Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 15, 1899, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Thursday, June 15, 1899.
A new industry baa had a great
development daring the last year
that of trust promoting, in which
hundreds perhaps thousands of
men are now engaged. While
thare are many failures in this
new industry, a dozen men have
daring the last eight months made
enough money to buy all the claims
in the Klondike. One unusually
successful man is said to have re
ceived between $30,000,000 and
$10,000,000 in stocks for his work
in organizing trusts, Out of this
amount he has had to pay the ex
pense of securing options and
charters and, in some cases; to
share with other promoters. His
net proceeds, however, at present
market prices of stocks, probably
exceed $10,000,000, and may be
twice that sum.
While there is do fixed percent
age of stocks allowed to promoters
or claimed by them, 3 per cent, of
each kind of stock is often allowed
and is apparently about the min
imum ever received. This per
centage is said to have been paid
to the promoters of the interna
tional Silver Company and will be
received by the promoters of the
United States Vinegar Company
should they succeed in getting un
derwriters for it.
The promoters of the Republic
Iron and Steel Company are said
to have received $5,000,000 of
common etock. Those of the
National Tube Company and of
the American Steel Hoop Company
are also said, in each case, to have
received $5,000,000. The promo
tar of the American Tin Plate
Company received $10,000,000 in
common stock, now worth over
$4,000,000. He is said to have
virtually purchased the plants
frith bis own capital and at prices
unknown to the various members
of the trust. Sol hat while $18,
000,000 each of common and pre
ferred stock were set aside with
whioh to purchase plants, it may
be that he made even more than
the $10,000,000 of common Btook
allowed to him. Rumor says that
the promoters of the Amerioan
Steel and Wire Company received
$15,000,000 in stock. This is
probably exaggerated. On No
vember 22, 1898, Oerritt II. Ten
Uroock, of St. Louis, sued John
W. Gates and Elbert II. Gary for
$1,875,000, the amount which he
would have reoeived had he and
others not been die placed as pro
moters. He was to get half of the
profits. From "Trusts The Rush
to Industrial Monopoly," in the
Amerioan Monthly Review of Re-
viaws for June.
TnEHiDENT McKinlev instructed
Gen. Otis to tell the represents
tives of Aguinaldo, when they left
his line, after their recent stay of
several days, in Manila, conferring
with the American commissioners
tliat neither they nor any other
sent by tbe Filippiuos would be
again admitted to our lines, unless
they came authorized to make an
nnconditional surrender. This
means business and, in order to
put General Otis in a better con
dition to forca compliance with
his terms, more regular troops will
be hurried to him as rapidly as
possible. President McKinley is
just as much averse to calling out
more volunteers as ever, but he reo
ognizos the fact that it may become
necessary to do so iu the near
future, and if the necessity arises,
he will meet it. Among the presi
dent's reoent callers was Hon.
John Barrett, who was appointed
ministor to Siam, by Mr. Cleve
land, and who has just returned
from Manila, where he spent ten
mouths studying the situation.
Mr. Barrett said: "I was not orig
inally in favor of the permanent
retention of the islands, but the
more I studied tbe question of our
standing, politically and commer
cially, in the Pacific, the more con
vinced I became that our control
there was essential to our promi
nence and prosperity in the East.
We staud today as one of the great
powers of the Tacifia If wa
should withdraw control over the
Philippines, we should abdioate a
position that staud second to none
aud come after Great Rritian,
Russia, Germany and Japan. The
vast interest of our Pacific coast
forbids this. The East, and espe
cially New England, should turn
in and co-operate in this move."
Of the present situation, Mr.
Parrettpnid: "Next to tljw faint
season, the worst thing our troops
have to contend against in the
Philippines is the news of the anti
imperialist agitation in this coun
try, which is being sedulously gath
ered, and finds its way to the in
surgents. They think this move
ment means a great deal, and that
if they keep on long enough, the
agitation in America will coma to
their rescue." Upon a subject in
which practically everybody in the
United States is deeply interested,
Mr Barrett said: "All this talk
about Admiral Dewey's health is
misleading. I saw a great deal of
him, and spent a day with him
just before I came away. He is
not ill in the sense that he needs
anything more than rest and quiet.
