongbman interviewed the
Gazette yesterday morning aod reports
an interesting meeting at Mountain
Valley last Sunday. Next Sunday a
basket meeting is on tbe program at
Rhea oreek, near J. J. Adkios' borne.
Rev. St. Clair will preach the ceremony.
These basket meetings are interesting
events with the people of that seotion
and are well attended. Heppnerites who
have attended heretofore are entbusias
tio over them. Rev. Tborongbman is at.
energetic worker and keeps up a lively
interest. A oordial invitation is extend
ed to everybody to attend.
Mr. Tom Stubblefleld came over from
Monument to assist in oareing for Pry
Wilson, and reports to the Gazette tbat
Mr. Wilson's oondition is very ranch im
proved, and if he can be taken to bis
boms where be can be kept qniet and
administered to by members of nis fam
ily, be will recover speedily. His two
sisters, Mrs. Blaok, of Portland, and
Mrs. Daugberty, of Pendleton, are bere
at bis bedside, relieving bis wife of ber
constant vigilance, which has been a
severe tax on ber. Mr. Stubblefleld will
accompany him oo bis return home la a
day or two If he continues to improve.
Scribbler in Atbena Press: In July
tbe grain assumes a golden hue, and
warns tbe ranoher what he soon must
do ; he dons bie cotton harvest clothes
aod straight way to the harvest goes.
He thiuks to Jinqnidate an honest debt,
but tbe more be liquidates, tbe more
be'll sweat. In July tbe women insist
on starting firee; and men who flab are
just the isms old liars; tbe frisky maid
en boms from school wear brindle shirt
waists tbat would scare a mule,' aod
hungry kids witb voraoioae appetite, try
to eat up everything in sight, inoluding
green apples, jam aud jelly-cake, and
then tbey have a time witb tbe -neuralgia
in their gizzards.
To tbose interested in cycling meet
ing has been arranged to be held io tbe
Blumentbal store bnilding, Sunday,
July 16tb, at 3 p. m., witb a view to or
ganizing a bicyole club for Heppner.
All interested are requested to be pres
The Steam Uasdry.
Fred Krag, proprietor ol tbe Heppner
9team Laundry, baa bad the good for
tune to secure tbe servioes of a first
class lauodryman from tbe city and is
now prepared to give Heppner as good
service as is to be bad in Portland.
Special rates given on family washings.
Tbiaisa long needed enterprise aod
dMrv tb jnpfjr! 'A peppiff W
Nat Scott, caiuo over from Loue Rock yester
day. Mr. aud Mrs. John KUkeuuy registered at the
Palace today.
Q. W. Chapiu, of Hardiuan, was iu Heppner
the first of the week. ,
M. L. Maxwell, Ione's notary, joined his
lather here yesterday.
Press Cresswell and family have returned
from the McDuHee Springs.
E. 8. Cox of Hardman paid the Gazette office
an agreeable call this week.
Mr. J. V. Crawford returned to his home at
Enterprise on Monday's train.
P. C. Holland, the Pacific Paper Co's. repre
sentative was with up again this week.
John McCarty, the Union Meat Co'i. cattle
bjyer. Came up Ironi Portland Tuesday.
Frank Sloan, the Butter creek cattle king, it
recruiting In Heppner the past few days.
Tom Rhea and wife are yet sojourning iu
Portland, where they went to enjoy the Fourth.
W. L. Smith, Mat Balvorsen and Bert Mason,
Ioneites, were here this week atteudiug court.
E. L Cox, D. H. Jenkins and C. H. Hams of
Hardman were in town on business this week.
On Saturday, Fred Bock returned from Port
land, his wife remaining for a short visit with
her parents. - -
Chas. Riugler, representing the Evening Tel
egram, paid Heppner a visit yesterday in the
interest ol that paper, -
Oscar Johnson, formerly a Salem dry goods
merchaut, but now a heavyweight "knight ol
the grip," done Heppner yesterday.
George Parker, editor oi the lone Post, spent
yesterday in Heppner. Mr. Parker is an ener
getic hustler and is reaping a satisfactory re
ward. .
