Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 13, 1899, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Thuksday, July 13, 1899.
la the title of a dimutire patent
outside sheet, the enterprise of E.
M. Shatt, the Times editor of this
city, to "bob up" in the little vil
lage of Hardman, this county, this
week. His assurance to that com
munity is that the land notices
will pay the expense of its publi
cation, and the town is to have a
real Jive paper of its own, com
paratively without cost (?), en
abling Hardman to exist inde
pendent of the press of the county
seat. To the thinking classes
these small "pills" are simply
neauseating. and are in a short
time consigned to the shelf of
dark closet What is wanted by
the intelligent taxpayers of a
county is a paper pribted at home,
embodying the local and court
news, which are vital to their in
terests. A medium through which
the business men can correspond
with the agriculturists and stock
men, upon whose products they
can depend for an existence. The
interest and value of this publi
cation depends entirely upon its
local support. IE tne paper is in
ferior in point of news and matter
pertaining to the county interests,
it is because the community fails
to encourage a capable and worthy
newsgatherer. Just as sure as an
enterprising local newspaper drops
out of existence, just so sure will
its locality, its individuals and its
business sink into obscurity. As
Heponer stands today, the busi
neas center, the county seat of
Morrow county, its comparison is
that to the hub of a wheel, around
which revolves the energy, enter
prise and prosperity of the county,
and the thrift with which the
county endows us alone draws the
attention of capital and admiration
to us. The closest ties of friend
ship should bind us together. In
terest in each other should not Hag
for a moment. The Gazette, un
der the present management, is
not here a secessionist, dancing
small factions away from the cen
ter. It is here for.the purpose of
solidifying the county interests
ana exciting rivalry only across
the boundary lines of its reserva.
entire Filipino army, and put an
end to the revolt in short order.
A little patience is sometimes a
good thing to have. General Otis
is an experienced commander.
He knows what to do, the obstacles
before him, and that he can have
anything he asks for from the ad
ministration to accomplish what
he is there to do. He has not had
a single reverse since assuming
command in the Philippines
Therefore, there is not a single
valid reason for supposing that
every Tom, Dick and Harry knows
better what he needs and what he
ought to have than be does him
self, while there is every reason
for confidently trusting that he
will succeed in due time in putting
down the revolt, and that none of
the direful predictions of bis fail
ure will be realized.
By yesterday's express we re.
coivcd three copies of the souvenir
of Oregon, printed and published
by 1'easlea Bros., of Portland, for
the National Editorial Association.
It is well edited and handsomely
illustrated and beyond any ques
tion the must elegant and artistio
publication of its kind ever pro.
duced in America. It speaks
volumes for the Htale of Oregon
Rud every community called upon
for co-oporation in its issue, failing
to respond, now have occasion for
To Usury Heppner and Hon.
J. L. Morrow, its patrons, Morrow
county and the city of Heppner
are indebted for a handsomely
illustrated page and a general
writeup of the county by the
editor of the Gazette. The enter
prise of these too founders of our
prosperous little city and county
entitles them to its first historic
consideration. Every member of
the association will carry to their
respective communities a copy of
it, and its content, published to
the world, will place Oregon in
recognition as a progressive state,
with resources, second to no state
in the Union.
The business of the Patent
Office, alwaya profitable to the
government has become more so
than ever under the capable ad
ministration of Commissioner
Duell. The weekly receipts of the
office are now averaging about
$5,000 more than they did a year
ago, and the number of patents.
trade-marks and labels issued last
week, was greater than have been
issued in one week since the spring
of lo'JU. when the record was
Poktland, July 8 Io tbe state oiroait
coart today tbe jarj io tbe esse of Mrs.
Amelia Jester against Lipman, Wolfe &
Co. returned a verdiot awarding Mra.
Jester $2500 damagea. Mra. Jester bad
been an employe of tbe firm and was
accused by hai of pilfering from tbeir
tore. She sued for 10,000 for false
imprisonment and defamation of ouar-
Chicago, July 5 Tbe tribune prints
atatistioi from 62 of tbe prinoipal cities
of the Dation, showing tbe results of
patriotio fire on July 4. Tbe number of
killed reported is three; injured 1074.