It is not generally known that he
never left Manila bay from the
time he entered it nntill his final
departure a few days ago. In all
that time, the other officers and
his aids made many trips to Hong
Eong and other points for rest
and recreation."
Result of Having One Roadmaster for to.
Whole Count.
Roads were never in better oondition
in Umatilla oonnty than they are now.
Frank Frazier, a prominent horseman of
Pendleton, drove from Walla Walla to
Pendleton, on tbe 1st inst., 43 milei, in
five hours, Bays a Pendleton Associated
Press dispatob.
Tbis oondition is largely due to the
new road system recently inaugurated
by tbe ooanty court, whereby tbe old
sobeme of distriot road supervisors was
supplanted by one in wbicb a general
roadmaster has oharge of all the roads
of tbe oonnty. J. B. MoDill, of TJkiab,
who for years bad oharge of the moan-
tain grade leading down to the North
Fork of tbe John Day, was appointed to
the position of general roadmaster, and
has bad bis office several months. Under
tbis plan, when a report comes in that a
oertain pieoe of road needs repair, tbe
general roadmaster goes at onoe to tbe
plaoe, muoh like tbe roadmaster of a
railroad, who has the power immediately
to pat damaged roads into good condi
tion. The roadmaster of the county has
just such power, and need consult no
one. Furthermore, he can do tbe work
better for tbe reason that he has tbe
oash tax to use, in plaoe of tbe former
assessment, of labor, whiob it was option
al for the landowner to work oat or pay
in money. All the road tax now in oash,
and tbis baa proved to be most satisfac
tory. Tbe people of Ibis oonnty are
pleased with the new system, and would
not return to tbe old. It has already, in
a very few months, improved the roads
of tbe oonnty and enabled more progress
to be made than would have been made
in years under tbe old plan.
In the Steam Locomotive Doomed
Men who know say that in tbe next
ten years eteam looomolives will disap
pear and eleutrio motors wiil supplant
tbem. They also say that with tbe new
motive power trains will rush along at a
minimum speed of 100 miles an boar,
Tbis will prove a b leasing to those who
wish to go quickly from one point to
another, but no more so than Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters has proved a blessing
to those who wish to go quiokly from
sickness to health. Tbe Bitters aot
at once upon stubbon oases of dyspepsia,
indigestion, biliousness and liver com
plaint. Tbey improv the appetite,
quiet the nerves, and introduce sound,
refreshing sleep. The trial of a bottle
will prove convincing proof. Bold at all
drug stores.
Now in Moaiana Awaiting; the Kfglnning of
the Season.
Dckr Lodub, Montana, Juue 8, 1999.
Editor or Oazktts: Will write you a
few items in regard to this ' old town."
We arrived here safe and sound on the
to or June. Wuearing has not com
menced yet, but will in a few days
Tbis is, bsyond a doubt, tbe deadest
town that we bava found any where
along tbe line. Being but 41 miles from
Butte and 28 miles from Anaoonda,
those cities take its trade away. Tbe
popalatiou at present is only 1500, while,
I am told, Ave years ago it was 8,000,
It baa a flue penitentiary, and tbe Col
lege of Montana, moludiog three large
buildings; the St. Mary's Aoademy, and
public sobool, all built of brlok and
granite, and eaob one about the sice of
tbe Palace hotel in Heppner.
This morning we oould sea np tbe
valley only abont two or three miles, on
aooount of smoke from tbe large smeltera
at Butte and Anaoonda. However, tbis
afternoon we can see in the same direc
tion at least 30 miles. This aomke is
thioker than tbe Columbia river fog,
and smells very bad.
A sbeep raiser in this valley was asked
what be would take for a bunch of 3
and 3 year-old weathers tbe other day ,
and be replied 85 per head.
Don't fail to send tbe Uaiette to ns at
Deer Lodge, Montana, for tbe next aix
weeks, as we cannot well do without it.
