The Gazette. Thursday, June 29, 1899. The opinion is growing now that it Las become certain that Agui naldo's alleged peace negotiations were nothing more than a rase to gain time to prepare for further CghtiDg, that the staying qualities of the Filipinos have been under estimated, and that there is bound to be much more fighting before they are permanently conquered. We whip them constantly, but they continue to fight. Adjutaut Gen eral Corbin says he is confident, however, that when General Otis gets the reinforcements it has been arranged to send him, which will give him a total of 35,000 men, he will have all the men he will need. The difference between Cleve land times and McEinley times is strongly accentuated by the fact that Uncle Sam's supply of gold is getting so large that he can hardly handle it, and he has been com pelled to stop exchanging notes for gold. United States Treasurer Roberts said on this subject: "We have, today, about $236,000,- 000 in gold and our vaults are almost overflowing. The Chicago sub-treasury cannot receive more gold, as its vaults are f nil." Treasurer Roberts has issued an interesting statement showing the amount of paper money in circu lation. The total is $1,222,545,417, aiviaea into denominations as follows: oneB, $55,482,479; twos, $33,830,338, fives; $287,240,622, tens, $422,311,717, twenties, $22!), 321,226, fifties, $00,934,000, one hundreds, $58,442,400, five hue dreds, $15,897,500, one thousands, $54,797,000, five thousands, $4,930, 000, and in ten thousand noteB, $10,420,000. In addition there are thirty odd thousand dollars in fractional paper currency still in circulation, although none has been issued for years Acting Secretary of War, Meik lejohn gave a patient hearing to a committee of Cubans who are in Washington trying to secure a modification of the order of the War Department, granting a post ponement of the- settlement of all debts incurred, before last Decem ber. The order was issued for the benefit of impoverished planters, to prevent their land being sold becaune they could not at once raise the cash to meet old obliga tions, but this committee claims that it is now almost impossible for planters to seoure loans in Havana, although there was never so much idle money in the hands of capitalists in this city. It is doubtful whether the order will be modified, as the matter was very carefully gone over before it was iHsuod. The chairman of the com- mitlee, spoaking of the genera i i r I t .iiir saia: we are much in need of a civil guard in Cuba, as the island is poorly po liced. I wish to deny all these wild stories of disorder in Ilavaua, as we are getting along nioely and quietly. You magnify a few bandits into a great affair, and ye you forget that you yourselves are now chasing train robbers in the west. Again, is a tiff between Cuban and a Spaniard any more terrible thau one of your lynch lngsi Cuba is not such a bad place, and I hate to soe these stor ies magnified." KKSOMITlONtt. Wiikhras, It bas pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst, by tbe band of death, oar beloved brother, E. L. Matlook, therefore be it ltesolved, lat,Tbalin bis death Doric Lodge Las sustained tbe loss of one of its btHt Hiul roost highly esteemed mem brs, and bis family sn afleotionate pa rent and a kind protector. Drotber Matlock had lived iu this vicinity a good macy yours, and bad been a member of our Initio only about one year, yet bia course as a member had endeared bim to tbe hearts of all tbe brothers of the lodgo, and one and all mourn bia lose and extend their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. iU, He it resolved that these resolu tiooa be spread iu full npon the minutes t the lodge, and that they be printed In ench of the newspapers of lleppoer, and a oopy be sent to each of the members of bis family. 31, lie it further resolved that the charter of this lodge be draped In mourn ing for M days iu respect to the memory of our departed brother. J. J. Kohirts, J. U. Williams, E. It HcNiiorK, Committee. Now is tbe time to renew BultHorjption to tbe Gazette, your Brief War News, Tele graphic News Notes, Etc., Etc' Chicago, 111., Jane 24 The steamer Virginia left its dock for Milwaukee this morning with the heafiest load it ever carried in proportion to tbe number of its paaiengers. On board was an ex cursion party of 400 members of tbe Garden City Fat Men' Club, tbe small est member of wbiob tipa tbe scales at 240 poooJa. Tbe excursionists propose to spend tomorrow as tbe facet