Fire losses due to fire works, $149,105.
Of lnjared 627 were bar! by cannon
orackers, 113 by toy cannons, 60 by
powder explosions, 5 9 by sky rooketp,
143 by guns and revolvers and 15 by
stray ballets.
It is expected that wheu Presi
dent McKinley returns to Wash
ington, ho will issue orders for the
recruiting of a volunteer force, not
necessarily to be sent to the Phil
ippines, but to be organized, drill
ed, and kept in readiness as an
emergency force, in case Gen. Otis
should decide at any time that he
needs more men than have already
boeu ordered to him. The admin
istration isn't a bit worried about
Gen. Otis, notwithstanding the
ravings of the hair-triggered edi
tors about the danger he is in, by
reason of Aguinaldo's alleged
preparation to attack Manila with
the largest Filipino army that line
yet been in the Hold. On the con
trary, the administration knows
that General Otis would regard it
as the greatest good fortune for
Aguinaldo to march his army
agaiubt Manila, as it would give
him exactly what be has been try
ing eo hard to get an opportunity
to fi)?ht pitpJjJ battle with h
Grant County White Men Kesort to Savage
Again bomes tbe information that
viscions olass of oowardly while men
motions to advertize themselves to tbe
world, as worse than the onainal sav
ages, io their methods ol intimidating
sheepmen. Andy Tillard suffered a loss
of almost 100 bead last week, and reach
ing the oamp the day after the shooting,
tbe pitiable condition of the badly
wounded sheep and lambs, some witb
legs shot off, others with tbeir jaws
hanging in shreds, prompted a desire on
bis part to serve the perpertrators in tbe
same manner, hits herders report two
men visiting tbe oamp previous to the
shooting making such inquiries as to
the number of men in the vicinity etc
and retiring as they oame. it was not
long until five men emerged from tb
brush, the two previous visitors most
oonspicious, and leveling guns at the
herders, one of whom bad a gnn, order
ing bim to drop it. The five guns, within
a few feet of htm, bad tbe desired effeot
and dropping bis gun the two obeyed
orders to move on when, one of tbe two
men wbom, they recognized, oame for
ward and took possesion of tbe gun
Lining up they then fired volley after
volley into tbe baud of sheep, apparently
exhausting tbeir ammuoitMn. Com
pleting their dastardly work, tbey took
to the brush on the ran. A oamptender,
a hulf a mile away, beard tbe shooting
and moantiog bis horse reached the
soene just in time to see them skulking
away. A good thing tor tbem, he nog
leoteJ bringing bis Winchester, witb
wbioh be could bave "bunched" tbem
Mr. Tillard set out for Heppner bo
calling a meeting of oar best represents.
live men at the recorders' office, at which
were three prominent sheep ana cattle
men, of Grant oonnty, the particulai
were rehearsed, and assuranoe made by
Mr, Tillard that bis herders could ideal
ify tbe two men. tbe leaders of tbe out
til. It was the nnaminons opinion
I nose present that Ibis oase was one
justifying an effjrt to meet out jnstio
tJ tbem, and tbe Ciranl county men
assured the meeting tbat there ware
many oitiiens of Grant county wbo
would aid tbem, as tbeir inlerest suffer
alike from tbis lawless element, wbioh
tbe country should be rid of. Funds
neoessary to the prosecution were
pledged, when the meeting adjourned
nntlll such a time, as oonsaltation oould
be held witb lawyers best able to prose
cute tbe oase suocessf ally, wben a deft
cite eouoluaion will be reaobed.
Brief War News, Tele
graphic News Notes,
Etc.. Etc.
Nkw York, July 6 Robert Bonner,
publisher of tbe New York Ledger and
owner of famous horses, died at bis
borne in Ibis oily tonight. He bad
been ill for some months, yet was able
to be about until ten days ago. Death
was due to a general breaking down of
the system.
Governor Geer and Stair Io Ban Francisco to
Welcome Them.
By the Associated Press.
