THE HEPPHER GAZETTE Published Every Thorsday. BY OORLIES MEKRITT, Editor auicL mTan-agar. SUBSCRIPTION On Year . . Six Months Three Montha RATES SI. BO 78 BO Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofiice at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. Oil, Ho w Thankful Pain Was Maddening and Hope Had Been Abandoned Wonder- f ul Results of Purifying the Blood. "A very severe pain came in my left knee, which grew worse and worse, and finally a sore broke out above the knee. It discharged a great deal and the pain from my thigh down was maddening. Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my leg. I suffered in this way for years, .and gave up all hope of ever being cured. My wife was reading of a case like mine cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and she advised mo to try it. I began taking it and when I had used a few bottles I found relief from my suffering. Oh, how thankful I am for this relief ! I am stronger than I have ever been in my life. I am in the best of health, have a good appetite and am a new man altogether." J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine. OOCTS 3parifa Is the best In fact the One True Mood Purifier. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents. ADVERTISE!) LETTERS. T ETTER8 ADVERTISED AT HEPPNKH Or., Juno 26, 1899. Oorbin, Thomas Hale, W H Curran, John Janney, Fred Duncan, James Robbing, Bessie Hale, Ed (2) Robbing, Gerald When calling for these letters please say advertised. B. Vaughan, P. M. Local Notes. Toe cream and soda at Hart Bros. Saalp bounty blanks supplied by the Gazette. Put McDiiid now baa bia sheep at tbe mountain oBmp near Dale. Twenty ANo. 1, empty whiskey barrels for sale at the Belvedere. Alll sizes. Arthur Olnrke, tbe new jeweler, is lo cated next door to tbe oandy factory, tf Tbe "work on the roads" agitation baa died in town, but tbe teamsters keep up the discussion. Take your watohes, olooks and jewelry to Arthur Clarke for repairs; be guar anteed satisfaction. tf Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defeots of tbe eye, will be here every three months. 648-lyr Arthur Clarke, tbe jeweler, is also a practioal watchmaker. Give bim a trial. He guarantees all bis work. tf Dr. Hunlock has bis Dew bouse on Main street about completed, and will move in about the middle of July. John Ayers and family left for Bitter tbis week for a month's outing and at tend to tbe dipping of some sheep. Best accommodations and courteous treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Washington streets, Portland. If yon tvaot Bankers' Life insurance tbe cheapest and most reliable in exist ence, call on C. Merritt, Qazette office. Some of our looal foot raoers bave been practicing vigorously for tbe vari ous races at Lexington on the Fourth, The Summer season introduces itself Hart Bro's tender in an ice oream fest ival. All are invited to tbeir cool par lors, tf Tbe Eastern Star gave a delightful ice oream and strawberry sooial Friday evening, with musioal and literary features. Stop that oougb! Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle of Sbilob's Cure may save your life. Sold by Oonser & Warren. x Carry acoideot insurance forty years and notbine happens to you; let it lapse and you are morally certain to sprain your ackle or break your arm. Hart Bros.' windows are filled with Fourth of July goods. Everything necessary to make a tumult when tbe time comes to touch ths match. Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa tion it's tbe best and it after using it mn don't say so. return package and get your money. Sold by Conser Warren. x Catarrh oured. A clear bead and breath secured with 8bilob'a Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee Nasal iniect9r free. Sold by Conser & Warren x Th nnonle of Csnvoo City and Burns w r - i ' are making a determined tffjrt to get daily stage service. This will be im portant to Heppner, as tbe travel will come this way. Mrs. Cbss. Jones, who wss in close attendance upon Mrs. Ida Wilkinson, who died at the county poor bouse last week, oollapsed from fatigue, but has how reoovered, Mr. Cochran, tbe Monument merchant, has recently doubled the siza of his store, also his warehouse,, which indi cates thrift io business. The town is also building a fine danoing hall. Rev. Lindsey. the evangelist, who held series of interesting meetings Lere recently an a Baptist, we are informed, bas, together with bis wife, united with the First Christian oburcb in Portlaod. Ui Beat UHVb ttynip. TfcU Good. Vtt 1 Sunday, interior freight teams blooked Main street, affording Frank Johnson a snap shot, which be will add to bia col lection as proof of Heppner being tbe live town of tbe northwest. Fob