of tbe brewers of Milwaukee and expect to re tarn to Chicago with many pounds rf addition avoirdupois as a remit of tbe entertainment tarnished them in tbe Cream City. Chicago, III., Jane 19 Germs of ta beroaloeis were found in every oow of a herd of ninety-two that were reoeived at the stook yards today. Tbe ohoioest of the lot in several instances were found to be the most pronounced viotims of tbe disease. In tbe worst oases tbe pnl monary orsans were one mass of tuber culosis baooilli. So great was tbe bavoo played in many instanoes that tbe respi ratory orsans bad loat many of their bovine characteristics. Many of tbe in fected oows were from state institutions. Portland, June 24 Colonel Thomas Cornelius, a pioneer of 1845 and one of the most widely known men in tbe state, died tonight at his borne in Washington county. In 1886 be was a candidate for governor, bat was defeated by Governor Sylvester Pennoyer. He was veteran of two Indian wars in tbe northwest, and in 18(1 raised a regiment in this state to figbt for the preservation of tbe union. Clkvkland, June 24 An agreement between the Big Consolidated Street Railway Company and its striking em ployes was reaobed at 6 o'olock this evening, and it is probtble that cars will be running as usual on oil lines of tbe oompany tomorrow. Tbe agreement provides for the bearing of grievances and a resort to arbitration in oase tbe men and the oompany can not agree, and it a'so provides for the reinstatement of priotically 80 per oeot of tbe old men at onoe, tbe remainder, exoept those who have bean guilty of violenoe, being placed on tbe waiting list. Chicago, June 27 A special to tbe Chroniole from Washington says: A shell of terifio explosive power with i capacity to aonhilate by bursting frag ments and a shook as effective as a streak of lighting, will be tbe fall campaign in tbe Philippine islands. Tests of the charge of this terrible engine of war are being made at Bandy Book, tbe govern ment guarding closely its secret of manufacture. A shell of this nature, oharged with an explosive equal to melinte or dynamite, falling near a bat talion of the enemy wonld kill or cripple a very large percentage of tbe battalion. The chances of escape from this tremed one machine will be decreased 100 times, experts say, as compared with obrapnel discharged at tbe same objects. MODERN VACCINATION. Rolis the Old Methods of Its Horrors and Evil Results. Wild rumors of small pox, are coming from different directions and pbysioana generally are on the alert. Oat of six oases in the Walla Walla pest house but one is reported aerioua, and tbat is of the patient James Jodioo, who bas never been vacoinated, whiob proves ths importance of vaouioation, which recent soienoe has perfected so that the serious annoyance of impure vacoioe matter is a thing of the past. Instead of the old method of innocolating witb a scab from arm to arm, or a bovine crust that bad been subj'eol to oootamioation for weeks, the aseptio vacoioe is put up in sealed capillary lubes, eaob enflioieut for single vaooination. Tbe purity of this vaooine is assured by tbe most rigid an tiseptio aud aseptio measures. The heifers before balug yaocioated are ex amiued by tbe beat surgeons and tested by tuberoulin for disease. In vaccinat ing, tbe part is first sterilised aud rend ered aseptio for the surgical operation. Tbe arm is scarified, the tube opened and tbe virus plaoed in contact. Thus all extraneous germs are eleminaled, and tbe virus alone is oontended with. Mistrusting tuat the juvenile repre sentative of the Qazette, Henry Oorlies, wonld, in bis preambulating, turn np at WallaWalla, where smallpox is reported, we subjected bim to the ordeal, in the presence of a number who went through the operation a quarter of a century ago, when they bad to be strapped down, and tbe young nrchio put their horrors to Might by offering the other arm, for tbe pleasant sensation. The rest of tbe family will indulge at ouoe. Drs. Swin burne and II unlock have their office at the Hlooum Drug store, jimmed during their operating hours, and it is safe to predict that the disease will get fooUd in this territory. To avoid a possible oootagiou here the doctors will vaooi- nstrt between tbe hours of 1 and 2 D. in. for 50 oeot per patient. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. K. r. Oliver, of Barcelona, Hpaiu, spends bis winters in Aiken, 8 C. Weak nerve had caused severe pains In the back of his bead. On nsiou Electria Bitters, America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all ialu soon left him. lie saa (his a rami niedeoiue is what bis country uaede. All America knows tbat I cures liver and kidnev troubles, miri. ties the blood, tones uu the stomaoh. strengthens the uerves, puts vim, vigor ana new me into every tunnel., nerve aud organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it Every bottle guarantied, only 6Q cents. Hold by Plooutp Drag Co, THE LAST RALLY. Tbe f'oartb. or July at Lexington-A Great Time Anticipated. W. B. MoAlieter and Andrew Baney , were in Heppoer Ibis week and inform us that tbe Lexington grove is being put in tbe best possible oondition for tbe celebration at tbat place on tbe Fourth of July, and no pains will be spared to mike this the most interesting celebra tion tbe oounty bas ever knowD. Al ready tbe stand privileges of the grounds amount to almoet enough to pay tbe en- t re expeoee of tbe oelebration, outside of the prizes. Besides oaeh prizes tbe merobante of tbe three towns will con tribute merchandise prizes, from a suit of clothes to a gimblet, which will insure every participant in tbe races a prize, save those who fall down. Complete arrangements for tbe train service bas not yet been perfeoted, out a letter from tbe O. R. & N. assures ns that we will have cars, and tbe committee will work for tbe convenience of tbe public. An drew Baney informs as that be will ar range to feed and give the best care and attention to all teams driven to tbe cele bration. He bas an abundance of feed and safe and comfortable places tor horses and wagons, and will have a a number of men there on tbe grounds to take charge of tbe teams when they arrive. Tbe idle rumor that lone was affeoted with smallpox is branded by both Joe Wootery and Dr. Bied as without found ation. Tbe latest authentic reports are tbat tbe oase of smallpox reported at Hood Biver was a oanard, as it is orig inated in oase of ohickenpox, so tbe so are outside of Walla Walla is unneces sary. As it is the disease is entirely confined to tbat point and we need have no fear in this part of tbe country. Vao ination prevents the spread of the de- ease and robs it entirely of its horrors. f ollowing is tbe program of races, whiob will be added to, and value of tbe prizes. 100 yard foot race (for men, free for all) . . . .17 50 Farmers' race 5 00 Fat man's race 2 50 3-Legged " 2 00 Sack race (boys) ; 2 00 Greased pig race The Fig Greased pole " 2 00 Little girls' ' 2 00 Running long jump 2 00 High jump 2 00 Obstacle race 2 00 Shoe contest (boys) II 50, 2 00 Fie-eatlng contest 1 00 Pluguglles 00 2 00 Hurdle race 2 50 Mule race 5 00 Bicycle race, M mile dash 5 00 Bicycle race (slow) 100 yards 2 00 A saddle-horse raoe is also on tbe pro gram, $5 entrance. Js the Steam Locomotive Doomed Men who know eay tbat in tbe next ten years steam looomotives will disap pear and electrio motors wiil supplant them. Tbey also say that witb tbe new motive power trains will rosh along at a minimum speed of 100 miles an hour. This will prove a blessing to those who wish to go quickly from one point to another, but no more so than Hoetetter's Stomaoh Bitters bas proved a blessing to those who wish to go quiokly from siokness to health. Tbe Bitters act at oooe upon etubbon oases of dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness and liver com plaint. Tbey improve the appetite, quiet tbe nerves, and introduce sound, refreshing sleep. Tbe trial of a bottle will prove oonvinoing proof. Hold at all drag storee. NOTICE. On and after Jane 21th, ell parents of boys are warded to keep them off and away from the stook yards and to keep them off of moving trains. All oase whiob oome to or are brought to my notice after said date wilt be turned over to tbe city authorities and prosecution will follow for trespass. J. (J. Bast, Agent O. K. & N. G. lnis also applies to all yonng men under HI years of age. Geo. Thornton, Marshal. Irrigation Notice. In fairness to all the Water Company has decided torestriot all irrigation from 6 to 8 o'olook p. m. A whistle will be blown at 6 p. m. to begin, and another at 8 p. m. to oloee. Those found violat ing these regulations will have tbfir water abut off and a obarge of 50 cents made to turn it on again. No excep tions to this rule. 2t EJbfpnkr Light St Water Co. Dissolution Notice. Notioe is hereby given that the firm of Whiteis Bros, bas been dissolved by mutual consent, tbis 5th day of June, 1800, John Whiteis retiring from tbe firm, and George Whiteis oontinuing the business, who will oolleot