Schillings Best Japan Ceylon English Breakfast Oolong Ideal Blend Tea State News. There are 153,200 head of heep in Gilliam county, which have been Inspected and are free of scab. Dr. Lamberson, oi Lebanon, Linn county, will buy 300 tous of cascara bark year. It will cost him 118,000. The Pinkertout have been ordered off the street! of Portland, in accordance with the law passed by the last legislature. There are 1000 pickers at work in the Hood Kiver strawberry yards, and they pick from 4,000 to 5,000 orates daily. The Pioneer Woolen Mills, of Dallas have been sold to Carter Bros., the last payment on the same, f 7000, being paid on the 9th. Rev. J. R. S Bell, known all over the coast. Is in the city attending the grand lodge of Maaona. He has come back to where he ia appreciated for hit many good qualltiea. Horwho thai formerly coat 13.75 coat 14 -S' aiace lie formation oi the trow, and eona' aeaty Part-Ai fccrtwafioert have advanced tie f-Tic ei ft&Misg Croat K to $i5& Ti M .rt IfT. A c&riMie, recently appointed tsi-XiMr!f i Orf-a. arrtneJ la Portland from Vrt.-JTJ riirdiijt tif-t! asl waa in'jalled Into Ju &.. T (tiDitl vu of the aimpleal JLxwa Kr.. u ex-FwwM 6rr tanker, is ik-.J ui tuta ii la Saa Franc iaco lately asii mi kit bitM are likely to call for k;s. J li-fv t ! to ssake rd a deficit in an t::e oi m iwi be ii a-iaunUtrator. Tie D:k Caroaicie ol the lTUt aay: Al VhQa the average price paid for wool this year ia eleven ceau, every few days clip are sold for U cents. This morning Pat Welch, ol Antelope, disposed of about 30,000 pounds at la cent; lieddy A- Patterson, of Mayvllte, also sold their clip at that price. 81. Helens Hall, Portland, the Episcopal school for girls, is to have a new principal, a vacancy having occurred in the princlpalship, MisaTebbetts, who filled the position for three years, having reiigned. The board of trustee has secured for the bead of the institution Miss Dusinberre, for 12 years the principal of 8t Catherine's school, St. Paul, Minn. A state bank, with a capital of 130,000, has been incorporated at Baker City bv O. W French, 8. L. Baer, Albert Oelser, William Poll man and John Waterman. The capital stock is divided Into 500 shares of 1100 each, all of which has been subscribed to by Baker City people Thero hat been only one bank at Baker City, tke First National, and there is room for a sec ond 0110. Articles of Incorporation were Sled yesterday by the Gold and Silver Mining Company of Antelope. The capital stock it 1150,000, divided Into shareB of 1,3)0,00, par value ten cents each share. The principal ofttce will be at The Dalles, and tho Incorporators are W. N. Wiley H. F. Haltmarshe and J. B. Crosten. Five mines have already been Included in the ineorpora- tlon, nnd as it will be seen that it is virtually a local allair, will no doubt receive the co-operation of many and prove a success. Dalles Chronicle. UIUN1' COUNTY NKW8. lllno Mountain Eagle. D. W. Morrow and Al Craven left Wednesday for Heppner with wool for the warehouses. Mrs. Rluolitrt, the wife of W.C. Kinehart, of Alba, a brother of G. A. Kinehart, of Long Crook, dlod early last week after Only a short illness. A bookkeopor namod Stmmens, in Morrow county, la hired by a man named Green, ami slgna letters "(ireeu, per Htmmuns." Ouo would suppose that such a linn would be In a constant pucker, Win Cohoe, In charge of a band of sheep be longing to Messrs. Traak & Fuller, passed through Long Creek Monday enrouto to Pen dluton. The band will be shipped from that point to the Dakotas. Win. Carter and L. B. Congor, who wen t to Pendleton last week to see Rlngllng Bros.' cir cus, have been detained at witness in a cattle stealing case being tried by the circuit court, In session at Pendleton at present. B. M. Burton and family, formerly residents Fox valley, moved to Long Creek Saturday, where they will make their future residence. Mr. Burton has completed the inventory of the stock of gooils purchased of J. A. Moore, aud has oponed his store and is ready for business. J, If. Parrisli, who is employed In the North Fork mines of John P. Isaacs, of Walla Walla, was In Long Crook Sunday on laud business. He reports considerable work belug done iu tlio minus along the North Fork near Dale. A Montana sheep buyor recently visited the Antelope and Mud creek country lu search of 0,000 one aud two-year-old ewes. Notwith standing he ollercd 2 8i per head for tome, he was nimble to secure a hoof. He went on to I'rtuevllle, and at last accounts was having uo bettor success. From (irant County Newt. The May output of the Red Boy mine was de posited In the First National Bauk at Baker City last week. It amounted to 127,000. Hi uce tho mountain roads have become passa ble, freight teams