Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 15, 1899, Image 3

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Published Every Thursday.
Editor etaadL Afiaaa.a.g'.r.
na Year .
Six Months
Three Months
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered et the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Those Dreadful Sores
They Continued to Spread In Spite
or Treatment but Now They are
Healed A Wonderful Work.
"For many years I have been a great
Sufferer with varicose veins on one of my
limbs. My foot and limb became dread
fully swollen. When I stood up I could
feel the blood rushing down the veins of
this limb. One day I accidentally hit my
foot against some object and a sore broke
out which continued to spread and wag
exceedingly painful. I concluded I
needed a blood purifier and I began taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time
those dreadful sores which had caused
me so much suffering, began to heal. I
kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and in a short time my limb was
completely healed and the sores gave me
no more pain. I cannot be too thankful
for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, hae done for me." Mbs. A. E.
Gilson, Hartland, Vermont.
HOOd'S Sparma
Is-thft. best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
i-Sood's PiHa cure all liver ills, so cents.
J Or., June 12, 1899.
Dawes, Geo Pearson, Mr Hatt
Janney, Mr Fred Kash, Mrs L A
Kohler, Mr George Ward, Miss Anni
McKinzie, D H (2) Wilkinson, Mattie A
When calling for these letters please say
advertised. B. F. Vaughan, P. M.
Local Notes.
Ioe cream and soda at Hart Bros.
Soalp bounty blanks supplied by the
Twenty ANo. 1, empty wbiBkey barrels
for sale at the Belvudere. AM sizes.
Artbur Cltirke, the new jeweler, is lo
on ted next door to tbe oandy factory, tt
Klamath 2:07J is now in Denver,
where be will make tbe firat start in bis
1899 campaign.
Take your watchep.olooks and jewelry'
to Arthur Clarke for repairs; be guar
antees satisfaction. tf
Dr. J. VV. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and defects of tbe eye, will be here
every three months. 648-lyr
Artbnr Clarke, the jeweler, is also a
practioal watchmaker. Give biuo a trial.
He guarantees all his work. tf
Beat accommodations and courteous
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Washington streets, Portland.
Tbe Summer season introduces itself
Hart Bro's tender in an ioe-cream fest
ival. All are invited to their cool par
lors, tt
Do not overlook tbe sale of tbe im
pounded horse tomorrow (.Friday) at 2
o'clock by Marshal Thornton. He is a
fine animal.
Tbe street sprinkler is doing its dnty,
and in consequence tbe city is all smiles.
Ladies in beautiful snow white lawns
are next to follow.
Stop tbat oongbl Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 25c bot
tle of Sbiloh's Cure may save your life.
Sold by Conser & Warren. x
Hart Bros.' windows are filled witb
Fourth of July good. Everything
necessary to make a tumult when tbe
time comes to touch tba mitob.
At tbe sheriff's sale of Harry Philips'
horses Wednesday, 13 bead brought
$193, which was considered encourag
ing to the horse raisers present.
Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa
tion it's tbe best and if after using it
yon don't say so, retnrn package and
ot vaat money. Sold by Conser &
o -
Catarrh oared. A clear head and
sweet breath secured witb Shilob'i
Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee.
Nasal injector free. Sold by Conser A
Knowing ones claim tbat at this time
Morrow oonnty U blessed with more
money than was ever known in ber
history. Tbe fellows holding tbe sacks
are, apparently, onto their job.
For Constipation take Karl's Clover
Tea, the great Blood Purifier, oures
heBdaobee, Nervousness, Eruptions on
tbe face, and makes tbe bead aa dear ae
a bell. Sold by Conser A Warren, x
Tbe Galloway mail servioe is now well
MtanHsbed and everybody concerned
happy. Oet your mail for Batter oreek
in for Tuesdays and Satnrdays. Tbe
anrina In the beet on reoord for tbat
Sbiloh's Consumption Cure oures
where others fail. It is tbe leading
Cough Care, and no home should be
without it. Pleasant to take and goes
riebt to tbe spot
Sold by Couser ft
No greater mistake can be made by a
breeder tban to put on tbe market a
horse tbat possesses neither action, style
or flesh. He might wH n el1 to
tbe farmer a wagon that is unpainted,
unvarnished and unready for use.