Salb A splendid new Commen tary of eight (8) volumes, on tbe old and new testaments obeap. A bargain for some one. Call on or address Rev. St. Glair, Heppner, Oregon. For Constipation take Earl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, cures beadaobes, Nervousness, Eruptions on tbe face, and makes tbe bead as dear as a bell. Sold by Oonser & Warren, x Tbe town of Hardman seems to be enjoying somewhat of a boom, we are told. A new modern sobool bouse is being ereoted, several new dwellings and last but not least, tbe oity is to bave a newspaper. H. A. Murphy, the enterprising Monu ment merohant, has just received suffi cient water pipe to establish a water system for his bouse and premises, and will allow tbe "old oaken bucket" to hang idly in tbe well. Sunday and Monday tbe sky was over bang with threatening clouds, affording tbe farmers hopes for their crops, which are sadly in need of moisture. A slight rainfall came from them only, soarcely enough to benefit them. If you realized that you look worse than you feel in that last winter's suit, bat and shoes you are wearing you would look up Tbe Fair ad in another column, and get a light, stylish summer suit, before the Fourth of July. Miss Inez Biggs, late of tbe firm of Olds & King, of Portland, has established fashionable dressmaking parlors one door south of Book & Mathews' market, up stairs. Miss Biggs comes reoommeoded as thoroughly up-to-date in her art. An interesting artiole in MoOlure's Magazine for July will be an aooount of tbe "Soldier Polioe of tbe Canadian Northwest," with stories illustrating tbeir remarkable shrewdness, enduranoe, and bravery, It will be fully illustrated. New shoe shop, looated in tbe rear of Prater's paint shop, on Main street, where. G. W. Riggs guarantees all work in first-olass shape. Men's shoes balf soled for 65 and 75 cents. Ladies' shoes for 50 cents, and children's in proportion. We sre informed by both Robert Hynd and Phil Cohn, the warehouse men, that they prediot their warehouses entirely emptied of wool within the next few days. It is estimated that 8275,000 has been paid to our wool growers sinoe the first of tbis month. Heaven or hell awaits you. Beware! Be not deoeived. There is a right and a wrong way. On wbiob are you? Come to tbe Fentioostal servioes next Sunday at the M. E. church, South, and decided tbis greatest of all questions. "True and Sham Holiness," morning subject. League at 7:15. Come and welcome. Fred St. Clair, pastor. Information reaches us that Jess Stewart whith bis horses, is in a pasture three miles from Eugene after a rough trip through tbe Cascade mountains, enoouoteriog forty feet of snow at one point, necessitating snow shoes for tbe entire band. He lost only eight head of horses, getting tbe rest through in good shape, and has flattering prospects of disposing of all of tbem at a good figure. Tbe telephone line to Wagier from Heppner was oompleted last week. This is Wheeler county's first telephone connection with tbe outside world. In a few months Fossil, tbe county seat, will have a line to Wagner, and also bave quioker and obeaper oonneotion with the railroad at Arlington. The world do move, and Wheeler oounty ain't tbe tail end by a whole lot. Fossil Journal. Walla Walla's smallpox soars has kept .the citizens in a ferment, and everybody is being vaooioated. Almost a dozen cases bave developed, and at other points adjaoent oases have also developed. Every precaution is being taken to prevent its spread, aid it is tbe duty of all small towns io tbis northwest to be on their guard. Hood Biyer is also an affected point, where I bey have six persons in quarantine. Tbe best white rose for cemetery planting is Madame Plantier. It is a variety of some what slender growth, and on this aooount is sometimes termed a balf-cllmber. But it requires no trellis, being much more graoeful when allowed to train itself than when given a support of any kind. It throws up a great number of stalks, on which (treat quantities of milk-white double flowers are borne in dusters during June and July. July Ladies' Home Journal. Rev. St. Clair, accompanied by P. M. Howard, went to Lexington Sunday and organized a Methodist oburcb. After servioes io tbe grove, two young ladies. tbe Misses Baney, were baptized by immersion in tbe oreek. A great growd witnessed tbe ceremony, and the verdict was "beautifully done." Rev. Thorongh man at Lexington each first nnd third Sunday evening of each month. Ths new oburoh starts off most ausDioionsly. They will build at an early date. Last eveniDg there were some pretty heavy wool sales made here. I. Sicbel, of Prineville, sold bis last year's clip, oonsistinir of 200.000 pounds, to Mr. Smith, representing Jermiab