are arriving every day or two from Baker City aud Hoppner. W. R. Murrell, formerly proprietor of the John Day livery stable, has Just returned from Antelope aud vicinity. While at Antelope Mr. Murrell visited the famous Sliver King or Trout creek mines and saw somo marvelous rich ore. The mines are situated about 10 tulles south of Antelope. J. M. Boardman, the cattle buyer, passed through tow u Tuesday evening from Mr lloardinau has purchased about 1000 head of cattle In the Uce country and hat started the baud to Pendleton for shipment. Mr. Board man says that ho met sevon ban. Is ol cattle on the road Iron) Crook county, on route to Ontario. X.oeth llousor, (Milted States marshal lor Oie goti, is In the city on his way home to Portland from huMiiville. Mr. llousor, together with Hon. James II. Haley and other Pendleton peo pie, owns the Hkyscraper in Inn at Suaauville, a property ot much promise and upon which ci teusivo development is belug done. Mr. llousor Is much impressed with the bright outlook ol the mines generally that he visited ou his trip Hill will very likely stir up Portland capital when he returns home. Baker Democrat. The promoter of the clectrlo powtr plant, which Is to be erected on the North Fork of the John Day river this summer, is In Sumpter for thepurpoteof interviewing the leading mine owners ol that lection lu regard to furnishing them power lor their mine. Iu conversation with Mr. I.oa.l better, of Portland, the promoter of the scheme, and who is also owner of the La Camas Paper mills, ou the Columbia river, he states that the plant will be erected at Cable Cove In the Cracker oreek district and will fur nish power to the mines to Grant and Baker counties for a much leu expense thau they can furnish themselves. Tho plant will le erected at a cost of about $IW,()0 and will furnish .'"iUU hnisa power. Be not deoeiveJ! A cough, boarauea or croup are not to b trilled with. A dosa in time of Hbiloh'e Cure will aa yon mucb ironbU, Hold t Oouer & Wurran, ' AN OLD ASSOCIATE. Bam Simpson, Oregon'! Poet, Has Pasted Awajr. Thursday morning's papers annonnoes tbe death in Portland of Ham Simpson , whose name is endeared to every sobool boy and girl who have stadied tbe Puoifio coast readers, wbioh contained the beautiful poem, that follows below. In years gone by we were intimately associated with Sam in jnrnalism, and tbe beautiful thoughts, so often written and expressed by bim, have ever been a souroe of pleasant reoollection, and bis memory will always prompt the kindliest thongbts. From the Cascade's frozen gorget, Leaping like a child at play, Winding, widening through the valley. Bright Willamette glides away. Onward ever, Lovely river, Softly calling to the tea; Time that soars ut, Malms and mart ut, Leaves no track or trench on the. Spring's green witchery U weaving Braid and border for thy tide; Grace forever haunts thy journey Beauty dimples on thy tide. Through the purple gatet of morning, Now thy roeM ripple dance: Golden then, when day departing. On thy waten trail hit lance. Waluing, flashing, Tingling, plashing. Limpid, volatile and free Alwayt hurried to be buried In the bitter moon-mad sea. In thr crystal deep inverted. Swings a picture of the iky, Like those wavering hope of Aiden, Dimly In our dreamt that lie; Clouded often, drowned in turmoil, faint and lovely, far away Wreathing tunthine on the morrow, Breathing fragrance round today. Love would wander, Here and ponder Hither poetry would dream; Life's old questions, Sad tuggeationi, "Whence and whither" throng thy stream. On th roaring waste of ocean (toon thy scattered waves shall toss ; 'Mid the surges' rythmic thunder Shall thy silver tongues be lost, On! thy glimmering rush of gladness Mocks this turbid life of mine, Racing to the wild Forever Down the sloping paths of Time. Onward ever, Lovely river, Softly calling to the tea, Time that tcart us, Malms and mart us, Leaves uo trace or trench on thee. Sam L. Simpson, DALLES WOOL MOVING. Helling There Was Later Than at This Point Range of Prlcet Paid. East Oregonlan. Jndging from the reports coming oat 01 rne Dalles, wool has been compara tively slow in moving out from that point. Although bere at Pendleton it went quickly , and was practically all sold sometime ago, at Tbe Dalles sales have just fairly oommeaoed. However, now, wool is Belling and in a oonple of weeks will all or praotically all be sold oat, Qeorge M. Glioes, traveling freight agent for tbe Northern Paciflo Railway company, today, in a conversation with tbe East Oregonian, oonflrmed tbe above. "I was Informed by a well known wool bnyer at The Dalles," said Mr Glines, "that there is at that point abont three millions pounds ot wool, and that there would be about