I Beat
H hldl iuk swb . -
In time, friM br dmggltn-
B. F.SwBgjart bad tbe eatisfaotiob of
delivering to Mr. Sanders, the Montana
oaltle buyer, now here, oattla in tbe
finest shape of any he bad seen. This
feet is due to the exoeptional growth of
bunch grass on his range.
B. F. Saunders, tbe Salt Lake oottle
buyer, baa been tbe obief aotor in tbe
oattle shipment this week. It has been
impossible to list tbe shipments of stock
so far, but a oareful estimate will appear
in another issue.
Miss Inez Rigge, late of the firm of
Olds & King, of Portland, has established
fashionable dressmaking parlors one door
south of Book & Mathews' market, up
stairs. Miss Riggs comes reoommended
as thoroughly up-to-date in ber art.
New shoe shop, located in tbe rear of
Prater's paint shop, on Main street,
where 6. W. Riggs guarantees all work
in first-class shape. Men's shoes half -soled
for 65 and 75 cents. Ladies' shoes
for SOoents, and children's in proportion.
B. F. Swaggart tbe "Nob Hill" horse
and atookman, has been stirring up the
horse market, and speonlatiou on cattle
this week. Mr. Swaggart is one of the
old-time stook left, not afraid to back his
judgement, which stands to bis credit
right now at the beginning of an up ard
A Umatilla Indian displayed bis patri
otism for this land of freedom one day
this week by driving through our streets
an up-to-date spring wagon, painted in
the oolors of red, white and blue, loader
to tbe guards with papooses and a hand
some squaw, lie should be extended
a special invitation to join oar Fourth
of July proaession.
An exchange truthfully says that mur
der will be oommitted as long as persons
witb criminal tendenciee are allowed to
to marry. Branton'e father killed his
man and Green's father is serving a life
eenteooe in the Kansas state peniten
tiary for the orime of murder. Future
generations should be protected against
intermarriage of the vioione.
"Tbe First and Greatest Command
ment" at 11 a.m., and tbe seoond, or
"How to Love My Neighbor, and Who is
My Neighbor," at 8 p. m., will be the
subjects at the M. E. churoh, South,
next Sunday. League at 7:15 p. m.,
Judge Bartholomew, leader. Everybody
welcome. Strangers cordially invited to
attend. Fred St. Clair, pastor.
There are several kinds of champions.
For instanoe: That man Fitzsimmoos is
one kind; the oraok Oregon regiment
now doing battle in tbe Philippines is
another, bat tbe real champion tbat
beats anything tbat ever cut on the fields
of Sbiloh, Gettysburg, Obiakamagaa or
the Paoifio coast is a mower of tbat name
for sale at Gann's blacksmith shop, at
a low fig are.
One of Oregon's laws makes it unlaw
ful to sell, barter, trade, give or in any
manner furnish to any minor under the
age of 18 years any tobaooo, cigar or
cigarette in any form without tbe con
sent or order of suob minor's parents or
guardian. It is also unlawful for such
minor to smoke or in. any such manner
use any oigar, oigarette or tobacoo in
any pnblio highway, street, place or
J. H. Kolman,' who for several years
bae been in tbe olotbing and gents' fur
nishing goods business at Heppner, is
in Pendleton, looking for an empty store
building in which to place a stook and
open up In business. Mr. Kolas an has
been unable to find one room in town
and has been compelled to obandon bis
plan to go into business here. He now
thinks of going to Athena. East Ore-
The Epworth League at the M. E.
ohurob, South, eleoted the following
officers to serve tbe next six months:
P.M. Howard, president; Jennie Bar
tholomew, 1st vice president; Florence
St. Clair, 21 viae preidnr; R-iv. St.