Williams, of Ban Francisco and Boston. This lot of wool comprised several different grades some good and some inferior but tbe aversee prioe was in tbe neigh borhood of 13 cents. A. L. Mclotosb Ian unld about 25.000 pounds, reoeiviog 1VA cents, and Mr Mulligan disposed of some 10,000 pounds. limes Mono taineer. Halem is fast becoming a mooosbine town. Tbe oity council has discovered that it oaa save f 150 a month by sub stitutiog moonlight for electric lights aod threatens to let the towo go oo- litrhtAd until fall. Tbe Dalles baa natent ricbt on this discovery, and baa been practicing tbe mooosbine light for hont two yesrs. Aa a result aeverol ihnnnand dollars has beeo saved tbe iirnaiKi. an.i a cood deal of "cussing ham heen done by those who prowl around of nights when tbe moorj doo' ibioe.-Timee Mountaineer, Personal. Win. F. Matlock has returned to Alaska. A. B. Chapman, of Vinson, was In town Sat urday. Wm. Corsen has been added to Rhea & Welch's clerical force. Mrs. Bud Haney, of lone, la at the Palace hotel under medical treatment. James Hager went to Portland Tuesday for his wile, and Is expected back tonight. W. A. Campbell, the Penn Mutual life insur ance agent, spent a few days in Heppner this week. Al Roberts and family, accompanied by Miss Bertha Matlock, left for their home in Portland Tuesday. Ben Patterson and father returned from Portland. Ben's stock of drugs will arrive In a few days. Ell Keeney, who has been ailing for some time, went to Portland on Tuesday lor hospital treatment. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ashbaugh, of Eight Mile, has been seriously ill, but Is now convalescent. Dr. McFaul was called to the mountain home of Chas. Baker last week to attend bis son, who is afflicted with spinal meningitis. As we go to press, Frank Stewart, brother of Jess, steps into the office direct Irom the Forest Grove academy, where he graduated, bound for Grant county. Miss Louise Soan, who has been staying at Tom Ayers for the past few months, left on this morning's stage for McDuffee springs to spend the summer. Mrs. W. S. Fields, of Mt. Vernon, Miss Ella Lucsb, of Canyon, W. F. and 8. J. Williams and Miss Ella Williams, of Burns, were registered at the Palace Sunday. Mrs. Andy Rood and Miss Annie Rood left for Hillsboro on Tuesday's train, where they were summoned to attend the funeral of Mrs. G. A. Wehrung, a sister of Mrs. Rood. T. E. Green, buyer for J. and S. Koshland, wool dealers of Boston and San Fsanclsco, made his first trip to Heppner this week. His custo mary field is California and Arizona. . P. M. Curran, a brother of Mrs. Carty, who left last week for Portland, is in Heppner at pres ent. It 1b to be hoped Mrs, Carty will find speedy relief at the hospital, where she went for treatment. Pry Wilton, an old and respected citizen of Monument, was brought to Heppner this week and placed under the care of a physician. Hit condition Is quite serious, but It Is expected that proper care will restore him to good health. Mrs. Harry Bagley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tlios Rhea, came up from her Hillsboro home, and will pay her parents an extended visit. This is her first visit here since she was married, almost two years since. Her many friends welcome her return. Rev. Potwlne, the Episcopal minister of Pen dleton, spent a few days in Heppner, holding services last SuLday. While here he was en deavoring to urge along the building of the new church, the corner stone of which was recently laid. The local contractors are a trifle Blow In submitting their bids on the con struction, and it is hoped they will come to the front at once. County Judge Win. M. Cake, of Multnomah, also Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias, accompanied by Wm. Davis, arrived here Saturday from an interior trip, where they had been Instructing lodges in the work of the rder. Both gentlemen found many friends here, with whom they spent Sunday very pleasantly, Mr, S Q. Stratton brought them from Lone Rock. A Sad Death. Mrs. Ida Wilkinson, who was seriously burned at tbeir mountain camp last February and brought to the oounty poor house three, weeks . sines, diea at that institution last Saturday night and was buried tbe following day. Tbe particulars, as follows, ' are par ticularly sad: Tbe mother with her three obildren, aged 14, 8 and 5 years, respectively, were dependent upon the busbHnd and father who was engaged io wood chopping, and a night of intense cold, necessitated keeping a fire, owing to their scaroity of bedding, and the mother endeavoring to keep herself and little oDes warm made their bed dose to tbe fire. After piling on wood she laid down near tbe fire, and while asleep some embers fell in oootaot