D. R. Holdermao, Johnnie MoFenio
and Jeff Jones send regards to yoo and
friends. Yours truly.
J. W. 8tiwad
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if yon would
use Dr. Kiuu's New Life Tills. Thous
ands of sufferers have proved their
matchless merit for eick and uervous
headaobea. Tiiey make pure blood and
strong rerves and build up your health.
Easy to lake. Try them. Oolv 25 ots.
Money back if not cared. Bold by 8lo
oum Drug Co.
Now is the time to renew jour
sqbscription to the Gazette,
Brief War News, Tele
graphic News Notes,
Etc.. Etc.
Lrwiston, Idtho, June 7 Tbe Dela-
mar Mining Company today purchased
tbe big Bnffulo mine for 8500,0(0. Tbe
first payment of 625,000 will be made
July 15. J. J. Bennett and D. B. Hunt
ley, of tbe Delamar, made tbe deal. The
prioe is tbe same that the owners were
to realize on the Clarke and Sweeney
sale, whioh failed through tbeir having
$200,000 additional to pay to a broker,
Sam Silverman. Tbis mine is tbe origi
nal disoovery of tbe famous Buffalo
Sam Fbanoisco, J one 7 Tbe Call says
that a corporation has been f rmed to
ereot a $2,000,000 hotel, eleven stories in
height, on the site of tbe old Baldwin.
It states that (1,000,000 bas already been
subsoribed, and that including tbe pur
chase of the land the total amonnl to be
invested will be about $4,500,000. Tbe
names of the capitalists interested are
not disclosed.
Washington, June 3-Captain W. W.
Harts bas submitted to tbe secretary of
war a project for expending tbe $75,000
appropriated by tbe last river aud har
bor aot for tbe improvement of tbe canal
and looks at tbe Casoades of tbe Colom
bia river, and the project has been ap
proved. It is more in tbe nature of con
tinuing tbe work already begun and
nearly oompleted, but, more explicitly,
the money will be expended in rebuild
ing and protecting tbe wing on tbe north
side of tbe lower entranoe to tbe canal,
repairing and completing tbe slope wall
on tbe south bank of Ibe lower entrance,
and constructing and placing a movable
dam above tbe upper gates of tbe upper
lock. This Is considered tbe most urgent
work remaining to be done to prevent
further damage by floods. The work
will be done by contract, aooording to
specifications wbiob are now being pre
pared. San Fbanoisoo, June 6 Tbe report
comes from Honolulu that wben the
tomb of Laoalilo, tbe "barefoot king of
Hawaii," was recently opened it was
found that tbe remains bad been re
moved and that tbe metal oasket con
tained only portions of tbe grave olotbes.
It is surmised that tbe body may have
been taken by natives to a heathen grave
in tbe mountains, as a thunder storm on
the day of tbe burial bad mncb affected
his superstitious sabjeots. Lunalilo was
eleoted king in 1873, bat 13 months
afterwards died of consumption. Al
though be possessed a large fortune be
insisted on going about the streets bare
footed at all times. By his will, wbiob
was not opened until 1881, be left bis
entire fortune to found a borne for aged
50,000 Head Passed Through
Creek This Season.
Loin Creek Eagle.
Fully 50,000 bead of trail sheep, en
route to different sections of Ibe East,
have passed through Ling Creek dur
ing the past two weeks and are now
pushing through to Baker oonnty and
n to Hunington, from whio'i poiot they
will be loaded on tbe cars f ir snip nent
across a portion of Idaho.
Jaok Glasgow bad charge of a band
of 2,800 for Messrs. Beible & Lioney, of
Uondon, which wore ou the road to
Bob Foster was minagiug n drive of
6,000 head for Sam Palmar. This band
is en route to Colorado.
Bert Pearsol was the foreman for J.
W. Blake, of Condon, with 6 777, en
route to Douglas, Wyoming.
Claud Oarrioo was locking after the
interests of Dr. WiUo 1'a baid of 21,0)')
whose sheep are alio earout ij Djug
las, Wyoming.