Glair, 31 vioe preildeot; En Birtbolo
mew, secretary ; I. N. Hughes, treasurer;
Mrs. Pearl Howard, organist; Judge
Bartholomsw, chairman of band shak
ing oommittee.
Mr. Comini, of tbe firm of Comini &
Weeks, Tbe Dalles Granite and Marble
Works, paid Heppner, a visit tbis week
end intends to travel tbis fiald extensivly
in the interest of their business. This
firm were burned out in tbe last fire, but
have tbe plnok to rebuild, witb a good
reputation back of them. Mr. Comini
baa gone to Walla Walla to do some
work and will return here prepared to
do work in his line in a few days.
In another oolumn appears the adver
tisement of tbe Palaoe Hotel. This hotel
is listed among tbe best io the country,
and sinoe its renovation ana new man
agement is a favorite resort for traveling
men. In fact, it is crowded to its full
oapaoity continuously. Stockmen make
it a headquarters, and it stand-) as tbe
monument to oar little city of Heppner,
whioh is repated, from a business point
of view, tbe leader of all northwestern
"Those laughing last laugh longest
Art Minor's latest was to "ooyote" off
up Willow oreek one Sunday afternoon
aod crawling through tbe grass, pillage
an ioe cream freezer belonging to a party
of juveniles from town, whose hearts
were set on its contents, and devouring
tbe earns univesely let the public in on
tbe joke. Retribution oame to bim Tues
day night, when sprites on mischief bent
with pots of paint desecrated tbe front
of bis domioil well over witb tell-tale
signs of "ioe oream," "ice cream," "I
scream," "Here lives tbe man wbo stole
our cream.
I was seriously ffloted witb a cough
for several years, and last fall bad a
more severe cough tban ever before. I
have used many remedies without re
ceiving mnob relief, and being reoom
mended to try a bottle of Cbamberlio's
Cough Remedy, by frieod, who, know
ing me to be a poor widow, gave it to
me, I tried it, aod with tbe most grati
fying results. Tbe first bottle relieved
me very mnob and tbe sooond bottle bat
absolutely cured me. I have not bad
aa good health lt twenty years. Ra
apeotfolly, Mrs. Mar A. Beared, Clare-
- ore, Art, BoldbJ Cour Warren.
P. F. Scharff was In from Monument Wednes
day. Oscar Shafer spent a few days In town this
Miss Gertrude Jayne, of lone, it visiting
friends here.
Miss Edith Vaughan is enjoying a few weeks
at the state capital.
Joseph Beck, of Hamilton, was trading with
Heppner merchants this week.
Ed Day and wife came down from Butter
creek on a shopping expedition this week.
H. C. Ashhaugh, the popular Eight Mile
farmer, paid Heppner a business trip Tuesday.
Messrs. New and Fordyce, the handsomest
men on the road, were both with us yesterday.
Chas. Barnett, the hustler, wag here this week
and expects to go to Montana in the near
J. W. Oilman and V. French, of Fossil, came
over with the big drove of cattle from that
Dr. Swinburne went to Condon Tuesday to at
tend the daughter of Doc Brown, who lb ser
iously ill.
Mrs. Geo. Fell arrived here this week, ex
pecting to remain with her husband during the
wool buying season.
Report comes from Portland that Mrs. J. M,
Hager, has about recovered from her surgical
operation, and is expected home soon.
Forrest Bryan is in Portland in the hands of
Dr. Wood, the occullst, having submitted to a
delicate operation of the eyes, being greatly
benefitted thereby.
Mr. Gentry, the prominent Black Horse
rancher, accompanied by his wife and the la
grippe, spent Monday and Tuesday in the city
visiting and trading.
Mrs. J. W. French, of The Dalles, came to
Heppner the first of the week to visit her son,
Mr. V. French, of Fossil, who was shipping
cattle from this point:
D. M. French, of The Dalles, spent several
days in Heppner the past week, looking after
cattle interests, he being one of the principal
shippers the past week.