with ber clothing setting tbem on fire, and be fore she could exterminate tbe same, she bad been dangerously burned from ber feet to ber hips. For weeks the faithfol father and children administered to ber, until ber oritioal osndiiion necessitated ber removal to town. While in tbe in stitution she became a mother of babe that survived but a few hours, and since that time ber life bad been despaired of. Relief finally came. Tbe three remaining motherless obildren, we are informed, if possible, will be found homes with people who will oare for tbem tenderly. They are unusually bright, and will oomfort those who will befriend tbem. Who Will be Sheriff? Aspirants for tbe vaoanoymade by tbe unfortunate demise of oor sheriff are making it aomewbat tropical for the ooonty oourt. Were we gifted with the art of mind reading, or bad an X-ray we might be able to fathom the mind of Judge Bartholomew and enlighten tba anxious ones. Aa it is, we are com pelled to withhold the announcement, together with our "war-boop" until after tbe 6th of July, tbe regular session of tbe ooonty oourt, when the matter will be settled to tbe satisfaction of all (T) Like many others, we know what we would do, and tbe members of tbe honorable body bave been thoroughly advised in tbe matter. At the present writing, an interpretatun of the statute is not clear as to tbe qualified substitute Coroner Hunlook's jurisdiotioo, is seem ingly, limited. THE FAIR 3HH Remember it was The Fair that made values better and prices lower in Heppner! ! ! Summer Suits... From 81.99 up. Crash and Linen. These suits have caught on are going fast. Fine Vici Kid S2.13 up The last styles direct from the factory. No shelf-worn goods. Nobbiest colors and styles iixxrrxer' Halts From 24c up The latest styles on the market. We are having a run. Come at once and get your style. Shirt Waists, Skirts, Parasols 3 Ties, Shoes and Hose. For the Fourth of July! The stylish summer bar gains are just what you want for this occasion. They cost you but a trifle, and when you see them in the parade you will feel and look uncomfortable without one. Come and examine tliem. M ONEY RETURNED IF GOODS ARE NOT SATISFACTORY THE FAIR County Celebration July 4th and 5th, 1899 Chas. Tefft's Bon Ton Restaurant Sum -An Interior Views- . Best Service in Heppner. FURNITURE A New and Complete StocK The Hew Draper. Tbe Aksrs & Co's new patent draper ill be sold by Gilliam & Bisbee tbis aesson. It ta tbe best, cbeapssl and most durable on tbe market. NOTICB. In order to raiss money to satisfy oreditors and place Mtt Halvoraeo on bis feet, we are oompellsd to make a great sacrifice io merchandise of all kinds for tbe next sixty or ninety days. We iball keep a complete line of staples, aelling same at cost of ksndlioe:. Mat Halvobhbn. Quo. E. Wiubton, lone, Ore. Agent for li. Li. Habit). Heppner, LexiQgtor) and lone Unite their patriotism and celebrate at the Lexington Grove. A Grand County Reunion Is the object ol the occasion. A Splendid Program with Liberal Prizes. SNMusic by the Ladies' Band of Heppner.sN- Dancing with Splendid Music tor the Evening. Fourth of Jaly Kates. - For the Fuurth of J ill v. exrunloQ ticket!. form h 18, may be told to anjr rail itation within ' ;- milea of your itation at any rate of one Htn- I or unlimllwl fare, aa tbe cane may be, fori the round tr.p. Bten all rail itatiom In Orciton rate will apply without limitation of t diiunre. selling on July Ut, 2d, M and 4th. I Limit tirkcta returuiug up to sud, including Jjlr.lV ' ' j OFFICERS OF DAY Marshal of the Day, J. A. Woolery Assistant Marshals, Andrew Raney and Price Florence Orator, G. W. Phelps Declaration, J. M. White President, C. E. Itedfield Vice Presidents: Heppner J. J. Adkina, .1. L. Morrow, Henry Heppner lone li. F. King, W. S. Connor Iexington J. S. Poothby Hardman J. M. Hogue, J. II. Jtoyce Eight Mile E. B. Stanton, J. W JJeckct Gooseberry N. It. McVey Douglas Robert VVilmot Alpine A. Andrews Parker's Mill Benj. F. Parker Galloway J. L. Howard Lena Ed Day Butter Creek-Fraiik Sofas Parlor Tables Dining Room Tables Iron Bedsteads Bedroom Sets Upholstering Picture Framing Sewing Machines Wheeler & Wilson Latest Improvements Mattrasses, all grades. Pillows. J. L. Yeager, Undent alterv New Place of Business next door to Gilliam & Bisbee's. Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. t Ul VTiWUl Palace ill 1 1,. Hotel. T B. WHITNEY, Proprietor. Strictly First-Class A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel Every Modern Convenience. Drummers' Resort. Stockmen's Headquarters. One of the finest equipped Bars and Clubrooms in the state in connection. . . . Flrst-Ciciss. Snmple Rooms, For Business Heppner is one of the Leading Towns of the West.