all accounts due the firm and pay all iodebtedaess. IIOO RKWAHDt Will be paid for information leading to tbe arreet and conviction of any per son stealing cattle branded MWH" con nected on the left side. Waddle on the uose. Thiicy UimuKH. WOOD WANTED. Heventy cords of tour-foot wood, pine or fir. 13 ids opened July lslj wood to be delivered at tbe Heppner sohool boose on or before September 1, 1899, By order of sohool board. St. J. J. Robbkts, Clerk. Where Will We Stad Oar So minor VaeatiouP This is tho time of year to think about it, but before you decide, write tor an elaborate, illustrated pamphlet abowing numerous photo engraved views of the mauy attraotioua at the seashore and en route, aod advantage of tbe Columbia river beeches as reaobed by tbe Astoria aud Columbia Uiver railroad. Three hours and thirty minutes from Union depot, Portland, to your beach hotel in a magnitloeot parlor oar without obauge ortraotfer is a convenieoos and luxury few resorts oen offer. Such is tbe initial attraction of tbia favorite resort. J, 0. Mayo, Qen'l Pass. Agt., 5 8 Astoria, Ore, On Saturday Next And for two weeks following There will be found on our Bargain COU liter Bargains in Shoes and Oxfords For Men, Women That will positively startle one. S?from Two to Three Hundred Pairs They are broken sizes. They are lines we want to close out completely. ... They are Good Shoe-Values Throughout If you can get your size, you just suit you M-MBBBsaBaMS&W The Cut is Deep! Shoes ranging in price from originally, are cut down They are to be sold at the following prices; 50C, 75C, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 Come and Get Yonrfe before they go. Minor & State Normal School Monmouth, Oregon. Training School for Teachers New Buildings New Departments Ungraded Country School Work. Graduates secure good positions. Strong courses. Well equipped training depart ment. Normal course quickest and bent way to state certificates. Expense tor year from f VX to (160, on board $'2.A0 to 3 00 per week. Tuition $8.25 per term of ten weeks. Fall term begins September 19th. 8ummer term from June 27th to September 1st. For catalogue, addreu W. A. WANN, Or P. L.CAMPBILL, Secretary of Faculty. President. PARKER'S HAIR,, BALSAM CUum and fcMutifiM iht halt. Pfonoua a trowth. htbi1 run 10 naiwn uraj uair w iu inuiaiui wior. Klp dimwi a i.uiba ' We are all out lor the Dust But you can make them all take your dust if you The most reliable and easiest running wheel on earth. Just ask a Rambler rider about it. Here it is. Isn't it a Beauty? Only $40. IDEALS, next best, at $25 and $30. All titted wilti tba great O k J olioober tires. Anyone cao repair them quickly witb toole or previous experience. I do all oeeeaeary repairing, ool do to tuiaase, free of obarge for tbe aeaaoa of "99. Secood haud wheels from $5 op, A fall line of cycle good constantly oo band al Fort I aod prices. All kinds of repairing aud all work guaranteed. If jou have anything tbat net da fixing bring it In. Bicycle, to rent, 25a per bonr. Mtoi Juast baoic of Welt As Co' .tore. J. H, KloliarClHon, Heppner, Or. and Children We are going to will find some lines that wil 50c $1.25 to $3.50 as low as . . . Co. Heppner Oregon. O E. FARNSWORTH. Prcsidcnt. THE MORROW COM LID AND TRUST COMPANY Wool. Storage and Forwarding. Grain. The WOOL GROWERS' WAREHOUSE Owned tmcl Operated toy tlie Wool Growers of Morrow County. Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides and Pelts. Agents for BLACK LEAF TOBACCO DIP and LITTLE'S FLUID DIP Finest Residence Fully Guaranteed The Reason Why! OF THE Kodaks Handled by Conser & Warren Are responsible for the sales made the past month. First efforts of amatures are a decided success. A pleasure to show our cameras. We have just the outfit for a lady with artistic taste.. Farmers Attention The Best Makes of Mowers, Horse Rakes, Binders and Reapers S. P. GARRIGUES. Property in the city for Advances made on Wool and Grain in Store Feed and Seed Grain always on hand. Wool Sacks at cost to patrons. Ed. R. Bishop Co Successors to P. C. Thompson Co. Make it easy for your wife by getting her a new Boss Washing Machine Guns, Pistols and Cartridges Hardware and Groceries. Ed. F. Bishop Co. SThe Sna! c - I nni r i Confectionary Fancy Groceries The Best of Everything. Perfect Detail Exactness Simplicity Reliability R. F. HYND, Secretary and Manager. sale at a Bargain. Nns- x-i-L . . a iciepnone 13 rings. - Smead & Co. j A Ice Cream a Parlors. a Oregonlon and Telegram agency. o v, o U sjsis.;