W. A. Willis, the deputy assessor, who has
been somewhat indisposed for some time, is
gaining in health, and accompanied by his
wife will go to Portland to attend the "old
soldiers " reunion.
Deputy-Suveyor McGee has been seriously
ill at tbe Palace hotel for the past week, but
Dr. M'jSvvords has him up and around the
streets. His siege has worked sad havoc with
his usual robust constitution.
Mrs. "Pap" Simons and Mrs. E. R. Welch
started Mouday morning for the Okenogan
country, a distance of 100 miles, by private con
veyance, expecting to visit there during the
summer. Their ride, while a long one, promises
an enjoyable one at this season of the year.
Al Roberts is again here with his family,
visiting the sheriff, whose condition remains
about the same, although he at times shows
favorable Bymptoms, The eutire community
are exceedingly solicitious about his condition
and continue to hope for his recovery. He
surely demonstrates the vitality of an iron con
stitution in battling with the disease.
Alonzo Oesner, ex-seuator of Marlon county,
arrived in Heppner Tuesday, remaining over
night. Mr. Gesner has been at Canyon City,
transcribing the Grant county records for the
new county of Wheeler. He will also transcribe
the records for Gilliam and Crook counties
Mr. Gesner was very much pleased with Hepp-
ner's appearance, this being his first visit here.
Miss Eliza Hynd, sister of Robt Hynd, the
popular secretary of the Morrow County Land
and Trust Co. arrived in Heppner last week di
rect from hor Arborath, Scotland, home. It is
surmiBed that Miss Hvnd's stay among us will
be a prolonged one, and should "dame rumor"
be correct her sojourn will be made as pleasant
as possible by Heppnerites and Morrow county
ites in gtneral.
Mrs. Wm. Ross, who spent several months at
the Good Samaritan Hospital, in a very critical
condition, finally submitting to a serious oper
ation, has returned to her lone home, and
visited Heppner Wednesday, a perfect picture
of health. In fact, her many friends could
scarcely believe their eyes in beholding one so
much Improved in flesh and strength. It goes
without saying tbat her friends are delightful
with her recovery.
Eugene Vaughan, Pendleton's popular dent
ist, came here laBt week to join his wife, who is
in attendance upon her father, Sheriff Matlock,
expecting to remain several days, but an urgent
telegram necessitated his return home Monday
morning. Thos. W. Ayerscame over from Pen
dleton also on the same mission, and returned
by private conveyance Tuesday. Both gentle
men were former business men of Heppner,
and their many friends gave them a very cor
dial greeting.
Jim Jones at the Hospital.
Frank Roberta returned from Portland
Tuesday evening, where be went on
Saturday morning, acoompanied by Eu
gene Jones witb bis father, Jim Jones,
wbo bad developed a serious case of
appendioitis, and on advice of Dr. Swin
burne, ae taken to tbe hospital, where
Dr. Jones operated on bim ith the best
success, and before a fortnight Mr.
Jones will be again "on deck" in Hepp
ner. It is a satisfaction to tbe com
munity in general that he baa been so
successfully bandied.
Finished Tbeir Work.
Henry 0. Gay and Perry Miller, who
went to Portland two weeks since, aa
members of tbe grand jury, returned
Monday night, having done tbeir duty
to tbe satisfaction of "Unole Bam" and
tbe judge, in disposing of 19 oases, by
returning true bills agaiost 13, among
whom wers Postmaster DeMoss and wife
of ABtelope, of the old-time well-known
dramatio company, for the orime of
letter opening. Eastern Oregoo has a
list of five wrongdoers among tbem.
Tbey report Portland, a lively city aod
anticipate great doiogi there tbe fourth,
witb tbe editorial ooovention, return of
tbe volunteers, and bigb water io sight.
Salvation Arm j.