M. M. Hunter, the lone hotel landlord, is
seriously ill, calming the community consider.
able anxiety. It is to be hoped that he will
D. W. Ilalston, of Portland, the well known
cattle buyer, has been traveling the interior
gathering in stock. He bought quite a number
of cattle and sheep. ,
8. A D. Ourley, the wide-awake Arlington
attorney, was here at the close of the circuit
looking after interest of his clients. Mr. Gurley
enjoys a nice practice in this section.
Mrs. M. M. Hunter, accompanied by Mrs Wm
Ross, registered at the Palace Tuesday night,
spent the next day shopping with our mer
chants. The many friends of Mrs Ross were de
lighted to see her in excellent health,
P. F. Chandler, editor of the Grant County
News, on his return from the editorial conven
tion iu Portland, arrived here on Friday night's
train. Mr. Chandler report a trip that all
newspaper men should have enjoyed.
W. B. McAlister came up from Lexington
yesterday, having settled up the affairs of the
4th of July celebration, He expects to go to
Pmtlaud to welcome the return of the volun
teers, his son, H. L., being a member.
G. W Maxwell, of Hardman, returned from
his Eastern trip Tuesday night, and recites
with interest the changes since he was back to
the old home 16 years ago. The three months
he was absent were spent In Ohio, Pennsylvania
and West Virginia principally.
Woolbuyers, Frank Lee, Frank Green, and
George Fell, the latter accompanied by his
family, deserted this field on yesterday's train,
as the wool stored here has been sold. They
will drop In occasionally iu order to remind
their numerous friends that they have not been
swept form the face of the earth.
Miss Ida Baker, an estimable young lady from
Colfax, accompanied Miss Nellie Brown, of
Canyon City, well known here, on her returu
from a visit there, and both are now the guests
of Sir. and Mrs. George Whiteis. Miss Brown
expects her father here this week with a pri
vate conveyance for her return home.
Mr. John B. Beal. of Forest Grove, Weds Mis
Eva A. Brians, of this City.
A very pretty hone wedding took
place last evening at the lovely cottage
home of Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Vaugban, iu
the presence or fifty intimate friends.
ben tbe marriage of tbeir daughter,
Miss Eva A. Brians, to Mr. John B.
Beal, of Forest Grove, was solemnized.
Tbe parlors were tastefully deoorated
with evergreens and beautiful flowers.
The bridal party entered tbe parlors to
the strains of a wedding marob by Mies
Cora Hart, and under tbe oanopy of ap
pmpriate floral emblems Rev. Shelley
read the beautiful servioe of the Chris
tian church, uniting the twain in happy
marriage relationship. Tbe maid of
honor was Miss Maggie Adkina, and
tbe groom's attendant, Mr. Oreo Brians.
The bride was dressed beoomingly in
white, with deoorations of roses, and
looked exceedingly oharming. At tbe
conclusion of the ceremony a sumptuous
spread was enjoyed by the fortunat"
guests. While Mrs. Beal is te be con
gratnlated in the possession of a bus
band whose refinement, education and
moral character is so apparent, tbe com
munity give ber op under remoostranoe,
as, in ber capaoity as postmistress, un
der the dootor's administration, she bs
endeared herself to every member of lb
community. Her refinement, pleasant
manner, application to business anil
kind treatment of all have made for he
a host of friends. Mr. Beal was reoentlv
elected to tbe prinoipalsbip of the Cor
nelini schools, and will begin with th
September term. Their home will bi
In Forest Grove, for wbicb place tbey
will leave tommorrow night.
Tbose present were: Hon. W. R. and
Mrs. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. V. Crawford,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wbiteis, Mr. and
Geo. Conser, Mr. and Mrs. Cor lies
Merritt. Rev. and Mrs. Shelley, Mr. aod
Mrs. Eugene Noble,' Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Ball, Mr. andMrs. J. D, Brown,
Mr. and Mrs, C. A. Minor, Mrs. E. W.
Shut!, Mrs. Alice Barr, Mrs. E. J.
Slocum, Mrs. Edith Hindle of Day tec,
Mrs. J, W, Rasmus, Mrs. Dr. Garoaey,
Misses Welch, Lena Rhea, Estella Rbea,
Nettie Shelley, Lena Glasscock, Nellie
Brown, Oora Hart, Etta Minor, Maggi"
Adkios, Lutie Farnswnrth, Lutie Kae
mus, Lillian Bisbee, Edeth Vaughn aod
Miss Garnsey. Messrs Geo. Robinson,
Jas. Hart, Orville and Fraok Rasmus,
FraBk W. Roberts, G. W. Phelpe, W
L. Baling, M. B. Galloway, Oreo, Forest
and Hary Brians and Oreo Vaogabo.