Han Fbancisco, July 11 Governor
Qeer, of Oregon, and bis executive staff
arrived from Portland today. They have
oome to welcome the Oregon volunteers,
wbo are dae here on tbe transports New
port and Ohio, which are expected to
oome io sight hourly.
Tbe inhabitants of this oity will be
warned of tbe approach of the trans
ports by tbe blowing of steam whistles
along tbe water front. A large fleet of
steamers and pleasure boats will go
outside tbe Golden Gate to escort the
transports to their anoborage.
Washington, July 11 The war de
partment expeots that the transports
Newport and Ohio, bringing tbe Oregon
volunteers, will reaoh San FrancisTo to
morrow. No limit has been placed by
tbe department on the time the regiment
will be allowed Io remain in Portland
daring tbe reoeption before it proceeds
to Vancouver for master oat. All ex
pense of transportation is borne by tbe
Bute Presa Anocltlon to Hold Its Annual
Session There Daring the Rtgatta.
The Oregon Press Association will
meet in Astoria about August 21, during
the annual regatta. It was intended to
bold a business session in Portland im
mediately after the adjournment of tbe
Editorial Association, but Albert Tozier,
wbo bad the matter in charge, was not
able to attend to it, owiug to tbe sudden
death of bis father. A good many mem
bers bave now returned borne, and others
accompanied the editora on tbeir trip op
tbe valley.
As there is not muob routine business
Io dispose of just at this time, the as so
oiation more readily feels disposed to
postpone tbe session until August.
Promising Property In Skylark Camp Owned
by Spokane Men.
Spokine Chronicle.
Under the supervision of John Dong
las, a force of men are working on the
Silver King claim, wbioh is situated in
Skylark oamp, and is owned by Spokane
parties. The Silver King lies in olose
proximity to the noted Skylark olaim,
and as far as work has progressed it Is
said the property is looking exceedingly
well, in faol, there is every indication
Ibat the shaft wbioh is being sunk is
nearing a large body of ore. 1 be Silver
King, as its name iodioalee, earriea its
prinoipal value in the white metal, of
wbiob some of the ore shows large quan
tities in the state kaown aa ruby silver.
The vein wbioh was somewhat narrow
on the surface is now widening out, and
altogether the work done has been at
tended with very satisfactory reHulta.
This mine is tbe oue in wbioh Hon.
Usury Ulaokmau, Geo. Comer and
others are largely Interested.
Aa AuierlrM Kallroad la I'kma.
Mouejed men from the Uuitel.HUte
have seenred a franchise for buildiuir a
railroad from Hoog Kong to Van Kow,
Oliiua, a iiilame of nearly 700 miles.
While railroads are utnvssary to a ua
lion's prosperity, health is still more
nectxisary. A sink man can't make
tuouey if there are a thousaud railroads.
One of the reasons why America is so
progressive is the faol that in every drug
store is sold Hostetters Stomach Bitters, !
that celebrated louio for tbe weak, sp
pstixerfor the dyspeptic and
for tbe uervons. ll is taken with grest
snoeM by thousands of men and women
wbo are run down, pale and weak. It
inorsates fb weigh , aod the gain Is
psrnjsoenl and snnslantiwl. " 1 "
(the Wu Murdered.
Commenting upon the death of Violet
Johnsin, a Portland paper says: "Dr.
Do d hod, a physician, wbo carefully ex
amined tbe body at tbe request of tbe
aotiug oorooer and tbe gentlemen from
Arlington, gave it as his opinion tbat
ana Dad oeen mardered. There were
braises on ner fsoe, Dreast and arms,
showing black and blue marks as if
made witb a smooth olub. Tbe akin was
broken in several plaoes. She was
either killed outright and thrown into
tbe river, or else knocked senseless and
put into tbe water. Violet baa been io
Arlington about three months, having
come from Heppner. It is said tbat sbe
was married once, but left her husband,
and that her parents live in Linn
oonnty, nesr Eagene. It is likely that
the people of Stevens oounty will give
the unfortunate woman Christian burial,
something better than a winding sheet
and an isolated grave witb only a rnde
headboard. Tbe grave strewn with
wild flowers plucked by hands of strong
men unused to such scenes, is located in
a wild, ragged epot close beside tbe
cruel river wbiob smothered ber life out.