two millions more brought in from tbe tributary terriotory. Tbis will make in tbs neighborhood of seven million ponuds ot wool to be bandied at Tbe Dalles, this year, including tbe wool tbat was left over from last year's clip. There was qoite an amount of tbe 1898 clip which was unsold when tbe present season opened. "Not muob has been sold so far, al though it is beginning to move, from grower to buyer, and is being shipped out to the east, I understand the wool np bere went very qniokly, and tbat it ia virtually all sold at tbe present time." When asked oonoerning the range of prioes paid at tbe Dalles, Mr. Glines said: "Of all the sales ot wbiob I have beard, the lowest paid was 10, and the highest 13'. This larger figure was some of tbe light hill wools in which tbe shrinkage is less than id tbe aversge Eastean Oregon wools." Most women approach the critical period of motherhood fur the first time with a tense of dread and foreboding lest the ruth less hand of death should snatch them away and leave the expectant ' little darling motherless. Hut no woman who fortifies herself with the strength- ening power of Dr. Pierce'a Favorit Pre tcrintion need feel one instant's misgiving about either her self or the prospective little one. This matchless " Prescription " will give her exactly the kind of healthy vitality she needs and at the time she needs ft most. It will give elastic endurance to the entire delicate organism involved In motherhood. It will make the coming of baby ahsolutly free from danger and nearly free from pain. It will insure the baby' start in life by imparting, through itt influence upon the mother, that sturdy infantile vigor which gladden a mother' heart. It is the only medicine which can be implicitly relied upon for thia purpose ; and the only rem edy expressly designed by aa educated, e perienced physician to give perfect health and strength to the delicate, special organ ism of women. Mr. Jiwph KauiMV, of William. Coiletoa Co., A. C, writes: " 1 have been usiug year medi cine lor tome time and am happy to say that they have done all that you claim for them. I think thry have no etjiial ia the wortd. I would advlae all women while in a delicate state to line lr. Pierce's favorite Prescription. It shortens the time of birth and makes the labor eauier. My wife ia the mother of five chtldrea and she sum-red almost death in the birth of them until this last one; the time of birth was short, aud labor eay, from the use of Im. Pierce's Favorite Preaeriptioo.,' Dr. Pierce'a Common Sense Medical Ad viser used to sell for lt.50, now it ia free It tell all about the home-treatment of ordinary diaeaaet. Several chapters are devoted to tbe disease of women. For a paper - covered copy tend ti on -cent tamp, to cover cost of (Bailing only, to the World' Dispensary fedical Assoc! tion, UutTalo, N. Y. : Cloth binding, M stamp. " Favorit Prescription " can M obutmd la any food medietas, stoti. IV are the Largest Wool Comm mm I on m toil We have the most extensive and best lighted lofts. rnr tmiwllinir And showing stocks of wool The manufacturer seeking a quantity of wool for any purpose cornea to us because he knows we can supply him any grade of wool in any quantity he may desire. Wm handlm 15,000,000 Iba. of Wool par Year, and never peddle a pound of it on the street. We need pot seek buyers-, THE BUYERS COME TO US. All these things are to the advantage of people who consign wool to us. Wa Maka Ubaral Advances on Consignment; and charge at the low rate of 5 per cent, per annum on same. e furnish sacks and sewing twine free to all who consign to us. W e imul you FREE, OUR CIRCULAR LETTER, which keeps you fully in formed on the wool situation. Let us know where you are and what you have. SILBERMAN AMI 122-124-128.128 Michigan St. CHICAGO, ILL. Crossing the Rockies. Tbe most delightful ride serosa the continent is through Utah and Colorado, over what is known as " the scenio roate ot tbe world." It matters not at what season of tbe year the trip is made; at no time does the scenery grow moooto noni. It is an ever changing panorama ot tbe beauties ot nature. Ooe momeut yon are passing throngb gorges walled in by rooks thousands of feet high, and tbe neit you are above tbe snow line, skirting peaks that tower above yoa until tbey seem almost to reach tbe sky. One of the obaraoteristios ot tbe Colo rado climate is tbat tbe extremes of tem perature are never met with, it is neither so oold in winter nor so warm in summer as npon tbe lines of railway which oross the deserts and plains. The traveler over tbe Rio Grande Western also has the privilege ot a stopover, if be so eleots, at Salt Like Oily, or any where between Ogden and Denver, on all classes of tickets For information as to tickets, etc., and for descriptive pamphlets, call on the nearest tioket agent ot the O. B. & N. or Southern Pa ciflc, or address J. D. Mansfield, general agent, Rio Graode Western railway, 112 Third street, Portland, Or. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures tbem; also old, running and fever sores, ulcers, felons, boils, oorns, warts, oats, braises, burns, soalds, chapped bands, chilblains. Best pile cure on earth Drives out pains and aohes. Only 25 oent a box. Cure guaranteed. Bold by Slooum Drug Oo. SHERIFF'S SALE. B V VIRTUE OP A WARRANT ISSUED OUT of the Countv Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, to me directed, com manding me to levy on the goods and chatties of the delinquent taxpayers namea on me rax roll for said county for the years 181(4, 18U5, 18. 1K97 and 189H thereto attached, and none be found then upon the real property as set forth and described In the said tax rolls, or so much thereof as shall satisfy the amount of taxes oharged therein, together with costs and ex -penses, I have duly levied, having been unable to And any goods or chattels belonging to the respective delinquents hereinafter named, up on the following described pieces or parcels of land as set forth in said tax lists, lying and be ing In said Morrow county, state of Oregon, described and assessed as follows: AMT, TAX. California, Oregon aud Idaho Stage Co. Commencing at northeast corner of lot 10, blocks, runingwestUt) feet, south 41 feet, east 60 feet north 41 feet to be ginning, In town of Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon. Tax for 1807 $ 9 45 Soiling, Amelia East half of southwest quarter of section 12, township 1 south range '29 E W M , Morrow county, Ore gon. Tax for 1K97 3 "8 Fell, Sarah H West half of northwest quarter and west half of southwest quarter of section 8, township 2 south, range 2M E W M, Morrow county, Ore gon. Tax for 1897 3 78 Richardson, Wilson Southeast quarter of section 5, township 3 south, ramie 21 E W M, Morrow county, Oregon. Tax for 1897 li 78 Ward, M. B.-Uts2and 8 in block 10, Lexington, Morrow county, Oregon. Tax for 1897 3 21 Hagerman, A. J. Southwest quarter of section 34, township 2 north, range 2:1 K W M, Morrow county, Oregon, Tax forl8M7 3 78 And on Friday, the 30th day of June, 1899, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the court house door in said county and state, I will sell the above described real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to redemption, to satisfy said warrants, coats and accruing costs. Dated this 1st day of June, 1899. E. L. Matlock, Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon. By J. W. Matlock, Deputy. SHERIFF'S SALE. HY VIRTUE OP AN EXECUTION AND order ol sale duly issued by the clerk of the oiroult court of the County of Morrow, state of Oregon, dated the 2d day of June, 1899, In a certain action in the circuit court for said county and state, wherein S, E. Duncan, plain tin", recovered judgment against Maggie A. IOoney and K. (f Sperry, defendants, tor the sum of live hundred seven and 50-1U0 dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 15th day of May, 1899, and the further sum of thirty-five and 90-100 dollars taxes paid, and the sum of fifty dollars attor ney' fee, and the costs and disbursement taxed at thirty-two aud 5-100 dollars, on the 15th day of May, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that I will on Saturday, th 8th day of July, 1899, at 2 o'clock p. in., of said day, at the front door of the court house In Heppner, Morrow county, Orexon, tell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the followtngdescrihed mortgaged property, to-wit: The north half of the northwest quarter and the northwest Jiuarter of the northeast quarter of section four 4) In township one (1) south of range twenty our (21) East Willamette Meridian, in Morrow county, Oregon, taken and levied upon as the property of Magglo A. Looney and E. O. Sperry, or to much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment In favor of S. K. Duncan and against said Magpie A. Looney and K. O. 8erry, together with all costs and dis bursements that have or may accrue. E. U Matlock, Sheriff, By J, W. Matlock, Deputv. Dated at Heppner, Or., June 2, 1899. 3-8 NOTICE OF INTENTION. DIPA RTMKNT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Oitlueat The Dalles, Ore., June 17, l.w. Notice is hereby glveu that the lollowiiig named settler has A led notice of her intention to make final proof In support ol her claim, and that said proof will h made helore V. Crawford County clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, July 29. IWJ, vis; MARli ARET A. KNIUHTKN, One ol the heirs and on behalf of the heir of James 11. Smith, deceased; Homestead appli cation No 4v9 lor the aoutheast ! northeast V and east H southeast t section 2, and the south west southwest section 1 township 0 south, range 2t K W M. She name the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, vis: Emery S(erry, Fred DeFord, John F. M. Karroos and Chester Wilkinson, all ol Hani mail, Oregon, 6- 40 1. P. Ll'CAS. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. JAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON. J May 17, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, aud that said proof will he made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, ou July 17, lte.V, vi.: PATRICK KELECilltR, ot Heppner. Oregmi. Homestead eulry .No I'-Sl-', for the northeast U northeast , and south li northeast H. and noithvast southeast li. section tow nship v toutb, range 2, E. W, M, Ha name th following witness- to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: William Hughea, Daniel HUrtlle, Mat H indies and James W. Leahey, all al HipputOrou, 81 0 X, W, fiaklLKTT, Register .1 SSSS'-WS-w-i Houaa In ihm Weal. AVe have the BROTHERS. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND order of sale duly issued by the clerk ol the Circuit Court of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, dated the 1'ith day ol June. lNW. in a certain action in the Circuit i:o:rt lor said county aud state, wherein James Daughorty 1b plaintiff, recovered judgment against J. B. Sperry, defendant, for the sum of Seventeen hundred and titty dollars, witn mieresi insreou at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 12th day of October, 183", and the further sum ot nlnetv dollars attorney's fee. aud costs aud disbursements taxed at forty-four and 50-10U dollars, on the 7th day ol September, mas. Notice is hereby given that 1 win on Saturday, the 15th day of July, 1899, at 2 o'clock, p. m., of said day, at the front door of the court house in heppner. Morrow county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder far cash in hand, the followingdeecribed mortiratfed oroDertv. to.wit: Lots one ana two and thirty-two feet olt' of the east end of lots seven and eight, in diock nine, in uewison addition to the town of Heppner, Morrow county Oregon, taken and levied upon as the properly of tne said J. ri. eperry, or so mucn thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment in favor of James Uauglierty and against said J. n. epcrry, togeiner wnn an cobib and disbursements that have or may aecrim. J. L,. m atlock, snenu, 4-40 By J. W. Matlock. Deputy. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, June 15, 18U9. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Oilice at The Dalles, Ore., June 7, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has liled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be marto before Vawter Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday July, 22, 1899, viz: WILLIAM SHERMAN LEFFI.ER, of Heppner; Homestead application No. 4220, for the east northwest V and east Y2 southwest section 35, township 2 south, range 25 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove hlscontliiuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: Klias Friend of Lexington, Or., Alonzo M. Markham, of Heppner, Or, Joseph Friend, of Lexington, Or., and Patrick Splllane, of Heppner, Oregon. Jay P. Lucas, 4-39 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Oregon, June 12, 1899 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof iu support of her clulin, and that said proof will bo made before ). W Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 28, 1899, viz: SARAH E. JONES, nee Donahoo, of Heppner; Homestead entry No. 6025, for the east M north east '4 and east southeast 14 section 18, town ship 2 south, range 28 E W M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Jasper Griffith, Lew Howeth. Harry Hayman and Heury Vauderpool, all of Heppner Oregon. 4-40 E. W. Bautlett, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grand, Oregon, June 12, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has 'filed notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W, Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, 011 July 28, 1899, viz: SAMUEL M. TEED, of Heppner; Homestead entry No. 78H9, for the south 't northwest y northeast southwest M and northwest southeast J.4 section :it, township 2 south, range 28 E W M. , He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: James Oilllilliii, Thomas Killkeiiny, Frank E. McKnight and Mack Smith, all of Heppner. Oregon. 