Johnny Blake was in charge of a
band of 12,000 bead bttlougiug to vVil
lard Blake, whioh are beiug taken to tbe
Big Horn basin, in Wyoming.
These sheep were all allowed a peace
ful passage through this seotion of
Grant county, but owing lo the oouoty
being settled up beyond tbeir expectation,
they stated thai Ibis would be the lasl
season that tbey would leave tbe rail
road and drive through the interior.
Notice of Sale of Horse Impounded.
Notice is hereby given tbat I, George
Thornton, oily marshal of the oity of
Heppner, in Morrow county, State of
Oregon, under and by virtue of ordi
nance No. 70, of the oity of Heppner,
entitled "An ordinanoe prohibiting an
imals from running at large within the
oorporate limits of tbe city of Heppner,
providing a penalty therefor, and im
pounding and selling tbe same," passed
and approved May 15, 1899, and posted
on May 16, 1899, did on the 4th day of
June, 1899, on Morgan street, in tbe oity
of Heppner, take up and impound one
bay mare, marked with white star in
face and bind feet white, branded on
right shoulder J, and tbat I will on the
16th day of June, 1899, at 2 o'olock p. m.
at tbe livery stable of William Gordon, on
Main street, in said city of Heppner, offer
for sale and sell said mare to the highest
and best bidder for cash in band, and
will apply the prooeede of said sale to
payment of the expense of keeping, ad
vertising and impounding the asms, and
the balance will be paid to tbe city
treasurer of saiJ city, as provided in
said ordinance. I further oertify tbat
tbe owuer of said auimal is uukuown to
me. Tbe owner of said animal is hereby
given permission to pay tbe expense of
taking up, keepiog, advertising and im
pounding lbs same, and redeem usid
animal at any time before the sale of
tbe same, as provided in tbis notice.
Gbokoi Tkohnton,
Marsbs of. ih( City of Ueppoer,
On Saturday Next
And for two weeks following
There will be found on our Bargain Counter
Bargains in Shoes and Oxfords
For Men, Women and Children
That will positively startle one. We are going to
Several lines
consisting of from
They are broken sizes. They are lines
we want to close" out completely....
They are Good Shoe-Values Throughout
If you can get your size, you will find some lines that will
just suit jTm i usi iinirnnii
The Cut is Deep!
Shoes ranging in price from
originally, are cut down
They are to be sold at the following prices;
5O0, 75C, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00
Come aod Get Your Size Wore they p.
Minor &
Oregon Volunteers Now on Their Ocean
Voyage Homeward Bound.
General Otis cables that tbat tbe Ore
' ...
gon troops sailed for homo Mondny, and
should reach Portland by July 12th.
Without doubt, on tbeir arrival home
Portland will tender them an ovation
such as tbe oonntry bns never known.
Tbis would be a juet recognition of their
efficient service, and should be partici
pated in by the entire state, end it is
safe to predict that Portland, on the
date of their arrival, will have the etate
there en masse.
Kohlted the Grave.
A startling incident of whioh Mr. John
Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject,
is narrated by him as follows: "1 was in
a most dreadful condition. My skin was
almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
ooated, pain continually in bank and
sides, no appetite gradually growing
weaker day by day. Three physicians
bad given me np. Fortunately, a friend
i.dvlaed trying 'Electric Hitters,' ami to
r.y great joy and surprise, the first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued tbeir ms for three weeks, nnd
now I am well man, I know they saved
my life and robbed tbe grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try tbem.
Onlv 50 cents per b tt I e at E. J. 81o
cam's drug store.
One dark sorrel mare, branded A T on
li'ft sbonlder. Her Booking colt proba
bly with her; and one low heavy set, dark
bay mare, with bald face and pigeon
toed, branded with Moffett brand. Last
seen on Eight Mile, 10 miles west of lone.
Five dollars reward for information
leading to tbeir reoovery.
Turner Bros.,
lone, Oregon.