Tbe Gaeoade mountain peaks rise op as
sentinels Io guard tbe lonly resting place
of tbe unfortunate, and tbe tall fir trees
mingle their dirges with tbe mournful
ripple of lbs great Columbia. Whatever
her lite may have been, it was precious
Io ber aod no one bad a rigbl to take it
from ber. Her slayer ought to be meted
out the same fate as his victim. John-
spa was not tbe woman's right name.
8be lived in Ibis oity for a shot! time in
the sporting ciroles of North Portland
and was considered above the average
of her elasa. Mhe left her borne about
three years ago to enter npon a wild
career and it is said tbat bar folks never
tried to reclaim her. They may yet give
ber more nf a rivilitsd burial, which Is
I lie last aud otilv thloit the can do."
H f -
iiv w
it .
SMinor & CoM
ii Hennner. Oregon.
H AX ' O
Any Ladies' Shirt Waist in the
house for - -
Any Ladies' Straw Hat in the
house for -
Ladies' Crash Skirts
Ladies' Duck Skirts, tan
" " " blue ...
trimmed in white
Ladies' navy blue Skirts, white
trimmings - .
Ladies' worsted Skirts, small
plaid, flounced, placet but
tons, reduced from $3.00 to
Ladies' colored brilliantine
Skirta reduced from $2.25 to
Black brocaded brilliantine
Skirts reduced from $2.00 to
25c yjfr
75c S
75 Vi
2.25 ii
1.85 58
1.50 ft
Five Tailor Made Suits in blue, black ii
and brown serge to sell at actual fy
cost. ii
This Sale will continue until
all these qoods are gone.
There are about 50 pair of ladies',
children's and men's shoes left on
the bargain counter. We will sell
them at 50c a pair.
Agents for Butterick Patterns
Queen Quality Shoes.
Handled by
Conser & Warren
Are responsible for the sales made the past month.
First efforts of amatures are a decided success.
A pleasure to show our cameras.
We have just the outfit for a lady with artistic
Farmers Attention
The Best Makes of
Horse Rakes,
Binders and Reapers
State News.
Oakland had a very destructive fire last
Wednesday. Full one-third ol the business
part of the town was destroyed with very little
Baker City impressed the eastern editors
favorably. The luncheon wu a large success
and left pleasant memories of Eastern Oregon
lingering in the minds of the scribes,
The grist mill of Wm. ;Erwin, located two
miles from Silverton, burned about 2 o'clock
July 6th. The loss is $4,060, and the insurace
$2,S00 It had a capacity of grinding 40 barrels
of flour per day. The cause of the Are is un
known. W. H. Holmes as attorney for Wm, O. Magera,
condemned to be hung July 21, for the murder
of Ray Sink, his secured a certificate of
probable cause for an appeal to the supreme
court, which will be perfected immediately.
This will operate as a stay of execution until
the case can be heard in its regular order In the
supreme court.
John K. Davidson, the strong man from
Wild Horse, made a record ou the striking
machine at Weston on the 4th His best blow
was 212S pounds, the highest aver made on the
machine, which was brought here by an enter
prising person whose legs are both missing at
the knees. John Van Blyke hu 1950 to his
credit, and Charles Curtis 2000. '
Friday afternoon, says the Dalles Chronicle,
General John F. Miller and James Bybee ar
rived In that city, having made the trip from
Klamath Falls overland. Having disposed of
some real estate In that section, It wu their In
tention to return to Salem by the Lebanon
route. However, finding the snow so deep in
the mountains, they eame by the way of
Prinevllle. Both gentlemen are well up in
years, one 60 and tbe other 86, but they averaged
K miles a day on their trip.
Baby Kuth, a daughter of the famous trotting
stallion, Caution, owned by J. A. Baddeley. of
Weston, won a match race at Walla Walla last
Saturday with Roy 8, a Del Norte colt Mr.