Tbe following is tbe list of beautiful
John B. Beal, a silver tea servioe t
his bride; Mr. aud Mrs. Philip Beal, wi
town lot in Forest Grove, and set f
silver knives aod forks; Mr. aod Mr.
8. B. Waters, silver pickle castor; Ore l
M. Beal, glass water set ; Dr. and Mr.
Vaogbao, .silver cske basket; Edet'i
Vaogbao. table linen; Mr. and Mrs. F.
G. Hindle, eilver sod cot glass tote a
tete set; Mrs. Ii. i,. 8bI!ey. wetir
pitcher aod bread and batter plate;
Jtf; w ily?f fr.nthpjf.k
Remember it was The Fair that
in Heppner! ! !
White Shirts
White Laundried
reinforced bosom
Only 50c.
Crash Suits
Summer Comfort
the world over.
$1.99, $2.48, $2.79 $3.20
Best 4-ply Linen
Best 4-ply Linen
Culluloid Collars
A varied assortment of very neat
years of age. These suits are as fine
York City. The goods and trimmings
Jind now the entire world
Knows this perfect -product
As the Star Brewery beer
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
holder; Nellie Brown, gists wine set;
Frank Bssmos, water set; Mrs. L. E.
Estes, hsDdkerobief ; Orville Rasmus,
silver salt and pepper shakes; Lutie
Rasmus, silver oapkia riDgn;Lena Rbea,
cold meat fork ; Estella Rbea, silver bon
boo spoon; Mr. aod Mrs. Geo. Cooser,
silver knives and forks; Jesse and Nellie
Shelley, silver sjrup pitcber, Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Irwin, taole linen and nap
kins; Mr. M. D. Olark, silver bread tray;
Oora Hart, silver tea spoons; O. W.
Phelps, silver card receiver; Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Brown, napkins; Etta Minor,
piotare bud frame; Frank Roberta, silver
pickle castor; Maggie AdkiDS, silver
soap ladle; Mr. and Mrs. V. Crawford,
silver cuke basket; Lena Glasscock,
water set ; Mrs, Dr. Garnsey, lamp; Miss
Clara Garnsey, oups aod sanoers; W. L.
Salioir, silver bon boa basket; M. B. Gal
loway, silver coffee spoons; Mr. and Mrs.
O. A. Minor, silver and oat glass oslery
dish; Mr. and Mrs. Merritt, fruit dish;
Mr, and Mrs. Shott, silver berry spoon;
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sloonm, silver batter
dish; Mrs. Barr, silver berry spoon; Jas.
Hart, oat glass and silver berry dish;
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, grape stand; Emma
Weloh, bread tray ; Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Noble, sflsd set; Misses Hopkins and
Bisbee, silver syrup pitcber; Mr. G. I.
Robinson, salad set; Mr. aod Mrs. M. E.
Ball, silver pie knife aod salt and pepper
sbakere; Mr. and Mrs. Wbiteis, tea set
and napkins; Lutie Fsrnswortb, sugar
shell ; Mrs. Walton Young, set of China
plates, oops and saocers.
Header for Hale.
A good second-hand Haioes header, in
good repair, with three header boies,
tor sale obeap.
Lexiogtoo, Or.
Tbe Klk Brsteimnt.
4 new deal!
Twenty-five cents for a first-class meal.
Everything tbe market affords, dished
np by a first cook. Try us.
C. 8. Hintoh, Proprietor.
1 r ..Tr
In order to raise raioey to satiHfy
creditors and place Mat Helvorsen oo
bis feet, we are compelled to make a
'great saorifloe in merchandise of all
kinds ior the next sixty or nicety days,
j We shall keep a complete line of staples,
' selling same at cost of bandlinir,
; Mai Hi.vok;.s.
Gao, E. WuAjrron, - inn f)?
Fancy Percale snifis
Endless Variety
Sold everywhere
for $ 1 . Only 50c
Collars" 10c.
Cuffs 15c.
- 5c.
A few Swell Suits left Your last ehanee.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
On draught at
all popular saloons
Mrs. P. B. MoBwords Departa With Her
Daughter Mary.