Rev. St. OUir of the south Methodist
cburob will speak at tbe Salvation Army
ball Friday evening June 231, at 8
o'clook. Special speaking and emgiog
will be the attraction of tbe service. At
tbe olose of the meeting ioe cream aod
cake will be sefved. Too are invited.
Capt. W. A. Wabbkn.
Irrigation Notice.
In fairness to all the Water Company
baa decided to restrict all irrigation from
6 to 8 o'clock p. m. A whistle will be
blown at 6 p. m. to begin, aod another
at 8 p. m. to close. Those found vioUt
ing these regulations will have thir
water shot off and charge of 50 oeolt
made to turn it on again. Mo excep
tions to this rnle.
2t Heppheb Lkiht A Watkb Co.
Will be paid for information leading
to tbe arreat and conviction of any per
aon tealioff eattlo branded " WH ' C
neoted oo tbe left side. Waddle on tbe
Remember it
in Heppner!
Granite and Tinware
Now is the Time to Buy
OUR COMPLETE LINE was bought before "the trusts"
raised the price, and we are selling it now to you less than
present wholsale prices. Do not overlook this opportunity.
An Immense Run
On our fine line of Ladies' Underwear. These
goods are strictly first-class, and the ladies realize
it. Come at once and get your selection.
Our Stylish Summer Suits
Suit every body. The best values and makes at prices
that will astonish you.
JSIev' Goods Wevsr Goods
Being jollecl on our counters dally.
A United County Celebration Decided On
Heppner, lone and Lexington
to Co-operate.
Since tbe Heppner and Ioae represent,
ativea held tbeir preliminary meeting,
for a general oouoty oelebratien at Lex
ington, these towns have been thorough
ly oanvassed, and their support guaran
teed, believing tbat tbis oo-operative
plan will result io a suocessful oelebra
tion, to be enjoyed by tbe entire oonnty,
and it is assured that the largest ooogre
gation will meet there ever known to
tbe history of tbe county.
At the preliminary meeting of Hepp
ner, Lexington and lone delegates, tbe
following committees were appointed, the
majority of whom have signified tbeir
willingness to use every effort on tbeir
part to make a success of theoocasioo:
Heppner C. Mernlt, W. W. Smead
md Jbb. Hart.
lone Joe Woolery, Frank Iogleman
aod Ed Moore.
Lexington Andrew Baney, N, A
Leach atd W. B. MoAlisteri
HeDDner Geo. Conser, W. 0. Minor
and Herb Bartholomew.
Lexington W. P. MoMillau, E. Leaob
nnd J. F. Willis.
lone J. A. Woolery. Ed Moore aod
Frank Iogleman.
Heppner Mrs. J. D. Brown and Jas
lone Dr. Reid and Miss MoMiokin.
Lexington W. O. Hill and Mrs. A. E.
Heppner E. M. Sbutt, Frank Natter
and Arthur Clarke.
lone Geo. Parker and Wm. Corson,
Lexington R. A. Niohols and Chas
Heppner Thos, Morgaa and M. D.
lone Cbas. Iograbam and 0. T,
Lexington W. B. MoAlister aod W.
F. Barnett.
J. A. Woolery was obosen as marshal
of tbe day, and Andrew Raoey aa mar-
ibal's assistant. Both these gentlemeo
have accepted tbeir responsibilities witb
As orator of the day, several promt
nent names were suggested, Jodge H. A
lowell beading the list, to be oorre
sponded witb.
Among tbe prinoipal offioers of tbe
day will appear tbe names of tbe popr
lar men of the oouoty from tbeir respec
tive localities.
Tbe program of exeroiee and amuse-
taents will be arranged witb a view to
having boys and fat men from every
part of tbe county participate, ana we
iipeetto have as much Inn ae other
parts of Oregon bevi bad at te world
isnowoed oirons, tbat bat just gone
through. Tbis celebration will be man
aied by parties bo will tolerate uo
elfish "grafting," and a general good
time is assured. Every body is expected
there. Watch tbe oonnty papers for
the program aod prizes next week.
rmr Jml to Bbr Onqr
Bur to IM Touthhil Color.