Baddeley backed the caution colt to the extent
of $:!00, and Charles Burrows placed a similar
amount on the scion of Del Norte. Besides,
there were not a few side bets, and the race be
came an interesting one, both from a financial
standpoint and as a test of breeding. Ed (ilass
ford was behind Baby Ruth, and Mr. Burrows
drove Roy 8. The result was a walk-over for
the Caution colt She took the first heat In 2:30,
the second In 2:26 and the third In 2:26, and
was never In danger Weston Leader.
Indian George (raediclan man), found dead
near Bonanza Wednesday of last week, was
murdered. He had been dead for more than a
week before his body was found. The finding
of his nearly starved horse In the brush about
fifty yards from the road, led to tbe gastly dis
covery. The stench from the body had been
observed by passers by for several days, but no
one suspected that an old-time aboriglnee of
the country lay dead uearby. The back of his
head was crushed in. It Is supposed that Pitt
river Iudlans did the deed because of an old
grudge against the man, whose chantings Sin
the days gone by failed to bring bim renown as
a healer of the alck. "Murdered by unknown
persona," was the finding of the coroner's Jury.
Klamath Republican.
1100 RKWAKDt
Will be) paid for information leading
to tbe arrest and coorictioa of any per
son stealiog cattle branded "WH" con
nected on tbe left side. Waddle on tbe
nose. Pbrct HrjQBks.
Red Hot from the Gun I
Wee the ball tbat bit Q. 6. 8teadman I
of Newark. Miob.. in tbe Civil War. It j
caused horrible ulcers tbat uo treatment!
oedHtie belped for 3) years. l'btu Puokleu's Arn
ica Salve oured bim. Uurea oats, bruisfs,
burns, boils, felons, ooros.tkio eruptions.
Beet pile ours on earth. 25o a bos. Cure
e.niir;nf?. gti'tj T WjJCBH Pf djj g.
Where Will WeSpeadOar Sansier Vacation?
Tbis Is tbo time of year to think about
it, but before you daoide, writs for an
elaborate, illustrated pamphlet showing
uumeron pboto sugraved views o( (be
many attractions at tbe seashore and en
route, and advantages of the Columbia
river beeohee at reaobed by tbAtoria
aod Columbia IUver railroad. Three
hours aod thirty minutes from Union
deDOt. Portland, to t.m hnal ...
turuitioeot parlor ear wttbonl change
pr, transfer is convenience and luxury
few resorts osn offer. Such is the initial
attraotion of tha favorite resort.
J. O. Mo, Qeo'J P.. Agt.,
O. E. FARNSWORTH. President.
R. F. HYND, Secretary and Manager.
Wool. Storage and Forwarding. Grain.
Ownod find Opoircfttod toy tlio Wool
Growers of Morrow Oottut.
Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides and Pelts.
Finest Residence Property in the city for sale at a Bargain. tM-
Advances made on Wool and Grain in Store
Feed and Seed Grain always on hand.
Wool Sacks at cost to patrons.
State Normal School
Monmouth, Oregon.
Training School for Teachers
New Buildings
New Departments
Ungraded Country School Work.
Graduates secure good positions.
Strong courses.
Well equipped traiuiuj depart-meut.
Normal course quickest and beet
way to state certificates. j
Kxtnt for Tr from Il'JO to tlt-O. on board i
I.' 50 to ll tw per wtck.. Tuition S.6.J5 prr term'
ol ten weks. !
Fall term twins Member lih. Summer!
term from June 27th to September 1st. j
For dialogue, .ddress '
W. A. Wakn, or P. LCanpiill, j
Secreturr of Faculty. Freideut,
Ed. R. Bishop Co,
Successors to P. C. Thompson Co.
Make it easy for your wife
by getting her a new
Boss Washing
Guns, Pistols and Cartridges
Hardware and Groceries.
Ed. F. Bishop Co.
Gopd Goods....
Fair Prices.i
i. IV. HUH Alt US..
.S I Groceries. Provisions, Glassware,
Tinware and Furnishing Goods.
Staple and Fancy GroceHes
Fine lean and Coffees. n--ni
?' HOWARD, Hepimer.
CtoUM wd bmoufus Um halt.
FvomoM. t, Jonroal wnh.
Snn Fail to Hector. Cm
LHuf to if ToulMul Color.