On last evening's train Mrs. P. B. Mo
Bwords, aooompanisd by ber daughter,
Miss Mary, departed for Boston, where
tbe young lady will attend oollege pre
paratory to entering the conservatory of
muslo. Mrs. MoBword will be joined
by ber mother from Ohio and tbey will
take np their residenoe in Boston, ex
peoting to remain ontil Mary has finished
ber education. Both Mrs. Mo8wjrds
and Mary will be sadly missed by tbo
people of Hoppoer, as tbey have con
tributed to the social pleasures of our
isolated little city. Iu honor of tbeir
departure on Monday evening Mr, and
Mrs. Geo. Cooser tendered them a tare
well dinner, with tbe following friends
present: Mr. and Mrs. Redfleld and
daughter; Dr. and Mrs. P. B. McSwords
and Miss Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Brook, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Jones, Mr.
and Mrs. Waldon Rhea, Mrs. Fred Bar
tholomew aod daughter, Mrs. Q. A.
Rbea. At its conclusion a social even
ing was enjoyed. Tbe following even
ing Mr, and Mrs. Rndfleld entertained
them in a like manner. ,
At the train a large delegation of
friends, bid them good bye, with regrets
that tbeir stay will ba neoessarily pro
longed. Mary will surely retorn to
Heppner a charming and accomplished
yonug lady.
Tbe Mew Draper.
The Akere t Co's new patent draper
will be sold by Oilliam k Bie bee this
season. It is tbe beat, cheapest and
most durable on tbe market.
Person troubled witb diarrhoea will
be interested in tbe expierience of Mr.
W. M. Bush, olerk of Hotel Dorranoe,
Providence, K. I. He says: "For sev
eral years t have been almost a constant
sufferer from diarrhoea, tbe frequent
attacks completely prostrating me and
reodering me unfit for my duties at this
hotel. About two years ago a traveling
salesman kindly gave me a small bottle
of Cbamberlin's Oolio, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. Moeh to my sur
prise and delight its effects were im
mediate. Whenever I felt symptoms of
tbe dieeaee I would fortify myself against
tbe attack with a few doses of tbls vh!u
able remedy. The result bas been very
satibfaotory and almost oomplete relief
I from tbe afHictlpn." Fnr rale by f inser
k Wsrren, -. ' ' , ...
made values better and prices lower
Madras Shirts
The Latest and Finest
neglige Shirts.
Very Swell
Worth $1.50. Only 95c
and 98c...
White Vests - - $2.38
Silk Vests - - - 3.39
Madras Vests - - 1.75
Elegant Patterns
Exceedingly Swell.
A Swell Line of Gents Ties.
A Swell Line oi Gent's Nightrobes.
Best make of Overalls 39c.
and stylish suits for
as can be bought in
are the finest.
A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel
Every Modern Convenience.
Drummers' Resort. Stockmen's Headquarters.
One of the finest equipped Bars and Clubrooms
in the state in connection. .. .
First-Class Sample RooiiiwS.
For Business Heppner Is one of the Leading
Towns of the West.
Ws are all out ior the
But you can make them all take your dust If you
The' most reliable and easiest running wheel on earth.
Just ask a Rambler rider about it.
Here it is. Isn't it -a Beauty?
Only $40.
IDEALS, next best, at $25 and $30.
All Htted witb the great O k J olinober tiree. Anyone can repair them quickly
without tools or previous sxperienoe. I do all neoessary repairing, not due to
misuse, fro of obarge for the season of "M."
Second hand wheels from 85 up. A full line of oyole goods constantly on band
at Portlaod prioes.
All kinds bl rapturing and all work gnaranteed. If you have anything that needs
fixing bring it in. Bloyoles to rent, 'ZTo per hour.
Mfiop Jusst Imolt of Welles He Co'm store,
J. IT, Richardson. Heppner Or.
jjlhe Spa!
Fancy Groceries
The Best of Everything.
Just what you
need for warm
weather, in camp.
Genuine comfort
60 and 68 cents.
boys from 3 to I2
Portland or New
T. B. WHITNEY, Proprietor.
Strictly First-Class
Telephone 13 4 rings. )
Smead & Co.
Ice Cream
yy y Parlors.
Oregonlan and Telegram agency.