4-40 E. W. Babtleit, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J May 10, 1899. Notico Is hereby given that tho following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to inuko final proof In support of his claim, ami that said proof will be made bctore Vawter Crawford, county cler, at Heppner, Oregon, ou Saturday, June 24, 1899, viz: WILLIAM H. RICKS, of Hardman, Or., Homestead entry No. 3915, for the touthweat section 20, township 5 south, range 25 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: O. F. Balrd. and J. W. Baird, of Heppner, Oregon, and Charles Bullls and Charles Coleman, of Hardman, Oregon. 30-5 Jay I. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles, Or., May 29 1S'J9 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notico of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, ou Satur day, July 8, 1899, viz: ALFRED J. DURAN, of Heppuer, Homestead ontry No. 71X1. for the northwest t section 8, townships south, range 20 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of satd laud, viz: John Woodard, Dennis Spillano, Samuel Lelller and Patrick Splllane, all of Heppner, Oregon. 32-7 Jay P. Lucas. Register. Timber Culture Final Proof. TTNITED STATES LAND OFFICE LA J Grande, Oregon, May 111. Ittr.l. Notice Is hereby si veil that Daniel P. Dohertv has tiled notice of Intention to make final proof before J W. Morrow, United States commis sioner at his office in Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, the 1st day of July, 1899, on timber culture application No. 2393, for tho north l4 northwest 1, and southwest H northwest '4 and northwest i southwest section 12, towuship 1 south, range 29 E W M. He names as witnesses: Daniel Maxwell, Don ald Ross, James Nelsou and Patrick Dohertv, all of Vinson, Oregon. 31-5 E. W. Baktlktt, Register. Timber Vulture Final Proof. UNITED STATES LAN 1) OFFICE AT LA Grande, Oregon, June 1, 1S99. Notice is hereny given that William L. Saling, ol Heppner, Oregon, has tiled notice of Inten tion to make tlnal proof lxfore the County Clerk of Morrow county, at bis office iu Hepp ner, Oregon, on Saturday, the 15th day of July, IS'.KI, on timber culture application No. 2082. for the south 4 north-west Vi and north S south west of section No. .12, In township No. 1 south range fo. 27, K W M. He names as witnesses; Knltert S. Morgan, Milton J Morgan, Mlllliu J Devin and George W. Thompson, all of Heppuer, Oregon. 3-8 E. W. Baktlktt, Register. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow County. John H. Bode, plaiutitf vs Minnie Bode, defendant To Minnie Bode. defendant Ill the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint hlcl against you in ihe above en titled suit within six weeks Ironi the'Jt'hday of 'ay, 1899, the date of the first puhtication of this summons, and if you fail to answer n ittiln said time for want thereof the piaintiit will apply to the court to grant tbe reiiel demanded lu the complaint. This summons is served on you by publica tion lu pursuance of u order of th Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, dnlv ma te aud entered In said suit on the ?th day of May. 1899 The date of tne Hrat publication ol this sum mons Is May J, 1899, C. K. RKnriKi.n, 1-? Attorney for Plaintiff. .vj- -m i r 1 f:l 1, It I an I.J W V, 1 I 0 NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Ofbeoar I he Dalles lire., June 17. 1800. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before H, N. Frazer. county clerk ac Condon. Oreitoii. on Wednesday, August 2, IhDtf, viz: JOHN H. HAYES, of lone Rock; Homcs'ead application No. 4484 for the east V4 otith-east 14 section 14 and north-west H south west yt aun souiii-west 14 nortn-west t section 13, tow nshlp 6 south, range 24 E. W. M. He names the followiuir witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation f Bald lanu, viz: u. H. Butler, ot naramau, Oregon, George Earhart, C. D. Kobinson and George Perry, all of Lone Rock Oregon. 3-40 Jay P. Lucas. Register. anything yon invent or improve; also get CAVEAT.TRADE-MARK, COPYRIGHT or DESIGN PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo, for free examination and advice. BOOX ON PATENTS ""orepaffi TC.AaSNOW& CO. Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C. wlENIbeci can cured If you suffer from any of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN It CO.. ,1051 Market St. Est'd 1852. Young; men and middle aiseu men who are suliering from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- S esses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical obUU.r,Iiiiieuc.y ,I.ot Munliootl in all its complications; Hiiermntorrlicea, 1'roMntorrlneii, Clonorrhcea, ttleet, Frequency of Urinating, eic. By a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his specialty Olsjeases of SJen. M.vpiuu morougniy eromcaieauoiu me yatetn withoutusing Jtlerciir.v KVKttv vi A sr nnnivinir to nR will re ceive our hmiext opinion of his complaint. every cose we undertake, or forfeit One Thousand Dollars. . Consultation FREE and strictlv Drivate. CHARQE8 VERY REASONABLE. Treat ment personally or oy letter. Send for book, "The Philosophy of Marriage, free (A valuable book for men.) VIIT DR. JORDAN'S Great Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. CATALOGUE i'KEF. Callorwrite. .A 1061 Market Street. San Francisco, Gal. Dkpabt FOB TIME SCHEDULES From Heppner. Abrivk FROM . 