Gkfw m, diOTMe hair faluni,
was The Fair that made values better and
! !
Deputy-Sheriff Florence's Nerve.
Price Florenoe, the deputy sheriff,
effected a capture thia week requiring
the cool nerve most essential to his
calling. Considering tbat be was com
pelled to fsoe a desperate gang disposed
to fight to a finish at tbe drop of tbe
bat, and euooeeded in landing them all
in the lockup, be will go on record in
Morrow oonnty alright. Tbe outfit bad
taken refuge in tbe court bouse near tbe
oounty jail, and bad their arms witb
tbem, besides supplies neoessary for a
Ipng siege. Whm oaptnred tbey bad io
tbeir possession several pounds of honey
and bad made tbeir entrance throngh a
knothole. Price's armor was a floor
sack over bis bead and a pair of socks
on bis bauds, but ho failed to tie down
bis panta legs and reoeived one "shot,"
so we are informed.
Bad management keeps more people
in poor oiroomstanoes tban any other
one OBQse. To be suocessrui one must
look ahead and plan ahead to tbat wbeu
a favorable opportunity presents itsell
be is ready to take advantage of it. A
little forethought will also save much ex
pense and valuable time. A prudent
aud oareful man will keep a bottle of
Cbamberlio's Colic, Cholera aod Diar
rhoea Remedy in tbe house, the shift
less fellow will wait until necessity com
pells it and then rain his best horse go
ng for a dootor aod have a big dootor
bill to pay, besides; one pays out 25
cents, tbe other is out a hundred dollars,
and then wonders why bis neighbor is
getting richer while be is getting poorer
For sale by Conser & Warren.
Dissolution Notice.
Notioe is hereby given that tbe firm
of Wbiteis Bros, bss been dissolved by
mutual oonsent, tbis 6tb day of June,
1899, John Wbiteis retiring from tbe
firm, and George Whiteis oontiouing the
basinets, wbo will oolleot all aocoaott
due the firm and pay all indebtedness.
Dissolution Notice.
Tbe firm of M. Liobtentbal & Co. baa
thia day, May 81, 1890, been dissolved
by mutual oonaeot, 8. P. Devin retiring
from tbe firm, and M. Liobtentbal oon
tiouing tbe business, wbo will oolleot all
billt due the old 'firm and pay all in
debtedness. 2 5
Seventy oordt of four-foot wood, pint
or fir. Bidt opened July 1st; wood to
be delivered at tbe Heppner tohool
bouse oo or before September 1, 1899,
By order of school board.
3t. J. J. Roberts, Clerk.
Those who are indebted to The Pat
terson Publishing Co. will take notioe
tbat the old firm bs dissolved and (one
out of business. However, there is yet
owing the old firm a large amount of
money, long past due. Those indebted
must settle np witnout aeiay. Tbe old
books of the company may be tonod at
tbe Gazette office, where money will be
reoeived and receipts given.
Otm Pattikbon.
For Infanti and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Chas. Tefft's
Bon Ton Restaurant
"a-An Interior Viewe-'-s'
A New and
Parlor Tables
Dining Room Tables
Iron Bedsteads
Bedroom Sets
Mattrasses, all grades. Pillows.
Undort filter.
New Place of Business
next door to Gilliam & Bisbee's.
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel
Every Modern Convenience.
Drummers' Resort. Stockmen's Headquarters.
One of the finest equipped liars and Clubrooms
in the state in connection. . . .
rirHt-Oltisss. JSnixiplo Rooms.
For Business Heppner is one of the Leading
Towns of the West.
prices lower
Service in Heppner.
Complete StocK
Picture Framing
Sewing Machines
Wheeler & Wilson
Latest Improvements
L Yeager,
T B. WHITNEY, Proprietor.
Strictly First-Class