The Klk Restaurant.
A new deall
Fifteen oents for a flrst-olass meal.
Everything tbe market affords, dished
up by a first claes oook. Try us.
32 at C. 8. HiwroN, Proprietor.
try s f qolrrel roUon
In a rapid and reliable pest destroyer,
R. A. Newton, Ashland, Oregon, says:
"Fry's squirrel poison bas not only
proved seductive and deadly to squirrels
but to tbe rabbits and pestiferous skunk
as well. For sale by Slooum Drag Co.
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard et., Phila
delphia, Fa., wben she found tbat Dr.
King s New Discovery for onnsnmption
had completely cured her of a hacking
oougb that for many years had made life
a bnrdeu. All other remedies and doo
tors could give ber no help, but she says
of this royal eure it soon removed tbe
pain iu my cheat and I eau now sleep
soundly, something I can scarcely re
member doing before. I feel like sound
ing its prsises throughout the universe."
So will everyone who tries Dr. Kinu's
New Discovery for any trouble of the
throat, chest or lungs. Price 603 aodtl 00.
Trial bottles free al Slocnm Jrng Co's.
Eyery buHla guerepteeJ,
to Three Hundred Pairs
$1.25 to $3.oO
as low as . .
A New York Physician Cores a Case in
Eight Minute.
J)r. George Helmer, A New York
doctor, bas just cured a patient of Bp
pendicitis in eight minutes without the
use of a knife, ice pucks, or poultices
lie applied oue band to a point above
the Btomacl), then bent up the right leg
of the patient at tbe knee joint, and
gave the leg a slight twist, by means of
a quiok motion, repented two or three
times, and the operation was over.
This forced out of the appendix tbe
clogging particles tbat ocoupied it
Just bnok of tbe appendix is tbe largest
muscle in the human body, known as
the peons mangns. It is attached to the
femur or big bone of the leg, and is tbe
muscle by whioh one can revolve tbe
leg as ou a pivot at the heel. It is tbis
muscle which is made to do the triok of
emptying tbe appendix? Ueiog Ibe
fingers of cue band to bold tbe walls of
the abdomen iu plaoe, aud to prevent
rapture of delicate internal structures,
with the other band a spaimodio con
tiaotiou of tbe psoas mauns is brousht
whioh snaps it against the appendix and
forces out of tbst organ whatever foreign
sob'tnt'Oe it may contain.
A Frightful Blunder
Wi loflem cane a horrible burn.cca'd
0 it or bruise. Ituckllu's Arnica Salve
the b'st in the world, will kill tbe paio
and promptly beal it. Cures old sores,
fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, oorns,
all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on
earth. Only 25o a box. Cure guaran
teed. Sold by Hlooum Drag Co.
O E. FARNSWORTH. President.
Wool. Storage and Forwarding. Grain.
Owned and Operated toy tlio Wool
Growers of Morrow County.
Highest Cash
Finest Residence Property in the city for sale at a Bargain. ns.
The Spa!
Fancy Groceries
The Best of Everything.
Ed. R. Bishop Co.
Successors to P. C. Thompson Co.
Make it easy for your wife
by getting her a new
Boss Washing Machine
Guns, Pistols and Cartridges
Hardware and Groceries.
Ed. R. Bishop Co.
Dr. Barthlow's
fsawar cough sirup
Hoarseness, Sore
Throat, Bronchitis.
Dr. Barthlow's
Th. best
Nerve Tonic and Blood Purifier.
Conser & Warren, Heppner, Or.,
Who carry a complete line of Drugs, Chemicals, PaiDts, Oils and GIbbb
Farmers Attention
The Best Makes of
Horse Rakes,
Binders and Reapers
JT r.-SL.
Price Paid for Hides and Pelts.
Advances made on Wool and Grain in Store
Feed and Seed Grain always on hand.
Wool Sacks at cost to patrons,
Telephone 13 4 rings. J
Smead & Co.
Ice Cream
Oregonlan and Telegram agency.
""w -
F. HYND, Secretary and Manager.