10: CO a. m. Salt Lake Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. liuis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duiuth, Mil waukee, aud the East. 10:15 p. m. 8.00 p. in. Ocf a n Steamships 4:00 p. m. From Portland. For San Francisco 1 every five days. 8:00 p. m. Ex Sunday Saturday lu:00 p. m. Columbia Riveb Btbamebs. To Astoria and Way Landings. 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday 6:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday Willamette Riveb 4:30 p. m. Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New- berg, ralein and V ay Landings. 7:00 a. m Willamette and Yamhill Kivbks. 3:30 p. m. Mon., Wed. and Fri. Tues , Thur, ana eat. Oregon City, Day ton is vt ay Lanu ings. 6:00 a. m. Tues. 'I'll ti rs. and Sat, Willamette River 4:S0 p.m. Tues., Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval. lis & Way Laud ings. Snake River. Lv. Riparia 2:30a. in daily except Sunday Lv. Lewiston 12 noon daily Riparia to Lewiston ex Saturday Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent, Heppner. VAJ H. HURLBUHT. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. OREGON SI10BT LINE Hf . QUICKEST AND MOST DIRECT LINE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EAST, and SOUTH EAST, ta LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK, 4J days CHICAGO, 3i ST. LOUIS, OMAHA, 3 SALT LAKE, 14 Free Kecliuitig Cbair Cars Upholstered Tonriet Sleeping CarB Pullman l'alaoe Sleeping Cars For full particulars regarding rates, time of trains, elo., call on or address J. C. HART, Agent O. R. Jfe N. Co., Heppner, Oregon C. 0. Tkurv, W. E. Ooman, Trav. Pass. At. Otn'l Agt. 124 Third St., Portland, Ore. SFOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON i FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Witbont Clianae of Car Between Spokaue, KoMhoJ and Nelson, Also between Nelsou 00 1 lUisnlao.l, daily except Sunday : Leave. hai A. M It mi A. M W-.l'J A.M.. Arrive. .to P. M , $M I. M. M5 P. M. . . . Hv'Vau Kww!ami. Ntdsoti... Close connections st Nelson with steamers for Katdo, and ail Kootenai Lake (joints. laMnrs for KeHie I'.lver and Boundary rwk connect at Kmcui with tUia dUr. iO IttL , ilo F0$T TB8II SEHV1GE DI1ILR TO THE EAST m xcv VIA 1 KM Fast Express Leaves DENVER, t):S0 p. m 1 (15 p. m. 8:10 p. ni. " PUEHLU, " COLO. SPRINGS Arrives IOPEKA Arrives K - NBAS CITY 8:55 p. H:00 p. in. ni. Arrives LINJOLN 2:11 p. m. 4:25 p. m. 9:80 p. rn. 11-20 a. m. 8:00 a. in. " O.V1AHA " DE8 MOINE8 " PliOHIA " CHICAGO Through Bleeperg and Chair Cars Colorado to Chicago. Wide estiDuie tnrougnont. ine finest train In the West. For particulars and folders giving time of these GBKi L. DE BEVOISE, E. E. M LEOD, JNO. SEBASTIAN, PORTLAND, ORE. A. (J. P. TI1R0CGU TICKETS TO THE East and Southeast VIA THE li II THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE 8LEEPER8. PULLMAN TOURIST BLEEPER8. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. Portland to Eastern Cities Change. Without Qnink Time. Union Depoto. Personally Conducted Excursions. Baggage Checked to Destination. Low RuteB. Direct line to Trans-Mississippi and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, June to November, Writs undersigned for rates, time tables and other information pertaining to Onion Pacific K'j.BH. LOTHROP, or 3. C. HART Agt., Gen. Art.. 185 8d St., O. B, & N. Co., Portland. Or. Heppner, Or. CHICAGO iwafee & St. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on tbe fatuous bio ok system; Lights its trains by electricity through out; Uses the oelebrateri eleotrio berth read- ins lamp; Runs speedily eqnipped passenger trains every day and Dicht between al. rani and Ohioago, and Omaha and Chicago; the Chieaao. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates e team-heated veetibnled trains, carrying the latest private compartment oars, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining chair cars, aDd tbe very beat dining obair oar service. For lowest rates to any point in tbe United States or Canada, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY, J. W. 0A8ET, General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. m TOO GOING EAST? If bo, be sure and see that your tioket reads via Tie Horinwestern Line ....THE.... 0HI0AOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS 18 THE Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULOTFT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track. Peerless Yestibuled uining ana Bleeping car Trains, and Motto: "always on time" has gt en this road a national reputation. All classe of passengers carried on the veBtlbuled trains without extra charge, t-hlp your freight and travel over thit famous line. All agents have tickets. W. H. MEAD, F. C. SAVAGE, Gen. Agent Trav. F. & P. Agt 248 Washington Bt. Portland, Or. "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland i Astoria Navigation Co. "DALLES CITY" AND -REGULATOR" Both of the above steamers have been rebuilt, aud are in excellent shape for the season of 1N99. Th Regulator Lin will endeavor to give itt patrout the best service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasurt), travel by the steamers of Th Regulator Lin. The above steamers leave Portland and The Dalles at 7 a. m., ami arrive at destination in ample time for outgoing trains. Portland oftice, The Dalles office, Oak St. Dock. Court trreet. W. O. ALLAWAT, General Agent. QUICK TI3VH3 t Scirx Franoisco And all point In California, via the Mt Bhatta roate of the Southern Pacific Co The treat Mahwar through California to all point Kast and South. Grand Hoenio Rout of th Pacific Coast Pullman Buffet Klemera. 8erond-eIaaa Hleeper r.n?, For rate, tickets, tteepinc car reeemtioat, eta,, call nrxm or addrea B, EUIBUK, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Sea. F. A P. Agt. Portland. Oregon THROUGH TICKETS To all points In the Eastern State. Canada and Jvurowi can be obtained lowest rate f mm D. K. U1UC AX, JSKi-powTOr. ONION r inrixin nni m u i; Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER " COLO. (SPRINGS Arrives TOl'KKA . " KANSAS CITY 2:85 p. m 2:85 p. m 7:80 a. m 9:15 a. m Ar. ST. LOIU8, (Wab. R'y) 6:15 p. m Arrives ST. JOSEPH 10:40 a. m Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Sun) 6:45 a. m OMAHA (EiSai.) . 8:f.O a. m " CO. tJ-iTJFiB, . . 8.10 a. ra Through Sleepers Colorado Springs to St. Louis via Wabash lt'y. trains write A.. TOPEKA. O. P. A.. CHICAGO H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Onion Depot of C. B. Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C. and the C. St. L, & P. Railroads. KATES tB.oo PBH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CUXC-A-O-Ok XXjXj. Denver & Bio Grande HI Scenic Line of the World The Favorite Transcontinental Between the Northwest and all Points East Choice of Two Koutet Through the FAMOUti Rocky Mountain Scenery And four routes east of Pueblo and iienver... All passengers granted a day stopover iu the Mormon eapitol or anywhere between Ogden and Denver. Personally conducted ex cursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, St- Louis Chicago and the East, For tickets and and information regarding rates, routes, etc., or for descriptive advertising matter, call on agents of 0. II. & N., Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific companies . it. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner, Or.' IWIC RT. Yellow Stone Park Lin THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTK FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Depot Fifth and 1 Sts. Arrive. Fast Mall for Tacoma. No. 1 Seattle, Aberdeen.South uend, Spokane, Helena, Butte, Anaconda, St. Paul, Chicago, New 10:15 A. M. York. Roston. and all points East and South east. Portland. Tacoma and No. 5 Seattle Express, for Ta coma, Seattle, Olympia and intermediate main 11 P. M line points. 8 DAYS to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omana, Kansas City and other Missouri river points. 3J DAYS to St. Louis, Milwaukee and Chi cago. 4)4 DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and other far-Eastern points. Union depot connections in all principal cltiet. Baggage checked through to deetinatlon of tickets. Union depot, Portland, foot of Sixth tt For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, maps of routee and other information, caU on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morri son St., Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Wisconsin Central LiNta Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require eome assist ance in the way of haviDg their hand baggage taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in maDy other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will bo iu waitine at prepared to. assist iTas. urn mm NORTHERN I Ma Ho. 2 1 11 A. M. Mo. 8 I 5 P. M. ! augers, anu u is noDed that our patrons will fully avail themselves of thia additional provision ' for their comfort JA& C. POND, Gen! Paw. Agt.